#Rikka Random Rambles
kachikirby · 4 months
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PARFAIT META KNIGHT EATS WHILE TRAINING (メタナイトが鍛錬のあいまにチョコっと食べちゃうパフェ)
For a solitary knight who is dedicated to mastering the way of the sword, rest is just as important as daily training. The parfait, which Meta Knight devours while resting, is a one-of-a-kind dish with chocolate ice cream on top, chocolate cream, and blueberry sauce.
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cynnoh · 7 years
rambly thoughts about flowers -le volume sur printemps- (spoilers abound)
lovely art, pleasant soundtrack.  the cast is all really well written and diverse in personality!  suoh’s really precious and her social anxiety is super, painfully relatable.  it’s really heartwarming seeing her open up bit by bit as the story progresses and how she stops second guessing herself and her standing with others. it’s also hilarious to read her monologue whenever she’s checking girls out because literally every other line is like “oh i’m getting sweaty” and. i feel it, girl.
mayuri is cute!!! i really dig her voice, and i appreciated that she was super chill. for some reason i kinda didn’t expect her to have feelings for rikka? they’re usually at odds with each other in terms of opinions (choices in the game often require you to choose to side with either mayuri or rikka, after all). and when the twins call her out for checking out rikka i was like, huh, maybe she’s just Purposefully not looking at suoh ‘cause she doesn’t want her Actual crush to be outed, or something. but yeah, the a->b->c-a love triangle actually kinda came as a surprise to me!
i honestly would’ve liked to see more of her in the game?? it seemed like whenever ~Drama~ happened, she’d kinda... not show up. even when things were close to getting resolved, it’d be interrupted by something else, which got kinda frustrating? it made the slice of life bits drag, since i really just wanted closure to whatever issue was happening.
rikkaaaaaaa...... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............ i really Wanted to like her, but i just. could not. she’s clingy and infuriatingly passive-aggressive about wanting to get closer to suoh (”you didn’t tell Me you were doing this thing??? why don’t i know every detail about your life??? we’re ametie partners???”) gsjkg. not to mention the whole blackmail ordeal? umm...... if i were suoh, i would’ve ran so fast the other way, but suoh is way too kind-hearted for that.
but ya, that’s some nasty manipulative shit there, and it really left a bad taste in my mouth at how everything got resolved afterward?? or rather, didn’t. she barely reacts to mayuri’s confession, and she doesn’t even apologize for being such a shit to her when she purposefully excludes her from hangin with her and suoh. i would’ve liked to see some sort of remorse or guilt but?? it just doesn’t happen. and later, she’s somehow magically okay with suoh and mayuri going out? i just don’t buy it considering how conniving and possessive she acted gfsjgkfs. i feel like there was definitely something missing from the resolution of that drama, and rikka accepting suoh/mayuri without a fuss just seems really off.
maybe she’s better in her route?? but i’m already hesitant to play it just because she was incredibly grating to me in mayuri’s route
I LOVE ERIKA!! she’s so witty and snarky. it’s kind of adorable how she looks after suoh in her own way? why isn’t there an erika route? i’m super excited to play through the second game whenever the localization comes out, which will hopefully be later this year. i’m hopin she’ll at least have a happy ending?
sister basquiat is hot. i’m basic and i’m sorry
also the whole thing with the twins’ love letter prank was a total Dick move!! esp with them spewing homophobic shit afterward??? :C suoh forgives them too easily
the senpais are also hot and i’m excited to see them in the third game.
i kinda dug the whole urban legend mystery vibe, but the mysteries/puzzles themselves seemed kinda ??? more based on common knowledge than actual clues given within the story, but i personally didn’t mind that because i’m a filthy cheater and looked up walkthrough guides lmao. random trivia is always fun, too.
anyway!! flowers was pretty fun to read through, and the art def helped my attention span to stay on track. i’d give it a rec for a good way to pass some time
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kachikirby · 5 months
Metaccine but title font.
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kachikirby · 6 days
Ok since no one will probably see this.
Meta Knight with glasses
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kachikirby · 2 months
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Good morning
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kachikirby · 8 months
Interupting my manga reading to say I saw this meme on Twitter and I'm dying of laughter because it's accurate lmao
Y'all should play 13 Sentinels, it's required by law to do so if you follow me /j.
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kachikirby · 18 days
The bonuses from my plushie comm arrived!
(Artist is plushgarden on Twitter)
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With her husband (Keychain by @deafeninggardenerpanda )
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kachikirby · 3 months
Mentally tired. Need to hear about cute or good things...
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kachikirby · 27 days
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Headcanon: all of Meta Knight's knowledge about romance comes from the books he's read.
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kachikirby · 4 months
Probably a Hot Take:
Valentine's Day is about celebrating all kinda of love: romantic, familial, and platonic.
Not just romantic love.
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kachikirby · 2 months
I love Metaccine a normal amount. :)
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kachikirby · 12 days
If you have a Meta fan child, they are automatically half-siblings of Sieg and Freya.
Sorry I do not make the rules.
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kachikirby · 3 months
I don't know who needs to hear this but take a break.
A lot of things have happened the past five days and it's definitely affecting people mentally.
Just know that it's ok if you need to take a break whether it be from this site or the internet in general.
I promise you, your mental health is more important than your daily dose of dopamine.
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kachikirby · 6 months
So if y'all like the stuff I do, feel free to give a follow. I need 4 more followers to reach 100 actually...
But no pressure or anything.
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kachikirby · 2 months
Metaccine fans where you at?
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kachikirby · 2 months
Anyone who posts or reblogs those "reblog if you're not (obviously bad thing)" deserves one jump kick to their ribs.
I don't need your dumbass post to tell people what I am or am not.
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