inonibird · 1 year
San Hill was seated in his office at his preposterously large desk, idly enjoying the view from his window instead of doing anything about the stacks of datapads, credit notes and durasheet documents before him. The intercomm beeped for his attention, and he accepted the call with an annoyed sneer. “What is it? I’m incredibly busy right now.”
But instead of the expected pleasant vocabulator of his secretary droid, a thick cough burst over the line like static, followed by a familiar, growling voice. “Clear your schedule, San Hill.”
The Muun sat up straight as a duranium beam, but remained calm. He depressed the transmission switch. “Good afternoon, Grievous. What, exactly, are you doing on this line? Did something happen to my secretary droid?”
“Yes. I did. I’m coming in.”
Chapter 10 of Part Four - Collector of the Sahuldeem series is up! This is the FINAL chapter of Part Four! (Chapter art will be posted as soon as I can get to it)
Copying/pasting what I said over on AO3:
And thus concludes Part Four - Collector! Phew. This one took a VERY unexpectedly long time to get through, for which I apologize. For how eager I was to post Qymaen's adventures as a collections agent, I was slammed with a ton of burnout during 2022 followed by a new job, which has kept me busy (though thankfully not as overwhelmed). But WE MADE IT! And now Qymaen is going home.
As usual, I'll need a bit of time before I start up the next part, especially since I have a few RL things going on (family visiting, house-hunting, probably moving, etc). I don't have a set date in mind for when Sahuldeem will resume, but HOPEFULLY not too long. There's still quite a bit to get through, even if the next part will be considerably shorter than 2, 3 and 4! Perhaps in the interim I can finally tackle another Q&A, and record something I've been meaning to for a while...
Regardless, THANK YOU ALL for your comments and support! I know I don't always respond but I promise I read and appreciate all of your kind words. It definitely helps with the motivation! <3
See you around, and stay tuned for Part Five - Martyr.
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hishgraphics · 4 months
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Star Wars RPG: Dawn of the Rangers
S01E17 "Rangers Refreshed"
Location: New Republic Rangers HQ, Coruscant
After two days of rest, Captain Zor Draco (Martín), Gev Dyson (Edward), Olem (Eric) are summoned by Colonel Tyria Sarkin to the HQ's conference room on Level 3 of the Generis Arcology.
Sarkin introduces them to a new recruit, an Iotran New Republic Security Force officer named Kirino Mak (Carlos). She has been assigned to the team as a law enforcement agent.
The briefing begins. Sarkin recounts the team's experiences. They had been working for Agent Tailgunner at the Rangers branch at Karkbreath Peak on Vandor. The team was collecting (stealing?) materiel for Tailgunner. A Gozanti-class cruiser here. A flight of X-wings there.
Then their informant, old Mrs Stassie McPing, was assassinated by Tora Nuam for passing on an encrypted datacard with a warning about who they were working for. Nuam is their teammate Ordan Vallas' former flame. When they finally decrypted the datacard, via Zor's cousin Tarn Draco on Kitel Phard, they discovered that Tailgunner is one Beru Treedancer, working for the isolationist Imperial enclave known as the Pentastar Alignment of Powers.
Meanwhile, Republic Intelligence have no news of their vanished teammates Ordan Vallas, Pac Vesme and Captain Kin Asa Goddard. This sounds grim for the team.
According to Sarkin, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Moff Ardus Kaine who replaced Moff Tarkin as Oversector Outer Moff after the Battle of Yavin. A year ago, he gathered Imperial and corporate loyalists to unite on Entralla to form the PA. Information about them has been sparse since.
Gev proposed a straight up attack, but Sarkin tells him they don't have the resources and the New Republic takes ponderously long to decide.
Zor's proposed move is to scout for intel on Vandor. He refers to the Republic Sienar Systems star courier they found in a buried Sith Temple (under the old Jedi Temple) during the previous mission to repower Olem's lightsaber with a kyber crystal. That ship could have a cloaking shield they could use for effective intelligence gathering.
Sarkin tells them a 6-personnel tech team has been dispatched. One has been reportedly killed by a Sith War Droid. Another disappeared into a door in the Temple that itself disappeared. The remaining four are huddled together fearfully in the star courier cabin performing their analysis.
The Rangers' mission now is to go to the Sith Temple and protect the tech team long enough for them to assess the courier. But in the meantime, the team has been assigned a new ship down in the Hangar Bay in Level 10.
Before going there, Zor changes into his field uniform. They all meet the Quartermaster droid EV-44L4 for more gear. Kirino asks for a bomb defusing kit. Eve-Four is reluctant to release it, but she persuades the droid effectively.
They reach the Hangar Bay where two ships await in launch position. One is Kirino's Y-Wing fighter Blue One being tended to by R2-BA, her astromech droid.
The other is a dark grey Omicron-class attack shuttle with turquoise stripes across her three S-foils. They name her the Spotchka Starstreak. Everyone boards their crafts and prepares for launch. Gev wonders if the new team member will cut it. Zor replies, this is a good mission to test her skills.
When the Nikto crew chief signals them, they both take off. The two ships fly to their dark destination in formation.
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Star Wars Alien Species - Iotran
The Iotrans were a militaristic species hailing from the planet of Iotra in the Outer Rim Territories.
Iotrans were atheistic and firmly believed in a strong, stable culture, and saw that as only achievable through a strong military tradition. Even before their planet was unified, their nations possessed strong militaries; after their unification 700 years before the Galactic Civil War, these militaries were merged into the Iotran Police Force (IPF), which enforced law and provided emergency services on Iotra and throughout the Iotran Expanse. The eight top-ranking leaders of the IPF formed the Joint Council, which acted as parliament for Iotra.
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From an early age, Iotrans were trained for military service, and in their fourteenth season (approximately 18 standard years of age), they were inducted into the IPF for approximately six standard years. At any given time, nearly half of the population was part of the IPF in one form or another.
Especially talented enlistees in the IPF often became Iotran Bracemen, which tracked down fugitives outside of the Iotran Expanse, often without regard for local laws or for what other species called "jurisdiction"; this often resulted in diplomatic incidents.
Iotran technology was primitive by galactic standards, typified by slugthrowers, surface vehicles, and simplistic computer and droid technology. However, they adopted galactic standard technology for much of their defense industry, and most Iotrans were quite at home with modern tech.
Iotrans, though not generally respectful toward other cultures, did respect stability and might. As a result, they tended to support the Galactic Empire, though some supported the Alliance to Restore the Republic, as the Galactic Republic was historically more stable and just in their eyes. The species' general contempt for the Rebel Alliance brought them down in the eyes of many other species.
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Iotrans had smooth skin, dark brown to black in color. They possessed a broad, flat nose, no discernible ears, hands with four digits, and two-toed feet. They had distinctive spots on their bald heads, knobby protrusions at their temples, and short, stubby spikes protecting their shoulders, elbows, and hands.
An Iotran adult stands about 1.75 meters or 5.7 feet tall.
Iotrans age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 16 Young Adult
17 - 44 Adult
45 - 65 Middle Age
66 - 84 Old
Examples of Names: Terika Etan, Mirip Pag, Dira Shal, Rodick Tag, Anvon Trig, Rova Zad.
Languages: Iotrans speak Tranese, a rich language that has simple, precise sentence constructions and words. Most Iotrans learn to speak Basic, although they find it inelegant and convoluted.
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alexrodrigues · 7 years
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Commission of Iotran for @BoozinBruin Bears are the Best!!
Follow me  on:
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thedragonaspect · 5 years
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Knights of the Old Republic 2: Heavy Armor
1: Battle Armor, Heavy Battle Armor, Echani Heavy Armor
2: Durasteel Heavy Armor, Powered Battle Armor, Flex Heavy Armor
3: Mandalorian Battle Armor, Mandalorian Heavy Armor, Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh
4: Mandalorian Assault Armor, Corellian Powersuit, M’uhk’gfa
5: Iotran Braceman Armor, Felenar Armor, Matrix Armor
Cheat codes to acquire armor (must have EnableCheats=1 entered under [Game Options] in the swkotor2.ini file): https://www.ign.com/faqs/2005/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii-the-sith-lords-give-item-cheat-listfaq-586931
Armor stats: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II:_The_Sith_Lords/Heavy_armor
Will tag the rest of this series under #kotorarmor, Light and Medium armor to come, and then male versions eventually.
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