#Riooo you seeing this dude?
Me: *Looking at friends account to see if there’s something to reblog* Me: *sees mostly my posts*
Me: ….Well clearly they have great taste
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auckie · 4 years
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💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them:
hmmm ok rn, as anyone who follows my blog or fucks with me on discord can tell, I recently rewatched ALL of the lilo and stitch series and movies, even the bad ones (which is most of it if), and I really love pleakley! Mainly bc his cross dressing is played pretty straight. He’s def comic relief and the punchline is sometimes that he’s wearing a dress but usually it’s just a facet of his character that the other characters accept at face value. I love drag a lot, and I love it when cis ppl do it outside of drag settings, bc it sorta eases the harsh line for trans people. Just bc a dude wears makeup doesn’t mean he’s a woman; women=/= being feminine, wearing clothes associated with femininity, etc, and so the fact that he’s just clearly a gay guy who loves dressing like that is great, plus I love his influences (kevin McDonald doing drag in kids in the hall, Klinger from Mash) and a lot of queens he’s influenced (BIANCA DEL RIOOO, fuck ru Paul but he even cites pleakley too LOL). He’s also just stupid and cute and I love the limp wrist house wife trope like Albert in the birdcage.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them:
Hmm ok, I used to be super into regular show in college. When I was like at my WORST point (skipping class to sleep, ignoring friends, not cleaning or doing work or anything but eating at 3am and walking around campus and tripping) I watched all of regular show and would screen cap really fucked up rigbys and post them on my old blog. I fucking loathe mordecai he’s the worst. He’s such a simp and such a whiny bitch and he has shit taste in everything, like such a great caricature of your typical art school dropout, but that’s all kind of funny and good. What seals the deal for me is that rigby goes through this arc where he sorta starts to get his shit together— like he gets his GED and stops being such a cunt to Eileen bc he realizes he can’t do much better (imo LOL) and mordecais not gonna stop simping for Margaret even when presented with more viable options etc. and he gets pissy about it, like he gets jealous and while it’s resolved within the episode I do think his character kinda regresses from that point. He doesn’t seem to learn anything or mature really. He seems to be sad that he’s not the ‘adult’ one in the dynamic anymore and misses being top dog in an already depressing, lose lose situation. This! Is all my speculation tho, bc the cartoon, while worthwhile imo, is like. Kinda shitty and the writing isn’t that complex plus whenever I would watch it I was just out of my mind regardless so. I think he sucks tho.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share:
I’m really fucking into swash zone creatures rn. I was literally just at the beach and caught like five fish with my bare hands while swimming. And this isn’t the same kind of things as I listed from before but I looked at the sky and the sun was setting and it was orange. And I remembered: orange sky at night— sailors delight. Orange sky at morn, sailors be warned! And so I swam back to shore and looked it up and it’s TRUE orange skies at night reflect the air quality; the setting sun’s light bounces off water vapor and atmospheric particles so that only the longest of the wavelengths (reds) really makes it through this process— meaning there’s a lot of particles in the air if you see red! At sunset this signals stable air, a high pressure at this time of day is normal and will correlate with pleasant weather typically. Moreover, weather systems generally move westward within the mid latitudes (30-60 degrees, and hence the wind currents being referred to as the westerlies, aka the trade winds) which is important when considering why an orange morning can mean that the weather may turn sour later in the day. The high pressure conditions are already on their way out if a sunrise lights up the sky that much; the air could have a high water particle content to only let through the reds, and so a low pressure system may well be on the way. I took a meteorology class in college it wasn’t a hyper fixation but this was the only thing I could think of that wasn’t related to like production trivia for lilo and stitch or ren and stimpy or kids in the hall or who framed Roger rabbit sorry. But hey now you know.
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