#Riklon Tost
inonibird · 1 year
San Hill was seated in his office at his preposterously large desk, idly enjoying the view from his window instead of doing anything about the stacks of datapads, credit notes and durasheet documents before him. The intercomm beeped for his attention, and he accepted the call with an annoyed sneer. “What is it? I’m incredibly busy right now.”
But instead of the expected pleasant vocabulator of his secretary droid, a thick cough burst over the line like static, followed by a familiar, growling voice. “Clear your schedule, San Hill.”
The Muun sat up straight as a duranium beam, but remained calm. He depressed the transmission switch. “Good afternoon, Grievous. What, exactly, are you doing on this line? Did something happen to my secretary droid?”
“Yes. I did. I’m coming in.”
Chapter 10 of Part Four - Collector of the Sahuldeem series is up! This is the FINAL chapter of Part Four! (Chapter art will be posted as soon as I can get to it)
Copying/pasting what I said over on AO3:
And thus concludes Part Four - Collector! Phew. This one took a VERY unexpectedly long time to get through, for which I apologize. For how eager I was to post Qymaen's adventures as a collections agent, I was slammed with a ton of burnout during 2022 followed by a new job, which has kept me busy (though thankfully not as overwhelmed). But WE MADE IT! And now Qymaen is going home.
As usual, I'll need a bit of time before I start up the next part, especially since I have a few RL things going on (family visiting, house-hunting, probably moving, etc). I don't have a set date in mind for when Sahuldeem will resume, but HOPEFULLY not too long. There's still quite a bit to get through, even if the next part will be considerably shorter than 2, 3 and 4! Perhaps in the interim I can finally tackle another Q&A, and record something I've been meaning to for a while...
Regardless, THANK YOU ALL for your comments and support! I know I don't always respond but I promise I read and appreciate all of your kind words. It definitely helps with the motivation! <3
See you around, and stay tuned for Part Five - Martyr.
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