#Rider Class
i-scream-for-fate · 3 months
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Rider class Andromeda for the Fate Grand Order event Valentine 2024 - Beyond the Chocolate River -
Illustrator: lack.
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melusineisthebestest · 3 months
So... I think I might like the Rider class
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elementbrigade · 1 year
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And last of the main servant class and pseudo servants is Himiko Toga with the divine spirit of Sun Wukong. Weren't expecting something like this huh? I think it turned out okay seeing how both Toga and Sun can both shapeshift into different people, not to mention's fate's version of Sun Wukong is a seeker of battle and Toga is a into blood, so why not combine the two together, no? Having the main servant class taken care off, now it's time to do the extra classes which are Ruler, Avenger, MoonCancer, Alter Ego, Pretender, and Foreigner classes.
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edswordsman · 9 months
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👙 Summoned a new Rider-class Servant during the “Chaldea Summer Adventure!” event: Caenis! 😍
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birdhouseblog23 · 11 months
For the past 5 days I've been replaying the Fate Grand order JP server and the Nostalgia is hitting me hard man. My first five star servant that I got from the free 5 star ticket was Cu Alter; because I couldn't get him in an a which still haunts me to this very day. I can finally get him for free and I leveled him up to 80 using the free level option so I feel a bit proud of myself if not happy.
The only downside from replaying my new JP account is the fact that I did not have a rider servant for at least 4 days and I was losing my mind. Now I did use one of the rainbow leafs to get kintoki Rider, but I want to save enough rainbow leaves so that I can get his copies and Ascension materials. But luckily all that changed when I used a few of my quartz on the Moriarty Banner that I was finally able to get Medusa Rider and Ushiwakamaru (plus D'eon came home so I don't need to spend quartz on Medusa Saber. Maybe next time I'll get her when I the accessible ascension items).
Btw: Fergus and Jing-Ke became my fast friends ☺
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Long story short I have been riderless for 4 days and I was about to lose my mind luckily Medusa and Ushi answered my calls before I descend into madness.
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ungoliantschilde · 4 months
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the New Fantastic Four, by Arthur Adams.
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westwindy1 · 3 months
'toothles is so dragon and HICCUp is so dragon... for understanding him" TOOTHLESS LITERALLYUSES HUMAN BODY LANGUAGE
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labaguetteisdabest · 7 months
i love being in giant fandoms and then you just search the depths of so many different platforms to find content of your tiny fandoms
it's like diving into the oceans to look for a droplet of freshwater you know it's never gonna happen you're aware you won't find it but you have to try anyways, right? in the occasion that you find that thing you starve for it's... worth a shot, right? i'm not delusional or anything?
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alievdf · 6 months
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Labyrinth.os Demo by:
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ieo-pio · 8 months
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Tf2 barn drama edition
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i-scream-for-fate · 10 months
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Rider class Suzuka Gozen (Summer) for the Servant Summer Festival 2023 in Fate Grand Order.
Illustrator: Takenoko Seijin.
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cicada-candy · 6 months
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*Glass breaking, Car alarms going off, General chaos*
I Am So Normal And Chill About This AU guys seriously ":D
banged the first one out in like an hour immediately after reading it and then right as i was gonna post-and-go-to-bed decided to make the other version ashajkgsdhfa
textless versions under the cut:
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gundamfight · 1 month
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Soooooo thinking about riders of berk and uh...... who's gonna tell Hiccup that Thor was in fact angry with toothless?
I mean i guess he felt bad after hitting hiccup in the head with lightning and chilled out but like ya know, he was peeved for a little bit there
Ok so i made this a jokey post originally but i actually want to add in the information
So the episode in question "When Lightning Strikes" the plot is that the gang makes large metal dragon perches, and shortly thereafter, Berk is hit by several lightning storms of noticeably increased intensity
Mildew tries to blame the dragons, but in the end they figure out that it was actually the metal that was causing the lightning storms, and while the vikings all think its just because Thor was angry at the metal, we know its because lightning is attracted to metal, which is what really caused the storms.......
From the NOAA
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From TORRO in the UK
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And one more for good measure
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So as you can see, while metal is a good conductor of electricity, lightning is NOT attracted to metal.
Lightning is no more likely to hit metal than it is any other material.
Metal does not cause lightning storms, nor will it increase their intensity.
Lightning tends to seek the quickest path to take to the ground, otherwise it wouldn't be hitting trees very often, and every large city would either be unlivable due to the mass amounts of intense lightning storms that occurred, or they would have to construct buildings out of alternative materials.
So the lightning storms on Berk cannot be explained by the presence of the metal structures, it just doesn't work like that.
Now the most likely option is that is was all just a big coincidence, and they made these structures right ahead of a particularly unsettled bit of weather marked by more extreme lightning that they were used to.
Sometimes that just happens, weather is predictable, but never guaranteed.
Now my argument for it genuinely being Thor pissed off at Toothless for whatever reason, is, from my basic understanding of storms and how they form, they should have been experiencing less storms than they had in the past.
And to be very clear METEOROLOGY IS NOT MY MAJOR.
These are THEORIES based on the class i have been taking, i may not be 100% spot on, in fact i could be 100% wrong.
This is just what i feel it would be based on my understanding of weather. If someone has a degree in this kinda stuff, id love to hear what they think, but like, letting y'all know ahead of time, i am not an authority on this.
Moving on
So in order for rain and storms to form they need something called condensation nuclei.
Condensation nuclei is what allows water vapor to take any kind of form. No condensation nuclei, no rain. This is the thought process through which could seeding takes place.
Put more stuff in the clouds for the drops to form on, and the rain will fall! There's really no evidence to support cloud seeding, but that's the idea of it nonetheless.
Now as to what condensation nuclei are.
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Book is Meteorology Today by Ahrens and Henson
Condensation nuclei are extremely small particles that float around in the air and give water vapor molecules something to land and condense on.
Many things can be a condensation nuclei - fungi, salt, dust, volcanic ash, and sulfuric and nitric acids.
Now important to this, Smoke is a condensation nuclei.
Smoke, ash, both things that would be extremely common around dragons. And fire, smoke, ash, dust, all that kind of stuff, would be MOST HEAVILY in the atmosphere around Berk DURING the war with the dragons.
Houses constantly being burned down, smoke, dust, flying into the air, falling off anything going up into the sky, whether that's projectiles or the dragons themselves.
So overall Berk should have been experiencing more storms before they were at peace with the dragons, and once they were, there would be less stuff going into the air for the water to condense on.
I cannot say whether there would be a big, noticeable difference, but the difference would be there regardless.
So there being more intense storms after the dragons and vikings are chill with each other doesn't make a ton of sense, if anything, there should be less.
Also, condensation and in cloud precipitation is likely what causes lightning
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So taking into consideration that lightning is NOT attracted to metals, and that since the peace with dragons, there should be less clouds and storms, there's no real definitive reason for those intense lightning strikes and ESPECIALLY no explanation for the lightning FOLLOWING Toothless like that.
There's no reason for it to do that!
There's another scene later that show even clearer, i can't find it right now, but it shows where toothless is low to the ground and the lightning is following him.
It WOULD NOT do that!
There is no reason for it to do that unless something was Making it do that!
So, following that logic, it HAD to be Thor (or other god).
Lightning does not behave in that fashion, it would not chase behind a low moving target like that.
There is no other explanation as to why the lightning was behaving like that outside acts of god.
Tragically, Mildew was Correct.
Thor was pissed.
Or maybe he was trying to be helpful!
The village was getting stirred up because of Mildew, maybe Thor knew this would help a lil bit, even though it was also very bad.
And hey, when they put that statue by Mildew's house, the lightning kept hitting him so ya know?
It might have been a misunderstanding!
Either way, not natural how that lightning was behaving, imo, had to be caused by one of the various Norse gods, thank you for you time.
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rain-harmonia · 27 days
hi blizzard
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kurozu501 · 4 months
I see you got Astolfo to 120! Congratulations!
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Thanks! Your message made me realize id forgotten to post about it on here. After a long struggle with bond points i have finally perfected my paladin. He is level 120. His skills are 10/10/10. His append skills are 10/10/still need more servant coins for this last one but it doesn't matter bc its just a random bit of anti rider damage. He is Np5.
Your Friends Astolfo.
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