#Riley Engemoen
affairesasuivre · 10 months
Big Thief’s Buck Meek Announces New Album Haunted Mountain, Shares Video for New Song: Watch
Buck Meek, the singer-songwriter who plays guitar in Big Thief, has announced his new album. The follow-up to 2021’s Two Saviors is called Haunted Mountain, and it’s out August 25 via his new label home, 4AD. The title track was co-written with Jolie Holland, who co-wrote five of the album’s 11 songs. Watch its new Riley Engemoen–directed video below.
Meek is joined on the album by guitarist Adam Brisbin, drummer Austin Vaughn, pedal steel player Mat Davidson, bassist Ken Woodward, and Meek’s brother, Dylan Meek, who plays piano and synthesizers. The album was produced by Davidson and recorded and mixed by Adrian Olsen. “The music here is an expression of a group,” Davidson said in a statement. “I asked for the job because I felt strongly that we shouldn’t bring in someone from outside the band. Otherwise, the only personal desire I had was that we be able to explore space, that we let the music open up and slow down in contrast to previous records—not in terms of tempo but rather overall movement, information between the beats.”
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recommendedlisten · 3 years
Video: Buck Meek - “Candle”
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Photo courtesy of Robbie Jeffers
As we heard on “Pareidolia”, Buck Meek has a way of writing his stories through symbolism. “Candle”, a track co-written alongside the Big Thief guitarist’s bandmate Adrianne Lenker, is the final preview off Meek’s forthcoming album Two Saviors due out this Friday, and is a bit more concrete in its detail rather than leaving listeners searching for answers in the cloudforms. Still, there’s a strange beauty in it all trying to decipher the spiritual scene of siren’s songs, bloody noses, and lighting candles over a calm jam of slide guitars and Rhodes piano. “I may have died and woke in heaven's motel, with a telephone seashell at the bedside / It rang in waves and waves spoke, and waves heard through me,” he sings. Wherever this supernatural force has taken him, he brings us closer to being there, too.
Riley Engemoen directed its homemade grain recording session visuals.
Buck Meek’s Two Saviors will be released January 15th on Keeled Scales.
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recommendedlisten · 5 years
Video: Hovvdy - “Ruin (my ride)
Something is amiss in the music world (or just the world in totality itself) and it’s the presence of genuine community. From this vantage point, it really seems like the only people who get to experience it nowadays are niche populations of fortunate scenes influencers with large social media footprints and endless dating app matches living within walking distance of one another in bustling metropolitan areas, and the rest of us are just out here dying slowly all alone in the country’s suburban sprawls, back roads and middle of nowheres hoping that the quiet esoteric lifestyles we lead in our definition of authenticity might be a beacon to someone out there in the distance who sees you, and suddenly, everything fits. It just never happens that way.
“Ruin (my ride)” is an envious example of what a community at its best can look like from Hovvdy, as its music video shot by Riley Engemoen and Marlon Hedrick catches the Austin duo holding a backyard line dance party with good company. The listen it’s set to syncs up just as well, as Charlie Martin and Will Taylor step out of their usual comforts of dazed drum rolls and dream-catching guitars for the closest they've come to embracing the Lone Star State’s country-pop heritage. A sampling of dubbed beats and crackling percussion layered into daffily warped backing vocals ensures the two keep Austin weird as ever. As its lyrics cruise through the perils of disconnect, their efforts are laid out in the open. “I don’t wanna see you give up.” Which is to say, to build bridges between people, you usually need more than one set of hands, yet it doesn't hurt to continue reaching as far out on your own as you can anyway...
Hovvdy’s Heavy Lifter will be released October 18th on Double Double Whammy.
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recommendedlisten · 7 years
Video: Hovvdy - “Petal”
Hovvdy had a breakout last summer with Taster, one of the season’s best albums and their debut full-length on the tastemaking cassette label Sports Day Records. Like their kindred peers in Pinegrove, (Sandy) Alex G, and Lomelda, they write warm, faded guitar pop recorded in bedrooms and iPhones messages that reflect the melatonin-infused melancholia doused throughout their lyrics. In a way, it’s like a happy(?) medium between slocore and Elliott Smith worship, but since the former isn’t so much of a buzzword these days, they’re sounding like a million bucks pulling off the rustic bedhead with ease. 
Since then, the Austin duo of Will Taylor and Charlie Martin have signed with Double Double Whammy, who re-released Toaster earlier this year, and will be putting out their sophomore album Cranberry in the new year. For those just catching on, its first single “Petal” is a justifiable introduction to the rising act, as it doesn’t necessarily deviate too far away from what made them stand out in the first place by pulling on past memories to create a feeling, with the only difference being that aging, studio upgrades, and more warm bodies in them (its accompanying video shot by Riley Engemoen shows the addition of keyboards and Lomelda’s Hannah Read jamming with them) have afforded them ability to place those pictures into a higher definition view with listeners. “I had a feeling with who you used to be,” Will Taylor sings with a half smile and sigh as he talks with old friends, with a sunset bike ride capturing that moment past and present in Polaroid perfection.
Hovvdy’s Cranberry will be released February 9th on Double Double Whammy.
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recommendedlisten · 7 years
Video: Hovvdy - “Problem”
Last year introduced us to Hovvdy, the lo-fi bedroom pop duo out of Austin, TX who released one of 2016′s more impressive debuts (and recommended summer listens) Toaster on the quality cassette label Sports Day Records. It was a mildly underrated affair, but not one that went unnoticed, as Will Taylor and Charlie Martin are currently set to open for another immensely peak indie breakout from last year's class of new cool kids in Pinegrove this spring, and for those who missed out on the opportunity to discover Toaster on first passing, it’s going to be remastered and reissued to wider distribution in late April as part of joining the Double Double Whammy roster. To announce the news, the faded sentiment of the LP’s standout “Problem” gets a beautiful visual treatment directed by Riley Engemoen. The watch envokes all the tonal aspects of Hovvdy’s sound, as we follow Taylor and Martin through bleary slice of life movements filtered through amber sun spots and curtained layers. As far as reintroductions go, the image crafting gets the mood just right, and it's going to be great seeing Hovvdy's crowd of listeners get larger in 2017 because of it.
Hovvdy’s Toaster will be reissued April 28th on Double Double Whammy.
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