saintabbondefleury · 2 years ago
oiii, vou dar alguns dos rostinhos que eu, particularmente, adoro e gostaria de ver na dash!
alperen duymaz, keith powers, davika hoorne, greta onieogou, margaret qualley, archie renaux, beste kokdemir, he qianying, adam huber, ryan destiny, rhys eugenio, benjamin wadswtorth, brenton thwaites, jahnvi kapoor, reece king
obs: aproveito pra dizer que eu vou aumentar a faixa de idade de fc dos tarka, ainda não tive tempo pra isso, mas caso vocês queiram um fc que não cabe no que tá estipulado lá, fala comigo que a gente vê
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richvalor · 5 years ago
Photos from the KaoRhys GT by yours truly
Photos from the KaoRhys GT by yours truly
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popcornbutterflymedia · 3 years ago
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glogoads · 4 years ago
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𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬... 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒉 𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒅𝒆𝒓
O GLORY&GORE está com vagas abertas!!! É isso mesmo que você ouviu, não é uma simulação, tag! Clique sobre o read more para ter prompts, ideias e mais para nossos desejados personagens! Vem, estamos te esperando ❤❤
PS. Clique na source para ser redirecionado à central!
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prompts: ele é filho bastardo de um figurão (político, empresário, você quem decide!) e a família dele agora tá nos tablóides porque o pai está sendo investigado por corrupção: e adivinha, porque ele próprio denunciou!!!! é mole? ele é dono de um senso de justiça gigante e um compasso moral forte e difícil de ignorar. não quer ser como o pai e o meio -irmão, não senhor! aliás, o pai só suporta ele porque a madrasta faz questão de ter ele junto à família, o trata como filho biológico. ele ficou preso na casa do pai quando a mãe morreu e depois que se mudou para a casa do genitor tá cada vez mais desgostoso com as coisas que descobre sobre os negócios familiares. ao mesmo tempo que ele critica tudo isso, porém, ele ainda é sustentado pelos pais, o que demonstra uma certa hipocrisia (já que ninguém é perfeito, né!!!!). seria legal ver um brasileiro que o pai está sendo investigado pela lava-jato!!! e aí ele foi enviado para a frança para afastá-lo da mídia e dos tablóides e para não testemunhar contra a família.
momento atual do rpg: já passaram alguns meses desde que o ano letivo iniciou em setembro, atualmente nos encontramos em fevereiro/2021. desde então, o caso do pai começou a ser escavado mais a fundo. depois do escândalo de corrupção que veio à tona sobre seu antigo colégio (notre-dame), o garoto descobre que a família está envolvida de alguma forma. o pai, bravo por tudo ter vido à tona e o culpando por tudo, resolve cortar a grana que envia e agora ele precisa se virar nos trinta para conseguir dinheiro para sobreviver --- e já imagina que precisará aplicar para uma bolsa na faculdade ou então sair de cannes. ele vem escondendo tudo isso de todos ao redor.
conexões: entrando com o nosso prometeu, você vai ganhar: i) uma EX NAMORADA que terminou contigo por mensagem (alexa play todo mundo vai sofrer by marilia mendonça); ii) um MELHOR AMIGO da nobreza inglesa que ele segue e defende com a vida toda; iii) uma FRENEMIE e competição saudável numa garota matadora e ameaçadora (sai de baixo); iv) uma PARCEIRA DE COPO, uma amiga para beber e afogar as mágoas na garrafa; v) uma OBSERVADORA que quer conquistar a confiança dele para se aproximar dos amigos deles com segundas intenções.
fcs: david corenswet, keith powers, owen joyner, chase stokes, wolfgang novogratz, jonathan daviss, ray tanner, george sear, nason gooding, douglas booth, dylan sprayberry, cody christian, darren barnett, francisco lachowski, rome flynn, charles melton, logan shroyer, lucien laviscount, gabriel darku, aria shahghasemi, oliver stark, jordan bolger.
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prompts: ele é um hacker, gênio da computação, inteligente em absolutamente quase tudo --- quase, porque a inteligência emocional é algo que falta à ele. é o maior empecilho da sua vida criar conexões verdadeiras com as outras pessoas; afinal, computadores e máquinas são fáceis de entender, mas pessoas não! pode parecer frio e distante, talvez sua postura assim é o que lhe confira um ar cool à ele. é um pouco arrogante por causa de toda sua inteligencia, o que pode acabar cegando-lhe de quando em quando e subestimando as pessoas ao seu redor. talvez essa vida atrás das telas o deixe apático para o resto do mundo e por isso ele busca por aí jeito de se sentir mais vivo (lutas, corridas, drogas, você quem decide). é muito inseguro apesar de esconder isso à sete chaves. sempre se sente como um peixe fora d’água, mesmo ao redor dos seus amigos. 
momento atual do rpg: céos é um dos únicos capazes de descobrir uma vez por todas quem é o anônimo que vem atazanando a vida de todo mundo há meses. pelo seu poderio na web e as artimanhas que ele pretende lançar, é certo que consiga de um modo ou de outro descobrindo o que é verdade e o que não é. entretanto, ele não contava que o -E fosse capaz de pensar mais rápido e fazer-lhe uma proposta inusitada: de juntarem forças de uma vez por todas. o que ele tinha a perder? talvez um senso irrisório de moral, mas a real é que apesar dos laços que possui, sempre se sentiu diferente dos demais. seria esse o seu chamado para algo inacreditável e épico? agora ele se debate com essas questões.   
conexões: entrando com o nosso céos, você vai ganhar: i) um MELHOR AMIGO que não o julga e entende o seu jeito de ser, porém é bom demais e ingênuo demais para o gosto de céos, que ele entende que precisa proteger; ii) um SUSPEITO, um garoto que céos hackeou mas não encontrou rastro nenhum na internet, achando a coisa estranha demais e agora passa a ser uma desconfiança e um dos nomes na lista de suspeitos; iii) um OLHEIRO, alguém que o quer recrutar de todo jeito para trabalhar com ele em negócios suspeitos; iv) uma CRUSH, uma menina que é sua amiga e tem um precipício por ele, mas ele não nota nada; v) um É COMPLICADO... uma relação que era para ser de parceria, porém mudou tudo quando céos descobriu que ele guardava segredos sombrios demais para ele ignorar. 
fcs: zethphan smith-gneist, jang kiyong, miles heizer, awsten knight, bradley simpson, brayden bradshaw, lorenzo ferro, finn cole, archie renaux, cameron monaghan, charlie rowe, ben hardy, luke hemmings, dylan o’brien, kedar williams stirling, tom holland, ludovico tersigni, leo howard, joshua bassett, jason genao, booboo stewart, ash stymest, alex wolff, alex saxon, rhys eugenio, george mackay, dominic fike. 
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prompts: ela é a irmã gêmea do apolo ( @santflcres​​ ), e diferente do que os pais esperavam, o garoto saiu soft e ela #braba. ela tem problemas em confiar nas outras pessoas e é muito desconfiada, não se abre para qualquer um, mas espera que os outros façam o contrário com ela, ressentindo quando não acontece. tem um gênio forte e uma vontade de aço. desde criança existia incentivo para que o menino se inteirasse nos negócios familiares, porém ele nunca o fez, mas ártemis assumiu naturalmente esse papel. ela é ambiciosa e quer ser reconhecida como herdeira digna dos negócios e quer se inteirar do que acontece. o pai reluta deixar isso acontecer porque é muito conservador, mas ela é muito turrona, uma verdadeira BITCH BOSS e tenta conquistar seu espaço com a maior força do universo. conforme ela foi ganhando espaço, porém, ela descobriu que nem tudo são flores (apesar de este ser o seu sobrenome!!!!!!): existem coisas sombrias que permeiam os negócios e ela vem tendo a sua lealdade colocada contra sua moral a todo segundo. [atenção, ela é canonicamente não-hétero -- bi, lésbica, pan, demi, etc etc etc, tudo é válido desde que não seja hétero].
momento atual do rpg: ártemis sempre teve uma relação complicada com deméter, a eloise, a ex-falecida. elas competiram pelo mesmo estágio que acabou com a perda daquela primeira e a má perdedora odiou o resultado com todas as suas forças --- desde então, a trata com frieza e aspereza. depois da morte dela, se sentiu super culpada. quando ela voltou, ártemis achou que era uma boa oportunidade de seguir em frente com a vida e virar aquela página! só que eloise parece decidida novamente a ser melhor que ela em tudo e conquistar o que antes era de ártemis, entrando em atrito mais uma vez. ao mesmo tempo, ela luta internamente e externamente com a pressão dos negócios familiares e de não contar a ninguém os segredos macabros que ela vem descobrindo e as coisas não muito éticas que se vê obrigada a fazer para mantê-los. 
conexões: entrando com a nossa ártemis, você vai ganhar: i) um IRMÃO GÊMEO a quem ela protege como se fosse o próprio filho; ii) uma AMIZADE COLORIDA secreta com uma garota que até pouco tempo era vista apenas como sua melhor amiga, e com quem agora ela se vê em um impasse porque a menina é honesta e verdadeira e ártemis tem vergonha de estar escondendo a sujeira dos pais; iii) um FRENEMIE e competição saudável em um garoto que é certinho e honesto demais, o que lhe dá nos nervos porque no momento ela é tudo menos isso e ele é um lembrete constante disso.
fcs: [precisa ser latina por causa da nacionalidade do irmão gêmeo]. malena vila, macarena garcía, alexa demie, anaju dorigon, taylor lashae, seychelle gabrielle, camila queiroz, camila morrone, victoria justice, fiona palomo, zión moreno, camila mendes, isabelle drummond, melissa barrera, india eisley, tamara luz ronchese, danna paola, anya taylor joy.
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prompts: dio é filho de dois médicos de uma família muito rica do ramo hospitalar e fármaco da frança (ele pode ser adotado ou biológico, você quem sabe! se for biológico, precisará ser atrasado no colégio para ser do mesmo ano que a irmã eloise, mas se for adotado pode ter a mesma idade que ela, 18 anos). não precisa nem dizer que ele tem muito dinheiro, mas o que realmente lhe falta é a atenção dos pais. a sua sensibilidade ao assunto fez ele crescer querendo chamar a atenção e isso evoluiu de uma forma que o fez recorrer à escapes da realidade complicados como drogas e festas. todos conhecem ele como a pessoa que dá as melhores festas e ponto final! essa fachada quebrada e inconsequente pode fazer dele um riquinho maluco, mas a verdade é que existem muitas facetas de dionísio: ele é muito sensível e artístico e encontra na arte um jeito de se expressar (você pode decidir qual arte que é, literatura, filme, teatro, pintura, etc etc). [atenção, ele é canonicamente não hétero - bi, gay, demi, pan, etc etc, vale tudo desde que não seja hétero].
momento atual do rpg: a irmã dele voltou!!!! os pais saíram da cidade deles em nice para se mudar para o apartamento que ele dividia com ela antes da sua “morte” e eles passaram um agradável fim de ano! que maravilha! o garoto tinha até ouvido as súplicas da irmã e parado de beber, ir em festas e consumir ilícitos, estava tudo às mil maravilhas... até que ele entreouviu uma conversa esquisita dos pais, descobrindo um segredo obscuro sobre a família que o lançou diretamente aos antigos hábitos escapistas. está irreconhecível e não sabe o que fazer com a nova informação, sem coragem de encarar a irmã. 
conexões: entrando com o nosso dionísio, você vai ganhar: i) uma IRMÃ que ele ama mais que tudo no mundo, mas com quem briga constantemente porque ela desaprova os hábitos ruins e destrutivos dele; ii) uma AMIZADE COLORIDA com um garoto que o entende mais do que qualquer outra pessoa; iii) um AMIGO DE FESTAS, com quem ele se dá muito bem quando há alcool e outras coisas envolvidas, porém que não suporta se precisa encarar sóbrio.
fcs: michel joelsas, paul mescal, israel broussard, reiky de valk, emilio sakraya, myles evans, rudy pankow, noah beck, lorenzo zurzolo, josh whitehouse, david mazouz, jordan fisher, rocco fasano, froy gutierrez, maxence danet-fauvel, willem de schryver, kim donghan, dylan minette, diego tinoco, cody fern, axel auriant, evan roderick, tom rhys harries, sam corlett, charlie plummer, damian hardung. 
template by lovely @cavalierfou​​​​
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goalhofer · 3 years ago
Top 10 MLB Strikeout Leaders: Week 7
10: Brandon Lowe, Tampa Bay (47)
9: Willy Adames, Tampa Bay (48)
8: James Swanson, Atlanta (49)
7: Rhys Hoskins, Philadelphia (50)
6: Randy Arozarena, Tampa Bay (50)
5: Cartier Goodrum, Detroit (51)
4: Ednel Báez, Chicago Cubs (52)
3: Eugenio Suárez, Cincinnati (53)
2: Matt Chapman, Oakland (56)
1: Joey Gallo, Texas (60)
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years ago
Playoff Droughts And Who Can Break Theirs
Baseball season is approaching and in the interest of breaking up the monotony of what figures to be a LONG and painful spring training, I wanted to take a peek whimsically while looking backwards. There's no more enjoyable story than when a team that's been excluded from the postseason dance for quite some time gets their invite. Sometimes it's years of hard work and team building and other years its due to ownership just throwing money around and sometimes? It's just a fluke luck circumstance not to be repeated for quite some time. For the sake of doing something of a bit of a project, I decided to take a brief look at teams that have not made the playoffs in over five years. I chose five years arbitrarily I suppose because to me five years or more without a playoff run is a genuine drought whereas four or less just feels like a lull regardless of expectations. Yankees fans may consider three years without the playoffs to be a drought whereas that's if anything a lull or a break in tradition. Teams that have been out of it for five years or more are teams that are either mired in long term BAD baseball or embracing mediocrity at best and so five years just felt right. Also I wanted to do it since the invent of the two game wild card but then it would be literally just three teams and nobody wants that.
Of the eight teams who have missed the playoffs for five years straight or longer, who are most likely to break that streak and join the dance? Well...
1- Philadelphia Phillies Last Playoff Appearance: 2011
Last year's darling picks, the Phillies have been out of the playoffs since 2011. For fun facts, 2011 was also the first year of the Chromebook, snapchat and the release of Elder Scrolls: Skryim. If you read this space for MMA? 2011 was the year Jon Jones beat Shogun for the LHW title, the Strikeforce HW Grand Prix started and Alistair Overeem's UFC debut. It's been a while and to the credit of Philadelphia, they've tried a multitude of ways from riding out the final years of aging veterans to rehauling their farm system to spending and spending big. It's not for a lack of trying they haven't made it back to the playoffs! Last year they seemed armed to roll through a perceived weak NL East with big names and big money across the board. Of course little did we know the Nationals would be better without Bryce Harper and the Phillies wouldn't even crack the top two of the division. Out goes Gabe Kapler and in comes Joe Girardi who will be tasked with VETERAN MANAGING his way through this ultra talented and underachieving roster that has added the likes of Zach Wheeler, Didi Gregorious as well as Andrew McCutchen who was lost early into 2019 with a torn ACL. The Phillies boast an insane line up as if Didi and Cutch are healthy and productive then you've got a core of Jean Segura, JT Realmuto, Didi, McCutchen, Rhys Hoskins and Bryce Harper. The rotation is pretty damn spiffy (health permitting) with Wheeler, Aaron Nola, Zach Eflin and Jake Arrieta plus flostam as a fifth if need be. The Phillies are always going to be a team that has slumps magnified and streaks glorified (such is life with Bryce Harper) but I can't see them not cracking the playoffs in some form or fashion this year. If they don't make the playoffs, we may need to try and discuss if there's some kind of a curse out there on the Phanatic.
2- Cincinnati Reds Last Playoff Appearance: 2013
Gotta admit I had no idea the Reds had a playoff cameo back in 2013. Guess that's just one of those years lost to time. Fun facts of 2013? Grand Theft Auto 5 came out that year, Yahoo purchased this hell site and the UFC brought women into the organization for the first time ever. The Reds spoke openly about wanting to spend a bit in the offseason and so they did, flexing some financial muscle with deals for Mike Moustakas, Shogo Akiyama and Nick Castellanos to help out a lineup featuring the likes of Joey Votto, Nick Senzel and Eugenio Suarez. If the Reds are going to make a serious run of things, it'll likely be on the arms of a rejuvenated Sonny Gray, mercurial Trevor Bauer and the league's best kept secret to casual fans Luis Castillo. There's obviously going to be concerns about a team that hits a lot of dingers but strikes out a bunch and a somewhat unheralded bullpen but the Reds have power, they've gotten better and they've got a cadre of arms to flex at any time. Also? The NL Central figures to be up in the air as the Cubs seem to coast with the core they have until the rebuild comes around, the Cardinals and Brewers underwent massive changes and the Pirates figure to be flat out bad. There's never been a more clear path for the Reds to make some October noise.
3- Los Angeles Angels Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The year is 2014. In the real world,  Colorado legalizes the purchase of wacky tobacky, selfies became "a thing" in need of forever going away and the occulus rift creates a youtube grift genre. Sports wise? The MLB struggles through record rating woes, the Cowboys finally break through in the Jason Garrett tenure with a 12-4 record, the UFC is undergoing massive upheaval as stars retire or are suspended for PEDs, Bellator hosts its first PPV which in turn leads to the ousting of Bjorn Rebney for Scott Coker and LeBron James leaves Miami to go back where it all began in Cleveland. That's the last time the Angels saw a playoff game and it's been beaten to death at this point. "WHY DON'T THE ANGELS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS DURING MIKE TROUT'S PRIME?!" is tired and done to death but for those of you who feel the same way, 2020 marks the BEST chance for that to become a fad question (or perhaps just morph into "WHY CAN'T THE BEST PLAYER IN BASEBALL WIN THE WORLD SERIES ON HIS OWN?!") since the Angels are pretty damn loaded for bare. With the Astros about to endure a pretty weird season and the A's always lurking, the Angels will roll into the year with three bonafide superstars in Anthony Rendon, Shohei Otani and Mike Trout. The pieces around them aren't bad shakes either as Andrelton Simmons is a defensive whiz, David Fletcher is one of those solid under the radar types and the rotation isn't flashy but it should be competent with minor league depth to make moves if they see a big fish out there. The Angels would've been higher up had they gotten Ross Stripling and Joc Pedersen in a deal but since that fell off, I feel like 3rd behind the Reds and Phillies is a fine spot to put them in.
4- Chicago White Sox Last Playoff Appearance: 2008
2008 will probably best be known as the year of change headlined by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. It was the year Fidel Castro stepped down in Cuba. China got the olympics in Beijing and people were TOTALLY cool about that with nary any controversy whatsoever. Beyond that? 2008 was the year I got into MMA and that was a special time, dudes. It was also the year where the White Sox saw their last real sustained succeed with its last postseason appearance. The White Sox feel like they've been in a rebuild since pretty much the end of the Ozzie Guillen tenure and despite multiple managers, multiple attempts to figure it out, rebuilds aplenty and some damn good talent coming through the organization, it's been a rough go of it for the majority of 2010 to 2019. Put it this way, the LAST time the White Sox made the playoffs, Chris Sale was a 22 year old rookie and Paul Konerko was still an active player. They've got a chance to kick off this next decade as a bit of a sleeper team in the Central. This team can hit and one can assume that another year of development for phenom talents like Yoan Moncada and Eloy Jiminez can only help. Tim Anderson for better or worse has a style and swagger that generates attention but it is fair to remember that for at least one half a season, he was a phenomenal player worthy of the acclaim. The White Sox have tried hard to secure elite free agents (Manny Machado and Zack Wheeler) but it's been a bust so at this point it's going to be up to them to draft, develop and trade for it. It would not surprise me if the White Sox are good enough in June and July to make a big deal to try and push them over the hump and chase for the second wild card.
5- San Diego Padres Last Playoff Appearance: 2006
The Padres last made the playoffs in the year of the Nintendo Wii. Floyd Mayweather hadn't even come up with his Money Mayweather gimmick yet! Lost to baseball obscurity, the Padres had at the very least an interesting team out west. The likes of Manny Machado, Fernando Tatis Jr, arguably the worst defensive outfield in the history of the universe and freakishly good young arms like Chris Paddack and Joey Luchessi at least made them fun to watch. They weren't "good" but this is a team that was still struggling to balance expensive veterans with clout (Machado, Eric Hosmer, Will Meyers) with really good young talent trying to figure things out. The Padres figure to be better with a full season of Tatis Jr, more production from guys like Hosmer and Machado plus improvements in the outfield with Tommy Pham and Trent Grisham (hold your jokes, Nats fans) figure to give this team a chance. There's a pretty good bullpen (Emilio Pagan is a sneaky nice pick up) and plenty of talent in their 26 man roster. The NL West has so much legit top talent with the D-Backs and Dodgers figuring to be really good that it's hard to make an argument for the Padres to be a playoff contender but they figure to try and trying is truly half the battle.
6- Miami Marlins Last Playoff Appearance: 2003
It's kind of a bummer that we didn't get our decennial Marlins "The fuck?" World Series win but they made up for it by giving us Jeffrey Loria and David Samson fucking things up for most of the decade leading to Derek FUCKING Jeter opting to get into the management game much to the chagrin of most folks on all sides. The Marlins are in the midst of rebuilding....again. Don't expect them to compete but they've got some good talent to at least want to see play. Brian Anderson, Caleb Smith, Jorge Alfaro and a bundle of veteran signings that will at the very least make the Marlins a fun trade partner in July will keep this team relevant. Wouldn't surprise me if the Marlins flirt with a 20 win swing from where they were last year.
7- Seattle Mariners Last Playoff Appearance: 2001
My god man. The Mariners were SO close in 2018, winning 89 games and finishing a few spots out of a Wild Card spot. As if they decided that this core couldn't do it, the Mariners went to work tearing their team apart and were rewarded with a pretty blegh squad that was once again picked apart at the deadline. To their credit they have some spiffy talent worth watching, namely the infield duo of JP Crawford and Shed Long. They’ve also got some fun young arms who might take the next step. Just don't expect them to win many games.
8- Detroit Tigers Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The Tigers are aways away from being contenders. They're not trying to be contenders. They're in the midst of what could best be described as a multiple year rebuild after riding out the end days of the core from the start of the 2010's. They will be bad but god bless 'em for embracing it.
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ouroboroshqs · 5 years ago
Fora outros faceclaims que já foram citados aqui e aqui, adoraria ver Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Aaron Tveit, Aidan Turner, Algee Smith, Beau Mirchoff, Ben Barnes, Brendon Thwaites, Cai Xukun, Casey Deidrick, Chris Hemsworth, Conrad Ricamora, Daniel Kaluuya, Diego Tinoco, Djimon Hounsou, Dominic Sherwood, Evan Peters, Ewan McGregor, Frank Dillane, Grant Gustin, Harry Styles, Henry Golding, Jacob Elordi, Joel McHale, Josh Hartnett, Judah Lewis, Lalo Brito, Lee Taemin, Lukas Gage, Luke Arnold, Miguel Bernadeau, Milo Ventimiglia, Rafael Silva, Ranveer Singh, Remy Hii, Rhys Eugenio, Richard Harmon, Ronen Rubinstein, Sam Corlett, Taron Egerton, Tyler Hoechlin, Xavier Serrano e Zach Roerig.
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twins2994 · 6 years ago
Samurai Japan Edges MLB All-Stars In Finale.
Samurai Japan 4 MLB All-Stars 1 W-Kashara (1-0) L-Johnson (0-1) SV-Yamasaki (2)
Samurai Japan put themselves on the map in 2014 with a (3-2) series win against the MLB All-Stars. In 2018, Samurai Japan had taken four of the first five games in the latest edition of this series. Tonight, they went for another win in the series finale at the Nagoya Dome. Samurai Japan would rally big time in the second inning tonight. Hotaka Yamakawa started it with a lead-off walk. Tomoya Mori followed with a single to center and Shuta Tonosaki lined a base hit to right. Sosuke Genda walked up the dish with the bases loaded and he drilled a ball down the right field line. Three runs scored on Genda’s triple and Samurai Japan had a 3-0 lead in a hurry. Later in the second, Ryosuke Kikuchi hit a sac fly to center to plate Genda and Samurai Japan capped off a four-run second frame. Meanwhile, Shotaro Kasahara tossed 4 2/3 brilliant shutout innings. Yuta Iwasada followed his performance with 2 1/2 scoreless frames, but the MLB All-Stars finally got to Yu Satoh in the eighth. Ronald Acuna Jr. led-off the eighth and smoked a Yu Satoh fastball out to right-center for a solo homer. This put the MLB All-Stars on the board and they tried to rally. Eugenio Suarez singled then Yu Satoh struck out Rhys Hoskins. Mitch Hanigar and Kevin Pillar singled to load up the bases with one out. Yu Satoh then struck out both Robinson Chirinos and Chris Taylor to get out of the jam. Yasuaki Yamasaki threw a 1-2-3 ninth and Samurai Japan took five out of six from the MLB All-Stars in this series.
-Final Thoughts- Brian Johnson threw a clean first inning then hit a wall in the second. He went one-plus innings and allowed four runs on five hits with two strikeouts and a walk. Erasmo Ramirez restored order with five shutout innings and seven strikeouts. Yusmeiro Petit had a perfect seventh, Kirby Yates had a clean eighth, and Daniel Norris fanned one in a scoreless ninth. Ronald Acuna, Eugenio Suarez, Kevin Pillar, and Chris Taylor each had two hits on the night. The MLB All-Stars hit 1-for-14 with runners in scoring position and left eleven men on base. I watched all six games, but they were all broadcast in Japanese. I remember watching three of the six games in 2014 when this series was last played. I couldn’t finish that one out, but I got to finish the 2018 series. There were quite a few Japanese players that stood out. Yuki Yanagita had a great first two games and played well all series. Kazuma Okamoto and Hotaka Yamakawa are big sluggers in Japan. I think Hideki Matsui helps Kazuma Okamoto out a ton with hitting. The Japanese pitching staff was amazing all series. The next international baseball event is the 2020 Tokyo Olympics now that baseball is back in the Summer Games. It should be a fun time in Tokyo in two summers. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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Download Mr. Smith - Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 for free now!
Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 Smith Sessions Radioshow
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Artist: Mr. Smith Show: Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
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Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 Tracklist
01. Kengo Hammer – Open Your Heart [TranZone] 02. Aimoon – Ineffable Feeling (Vinny DeGeorge Remix) [Alter Ego] 03. StoryTeller – Kuvaite (Extended Banging Mix) [Levitated] 04. C-Systems & Hanna Finsen – Listen To The Wind (Temple One Remix) [Digital Society] 05. #TOTW: Talla 2XLC & Allen Watts – Suburbia [WAO138?!] 06. FAWZY & DJ Pusher – Time Trip [Aural Sonic 138] 07. Mhammed El Alami – Dawn (Sunyella Remix) [Abora] 08. Will Rees & Rhys Elliott – Infinite (Extended Mix) [Regenerate] 09. Eugenio Tokarev & Shedona With Susie Ledge – On My Way To You [AVA White] 10. Alan Morris & Cathy Burton – I’m Not Alone [Amsterdam Trance] 11. Elite Electronic & DMPV with Anveld – Aquila [Suanda True]
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 4 years ago
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Listen or download Mr. Smith - Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 for free now!
Artist: Mr. Smith Show: Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
Discover more Mr. Smith live sets & radioshows here | Listen or download more Smith Sessions Radioshow episodes HERE
Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow 252 Tracklist
01. Kengo Hammer – Open Your Heart [TranZone] 02. Aimoon – Ineffable Feeling (Vinny DeGeorge Remix) [Alter Ego] 03. StoryTeller – Kuvaite (Extended Banging Mix) [Levitated] 04. C-Systems & Hanna Finsen – Listen To The Wind (Temple One Remix) [Digital Society] 05. #TOTW: Talla 2XLC & Allen Watts – Suburbia [WAO138?!] 06. FAWZY & DJ Pusher – Time Trip [Aural Sonic 138] 07. Mhammed El Alami – Dawn (Sunyella Remix) [Abora] 08. Will Rees & Rhys Elliott – Infinite (Extended Mix) [Regenerate] 09. Eugenio Tokarev & Shedona With Susie Ledge – On My Way To You [AVA White] 10. Alan Morris & Cathy Burton – I’m Not Alone [Amsterdam Trance] 11. Elite Electronic & DMPV with Anveld – Aquila [Suanda True]
The podcast Mr. Smith – Smith Sessions Radioshow is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by
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glogoads · 3 years ago
já joga os mwfcs mod!
te contar, nony, que esses meses todos eu fiquei longe da tag em definitivo, então to meio desatualizada! mas vou te lançar os fcs que eu idealizei tempinho atrás enquanto ainda tava escrevendo os skeletons (juro que pra abertura vou averiguar se tem novos rostinhos que eu goste):
m: Keith Powers, Gavin Leatherwood, Lorenzo Zurzolo, Avan Jogia, Jan Luis Castellanos, Rudy Pankow, Sam Corlett, Neels Visser, Arón Piper, Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, Maxence Danet-Fauvel, Charles Melton, Chance Perdomo, Lee Taeyong, Diego Tinoco, Tom Holland, Reece King, Kedar Williams Stirling, Mason Gooding, Lucien Laviscount, Michael Evans Behling, Michael B Jordan, Jordan Fisher, Rome Flynn, Xavier Serrano, Wolfgang Novogratz, Chase Stokes, Matthew Daddario, Logan Shroyer, Awsten Knight, Alex Fitzalan, Luke Hemmings, Kim Donghan, Charlie Gillespie, Felix Mallard, Leo Howard, Oliver Stark, Dominic Fike, Herman Tommeraas, Max Irons, Justice Smith, Evan Mock, Reiky de Valk, Rudy Pankow, Archie Renaux, Booboo Stewart, Alex Wolff, Rhys Eugenio.
f: Barbie Ferreira, Camila Mendes, Alexa Demie, Madison Bailey, Zión Moreno, Camila Morrone, Liana Liberato, Liz Gillies, Cierra Ramirez, Camila Queiroz, Courtney Eaton, Kiana Madeira, Katie Douglas, Paris Berelc, Florence Pugh, Yara Shahidi, Hunter Schaffer, Jorja Smith, Lucy Boynton, Madelyn Cline, Eliza Scanlen, Madison Davenport, Bree Kish, Herizen Guardiola, Halle Bailey, Madeleine Madden, Hailee Steinfeld, Zoey Deutch, Alice Pagani, Kathryn Newton, Lili Reinhart, Ryan Destiny, Zendaya, Jennie Kim, Kiana Ledé, Adeline Rudolph, Sydney Park, Macarena García, Olivia Rodrigo, Anya Taylor Joy, Saoirse Ronan, Jessica Sula, Alisha Boe, Aslihan Malbora, Neelam Gill, Margaret Qualley, Mina El Hammani, Dana Paola, Abbey Cowen.
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goalhofer · 3 years ago
Top 10 MLB Strikeout Leaders: Week 6
10: Ednel Báez, Chicago Cubs (40)
9: David Lowe, Texas (41)
8: Taylor Trammell, Seattle (41)
7: Randy Arozarena, Tampa Bay (42)
6: Brandon Lowe, Tampa Bay (42)
5: Cartier Goodrum, Detroit (43)
4: Rhys Hoskins, Philadelphia (45)
3: Eugenio Suárez, Cincinnati (46)
2: Matt Chapman, Oakland (50)
1: Joey Gallo, Texas (53)
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yateshq · 5 years ago
Admin Brooke and I are mutually freaking out over the reopening of our rp in our texts. The horrific selfies of us crying with joy? Should never be seen by anyone. Cursed images. Anyways, thought I’d drop some of our most wanted fcs in! Send us anyone in the Euphoria cast, Rhys Eugenio, Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Lily-Rose Deep (!!!), Anne Winters, Diana Silvers, Kelsey Merritt, Alisha Boe, Milena Tscharntke, Zoe Love Smith, Alice Pagani, Odeya Rush, Mishti Rahman, Lalisa Manoban, Paris Berelc, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Danielle Campbell, Margaret Qualley, Avan Jogia, Austin Butler, Joe Keery, Charlie Heaton, Alex Fitzalan, Douglas Booth, Aron Piper, Axel Aurient, Justice Smith, Harry Styles, Charles Melton, or Keith Powers. Ta-ta! Crawls back into my hole to await your apps. I think we’ll open at about twelve applications!
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harwickhq · 5 years ago
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congratulations to neely & zelda! please submit your accounts within the next 24 hours! don’t forget to follow everybody, track our tags, and post an intro for both you and your character(s)! message the main for the discord link!
[ ━ sydney sweeney. cisfemale. she/her. ] my name is ROSIE MOSS, i am a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR transferring in to harwick academy. people always say i’m GULLIBLE & WEAK-WILLED but i think the fact that i’m KIND-HEARTED & COMPASSIONATE makes up for it. they also think of me as THE BEAUTY QUEEN but i’m not sure why. there is one thing that nobody knows about me, though, and it’s that I RECENTLY HAD AN ABORTION.  [ neely. 23. gmt+10. she/her. ]
[ ━ rhys eugenio. cis male. he/him. ] my name is TEDDY SMITH, i am a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR from MAXWELL academy, and i’ve been a student for MOST OF MY LIFE. people always say i’m EASILY ANGERED & ALOOF but i think the fact that i’m LOYAL & CARING makes up for it. they also think of me as THE WALLFLOWER but i’m not sure why. there is one thing that nobody knows about me, though, and it’s that MY FATHER CHEATED IN THE ELECTIONS AND CONSISTENTLY STEALS MONEY FROM PUBLIC FUNDS.  
[ ━ olivia rodrigo. cis female. she/her. ] my name is MAYA RODRIGUEZ, i am a SIXTEEN year old JUNIOR transferring in to harwick academy. people always say i’m OBLIVIOUS & TRY-HARD but i think the fact that i’m CREATIVE & ENCOURAGING makes up for it. they also think of me as THE GIRL NEXT DOOR but i’m not sure why. there is one thing that nobody knows about me, though, and it’s that DUE TO THE NATURE OF MY MOTHER’S WORK, I’VE MOVED AROUND A LOT AND HAVE DEVELOPED THE HABIT OF LYING ABOUT MY PAST TO MAKE MYSELF SEEM MORE INTERESTING.  [ zelda. 18+. +8 gmt. she/her. ]
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twins2994 · 6 years ago
Samurai Japan @ MLB All-Stars 11.15.18
Samurai Japan Lineup MLB All-Stars Lineup
1.) Shogo Akiyama CF 1.) JT Realmuto DH
2.) Ryosuke Kikuchi 2B 2.) Kike Hernandez SS
3.) Yuki Yanagita DH     3.) Ronald Acuna LF
4.) Kazuma Okamoto 3B 4.) Eugenio Suarez 3B
5.) Seiji Uebayashi RF    5.) Rhys Hoskins 1B
6.) Hotaka Yamakawa 1B 6.) Mitch Haniger RF
7.) Tomoya Mori C            7.) Kevin Pillar CF
8.) Shuta Tonosaki LF      8.) Robinson Chirinos C
9.) Sosuke Genda 2B      9.) Chris Taylor 2B
SP Shotaro Kasahara LHP SP Brian Johnson LHP
(6-4) 4.14 ERA                   (4-5) 4.17 ERA
(2018 NPB Stats)               (2018 MLB Stats)
2018 MLB Japan All-Star Series Game 6
-Chris Kreibich-
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junker-town · 5 years ago
10 reasons 2019 was the Year of the Home Run
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Getty Images / SB Nation illustration
Baseball set ALL THE HOME RUN RECORDS this year. Let’s take a look.
The defining trait of the 2019 MLB season has been the home run, with the long ball more prevalent today than at any other time in baseball history. There have been so many long ball records set this season that we decided to round up as many of them as possible, in one handy spot for you.
Most home runs in a season
Good news for Jonathan Villar: the Orioles infielder is headed for the Hall of Fame. Well, his bat is anyway. Villar hit a home run on Sept. 11, the 6,106th of the season in major league baseball, one more than the 2017 record. We finished the year at 6,776 home runs, an absurd 671 over the previous mark.
There were 1.39 home runs hit per team game in 2019, a whopping 11 percent more than the previous record, and 20 percent more than any other season in major league history.
Major league hitters set a record for home runs in any calendar month in May, then broke that mark in June. They broke that record in August. In all, 2019 saw six of the top 10 calendar months for home runs in major league history. The balls were flying out of parks all year.
Even though the home run record for the league as a whole was obliterated, offense itself didn’t really explode in similar fashion. MLB averaged 4.85 runs per team game this season. That’s up from 2017 and 2018, but not at nearly the same rate as the home run explosion.
Major league teams scored 8.6 ercent more runs per game than they did in 2018, but did so while hitting 21.4 percent more home runs per contest.
Starting off strong
The season opened domestically earlier than it ever has, on March 28. The Dodgers sprung into action with eight home runs on opening day, two more than any other team has even hit in its first game of the season.
Five times a team hit eight home runs in a game in 2019. No other season had more than two games. But that’s not all:
Eleven times a team hit seven or more home runs this season. Previous high was four.
There were 34 games a team hit six or more home runs. The old record was 18.
Teams hit five or more home runs 114 times in 2019, almost double the old mark of 60.
The 1977 Red Sox held the record for most games with five or more home runs in a season, with eight. After four decades of the mark going unchallenged, three teams beat it in 2019 — the Twins had 11 such games, while the Yankees had 10 and the A’s had nine.
15 teams set franchise records
In 2018 the Yankees set a major league record with 267 home runs. This year, four teams broke that mark, led by the Twins and Yankees each topping 300.
In all, half the teams in their entire league set franchise records for home runs in 2019, led by the Twins beating their previous team mark by 36 percent.
An unfathomable 24 teams hit 200 home runs. In nearly the entire first century of baseball’s modern era, from 1901-95, a total of 23 teams hit 200 homers.
The Orioles in 2019 allowed 305 home runs, beating the old record (2016 Reds) by a whopping 18 percent. Also beating the old record for home runs allowed this year were the Rockies (270), Angels (267), and Mariners (260). The Phillies merely tied the old record.
Damn Yankees
Not surprisingly, the Yankees and Orioles proved a combustible matchup. New York won 17 of 19 games against Baltimore, and hit a record 61 home runs versus the Orioles this year, blasting the old standard of 48, a mark set by the 1956 Yankees against the A’s in 22 games.
The Bronx Bombers blasted 74 home runs in August to set a major league record, an astonishing 27.5-percent higher than the old mark of 58. In all, major league teams hit 56+ home runs in four different calendar months in 2019 — the Twins did it twice, with 56 homers in May and 59 more in August — something that was only done six times in all of major league history before this year.
But perhaps the most amazing stat about all those Yankees home runs is that Giancarlo Stanton — whose 305 home runs in his first nine seasons were tied for the most in baseball during that span — hit only three in 2019.
Catch us if you can
The Twins won their first American League Central title in nine years thanks to an absurdly powerful lineup that hit 307 home runs. That included 44 home runs from the catching position for Minnesota — 30 by Mitch Garver, 13 by Jason Castro, and one from Willians Astudillo.
That beat the old record of 43, held by four other teams — the Dodgers in 1953 and 1997, the Mets in 1999, and the Braves in 2003.
Minnesota also got 52 home runs from their designated hitters (41 by Nelson Cruz at that position), beating the record 50 hit by the David Ortiz-led Red Sox in 2006.
Reds third basemen hit a record 53 home runs in 2019, including 49 by Eugenio Suarez. The old record was 52.
The five-timers club
Before this year, 12 teams boasted four players with 30 or more home runs, last done by the 2009 Phillies. This year, the Twins took it to the next level, the first team ever to have five players do it. Nelson Cruz (41 homers), Max Kepler (36), Miguel Sano (34), Eddie Rosario (32), and Mitch Garver (31) became the first quintet of teammates with 30 bombs in the same year.
The Braves and Dodgers each had three players with 35 home runs, tying a record that has been done 17 times. It hadn’t happened since 2016.
Everybody’s doing it
The sheer volume of players reaching milestones was something.
58 players hit 30 or more home runs, beating the old record of 47 set in 2000.
There were 129 players who hit 20 or more homers, more than the old mark of 117 from 2017. MLB teams averaged just over four players with at least 20 home runs in 2019.
A stunning 273 players hit 10 or more home runs in 2019. The old mark was 242, set in 2017.
These are just the nice round numbers, but it goes deeper (get it?). There are 549 players who hit at least one home run in 2019, 13 more than last year’s record. Records were set this season for players who hit at least two home runs, at least three home runs, and for every number through 35 home runs. It was a prolific year for long balls.
Double digits
The proliferation of versatility and baseball’s top teams sporting unreal depth led to more players than ever hitting 10 or more home runs. The Yankees had a record 14 players reach double digits in home runs, including four — Gio Urshela, Edwin Encarnacion, Clint Frazier, Mike Ford, and Cameron Maybin — who weren’t even on the roster on opening day.
Before 2019, only one major league team had even 12 players with double-digit home run totals, and that was last year’s Yankees.
The Dodgers had 11 players with 10 or more home runs. Before this year, no National League team ever had more than 10 such players.
Home run record saturation
Aristides Aquino is a 25-year-old rookie with the Reds. He struck out in his only plate appearance in his 2018 cup of coffee, but mashed home runs almost like no other in his return trip to the bigs this year. Aquino set major league marks with eight home runs through his first 12 career games, with nine home runs through 14 games, 10 home runs through 16 games, 11 home runs through 17 games, 12 home runs through 22 games, 13 home runs through 27 games, and 14 home runs through his first 28 games.
You know, the time-honored home run records everybody talks about.
Those records, while impressive, lose a little luster when the person he passed was either Yordan Alvarez (this year), Rhys Hoskins (2017), or Trevor Story (2016). At some point, these records are more a product of their time than some amazing and rare individual accomplishment.
Similarly, we have the rookie home run records. Cody Bellinger in 2017 hit 39 home runs, breaking a National League rookie record that stood for 87 years. In the American League that year, Aaron Judge hit 52 home runs for the major league rookie record, breaking a 30-year-old mark.
Each of those records stood for all of two years with Mets first baseman Pete Alonso mashing 53 long balls in his debut season.
The most impressive Alonso feat was that he led the majors in home runs. He’s just the third rookie to lead baseball in home runs — joining Tim Jordan, who hit all of 12 homers in 1906 for Brooklyn, and Mark McGwire, who hit 49 for the A’s in 1987 — and the first to lead MLB outright.
Every day a home run
Just after the All-Star break a unique streak started. On July 15, eight different players had a multi-homer game, including Rays catcher Travis d’Arnaud hitting three. Beginning that day, and for every day through Anthony Rizzo, Freddie Freeman, and Bo Bichette each hitting two home runs on Aug. 20, there were 37 consecutive days with at least one player hitting more than one home run in a game.
There were 113 such games during the streak, an average of three per day. The most prolific day was Aug. 15 with nine multi-homer games, including four in the Astros-A’s game alone — Matt Olson, Carlos Correa, Matt Chapman, and Michael Brantley.
The old record was 20 consecutive days, set in 2016.
Rookie walk-off weekend
The Dodgers swept the Rockies from June 21-23 at Dodger Stadium, and delivered the wins in the most dramatic fashion. Matt Beaty hit a walk-off home run to win Friday’s game, followed by Alex Verdugo doing the same on Saturday. When Will Smith followed suit with a walk-off home run of his own on Sunday, LA made history. This was the first time a team ever got three consecutive walk-off home runs from rookies. It was never done even twice in a row before 2019.
No minor feat
There have been numerous studies on the changes to the baseball this year, with Dr. Meredith Wills at The Athletic noting the lower seams, smoother leather, and rounder baseball contributing to the ball flying farther. Rob Arthur of Baseball Prospectus similarly noted how the baseball is more aerodynamic in 2019.
“The only thing I’m prepared to say at this point and time is I do think that we need to see if we can make some changes that gives us a more predictable, consistent performance from the baseball,” commissioner Rob Manfred told Forbes last week.
All those changes have fueled the spike in home runs this year, and also made for an interesting first season for Triple-A to use baseballs with the same specifications as major league baseballs. The result was a power explosion in both the International League and Pacific League, with a 57-percent increase in home runs across Triple-A.
2019 really was the year of the home run.
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