#conspiracy theories
south-true-tell · 8 hours
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tentacion3099 · 3 days
Mutuals train this
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thequerydearys · 3 days
Hello everyone, here's my random and completely insane theory on the tiger who came for tea.
Now, is this theory needed? No, of course not. Am I looking way too deep into a children's book? Yes, yes, I am.
I was recently reading The Tiger who came for tea, and it got me thinking, "Is this tiger real?" And I now believe yes, yes it is, and why do I think this? Well when the tiger knocks at the Sophies looks up at it and is clearly shocked at the presents of a tigar at her door and you're probably wondering why didn't she shut the door and scream? Well a few reasons 1. It's a tiger... be cool or he'll munch you 2. I think these strange creatures are normal in this world and you're probably thinking "what make you think that?" The way the dad reacts at the end. His completely calm and relaxed when his child and wife tell him that a TIGER came over and ate all their food! His not like "Umm this sounds very unlikely. Are you sure there wasn't a gas leak?" my bro is like 😐 "say less let's go out for food" and all of you who've read the book are most likely like "wait but there's a cat at the end of the book clearly it was just a naughty kitty cat" and to that I say FOOLS! explain to me why Sophie and her family then buy a large can of TIGER FOOD at the end of the book? All in all, the tiger is a real scary creature that goes into people's houses and eats their food. Now now you might think this is silly why is this person going on about a silly little book. Well truth is I don't know anyways back to the point at hand
Before the dad comes home even Sophies mum says "I don't know what to do. I've got nothing for daddy's super the TIGER has eaten it all" meaning Sophies mum is clearly aware of these tigers and to end it off going back to the tiger food the book finishes with "and they also bought a very big tin of tiger food, IN CASE THE TIGER SHOULD COME TO TEA AGAIN!" why do shops sell tiger food? Why would he come again? What is happening?!.... well I don't know.
This has been a theory a GAM... bye.
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graendoll · 3 days
Okay I know Tommy is definitely Buck's catalyst for understanding his swxuality but have we considered that he is also Eddie's?
I stand by my assessment that Eddie was low-key dating Tommy. Giggling on the phone with him, letting him pick him up AND fly him places, going to karaoke...and then Buck tells him he and Tommy were on a date.
And Eddie's brain just glitches. He slides right over the fact that Buck was on a date with a man and zeros in on the fact that Tommy was.
This does two things - first it proves Eddie is absolutely oblivious to men being attracted to him (*cough* Buck *cough*). Second, it's possible it will result in Eddie re-evaluating all of his interactions with Tommy to assess why he was enjoying their time together so much...which could theoretically lead to him doing the same with Buck.
Which, imo, will inevitably lead to his a-ha moment wherein he realizes he wifed Buck up years ago and they're deeply in love.
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
So there's this Flat Earther who said he was traveling to the Ice Wall last September to prove the Earth was flat. He has not posted since.
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Here are some theories on his current whereabouts:
He fell off
Too busy partying on the continent of Geminia to post anymore
He discovered a second, bigger ice wall
He died alone in the frigid wastes of Antarctica, aware at last of his folly as he slowly, painfully expired, his body never again to be seen by human eyes
Here be dragons (they ate him)
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isitcorrect · 6 months
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Something unremittingly bleak about a goddamn country starting "crisis actor" conspiracy theories to deny their crimes. A term invented to deny the deaths of children at Sandy Hook in 2012 is now used to deny the deaths of children in Gaza in 2023.
As the community note says, this isn't a crisis actor. This is a guy who posts on Instagram. A influencer who posts videos online of breaking events...is seen at a lot of breaking events. To Israel, this is a sign of a conspiracy. In fact, some of those images aren't even him, or aren't even related to Palestine at all; one image included in other posts targeting Saleh Aljafarawi is a Halloween costume from Thailand. That article says "pro-Israeli accounts" tweeted this, but it's the literal, official Twitter account of Israel posting this shit, next to their comedy sketches that somehow make trans people the punchline bc fascists only have one joke the whole world wide I guess
Like. It's not new for a government to deny the reality of its atrocities. It is new for that government to outright use a conspiracy theory term devised by Alex fucking Jones, or to, when called on doing so, defend it as a "meme" (also bizarre to see hardcore Zionists use a term crafted for especially antisemitic conspiracy theories). Everything rancid about the world in 2023 congealed into a single tweet, right here
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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creature-wizard · 9 months
Check your conspiracy theory. Does it sound anything like this?
There is an ancient global conspiracy plotting to create a one world government.
The one world government will be headed by a single leader.
The conspiracy intends to make everyone follow a religion it created.
The conspiracy is trying to destroy all true religion/spirituality.
The conspiracy deliberately stirs up conflict and starts wars.
The conspiracy deliberately does whatever it can to confuse, exhaust, and demoralize the people.
The conspiracy creates and/or manipulates art and entertainment to control and brainwash the masses.
The conspiracy uses mind-altering substances to manipulate and control people.
Liberal politics (EG, religious tolerance, equality) are part of the conspiracy.
Communism and collectivism are part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates the economy to our detriment.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the gold standard.
The conspiracy wants to do away with the free market.
The conspiracy intends to tax the rich, which is bad because taxes are just legal theft.
Teaching people about the mistakes and atrocities committed by governments is part of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy creates new religions and spiritual movements to further their agendas.
All secret societies (EG, Freemasonry) are part of the conspiracy.
Presidents are manipulated puppets of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy manipulates anyone with a high political position.
The conspiracy grooms world leaders.
Agents of the conspiracy are planted everywhere, in all levels of society.
The conspiracy kills anyone who might expose their plans in ways that no one would suspect are actually murder.
The conspiracy follows/uses the Kabbalah.
Literally all of these were claimed in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an antisemitic hoax used by the Okhrana to justify violence against Russian Jews. It was used by Nazi Germany to justify the Holocaust, and today it still serves as the blueprint for most conspiracy theories - even if modern conspiracy theorists try to hide it, downplay it, or rationalize it with another, equally absurd conspiracy theory.
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myjetpack · 1 month
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Conspiracy Theory Book Club.
(My latest cartoon for Guardian Books).
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blxckluxxury · 1 month
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What do you think ?
Do you believe our hair is our antennas? Do you believe that is were we generate our energy ?
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rejectingrepublicans · 2 months
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Steve Bannon admitted in his book that he invented the “deep state” to wind up Republican voters.
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countesspetofi · 8 months
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lizardsfromspace · 7 months
This flag is one of the most Weird American Things I can think of
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It's the POW/MIA flag. It's flown over the White House, alongside the American flag, since the 80s (off and on). As of 2019 it's mandatory to fly it over federal government buildings; it flies over state government buildings in many places as well. It seems like a neutral sign of military support, so it's easy to pass over it without asking "wait, are there any American POWs"
Then if you look it up it's the symbol of a Vietnam-era conspiracy theory debunked in 1993. This is the flag for the 70s/80s version of Pizzagate, and it flies over the US Capitol building and White House every single day
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
How do you know if you’re antisemitic?
Well, if a Jew telling you you’re antisemitic won’t make you believe it, here is a guide to help you figure it out yourself.
1. Do you think Jews, en masse, are ACTIVELY REPLACING/ATTEMPTING TO REPLACE some other group — especially a somehow more deserving group? (For example, White people, Black people, African people, Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, indigenous people, etc.) Do you feel there are JUST TOO MANY JEWS IN A GIVEN LOCATION?
2. Do you think Jews are PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING THAT THEY ARE NOT? (For example, White, PoC, “Real” Jews, Indigenous/Native, an Ethnic Minority, Devoted Citizens of [YOUR COUNTRY] etc.)?
3. Do you think Jews are CONTROLLING OR ATTEMPTING TO CONTROL SOME INTEGRAL ASPECT OF SOCIETY? (For example, the government, media, banks, business, medicine, etc.)
4. Do you think Jews that you criticize are UNIQUELY BLOODTHIRSTY OR GENOCIDAL — especially when hoping for personal achievement or cultural supremacy? (For example, trying to stage a global war so they can control the world; using/consuming blood of Christians and babies to do satanic rituals; sexually seducing non-Jews in order to contaminate bloodlines and erase other pre-existing identities; immigrating to a new location with the intention of murdering those who already exist there; desiring to murder Arabs, Muslims, or Palestinians in their homelands by means of genocide in order to control a region at the exclusion of other ethnicities, etc.)
5. Do you think Jews are APPROPRIATING A PRIVILEGE THAT THEY DO NOT DESERVE AND THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? (For example, freedom, wealth, power, whiteness, G-d’s favor, a safe home in the Levant, Arab land, colonial power, representation as a minority group, etc.)
6. Do you think Jews at large or the specific Jews you disagree with and who wield power in a way you disapprove of CAN BE COLLECTIVELY LABELED? (For example, might you call them slaves, vermin, insects, dirty, scheming, communists, fascists, Nazis, satanic, Zionists, scum, etc.)
IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS YOU ARE AN ANTISEMITE. This is literally textbook antisemitism. If you answered, well yeah but only “the Jews in Israel” or “the ones who vote for Bibi” or the “ones who moved to my town/country/region” or if you saw something on one of the lists and think “well no fair! That one is actually true,” your exception isn’t exceptional. You haven’t found the one true bad thing that Jews ACTUALLY are. It’s not some conspiratorial propaganda to equate reasonable beliefs with hate. You’re just hateful. Some part of you hates Jews. And you have to confront what that part of you is and you have to destroy it if you want to engage in any conversations that impact Jewish welfare anywhere in the world.
One way to start deconstructing is to ask yourself “Why do I feel this way?” “From whom did I learn to think this way?” “Who in my life approves and supports me thinking this way?” “Am I comfortable telling a Jewish person I feel this way in person?” “How do I think a Jewish person will feel/What do I think a Jewish person will think if I tell them this?” “Do I care what they feel or think? Why or why not?” “How would I feel/what would I think if someone felt this way or thought this way about me or an identity I value deeply?”
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