#Rina Caska
l-lend · 1 year
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a/n - Alright so yeah, the person Rina was speaking to in my snippet was Glitch, an OC by @techs-stitches. I really like the cut of her jib and I knew her and Rina needed to hang out. I hope you like it
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Dexterous hands buried themselves into the metallic underbelly of the Marauder. Fingers traced along wires to plot their winding routes. A list grew behind her exotic magenta eyes as her fingertips met another length of wire, frayed from their last mission. She worked in silence. The extra set of hands typically taking the lead on repairs remained in his bunk. A brace coiled around his leg rendering him immobile.
The sound of approaching footfalls broke her concentration. Her free hand curled around the hilt of her vibroblade. They were too light to be any of her squad. She spun out, blade drawn. Her intended target raised her hands in mock surrender.
“Easy, Pigtails. It's me.”
Her stance relaxed, straightening to her full height dwarfing the other woman.
“Sorry, Rina. Wrecker is out to the scrapyard with Omega. He shouldn't be too long if you want to wait.”
The violet haired mercenary frowned, “Actually, I'm here for you.”
Glitch quirked her head slightly, “Cid knows we're down a man.”
Rina raised her hands again, “This is a bit more of a personal call, Pigtails.”
The mercenary nodded, following Glitch's wandering gaze to the entrance of the ship.
“Can I..see your comm a minute?”
That snapped her from her trance. A free hand fished the device from a pocket.
“Sure, but wh-”
The device flew from her grasp with a crook of Rina's fingers. Thumb soon pressed on the transmission button.
“Sarge, I'm borrowing Pigtails for a bit. Two hours tops.”
She tossed the device to the other woman, who swiftly snatched it from the air. A hand on her shoulder from the shorter of the pair ushered Glitch towards the streets of Ord Mantell City.
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The pair weaved their way through the afternoon crowd. Rina gestured towards a shabby two story structure before she escaped the current of foot traffic. Glitch soon joined her.
“So what did you need?”
Rina met the taller woman's gaze with pursed lips, “Let's get inside first.”
They filed inside the quaint establishment. The air hung heavy with differing aromas: the sharp bite of a spice, a dash of citrus. The piece soon fell into place.
“This isn't a job.”
“Yep, we- get back here!”
Glitch's escape back out the front door was foiled with Rina's hand capturing her wrist.
“Let go. I don't have time-”
“Marauder's not going anywhere in pieces, and Scales isn't handing you guys work while your guy is injured.”
Glitch remained stock still. The tension eased from her arm.
“You're...technically correct, but Tech isn't 'my guy'.”
An amused huff passed Rina's lips, “Of course,”
With her hand retracted, the shorter of the two gestured to a booth. The pair slid in. After a brief appearance by a waitress and drinks slid before them Glitch broke the silence.
Rina offered a shrug of her shoulders, “Why not? You look like you needed a break.”
Glitch's gaze had wondered off to the minuscule bubbles in her drink. Fingers idly traced a trail of condensation.
“Repairs have been piling up more than usual.”
Rina regarded her only breaking to offer a nod of thanks when plates met the table top.
“Maintenance is good an' all, but you can't be burning yourself at both ends, Pigtails.”
Their gazes met. Her light vibrant eyes stood in stark contrast to the dark circles from late nights and early starts. Her gaze soon landed on her meal. A smile curled her lips.
“Tech would be beside himself if he had no one to chatter with on his level.”
Glitch opened her mouth to protest, but her voice lost its edge.
“I...suppose he would.”
The pair ate in a comfortable silence with another gesture given to the waitress when the remains of their lunch were carted away. The waitress emerged shortly after with three boxes stacked on top of each other placing it before the shorter woman. A stack of credits clattered to the table top before Rina got up.
“If you need another set of hands, I'm not doing anything.”
Glitch brightened up, “Actually, that would be great, but don't you need to drop off your-”
“Oh, these aren't for me.” Rina chuckled.
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The women wove their way back to the Marauder, but before they crossed the threshold into the docking bay Rina shoved one of the boxes into the taller woman's grasp.
Rina answered with a knowing side eye, “Let him know you were thinking about him.”
Rina waved her off to the ship's ramp before she braced for the fast approaching clone eager to pluck the mercenary off the ground.
The Marauder was much quieter than usual. The muted clicking of a scomp link from the cockpit gave away Echo's location. However Glitch's target remained on his rack currently locked in a staring contest with his datapad. She cleared his throat to get his attention.
“How long have you been up?”
“Not long,” He replied through a stifled yawn, “Wrecker was quite enthusiastic upon returning with the parts you requested.”
A tiny smile worked its way to the corner of her mouth before she glanced down at her parcel.
“Rina pulled me away to eat, and I brought this back. Did you want some?”
He set his datapad beside him on the rack, “I suppose I should. Will you be keeping me company?”
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@locitapurplepink, @rain-on-kamino, @writing-positivelyexisting, @burningfieldof-clover, @padawancat97, @ahsokastechie, @photogirl894
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seriowan · 2 years
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here is a more in-depth introduction post with monthly themes/submission rules/ and more!
purpose: to provide a safe & positive platform for star wars oc creators. this gallery is here to encourage others to be creative and confident in their ocs & to also provide community. remember, every oc is different. every oc is unique. every oc is special. every oc is valued.
! spreading positivity is appreciated; reblogging is encouraged !
note: while there aren't many submissions this first time around, my hope is that this event will gain a bit more traction so that more oc creators fill out the submission form for next month's theme! — also, to those who submitted but do not see your submissions up in this exhibit, your ocs didn't quite fit the theme of the month but don't worry! they've been saved so that they can be added to the proper upcoming themes ☺️
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Bel-Eliel Jensei (@elismor) None of Us Perfect (fic)
Sa’dyra Secla (@echos-girlfriend) General info link Latest info dump
Orion Tenebris (@moonlight-sonata99) Orion (art)
Rina Caska (@l-lend) Meditation (oc x wrecker fic) Days Like This (oc x wrecker fic) Playing House (oc x wrecker fic)
Talia Riva (@baba-fett) Illicit Affairs (oc x rex fic)
Kiana and Kiho Umaki (@seriowan) Art and drabble info dump
Kei'Ara Agri (@get-wr3ckered) Biography
Zaiya Valessa (@kimageddon) A Prince of Dathomir (oc x darth maul fic)
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no submissions ☹️
Agent Eliix (@agenteliix) (old republic chiss oc) A Kept Secret: Prologue (fic) Break the Ice (fic) Agent Ellix (art)
Lt. Kaeso Blithe (@blithe-imperial-underling) Biography/Info Post
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exhibit masterpost taglist: @kimageddon @elismor @dnxgma @wizardofrozz @fives-lover @lucyysthings @babygirlrex0504 @starborncyare
(join the taglist to be added to the monthly exhibit posts where everyone's ocs will be on display! — please reblog to signal boost and get this event out there!)
please don't be afraid to DM me privately or anonymously slide into my ask box for any questions/comments/concerns!
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photogirl894 · 2 years
hey bestie
Congrats on your milestone, and I think I have a fun request for you. How about taking a page out of the showrunners' book on Season 2 and having Wrecker deal with his biggest weakness. I think “Don’t let me go.”/”I never will.” might pair well with this idea if you wanna give it a whirl. Let me know if you need anything from me and congrats again <3
Thank you so much, bestie!! 🥰 I've been looking forward to seeing what you'd request!
Poor big guy needs a break! Hopefully this is to your liking 😊 and because I just love them so much, I of course must do this with Wrecker and Rina 🥰🥰
"Great Heights"
5. "Don’t let me go."/"I never will."
Pairing: Wrecker x fem OC (Rina Caska @l-lend 's OC)
"Wrecker, Rina, get out of there!"
Kimber's voice cried out on their comms as Rina and Wrecker were running from some Imperial troopers chasing after them through some corridors in an Imperial base.
"Yeah, what do you think we're trying to do?" Wrecker shouted into his comm as he ran.
"We're doing our best!" added Rina into her own comm.
Then they heard Tech's voice come in, "There is an exit on your upcoming right. Head to the landing platform, we'll meet you there."
"You heard the genius," stated Rina to Wrecker as she threw her rope dart and knocked a trooper in the head. "Let's go!"
The two of them made the turn at their next right, activated the door ahead of them and quickly ducked through, the wind whipping at their face, as Wrecker shot the console on the wall to help keep the door shut. However, when they turned around, they found themselves outside the compound and with only a long, very thin bridge with no railings between them and the landing platform across the way.
"Oh, not again...!" he groaned nervously as his fear of heights kicked in.
Rina moved herself in front of him to the opening of the bridge. "Don't worry, big guy. We can get across this no problem," she tried encouraging him.
He peered over the edge and then immediately backed up. "I have a bad feeling about this," he moaned.
"Hey, look at me. Look at me, Wrecker," she told him. When he looked up at her through his helmet, she held out a hand to him. "You've got this. I'm here and I'll help you across, okay? Just take my hand."
Having her there with him already made him feel a bit more at ease, but his fear was still prominent. He hesitantly reached out, but stopped short. "Don't let me go," he said in a scared tone, almost pleading.
She reached out farther and assured him, "I never will." Then she offered a soft smile to him, one that only he ever had the privilege of seeing.
With that reassurance, Wrecker took her hand and let Rina lead the way carefully across the bridge. He could feel his insides churning from anxiety being at such great heights. He wanted to throw up, cry, run; anything to just get off the bridge. He didn't want to be there...but Rina was with him. Her presence alone made him feel safe, like he would make it across without any problems and his fear couldn't touch him. He grasped tightly onto the smaller hand in his own large one, making sure not to squeeze too tight and break her fingers. The warmth of her hand was a soothing balm for his terror, which he sorely needed.
"We're gonna be okay...we're gonna be okay," he kept repeating in his mind.
All of a sudden, they heard the distant sounds of engines nearby and for a second, they thought it was the Marauder, but then realized they were Imperial troopers on speeders coming towards them.
"Incoming!" yelled Wrecker. He pulled his hand from hers so he could hold up his heavy blaster and fire at the incoming speeders.
"Don't shoot! Just run!" cried Rina, already taking off to the platform.
Wrecker listened, ceased fire and ran after Rina as fast as he could. Though, the Imperials tried to cut them off and shot at the bridge between the two of them. Wrecker went to jump back, but was too late. As the shots from the speeder made contact, the floor beneath him gave way and he suddenly dropped, crying out as he did.
"Wrecker!" shouted Rina, leaping to the edge, throwing her hands out and reaching to him through the Force, halting his descent in mid-air.
She ducked low, trying to avoid the shots from the speeders, but just in time, the Marauder came zooming overhead and started shooting down the speeders.
"We've got the Imperials. Get to the platform," she heard Kimber order over comms.
Rina used the Force to pull Wrecker back up to the edge of the destroyed bridge, where he collapsed to a knee with a loud gasp.
"I told you I'd never let you go, big guy," she said with a grin.
Wrecker pushed his helmet up to sit on top of his head and grinned back at her. Through heavy breath, he replied, "I can always count on you, cutie."
With that, the two of them sped off to the platform and made it just as the Marauder came down, hovering just above the ground. The ramp lowered and the two of them leapt inside to safety, ready to get away.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance Prompts
Photogirl894's 1,000 Followers fics
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
Hi there,
I'd like to introduce you to my oc, Rina Caska. I don't have any art of her (because I currently have the artistic talents of a duck), but I've written about her a bit here and here, and my friend liked her enough to write about her in her fic.
I really liked the idea of a force sensitive that didn't rely on a light saber but was more into hand to hand combat. So yeah, anyway I hope you're having a great day <3
ohhh i’m intrigued!!! force sensitive ocs that aren’t jedi are so interesting because my brain immediately starts thinking about how they came to be where they are and how they manage the force and where will they go when there’s no one to teach them and 👀👀👀
thank you so much for letting me meet her!! ✨🥹
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l-lend · 1 year
Jasmine & Lily for Rina please
Jasmine - If your OC had a tumblr blog, what would their URL be?
Oh, this is an interesting one. I think her handle would be something like violet-shortstacks. Mostly because I loved the Cid nickname @photogirl894 gave to Rina in "Sun and Rain".
Lily - What is your OC's love language?
Rina's main love language is acts of service. For her time is valuable, so it's something if she uses her free time in between missions to make sure a certain someone has a meal to come back to when he's on planet, or being at a friend's side when assistance is needed.
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l-lend · 1 year
I'd like to ask Rina (though I'm sure I know the answer to this already) do you have a size kink? 😏
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l-lend · 1 year
Winterberry and Snapdragon as a return gift for asking me! I want to know more about Rina!!
thanks Stitch <3
Winterberry - Use one or more photos that encapsulates your OC's clothing style.
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Rina is a pretty relaxed character so when she's not working I could see her with loose sweaters and off the shoulder tops
Snapdragon - What is your OC's most used phrase?
Oh jeez I think there's a couple, but it's mostly in reference to other people. It's probably a tie between referring to @photogirl894's OC, Kimber, as "boss lady", and referring to Wrecker as "big guy".
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l-lend · 1 year
🎯,🧠and 🍥 for OC Ask Game Rina
🎯 -What do they do best?
As far as Rina interacting with other characters, Rina is a great support either being that driving force you need to get out of a rut or just being someone to listen and open up to. She doesn't judge about where you've been, she's been in rough spots too.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I love Rina's initial concept. I wanted to have her story be that of redemption and doing what you can to get by in a harsh galaxy. It doesn't help that someone really emotionally open would be teaching her to love herself.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I was 28 when I came up with Rina's rough concept and she's been developing ever since. It wasn't too long ago but I've had a bit of experience when it came to making characters, so I already knew I wanted her to have some quirks.
Thanks for the ask <3
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l-lend · 2 years
Has Rina ever been in love or even had a crush on someone else before she met Wrecker?
So there's been some flings where Rina wouldn't even ask for a name before settling in for a night, but with the purpose of building and maintaining a relationship? Those are uncharted seas to her.
She's familiar with what might be portrayed in those cheesy overly dramatic holos, but she's learning on how those measure up to real interactions and maybe if she is worthy of some of the affections presented.
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l-lend · 2 years
🕷️, 🙉 and ✏️ for Rina!
🕷️SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Rina is claustrophobic. Comes from accidentally being trapped in one of her father's smuggling compartments as a kid. Lock her in a small box and she'll struggle to breathe.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
'We don't need you'. Rina is a people-pleaser deep down, and she'll move the galaxy for those in her inner circle. A lot of her self worth is linked to how useful she can be, so being told she isn't needed could gut her.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Oh I got a few things I've borrowed from the come up with Rina. One I like is Shelter by Dorothy
I'm a hurricane I'm a freight train Ain't the right way But it's the only way i know
and how about a quote:
"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
OC Emoji Asks
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l-lend · 1 year
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A/N - This has been hanging out in my drafts for a while, so I think it's time that it sees the light of day. If you hadn't caught up with @photogirl894's Sun & Rain, I'd do that first and then come back due to character interaction stuff.
Captain Gregor & OC (platonic)
Warning(s) - intoxication, angst, loose loose timeline of events
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The underground hovel that passed as the last safe haven for clones still had this hum of unease seep into Rina's bones as she padded along the corridors. Was it because of the sheer weight of rocks that could easily come loose and turn everyone in here into a red stain? Maybe just a bit. The current time though was the worst for her: the resting cycle between patrols. Her hand would twitch towards her pocket hoping her abandoned vape mod would return to her. Her pocket remained empty despite checking for the fifth time since she woke. Why did everything have to fall apart while she was quitting? Well, not everything.
Kimber and Hunter seemed to patch things up well enough to be caught holding hands and sharing glances. At least through the holo-coms Kimber could spare. No fault of hers that they were busy going around the galaxy being heroes whether they believed it or not. Rina would probably be doing the same, but someone has to make sure Rex and Kida don't sire a new army that would take twice as long to get to fighting capacity. Those two thoughts caused a conflicting hollow pang in her chest.
The feeling of a hand on her shoulder brought her from her thoughts. Her face gained a touch of color at the realization of her face being close to colliding with plastoid.
“Easy there, Ri.” The cadence of his voice was a dead give away.
“Sorry, Chuckles. Got a bit into my head for a bit. Mostly out of boredom.”
The former commando loosed one of his trademark chuckles, “It's alright, surprised you aren't on patrols.”
Rina clicked her tongue, her hand checking the empty pocket again, “I would if Captain Stiff didn't tell the young bloods I can't take their shifts anymore.”
“Yeah, he'd do that, but he means well.”
“He hasn't cleared you for work yet?”
His laugh weaved its way inside his reply.
“Yeah, something about getting acclimated here and getting my sleep cycles right. Empire likes that trick when you're one of their guests.”
Comfortable silence reigned for a minute or two before Gregor gestured to what he had been carrying.
“I have a little something to occupy my time. Wouldn't mind some company.”
Rina's eyes grew wide seeing the bottle.
“Where the kriff did you find that?”
He grinned, “One of the shinies brought it back from a salvage run. Bought it off him for some chores.”
Rina snickered, “Oh, that sucks. I would've had you give up your blaster for some Tatooine Pod Fuel. You think it's still good?”
“You wanna find out?”
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Rina exhaled roughly in an attempt to ease the burn surrounding her throat. Yep, this was Tatooine Pod Fuel alright. Thankfully with this clone sanctuary hidden below in caves, there were plenty of alcoves for the pair to hide in while they drank. They were just doing their duty after all. What if the younger clones got a hold of this? They would be flat on their backs for days. Their only method for checking time was the liquor disappearing from the bottle, and how slurred their speech became.
Gregor chuffed a laugh, “You throw that back too easy. You sure you didn't go to clone bars?”
Rina scoffed, passing the bottle over, “Didn't interact with clones too much until Boss Lady started chasing armor.”
“Hmm, she take a page from Kida and snag a captain?”
Rina pursed her lips, offering a shrug, “Nah, a sergeant, but his whole squad are characters. Guess she got a thing for bandanas and the hair.”
Gregor paused mid gulp, moving the bottle from his lips, “Tattoo down the side of his face? Gruff voice?”
Rina blinked, “Actually...that's the one.”
“I'd still be on Daro if not for them. Bit rough around the edges, but they're alright.”
He offered the bottle back and Rina accepted staring at the liquid for a few moments weighing her question out.
“Are they doing okay?”
“As well as anyone could in this. Why you being all soft, Ri? Your Boss Lady steal the sergeant out from under you?”
“Absolutely not my type.” Rina spat back before taking a deep swig, “Still have a rain check to kick his teeth in if he hurts her.”
"Now that I'd pay to see.” He chuckled, growing quiet to study her face for a moment, “Although you could've just commed your Boss Lady and see how her and the sergeant were doing.....so which one is it?”
Rina hoped that the sudden wave of warmth washing over her cheeks was just the drink.
“I was just curious, okay?”
The commander smirked, “Come on, Ri. I'll start guessing.”
Rina took another gulp from the bottle.
“Okay, okay. So which one then: the sergeant is taken. There's the one packed with cyber ware, but you'd probably snap him in half.” He began listing them off on his fingers.
“There's the walking datapad..”
Rina tipped up the bottle again for another swig.
“What about the big guy?”
She immediately doubled over coughing and hacking in an attempt to clear her throat from the burning liquid. Gregor's chuckle morphed into full blown laughter.
“I-it's not like that.” Rina rasped.
“No need to explain to me.”
She was silent, but her drinking partner's laugh only died down as he took in her somber expression.
“Just a roll in the bunks or...”
She shrugged, offering the bottle, “Kissed him once. He took care of me when I did something stupid and got sick.”
He hummed, “You try comming him?”
She nodded, avoiding his gaze, “Frequency's been dead since shit hit the fan.”
She reached out for the offered bottle and took a swig. The dark liquid burning down her throat offering a warmth that she craved.
“but your Torgruta friend could track them down.”
Rina sighed through her nose, “Irys is busy making sure we don't get found out here. She barely gets enough sleep as is.”
“Okay, what about the one that's with em now.”
Her attention was focused on the bottle, “Could, but it doesn't come up,” Pressing her back against the stone wall, she slid down until she was seated on the floor, “usually it's talk of some mission they just did and how her and the sergeant are doing. I'd be bothering her over shit that might not even be there.”
“That's a sorry excuse,”
“The hell?”
“You heard me. If she's your friend you can talk to her about it, or with any of them really.”
“Look, boss lady trusted me to take care of them, so that's what I'm doing. Kida has her family safe and sound with the sti-.. Rex, Irys is thriving gathering information, Lex actually smiles a bit more, and boss lady has her sergeant and her boys. Everybody's happy.”
“and what about you?”
Her shoulders raised in a dismissive shrug, “I'll live.”
“Don't think you deserve it?”
“Don't think I should be picking out curtains and baking pies when that's not in the cards.”
The bottle barely had enough liquid to cover the bottom as she offered it out again meeting the shake of his head.
“That's all you.”
“Suit yourself,” She tipped back the bottle letting the last drops of the liquid run down her throat.
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Rina laid back in her makeshift bunk after Gregor had walked her back. A few items from the ship had made its way to her quarters as the weeks spent here became months. After losing her staring contest with the ceiling, her eyes fell to the blue and black tooka doll that kept his post on her bed. Her fingers traced the fabric making up his ears tracing the line of stitches keeping the doll together. Her hand then went to her datapad and instead of pairing her com to scan for a frequency she had long since memorized she tapped on the screen until her com glowed with a red blinking light. She took a breath before speaking into the com.
“Hey, I uh..hope you're doing alright. You seem to be after I spoke with someone who saw you last. It's good to hear actually.”
She sighed running a hand through her hair. The stubble of an undercut offering a new sensation.
“The stiff has me taking some time off from patrols until I can get some rest, but I'm not taking it so well..so I've been told. I'd rather just be busy. My mind starts to wander and that's never been good for me. If your frequency goes live again, I'd love to...call you. Nothing crazy just it's been a while and...I-I'd like to hear from you. If you have some free time, but no pressure if you're busy.”
Her teeth found their way into her bottom lip as if to hold back, but the words flooded out of her no thanks to the drink.
“I just miss you, and if it was just a meet and greet after that whole rescue mission then that's okay. I just wanna know where we stand. Maker, that sounds dumb. It's not like we owe each other anything, but...look I'm gonna get off here before I say something even more stupid.”
She tapped her datapad shutting off the glowing com light and put it down staring back to the ceiling until the combination of drink and exhaustion stole her away to sleep.
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@locitapurplepink @rain-on-kamino @writing-positivelyexisting @burningfieldof-clover @padawancat97 @ahsokastechie @dukeoftheblackstar
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l-lend · 1 year
For the oc emoji asks!
Thanks hun, let's see about these:
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Oh! Two big ones here: smoking and shouldering burdens. The smoking Rina's had for a while mostly due to family habits (that's a whole different can of worms). Rina prides herself on being self sufficient, but that's not usually healthy since that can lead to bottling up stress. It can get a bit much when everything boils over.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
When Kimber gives Rina the heads up that the Marauder is coming planet-side, she has her mission. Dinner plans, tidying up her space (it's been worse but she lets some mess slide when it's just her), and...maybe a few extra glances in the mirror before he shows up. Might as well give him a warm welcome back, right?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I've been making OCs since I was 13, so Rina was first formed by a self insert going rogue. The first thing I decided about Rina is that I would very seldom have her hold a lightsaber. I really wanted her weapon to be unique so I did some research and feel for the rope dart. It's just such a cool weapon!
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Rina is one of those who cries to let off stress. Crying sessions would be spaced out barring anything too stressful and melancholy.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Rina can get a bit restless at times, but if something needs to be done tomorrow she'll do her best to lay down and rest. Although her best sleep is usually when her and Wrecker can rest together. *shrug* Big guy's warm and cuddly which makes it difficult to fight sleep.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Really basic, but white cake hits the right spot for Rina. Rina isn't too picky about cake types since she prefers fruit as her sweets of choice.
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l-lend · 1 year
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
(OCs my beloved)
Thanks Stitch <3
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I usually keep a few name generators nearby due to my time being a Dungeon Master, and Rina was a short sweet name.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I love delving into character relationships, and when I first started simping for Wrecker I thought 'He needs a girl who can hold him down'. This started in a metaphorical sense with someone able to care for him and warped into a physical sense with the idea of this big burly clone sparring with a smaller fighter, and Rina started taking shape from there.
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l-lend · 1 year
Ask! Game! All about Rina! :D
Very curious about the diamond ask
Thanks hun, these look awesome. Let's dig in:
❤️- What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Let's go for an early one. Rina's father often had work as a smuggler, so there would be long stretches in between seeing him. One run he had to a planet boasting a tropical biome, he brought back a fruit that soon became her favorite as a kid. It was sweet, and it reminds her of a simpler time. If she's smoking her mod nearby someone can catch a whiff of the scented smoke that is flavored with the fruit in question.
🧊- Is their current design the first one?
For the most part, yes. Basically for Rina, her design was born in a picrew so I could put a face to the name so to speak.
💎- Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Actually I've thought about it, but with Rina's personality..she'd go out with a bang. There are some instances where some near death / hurt has been discussed (I won't expand more on it since it may or may not show up later).
💀- Does your OC have any phobias?
Yep. Despite Rina's smaller stature, she hates tight spaces. Chalk this up to accidentally getting locked into a hideaway space to smuggle contraband as a kid, but it still rattles her. Could she try to force open the barrier nowadays, yes, but not a lot makes sense when you're locked up and scared.
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l-lend · 2 years
🕷and ☁️ for Rina
🕷what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
I answered for Rina's biggest fear, so how about another fear I have for her. So Rina is super afraid of needles. It's not to the point she'll freak, but often whoever is giving the poke needs to distract her and do not talk her through it. Distractions often help, but Rina tends to ramble struggling to find things to talk about. Most helpful thing is tell her a joke.
☁️a soft headcanon
Rina has a collection of holo-recordings on her datapad. The names seem mundane enough with flight numbers, but there's a system here.
If the number ends in an odd number, they're old recordings from her nephew. Those recordings are brimming with babbling stories: first tooth being lost, showing off life day gifts, asking when 'Auntie' is coming back and if she'll teach him how to fight.
If the number ends in an even number, those recordings are made by Rina, but majority are never sent out. All of them meant for that same bright-eyed boy in the recordings.
"Hey half-pint. Sorry I haven't called in a while. Work's been a bit...crazy lately. Too bad I'm crazier. I heard about that little stunt you pulled with that ambassador's kid. Don't tell your mom, but I think the little nerf herder had it coming. Something you'll learn is credits can buy a lot, but it can't buy manners."
She always signs off the same:
"Mind your mom for me, kid. Believe me, I know she's a pain, but she knows what she's talking about most of the time. Keep your nose clean, and next time I'm on planet we'll sneak off and do something stupid. Remember: be good, or be good at it."
OC Emoji Asks
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photogirl894 · 2 years
Awesome that you got your requests open again...and I think you know who I'm asking for. I'd love to see your take on #14 of the Physical Affections Prompts.
Hey K!! 💜 I know exactly who you want and just for you, I'll make this a fic for him and Rina! 😘
"Pinned Down"
14. Play wrestling
Pairing: Wrecker x fem OC (Rina Caska, @l-lend 's OC)
"Hey, Wrecker! Come here for a second!"
"No, no, Kimber, don't--oh no...!"
Rina Caska and Kimber Sallaros were sitting together and talking outside of their ships while the Bad Batch and Koriena Force were taking some downtime after a job they just did. Wrecker heard Rina calling for him as he disembarked the Marauder and gladly sauntered over to his two favorite women. However, Rina was covering her mouth with her hand and her face was turning bright red while Kimber seemed to have a devious smirk on her face.
"Hey Rina, hey Kimber. What's going on?" he asked as he came up to them.
"Nothing!" Rina immediately blurted out, trying to avoid the subject.
Kimber, though, quickly spoke up to refute Rina, "I told Rina that I don't think she could beat you in a wrestling match."
From beneath her hand, Rina growled.
"A wrestling match, huh? Now, I'm curious, too. Let's do it, Rina!" Wrecker exclaimed, smashing his fist into his other hand challengingly.
Rina's head dropped. Now Wrecker wanted the challenge to happen. There wasn't gonna be any backing down now. She then said to Kimber through clenched teeth, "I really don't like you right now."
Kimber just snickered and grinned mischievously. "Well...I think you'll like me again soon enough. Have fun, dear!" As Rina got up and moved towards Wrecker, grumbling to herself, Kimber called out to the both of them, "Take it easy, you two. I know the both of you could easily choke someone out, but don't do it to each other, please."
"Not a problem," said Wrecker, flexing his neck.
Rina, while mortified that her team leader was making her wrestle her crush, put on a cocky front and declared, "Well, if boss lady says so, I guess I'll take it easy."
Both she and Wrecker squared up in defensive positions facing each other, their arms up and out to their sides. They both flexed their fingers, waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, with a cry, Wrecker lunged first and Rina was quick to duck and roll to the side, dodging him. As he stumbled over, grabbing nothing but air, Rina took the opportunity to jump onto his back, putting her arms about his neck. He grabbed her arms and pulled them away, making her fall off his back. Then he whipped around and went to grab at her again, but she caught his hands before he could, holding him at bay as their strength pushed against each other.
"I forget how strong you are sometimes for someone your size. It's really impressive," he commented.
She scoffed. "Never underestimate the smaller people, big guy. I'm full of surprises."
Then she ducked down and tried to go for his leg, but he hunched over and wrapped an arm around her under one of her arms and proceeded to knock her onto her back. They battled in this position for over a minute, seemingly in a stalemate. She attempted to push up against him and he lost his balance temporarily, but then he regained it and pinned her down to the ground by the arms.
Wrecker bent over, his face hovering just over Rina's. "Ha, looks like you lose, cutie," he bragged.
She gritted her teeth together, feeling embarrassed about losing to him. She didn't want to admit defeat, but it was difficult to break out of his hold, even with her strength. She couldn't give up yet, but what else could she do?
Then she thought of an idea. It was a low and dirty idea...but then again, when did she ever play nice?
In retaliation, Rina sat up ever so slightly and kissed Wrecker firmly on the mouth, startling him and simultaneously distracting him. Once she felt him relax into the kiss and his hold on her wrists weaken, she knew it was time to take her shot.
She pulled back and stated, "Not yet," and threw herself up onto him, forcing him onto his back. She moved on top of him, straddling him and pinning his big, beefy arms with her knee on one side and her foot on the other. She braced herself up with her hand on his chest and the other one pulled up into a fist, a triumphant grin on her face.
"Told you I was full of surprises," she reminded him proudly.
"Oh that was a cheap move!" he groaned.
"Was it, though?" asked Rina, smirking even more and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at him.
He couldn't hold back a pleased grin. Even though he thought what she did was a cheap trick...he couldn't deny that he enjoyed kissing his favorite girl.
They both then heard Kimber call out, already making her way towards the ramp of the Aurora, "Uh...should I give you two lovebirds some privacy?"
Rina's head snapped to the side and she cried out, jumping off of Wrecker, "Oh no, you don't, Kimber! You get back here right now!"
With a teasing cackle, Kimber dashed off inside the Aurora with Rina, hellbent on revenge, chasing after her.
Wrecker, however, still laid on the ground looking up at the sky. The sun had been positioned just right behind Rina's head above him, illuminating her head of violet hair and it made her look almost angelic. He knew she would never admit to being an angel, but nevertheless, it made her look even prettier than he already thought. That and she had proved her strength against his, which wasn't an easy task for most people. She wasn't like most women and he liked that a lot about her.
He heaved a heavy, dreamy sigh as he sat up and thought to himself, "She really is amazing!"
Physical affection prompts
More Wrecker fics
Bad Batch Writing Requests
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