#Riller Family
pocketninja-ffxiv · 8 months
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Wake up.
Why wasn't she waking up? Mom you need to wake up! 
N'yami shook her mother's lifeless body she held in her arms, G'lewra wasn't responding to anything. The two were enjoying the fresh air outside while they waited for the group to return. Telling stories of how the Synch kids were growing up do fast. 
All while doing this N'yami could feel the tug on her mothers aether increasing, Yami’s own aether battling with the dark entity that had latched on to the Scholar a couple moons ago. Even with how much she was battling to keep her mother's aether within her body it felt like Yami was grasping at smoke, and all she could do was watch as it slipped between her fingers.
And then it happened. 
Without warning G'lewra collapsed, and N'yami had been quick enough to catch her mother before she hit the ground. 
“No….nonononono! MOM!! They're comin’ back! Dad's comin’ back to help! He always does! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!!” 
N’yami wasn't a healer, she didn't know how to fix this. She's just a damn blacksmith. Learning healing was pointless in her eyes because G’lewra was always around to patch her up. But now she was gone. 
The Seeker's breathing picked up as she felt the swirls of emotions erupt from her dark aether, red aether flickered around her while her ruby gaze gave off an ominous glow. A blood curdling howl escaped her lungs as he shouted towards the sky as the emotions took over, the pulses of aether coming off the Dark Knight becoming stronger with each passing moment. 
She needed help. Dad knew what to do with this sort of thing, Tynos wasn't a master of aetherical manipulation for nothing. N'yami fumbled with her linkpearl for a moment then let it spring to life. 
"I NEED THE OLD MAN NOW!" N'yami's panicked voice shouted over the linkpearl. She wasn't able to steady her breathing, quick and hurried breaths as her body was heading into a panic attack. "She's gone!” And with a final attempt she tried calling to her mother again. “WAKE UP DAMNIT! MMMOOOOMMM!" Her breathing became more panicked as she tried to think of who else was there that could help. Aislinn. "LINN!" Crying out to the hyur like a younger sibling that needed protection. 
With the last effort, N'yami clicked off the linkpearl as she cried over G'lewra's form, clutching to the lifeless body as if her mothers body would slip away from her just as the aether did. 
“You know how to fix this.”
She tried to drown out the voice in her head, the voice that always came to life when it was a fight or flight situation. N'yami’s body didn't understand the meaning of flight, and so this voice always came around to encourage the Seeker to keep fighting. No matter what. 
Looking up with tear stained cheeks N'yami saw an image of herself standing in front of her clad in armor that put the shadows to shame. Spikes jutting out in random directions, and the red aether made cracks along the armor to empower it. 
“There's one right here, and she's the cause of all this, right? Actions have consequences.” 
A low growl rumbled through N'yami while her grip on G'lewra's body tightened while thinking about the ex cultist. 
“They're allowing her to walk freely, and yet we still lost someone. She took mom away from us. It's her fault. You FOUGHT with everything to keep her here and NOW SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF THESE CULTISTS! They don't get to live!!!” 
The more the aether spoke to N'yami made the glow in her eyes brighter, with so much emotions you'd expect to see those feelings flooding her ruby orbs but they were hollow. So empty but yet so dangerous to look at. The look of a killer, and the voice in her head was winning. There was no one there to calm the Dark Knight. Usually she did so well to contain these emotions, use them to protect those she loves. But now one of them was gone, and she blamed herself for it. 
“She needs to die…” Her voice barely above a whisper and sounding as though she had just gargled nails from all the screaming she had been doing. 
“We can't lose more.”
Looking from the aetherical form the Seeker's attention slowly turned to the new voice, and there she saw Aislinn standing on the other side of the barrier the aetherical formed had put around them to talk. 
All she could do was stare blankly at the Hyur before looking back to where her aetherical form once stood. It had vanished just within the few moments of looking away.
N'yami still held G'lewra close, but the barrier started to break into pieces, and it crumbled to the ground before mixing in with aether around her. She could hear Linn talking to her, trying to reach her, but it sounded so muffled. So far away. Her head lazily lulled to look back in Linn's direction but that's when she caught sight of Augusta carrying a limp Tynos back to the Heartwood estate, and she felt her world crumble all over again thinking that not only had she lost her mother but also the man that didn't hesitate to adopt her as his own. So lost in her own world crumbling around her N'yami didn't even notice how Riylli had stood in the background watching Linn talk the Dark Knight down.
“Alright, Yami, listen to me. I know what this looks like. Hells, I know what it feels like. Like the world’s stopped and the earth might as well open up and swallow you because you can’t see how there’s any way forward from here. Anything to stop this from being true.” Aislinn knew grief. Life had given her plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with it. She knew people liked to say it was something you got used to. Like jumping in a cold lake. But damn if it wasn’t a shock every time. “I understand but right now I need you to help me. We have to get her inside. Hey, Tynos’ll be alright. He just went and overdid it out there. But listen. You’ve gotta let me take a look at her. We don’t know for sure what’s happened and until we do we can’t give up on her. Right?”
N'yami tried to focus on Aislinn’s words, trying to hear them over the commotion happening within her mind.
“Ok…” she sounded so defeated but Yami knew she could trust Linn. She had become one of the Seeker's safe places. That rock a younger sibling needed. 
Her arms were shaking as she let go of G'lewra so Aislinn could do what was needed. While the medic worked Yami kept out of the way but kept close, without thinking Yami's hand had reached out to hold onto Linn's coat tail. She needed grounding but also wanting to stay out of the way. 
That aether.
Looking away from G'lewra and Aislinn for a second, N'yami saw the one she thought was responsible for all this. Xha stood in the yard staring at them, and all the Dark Knight did was stare the Keeper down with a murderous intent before she was pulled from her thoughts. G'lewra needed to be carried inside, and N'yami didn't hesitate to carry her mom inside for Aislinn. 
“The hunt can wait, mother needs us.”
Heading inside the clinic, N'yami placed G'lewra on one of the beds closest to Tynos. God's. He looked like shit was the first thing that went through her mind. 
She let the medics work, and stood out of the way but close enough to her parents to look after them. N'yami found herself mindlessly following Aislinn around the clinic like a duckling, clutching onto the other woman's coat when the Hyur was at a stand still.  She felt so lost. Mind numb and not knowing what to do so she latched to the next family member. 
“Oi. There you are, Yami!” 
Her head peaked out from behind Aislinn, it paid to have a taller sibling it seems, and there stood her husband Neville. There in all his smiling glory. 
“We're having a sleepover in the workshop, and I already got the kits set up. Better hurry before they take yer spot.” He was grinning the whole time while talking to her. N'yami wasn't sure how he was able to smile in such a situation or how he knew he was needed here. But before the Seeker left Linn’s side she pressed her forehead against the medics shoulder in a pathetic attempt of a headbutt, even with G'lewra gone N'yami remembered how her mother told her how Linn had issues with physical touch and to not overwhelm her with them. She wanted to show appreciation but still respect the boundaries. 
Slowly making her way towards Neville she paused for a moment before looking back at Linn, and a few tears slid down her cheeks. Not only was Yami's mom gone but so was Linn's. 
And N'yami blamed herself for not being able to keep their mom safe. 
Here she was falling apart where Linn was probably going through the same thing. How selfish she was being. 
Looking back to Neville for a moment she went to back to Linn for a moment. Her hand glowing a bright red, and when she opened her palm a flat stone almost resembling a ruby sat in the Seekers palm. But the aether that swirled within flickered between the colors of red, black, and purple. Almost mimicking a storm. 
“For when yer….overwhelmed.” N'yami's gaze shifted around as she tried to explain it in her emotional state. “I can…feel the emotions. A way to vent to me…without words if they become too hard.” 
Leaving the stone with Aislinn and returning to her husband's side she let him guide her to the workshop where her children greeted her. Falling into the pile of blankets and pillows N’yami gathered her children close to her, and of course her obsidian carbuncle Whackara that was a gift to her from her mother curled on top of her chest for pressure therapy. Neville had curled around his family to keep them close, he knew this was something N’yami needed. Thankful their wedding bands kept them connected aetherically. 
It took N’yami awhile to fall asleep, everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was her mother falling before her. 
“You need to sleep. A hunt awaits for us.” The voice returned to lull the Seeker to sleep. But the voice was right, and there was one thing that crossed N’yami’s thoughts before she finally let sleep take her.
Which target was first?
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dizzified · 5 months
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Meet Riller Ginaqon, God of Ice and heir to the Gelid Throne.
Ice god moment.
Is royalty.
Forgets he's royalty.
Money-wise, is an extremely possessive and greedy person.
Owns a castle that he refuses to live in and instead hoards money in.
Denies that he lives in his parents basement.
Lives in his parents basement.
Has quite literally died like 4 times.
Ironically died once in a blizzard along with his entire family.
Got dropkicked out of his body once by some fucked up dictator.
Proceeded to get blamed for horrible crimes he had no part in due to this.
Got thrown back into his body twice, both times to get beat the hell up and die.
Trying to restabilize himself and his life after finally getting his body back and having his parents revived.
Is focusing on rekindling his relationship with his emotionally and mentally fucked up bestfriend.
Has the ability to make his blood freeze, inside or out of his body.
Obviously, is cold to the touch.
Ironically is best friends with a literal fire god.
Is iced out.
Dislikes Siara with a passion.
She killed him once, he never forgave her for it.
Hasn't been relevant in months, kind of just showed up.
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
North Mississippi Home Place
North Mississippi Home Place By Neely Tucker Published May 29, 2019 at 09:00AM
  Michael Ford’s work in 1970s Mississippi was the foundation of his new book.
Heat. Molasses. Wooden houses, tin roofs. Grist mills. Mules, ears twitching. Metal on iron. Ice falling into a glass. Screen door hinges. Wind in the oaks. Eight-track music from the truck. Long orange sunsets that hang in the sky, a gloaming that gives way to a deep, penetrating darkness ruled by crickets and cicadas and four-legged animals that move, unseen, in the woods.
Northeast Mississippi’s hill country is a largely forgotten corner of the nation, peculiar in its mixing of Appalachian white culture and African American life more associated with the Delta on the western side of the state. It’s been one of Michael Ford’s artistic muses since the early 1970s, when he made “Homeplace,” a half-hour documentary that enshrined the place and time. A photographer and filmmaker, his subject was the vanishing culture of rural, agrarian America, where craftsmanship and self-reliance molded the shape of daily life. He was on point — one of the villages he filmed, Chulahoma, is now listed as an “extinct community,” and the general store he filmed and photographed there is long gone.
M.R. Hall. Photo: Michael Ford.
This bittersweet perspective informs  “Northeast Mississippi Homeplace,” a book of Ford’s photography and writings published this month by the Library in association with the University of Georgia Press. It encapsulates Ford’s original work and a trip back to the same places a few years ago. The Library’s American Folklife Center acquired Ford’s Mississippi collection in 2014 — several hundred photographs, film reels, manuscripts and audio recordings — and the book grew out of that project.
North Mississippi “is a special place, a special part of America,” said Todd Harvey, a collections specialist in American Folklife Center and curator of the Alan Lomax Collection, during a recent onstage conversation with Ford and Aimee Hess, the book’s editor.  The conversation, part of the Botkin Lecture Series, was at the Whitthall Pavilion, and launched the book’s publication to a full house.
Ford grew up and was educated in the northeast, but took his young family to Mississippi in the early 1970s to work on an in-depth exploration of the folkways of one of the poorest places in America. He apprentinced himself to blacksmith Marion Randolph Hall, whose shop in Oxford was just off the town square that William Faulkner had made so famous. He hung out at Hal Waldrip’s General Store in Chulahoma, watched A.G. Newson make molasses, went to Othar Turner’s barbecues (featuring fife and drum music) and studied how Riller Thomas made quilts.
“When I got to north Mississippi and went wandering  in late afternoon when it was first frost, I knew what I was seeing,” Ford said during the onstage conversation. “People were self-sufficient,without a lot of outside stuff.”
Michael Ford discusses his work with Aimee Hess, managing editor of the Library’s Publications Office. Photo: Shawn Miller.
The first lesson Hall taught him about blacksmithing? When looking at a piece of metal in the shop, “spit on it to see if it’s hot.”
Mississippi is that kind of place — gut-bucket deep with labor, practicality and mother wit. Ford, new to an old place, was struck by its poverty, by the raw relationship of people to nature.  He stuck to a few counties that are to the south and east of Memphis, tucked below Tennessee and not far from the Alabama line. Interstates were things that ran someplace else. In these rolling hills and small villages, he struck up friendships and stayed for four years.
“They’re about the land,” he writes about his pictures of the era, “and about the people living their lives as best they can in the circumstances they are in. I was there in a rural America that was at its end.”
In his lecture, four decades later, he counted himself fortunate to have done so.
“I was lucky to get it,” he said, “while it was there.”
Riller Smith ‘s quilts on the line. Lafayette County, Miss., 1972. Photo: Michael Ford
Read more on https://loc.gov
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investmart007 · 7 years
NCAA Latest: Auburn holds off Charleston's upset bid
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NCAA Latest: Auburn holds off Charleston's upset bid
/March 16, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —
The Latest on the NCAA Tournament (all times Eastern):
9:50 p.m.
Fourth-seeded Auburn is moving on in the NCAA tournament. Barely.
Mustapha Heron had 16 points and Auburn hit some key late free throws to hold off No. 13 seed Charleston 62-58 in the first-round of the Midwest Region on Friday.
The Tigers were in a fight the entire second half and trailed 55-54 with 3 minutes left after a 3-pointer from Charleston’s Marquise Pointer. But Bryce Brown’s 3 put the Tigers back in front and Jared Harper added a 3-pointer with 1:14 left to give the Tigers a 59-56 lead. Charleston had chances in the final minute to close the gap but missed three key free throws and Grant Riller’s attempt at a tying 3-pointer in the final 10 seconds was well short. It appeared Riller was fouled but no call was made.
Jarrell Brantley had 24 points to lead Charleston.
__ Tim Booth reporting from San Diego.
9:35 p.m.
Miles Bridges scored 29 points, and third-seeded Michigan State outlasted 14th-seeded Bucknell 82-78.
The Spartans advance to play the winner of the TCU-Syracuse game.
Michigan State led just 44-40 at halftime but held the Bison to 10-of-28 shooting in the second. Zach Thomas scored 27 points for Bucknell before fouling out on a technical with 6:06 remaining.
Bucknell made five 3-pointers in the last 90 seconds or so to make the final score close —a flurry that seemed to impress even the Michigan State fans in Detroit — but the outcome wasn’t really in doubt late.
— Noah Trister reporting from Detroit.
9:04 p.m.
Barry Brown scored 18 points, and ninth-seeded Kansas State led wire-to-wire to post a 69-59 victory over No. 8 Creighton on Friday night despite playing without leading scorer Dean Wade.
Mike McGuirl added 17 points and Kamau Stokes had 11 as the Wildcats reached the final 32 in the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2012. Wade had been expected to play after suffering a stress fracture in the quarterfinals of the Big 12 Tournament, but never saw the floor.
His teammates picked him up, particularly on defense.
Creighton came into the game ranked 10th in scoring in Division I at 84.3 points per game but tied a season-low with 59 points after shooting 33.8 percent from the field, including 26 percent from beyond the 3-point arc.
Leading scoring Marcus Foster, who spent two seasons at Kansas State, was held scoreless for the first 28 1/2 minutes and finished with five points on 2-of-11 shooting.
8:45 p.m.
The Xavier Musketeers are looking every bit of a No. 1 seed thanks to senior guards J.P. Macura and Trevon Bluiett.
Macura scored 18 points and Bluiett added 17 as the Musketeers took a 49-37 lead into halftime over No. 16 seed Texas Southern. Macura took care of the scoring early, hitting seven of his first eight shots, including all four beyond the arc. He scored 15 points during a 21-2 run by the  Musketeers as Xavier responded to falling behind 20-13. Macura capped the run with a 3 putting Xavier up 34-22 with 7:12 left.
Bluiett scored seven down the stretch, including his third 3-pointer for a 49-29 lead with 1:39 left.
But the Tigers, who won their first NCAA Tournament game in the First Four to advance, finished the half scoring the final eight points. Guard Demontrae Jefferson stole the ball for a layup that not only beat the buzzer but drew a foul. He hit the free throw to pull Texas Southern closer at halftime.
— Teresa M. Walker reporting from Nashville, Tennessee
8:40 p.m.
Auburn is trying to avoid becoming the second No. 4 seed to lose at San Diego State’s Viejas Arena in the NCAA Tournament.
The Tigers are tied at 25 with College of Charleston at halftime of their Midwest Region matchup on Friday night.
The Tigers are shooting horribly. They’ve made only 9 of 32 field goals for 28.1 percent, and have missed all 13 3-pointers.
Charleston is shooting 40.7 percent and has rallied from an early deficit.
The Cougars’ Grant Riller has 12 points and is the only player in double figures.
In an East Region game earlier Friday at Viejas, No. 13 seed Marshall upset No. 4 seed Wichita State 81-75. Another No. 4, Arizona, lost Thursday night to Buffalo, bouncing the Pac-12 from the tournament.
— Bernie Wilson reporting in San Diego.
8:09 p.m.
The injury to Purdue center Isaac Haas changes the complexion of Sunday’s matchup between the Boilermakers and in-state rival Butler.
Haas is out for the rest of the NCAA Tournament with an elbow injury.
“Obviously the first thought goes out to Isaac and his family and Purdue and their program,” said Butler coach LaVall Jordan, whose team beat Arkansas immediately after Purdue’s win over Cal State Fullerton. “You hate that for anybody, but especially a senior and his last run, for that to take him out when they had a really good team, a really good chance to make a deep run.”
That’s not to say the Boilermakers can’t go far without Haas. Backup Matt Haarms is actually an inch taller at 7-foot-3.
“I think our mentality doesn’t change. It’s not like they’re going to play four guys,” Jordan said. “They have other players that are really good. We’ve got to be prepared for them.”
— Noah Trister reporting from Detroit.
8:05 p.m.
Looks like playing the nation’s toughest schedule has helped Texas Southern prepare for the NCAA Tournament.
When No. 1 seed Xavier took a 13-4 lead, Texas Southern answered with an even bigger run of its own and reeled off the next 16 points hitting all five shots. Robert Lewis’ 3 capped the run and put the Tigers up 20-13 with 12:18 left in the first half.
The Tigers played their first 13 games on the road to earn money for the SWAC program, and that schedule included visits to Gonzaga, Ohio State, Kansas, Clemson, Oregon and Baylor. Texas Southern lost all 13 of those games. But coach Mike Davis says that schedule was planned to prepare his Tigers for March and the games that matter most.
— Teresa M. Walker reporting from Nashville, Tennessee
8:05 p.m.
Scrappy Bucknell is hanging right with third-seeded Michigan State through 20 minutes.
In front of a partisan crowd of Spartans fans in Detroit, the Bison rallied from an 11-point deficit and actually took a 28-27 lead at one point, delighting the small but spirited group of Bucknell supporters in attendance.
Michigan State leads 44-40 at halftime, but that’s not a huge margin considering the Spartans shot 59 percent from the field.
Bucknell’s Zach Thomas has 20 points.
— Noah Trister reporting from Detroit.
7:46 p.m.
No Wade? No problem for Kansas State.
The ninth-seeded Wildcats lead No. 8 seed Creighton 32-26 at halftime despite playing without leading scorer Dean Wade, who spent all 20 minutes sitting on the bench cheering on his teammates.
Dean suffered a stress fracture in his left foot in the Big 12 Conference tournament, but coach Bruce Weber said earlier this week that he expected Wade to be ready for the first round.
Wade is suited up and does not have a protective boot on his foot.
He is averaging 16.7 points per game.
7:45 p.m.
The Texas Southern Tigers started the season losing their first 13 games. They’re in Nashville for their first-round game trying to see if they can extend their eight-game winning streak by doing something that’s never been done.
Knock off a top seed as a No. 16 seed.
The Tigers of the Southwestern Athletic Conference won the first NCAA Tournament game in the program’s history Wednesday night knocking off North Carolina Central in the First Four in Dayton.
They tip off against Xavier, which is playing its first game ever as a No. 1 seed, in the first round of the West Region.
— Teresa M. Walker reporting from Nashville, Tennessee.
7:23 p.m.
Creighton’s Marcus Foster was struggling in the first half against his former team, Kansas State. The senior guard was 0 for 3 from the field and had yet to score as the eighth-seeded Bluejays trailed 25-16 to the ninth-seeded Wildcats with 4:36 left in the first half.
Foster spent two seasons at Kansas State before being kicked off the team for disciplinary reasons in 2015.
He transferred to Creighton, where has played the last two seasons after sitting out a year. He’s the team’s leading scorer this season with 20.3 points per game.
7:05 p.m.
Nevada coach Eric Musselman was pumped up after his team beat Texas in overtime in the first round of the NCAA Tournament and his locker room speech that was broadcast live ended up being rated PG-13.
The CBS/Turner cameras caught Musselman three times, twice loud and clear, dropping an obscenity while excitedly congratulating his team. After the third time, the cameras cutaway.
Musselman then opened his postgame news conference by apologizing for his language.
6:50 p.m.
Caleb Martin made three clutch 3-pointers in overtime for Nevada and the seventh-seeded Wolf Pack came from behind to force overtime and then beat 10th-seeded Texas 87-83 in the East Regional.
Nevada erased a double-digit second-half lead by the Longhorns and fouled out Texas star Mo Bamba at the end of regulation.
Martin made the biggest shots, but Nevada could not miss, going 6 for 6 in OT and scoring 19 points. The Wolf Pack advance to the second round against No. 2 seed Cincinnati by earning its first NCAA Tournament victory since 2007.
Meanwhile, Texas coach Shaka Smart fell to 2-6 in the NCAA Tournament, including his time at VCU, since a Final Four run in 2013.
6:40 p.m.
West Virginia did its part and has set up one crazy Mountain State showdown way out on the West Coast.
The fifth-seeded Mountaineers ousted No. 12 seed Murray State 85-68 in the first round of the East Region. The victory sets up a round of 32 matchup with in-state rival Marshall on Sunday. The 13th-seeded Thundering Herd upset No. 4 seed Wichita State earlier Friday.
West Virginia’s do-everything star Jevon Carter led the way with 21 points and seven assists. Carter was also part of a tremendous defensive effort on Murray State standout Jonathan Stark. Stark entered the game averaging 21.8 points per game but was held to nine points on 1-of-12 shooting.
Terrell Miller led the Racers with 27 points. The Racers had won 13 straight entering the NCAAs, the second-longest win streak in the country.
— Tim Booth reporting from San Diego.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (Z.S)
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pocketninja-ffxiv · 1 year
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Little family get together at the Riller household, some more eager to come while others have to be convinced. It’s totally not the only Keeper in the little circle. 
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