#Rick Dalton x reader
shelbgrey · 1 year
Y/n: *in the back seat of Rick's car* Can either of you tell me who wrote the Great Gatsby?
Cliff: Alfred Hitchcock?
Rick: Hitler?
Y/n: *sighs* F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Rick: Who's that?
Y/n: The author.
Cliff: Well, why are you saying "fuck him"?
Y/n: *confused* What?
Rick: You just said eff Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, what would Scott Fitzgerald do to you?
Cliff: Yeah.
Y/n: No, that's his first name.
Rick: His name's Fuck Scott Fitzgerald?
Y/n: What? No!
Cliff: Well, what does the F stand for?
Y/n: Francis.
Rick: No, it's got to be Fuck. It's got to be Fuck.
Cliff: It must be Fuck. It has to be Fuck.
Y/n: Why the hell would it be "Fuck"?
Rick: Well, 'cuz otherwise, why wouldn't he just say it?
Cliff: Yeah, he's hiding something. It's Fuck. It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Rick: It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Y/n: That's completely insane. You guys are idiots.
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soft-for-them · 1 year
Apologies - Once upon a time in Hollywood & plus size reader
Summary: You and Rick, like most siblings do, aren't talking because of an argument. The only thing getting you both to apologise to each other is a group of cult members trying to kill you. (Platonic, reader is Rick's step sister who he's helped raise, so no shipping.)
Trigger warning: Descriptions of fighting and injury, this fic is mainly based in the scene in the film were the Manson family try to kill Cliff, Francesca and Rick, so yeah, there's blood.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: I like the idea of writing more fics with the sister reader, idk I think it would be sweet.
The ever constant headache for you both had started around fifteen years ago, you being around five years old whist your older step brother was in his prime staring in Hollywood films and bedding super models like it was a causal Tuesday night.
Around that time your mother had remarried Rick Dalton’s father and them both wanting to get away from it all (aka you) had dropped you off at a random film set were extras roamed around in fake blood and plastic disembodied limbs littered the ground like gravel.
Your ‘parents’ didn’t care that they had dropped you off on the day were a massacre scene was being shoot. Thinking back to that blurry memory you think they hadn’t even realised it was a high budget horror flick Rick was staring in, all they thought about at that time was ditching the hyperactive child on the rich enough son who probably could hire a baby sitter unlike they could.
Whilst Rick spent most of the day dazzling the camera crew and his female co-lead you had spent most of the day in the makeup trailer been cooed over by the hair and makeup ladies whilst stuffing your face with cheese puffs and apple juice.
At one point Cliff Booth had hobbled in, cigarette hanging from his bloody lips and his leg aching from the dangerous stunt he had just performed, his blue eyes going wide as a little curly haired child cheered as he entered the makeup trailer.
“Why is there a child in here?” he had asked whilst taking the cigarette from his lips with one hand whilst trying to rub off the fake blood dribbling from his face with the other.
The makeup ladies had to quickly wipe his face off with soaked cotton balls and wet wipes because he was just making the red mess even worse all whilst a bright eyed you began babbling to him like you knew him forever.
“I’m five!” you had happily declared as one of the women whispered the situation to Cliff.
“That you are little lady.”
So for the next hour instead of fucking off smoking half a pack and challenging cocky actors to fights Cliff Booth spent his time entertaining you. He had no clue what to do with a child but he knew at that moment he had to protect you, he’d always did with Rick and call it an itch but he had a feeling that you were going to stick around.
Now fifteen years later, you complain to Cliff as you dry brush a fake sword’s blade with a rust brown paint, pots of paints and film props surrounding you at your little prop master’s table ready to topple over.
Over the many years you’ve been in and out of your brother’s life, mostly due to your parent’s inability to look after you correctly, you’ve grown to loath the big screen and all the entitled people that come with it, instead falling in love with the small screen and indie films.
Many days you’ve spent watching Star Trek or Colombo on the telly with Rick pointing out which sets and props look to be made of Styrofoam and flimsy plastic.
Now at the age of twenty you have solid work as a prop maker for television. You love the job and you love the people.
Right at this moment you’re trying to make foam swords look real whilst Cliff tries to talk you around to apologising to your brother all because you called him an idiot for looking down on Spaghetti Westerns because they were ‘beneath him’.
“I’m not saying sorry Cliff.” You grumble as you dip your paint brush in a rusty looking solution made from many brown paints and diluting alcohol, “I didn’t spend most of my childhood stuck on his sofa watching B movies only for his failing ass to talk shit about them!”
Cliff hovers around you cluttered desk, the trailer you work in being cramped and filled to the brim with handmade props, no cigarette in sight for he has developed the habit of not smoking when you’re around (that and the trailer filled with props are so flammable that it would combust into flames at out flick of a lighter.)
“AND THEN, WHAT CLIFF!?!” your voice crescendos as you pad away any blotting paint on the prop sword, “He goes and does all those Spaghetti Westerns anyway getting the lead in that Nebraska Jim flick and what, a wife too! He’s funnelling money in the bin like it’s nothing and he still has the gall to talk shit about my line of work and what pictures I decide to create props for.”
You stand up you shin hitting leg of the table you work at making you swear up a storm.
Cliff only watches in slight amusement.
“I’ve worked on Star Trek you know, I’m friends with Leonard Nimoy, I’ve been inside DeForest Kelley house multiple times, I’ve been personally invited and gone to countless parties hosted by Grace Kelly and her husband all because I was nice to her that one time on the set of that musical film-“
“-I thought you didn’t like the Hollywood type.” Cliff asks in such brotherly way trying to get a rise out of you.
What, he might be fed up with your ongoing feud with Rick but he still sees you as his own little sister and he does find it fun teasing you.
“Yeah, well most of them I don’t but she is pretty and nice and she’s my friend- for fuck’s sake Rick is just jealous!”
“Well, that he might be squirt but I think-“ Cliff begins to guide you out the trailer away from the fumes of alcohol and oil paints, “- he might be more jealous that his little sister is being taken away by all these big wig actors.”
Hair a mess, paint covering your dungarees and magnifying glasses propped on top of your head like you some kind of mad scientist, a flow of extras on their break all in medieval garbs walking around, you turn around to Cliff with an anger on your face that melts into a profound sadness.
“He didn’t even invite me to his wedding, I haven’t even met his wife, for crying out loud Cliff I don’t want another absent father, I’ve already got plenty of those.”
Cliff was itching to get out a cigarette out of pocket but once he hears your outburst, once he sees your eyes welling up with years and your round body slump somewhat he bounds over and engulfs you in a big hug that only fathers and father figurers know how to do.
“Come home and talk with Rick. I’ll be there and you can meet Francesca.”
You look up at Cliff as you both begin swaying in the hug.
“Can Brandy come to?”
“Of course kiddo-“ he says tightening his grip on you, “-to be honest I think she likes you the best.”
You let out a loud booming laugh that says ‘Ha! I knew it.’ one that gets Cliff laughing too.
I didn’t go quite as planned.
At first when you showed up Rick tried to act like nothing had happened, he did his normal smooching. He offered you a drink and smiled that movie star smile at you all whilst not introducing you to his wife who stood in the background slightly confused at the odd ordeal.
You waved off his offer of a drink and went straight to the fridge plucking out a can of beer.
“You want one Francesca?” you had asked, she replied with a baffled ‘no’ before you plonked yourself down on the sofa making yourself right at home.
You truly wonder what Francesca Capucci thought at that very moment seeing a round young woman with a smile like Mama Cass and a the grace of Etta James all rolled up in pain stained dungarees and Dr. Martens boots.
One thing lead to another, you and Francesca became fast friends whilst Rick and Cliff went off for drinks, and now you're lounging on Rick’s sofa with Brandy’s head on your lap and Cliff offering you a LSD laced cigarette which he’s been smoking.
“Shit, things must be bad if you’re smoking near me?” you grumble as you pat Brandy’s head with a lazy hand, “Nothing was resolved so let’s get shit faced, because that always goes well.”
“At least you met Francesca.” Cliff mutters as his face turns all smiley as the drugs take effect.
“Hum, yeah, she’s real pretty ain’t she…” you ponder out loud as the front door gets kicked in.
You jump up slightly, Brandy not too bothered by the two greasy haired people clad in black who stand there trying to look menacing.
“Ahhhh, can I help you?” Cliff asks.
Another one appears all in black too, her face a pale sickly white, a knife in her hand.
And to think your day couldn’t get any worse because oh boy, it does.
One moment you’re complaining to Cliff about your idiot brother with Brandy on your lap trying to cheer you up, the next thing you know you have a gun aimed at your face by the ‘horsey’ guy and Francesca only in her underwear being forced out into the living room by the redhead.
Thank fuck Cliff is both level headed and slightly crazy at the same time because one moment he’s laughing like a clown and the next Brandy is attacking the fuckers which gives you a bit of time to move out the way of the gun.
It’s when this so called Tex starts hitting Brandy do you snap out you little panicked trace (having a gun aimed at you does that to a person) do you leap over the sofa and begin punching him square in the face, your body holding him down so he can’t kick his way out of it, Brandy still mauling his arm like it was a tug rope.
By the time Cliff has thrown the can at the face of the pale woman, knocking her straight down and breaking her little white nose, you’re fully on top of Tex trying to knock him out.
Now, you were never the best puncher, when you were fourteen you punched a bully who was teasing you about your weight only to breaking your thumb in the process, by my gosh is the adrenaline kicking in has you trying to knock out Tex.
The frightened screams of Francesca in the background spurs you on, the fear of the nice (and very attractive) woman getting hurt making you see red.
Maybe you’ll unpack your childlike crush on the starlet along with the ongoing feud with your brother later on when you’re not trying to wrestle a grown man (said grown man who’s now getting his balls bit by Brandy.)
(Brandy will defiantly get all the treats and cuddles later on.)
“CLIFF! DO SOMETHING YOU DUMB BITCH!” you scream as Tex punches at you, some hits missing but most slamming right into your soft sides.
Doing something Cliff clicks his fingers and Brandy is off mauling Samara. At the same time Tex pushes you off him and charges at Cliff like an angry bull, one eye already going black from you repeated punches.
It’s all a fucking shambles all culminating in you climbing through a smashed window to see your dear brother Rick using his fucking flamethrower to burn the pale bitch like he was finishing crème brulee with a blow torch.
How fun.
“Rick! Be careful!” you try to scream but it only comes out as a pain filled gabble, “Rick.”
Your last call of ‘Rick’ sounds more like a sob than a word, your soft body in so much pain. Your face is stained with splatters of blood and trails of big fat tears which when Rick sees he scrambles to take off his flamethrower (safely of course) to run over to you and engulf you in the biggest of hugs.
Your cries of your brother’s name as you break down and cling onto him cause the older man to start crying ugly tears, ones that are louder that your own sobs.
“I’m sorry Rick.” you sniffle out.
“I’m sorry too-“ he lays a kiss on your hair and starts rocking you side to side in the tight hug like he used to do when you were little and had a nightmare, “I’ve been ignoring you and I didn’t tell you about Francesca.”
“I’m sorry too for ignoring you as well.”
“I’m sorry for being so mean-“
For the next ten mites the two of you prattle off many apologises, too many really, so much so that when the red and blue flashing lights of emergency services clouds your blurry vision and paramedics try to pry you away from Rick you’re both still apologising.
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seal-writes-stuff · 2 years
SFW Alphabet – Rick Dalton
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: mental health struggles, alcohol abuse, mentions of the “OUATIH” ending (if you know, you know)
Summary: All in the title
A/N: Hi everyone! Couldn't post anything last week since I was away from my computer, so I’m uploading two fics this week to make up for that! Hope you enjoy.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Rick isn’t overly affectionate in public. He’s used to paparazzi following his every move, so he wants to shield you from that. In private, however, it’s a different story – Rick never misses an opportunity to shower you in some soft affection (more on that later).
He’s also big on words of affirmation. Rick is ready to ramble to anyone who’s willing to listen about how lucky he is to have you as a partner, how talented you are, how beautiful and so on and so forth. He doesn’t let you doubt his love for even a second.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship starts when Rick meets you on set. You’re kind to him, in spite of his disheveled state. You’re sweet and genuine, and that’s not something you can easily find in Hollywood. He’s a loyal friend, ready to fight for you and support you in all of your endeavors.
The two of you also go through a horrifically drawn-out period of hopeless pining. You think he’d never notice you among the sea of people he encounters and Rick thinks someone as amazing as you must have plenty of options besides him. The whole thing almost drives Cliff insane before the two of you finally get together.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Although he’s not very vocal about that fact, Rick absolutely loves cuddles. He’s pretty touch starved, so cuddling feels very sweet and intimate to him. Rick's also a little spoon through and through: when you hold him in your arms, his head on your chest as you scratch his scalp gently... Absolute heaven, the man's gone. Don’t tell anyone though.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Let’s face it, he’s not the best when it comes to cooking or cleaning. Not that he’s completely incompetent, he’s just been hiring people to do it for so long that his own skills aren’t all that great.
As for settling down… When you start dating, coming back to his big, empty house starts to feel pretty lonely for Rick. Of course, he doesn’t tell you that, but he invites you to move in pretty soon. He’s pretty defensive about his space, but he gladly lets you in.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d do it in person, no matter how much it hurts him. The only reason Rick would break up with you is because he believes you deserve better than him, even if it couldn't be further from the truth. In the end, he would spiral: hating himself, blaming himself for ruining one of the few meaningful things in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Rick is the “love at the first sight” type of guy. As in, the man's fully convinced he's going to marry you a week or so into knowing each other. Of course, he wouldn’t propose that soon – not only because he doesn’t want to scare you off, but also because he doesn’t want to drag you into the media spotlight. However, it doesn't matter to you. If it means you can be with Rick for the rest of your life, it's all worth it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s extremely gentle with you, to the point that it actually takes some convincing to stop him from treating you like a porcelain doll. Rick knows that Hollywood can be a harsh place, so he wants you to feel safe and relaxed with him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Just like with cuddles, hugs are a way to express his love for Rick. He doesn’t hug you in public all that much (aside from occasional half-hug with his hand over your shoulder), but at home it’s a total snugglefest. Rick loves how your bodies connect together perfectly, warm and safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A few months into your relationship. It's casual too: Rick just drops a quick "love you, bye" before heading off to work as you stand there, shocked and overjoyed. He does have a freak-out session about it later though – it’s a good thing that Cliff is there to calm him down. It’s also a good thing that you return Rick’s confession as soon as he come home, pulling your boyfriend in a tight hug.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rick’s not controlling at all, but he does get jealous from time to time. It stems from his insecurities for the most part: there are moments when he can’t see himself as anything but a has-been with loads and loads of issues. Surely you could’ve find someone better, so why wouldn’t you? He tries to keep it all to himself because he doesn’t want to worry you, but whenever someone tries to flirt with you Rick’s in a fight mode, sometimes literally. He also apologizes profusely afterwards, even though his jealousy is never directed at you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rick's kisses are passionate and full of devotion. It's his way of showing you his feelings when he struggles to put them into words. His loves to kiss you on the lips and he also likes to pepper your face in quick smooches. The look of you, flustered and giggling, is pure happiness for him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rick doesn't really understand kids, so he acts like they’re little adults. He has the good sense to shield them from the harsher parts of life, but he generally treats them as equals. Which, for you, is insanely cute, but he'd never believe you if you told him that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rick isn’t a morning person, so you’re usually met with sleepy grumbling as he begs you to stay in bed “just for five more minutes”. When the both of you have time early in the morning he loves to cuddle, basking in your warmth.
By the way, making him breakfast is a sure way of turning Rick into a flustered mess. For him, nothing is more domestic and sweet.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At night, Rick usually makes cocktails, rehearses the script for the next day or both. Of course, he doesn’t force you to stay up if you don’t want to. Still, his heart warms up when you hang around, even if the two of you just quietly exist together.
Rick also loves to practice his lines with you, even if he has the recording just for that. For him, it feels more personal, like you become a part of his work even when you’re not around.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s actually a weird situation. On one hand, he wants you to know everything about him. At the beginning of your relationship, Rick would tell every Hollywood anecdote he could remember, throwing some not-so-discreet glances your way every now and then. He desperately hoped he’d be able to impress you, totally oblivious to the fact that you were impressed already.
On the other, he tries to hide all the "ugly" parts of himself because he fears you’ll love him less because of them. Of course, you’re always here to listen to him, no matter how much or little he reveals. You accept all of him and never get tired of reminding Rick of it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rick's emotions are usually pretty strong, but he tends to keep it together unless it comes to hippie altercations. He’s especially patient when it comes to you though. As it’s been said, he’d hate himself if he hurt you, even by accident.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rick does his best. As in, he keeps a pocket journal so he can jot down little things about you – the place where you grew up, favorite dishes, what makes you smile… Although with the way he does it, everything soon turns into a mess of scribbles, so he has to spend a lot of time deciphering it like it’s some kind of an ancient text.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you casually dropped that you didn't even watch "Bounty Law" before the two of you met. You’ve said it and forgot about it immediately, but he didn’t. For Rick, it was a sign that you fell in love with him for him, not for his past or current fame. He may have also shed a tear, but he’s not telling you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rick’s already been protective before, but this gets on a whole new level after what happened that night. He insists on picking you up from work every time, his hand is wrapped around your waist whenever he can get away with it, he gets nervous when you don’t tell him where you’re going, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store… Rick believes that he failed to protect you, so the thought of something, anything happening to you terrifies him. It takes a lot of time, effort and mutual trust to work through these issues.
Rick also doesn’t want you protecting him because he really wants to be that fearless badass he portrays on screen. You look out for him in other ways though, by helping him battle his demons, cheering him on and accepting him as he is, with all his flaws. Rick really can’t believe how lucky he is to have you sometimes.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rick goes all out. When it comes to you, he throws all the money he has left and right - he wants you to feel like royalty. You enjoy little things, but he still insists on treating you, at least from time to time.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely drinking. It's Rick's primary form of relaxing, medicating and forgetting about the troubles of the day, which worries you immensely. Rick can get quite stubborn and argue a lot when you confront him, even though deep down he understands that you do it out of love.
Rick’s emotions are also pretty intense most of the time, which isn’t bad by itself. Besides, being in the public eye for so long, he’s learned to control them pretty well. The awful consequence of it though is that he turns all of his unexpressed anger and frustration on himself. The way Rick talks about himself makes you feel terrible, especially the things he says when he thinks you can’t hear him. You always make sure to give him some extra love afterwards.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Weirdly enough, being a Hollywood actor and all, not that much. Rick has heard how handsome he is from his co-stars, interviewers and fans before, but all of that has no weight in his mind. That’s what they’re supposed to say, right? Just part of the business.
Rick believes you when you compliment him, though. That soft look in your eyes, the way you say it… It's all the validation he needs.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Rick has plenty of doubts about his career, about his life, about who he is as a person – but not with you. You really ground him in reality, make him feel safe and comfortable. He thinks that if you’re by his side, he must be doing something right.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Deep down, Rick is a real nerd when it comes to movies. When he doesn’t star in them, he stops seeing films as opportunities, gained or lost, or a competition and starts seeing them as art. He can talk about it for hours if you let him – and of course you do, playing with his hair as he goes on and on. That passion alone makes you fall for Rick even harder, if that’s even possible.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Well, he isn’t exactly fond of “dirty fuckin’ hippies” – and you’ll have a plenty, plenty of opportunities to hear about it. He also wouldn’t date anyone who would only like him for his fame or someone who would hate his entire personality. Yeah, the last point sounds obvious, but a couple of extremely awkward dinners with Cliff and his then-wife were enough to convince Rick that it’s really not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)          
He’s a heavy sleeper. When he’s out of it, you can all but jump on the bed – he’s not going to wake up unless there’s an earthquake happening.
Or at least that’s how it used to be until the Manson Family.
Rick hates to talk about it, but you know that the whole thing messed with his mind pretty badly. That’s also when he starts talking in his sleep – mostly in quick, panicked mumbles that you can’t quite make out. You’re currently trying to get him help; above all, you want him to be okay, always.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,023
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @isabelladjanis (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
*I plan in writing more with Rick soon enough, because this man needs more love. (Plus I love Leonardo DiCaprio) I might write a short story about this imagine, but for now enjoy this snippet.
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year
For everyone who does not know; I will sometimes be cross-posting on my Wattpad RandomGurl2326 .
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oncasette · 2 years
✷ here’s a list of characters i currently write for + some common themes / tropes i tend to enjoy !
✷ favs, requests open, requests closed, *sfw only
in terms of requests! my ask box is always open but i reserve to write or not write anything that comes in. i keep everything in the bin in case one day it sparks something!
✷ links lead to fan castings!
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BALDUR’S GATE III. astarion ancunin, gale dekarios, karlach, shadowheart
DC. barry allen, rick flag, dick grayson, harley quinn, jaime reyes, tdk!bruce wayne
EIGHTIES. charlie dalton*, jason dean, kevin dolenz, johnny lawrence, blane mcdonough, ronald miller*
HARRY POTTER. regulus black, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, theseus scamander
TED LASSO. roy kent, ted lasso, jamie tartt
MARVEL. druig, eddie brock, frank castle, scott lang, matt murdock, mcu!peter parker, tasm!peter parker, peter quill, helmut zemo
MILES TELLER. willard hewitt, andrew neiman
OBX. rafe cameron, jj maybank, topper thornton
PEDRO PASCAL. jack daniels, frankie morales, javier peña, marcus pike
SCREAM. ethan landry, stu macher, charlie walker
STRANGER THINGS. steve harrington, jim hopper, eddie munson
TOP GUN. bradley bradshaw, nick bradshaw, tom kazansky, jake seresin, beau simpson
MISC. art donaldson, carlisle cullen, walt finnegan, logan huntzberger, benny miller, eric northman, kai parker, harvey specter, stiles stilinski, phil wenneck, charlie young, patrick zweig
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TROPES I’M PARTIAL TO... mutual pining, fake dating, lovers to enemies to lovers, (childhood) best friends to lovers, summer love, vampire!au, domesticity, age gap, guy falls first, hurt/comfort, second chance romance, roommates to lovers, old money!au, dad’s best friend, best friend’s brother
TROPES I WON’T WRITE… non-con, rpf, pedophilia, age play/regression, pet play, anal play, water sports, scat, sister!reader (ex. eddie munson x henderson!reader)
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fangirl-imagines · 3 years
Dating Rick Dalton Would Include...
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A/N: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood needs more love!
Cliff third wheeling almost all of your dates together. 
You can’t really mind very much though seeing as Cliff is so good to Rick and is never anything but nice to you. 
Cliff actually really likes you; he's just a quiet guy. Whenever you and Rick get into a fight he is always the one trying to play referee and get the two of you back together. 
Rick can’t handle when the two of you fight. He will go off the deep end, getting dangerously drunk and crying to Cliff about how he fucked things up (even if the fight was your fault). 
When the two of you do fight is usually about his excessive drinking and these fights can range from small tiffs to huge fights where you end up storming off. 
He drinks and he smokes but he won’t try to pressure you to do either of those things if you tell him you don’t want to. 
Running lines with him for different parts every week. 
You’re his go to date for any parties or events in Hollywood. 
He loves walking in with you on his arm and showing you off. 
Plus it helps him with his anxiety to have you next to him. Because this man is CLINGY (more on that later). 
Anytime he is on TV for a cameo you and Cliff will come over to watch it with him and you have to cheer him on and tell him how he was the best part of the whole show. (Which to you he is of course). 
If you’re an actress or someone who works in Hollywood too he will be the same way about you. You could have literally the smallest part in any movie/TV show and he will not shut up about how talented his baby is and how GD beautiful you looked. 
If you are an actress he will absolutely run lines with you too and is always trying to give you advice. 
Pet names galore! He calls you baby, sweetheart, honey, darlin, etc. etc. almost more than he says your actual name. 
I don’t think you’d ever really have to worry about him being unfaithful to you. Yes, he’s gotten around Hollywood as a star as handsome as him does but he’s never been in love with someone the way he is with you. 
(Except maybe Cliff but that's a different story with different headcanons).
Rick is very clingy. He likes to be around you as much as possible and that turns out to be a lot. 
He tries to get you to stay the night at his place pretty much every night. Sometimes he’ll offer to stay at your place but then he always complains about the size or how uncomfortable your bed is or how he always forgets something so it's much easier to just stay at his house for the night. 
Don’t ask me why but I feel like Rick almost certainly has a bathroom filled with hygiene and beauty products that he uses religiously. 
He loves when you come visit him on set too. It makes him feel less anxious having you there with him and he likes to show off when you’re there too. 
Rick is definitely a product of his times though as far as masculinity goes and he isn’t exactly one to be lovey dovey in public or even gush about his feelings often. 
At least at first. 
After the two of you are together a while (a while for him being a month) he’s got no problem breaking down in front of you and finds that you always make him feel better when he gets himself worked up and can usually bring him back down (or at least keep him from hurting himself) when he gets manic. 
He always tries so hard to be charming with you and sometimes you just have to let him and pretend you can’t see through it because of his pride. 
You are now his hype man! You have to be ready to pump him whenever he’s feeling bad about himself.
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demonofthechili · 4 years
Being Friends With Rick Dalton & Cliff Booth: A HC Post:
You being an actress and meeting Rick on the set of Bounty Law when you're hired to play a recurring character.
Rick being the first to meet you, and chatting away with you while you get your makeup done.
Rick also introducing you to Cliff, his charming and cool stunt double who says he's a fan of yours.
Despite you initially spending more time with Rick due to strictly talking on set, Cliff is the one to invite you to post-shoot drinks.
You?? Running lines with Rick?? More than likely.
Honestly, Rick invites you to premiers more than he'd care to admit because either Cliff doesn't want to go, or there are directors/other actors he wants you to meet so you can get some connections.
CLIFF IS 100% DOWN TO FIX YOUR SHIT AND HELP AROUND YOUR PLACE. You need something painted? He'll happily volunteer. You need your car fixed? It's done. Honestly, he's your handyman and will get low-key salty if you get anyone else to help you out.
Rick offering you advice that other actors and directors have given him, and then trying to offer his own to varying degrees of success.
Sitting down and watching reruns of Bounty Law and other shows and movies both you and Rick have been in. You try to make it a recurring thing, though Rick is far too modest to really advocate for it.
You spotting for Cliff when he's bench pressing (honestly, he doesn't need you and you couldn't help anyway, but he likes to catch up with you so 🤷‍♂️).
You looking after Brandy when Cliff needs to head off somewhere cross-country with Rick. Brandy adores you, by the way.
I'm not saying that Rick is kinda awkward around you, but he's kinda awkward around you. It's like he is with Cliff, except a lot more... trying to present himself in a specific way.
When you go for nights out, the guys making sure you're the first to get home properly. If you're drinking at Rick's, they try to take you home, or Rick lets you take the bed.
You hyping Rick the fuck up for a role. He also does the same for you!! Y'all really support each other.
Oh hi, Cliff taking you on his motorbike and maybe even taking you to motorcross because he's a bike nerd?? Absolutely.
Basically: You're all sweet and it's just delightful.
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I approve all fan fictions for once upon a time in Hollywood. ♡♡♡
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obscure-imagines · 5 years
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“well i’ll be damned.” Cliff laughed, rubbing at his stubble covered jaw as he watched you walk by, head buried in your lines as you mouthed them to yourself over and over, “did you know she’d be here?”
“of course i didn’t know she’d be here, fuck!” Rick screamed.
“is this a bad thing?” Cliff asked.
“she’s already made me forget my lines, nothin but a distraction i swear to fucking god-”
“well if you’re not going to go talk to her-”
Cliff grabbed his door handle to get out of the car but Rick grabbed his arm, “don’t you think about it.” Rick warned.
Cliff laughed, “or what?”
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imagine-richards · 5 years
Hello, I was wondering if you would be up to writing an imagine where cliff, and rick are in a poly relationship with the reader? ( fem reader please ) if you are not comfortable it’s ok
A/N- okay wow I absolutely LOVED writing this!! I’d totally love to make it a series or something, so please send me any more specific scenarios you’d like me to write these three in! Thank you for the request + support, angel!!
Home (Rick x Cliff x reader - poly)
You saw the car pull up, your boyfriend sat in the drivers seat with sunglasses resting on his nose, tapping against the steering wheel to whatever was playing on the radio. Hitching your bag up further on your shoulder, you practically ran over to the car, hopping into the passenger seat and leaning over to press a kiss on Cliff’s lips.
“Hey.” You said simply, after Cliff eventually let go of your lips with his.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
Apparently not satisfied, he grabbed your cheeks gently and pulled you closer, a final kiss placed on your lips before he started up the car again.
“How was your day?” Cliff asked, reaching to turn the music down a little so he could hear the voice he had spent all day without.
“Tiring,” you replied, throwing your head back into the seat as Cliff reached over to rest his hand on your thigh, an act he often did while he was driving. Whenever you were sat in the passenger seat, at least, “you know what Mandy and Stephen are like.”
You were currently working on Rick’s, and in turn Cliff’s, latest movie, as a makeup artist. Today was a scene between the love interest and the villain, who were both absolute nightmares to work with. That scene also meant Rick, and in turn Cliff, wasn’t on set.
“I missed my boys today.” You stated, suddenly feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of being home and relaxing. You were hoping to get Rick and Cliff in the pool later, because it was an especially warm day and you were desperate for a bit of fun after a day of dealing with divas.
“We missed you too, darlin’. Rick was going to come with me to pick you up, but Sharon dropped by, talkin’ about some party or something…“
You nodded, pulling your sunglasses from atop your head to your face and settling into the car seat as the wind blew through the window into your hair.
“Out here.” Rick’s voice rang out from the back yard and you followed it, the anticipation of seeing your boyfriend causing the abandonment of your makeup bag by the front door.
Sure enough, Rick was in the back yard, messing around with the barbecue. His frustrated face, you assumed was caused by the less-than-working contraption, lit up at the sight of you, opening his arms for you to fit into perfectly.
“Hey, baby.” He said softly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Hey, you. How was your day off? Nice and relaxing?” You teased, winking, knowing that Rick wouldn’t ask how your day was, as he was so used to working with his co-stars that he knew exactly how awful it would have been.
“Hush your mouth with all your teasin’, I’ve been preparing a lovely meal for when you get home.” He said, a faux defensive tone accompanying the nose boop his finger did.
You twisted round to look at the stone cold barbecue, giggling softly before Rick shut you up with a kiss to the lips. Your arms snaked around his waist, melting into the kiss for a while before an all-familiar laugh brought you out of the moment.
“God damn, Rick, how can you not work a damn barbecue?” Cliff said, folding his arms as he watched you two untangle yourselves.
“It’s fuckin’ broken, that’s why!” An accusing finger stuck out at the barbecue and you and Cliff laughed once more.
Cliff walked over, wrapping strong arms around the pair of you. Sandwiched between your two favourite boys, you finally relax, knowing that this was exactly where you were meant to be and today was absolutely worth it. After all, if you didn’t work at this film, you wouldn’t be working with Rick and Cliff, sneaking glimpses and quickies in trailers and forbidden touches every time at least two of you were on a break.
Two happy sighs sandwiched you into the bubble that had been created, only broken by the sound of your stomach complaining about the distinct lack of food today, then your own voice after a while.
“Can at least one of you work the damn thing? I’m starving.” You kissed Rick in some form of persuasion, to which Cliff responded with a needy, childish groan, clearly trying to grasp at your attention as his fingers gently lifted your chin, until your head was leant backwards enough for Cliff to kiss you as well.
The sun was beating down on your skin as you laid down onto the grass, blatantly ignoring the sun beds set up on your garden (which Rick was laid on) a mere 5 feet away. You much preferred the feel of the grass tickling your back, although you were starting to feel lonely. Sunglasses pushed further down your nose so you could see over the top of them, you sat up slightly, leaning on your elbows with enough weight to leave an imprint of grass on them.
“Baby…” you whined, pulling Cliff’s attention away from cleaning the barbecue and over to you. All it took was a simple ‘come hither’ motion for him to abandon the brush and lay next to you, letting you use his arm as some form of a pillow.
You hummed happily, nuzzling into his chest with a perfect fit, pressing random kisses on his brightly coloured shirt.
It took about 5 seconds of this, with Cliff’s chuckles, to get Rick over there, laying on the other side of you and resuming the exact same position as he was in before, headphones in as he mumbled whatever lines he was learning. You and Cliff shared a knowing look, before the pair of you quietly laughed to each other. Rick always wanted to be involved in any cuddling, even if his mind was all the way in the Wild West.
The three of you stayed like that until the sun went down, Cliff’s fingers running absentmindedly through your hair, Rick learning his lines and you just enjoying the moment. It was absolute bliss, and everything you loved most about your life.
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exceptionimagines · 2 years
Dating Cliff and Rick would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I feel like I said their names way too much in this but literally …what else am I gonna call them? They’re both old and somewhat blond, what else do I call them??)
- “More than a brother, less than a wife” my ass. Maybe they weren’t rawdogging it in the back of Cliff’s trailer every weekend, but emotionally? They were married with seven kids. Dating one of them means being the third wheel in your own relationship and if you’re choosing that over being with both of them than I’m sorry but you’re kind of a fucking idiot. 
- Unlike other pairings, Cliff and Rick are already so intimate with each other that becoming a throuple can genuinely begin seamlessly without any of the preceding conflict or hesitation that typically occurs. Usually, a poly relationship starts off with just two people dating before another joins in but I think that the three of you could very easily skip that step and date each other immediately. 
- The only thing that’s really difficult about being in a relationship with the two of them is the fact that they’re both semi-public figures who can’t afford to have a scandal on their hands: i.e. being seen canoodling with what appears to be their best friends girl. You have to decide very carefully who gets to be your “outside” boyfriend and from then on, regulate your affection accordingly. 
- Your personality plays a big role in this decision: if you want to be in the limelight and experience fame secondhand then Ricks going to be your man, if you prefer a much more quiet lifestyle than you’ll let people think that you’re Cliff’s girlfriend, etc, etc. 
- Because of this, hugs are a girls best friend. Not only do both the boys love giving/receiving them but they’re also inconspicuous: no one questions why a person would give a close friend a hug nor can a member of the paparazzi snap a picture and spin a bunch of rumors out of a ‘who knows how long’ embrace. 
- Rick likes holding hands, it’s his go-to form of affection, and though Cliff also enjoys having your fingers intertwined, he’s definitely more of an ‘arm wrapped around you’ kind of guy. If you want to hold the stuntman's hand then you’ll typically have to be the one to initiate it. 
- Pecks on the lips. They love when you surprise them with one/give them one yourself. 
- Both of them are suckers for a good, slow kiss. It’s why you can’t kiss them in public: too scandalous, too sexy....
- Sitting in Ricks lap or laying against Cliff’s chest when the three of you sit together. 
- Rick is a laying in the crook of your neck kind of guy while Cliff is either the big spoon or the “bed itself”: wrapping his arms around you while you lay almost completely on top of him. When you’re all sleeping together, Cliff kind of takes the backburner and lets Rick have you; though he always smiles when you blatantly make an effort to touch in some way too. 
- Both of them use the pet name “honey” but other than that, they typically refer to you in wildly different ways. Rick enjoys babying you and calling you things like buttercup, sugarplum, and things that end in “puss”, while Cliff keeps things simple and sticks to “sunshine” and things like that. 
- Cliff fixes things around the house and does acts of service to show his love; along with spending almost all of his time with you. He’s a man of few words while Rick is a man of many, telling you that he loves you constantly while clinging to you like a baby. Rick’s time tends to be limited but he makes up for it when he is home and that’s all that matters.
- Watching all of their television and movie appearances. If you’re an actress, they do the same for you, and even if you aren’t, Rick has probably gotten you a small part in at least one of his shows. He’s a proud puppy whenever you appear on screen, patting your knee excitedly while they both say things like “look at you!!”.
- Helping Rick rehearse for his lines and letting Cliff show off for you; as well as play fighting with him and letting him teach you how to do safe little stunts.
- Cliff knows you can take a tumble while Rick thinks you'll break if he so much as bumps shoulders with you. It’s the reason Cliff is arguably more fun to be around; at least when you’re in the mood to just be fucking tossed.
- You and Rick wearing Cliff’s glasses. You can’t help it …they’re cool  :(.
- Cliff driving the two of you around. He honestly scares the shit out of you with the way he so expertly swerves in and out of highway lanes whenever you’re in his car. Scared yet aroused....
- Going out to dinner together.
- Hanging out in Rick’s pool.
- Rick is a typical glitz and glamor kind of person when he’s picking out gifts for you while Cliff aims to get you more personal, occasionally odd but very “you”, sorts of presents.
- Making sure Rick tones it down with the drinking and keeping Cliff out of trouble.
- Cliff could cut his finger off and not even flinch while Rick will get a minor head cold or a papercut and act like it’s the end of the world. He’s an absolute drama queen and will force either you and/or Cliff to be his nurse.
- Sometimes, you take care of Rick so much that you feel a little guilty for “neglecting” Cliff; even though he assures you that it’s alright and that he doesn’t feel like you are. You’ll proceed to healthily love bomb him and give him your full attention for a while, and though he’ll continue to reassure you that you “don’t gotta worry bout [him]”, he can’t deny that it’s the most comfort he’s felt in years.
- Cliff is a little embarrassed for you to see where he lives; especially since you spend so much time around Rick’s place, but you always assure him that you don't mind and you prove that you don’t by wanting to be there and visiting him whenever you can. He doesn’t want to get married ever again but boy do you make it tempting when you’re standing in his tiny kitchen, making him dinner with a smile on your face.
- Brandy is with you 24/7. She’s adopted you and she’s very protective of her new human; just like Cliff taught her to be. She’s still a “daddy’s girl” but you’re a very close second and you should feel very honored.
- Cliff can always tell when somethings the matter while Rick tends to be a bit more oblivious; which kind of sucks because Rick is definitely the one you’d probably prefer talking to whenever you’re upset.
- It’s not that Cliff is bad at consoling you, it’s just that he’s less …emotionally available. Rick is much more comfortable having a deep and emotional conversation while Cliff is more of a “bury your emotions” kind of guy; even if he’s happy to lend an ear and shoulder to cry on whenever you need it.
- You and Cliff hyping Rick up and giving him motivational speeches.
- Helping to soothe and calm Rick down whenever he has a crisis. It’s a little more socially acceptable for him to hug a woman in front of the Mexicans....
- There’s zero jealousy between the two of them and since you’re in a poly relationship, they typically feel as though there’s no reason for them to be jealous of anyone else either; your relationship is a little hard to threaten as an outsider. But, on occasion, someone will rub them the wrong way and either one or both of them will come over and make it obvious that you’re “off limits”. 
- If somethings the matter, Cliff handles it. Rick is protective too but it’s almost always Cliff who does the heavy lifting and who’s ready to pick a fight the minute he see’s that you’re upset. Rick is more of a worrier than an doer. 
- Arguments tend not to happen in your relationship. The three of you have an “us against the world” mentality so if you’re upset at someone, it’s usually at an outsider. 
- But, for the few times you do fight, it’s usually you and Rick arguing; mainly because Cliff is a terrible person to argue with. Almost all fights are calm and collected: you bicker and then you come to a resolution or give each other space until it doesn't matter any more. 
- Both of you tend to apologize, even if it was just one person who was technically in the wrong and then you spend the rest of the day being all lovey dovey with each other. 
- As I said before: Rick tells you that he loves you constantly while Cliff is a man of few words. The stuntman prefers to show his love rather than say it and you’ve come to understand what certain actions of his “really mean”. 
- Cliff isn’t keen on getting married for a second time while Rick would be over the moon to have a wife; which honestly just makes things easier. Both of them lowkey want a family so be prepared for that conversation after you’ve been together for a while....
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soft-for-them · 2 years
Questions yet unanswered - Cliff Booth x plus size reader
Summary: You were just having a drink when Cliff Booth walked into the bar and against all better judgement you take him home.
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated and help more people read my works.
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A/N: This fic is very suggestive so minors DNI, if I see anyone under eighteens interact with this then you're getting blocked.
You would consider yourself a good person, not a cheater or the type of person who is mean for the sake of just being mean, a decent everyday person is what you’d call yourself. You have a good and nice paying job as a secretary/assistant to a fancy film director and you have a good set of friends who don’t bring you down like some of the stuck up pricks of Hollywood do.
All in all your life is good.
So finding yourself nuzzled up close to famed movie stuntman (and extremely good looking for the amount of knocks to the head he’s probably gotten in his career) Cliff Booth, you start to wonder if taking him home is the right thing to do.
Earlier on you were just drinking alone watching an old man crone out blues songs, the sweat of the small bar’s heat glistening on your skin making your thin cotton blouse stick to the swell of your round breasts and the curves of your stomach and hips.
You must have been a funny sight in such small bar, the run down place on the seedy side of Hollywood where washed out extras and all manner of leaches go to wallow in the sweet sound of stars of old Hollywood, now aged and washed out, singing their emotions away.
You just like the bar because it’s near your small flat, that and the music isn’t half bad, that and there are less out of town wannabe’s trying to chat you up with some bullshit about being the ‘next big thing’ only to be sorely disappointed when you reject them.
The night, warm and smelling like cheap booze, was going slowly as you tried to drown out your headache with whiskey but nothing was seeming to work. The bass player’s long strums on his guitar made your body vibrate, you zoned out and quiet.
Then he came in all tanned and smiling, with a glow around him so angelic that you almost didn’t recognise him for just a fraction of a moment.
You weren’t stupid – nor are you now that you find yourself unlocking your front door with him gripping on your soft hips – you know the face of Cliff Booth, you’ve see his stunts with your very own eyes, you’ve seen him beat up famous snobs who thought they were stronger than him but you’ve also heard the stories about what happened to his wife – his dead wife.
You friends are obsessed over his friend’s films, whenever Rick Dalton is on the TV, on the big screen or on some over produced advert, they swoon and scream but you’ve seen what happens behind the scenes.
Maybe that’s why you’ve always had a soft spot for Cliff Booth.
You’re not so much into Dalton’s work, not that you don’t find him talented, just it’s easier to get closer to a stunt man hanging around a movie set for hours on end when you too are hanging around the same movie set for hours on end rather than watching actors act and your boss direct a film.
The first time you met Cliff you didn’t feel under him nor did you feel unseen, you were both on the same level, neither one of you super famous or rich, the two of you just doing your job.
Maybe that’s why you've taken him home from the bar.
When his sunglasses covered eyes caught you in the musty cigar smoke you knew it was game over.
And what a sight you must have been sitting on that bar stool still in your work uniform, body leaning back, blouse bow undone allowing the peak of your breasts to just show, your glossy strapped heels hooked on the bar stool as you gaze outwards watching to the people mull around the bar.
He came straight over to you, recognition appearing on his attractive face. He bought you a drink, you picked a cola instead of a refill because you knew then and there that you wanted to be sober when you took him home.
So now you both fall into your hallway with quite giggles, you umbrella stand knocked over, his arms holding you tightly so you don’t crumple on the floor as you try to take off your heels whilst still kissing him.
“Havin’ trouble there?” you feel him kissing down you neck, little playful nips teasing you as you unbuckle the ankle straps of your shoes.
His voice is muffled and deep, his soft lips kissing every inch of your exposed flesh as your height drops down, your heels that hitting the floor.
He could fuck you next to your coat rack for all your care you.
If he takes his lips away from your neck or his hands off your waist then you might actually think about the repercussions of sleeping with someone like him.
Is sleeping with a man who you work with a good idea?
Your mid is fuzzy from all the attention he’s giving you so much so that his question goes unanswered until a little nip that will definitely leave a mark shocks you into speaking.
“First door on the left.” You exhale as you pull him onwards not bothering to answer his question, the need to have him getting bigger with each ghost of kiss teasing your bare skin.
“First door on the left?” he questions.
You both walk in tandem one hand reaching out for the door handle to the first door on the left, him now looking deep in your eyes as he holds on tight to you.
The circular door knob is as cold as ice as you twist it open, your eyes mesmerised by his big pools of blue. Your bare feet step over the boundary to the feeling of the worn out carpet of your small bedroom.
“If I’d know you wanted this earlier on-“ Cliff begins.
“-You would have fucked me on the movie set?” you interrupt as you drag him into your room illuminated by the moon shining through the small rectangular windows above your bed.
“I was thinking one of the trailers but if you’re into that-“
You interrupt him again with a quick kiss, a way to say ‘shut up’ without ruining the mood.
“No.” your lips may not be connected but they’re still dangerously close to his, one move and you’ll can capture his lips into a deep kiss that will stop the man for talking for the rest of the night, “I’d much prefer you in my bed.”
The door swings shut as the sounds of hushed giggles and deep kisses fill the small flat, the question of whether fucking Cliff Booth long gone from your mind.
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seal-writes-stuff · 3 years
Joaquin Phoenix characters:
Joe (“You Were Never Really Here”)
Fluff Alphabet (HCs)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
Abe Lucas (“Irrational Man”)
Captivating (HCs)
Charlie Sisters (“The Sisters Brothers”)
Doc Sportello (“Inherent Vice”)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
You Could Use a Keeper (Fic)
Dental and Mental (Fic)
home (Fic)
Freddie Quell (“The Master”)
Leonard Kraditor (“Two Lovers”)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
Johnny (“C'mon C'mon”)
tea prompts (HCs)
Florence Pugh characters:
Dani Ardor (“Midsommar”)
tea prompts (HCs)
Studying Headcanons (HCs)
Aftermath (Fic)
Boyfriend (Fic)
Celebrating Dani's birthday (HCs)
Spooky Season (Fic/Blurbs)
Valentine's (HCs)
Katherine Lester (“Lady Macbeth”)
My Muse (Fic)
Alice Chambers/Warren (“Don't Worry Darling”)
is (HCs)
Rachel Sennott characters:
Alice (Bodies, Bodies, Bodies)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
Danielle (Shiva Baby)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
Rick Dalton (“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood”)
SFW alphabet (HCs)
Connie Nikas (“Good Time”)
Puppy Eyes (Fic)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
Dating a wealthy S/O (HCs)
Parenting Headcanons (HCs)
Fluorescent Light (Fic)
Therapeutic (Fic)
Patching Up (Fic)
SFW Alphabet (HCs)
Bruce Robertson (“Filth”)
Dating Headcanons (HCs)
tea prompts (HCs)
Deep Down (Fic)
Eli Sunday (“There Will Be Blood”)
Damnation (Fic) // Salvation (Fic)
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Dating Cliff Booth Would Include:
Just some cute little headcannons!
⚠️ Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, drug use, sexy Dilf Brad Pitt? ⚠️
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The way you met was strange; you were at a gas station somewhere in the western parts of Hollywood when you saw a yellow 1966 Cadillac Coupe de Ville pull up out front. Sporting a Hawaiian shirt brighter than the sun and a cigarette dangling from his teeth, the man walked in and announced that he needed heavy duty cleaner because there was blood on the hood of his car. From whom, you didn't know but with the way he flashed his teeth at you and slicked back his hair, you knew that you were in more trouble than whomever Cliff Booth decided to beat up that day.
He had promised himself that he would never get married again after the incident, but you were too goddamn charming and the way your shorts rode up your thighs.......
His bright smile and even brighter persona is what drew you in; a nice contrast against your usual pessimistic attitude and overall sense that the universe was out to stab you in the back.
And your pessimism is what drew him in, you were always real with him and watching a smile light up your face after a joke he made was like heroin to him. And he also found it funny how you managed to trip over nothing when you were lost in your rants about how the seats in his car were too warm or how the sky hurt your eyes.
Long car rides where you share the aux cord- him usually going for something along the lines of Billy Idol and your response with the Sex Pistols.
In this instance, opposites really do attract.
But you loved him good and that's what he had been searching for, unbeknownst to him. He didn't think he would ever date someone with a significant age difference, but the fact that you were fresh into your twenties didn't seem to bother him too much.
On the occasion where you two would play-fight, you would call him grandpa and that would shut up any other insults he could come up with.
Him having pet names for you, which you usually hated but allowed him to continue.
Some examples of these would be: Darling, Babe, Princess, but his all time favorite would be little shrimp because he knew it pissed you off.
And your pet names for him were usually: Love, Babe, Love of my Life, Asshole, and Cowboy. Cowboy was because of his southern accent.....probably.
Becoming best friends with Rick Dalton because of your close proximity to Cliff all the time.
Spending time with Rick watching his movies while Cliff busies himself with making margaritas in the kitchen.
To which you drink with haste, whereas the other boys take it a bit slower because chances are that they're drunk already.
Laying down on Cliff while you talk to Rick about filming. Rick rolling a joint and offering one to you and Cliff.
Your favorite thing about Cliff though, was his dog.
Brandy instantly loved you and you didn't have to rub peanut butter all over your face for this to be true, unlike your husband.
Getting married with just the two of you and Rick; a bright sunny day in the middle of absolutely nowhere, your only other guests being tumbleweeds and sand.
Having antique rings that the both of you thrifted.
Cliff says it's because, "We're keepin' love alive."
Rick allowing the two of you to spend the night at his place since the camper is usually a mess and is a bit too small for the two of you.
You usually are able to make room when he-
And he-
And on the table where he-
And sometimes even outside when you-
And then in the back of Rick's car sometimes-
Y'all are horny, that's the point.
Wearing Cliff's shirts!!!!!!???
"Hey, that's my favorite yellow one!"
"it's my favorite too, now help me match it with one of your glasses."
He obliges.
Rolling up to pick up Rick but making him sit in the back because he's the third wheel now.
Sometimes he likes to throw a fit about how "movie stars ride in the front, pimps in the back," to which he receives a nice finger from you and an insult about his haircut. It's okay though because you can pet Cliff's hair from the backseat as he drives.
Grabbing snacks for the road!!! You usually grab a coffee and a bag of Twizzlers while Cliff opts for a protein bar and a lemonade.
Kissing Cliff in public all the time.
Like- all the time.
Cuddling while watching movies and sitting in his lap while you fuss over his hair and making out with him while he pumps gas.
The possibilities are endless.
Chilling with Rick in his pool while listening to his tapes for auditions and giving him advice where you see fit.
Also stealing Rick's sunglasses.
"Where the f-f-fuck are m-my sunglasses?! Cliff??"
"My lady's wearin' em."
"W-well tell her to take em off!"
"Little Shrimp, can you give Rick his glasses back?"
"There's your answer."
Wearing skimpy outfits just because you know you're fucking with your husband.
And him taking his shirts off whenever he decides to work on a project and watching you get all hot and flustered.
Going to restaurants and choosing the wackiest things off the menu, trying to one up each other with your weirdness.
Usually sharing bits and pieces of your meals with each other.
Listening to him talk for hours about his favorite movies and musicians.
And him listening to you talk about yours.
All in all, y'all love each other.
My heart hurts.
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The Confession: Cliff Booth x Fem!Reader
Requested by @lababy2727
TW: abusive ex
@tealaquinn @frozenhuntress67 @juxt4p0siti0n @kwyloz
@what-the--curtains @taikawho
*Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist! :)))
******************** "Well, shit Cliff..." Rick chuckled, leaning against the car door as they drove down the highway after a long day on set. Cliff grunted, though, he couldn't hide a smirk. "You're a damn lucky man, partner."  He couldn't forget you. It was your first big role in a Hollywood film. You walked on set, absolutely star struck, though you kept your cool. You wore a bright yellow dress, and a kind smile. You were an actress working on a movie with Rick, and Cliff. You and Rick had to kiss in one scene,  and of course you were both professional about it. "It's only acting," Rick laughed a little. It had only been a few days since filming began, but the three of you had hit it off. More specifically, you and Cliff hit it off... And Rick was having a lot of fun pointing out every single chance he got.
Cliff rolled his eyes behind his shades, as he pulled into the driveway. The two made their way into Rick's place to watch Bounty Law, and drink a couple of beers.
"How'd you know?" "Kn-know? Know what?" RIck smirked, knowing damn well what he knew. Cliff grumbled, "Forget it." Rick chuckled, "Whenever Y/n gets you goin', you run off." "I don't run off." "Today sh-she made you laugh too m-much, and you t-told her you had to go b-back to your trailer." "So?" "Cliff, you don't h-have a trailer." "..." Rick went on, "Y/n's a smart kid. She sure as hell knows that." Cliff sighed, "Well shit...She don't know that." "N-no she knows." "Well shit." Cliff shrugged, pretending not to care...but he absolutely did. "Sh-she knows why you said t-that." Rick smirked, though Cliff shook his head, "Y/N's just sweet. That's all."
"Sure. That's all. That's why y-you mentioned her out of the b-blue, huh?" Rick laughed as he popped the cap off another beer. "She might just be worth mentioning," Cliff smirked a little as he opened a beer, and put his feet up. There was a knock on the door, and Rick got up. "Glad you feel that way." Cliff narrowed his eyes, knowing Rick never mentioned anyone else joining them. He opened the door, "Y/n!" Rick greeted you with a bear hug and led you into the livingroom. "Glad you could make it! I was just about to make some margaritas. Y-You want one?" You giggled, not because of your slightly-intoxicated friend, but because you caught a glimpse of Cliff scrambling ot his feet. "Sure thing, Rick." "Alright, you g-go on n' get y-yourself a seat, kid." He winked, noting your reaction at seeing Cliff. You bit your lip, and glanced down as you stammered a little, "C'mon, now Rick." He lit a cigarette with a laugh, "Margaritas' gon' ta-take a while, make yourselves comfortable."  He disappeared into the kitchen, and you called out, "Nothing's gonna-" You bumped into Cliff. "Y/n!" "Cliff!" You laughed nervously, but sincerely. You didn't expect him to be there, but you weren't complaining. It was a fun night, with  just the three of you... Well...Rick kept coming up with excuses to leave the room, and you didn't quite realize why. Looking back on it...it wasn't much of a mystery. So, a couple nights a week, you'd join Cliff and Rick to watch Bounty Law. Sometimes you'd hang out other days and watch other show. Maybe the Saint, or the Time Tunnel. Whatever was on. Margaritas, Bloody Mary's, beer and cigarettes  became a familair sight. Cliff became less standoffish. He stopped running off to his imaginary trailer. You made him laugh and smile like he hadn't done in as long as he could remember. Eventually, you started seeing each other (without Rick around...and he might have been the happiest person in the world when he heard that). Some nights you and Cliff met at Musso & Frank's. Some nights you went by the Santa Monica Pier. Some nights, even if you'd planned to go out on the town, you'd both just stay at your place, make dinner together, or hang around. Months passed, and you were with Cliff and Rick, watching another episode of Bounty Law, when you saw a trailer for your new movie. Clinking margaritas and bloody mary's you celebrated that night. Still, it meant your time working together was coming to an end. Rick sighed with a shrug, "That's Hollywood. Meet nice people, move around, a-and meet more nice p-people." You nodded, though you were just starting your career out, you quickly learned that. You mentioned in passing that you'd landed a part in another movie. You'd start filming in Hawaii in a few days. It'd be a while before you could find the time to watch Bounty Law with them...or do anything with Cliff. Rick asked, "B-but you'll be at th-the wrap up party, tomorrow night, won't you?" You sighed, thinking about it. You really wanted to go, having met so many wonderful people on set....specifically Cliff and Rick. But it was the night you were flying to Hawaii. Still... "Maybe for an hour or two. Don't get your hopes up, boys." You smiled, glancing at Cliff, as you stood by the door. "Bye, darlin'." Rick hugged you, just in case you couldn't go. "Bye, Rick." He chuckled, then glanced between you and Cliff, finding an excuse to leave you alone again. "Y/n..." "Yeah, Cliff?" You waited with a soft smile, and it made him blush...which was not an easy thing to do. Yet you did it so effortlessly. Before he could say anything, you both heard a loud crash somewhere in the house, followed by Rick cursing. Cliff sighed, knowing he'd have to fix whatever it was eventually. He laughed a little, resting his hand against your face, "Good luck out there, kid." You smirked, "I'll bring you back a Hawaiian shirt or two." He laughed again, and his glance lingered on you. "If you can't go tomorrow...I mean..." "Aw, Cliff..." You flung your arms around him, "I'm gonna miss you." He hugged you back, resting his chin on the top of your head, "I'm gon' miss you too..." You left, though you knew there was more on his mind. You also knew that with Cliff, you couldn't push him to say things when he wasn't ready to. He stood by the doorway, as you pulled out of the driveway and drove down the hill lined with houses. He jumped a little when he heard a voice behind him. "You love her." He shut the door, and turned to Rick, who had  a smug grin on his face. "She's young, Rick. Big up and coming star. She don't need me." "You're too old for this 'i-if you love her l-let her go' shit, man." "Forget it, man." Cliff shook his head, put his shades on, and his denim jacket, and grabbed his keys. Brandy was definitely hungry, after all. Rick muttered, "Goddamn it." having worked so hard to bring you and Cliff together, and it ended just like that... The next night, you drove down the highway. You sighed with a soft smile, seeing as you had an hour or two to spare. You pulled up to the big mansion, hearing blaring music, and seeing bright colorful lights from the street.  You left your luggage in the trunk. You'd only be around for an hour or two, then make your way to the airport. It wasn't long before you spotted Cliff, wearing a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. "Cliff!" He picked your voice out among the crowd, quickly turning around, with the widest grin you'd seen in your life, as he practically rushed toward you with open arms,  "Y/n!" You were only beginning to talk, swaying with the music together, loosely, making each other laugh. "Y/N." You both heard a loud, agressive, drunken voice stagger through the crowd. You muttered, "For fuck's sake." His name was Mike. He was your ex. And he was not happy. He pulled you away from Cliff, gripping you by your forearm. "What the fuck did I tell you about-" Cliff stepped in immediately between you and Mike, with a warning and low voice, "Hey man. Leave her alone." He barely looked at Cliff, "Stay out of this, pal," then looked back at you with glaring, fuming eyes. "We're through, Mike. We've been through for months. Get that through your fat fucking head." He scowled, and  lunged at you, but Cliff gragged him by his shirt, slamming him onto the concrete, as people gathered around. Some beginning to pull Cliff away, while others dragged Mike out of the property. As soon as he was out, everyone let Cliff go. He could have broken every bone in Mike's body, but he didn't want to scare you, he didn't want blood on his favorite shirt, and frankly... a drunken asshole of a  stuntman like Mike wasn't worth a night in jail. The crowd slowly dissipated, moving toward the bar, the pool, and the music. "Cliff..." He looked at you with a soft expression. You picked his shades up from the ground, though they were broken. You ran into his arms, and he said, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't think-" "No, no you-" He looked at you. Your eyes... He couldn't keep lying to you. So he said what he'd wanted to say from the moment he met you on set. Even if you went on to be a big star, if you moved on, if you forgot about him, he'd never forgive himself for not letting you know this one thing. "I love you." You looked up at him, knowing it was almost time for you to go. You hadn't even left yet, and you missed him already. "I love you, too." He smiled, "You know where to find me." "Friday night, at Rick's." It may take a few months till filming wrapped up, but you'd be there. "I'll bring some beer," you laughed, as he walked with you to your car. He ended up driving you to the airport himself, just for a half hour more with you. You kissed goodbye, and you remarked, "Save one of those margarita's for me?"
He winked with a grin, "You got it, baby."
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