#Rigatoni Rayman
turqrambles · 1 year
I kinda love that Rayman has had TWO big showman-type characters with mustaches as villains, because these two are exact opposites in terms of how fancy their entertainment venue happens to be.
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You've got a dirty circus ringleader in a dirty circus tent who feeds his dirty circus animals bread and water while he holds them captive and you've got a hammy TV host who, rundown TV channel aside, IS running multiple shows and seems to have it in his budget for CGI, paid actors, multiple sets, and live bands. And Phantom's actors are performing their parts 100% willingly and like him and his charisma, while Rigatoni's workforce is slave labor and regularly insult him to his face.
In conclusion, The Phantom should fight Rigatoni because he would destroy him.
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eph1999 · 1 year
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After seeing a post comparing Rigatoni and Phantom and the latest trailer for Captain Laserhawk, I wanted to try drawing these three together.
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buzzardboy · 1 year
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No further comment.
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rayman-chibi · 1 year
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+ a bonus version & a full lineup made by @eph1999
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(There’s also a bonus Rabbid in his versions just so you know-)
Let’s give a cheer to the contributors!
@turquoisephoenix for Rigatoni!
@lexintothenex for André!
@pixelsjoy for Reflux!
@eph1999 for the Rabbids and Count Razoff!
@11cleyvaart for Ales Mansay!
@generalfoxy21 for Raymesis!
@limblesswanderer for Bad/Dark Rayman (1) and Prof. Barranco III! (And Pink)
@raygirlramblings for Detective Grub!
@ardate for Henchman 800 and Jano!
@mimi-meme for Bad/Dark Rayman (M/Arena)!
Wannakickpayo (on Instagram) for the Dark Teensies!
@y-make-art for Darktoon!
@claraknight for Admiral Razorbeard!!
And last but not least…
Thank you to Mr Dark for drawing… himself..!
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Welp, that about wraps things up for the Villain Collab. Thanks again to everyone who's participated, and I will
See you next time!!!
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turquoisephoenix · 2 years
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Wanted in at least 30 star systems, the cruel ringmaster from beyond the sky, scourge and kidnapper and collector of rare creatures and monsters!
The Great Ringmaster Rigatoni!
A cruel businessman of unknown species and origin (but with a very plausible rumor circulating that his own planet was destroyed by space pirates a couple decades ago), Rigatoni has both taken on many names in his years of general debauchery and dodging the intergalactic feds.
Rigatoni is a simple man. He likes hoarding money and he likes hoarding talent, scooping up any interesting creatures as he travels the stars, trapping them in his circus and forcing them to perform to the unsuspecting masses before moving to the next planet. He likes picking “favorites” but he also treats his favorites no different from the rest of the detritus he enslaves. None of his performers know what happens when they become too worn out/ill/broken to work in the circus, with imaginative minds suspecting either slave trade or dinner.
And now he’s made it to Rayman’s world, a backwater planet that still hasn’t learned space travel and seems ripe for the plucking.
But he’s not interested in the local talent, no. MAGIC is also very valuable...
I saw several people in the Rayman tag making redesigns of the Rayman villains and, in my mind, all of the Rayman villains are perfect except for the one guy that no one really draws unless they have to. Being in only one episode in a four episode series definitely ruins his street cred a bit.
I don’t actually think I changed his design much besides making him more lizard-like and giving him a cape to hint at the wings he gains at the height of his hubris. I kinda love the idea of him actually having a really scary second form. Was it unintentional, or was this his true form the whole time? Rayman, when asked for his opinion, just responded with “My friend heer ken fix ya cah”.
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literal-sky-circus · 1 year
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Rayman Head Canons: The Animated Series Characters
My Rayman world building includes quite a bit from the main series games, the GBA/DS versions to a degree as well, and some of the educational games (I may not be accurate on some of these since many of the educational games were only in French. I do not speak nor understand the language very well. Only a few words or phrases. I needed to rely on translations for some of these.) Even Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope will be mentioned to some degree, at least the Rayman in the Phantom Show DLC content will be.
But If you've been here before my hiatus from the blog, you'd know I also include characters from the animated TV series! I've even posted some of my old head canon ideas or reblogged them here from my personal blog.
-Long Post Ahead-
Betina, LacMac, Cookie, Flips, Detective Grubb, and even Rigatoni all make appearances in one way or another, but they don't follow the plot/story of the animated series. The circus friend group were never branded criminals nor did they ever work/were enslaved by Rigatoni.
The circus friend group are like one big found family, and Rayman is included in this found family circle. Everyone considers each other a sibling (or daughter in Flips' case).
Flips is a child and member of the Luvdivs. When she gets older, she's probably going to need glasses since it's common for Luvdivs start losing their sight as they age.
Flips is non-verbal, but everyone seems to understand her vocalizations perfectly. She does not have much magical capability, and they won't know if she can use magic at all until she's a bit older.
LacMac is Flips' caretaker, but he's more like her adoptive dad. LacMac does his best to help take care of Flips and he does a pretty damn good job at it. She's the most important person to him and LacMac absolutely considers Flips his daughter. He always did adore kids.
LacMac is not very verbal himself and speaks in broken English, but he's a very expressive gent. You can usually tell what's on his mind just by reading his face, eyes, or body posture alone. LacMac is prone to anxiety flare ups when faced with conflict between his friends. He will try to separate himself from these by either going out for a walk (Often taking Flips with him) or will grab his walkman and listen to music as the fight goes on.
LacMac makes his living as a street performer. He will perform tricks like juggling, bending cast iron bars into shapes that he'll give away to the audience. He doesn't make much, but he always seems to find a way to support himself and Flips by doing odd jobs around the city where they live when he's not performing. He has a stash he's set aside that is meant for Flips' needs in the future. Such as funds in case she needs glasses.
Cookie works as a tech/ IT guy / mechanic as his primary profession. He takes commissions to have something built or repaired like cars or computers.
Cookie knows how to use binary code and will use it to prank Rayman, such as sending him the entire rickroll song in full binary code. He knows it annoys the heck out of Rayman and he does it on purpose to get a reaction, especially if Rayman did something that upset one of the members of the friend group and Cookie hears about it.
While Tech and Mechanic jobs are his primary profession, cooking is a hobby he takes delight in. He loves preparing elaborate dishes. He will often call the friends over to taste test his latest creations. He prefers absolute honesty when he asks you how the dish is. If you tell him how it needs improvement, he'll listen and experiment. If your suggestion didn't work, he'll let you know but won't hesitate to try an ingredient that still applies with what you were suggesting with flavors. One thing that really puts a smile on his face is seeing someone really enjoy his cooking and walking away well fed. His tendency to prepare large, filling meals has made him a bit overweight.
Cookie deals with a lot of anxiety issues that lead to him having physical reactions to his health. Headaches, stomach cramps, physical fatigue. He does not seek a diagnosis for any anxiety disorders due to him having phobias of doctors. Therapists and mental health evaluations included.
Cookie can be quite clumsy. He is prone to tripping when he's running, and very accident prone in general. Things like banging his foot on furniture, bumping his knees, even falls. Because of his fear of doctors, he usually relies on patching himself up when he gets hurt, or resorts to calling one of the members of the friend group to come assist him. He prefers calling Raymona in these instances because she tends to Cookie as patiently and sweetly as possible. He's tried calling on Betina, but he doesn't like how she ridicules him or scolds him as she treats his injuries.
Betina often spends her time at the gym or practicing gymnastics. She has a few gold medals from gymnastic tournaments. She is a bit self centered and her comments can come off as mean, but to her friends, she means well. She's trying to curb the mean streak.
She is the one who is in contact with Rayman the most. They are very close as friends. They will even refer to each other as brother and sister. She is not afraid to help Rayman with things like putting on makeup, doing his nails, ect.
She will babysit Flips for LacMac when he needs it, though she'll try spoil her.
Rigatoni is a con man and scam artist. He is responsible for a lot of Scams, Fraud attempts, and Pyramid Schemes within the glade. He will go door to door trying to peddle "golden opportunities" that either steals your money, your identity, or even selling your life into slavery. He'll work with Razorbeard and will get him slaves this way.
Razorbeard has more power than Rigatoni, not the opposite compared to the animated series.
Detective Grubb is still part of the police force and is also a private investigator. He's working hard to get evidence gathered to put criminals like Rigatoni behind bars.
He's known to work with Murfy when it comes to certain matters of the law. Grubb will often take matters that are are a threat to the glade or world as a whole to the council. Once these cases are passed off to their hands, the police department are no longer involved unless called upon by the council members.
Grubb is friends with all the people in the circus friend group. Whenever he sees them while on duty, he has to say hello and ask how they are doing. He's like the uncle or father of that group. He looks out for all of them if he can. They will often go to him if they have problems or they just need a seasoned heart to listen. Even if it's not related to work, he's always willing to listen when they have problems going on with their lives and need a little encouragement or support. His home is open to them if they need a safe place to go. They have been his support and comfort since he's single and his mother has a severe mental illness that forced him to send her to psychiatric care full time.
He still visits his mother whenever he gets the chance. Her being committed to the psychiatric ward has not been easy on him. He knows his mother is not well and that she doesn't mean to be cruel towards him. He misses the days where her condition wasn't as progressed. If he could, he'd let her stay at home with him but due to his job having constantly being away from home, it was safer for his mother to stay at the ward. Sometimes members of the friend group or even Rayman himself would accompany Grubb on these visits for moral support.
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geekygoo · 7 months
Will Ed from Tonic Trouble be integrated in some way to this au?
Part of me wants to say Ed's his own thing since Thingamajigs are meant to be the only limbless species on the Glorbe.
But you know what would be funnier?
If he was Rigatoni's son.
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rainbow-wolf120 · 3 months
Dumping my RayEvils here because these guys are floating in my brain again
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A lot of these are very self-indulgent I mean, very reasonable and totally make sense
Couple of facts / hcs below:
They were all created to oppose Rayman or someone else once in their life
All the RayEvil’s were built / ‘owned’ by a different Rayman villain throughout the franchise. Some overlay, yes, but mostly it’s diverse
Most of the times their creators would leave 'brands' on them to know who belongs to who
RayEvil’s aren’t entirely natural Thingamajigs. They were all artificially made for whatever their creator desired. These normally consist of a Blue Lum and whatever else they have (most commonly Dark Magic)
Now some individual facts about the characters!!
Created by Mr. Dark, stolen by Ales Mansay at a young 'age'
Hates Mansay and wants to go back to being Mr. Dark's creation (Mansay claims that he created Raymesis)
Became an 'older brother' figure to Shadow after Mansay dumped the two in a room together
Super snappy, angry, and extremely petty. Thinks he's Rayman's true rival but Rayman couldn't give a shit
Created the Antis (Him, Glombrox, First King, and Selena) as a way to get back at Rayman
Shadow Ray:
Created by a Blue Lum and copious amounts of Dark Magic. This made them extremely unstable and (if they could feel it) in lots of pain
Ales Mansay's favorite creation. Thinks that they're the most 'sucessful'
Half-blind and only really cackles / giggles. Needs glasses to sorta see
Can't fully move. They need to 'mark' someone and follow their 'trail' to even go anywhere
Fascinated with art and film. Loves a good movie and is easily amused
Shadi (Bad Rayman)
Also created by Mr. Dark but left for dead in the Livid Dead after his defeat
Did not understand free will until she met Goth Teensy. He helped her find her own personality and being
Very disliked in the Livid Dead with the other Nightmares. She looked too much like Rayman for them
Can pick things up super easily by just watching
Still friends with Goth but became distant after he because the Livid Dead Door guard
Created by Razorbeard; he was left in the Glade after the Robo Pirates fled the Glade
Made to tire Rayman out and keep him occupied. Very much destined for sports and high-energy activities
Very competitive and will do anything to win. He will cheat, cry, and fight to get what he wants
Cannot handle loosing. He will throw a fit and get extremely violent
One of the only RayEvil's without a Blue Lum. He is pure machinery and alien technology
Mansay's first RayEvil. He created him, but he was sold to Rigatoni. Gave him a hatred for Mansay
Athletic, can breathe / control fire, and can detect his limbs. Everything Rigitoni wants in a star
He's very snobbish and under the impression he's more popular than Rayman (He also has never left the circus)
Even as a performer, still has his old programming. If he see Rayman or anything similar, he will get needlessly violent
Extremle 'one man show' and hates working with others
So yeah, these are my silly guys!! Feel free to ask me anything about them. I love them all dearly <3
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the-eggplantblog · 10 months
I mentioned Rayman The Animated Series before but to elaborate I like to think that just about all the events are canon to the main games.
Basically the cartoon’s events are actually a story that Rayman is telling to Globox’s kids. Imagine they asked him about some of his adventures before he met them all when he swept ashore.
So to summarize it’s all a story and the reason for any inconsistency such as Razorbeard working in the circus is just Rayman being cheeky and insulting Razorbeard by putting him in the story as a lame sidekick to Rigatoni. The kids knows that parts not true and he’s just being humorous.
That being said most of his story is true sure there’s a few things here and there that’s exaggerated or more dramatic but he did meet everyone there and helped them escape.
He was however cut off from finishing his story right when it was getting good.
hahaha, I like your headcanon, I love the idea of Rayman exaggerating things and pathetically putting Razorbeard to get even, it's something I think Rayman would be capable of doing lol. ​
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raygirlramblings · 1 year
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Detective Grub for the Rayman Villain collab :D
Well everyone else was posting their individual parts so why not join the bandwagon!
Personally I don’t see Grub as a villain in the same vein as Razorbeard or Mr Dark, or as much of a villain at all. He was given a job to round up some runaways and despite his incompetence he was doing what he thought was right in the eyes of the law. Had the show got more episodes I think we would have seen Grub easily turned from antagonist to ally once he finds out that Rayman and friends were basically escaping slavery.
I drew him looking a wee bit anxious as he was surrounded by genuine monsters and dangerous types in the collab and that would make anyone a little nervous XD. Plus in the final piece he was being yelled at by Rigatoni so that probably didn’t help his nerves!
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y-make-art · 1 year
I forgot to show my part of the Rayman Villan Collab (go check it out)
These guy's are so small I almost doubted they could be seeable between titans like Reflux or Rigatoni 😅
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But yeah anyways, I enjoyed drawing lil Darktoon and Antitoons 👌
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wolpertinger-prince · 11 months
Kinda wanna make a Captain Laserhawk version of Cookie? So like? Here's me throwing some thoughts out there.
He's a mole hybrid (part of me really wants him to be part dog, too, but idk is it possible for a hybrid to be both humanoid and a mix of two animals? Can one of his parents be a dog hybrid and the other a mole hybrid? Can hybrids even procreate?)
Obviously he works as a mechanic, although mole hybrids are usually designated miners. He gets to be a mechanic because he's just that good I guess.
Of course he's sick of all the discrimination he faces due to being a hybrid, and he gets it even worse because of his chronic illness resulting in pains in his body - especially his back - and fatigue. It causes him anxiety and God knows what other disorders. But he's too scared to actually rebel against it, join any resistances, etc.
He has been institutionalized at a mental health institution at least once in his life. He has had to wear the dreaded grippy socks.
He's on, like, a lot of medication.
He dreads seeing any kind of doctor, but after his being committed he's forced by Eden to see a therapist. It doesn't usually get him anywhere.
Probably lives with Lac-Mac. They're close friends, and he's the closest thing Lac-Mac has ever had to a guardian. They both feel at ease in each other's company.
Some bonus Lac-Mac hcs
An ordinary rabbit hybrid, much unlike the strange rabbitlike creature he is in The Animated Series. I can't decide if he's a Rex Rabbit (for his spots) or a Vienna Blue Rabbit (for his blue color).
He, of course, works as a performer. Probably has an abusive boss like Rigatoni that lovebombs him one minute and yells at him for mishaps or for generally having expectations about how he ought to be treated the next. Actually, screw it; this is Rigatoni. That's right, pasta man is here, too, and he's a human.
Would genuinely love performing and making people happy if not for Rigatoni's abusive leadership. He especially loves children.
Him and Cookie don't agree on the quality of the propaganda that is The Late Night Eden Show with Rayman. Lac-Mac, naive as he is, loves it and hopes he can rise up just like Rayman has one day whereas Cookie sees it as boring at best and a complete load of crap at worst.
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overlooked-gems · 1 year
A Look At Stuff You Probably Never Heard Of: Rayman: The Animated Series
Well, with the Rayman DLC being released for Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, I feel it's rather appropriate to talk about Rayman's first foray into other media outside of video games. In fact, we'll be taking a look at his first TV show. Today, we'll be taking a look at... Rayman: The Animated Series!
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Rayman: The Animated seres was a very short-lived TV series created by Ubisoft in 1999, following the success of Rayman 2, the most recent game at the time. 26 episodes were planned to release sometime in Autumn of 2000, but the series was cancelled after only 4 episodes were produced and the 5th being near compleition. With the episodes already made, they aired in France, Germany and the Netherlands from December 20th, 1999 to January 10th of the following year.
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Rigatoni and his lackey, Admiral Razorbeard run a freak show; a circus comprised of weird, bizarre, and unflattering characters made to perform for the amusement of attendants while being abused and mistreated.
Within their group of performers are Lac-Man, a blue rabbit-like creature who's dim but very strong (and is the star of Rigatoni's freak show; Betina, who performs as an acrobat; Cookie, a paranoid, whiny, and dramatic mole with hypochondria (thinking he's sick or ill) but is a really good handyman and cook; Flips, a little fairy who can only speak in squeaks, but the others can understand her; and Rayman himself, the newest member of the troupe, who instantly decides to escape.
After the group escapes, Rigatoni enlists the help of Inspector Grub to track them down and return them to him. As such, the episodes are mostly minor "adventures" while trying to evade Grubs, but they also secretly live in a flat just above his house, where he lives with his wife.
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Obviously, when the show was made, CGI was the big new thing, releasing around the same time as the likes of Donkey Kong Country (1997-2000), ReBoot (1994-2001), and Beast Wars: Transformers (1996-1999). So as a result, the CGI hasn't aged all that well. The TV show is also a massive departure from the games, with the only connection being that it has Rayman.
And here comes the Final Recommendation Never Let Go Of It||Get It||Hold Onto It||Try It||Consider It||Stay Away From It
The series is honestly, not that good. Granted, it's not awful or even horrible. If anything, it has its moments, but they're really nothing impressive. As I stated before, the biggest issue the show has is that it has practically nothing to do with Rayman outside of having the titular character, as well as Razorbeard, who was just downgraded to a dim-witted lackey. Although, Betina and Lac-Mac may also serve as stand-ins for Betilla and Globox, respectively, due to their similar color schemes.
Also, one of the things this series is known for is that it has Billy West voicing Rayman. There's even a meme of how Rayman says "car".
At the end of the day, this show isn't all that special. But if you want to watch it, it's there. In fact, here's a video showing the entire series in one video.
And with that, I'll see you all next month!
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rayman-chibi · 2 years
(Disclaimer: please read the reblogs on this post for any updates)
... it is time.
Long ago, on February the 7th, 2023, the great @raygirlramblings had held a tournament for the villains of the Rayman franchise in order to postpone the titular hero's fights against them.
And now... the day has come.
Not only are we celebrating love on Valentine's Day, we will also be starting our celebration of the VICTORY of Admiral Razorbeard, antagonist of Rayman 2, via an art collab of the chaos and turmoil he himself had went through!
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And so, as someone who voted for Mr Dark, I say we accept our losses and work together on this set. There will be tears, there will be bloodshed, there will be... whatever other gross liquids that tend to come out of anyone's bodies... BUT! It will be done.
Here's the deal:
One slot for each villain. Each artist who volunteers to draw a villain under the "main slots" list must contribute to drawing said villain. They can also choose to draw more than one villain if they do please. Simple. As. That. There will also be an "optional slots" list below the "main slots" list, where they're not required to be included in the final product, but they ARE there as extra challenges for you guys. So go ahead! Let's do this thing!!!!!!
Main Slots:
Admiral Razorbeard - @claraknight
Mr Dark - @rayman-chibi
Ringmaster Rigatoni - @turquoisephoenix
André - @lexintothenex
Reflux - @pixelsjoy
Rabbids - @hot-topic-rblx
Ales Mansay - @11cleyva
Raymesis - @generalfoxy21
Optional Slots:
Bad/Dark Rayman (1) - @limblesswanderer
Detective Grub - @raygirlramblings
Henchman 800 - @ardate
Jano - @theevilmrdork
Bad/Dark Rayman (M/Arena) - @mimi-meme
Count Razoff - @eph1999
Professor Barranco III - @generalfoxy21
Dark Teensie clones - Wannakickpayo (Instagram)
Darktoon - @y-make-art
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turquoisephoenix · 1 year
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In a move that probably surprises no one, I was assigned Ringmaster Rigatoni for the Rayman Villain Collab! This big, purple loser who only appeared in one episode of a four episode series got the least amount of votes and lost to the Rabbids! Everyone point and laugh!
The fact that I was approached to draw this guy means that my transformation into "The Ringmaster Rigatoni Artist" in the Rayman fandom has already taken place even though I've only drawn this guy one other time. I asked for it, really. I'm the only one that wants to actually DO something with this guy rather than relegating him to "only drawing him in group pictures because he's so ugly" status.
Don’t worry, Rigatoni. You at least have one fan. (even though I voted for Razorbeard)
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