#Neville Synch
pocketninja-ffxiv · 8 months
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Wake up.
Why wasn't she waking up? Mom you need to wake up! 
N'yami shook her mother's lifeless body she held in her arms, G'lewra wasn't responding to anything. The two were enjoying the fresh air outside while they waited for the group to return. Telling stories of how the Synch kids were growing up do fast. 
All while doing this N'yami could feel the tug on her mothers aether increasing, Yami’s own aether battling with the dark entity that had latched on to the Scholar a couple moons ago. Even with how much she was battling to keep her mother's aether within her body it felt like Yami was grasping at smoke, and all she could do was watch as it slipped between her fingers.
And then it happened. 
Without warning G'lewra collapsed, and N'yami had been quick enough to catch her mother before she hit the ground. 
“No….nonononono! MOM!! They're comin’ back! Dad's comin’ back to help! He always does! DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!!” 
N’yami wasn't a healer, she didn't know how to fix this. She's just a damn blacksmith. Learning healing was pointless in her eyes because G’lewra was always around to patch her up. But now she was gone. 
The Seeker's breathing picked up as she felt the swirls of emotions erupt from her dark aether, red aether flickered around her while her ruby gaze gave off an ominous glow. A blood curdling howl escaped her lungs as he shouted towards the sky as the emotions took over, the pulses of aether coming off the Dark Knight becoming stronger with each passing moment. 
She needed help. Dad knew what to do with this sort of thing, Tynos wasn't a master of aetherical manipulation for nothing. N'yami fumbled with her linkpearl for a moment then let it spring to life. 
"I NEED THE OLD MAN NOW!" N'yami's panicked voice shouted over the linkpearl. She wasn't able to steady her breathing, quick and hurried breaths as her body was heading into a panic attack. "She's gone!” And with a final attempt she tried calling to her mother again. “WAKE UP DAMNIT! MMMOOOOMMM!" Her breathing became more panicked as she tried to think of who else was there that could help. Aislinn. "LINN!" Crying out to the hyur like a younger sibling that needed protection. 
With the last effort, N'yami clicked off the linkpearl as she cried over G'lewra's form, clutching to the lifeless body as if her mothers body would slip away from her just as the aether did. 
“You know how to fix this.”
She tried to drown out the voice in her head, the voice that always came to life when it was a fight or flight situation. N'yami’s body didn't understand the meaning of flight, and so this voice always came around to encourage the Seeker to keep fighting. No matter what. 
Looking up with tear stained cheeks N'yami saw an image of herself standing in front of her clad in armor that put the shadows to shame. Spikes jutting out in random directions, and the red aether made cracks along the armor to empower it. 
“There's one right here, and she's the cause of all this, right? Actions have consequences.” 
A low growl rumbled through N'yami while her grip on G'lewra's body tightened while thinking about the ex cultist. 
“They're allowing her to walk freely, and yet we still lost someone. She took mom away from us. It's her fault. You FOUGHT with everything to keep her here and NOW SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF THESE CULTISTS! They don't get to live!!!” 
The more the aether spoke to N'yami made the glow in her eyes brighter, with so much emotions you'd expect to see those feelings flooding her ruby orbs but they were hollow. So empty but yet so dangerous to look at. The look of a killer, and the voice in her head was winning. There was no one there to calm the Dark Knight. Usually she did so well to contain these emotions, use them to protect those she loves. But now one of them was gone, and she blamed herself for it. 
“She needs to die…” Her voice barely above a whisper and sounding as though she had just gargled nails from all the screaming she had been doing. 
“We can't lose more.”
Looking from the aetherical form the Seeker's attention slowly turned to the new voice, and there she saw Aislinn standing on the other side of the barrier the aetherical formed had put around them to talk. 
All she could do was stare blankly at the Hyur before looking back to where her aetherical form once stood. It had vanished just within the few moments of looking away.
N'yami still held G'lewra close, but the barrier started to break into pieces, and it crumbled to the ground before mixing in with aether around her. She could hear Linn talking to her, trying to reach her, but it sounded so muffled. So far away. Her head lazily lulled to look back in Linn's direction but that's when she caught sight of Augusta carrying a limp Tynos back to the Heartwood estate, and she felt her world crumble all over again thinking that not only had she lost her mother but also the man that didn't hesitate to adopt her as his own. So lost in her own world crumbling around her N'yami didn't even notice how Riylli had stood in the background watching Linn talk the Dark Knight down.
“Alright, Yami, listen to me. I know what this looks like. Hells, I know what it feels like. Like the world’s stopped and the earth might as well open up and swallow you because you can’t see how there’s any way forward from here. Anything to stop this from being true.” Aislinn knew grief. Life had given her plenty of opportunities to get acquainted with it. She knew people liked to say it was something you got used to. Like jumping in a cold lake. But damn if it wasn’t a shock every time. “I understand but right now I need you to help me. We have to get her inside. Hey, Tynos’ll be alright. He just went and overdid it out there. But listen. You’ve gotta let me take a look at her. We don’t know for sure what’s happened and until we do we can’t give up on her. Right?”
N'yami tried to focus on Aislinn’s words, trying to hear them over the commotion happening within her mind.
“Ok…” she sounded so defeated but Yami knew she could trust Linn. She had become one of the Seeker's safe places. That rock a younger sibling needed. 
Her arms were shaking as she let go of G'lewra so Aislinn could do what was needed. While the medic worked Yami kept out of the way but kept close, without thinking Yami's hand had reached out to hold onto Linn's coat tail. She needed grounding but also wanting to stay out of the way. 
That aether.
Looking away from G'lewra and Aislinn for a second, N'yami saw the one she thought was responsible for all this. Xha stood in the yard staring at them, and all the Dark Knight did was stare the Keeper down with a murderous intent before she was pulled from her thoughts. G'lewra needed to be carried inside, and N'yami didn't hesitate to carry her mom inside for Aislinn. 
“The hunt can wait, mother needs us.”
Heading inside the clinic, N'yami placed G'lewra on one of the beds closest to Tynos. God's. He looked like shit was the first thing that went through her mind. 
She let the medics work, and stood out of the way but close enough to her parents to look after them. N'yami found herself mindlessly following Aislinn around the clinic like a duckling, clutching onto the other woman's coat when the Hyur was at a stand still.  She felt so lost. Mind numb and not knowing what to do so she latched to the next family member. 
“Oi. There you are, Yami!” 
Her head peaked out from behind Aislinn, it paid to have a taller sibling it seems, and there stood her husband Neville. There in all his smiling glory. 
“We're having a sleepover in the workshop, and I already got the kits set up. Better hurry before they take yer spot.” He was grinning the whole time while talking to her. N'yami wasn't sure how he was able to smile in such a situation or how he knew he was needed here. But before the Seeker left Linn’s side she pressed her forehead against the medics shoulder in a pathetic attempt of a headbutt, even with G'lewra gone N'yami remembered how her mother told her how Linn had issues with physical touch and to not overwhelm her with them. She wanted to show appreciation but still respect the boundaries. 
Slowly making her way towards Neville she paused for a moment before looking back at Linn, and a few tears slid down her cheeks. Not only was Yami's mom gone but so was Linn's. 
And N'yami blamed herself for not being able to keep their mom safe. 
Here she was falling apart where Linn was probably going through the same thing. How selfish she was being. 
Looking back to Neville for a moment she went to back to Linn for a moment. Her hand glowing a bright red, and when she opened her palm a flat stone almost resembling a ruby sat in the Seekers palm. But the aether that swirled within flickered between the colors of red, black, and purple. Almost mimicking a storm. 
“For when yer….overwhelmed.” N'yami's gaze shifted around as she tried to explain it in her emotional state. “I can…feel the emotions. A way to vent to me…without words if they become too hard.” 
Leaving the stone with Aislinn and returning to her husband's side she let him guide her to the workshop where her children greeted her. Falling into the pile of blankets and pillows N’yami gathered her children close to her, and of course her obsidian carbuncle Whackara that was a gift to her from her mother curled on top of her chest for pressure therapy. Neville had curled around his family to keep them close, he knew this was something N’yami needed. Thankful their wedding bands kept them connected aetherically. 
It took N’yami awhile to fall asleep, everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was her mother falling before her. 
“You need to sleep. A hunt awaits for us.” The voice returned to lull the Seeker to sleep. But the voice was right, and there was one thing that crossed N’yami’s thoughts before she finally let sleep take her.
Which target was first?
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krispyweiss · 2 years
Song Review(s): Phil Lesh & Friends - “Sugaree,” “Hey Pocky Way” and “Playing in the Band” (Live, Oct. 16, 2022)
- Lesh leads band and audience in “Happy Birthday” for fellow Dead man Bob Weir, performing on other coast
And on the third night, they gelled.
The latest, three-off iteration of Phil Lesh & Friends found their groove on their final night in New York State.
The free portion of the band’s pay-per-view livestream found the group consistently in synch, having figured out how to navigate among the eight players.
Guitarist Eric Krasno sung “Sugaree,” a 12-minute powerhouse that found him trading interverse solos with Grahame Lesh and John Scofield and leaving room for Karl Denson to blow some mean sax. Focused. And also searching. A delight.
The Meters’ “Hey Pocky Way” as all about Ivan Neville as the band - sounding like they’d been together years rather than days - carved a deep aural notch underneath the keyboardist and vocalist.
Phil Lesh begin set two leading the band and audience through “Happy Birthday” for “a bother,” Bob Weir, who was celebrating birthday No. 75 on the West Coast with Wolf Bros and the Wolfpack.
Lesh and his Friends followed with a lengthy and exploratory version of Weir’s “Playing in the Band,” featuring flute from Denson and Mikaela Davis’ harp. Krasno, Grahame Lesh and Davis sung it together.
Davis channeled Donna Jean Godchaux on her vocal asides as the jam began and again when the band moved into the “Playing Reprise” that came after an alternatively formless and focused instrumental interlude that found Phil Lesh and the guitarists facing and listening closely to one another.
Weir woulda loved it.
Grade card: Phil Lesh & Friends - “Sugaree,” “Hey Pocky Way” and “Playing in the Band” (Live - 10/16/22) - A-/A/A-
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lettersnorth · 2 years
The Commission: Complete!
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Neville was at the work bench the four "guns" were already on the table what was in front of him was the aether infuser, it was a small box that looked perfectly normal to keep at ones side for cereluem, however there was not even an ounce of it much to Yami's sadness, As the man's goggles were zoomed in four times akin to an old man as he had a tiny allag rod in one hand as he started to adjust some of the inner mechanics. Neville Synch: "Almost got it again.. This is why we can't have you test these.. your aether just makes holes in the target dummies.. I swear.. you need to control it more.."
N'yami was sitting off in her 'grounded' chair for blowing up another dummy after trying to test the weapons. "Not my fault the dummy couldn't stay standin', maybe the carpenters guild should make dummies that can actually withstand aether blasts." Legs kicked up on the table Yami hand her arms folded behind her head while balancing a screwdriver on her nose while Neville worked. "Yer the one that also asked me to test them so really whose fault is it?"
Neville: "Yer supposed to be able to control yer aether better than that.. And Don't you put it on the poor dummy, you went all "LETS REALLY TEST THESE OUT" And channeled enough of your aether to rip a head off."
Neville used a variant of her excited voice for the LETS REALLY TEST THESE OUT.
Having got word from Yami that her weapons were ready, Aislinn peeled herself away from her work at Heartwood with a rush of excitement. After being let in by one of Neville and Yami's children, she made her way downstairs in time to hear the exchange. "I dunno...making holes in things is what I want to do with these, right?" she said in that way of hers that made it difficult to decide if she was joking or not. She lifted a hand in greeting as a subtle smile crossed her face. "I received your missive. Are they truly ready?" Neville: "Ah Ey Aislinn, Yes, Yes, just have to re-adjust the main aetherical converter.. I even out did myself this time, Yer old ones you brought in I modified the back crystals with Allag Linking protocal, auto adjusting of course, I've added a ring to em as well so if you want to control em manually rather then purely through aether the option is there too."
"The back of em is the real trick, The crystal housed there will create a linking invisible ley line with the converter here, and I've added slots for up to eh.. six or so crystals.. so most of the aetherical types, I worked with Kaiya the former heartwood medic a bunch and was her test subject so I remembered a lot of the scholar shit, rest I hired an adventurer i helped before.. course feel free to use your own augments but I have the standard glyphs on each crystal.."
N'yami leaned forward so the screwdriver landed in her lap. "See? Ya know how funny it would be if she threatened someone at Heartwood if they weren't listenin'? I'd pay to see someone ask Aislinn to test that theory."
Neville continued on, "And if you want to get extra  fun, you can place just good ol regular crystals and fire off multi elemental blasts as well.. Course you'd need to bring some extra crystals with ya as it wears out fast."
Neville finished the adjusting and then gently covered the precise mechanics with a heavy shit of garlon steel, and sealed it, the outer shell was ornate but there was heft and if this thing fell or was even shot it'd likely not be damaged. Aislinn was no slouch when it came to technology but even she had to take a moment and work through all Neville had just explained to her. "Manually." she grabbed onto that word. "You mean in a pinch, I can shoot one of them off like a traditional firearm?" she liked the sound of that. Mostly because it was what she knew and what she was used to. She was under no delusions that learning to control these instruments on aether alone was going to be a learning curve. "It sounds like you thought of a hells lot more than I was expecting. Assuming I can get the handle of these, I shouldn't need much else to get the job done." She slid N'yami a sidelong glance of amusement at her comment. "Pretty sure you needn't pay for it. It's only a matter of time, the way they carry on."
Neville nodded his head, "They have their own aetherical supplies that will last a bit of time, but the ring lets you control their course of action, and.. because Yami was part of this project, he walked over to a small switch on the ring, and pointed," If you get in a pinch and aether doesn't work, I've loaded 4 slugs into each of em that if you ran your inner finger across these, You'll be able to swap from casting to well.. Ya know.. Blasting someones head open."
Aislinn looks at N'yami with something akin to deep affection
"They'll still float and all that so just move the ring around and aim yer finger at em, It's like finger guns.. but ya know....More deadly."
N'yami made an explosion motion with her hands and made the sounds for it. "Gotta be prepared for all things."
Neville: "You'll really make a point in combat with that."
Aislinn a huff of amazed laughter escaped her. "Finger guns. I never imagined that'd be a viable tactic, but here we are." She watches the way Neville points out the details, committing it to memory. "I'm assuming you tested them...hence the obliterated dummies but did you find them hard to get a handle on?"
Neville: "Thats a Yami question my aetherical prowess is that of a dead fish."
Aislinn blinks and opens her mouth but refrains from asking the question. Recognizing at the last second, that despite her curiosity, it would be rude. Instead she nods and looks questioningly to Yami.
N'yami "Nah, took me a second to get used to them since I've never worked with four weapons at once but after some time ya get used to it and it'll feel like second nature to ya. So don't feel discouraged the first couple tries!"
Neville: "The converter is key to get used too, if you can get quick at swapping shit out.. The guns will work perfectly. Course you can use em normally as those Sharlayans too.. But thats normal and boring."
A touch of relief eases into Aislinn’s expression as she eyes the weapons. "That's good to know. It's been awhile since I've had full use of my own aether, I'm honestly a touch nervous about it but from everything you two have told me, there's so many modifications made to these there's more than enough ancillary backups should things go sideways." Reaching out she lifts up one of the guns, turning it over in both hands, the heft and weight reassuring and close to what she knew. Smiling a genuine smile, she looked at both of them. "I really can't thank you enough for everything you thought of."
Neville: "If you think of something or want something more you can yell at us.. it was a pretty interesting project. I've never created a link like that.. The one between the guns and the converter."
Aislinn scoffs in a good-natured way. "More?" she asks incredulously. "I'm not sure what more you could do them."
N'yami: "He's the one that came up with everythin'." She said tilting her head back in Neville's direction. "I got grounded from the project after testin' them sssoooo....I just helped get supplies mainly." She laughed as if it were a normal thing when she got grounded from projects.
Neville: "I could add a magitek rocket launcher to auto seek targets if the slugs run out.. An ancillery.. Magitek Ishgardian shielding device to the converter.." Neville Synch: "An ADS node's programing to auto select different glyphs.. Need The old mans help with that one.. That sort of thing.. But I didn't want to overload ya.. and Yami got angry at me for dipping into my own budget.." N'yami: "Aislinn would be the most feared healer in Heartwood if she had a rocket launcher, like to see someone run away from healin' after bein' threatened with that."
Aislinn laughed along with Yami, though the way she saw it, Yami testing things was how she ended up getting good ol' regular slugs added to her weapon, so she wasn't opposed. But the resulting damage Yami usually left in her wake wasn't /normally/ Lin's problem either. She blinks, eyes going wide at Neville's rundown of further modifications. "You honestly had me at rocket launcher." she held up a hand.
N'yami seemed to start vibrating in her chair and eyes went wide like a child on Starlight. "Let's make a rocket launcher." She sounded way too excited about this.
"Let me get used to these as they are...but that ADS system sounds interesting and a way to further streamline the process. I may be back." Aislinn chuckled.
Neville nodded his head," Aye.. The old man spent.. nearly six or seven months cooped up between Gubal and his own studies figuring that shit out. Some madness about using Asya Llha primal recreation machines to simulate aetherical travel through an immense void or some shite. It goes far over my head, but the end result was him figuring out how to manually program the lil drones."
"In truth, it goes too far over mine as well. Not to mention I've enough sense not to mess with the void." An understatement. It freakin' terrified Aislinn. "I've not met him but if G'lewra sees something in him, he must have more than a decent head on his shoulders."
Neville: "He's an idiot."
Aislinn bursts out laughing
N'yami: "He's...yea a little bit."
Neville: "That says something when Y ami says it.. considering how she is."
Aislinn: "Then I suppose there's a different appeal."
Neville shrugs
N'yami slowly turned to look at Neville and gave him a questioning look. "Whatcha mean considerin' how I am?"
Neville: "Yer an idiot too. Just look how you treated our Dummy."
Aislinn North looks down at the weapons once more. "I should get out of your way. Is there anything further I should know before I make off with these and get to training back at Heartwood?"
Neville: "Couldn't resist, Ah right, Go forth and bring healing pain to all those who stand in yer path.. And Yami will work our whatever she wants to charge ya."
N'yami: "Yea well! You married this idiot!" She huffed before looking back at Linn. "Think we went over everythin', if ya need repairs or need a small tweak to it just give us a call we're always around."
Neville: "And I love you my perfect idiot" He said with a toothy smirk looking back towards Lin, " Really though was a fun.. project, let us know if you want to add anything or add tweaks."
Aislinn dips her head as she accepts Neville's words of commission before nodding to Yami "I will. I'll give you an update after I've had a chance to warm to them."
Aislinn carefully collects the weapons, slipping them into a long leather knapsack made for hauling sniper rifles around. Because of course she had one of those. The ring she takes up and slips into her pocket before smiling and tipping her head in farewell. "Thank you both again. So much. Good luck with your other projects and let me know if I can do anything for you." she said as she turned to make her way out.
Neville offered a wave," Have a good day there Aislinn!"
N'yami: "Nah, thank you for lettin' us work on the project. Have fun and update us on how it all works!" She grinned at the hyur while offering a small wave goodbye.
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okay you know the tiktok trend “bueno, you didn’t hear this from me, but some little birdie told me, usnavi had sex with yolanda!” okay but doing that with neville and ron>>>>>
I literally had this sound on my fyp 24/7 and I swear I haven’t seen it in the past 3 days at all and I’m completely psyched out because I know it’s only been like less than a week but I feel like that trend happened years ago and this sent me into an existential crisis 😰
Anyways, do you mean like lip synching it? Or like actually telling them some insane gossip over the sound so the camera catches their reaction? Because I feel like they’d love both and they’re both like massive gossips, like Neville denies it constantly because he thinks gossip is bad :( but Ron doesn’t give a shit and must know everything,,,, also feel like if it was needed Neville could keep a secret (but it doesn’t take a lot to persuade him) whereas Ron will casually bring it up and then the other person will be like ‘what?!’ And Ron would be like ‘what, you didn’t know?’
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
One Day - Part 12
Tags: @fandomscombine @okaydraco @naomi02hook @iliketoast23 @winnsmills @oldfashionedlovergirlsblog @happycomb @xtrashmouthxtozierx @hopplessdreamer @dracoxxyoflam @cleopatera @hess016
(Sentimental A/N at the end) 
Draco x reader (she/her pronouns) Word count: 1587 Summary: One day AU. Post-war. Since The Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and y/n meet one day a year.
3 May, 2012
Minerva McGonagall had decided that this year’s commemoration of the Battle of Hogwarts would be the best they would ever have. Those who attended had always made the it a very beautiful affair, yet it was, often than not, solemn and sad. Even if it felt like too much to ask for, the headmistress truly wanted the day to go be pleasant – a celebration of life rather than a remembrance of death.
The night of May the 2nd, Hogwarts opened its doors once again, this time for a feast. As the Great Hall filled with former students and other members of the wizarding community, excitement lingered in the air. It reminded McGonagall of the enthusiasm of first years. Everyone was dressed up in elegant robes, thrilled of reuniting with old friends and have – for once on this day – a good time.
Draco had never been to one of those ceremonies. Even when (Y/N) had insisted all of those years ago, he felt like it wasn’t his place to be. This year, though, he decided to go. He said it was for her, but in reality, there was a deeper longing to make peace with that place and the people he never had the chance to apologize to.
“We can leave whenever you get tired.” Even if he tried to hide it, the distress was evident in his voice.
(Y/N) gave him a reassuring smile. She knew that, even after the long process of recovery, he still worried about her. “You’re not backing up, love,” she teased.
He gave her a playful eyeroll in response. “We had a very intense day on that “adventure” with Scorp. I don’t even know why did I ever think that was a good idea. I don’t want you to strain yourself too much,” he said, holding her closer to him.
“You thought that was a good idea because you’re the best father ever,” she noted matter-of-factly, “and I’m not strained and we’re going to have a good time.”
“Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N) – Malfoy,” Headmistress McGonagall greeted them at the door.
(Y/N) smiled softly. After healer Malfoy had deemed her healthy for his standards, they had gotten married. It was a very intimate wedding with their closest friends and family in the gardens of Malfoy manor. They had adopted each other’s last name and made a point to be referred to as such.
“Where shall we seat, headmistress?” Draco asked.
“Wherever you see fit. No houses today,” she answered excitedly.
As they entered to the Great Hall, the couple was greeted with hugs and cheers. If someone had told eighteen years old Draco he’d have such a reception in his alma mater, he would’ve laughed. Through the years, though, most people had changed their perceptions of him. He was healer Malfoy, who would stay afterhours if it meant some comfort to his patients. He was the Malfoy heir who’d hand out donations for different charities without ulterior motives. He was a friend to a lot of his former “enemies”. He was Scorpius’ proud father and (Y/N)’s loving husband. Draco had finally redeemed himself and could walk through Hogwarts with his head high, even if it triggered some very unhappy memories.
Hermione was the first one to spot them. She waved at them and soon they were surrounded by the Potter-Granger-Weasley clan on the far end of the Ravenclaw table. (Y/N) spotted Luna and Rolf Scammander on the same table, as well as Hannah and Neville and Pansy, Blaise and Daphne. On the other side of the room, from the Slytherin table, Astoria and Theo smiled at them. From the Hufflepuff table, Ernie waved at her. He was sitting with Cho, Justin and Susan. She also spotted Seamus with his husband Dean, talking to the Parvati twins and Lavender Brown. (Y/N) felt like she was living one of those happy endings from the muggle movies they would occasionally watch. Sitting by her husband, surrounded by her friends, no fear and nothing but good news on their way. It was all a bit unreal, in the best possibly way.
By midnight, Harry and Headmistress McGonagall had delivered the speeches, they drank a toast to the fallen and the feast was already over. People were already leaving and those who remained were laughing and remembering their days at Hogwarts.
“Come with me,” Draco whispered in (Y/N)’s ear.
“Trust me,” he answered with a smirk.
They said goodbye to their friends and left the Great Hall. (Y/N) thought they would apparate back home, but Draco surprised her by pulling her towards the stairs. Her smile grew wide as she realized they were on the fourth floor and walking towards that windowsill that marked their lives forever.
They stood there, quietly for a second. Draco then climbed on it and opened his arms for her. (Y/N) chuckled before sitting with him. His embrace was gentler than ever. He had always treated her with care, but after the assault it had become ten times more delicate. As their limbs tangled together, as they did every day now, (Y/N) remembered more than ever that day fourteen years ago.
“Draco!” Narcissa’s voice was firm, but loaded with fear.
“Son, where are you?” Lucius seemed desperate.  
Draco and (Y/N) were watching the sunrise, cuddling together. He was playing with one of her locks. At the sound of the voices he could distinguish very well, they – very much unwillingly – untangled their stiff limbs. He climbed down the windowsill and she stretched her arms. He found her adorable and for a second there he couldn’t believe they had snuggled all night long.
They looked at each other, like recognizing themselves for the first time. Draco thought that he might find rejection in her eyes, but he only found tenderness. And tenderness he gave back. (Y/N) was overwhelmed by such a strange mix of feelings. There she had the one and only Draco Malfoy, resident bully and death eater, smiling to her, watching her as though she was the most precious woman on earth. She felt like she should hate him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. One night of caresses and silent conversations had given her a whole new perspective on Draco and she wanted more of it.
As the voices came nearer, (Y/N) moved her hand to his hair. She smoothed it. Her touch was appeasing.
“Hey, Malfoy,” she said, a cheeky smile on her face.
“I don’t hate you.” It sounded stupid once she said it, but it was also liberating somehow.
He smiled genuinely. “I don’t hate you too, (Y/L/N)”.
Soon, the elder Malfoys found the two teenagers holding hands. Narcissa eyed them carefully. Hadn’t she been so worried about Draco’s wellbeing, she would’ve smiled at such a heartwarming scene.
“Draco, let’s go,” Lucius called, his voice wavering.
Draco stood up straighter. He nodded subtly at (Y/N) and walked to his parents, ready to leave. The three Malfoys disappeared down the corridor, leaving (Y/N) to deal with the butterflies in her stomach. She turned around to face the sunrise again, wondering what she’d say to her friends.
As Draco walked with his parents, he couldn’t conceal the smile on his face.
“Who is she?” Lucius asked.
“She’s just a friend,” he answered, trying to be nonchalant.
“Yeah, just a friend,” Narcissa teased.
Draco stopped on his tracks. His parents looked at him, mocking smiles on their faces.
“Wait a minute, okay?” He hadn’t finished saying this and his feet were already taking him back to (Y/N).
“Hey! Long time no see,” she taunted as he stood, once again, in front of her.
“Would you give me your address? To owl you?” he asked hesitantly. 
It warmed her heart to see him so disarmed and clumsy. She conjured paper and a quill out of thin air and copied her address. They looked at each affectionately. Draco leaned forward, their noses almost touching.
“Are we friends?” he blurted out. He cringed inwardly at how desperate that must have sounded.
(Y/N) closed the gap between them. It was a little awkward and incredibly sweet, just their lips touching, moving in synch at a very slow pace. (Y/N)’s hand travelled to his cheek, his fingers crawled to her hair. (Y/N) smiled into the kiss as she felt electricity running around them. Draco’s heart was about to leap off his chest.
When they pulled away, Draco pecked her lips softly a couple of times again until she giggled.
“Friends,” (Y/N) agreed happily.
“So, we really had our first kiss right here,” Draco said in awe.
“Are we friends?” (Y/N) mocked.
He placed a kiss on her temple. “Merlin, I don’t know, darling. What do you think?” his dashing smile warmed (Y/N)’s heart.
“Well, honey, I really hope we are. I don’t want to be running the (Y/L/N) – Malfoy quidditch team on my own,” she said. This was definitely not the way she wanted to break the news to him, but she figured it was more in their style.
It took Draco no time to register what she had said. He looked at her wide-eyed, completely at a loss for words.
“Seriously?” he asked, happy tears welling his eyes.
(Y/N) nodded vigorously. “No, no tears, my love. We’re very happy today,” she said as she sat up to caress both of his cheeks.
“I’m so happy, (Y/N),” he whispered and gently brought his hand to her belly.
They were soon cuddling again, waiting for the sunrise and feeling pure unaltered bliss.
A/N: This is the end. I hope you liked it! I really couldn’t kill reader, movie be damned. If you’ve reached this far, I really want to thank you. Thank you all for giving me love and support, for reading, liking, rebloging and commenting. Thank you for being kind to me. 
My birthday is on Thursday (6 days after Draco omg) so I think I’ll be taking the rest of the week for myself and start posting again over the weekend. If anyone wants me to tag them in my next endeavours (a Draco x reader mini series from a request, a Draco x reader one shot and a Theo x reader one shot) just tell me! 
My inbox is open for messages, requests, rants and any conversation you want to have. 
Lastly, I’d like to say two things: 
1. Trans women are women. We can enjoy the Harry Potter’s books, make sense of them whichever way we want them to, but we cannot take the authorship from J.K. Rowling. We must realize who she is and why she wrote what she wrote. 
2. Black lives matter
Have a happy day and a happy life. 
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I didn't really have an opinion on Neville before this tournament, but he's not been good. I feel like England have done well despite him, he defence was awful and instead of bringing in Williamson and trying that he sticks with it and its get even worse. They had that nicely working right side partnership with Parrish and Bronze and he broke it up. It's like when something good happens he wants to change it again. I also feel like Earps would be better in goal.
Not sure about Earps because tbh I haven't seen her enough to make up my mind either way. It's a real shame Bardsley's not fit though.
England, like a few teams tbh, seem to have done well in spite of their coach rather than because of him. He talks a big game and goes on about their principles and style but could anyone actually tell you what that style is supposed to be?!
No one seems to be questioning why our defence has become so out of synch while he's been manager and his tactics/substitutions have been rather dubious at times.
Unfortunately he seems to have been given a pass and is going to be the Team GB manager and presumably England's into Euro 2021.
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eorzeaunderground · 6 years
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For some mates- Rath Alarone and Neville Synch
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evermore118 · 8 years
Slight Difference
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Seamus Finnigan
Summary: Maybe there weren't many differences between a soulmate and a best friend
Words: 1,141
Seamus still remembered the first time he saw Dean. He was at King’s Cross station with his mum, him excitedly pushing his trolley as they walked to platform 9 ¾. As they walked he caught sight of a boy with his mum, both looking lost and confused. He noticed the parchment paper the boy’s mother was clutching, and told his mum. Together, they approached the pair, the boy likely a muggle born boy who only found out he was a wizard. The boy’s mum seemed happy for the help and from that moment, the two were joint at the hip.
When they did arrive at Hogwarts, they held the other’s hand at the sorting ceremony. When Seamus was called up, he hastily let go of Dean’s hand and sat in the chair. After he got sorted into Gryffindor he ran to the table, stealing a glance at Dean who sent him a smile. When Dean was called up Seamus looked at him hopefully and they locked eyes across the room for the briefest moment. Seamus’ teeth sunk into his lip as the hat went down onto Dean’s head. When the bellow of ‘Gryffindor’ was heard, Dean grinned and ran next to Seamus throwing his arms around him before sitting with him. They held hands under the table until the feat began.
The pair quickly became inseparable, rarely seen without the other. If you were to invite one of the two, you’d always get the other. They were almost as in synch as the Weasley twins, there was no way to get between their friendship.
After their first year, the two stayed in contact through calling each other. Both being from muggle families made that easy, as they both lived their lives amongst muggles and had muggle technology. It was a shame they lived too far to actually see each other but that only made going to King’s Cross station more exciting.
Before fourth year, Dean went to the Quidditch World Cup with Seamus’ mother. Since they weren’t sure when the game would end, both their mothers agreed to Dean staying with Seamus for the rest of school holidays.
Fourth year involved the Tri Wizard Tournament. This lead to the Yule Ball. There were a lot of girls either of them could ask, and Seamus ended up going with Lavender Brown. Dean himself didn’t have a date, and the result was Seamus spending a little more time with Dean than with Lavender. During the more upbeat songs, when Lavender favoured talking to her friends, Dean and Seamus jokingly danced around the dance floor, hands joined as their arms swayed.
They were the first back to their rooms that night, laughing pouring from them. Lavender had retired to her room with her friends, but that wasn’t on either of their minds. They were on Dean’s bed, laying side by side. When their laughter died down, they lay quietly for a moment, and then Seamus heard Dean take a deep breath. He shuffled and propped himself onto his side. Seamus looked up at him curiously. They stared at each other, time feeling like it had slowed down. Dean seemed hesitant but he leaned over to Seamus, so close that Seamus could feel Dean’s hot breath on his face. Seamus didn’t move, allowing Dean to place his lips onto his. It was brief but when Dean pulled away, Seamus took Dean’s face into his hands and closed the small gap by pulling him back down.
They didn’t exactly talk about what this meant for their friendship. They mostly just kissed a little when they were alone, but that wasn’t too frequent. Neville was in their dorm room a lot of the time so privacy was a rare thing.
Sixth year wasn’t something Seamus looked back on too fondly. They weren’t dating, of course they weren’t. Their relationship was simply platonic, they just kissed every now and then. But Seamus still felt a pain in his heart when he found out Seamus was now dating Ginny Weasley. Seeing them all over each other in the common room was a sight he’d rather not see. Even when they were alone, Dean didn’t seem to have interest in kissing anymore. While their chances for the past two years were rare, they still took every opportunity to kiss. Now Dean seemed so caught up in Ginny, and treated him more like a friend than he ever had.
Fortunately, their relationship didn’t last too long. Dean told Seamus they broke up because Ginny thought Dean pushed her. It definitely was inevitable, as the couple fought frequently. Seamus tried to look like he was sorry for his friend’s break up but if anything, that lead to them to start stealing kisses again.
Seventh year was the worst. After Dumbledore’s death, the Headmaster role was given to Snape and he imposed a rule that prevented muggle born wizards from attending. Hogwarts was severely changed and Dean not being there to suffer through it with him made it somewhat worse. All he really had was the DA and even without Dean, he wasn’t going down without a fight.
It wasn’t until the Battle of Hogwarts he saw him again. With Luna Lovegood by his side, Dean returned to fight and Seamus’ feet couldn’t carry him fast enough. He was ready to kiss him, hold him, proclaim over and over how much he missed him. He couldn’t do that with everyone watching and realistically he knew there were more serious matters.
That didn’t stop Dean’s later proclamation of love. He told his best friend that they might die and he wanted him to know that he loved him. He loved him with every fibre in his being, and he assured Seamus that it wasn’t in a platonic sense. Maybe it was Dean’s confession, maybe it was the adrenaline the war brought, but Seamus said it back and kissed him as hard as he could, so they could have something if they died.
Thankfully, they survived the war. They sat amongst the ruins of what Hogwarts was now. The pair were sat with Aberforth Dumbledore who reminded the two of their late headmaster. He made a comment to the two, asking if they had any ‘special ladies’ and they looked at each other. They’d proclaimed their love only a few hours ago. But Aberforth seemed to quickly catch on and smiled at the two, moving onto a different subject. The two smiled at each other and Dean took his hand into Seamus’, and Seamus let his body relax onto Dean’s.
No one seemed to bat an eye at the two as the held hands, only receiving smiles. Whether that be that they had survived the war or just recognising them as a couple.
Maybe your best friend and your soulmate were in way, the same thing.
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pocketninja-ffxiv · 1 year
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N'yami shenanigan like always.
@lettersnorth Thank you for putting up with my hyper active child.
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lettersnorth · 3 years
The Commission
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With a sliver of a break in her work schedule, Aislinn had finally turned to a project she had been contemplating since her return from Sharlayan. The only problem was, weaponry was a -touch- out of her wheelhouse. And firearms generally weren't  the sort of thing a person just wanted to 'wing'. Recalling N'yami's offer to help out on that end if she ever needed it, Aislinn made the trek to the Seeker's place of residence.
Stepping into the shop, she shifted the weight of a bulky bundle she held over her shoulder and took a moment to look around. She'd never actually visited the place yet, to be honest. The work on display in the blacksmith’s shop was impressive. Aislinn had definitely come to the right person.
"Alright there, Yami?" she greeted, spying the woman across the entryway. "Kinda dropping by unannounced. Got a minute?"
Neville had his shield placed down on the smithing table as he struck it a few times, refining an edge of it, His ears flicked as he heard the door open," Oi Yami.. Customer you got it?" He hollered from below.
Aislinn blinked, her gaze briefly dropping to the floor, from underneath which the disembodied voice had rose. The steady ringing of metal told her the smithing must happen somewhere below.
N'yami was going over the supplies in the shop to see if they needed to restock on anything, so far they were doing pretty good but Yami always liked having the shop over prepared incase something happened. An obisidian carbuncle stood next to her at hip level with a small Miqo'te child on it's back, two tails wrapped around N'kun's waist while the third supported his back. The kit looked exactly like his mother and at the sound of a new person in the house the kit offered a wave.
Another child stood by the counter, looking to be about nine summers the auburn haired boy looked at Aislinn with wide green eyes before jogging over to his mother to hide behind her. "I got it!" She called down to Neville then offered the Hyur a grin. "I always got a minute, N'kun you don't have to be scared of her bud she's nice." The small Seeker looked out from behind her before bolting to the giant door that slid open for him to go hide downstairs with his father. "Sorry he's shy."
Neville stretched,  as he laid his tools down in a "neat" pile, as he walked up the steps, his hair slightly grimed and a few notches of coal on his cheeks, he looked to be relatively young 25 or so summers, one ear was piqued slightly,"Need me to take the kits?" He said as he poked his head out of the workshop area.
Aislinn watched as the boy darted off. If anyone understood the urge, it was the runty highlander. She shook her head. "Not offended in the least." she said with a huff of amusement. Remembering to resist the pull to get right down to nuts and bolts, she gave a small wave to the younger kit as she stepped further into the shop. "This is a nice place you've got here. How's business been?"
"Doing well! We usually get business from the Grand Companies when they need weapons, and then the usual repairs when someone breaks a weapon....which is usually a lot." She shook her head and sighed. "Don't understand how someone can break a weapon so much. But anyways! What can I do for ya?" The three year old kept staring at Linn and started making faces, giggling at his own antics. "Kits are fine, I think N'kusa is just shy at the moment, he'll warm up to Linn in a little."
Neville tilted his head, "Friend of yers..Wait Linn.. Hold on.. I got it.. Don't tell me.." He said staring and then he looked down as he held his chin,"You for sure have mentioned her.. And you said how someone breaks weapons.. so it's someone you don't want them to know you break weapons at a constant..So.. uhm.." He did a quick pace,"Yer either a grand company officer.. but the further comment doesn't make sense or something in the company she knows ye?"
Aislinn glanced over at Neville's sudden appearance. Ahh, a face to match the voice she heard earlier. The acknowledging nod she gives to him is brief, an upward tip of her chin. As he muses aloud, she quietly studies him, a subtle twitch tugging at the edge of her lips as he came to his conclusion. "I'm with Heartwood." she said in that quiet way of hers. "Afraid you've got the advantage of me though."
Aislinn shifts her attention to Yami with a jesting glint in her eye. "Haven't broken anything....important in awhile though." she added
"She's one of the Heartwood members that you can trust, and ya know, doesn't blow stuff up randomly." Granted Yami had nowhere to talk cause she was that one who blew stuff up cause that always solves the problem. "Wanna head downstairs? Can actually sit down and talk about what ya came here for." Walking over to the door the Seeker pressed a button so the door could slide open again. "Kusa is probably still hidin' down there."
Neville Synch: "That she'd tell you about, do you want me to show you the "Broken inventions box, Cause I had to make one." He said with a smirk,"Names Nev, I'm this ones husband and the kits dad, And the co-owner of this place, Pleasure and all that, and Ya sure you want to invite her to the mess..?"
N'yami Synch: "It's not a broken inventions box it's a 'I'll get back to it when I feel like it' box."
Neville Synch: "Oh sure.. The Giant gunblade shotgun, that you attached an imperial harpoon too as well that nearly took out Whack huh."
Aislinn just stares at Yami. She shouldn't be surprised, this is the woman that sets off explosions as a way to announce her arrival, after all. "See, this is why I came to you."
N'yami Synch: "That was one time! And it seemed like a good idea in my dream, and I learned....I'm sorry Whack." The carbuncle looked back at her with a long look that said 'I'll never forget'. This carbuncle could hold a grudge. "See! This is why she came to me!" She looked at her husband with a huge grin after Linn's comment. "I'm a delight."
"We are not responsible for any harm she pushes towards you..Nor are we liable if you hurt yourself in the workshop.." Neville said with a sigh," Then again, yer with Heartwood.. You've likely been blown up at least a dozen times..."
Neville Synch: "Likely eaten by a few.. strangely sized birds and animals too.."
Aislinn makes a noise of agreement in the back of her throat. "Duly noted. I see you're familiar with Heartwood." she dryly replies
Neville nodded ," I was the bartender and a member back in the day.. Technically..? I think I still am..? Never was fired.. just uh.. bar blew up.. And I was on hold.. and Kaiya handled most of my paperwork.. And she's off being.. " He paused,"Happy for Kaiya standards now."
Neville: "Twelve, Kaiya and happy.. Just doesn't come off the tongue well."
Neville: "Cmon Whack." As he lowered his shoulder and the carbuncle jumped up like a parrot.
N'yami chuckled. "Feel free to follow him down there, gonna close the door so no one else comes in randomly."
Aislinn tries hard not to laugh but it's there, held back by the barest of threads as she presses her lips tightly together. "The bar's seen some things, to be sure." she nods to Yami and makes her way downstairs.
Neville: "I'd say you shoulda seen it before, but when it was ya know.. the sauna and spa combo bar.. I saw things I don't want to remember.. " He said with a shake of his head," So recruiting Yami for some voidal goose chase?"
Aislinn hefts up her long, rectangular pack off her shoulder and sets it gingerly down on the table. There's the delicate sound of metal and glass tinkling against one another. "Not....at the moment. But I make no promises. Thank you, by the way, for the help with that aetheric amplifier you two deconstructed awhile back."
N'yami: "Yea, I think Nys is still mad when I broke the bar counter a few summers back....she did mention she wanted to remodel the bar so I just helped move things along." She didn't mention that she had suplexed someone into the bar and that's how it broke." N'kusa went to go grab his brother and they both went to the little bed to play with the toys that littered it, he seemed to be getting used to Aislinn being around and would look up every so often to see what the adults were doing.
Aislinn paused and glanced at Yami "Bar went through something like that not too long back. We've since rebuilt it though. Been broke so many times it's a wonder Nyscera still gets upset about it."
Neville: "I stay on Nys's good side.. I saw her and the old idiot fight full out.. I don't fuck with her."
"Smart man." Aislinn notes as she starts pulling the contents of her pack out onto the table.
N'yami: "How are ya scared of yer aunt? I'm not even scared of the old man cause all ya gotta do is fluster the poor bastard then book it, easily avoid the punishment of being bonked on the head by him." She shrugged, really just giving her husband a hard time, she too was scared of Nys but would never admit it. "So what are we workin' on?"
Aislinn: "So here's the thing." she begins as she extricates one long, almost blade-like creation from the pack. Except there's no hilt. The base is intricate metal plating that shines under the lantern light before it gives way to a crystaline metal tube that curves gracefully to a point. "Brought myself a souvenir back from Sharlayan. Nouliths. You familiar with these at all?" she asks as she produces a full set. Four in total.
Neville: "I'm not some aetherical conduit of aether like you.. My aether's fried.." He rolled his head," His eyes looked down as his ears perked slightly, "Oh those are the aetherical manipulation directly pathed multi-focusi aye..?" He said his entire deamnor changing in a near instant, as he flicked his goggles down, if Aislinn was familliar, the goggles seemed to radiate a soft aetherical hum, As he could never see aether, He had his ways around such.
Neville: "Never heard the name, but I have heard of someone people seein' em in some battles.." He mumbled quietly, "Not much though.. And also.. Hells, you made it into Sharlayan? ...Must of bribed some damn good pirates.." He mumbled as well.
Aislinn shifted her attention to Neville at the mention of fried aether. An issue she herself knew rather well. Perhaps that's why she recognized the soft hum of aetheric gadgetry. She had done her fair share of augmenting her dearth of aetheric ability, as the cuff of distinctly Allagan design on her wrist could attest to. "I wouldn't say bribe." she said carefully. "I know someone though, aye." She doesn't elaborate. Clearly, it'd be best if Neville didn't ask too many questions.
N'yami: "Ya know if ya ever want to go to Sharlayan just ask Ma or I to take you, gotta remember we lived there for some time, between there and Thavnair." She looked down at the weapons and gave a soft nod. "Heard of them, Ma had me make her a pair a while back but I haven't seen her use them yet, I never ask her what she's doin' just make what I'm asked."
Neville: "Wha.. You never showed me those! Did you makre sure the focusi were linked properly?"
N'yami: "Course I did." She wasn't going to mention how the first set exploded cause she used her aether to test it......she learned.
Aislinn bounces her gaze between the two as they banter. "So you're familiar enough with them. That's good. These are all well and solid but...they don't work for me." She looks between him and N'Yami. "That's why I'm here. Is there a way to take this principal and apply it to something I'm more familiar with...firearms, for example?"
Neville: "What kind of firearm exactly, I've already got crystal based ammo firearms figured out.. but what cha thinking you want to do with these exactly, and don't think we'll call you crazy or anything of the sort.. Just more of whatcha want in your head."
Neville moved forward without touching the weapons he leaned in and looked around em, his  eyes not focused on her but she could tell the miqote was listening.
N'yami stared at the weapons and then at Linn, then back at the weapons. Her eyes lit up like lights on Starlight and the tip of her tail started to twitch with excitement. "I'm sure as hells gonna find a way cause that sounds like hella fun." She nodded to agree with Neville. "This is a judge free workshop, right kiddos?" Both kids looked up from their toys and held up their little projects in agreement, it looked as if Yami had taken scrape metal to make puzzles out of them to keep them busy.
Aislinn's glad he asked, she produces a thing folio she had tucked into her coat. Setting it down, she flipped it open and withdrew a rough schematic sketch. "Something like this." The firearm in question was like a long barreled flintlock. Minus the trigger and hammer. "I want it to do the same as these. Fire off aetheric shots, work in unison, create shielding, the whole nine yalms. Packing more of a wallop in the shot department wouldn't be a bad thing though."
Neville: "So ya want us to shove a scholar book into each of em with all you want to do.."
N'yami: "So wait...if ya use this for healin' too does this mean yer goin' to have to shoot people to help them? Cause if so I'm now fully in on this project." She could be such a shit. "No one warn Heartwood, let them learn."
Neville hummed as he leaned his head back,  His eyes thinking through," Gonna need to use some of the old idiots allag pieces.. maybe an ADS reinforcements on the barrel.. Link em with a modified soul crystal... Might be able to figure out a piece since they'll be so small.." He mused as if he looked at her schematics and he was adjusting them in his own mind," I think we could do it.. Might take a bit.. some trial and error.. gonna need to make a prototype not to break what you gave us.. Also.. It'll be pricey.. Gotta used some of our shit in reserve."
Aislinn tilts her head. "Suppose it's really about making them a conduit for all that. I got the arcanist bit down." she glanced at Yami with amusement. "Not sure Lewra would approve of me shooting our members full of aetheric healing. Probably going to need to rely on old fashioned geometric calculations for that still."
Neville shrugged. "Lewra I think even gets tired of Heartwoods antics. and hells she's all shacked up with the idiot, she has to know how to take poor humor, cause twelve it's bad."
Neville: "As for the rest.. How familiar are ya with machnist's packs..? I'm thinking of minimizing one and linking aetherical conduits with chips of the crystals to allow for easier casting and faster.. but... just a thought.. It would allow ya to not have so much issues with on the spot calculations."
Aislinn: "Hmm...though I won't lie and say I won't be tempted to do so if they have it coming. Some of them deserve it." She listened intently to Neville's suggestion, the wheels of her mind turning along. "Fairly familiar. Honestly more comfortable around packs and firearms than whatever pretty piece of art this is." she waves at the nouliths. "Always making calculations though. How's this going to be different?"
Neville: "It' do it for ya, I'm familiar with Scholars diagrams.. I"ll etch a few crystals and stack em in a modified machinist pouch, and link em directly through a central soul crystal that is linked directly to the four focusi of the floatin guns."
Neville: "You'd be able to change out the etching's if ya like too, just would require a nicely refined crystal, think of it as using a different gun barrel for each crystal.. but with the firepower being yer direct aetherical input. Ya would just need to keep the crystals balanced, and reload em when you can as crystals will drain and become unstable or unaspected."
(Neville Synch) if ye just want normal thats fine too, Just throwing out nev's half baked schemes ~ (Neville Synch) He's a dork for inventions and gets fully invested near instantly when he's challenged with ideas. (N'yami Synch) Yami over here like 'Ah yes, he's making friends, good' (Aislinn North) ((Lin is all about these half baked schemes))
That was pretty bloody ingenious. The rise of Aislinn's brow more than said as much. "Aye, that'd cut down on time by a fair amount. Got more than enough crystals stored back at the lab." It was an understatement. For awhile siphoning off and storing her own aetheric energies was all but a necessity. "Sounds like it'll work."
Aislinn glanced between the two. "I know you said this'll get expensive. I've a bit saved up. Any way you could work up an estimate and shoot it my way when you have a better of idea of -how- expensive?"
Neville: 'Should.. Gotta figure out the linking between four different focusi.. Might use the olds mans research with using the base of a carbuncle crystal without  the personality etching.. And modify it with a soul crystal to allow it to freely give aether.. mm.. got to watch out for the disruption.. But aye, We can handle the job." He said leaning up flicking his goggles up," Can't tell you the price up front, but likely be a large sum.. ADS mounting doesn't come cheap.. and we need the metal to be aetherically welcoming."
Aislinn nods "Rather not cheap out on a piece of weaponry I'll need to depend on. Worst case, I pick up a few extra jobs that come in."
N'yami: "Once we figure out a price for ya we can always work out a payment plan with ya too, since ya work for Heartwood we trust ya to pay it off, makes life a little easy for ya and since it'll take a little to work on this ya might get it paid off by the time we're done too."
Neville nodded his head," Aye thats fine.
Neville turned towards Yami," She seems pretty normal how the hells did Nys hire her.." He looked back to Lin," No offense.. Just Heartwood has a uh.. certain rep."
Aislinn glances at N'yami with a grateful look. "I'll probably take you up on that offer." She glanced down at the nouliths with a subtle, but undeniable smile. Her reverie was interrupted by a short breath of laughter that escaped her. "In that case, doesn't it make perfect sense that Nyscera hired me?"
N'yami: "Hell's if I know, I haven't done an interview for that place in so long, granted most of the paperwork I was given ended up in the forge cause I don't have time to deal with that."
Neville Synch stares. Eyeing Aislinn closely,"I think I might be scared of this one too.. She's one of those got something under the surface types isn't she?"
Neville: "Anywho we all got shit on the backend, Deal is made.. We can work out a prototype in what two weeks we only got a few sword and armor orders from the adders coming up.."
N'yami: "I'm just a blacksmith I don't know shit." She nodded in agreement. "With both of us workin' on it should be good, hells I could finish up the Adder's orders if ya wanted to start on this. Wouldn't be the first time one of worked on a project solo, just keep me updated on everythin' ya do with it."
Neville: "Gonna need your aether fingers. Gotta shove some aether around, I'll make the etchings clean nuff so you don't blow out a piece of the roof this time."
Aislinn glances upwards at that. Not that she could even see the roof from where they stood.
N'yami: "That was only two times!"
Somehow she's glad she's not going to be the one working on this project. Aetheric weaponry was delicate, touchy work. If evidence of how many explosions this place had seen was proof of the matter. "I'm hoping my idea doesn't bring on a third."
Neville: "Six if you count when we were testing the ishgard cannon and I said NO live ammo."
Aislinn North eyes widened at that. Their poor neighbors.
N'yami huffed. "Tellin' me to test a cannon without live ammo." She rolled her eyes with a pout. "No fun."
Neville hung his head in defeat, "Well get it done.. And with hopefully limited damage to the house.. And me.."
Aislinn could see the point. Just...maybe not close to or in the house. But again, this is likely why Nyscera hired her. That strange, out of place voice of reason. "Nymeia's Grace, let's hope so." She nodded to Neville and then Yami. "Thank you both for going along with this idea. I need to be heading back anyroads. Florus has me etching up some synthetic auracite for him."
N'yami: "No faith in me." She shook her head. "But aye, we'll get it started for ya and keep ya updated on what we work on or if you need somethin' added just come stop by again."
Neville: "Or if ye have any idea or modifications we stay around normally unless I'm running to save her ass."
Aislinn gives a low laugh. "If I think of any, I'll be sure to pop in. But it honestly sounds like you two know what you're doing better than me."
N'yami: "No problem, we gotta start gettin' the kits ready for bed anyways." N'kun had already passed out on the small bed but N'kusa was still tinkering with the small cube he was working on. "Just been a lot of trial and error for us is all, so we know what to look out for."
"Aye, that was my thinking." Aislinn smiled at Yami "Take care. Seriously." And then a nod to Neville. "It was good to meet you. I like your ideas."
Neville nodded his head," Pleasure is all mine, We don't really get many visitors so got more ideas we are happy to help.. normally we'd do it for free but this is gonna take a bit extra.. As for everything else stop by whenever again.. Yami, we promised em dessert and I am not dealing with the wrath of the kits.. We have rolanberry pops in the kitchen"
With a wave, Aislinn excuses herself and lets the two of them go about settling the kits in for the night.
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