#Richonne fanfiction
blacklitchick · 1 month
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Lazy Sunday
Michonne couldn’t remember when she last had a lazy Sunday morning—at least, she thought it was Sunday morning—the days seemed to run together since she and Rick made it back home. It was barely 5:00 a.m.; the sky hadn’t fully awakened. A dusting of stars still littered the sky. The pitter-patter of a light rain had started an hour earlier; the curtains blew in the breeze from the open window. She’d been awake for a while, enjoying the quiet and the man sleeping beside her with his head on her chest.
She ran a hand through his curls. He stirred slightly, then snuggled even deeper into her arms. Lately, that had been his favorite position to sleep in. They always started the night spooned against each other, but somehow, they would end up with his body halfway on top of hers, arms slung around her waist. It was as if he wanted to be as close to her heartbeat as possible to make sure she was still there, still real.
She ran her foot over his leg, admiring his well-toned calf muscles. Her fingernails lightly scratched his bare back. She liked feeling that he was real, too. So many nights when he was gone, she’d woken up feeling for him on his side of the bed only to feel instead the crushing weight of grief when she remembered he wasn’t there and wasn’t coming back - so she thought.  
She knew she’d never have to feel that way again. Because there wouldn’t be another night when they weren’t sleeping next to each other. If it weren’t for the kids, they would probably never leave their bed. 
Lips caressed her chest, then her neck, then her cheek. Michonne smiled at her husband’s morning wake-up routine. It always started with kisses.
She scratched his scalp. “I thought you were sleeping?”
“I was, but my dream ended. Guess it was time for me to wake up."
“I hope good dreams.”
“I'm dreaming about you again. About us in different worlds.” He kissed her shoulder.
“How did we fall in love this time?”
Rick lifted onto his elbow and stared down at his wife. “We were both walking our dogs at a dog park. They became best friends, then we became best friends and fell in love.”
Michonne laughed. “I like that.”
Rick smiled at her laughter, but his face soon turned serious. “All those years we were apart, I dreamed of ways we could have fallen in love if the world didn’t end. But having too much time to think, I wondered if something like my dreams could happen. Would it have been possible for us to meet in Georgia and fall in love?”
“What was your conclusion?”
“That we wouldn’t because you were too glamorous, too cultured. You wouldn’t want a country boy like me.”
Michonne lips downturned into a slight frown. “No, that’s not it. I like to think that what’s meant to be will always be. Somehow, some way, the universe would have conspired for us to be together. With all of our children alive and well. Nothing about what we have can be denied."
Rick shook his head and stared down at Michonne in awe. “How are you so perfect?”
She ran her hand down his beard. “Not perfect. Just perfect for you.”
He moved fully on top of her. “It’s both. You’re perfect, and we’re perfect together,” he said before devouring her lips.
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siancore · 6 months
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Synopsis: Rick and Michonne spend time with their children.
Words: 2.3k
Their home felt different. Not in a way that it was unrecognizable, but just different. So much time had passed. They had lived so much of their lives behind those walls, but also away from there. Michonne and Rick were grateful that Aaron and Father Gabriel were gracious enough allow the Grimes family to move back into their old home. They were intent on making sure it felt safe and loving for their children.
The family sat up late into the night. Mattresses and pillows everywhere in the living room as Rick and Michonne told stories, and asked about what their children had been doing. Judith told stories of how she and RJ spent their time. RJ asked so many questions of his father. Rick offered them apologies as he listened to them with tears in his eyes. Michonne held her family close and told them how much she loved and missed them.
It was nearing midnight when RJ began snoring softly, nestled in between his mother and father. Judith had started to yawn, losing her battle with trying to keep her eyes open.
“You should sleep now, Sweetheart,” said Michonne, as she pressed a soft kiss to her daughter’s head.
“One more story,” Judith pleaded, though she yawned again.
“We can finish our stories tomorrow, Sleepyhead,” said Rick with a warm smile.  
“Can we have a family fun day, too?” asked Judith, as her eyes finally closed.
“Yeah,” said Rick, happily. “We can do whatever you want.”
Gone were those days. Days stabbing and slashing. Days counting kills and hours. Rick had lost so much time. So much time with his family. With Judith. With Michonne. With RJ. He was determined to spend every waking hour with them now that he had been brought back home.
Breakfast was an almost raucous affair. Pancake batter and pieces of fruit were everywhere. Laughter wafted throughout the house as Rick tried to convince their children that he was actually good at making pancakes in the shape of teddy bears and bunny rabbits.
“They look like walkers!” RJ exclaimed as yet another batch of bunnies bled together in the pan.
“Oh my gosh, they do!” Judith joined in.
The pair began to laugh again as Rick stood looking faux-offended. Michonne came to stand behind Rick and wrapped her arms around his waist. She peered over his shoulder to see what he had plated up for their children.
“Hmm,” she said. “I’d better get my sword for these ones. Definitely look like walkers.”
The Virginian sun felt warm on his skin as Rick squinted out across the water. It was a fine day to spend outdoors with the ones he loved the most in the world. Judith and RJ came running up with the long jump rope as Michonne laid the blanket out on the grassy area.
“RJ, you and Dad can turn the rope, and me and Mom will jump first,” Judith directed.
“Aww, I wanna jump first,” RJ replied with a pout.
“You can jump with Dad,” Judith insisted.
“Okay,” RJ replied with a smile, and then turned to Rick to say, “Are you good at jump rope?”
Rick looked a little sheepish, glanced at Michonne, and then back at their son before replying, “I ain’t jumped rope since I was in the fifth grade, but I’ll give it a go for you.”
RJ presented his father with a smile and said, “I believe in you.”
Rick almost melted into the grass-covered ground in that moment. His chest swelled with adoration as a wide smile crossed his face. He was still smiling as he and RJ turned the rope and sang Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear while Judith and Michonne skipped, jumped, and laughed.
The food that RJ and Judith had prepared for their family picnic was a welcome treat after jumping rope and laughing all morning. The spread looked delicious as the two children served up food for their parents. They insisted that, after Rick’s scary-looking pancakes earlier in the day, they should do any and all food preparation for lunch. Their parents were happy for them to take the lead.
RJ plated up fruits, nuts, and a sandwich each for his mother and father, while Judith made sure they all had glasses of lemonade to wash it all down.
“This is lovely,” said Rick with a warm smile as he took the plate and cup. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Judith and RJ said in unison.
“Can we finish telling stories now?” asked Judith as she settled in next to her mother.
“Absolutely,” Michonne replied. “What did you want to hear about?”
“Ooh, I know,” RJ interjected excitedly. “Tell us about the helicopter ride.”
“Yeah!” Judith agreed. “What was it like being up in the sky like that?”
Michonne smiled at their children, then at Rick, and said, “Well, it’s actually pretty fun. You can see miles and miles of countryside from up there. Rivers and lakes. Hills and trees. You can see where other settlements are. Hordes of walkers. I never actually thought I’d get to fly like that again.”
“Wow,” said RJ, captivated by what his mother was saying.
“You used to fly before?” asked a curious Judith.
“All the time,” said Michonne. “Mostly for work. But sometimes for fun. Like going on vacation. I loved that. And Andre was such a good baby when we were on planes. He never made a fuss.”
“Andre went flying with you?” asked RJ, his eyes filled with wonder.
“Oh yeah, Baby. Andre went with me everywhere,” said Michonne with a nostalgic smile on her lips; Rick took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze.
“Can we go flying with you on the helicopter?” asked RJ.
“Yeah, do you think we could?” Judith chimed in.
“Maybe,” said Michonne, before she turned to look at Rick and added, “Did you know your Dad knows how to fly a helicopter?”
“No way!” said RJ, eyes wide.
“Really?” asked Judith, not recalling that detail from all of the stories her mother had told about the Brave Man.
“Yes, really,” Michonne replied. “So who knows? Maybe one of these days we’ll all get to fly together.”
Rick laid back on the picnic blanket as Michonne dug through her bag to find the deck of cards, pencils, and books they had brought along. He watched happily as Judith and RJ were play fighting with sticks for swords. Judith was pretty good; you could tell RJ was still learning. Rick watched as his daughter showed his son how to strike and parry. Watched the determination on their faces as RJ tried to master a move; watched the joy that encompassed both of them when he got it right.
“She’s good at that,” said Rick to Michonne without taking his eyes of their children.
“She’s so good at that,” Michonne confirmed.
“And RJ’s a quick learner,” Rick commented proudly. “You did a great job with them, Michonne.”
He finally turned his gaze to lock eyes with his wife.
“I’m so sorry you had to do it on your own,” he added.
Michonne placed the books down and took hold of Rick’s hand.
“Stop apologizing,” Michonne insisted. “And I didn’t do it on my own. I had help from all of our friends and our family.”
Rick nodded his head and listened as Michonne continued.
“And in all honesty, I wasn’t alone,” she admitted, running her thumb over his. “I carried you with me the whole time. Your memory. Your values. Your good, kind heart. Your voice in the back of my mind. You were with me, Rick. The whole time. Even when you weren’t here, you were still here. In the way I raised them. In the way I love them.”
Rick gave his wife a small smile and then brought her hand to his lips as he pressed a lovingly gentle kiss to it.
“Thank you,” said Rick in earnest. “Thank you for taking care of our family.”
As the day progressed, Michonne and Judith decide that they should get some training done and let Rick and RJ spend some time together alone. Father and son sat on the blanket and chatted while RJ flicked through the books that Michonne brought. Rick took the moment to reach into the bag and retrieve a gift he had procured for RJ.
“Son?” said Rick, getting RJ’s attention.
“Yeah?” RJ replied.
“I got somethin’ for you,” said Rick as he held out the plastic-covered comic book. “Your Mama said you liked to read comics.”
RJ’s face lit up as he took the gift from his father.
“I love ‘em,” said RJ as he examined the cover.
“Hope you haven’t read this one yet,” Rick said, feeling like the warmth radiating from RJ’s smile was filling his soul.
RJ looked closer and then shook his head, “Not yet.”
He removed the book carefully from the plastic and looked at the image on the cover. He smiled to himself and then looked up to smile at his father.
“This is one of my favorite comics,” RJ explained. “It was one of Carl’s favorites, too.”
Something tightened in Rick’s chest at RJ’s mention of Carl. Of course Michonne and Judith would have told stories about Carl, too. It just hit Rick with so much emotion to hear his son who was still with him speak of his son whom he had lost. They looked so much alike. Had so much in common. It was heartwarming to know that they both shared a love of comic books.
“Invincible,” said Rick as he read the title. “So, your big brother loved it too, eh?”
“Yep,” said RJ. “Carl’s favorite hero.”
Rick nodded his head and watched as RJ skimmed through the pages. A comfortable silence settled around them. RJ looked at the pictures in the book; Rick looked at him.  
“I hope Carl knew he was a hero, too,” RJ said so quietly that Rick almost missed it.  
Rick felt his eyes begin to water and a lump form in his throat.
“I – I don’t know if Carl realized that, but he was. He was a hero,” said Rick. “He saved me so many times.”
RJ nodded his head and looked thoughtful, just like Carl.
Rick swallowed down the lump and said, “Y’know, your Mama saved me as well. You kids saved me.”
RJ tilted his head to the side and asked, “Me, too?”
“Yes,” said Rick, as he smiled and placed a hand to RJ’s shoulder.
“How?” asked RJ, wide-eyed and curious. “We just met. Plus, I’m not good with swords like Judith. And I’m good at everything like Carl was. What did I do?”
“First of all, you are good at so many things, Honey. So many things,” said Rick, as he gave RJ’s shoulder a squeeze. “Secondly, you’re here. Just you bein’ here is saving me. You are a hero, too. Okay?”
RJ smiled at his father and said, “Okay. Thanks, Dad.”
The sun was hanging low in the sky when the whole Grimes family decides to make daisy chains. RJ and Judith helped Rick to collect the flowers. There were so many different colored flowers that they could choose from that they almost cleaned out the whole patch. Michonne was really good at lacing and weaving the stems together. Rick found himself watching her diligently. Once he had gotten the hang of it, there was no stopping him. He made one for Judith that he helped fix to her hair. He made a smaller one for RJ that he helped fix to RJ’s wrist. And he spent an awful longtime on Michonne’s daisy chain, the kids noticed.
“Dad, what’s taking so long?” asked Judith as she tied her creation to the top of RJ’s hat.
“I have to get it just right,” Rick replied as he continued adding to the chain. “Gotta make it look like a crown.”
He glanced from the kids to their mother, and then added, “Because your Mama is a queen and it’s what she deserves.”
RJ giggled almost as loudly as Michonne did. Neither child rolled their eyes at how sappy their parents were being. Judith asked if that meant she and RJ were royalty, too.
After the sun had dropped and the moon had taken its place, the Grimes family settled in for an evening in their home. Michonne was helping Judith get ready while RJ and Rick were downstairs in the living room. After setting up the mattresses, blankets, and pillows, RJ and Rick got a quiet moment together. RJ, in his pajamas, settled in next to his father on the sofa.
“Can I tell you something?” asked RJ, breaking the comfortable silence.
“You can tell me anything,” Rick replied, as he turned to face his young son.
“I knew Mama would bring you home,” said RJ with a bright smile. “When she says she’s gonna do something, I always believe her.”
Rick smiled and said, “Yeah, me too. She’s pretty awesome.”
RJ nodded his head and then said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” Rick replied sincerely.  
“Am I like you imagined I would be?” asked RJ, so shyly and sincerely that it almost broke Rick’s chest open.
A lump formed in his throat and he felt tears spill from his eyes.
“You are everything that I imagined you would be,” said Rick, as his voice cracked, and he draped his arm over his son’s shoulder. “Everything and more. I loved you before I even met you. I loved you as soon as your Mama told me that you existed. You are everything, RJ. You are everything to me.”
“Cool,” said RJ, as he leaned into Rick’s embrace. “You’re like how I imagined you would be, too.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yep, very good.”
Rick pressed a kiss to the top of RJ’s head and breathed in his scent.
“Good. I’m glad.”
Silence filled the air around them for a moment before RJ broke it.
“I just want you to know,” said the small boy as he snuggled closer to his father. “I loved you before I met you, too.”
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kvalentineart · 2 months
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Nothin’ to see here, just mom and dad being in love with eachother 🤷‍♀️
#WIP of Rick and Michonne by- @kvalentineart
Please repost with creds! 🥰 🫶
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jonesywrites · 5 months
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Rick Grimes is a broken man living a half-life, solely focused on exercising his demons through his dark deeds as a part-time P.I., part-time vigilante in Atlanta. Until that is, his focus catches sight of the mysterious, sexy woman who lives next door through his window, Michonne Hawthorne. The more he watches, the harder he falls. When he takes a case that sends him crashing back into his tragic past, he also finds himself crashing through her front door to save her life – then deeper, and deeper into her dark world. There's no turning back from there. As both the case and Rick's obsession with Michonne charge at each other full steam, the two lovers discover that they feed each other's darkest instincts - and they like it. One question remains: Now that Rick and Michonne have emerged from their broken worlds to find love, who's going to stop them from burning their pasts, and all their enemies, to the ground?
Y'all, this is a labor of love. I wrote this story years ago, at the peak of my obsession with Rick and Michonne from The Walking Dead. It's based on my favorite film noirs, my favorite femme fatales, and my favorite broody, slightly cray-cray antiheroes. Rick Grimes is one of the best leading men ever written or performed, and for me personally, it is his dark side -- the one he taps into the protect those he loves -- that is one of the sexiest things about him. That, and his undying devotion to and love for Michonne. I wanted to explore that, luxuriate in it if you will, when I started this story.
I also very much wanted to explore Michonne's dark side. She's just as crazy as he is, after all.
Years later, after having been fed soooo well by The Ones Who Live, I've decided to revive the story and rewrite/refresh it for the current times. It's the same Vantage Point you know and love, improved and updated to amplify what I already knew back then: Rick Grimes is nothing if not a man in love. The story is finished and will be posted in batches of five chapters each! Also, there's the sequel I cooked up way back when.
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richonneevents · 9 days
Richonne Fictober 2024 Rules, Guidelines, & Calendar
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Richonne Fictober 2024 is a 31 day challenge for fanfiction writers/creators to write/create and publish a Richonne-centric story or related content everyday for the month of October.
Fics should be between 100 and 5,000 words. Rick and Michonne must be the main pairing. Richonne is an interracial pairing, so be mindful of tropes and language that perpetuates racism and misogynoir. Rick is a canonically disabled character, so be mindful of using tropes and language that is ableist. Fanartists should be mindful of not whitewashing Michonne, Andre, and RJ in their pieces.
Please tag @richonneevents and use the tag: #richonnefictober24
Be sure to tag your prompt and which day you are filling.
In addition to Richonne-centric fanfiction, creators are encouraged to make fanart; playlists; edits; moodboards; rec lists; graphics; podfics; gifsets; photo sets; fanvids etc.
Day 1: Making Caramel / Candy Apples
Day 2: Seasonal Shopping (Clothes, decor, etc.)
Day 3: “The leaves are changing!”
Day 4: “Pumpkin spice...what?!”
Day 5: Autumn Breeze
Day 6: Overcast Morning
Day 7: Bobbing for Apples
Day 8: Pumpkin Patch Visit
Day 9: Rainy Day
Day 10: Scarecrow
Day 11: Haunted Hayride / Haunted House
Day 12: Horror Movie Marathon
Day 13: Jumping in A Leaf Pile
Day 14: Warm Apple Cider / Hot Chocolate etc
Day 15: Corn Maze
Day 16: By The Fire(place)
Day 17: Candles 
Day 18: Flannel
Day 19: Nestled Under Blankets
Day 20: Festival 
Day 21: First Frost
Day 22: Kissing In The Rain
Day 23: Baking Pies
Day 24: Cemetery Stakeout 
Day 25: Black Cat
Day 26: Dead-End
Day 27: Underneath The Sky
Day 28: Full Moon
Day 29: Carving Jack o’ Lanterns
Day 30: Costume Party
Day 31: Trick or Treat
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amplifiedmoan · 6 months
Let’s talk about this.
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kinyany · 7 months
Dear FanFiction writers, we need you to write a AU story to fill Rick's dreams ! Where Richonne meet on this bench and have lunch together everyday until they fell in love. Pleeeease
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can08writer · 6 months
Michonne throws her husband and herself out of a moving helicopter out of pure frustration. When your husband is acting a fool, sometimes sheer terror will bring him to his senses.
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ririchonne · 3 months
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Any fanfic writers interested ?
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blacklitchick · 6 months
Wrote a new Richonne fic.
Title: Me + You (TOWL Edition)
Summary: A new series of fics in the aftermath of The Ones Who Live finale where Rick and Michonne take time out to enjoy each other.
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siancore · 6 months
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Richonne | 1.1K words | E | AO3 |
A/N: Based on this prompt. For @msjrichonne Enjoy!
“Us against the world.” 
It wasn’t just something offhanded to say. In that moment, as in every moment they spent together, that is what it felt like for Michonne: She and Rick against the world.  
They clinked their glasses together as Rick replied, “Or savin’ it.” 
They shared a look before Rick added, “I am surprised you took the noodles back, though.” 
Michonne chuckled and said, “They pulled a gun on us. You don’t get noodles for that.” 
The pair took another swig. The warm liquid soothed Michonne’s throat. The warm candlelight that filled the cabin washed over Rick’s handsome features. She felt warmth encompass her whole being as it settled somewhere deep inside.  
Michonne placed her glass down, tilted her head, and let out an amused little sigh. 
“Toothpaste, booze,” she said before dipping her head in his direction. “What’re you up to Grimes?” 
Rick smiled a little, shook his head charmingly, and then said, “I’m just workin’ with what I’ve got.” 
Then Rick reached into the top pocket of his button-down shirt. He held out the small chain he had picked up earlier; the chain with the little m on it. He placed it in the palm of Michonne’s hand. She took the gift and smiled at it, ever endeared by Rick’s thoughtfulness.  
Rick got up from where he was seated and made his way over to Michonne. He held out his hand and they linked their fingers together before he pulled Michonne to her feet and drew to him. Her body pressed against his as they melted together in a passionate kiss before they fell to the bed.  
Rick covered Michonne’s body with his. His lips moved from hers to her neck, eliciting pleasured moans from her. They fumbled with their clothing, eager to rid themselves of the offending garments and feel skin upon searing skin.  
There was something desperate about how they clung to one another. As if, even though they had reunited, they could be torn apart at any moment. They breathed one another in as if all of the oxygen had left the room and they were each other’s lifeline.  
They had never truly tired of kissing one another before they had been separated, and it was still true in that moment. Despite their hunger for one another, they could have spent the entire evening showing their need and want using just lips on skin. That was exactly where Rick’s mind was at.  
He drew back, kneeled on the bed, and stared down at Michonne. The fire behind his eyes flamed wildly. She never got over that look – the way he stared at her like she was everything he had ever wanted; everything he had every revered and worshipped; everything he held dear.  
“You’re so beautiful,” he rasped out, his voice low from desire. “So fucking beautiful, Michonne.”  
She smiled up at Rick, took his hand, and said, “So are you.” 
Rick had started to pepper kisses down Michonne’s neck to her collarbone. Her fingers found their way into his curls as his lips moved to her chest. His tongue swirled over her nipple, and she could not stifle the moan it elicited. Rick smiled against Michonne’s skin and continued to trail his scorching kisses down her body until she could feel his breath hot against her inner thigh.  
“Rick,” she whispered as he ran his finger over her pulsing slit and pressed against her throbbing little bud. “Please.” 
“Shh,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her thigh. “I got you.” 
Soon, Rick’s lips replaced his finger as he brought his mouth to his wife’s center. He slid his tongue up and down her slit, dipping between her folds and drinking her up. Each clever swipe of Rick’s eager tongue pulled delighted moans and whimpers from Michonne. She gripped his curls tighter as he worked his lips and tongue over her pussy. He sucked her clit into his mouth and her body shuddered in the most delightful way. 
“Rick,” she managed to say between moans.  
He sucked harder as he flicked his tongue quicker. Michonne felt a heat rise in her stomach and then swirl down lower. The pulsing between her legs had grown more intense with every deft movement of Rick’s keen mouth. All of his attention culminated in a wave of pleasure that flooded Michonne’s senses and washed over her trembling body. She clenched her legs around Rick’s head and let her body soak up her orgasm. 
Rick’s hardness was buried inside of Michonne’s tight, wet heat. She gripped tightly to his shoulders as her fingernails dug into his flesh. They shared messy kisses as Rick thrust in and out, over and over again. Michonne whimpered as he brought her close once more. She tightened her walls around his hard cock. He let out a moan that was more akin to a growl. It was intoxicating being enveloped by Michonne. Being so close to her that he could feel the beating of her heart; a rhythm that matched every eager thrust. Each thrust that was met with whimpers of pleasure falling from her heart-shaped lips. Whimpers that pushed him closer to his own release.  
Their lips stayed connected with kisses that were almost frantic; almost feverish. Rick stayed planted between Michonne’s strong thighs as he drove himself harder and faster. Rick struck at Michonne’s core with more fervor as his hips suddenly bucked forward with force. 
“Fuck,” he cursed. “Fuck. Michonne. Michonne.” 
“Rick,” she moaned in response as her orgasm washed over her in the same moment that Rick found his release, spilling his seed and filling her womb.  
The soft light of the candles draped Rick and Michonne in a warm light as they lay together. Her lying supine as he leaned up on his elbow and watched her. The afterglow of their lovemaking looked good on her, just like everything else did. Her skin glistened from sweat as Rick traced his fingers over her collarbone, padding over her scar and then touching the small m on the necklace he had gifted her.  
“Us against the world,” said Rick, suddenly, as he searched Michonne’s gaze; she gifted him with a sweet smile. “It’s always been you, you know that, right?” 
“I know,” she replied softly.  
“In all o’ this,” said Rick with so much conviction and sincerity it made Michonne’s chest hurt. “It’s always been you, the only one I could see myself facing this world with. You and only you. Us against the world.” 
Michonne smiled up at him as she brought her hand to caress his face while she said, “Forever.” 
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mamajankyy · 4 months
「 Lovin’ You (Is Easy) 」
Summary: Rick surprises Michonne with date night. Stuff and thangs ensue.
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lanasworld86 · 4 months
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*blue eyes but y'all get it
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richonne4life · 5 months
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If you're still here for this story, a new chapter has been posted. Enjoy!
Fanfic: Chapter 29: Bitches Be Crazy (part 7)
AO3: Chapter 29: Bitches Be Crazy (part 7)
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twriter12 · 7 months
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@cake-by-thepound @iminyjo and I want to thank everyone who wrote Richonne stories that kept the fandom entertained and fed until we got to this moment. 😘
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givesupp · 5 months
I posted something that I wrote almost ten entire years ago under my new FF profile. Currently working on Part Two now. Read this, catch up and stay tuned for the second part 💕
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