zibethrose · 1 year
Happy Funday you beautiful souls🤗 Wishing you a glorious day in which you are favoured with good fortune and wonderful experiences💜 Choose YOU, stop editing your soul and step into a better way of being. Remember, You being here, matters🤗🌹🌻
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Know that life offers you a smorgasbord of experiences
if you are brave enough to step outside your comfort zone.
The familiar may be comforting but has a way of dulling your zest
for life. Live life fully by deliberately pushing yourself to go off the beaten tracks ever so often. Be wary of becoming stuck in a rut, lulled by the comfort of the familiar as lack of expansion is akin to a hamster running on a wheel, trapped going nowhere.
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zibethrose · 1 year
Greetings you wonderful souls🤗
May you be favored with good fortune and delightful experiences this day💜🌹🌻
Recognize that Your life story is scripted by the choices you make.Release the labels and excuses that weigh you down. Rewrite Your Story💜Know that Every thought contributes to your character and reality. Embrace the changes required to create the life you envision! Your purpose beckons you towards greatness. Adjust your mindset, and watch as your life falls into harmonious alignment.
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Self-love is the stepping stone to becoming assertive by setting and maintaining boundaries. This will lead to healthy relationships with others. When you practice self-care, you are on the path to self-love. It is important to learn to love yourself as it allows you to understand that you are enough.
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