#Riverfront on Friday evening.
garavigujarat · 1 year
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#Gujarat #ChiefMinister Bhupendra Patel inaugurated '#Ahmedabad #FlowerShow2023' at #Sabarmati #Riverfront on Friday evening.
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rock-and-roll-hell · 9 months
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September 14, 1979
Dynasty Tour
Riverfront Coliseum - Cincinnati, Ohio
The day before this show Lydia’s divorce from Peter Criss was finalized
“KIϟϟ wasn’t playing any gems either. The 40 minutes this writer sat through before catching a final-edition deadline showed that KIϟϟ’ vacation from touring did nothing to improve the group musically. Peter Criss still approaches the drums with a beginner’s gingerliness. The concept of a backbeat continues to elude him and he uses the cymbals as often as donkeys fly. What Criss lacked in finesse he more than topped with his ill-timed tempos. He rushed so terribly it became obvious he couldn’t keep the beat if it were locked in Ft. Knox. Gene Simmons’ tentative bass guitar work was right at home with Criss’ drumming. The same went for the outrageously out-of-tune guitar musings of Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley. In concerts past, KIϟϟ attempted to temper its wretched rock with on-stage wanderings which bordered on theater. Theater of the absurd, but theater nonetheless. Friday evening, the theater was gone. KIϟϟ was merely a rock and roll band in grotesque mime makeup. Thus, the band’s performance could only be judged on the basis of its music and… its dancing. Oh, yes. There was dancing. As Simmons garbled his way through "Calling Dr. Love,” Stanley bounded across the stage. In his high-heels and mincing, one-and-a-two-and-a-three steps, he cavorted like a reject from a Lawrence Welk polka contest“ (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/15/79).
The harshness of the review is hardly surprising in the context of the critic’s preshow interview and piece that ended, "That’s great, Gene. You’re just what the world needs, and old school teacher who preaches nihilism and sticks out his tongue” (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/9/79) as a response to Gene’s comments that being awed by a show experience was more important than searching for meaning in art.
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
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@byanyan asked:
‘ WAKE UP. ’ - [ my ] muse shakes [ yours ] awake. || ouch.jpeg ( accepting! )
TW for alcohol/self medication
Lena had been good.
Or at least, she had been trying to be good. Hell, she had been following their instructions, doing the right things at the right time. Lena had a job that required her to socialize five days a week, with time spent volunteering on the weekends. She had a flat, hell, she had an adopted sibling that liked to break into said flat, and steal her food.
Things should have been good.
Why weren't they good??
It had started two weeks prior, a sickening nightmare of the accident that landed her there. Cockpit spinning in the sky, joystick jerking and twisting out of her hands as the engines screamed. That damn red light, a warning on the dash, that blinked in and out of existence as if it was counting down the seconds to her doom. It had ended, just as the ones previously, seconds before she crashed in the cruel landscape.
Lena had woken up, then, sitting straight up in bed before donning her running shows and heading toward the riverfront to clear her mind.
The little stuff followed. The smell of cooking meat that turned her stomach. An accidental cut in her hand, that looked so similar to her reflection hanging upside-down in the craft.
The bloody Christmas lights.
It wasn't even the holidays, why were they out? Lena couldn't remember asking herself that as she drove home that Friday night. Hell, she didn't remember much of the drive, besides checking the mirrors and trying to avoid those damn twinkling lights.
She had been doing so well.
A few hours elapsed, Lena sinking deeper and deeper into the mania triggered by the lights. As much as she warned herself that this was normal, she's endured this and worse before, and that if she could only bring it around, maybe call a friend from the veteran's office, she'd be okay. But the phone felt radioactive, and so did the walls, and everything was crushing her.
The actions didn't help, runs to nowhere, lifting weights that just added to the crush on her chest - she was trapped, somewhere between the hard memory of being wholly alone and the real world equivalent of no sleep.
She didn't remember when the self-medicating began, nor where it ended. The next conscious thought she had was of Byan's cold hands, dragging her out of the alcohol-induced stupor that Lena had finally submerged herself into, if only to keep the world from spinning.
The room was dark, with everything that emitted a small light, red or not, covered haphazardly with blanket or towels. Lena had finally landed on the couch, empty bottles painting a picture of exactly what she had done the hours, or was it the night?, prior.
Lena dragged, eyelids sliding open and closed. Her breath reeked of the alcohol that remained heavy in her stomach. Dimly, she was awar of Byan's voice, calling her to surface the tidal waves that had dragged her under. They wanted her awake, out of the warm stifling feeling that the alcohol induced, and Lena resisted that.
"-g'away." For once, it was her turn to be selfish, to demand that they leave her there for the elements to consume. "Leave me alone."
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year
getting through my work day when i'm bored seems to be the biggest struggle right now with staying sober. the entire day i just kept thinking about how badly i wanted to get high as soon as i was off the clock. i was even trying to bargain with myself "what if we PROMISE to go back to only on true weekend nights, friday and saturday only, sunday if there's a holiday--"
instead of giving in to any of that, i went to two grocery stores for things, put things away, cleaned up the kitchen, cooked a very mediocre dinner, and then spent some time out in my garden, pruning some things. the wildflower boxes i have are absolutely overgrown, but MAN some of the flowers smell so sweet and soft. it was really nice. i swept the front area by my car and then the back patio, and then took a long shower so i could do a sugar scrub for the first time in a year or so, then did a face mask, and did some stretches.
it seems so long as i can keep myself active in some way, my brain shuts up about wanting to be high. if i can't go to the zoo tomorrow, i'm gonna go for a walk along one of the riverfront trails, so ovo/
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bigaladventures · 2 years
Day 7 - 💕🎡 The Chicago Love Affair, Continued
Friday, September 9, 2022
I continued my Chicago adventures: upon the recommendations of many friends inside and outside of Chicago, I spent the afternoon visiting the acclaimed Art Institute and taking an evening architectural river boat tour.
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I was thrilled to have the opportunity to see some of my favorite paintings in the acclaimed Impressionist Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago. I fell in love with Monet when I was an 8-year old aspiring artist witnessing his paintings for the first time at the Worcester Art Museum (fun fact: the WAM was an early leader in purchasing Monet's work!). I took my time making my way through the Art Institute, reading about the evolution of artistic styles in impressionism and pointillism, examining the works close and far back, and exploring more great works from the modern and contemporary movements. I photographed some of the pieces that struck me most.
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After the art museum, I met up with Matt, a good friend from work, and we boarded Chicago's First Lady for the very educational architectural river boat tour. We learned about the history of Chicago's riverfront and how the various architectural styles reflected the city's evolving relationship to the river itself. I also never knew that people actually changed the direction of the Chicago River! Chicago's architecture is very purposeful, and beautiful, especially under a setting late summer sun.
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We ate a delicious dinner at the Purple Pig and enjoyed the nighttime views of the riverwalk and ferris wheel. Good night Chicago!
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televinita · 2 years
2nd to last free Friday of the year (even the holidays will be full of obligations still, just not work-related ones), and I made it COUNT!
Drove the lovely 35-minute drive mostly down country roads / a rural highway (took a different route each way, for maximum prettiness) to go to my favorite day-trip town for...
A library sale
Antique shops (too many to count; at least 4 though)
Also antique shop cats (petting count: 4, and that was despite two of the regulars I specifically came to visit being out of sight/reach) (aka GUESS WHO FOUND A NEW SHOP WITH A CAT)
Walking along a pretty riverfront path for an hour
Sitting on a glider overlooking the river post-walk
And I collected Many a Treasure along the way! Unsure if I have willpower for photos but maybe I will do a post about it with words.
Now I’m waiting for sweet potato fries to bake while I decide what else to have for dinner
(And the weather was great too -- high of just under 60 degrees, mostly cloudy with occasional bursts of sun, so I didn’t get too hot walking but also didn’t freeze while sitting.)
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dankusner · 12 days
Dallas County mulling new $5 billion jail complex
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An advisory panel formed to study the Lew Sterrett Justice Center has delivered a sobering assessment of the county’s aging jail and courthouse complex.
Deficiencies in the buildings are so widespread that it makes better sense to build an entire new complex rather than renovate the existing one, the Jail Facilities Advisory Committee recommended.
Though Dallas County commissioners didn’t formally vote on the recommendation, they expressed strong willingness to consider it.
An outside consultant assisting the panel estimated the project could cost an eye-popping $5 billion or more in 2032, two years before it would open.
It may be that the time has come to take up this project.
But if county officials expect any buy-in from county taxpayers, they must first rebuild public trust.
Trust lost after two failed state jail inspections in 2021 and 2022.
And trust lost more recently in the county’s botched rollout in May 2023 of new criminal case management software.
Conversion to that new system has been so bungled that it has contributed to an unnecessary rise in the jail population as inmates wait for their cases to be processed.
Many inmates have been locked up longer than they should be and even some beyond their release dates.
Despite this chaos, the advisory panel unanimously recommended to the commissioners’ Facilities Management Committee that the county move out of the current Frank Crowley Courts Building and adjacent three-tower jail complex and into a newly constructed campus on a completely different site.
The current jail buildings are either outdated in their design, in disrepair or too small to efficiently house the number and types of inmates being held, particularly the growing number of mentally ill, Brad Sassatelli, senior vice president of CGL Companies, told commissioners.
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Among the most glaring problems, Sassatelli said, is the lack of space.
To conform with industry best practices, the jail buildings should contain 3.3 million square feet, but they only total about half of that, he said.
The old West Tower and intake facility are in the worst shape, he added.
The advisory panel recommended that the county also begin exploring sale and lease options for the current complex along North Riverfront Boulevard.
Originally considered unattractive real estate, that area now is a gateway to downtown with some of the best views around.
That could mean big dollar signs for the county and a way to defray some of those high project costs.
Transparency with the public during the planning process “should be a top priority” for county officials, the panel rightly noted.
But that’s not all.
While the jail is back in compliance with state jail standards and the county says its software problems will soon be fixed, officials must still restore public confidence that any new complex would not face the same problems the current one has.
We Recommend
You can cast your ballot early for the 2024 primary runoffs through Friday.
Remember that you are allowed to vote in the runoff only for the party primary in which you voted in February or March.
But if you didn’t vote then, you can cast your ballot in the Democratic or Republican runoff.
Below we summarize our recommendations for several races in
North Texas.
Dallas County Sheriff
Marian Brown
Incumbent Marian Brown, first elected in 2018, has well-managed the challenges of her position, including the pandemic.
Although we previously raised concerns about her leadership after the Dallas County jail system failed two annual state inspections, she corrected those lapses and the county is again compliant.
Brown faces a challenge from her predecessor, Lupe Valdez.
We don’t dismiss Valdez’s allegations of low employee morale at the sheriff’s department, but Valdez lacks a current understanding of the department.
Current, former sheriffs facing off
Brown, Valdez emerge from crowded field after March Democratic primary vote
The incumbent Dallas County sheriff and her predecessor will go toe to toe in the runoff election Tuesday in a hotly contested race for the county’s top law enforcement official.
Sheriff Marian Brown is running to keep her post, while Lupe Valdez — who served as sheriff from 2005 until she stepped down to run for governor and endorsed Brown as her replacement in 2017 — is vying for a political comeback.
Brown and Valdez split the vote, 42% and 37.67%, respectively, in the crowded Democratic primary in March.
With no Republican on the ballot, the winner will run unopposed in the November general election.
Valdez’s campaign spokesperson, Mike Hendrix, said her camp is confident Dallas County voters understand what’s at stake in the sheriff’s race: control and oversight of the county’s law enforcement agency and jail for the next four years.
“Sheriff Brown’s mismanagement is causing Dallas County inmates and deputies to be put in danger as well as our own law-abiding citizens here in Dallas County,” Hendrix said. “Our campaign feels that enough Democratic voters will vote to bring Lupe back to fix the many issues that Sheriff Brown has created.”
The Dallas County jail has come under scrutiny in recent years, faced with staffing shortages, payroll problems and the effects of a bungled new criminal court database that has left some inmates languishing in cells.
Earlier this year, a man who alleged he was illegally jailed for two months beyond his sentence settled his federal lawsuit against the county for $100,000, according to public records.
The botched software is a county court system, not a jail system, Brown said in a written statement to The Dallas Morning News .
Valdez’s campaign also faulted Brown for blundering state jail inspections.
The jail failed in 2021 and 2022 under Brown’s leadership, steering the sheriff’s department through the COVID-19 pandemic, according to media reports.
The jail passed in 2023.
Brown said the jail’s latest inspection, which it also passed, refutes allegations of poor jail conditions and the “continued efforts to perpetuate the myth of conditions in the jail.”
“The people are smart,” Brown said. “They know fact from fiction. It’s time to let them decide.”
Valdez and Brown have history: Brown was Valdez’s third-in-command.
Valdez was elected in 2004 and credited with starting a blue wave that firmly cemented Democratic Party control of Dallas County.
After being reelected three times and becoming one of the most popular Democrats in North Texas, she resigned to run for governor.
Brown was appointed by the county commissioners as interim sheriff to fill the vacancy. Brown is the first Black woman to hold the position.
Valdez won the 2018 Democratic nomination for governor in a narrow runoff, making history as the first Hispanic woman and first openly gay person to win a major party’s gubernatorial nomination in the state.
She lost in the general election to incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott.
Valdez said she was encouraged by elected, business and community leaders to make a political comeback and run for a possible fifth term.
Her platform includes boosting morale among jailers and deputies and addressing technical issues that she says have led to a rise in the jail population.
Brown’s campaign website reads: “Every day, I am focused on making Dallas County safer, and on running an efficient, effective office.”
Early voting in the local and statewide runoff elections ends Friday.
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ledenews · 29 days
Downtown Wheeling’s ‘Big Dig’ Getting Worse Before Better
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It’s become an evil word – streetscape – with many who frequently travel through downtown Wheeling or to those who own businesses along Main and Market streets, but paving is expected to take place this summer and mid-2025 is the target time for completion. But not before it gets worse, of course, according to Wheeling City Manager Bob Herron. “The only way to describe our downtown right now is that it’s pretty torn up. There’s a lot of construction taking place right now,” he said. “And there are going to be some traffic interruptions at the end of the week, too, when the DOH closes 10th Street on Friday. And there’s going to be a lot of intense over the next six weeks. “There’s a lot of things that still need completed so the paving can begin on Main Street, and we’re hoping that happens by the end of June or early July,” Herron continued. “And the landscaping engineer is moving along nicely and when certain areas of Main are finished, the grinding and the paving will take place and we’re all looking forward to that.” The storm sewer separation project on Market Street represents half of the "streetscape" that has been taking place in downtown Wheeling since late 2022. The roadway was opened to traffic again more than a week ago. The $32 million, state-funded project initially was proposed and adopted in 2015 by then-mayor Andy McKenzie and former W.Va. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, but the scope and design have morphed many times since. The original cost estimate was below $10 million when including only paving, new curbs and access ramps, and new sidewalks, but the cost doubled after the issue of underground vaults was discovered in 2017. Design changes, new signalization, the inclusion of the three cross streets between 10th and 16th streets, and an extensive storm sewer separation project also increased the cost estimate to where it is today. Triton Construction was awarded the bid in August 2022, and the company started work in late September of that year. At first, the "done date" was November 2024, but that deadline was extended earlier this year. "I know when we talk about the construction in downtown, we mostly refer to it as the ‘streetscape,’ but there are actually two projects that are taking place,” Herron explained. “The streetscape has a lot of different parts to it and all of that is taking place now along Main Street and it’s started on the south end of Market, too. But the storm sewer project is what’s been happening all along Market Street for a year or so. “The separation took place along Main Street several years ago before The Health Plan constructed their new headquarters in the downtown,” he said. “But once it’s complete along Market Street, the downtown will be able to handle any new construction that takes place for years to come.”   As the project has moved forward this spring, several downtown intersections have been restricted by construction work that will implement safer walkways for pedestrians. City officials expect heavy traffic in the downtown area this weekend with several events scheduled for Wheeling’s riverfront area. Not only will the Wheeling Miners indoor football team play their second home game at Wesbanco Arena this Saturday evening, but the “Believe Dance Competition” will take place at the Capitol Theatre and Waterfront Hall will host live music, a one-mile race, and a Kentucky Derby Watch Party. The city manager wishes to remind motorists to pay attention while navigating the downtown area. “There are a lot of construction workers, barrels, and detours in downtown right now with the streetscape and with the construction of the new parking garage,” Herron said. “Plus, we have a projects taking place inside the Stone Center, on the Newbridge property on the corner of 10th and Main, and there’s the ongoing work at the Bridge Tavern, too. That’s why I hope people are being extra careful when they are traveling on Main and Market. “When it’s all finished, it’s going to be great and the downtown will have a completely new look that’s going to be very attractive for our current businesses, and for the ones in the future,” he said. “I know it’s frustrating for everyone, and it is difficult on some days to get around those streets, but the storm sewer separation and the streetscape both were long overdue. I believe all of the frustration will be worth it when it’s all finished, and traffic gets back to normal.” Read the full article
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spokanefavs · 8 months
Spokane woke up to a series of anti-LGBTQ acts of vandalism yesterday morning.
The Pride crosswalk near Riverfront Park was defaced by white paint. Atomic Threads Boutique’s front window was shattered. And Odyssey Youth Movement in the Perry District was hit with two acts — the Pride crosswalk near their building and their sign smothered with dark beige and white paint — not even a month after the crosswalk was vandalized with black flames.
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jhapalitimes · 11 months
Alive on 25 Street Festival Returns to Downtown Riverhead Friday with Spectacular Fireworks Show
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Exciting Street Festival "Alive on 25" Returns to Downtown Riverhead Get ready for an unforgettable experience this summer as the highly anticipated Alive on 25 street festival makes its grand return to Riverhead, NY. Organized by the Riverhead Business Improvement District Management Association, this free and family-friendly event promises to captivate attendees and create lasting memories. The festival will take place on Friday night, starting at 5 p.m. in Downtown Riverhead. Prepare to be enthralled by live music performances on multiple stages and indulge in a tantalizing variety of local craft beverages and delicious treats from food trucks and street vendors. The backdrop of Main Street and the picturesque Peconic Riverfront adds to the vibrant atmosphere, inviting attendees to explore a wide range of vendors and participate in exciting activities. Families and children are in for a special treat with the dedicated "family square" conveniently located at the Riverhead Town Square. Kids can enjoy complimentary activities such as the whimsical "bubblepalooza," pony rides, and captivating games. The festival will be filled with colorful balloons, ensuring plenty of smiles and a festive ambiance. One of the highlights of the evening will undoubtedly be the breathtaking fireworks show, scheduled to start at 9 p.m. The mesmerizing display will light up the night sky, adding a touch of magic to the festivities and leaving spectators in awe. To ensure a smooth event, Main Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from Maple Avenue to Griffing Avenue between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. Attendees are advised to move their parked vehicles before the event begins to avoid the risk of towing. Additionally, portions of Peconic Avenue and Heidi Behr Way will be closed for the duration of the festival. Please note that tobacco, marijuana, and vaping products are strictly prohibited within the event zone. The festival organizers kindly request attendees to refrain from bringing pets, except for service animals. If you're unable to attend the upcoming festival, there's no need to worry. Three more Alive on 25 events are scheduled throughout the summer, providing ample opportunities to join in on the excitement. Make sure to mark your calendars for July 14, July 28, and August 11, and don't miss out on the festivities. In terms of the weather forecast, tomorrow promises to be a delightful day with abundant sunshine. Although some clouds are expected to roll in during the late afternoon, temperatures will range from the high 70s to the mid-60s, providing the perfect conditions for an outdoor celebration. It's worth noting that an air quality health advisory for New York State will be in effect until midnight tomorrow due to elevated pollution levels caused by smoke from Canadian wildfires. Prepare yourself for an evening of enchantment and entertainment as the Alive on 25 street festival returns to Downtown Riverhead. Don't miss your chance to immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere, indulge in delicious food and drinks, and witness a spectacular fireworks display. Come join the community and create lasting memories at this truly unforgettable event. Read the full article
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newstfionline · 1 year
Friday, March 24, 2023
More California rain, higher grocery prices (NPR) California hasn’t seen the end of the extreme rain and flooding yet, and soon consumers will see the effects in grocery stores. The latest series of storms hit the central coast particularly hard, putting about 20,000 acres of farmland underwater.
Oregon’s Rural-Urban Divide Sparks Talk of Secession (NYT) Corey Cook still holds a fondness for her days living in Portland, where the downtown pubs and riverfront cherry blossoms made her proud to call the Rose City home during her 20s. But as she started growing wary of the metro area’s congestion and liberal politics, she moved to the suburbs, then the exurbs, before heading east, eventually escaping Portland’s sphere of influence on the other side of the Cascade Mountains in 2017. But even here, where she now runs a Christian camp amid the foothill pines overlooking the Grande Ronde Valley, she cannot help but notice how the values of western Oregon are held over the eastern part of the state by way of laws making guns less accessible and abortions more accessible. Unwilling to move east into Idaho, farther from her family, Ms. Cook, 52, now wonders if redrawing the state maps could instead bring Idaho’s values to her. The broad sense of estrangement felt across rural Oregon has led conservatives in recent years to talk about whether it would one day make sense to be part of Idaho. Greater Idaho sees its solution as simple—a shift in an existing border that would claim the entire eastern half of Oregon without creating an entirely new state. Despite being a political long shot, the sustained and growing interest from residents in the area and attention from politicians in Idaho have illustrated how much the state is already divided in spirit.
Costa Rica, laid-back land of ‘pura vida,’ succumbing to drug violence (Washington Post) PUNTARENAS, Costa Rica—All was quiet that night on the Promenade of the Tourists, the famed boulevard overlooking this coastal city’s white-sand beach and softly lapping waves. But just a few miles from the bars and seafood cafes, Maribel Sandí was startled awake by rapid-fire, metallic bursts. “There was a dead man,” Sandí said. The 21-year-old’s body had been “ripped apart” by a barrage from AK-47 assault rifles. Costa Rica has long been a model of progressive democracy in Latin America, a nation that abolished its army in 1948 and set aside a quarter of its territory for conservation. Hundreds of thousands of American and European tourists fly in annually to surf, hike the pristine rainforests and enjoy the laid-back “pura vida” vibe. Now, this longtime refuge of tranquility is grappling with a jump in violence, driven by a little-remarked on phenomenon that is bedeviling several Latin American countries. Once merely way stations for illegal drugs heading to the United States or Europe, they are suffering abuse problems of their own.
Farmers struggle in Argentina as drought withers their crops (AP) The ground crackles as Guillermo Cuitino walks across dry farmland that should be green and lush this time of year. He grabs a soy plant and easily disintegrates its leaves with his hands. “This year’s drought was extreme,” the agricultural engineer said this week at the farm where he works in Urquiza, a town about 230 kilometers (143 miles) from Argentina’s capital. Even weeds aren’t growing. That scene is repeated in farms across Argentina, where harvesting should be in full swing but months of dry weather has ruined. Farmers are scrambleing to make ends meet, and a sharp drop in expected revenue from exported farm products will deal a severe blow to Argentina’s shaky economy. “This drought is unprecedented,” farmer Martín Sturla said, standing in the middle of his dustry fields in nearby San Antonio de Areco. “It’s Dantesque. No one has seen anything like it.”
Macron Defends Reviled Pension Reform (Foreign Policy) On national television Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron defended his decision to push through wildly unpopular pension reforms. The reforms, which will raise the retirement age from 62 to 64, will have to be implemented by the end of the year, he said. In the following weeks, the Constitutional Council will review the bill, which cannot progress without the council’s approval. Unions, meanwhile, have called for strikes and protests on Thursday, and transportation around the country is expected to be disrupted. Politicians on the left and right slammed Macron for both disregarding and inflaming French feelings.
Eager young Albanians risk everything for new future in UK (AP) Monika Mulaj’s son was in his second year of college in Albania, studying to become a mechanical engineer, when he resolved to make a daring change: He told his parents he would leave his lifelong home for a new future in Britain. Five years later, the 25-year-old is working two jobs in Britain and hardly thinks of returning to his homeland. “Albania is in regress,” he complains to his mother. His path has been shared in recent years by thousands of young Albanians who have crossed the English Channel in small boats or inflatable dinghies to seek work in the U.K. Their odyssey reflects the country’s anemic economy and a younger generation’s longing for fresh opportunities. In 2018, only 300 people reached Britain by crossing the channel in small boats. The number rose to 45,000 in 2022, in part because of arrivals from Albania. Britain is attractive to Albanians because it has a better economy and higher-paying jobs than neighboring countries such as Greece or Italy. Many Albanians also have family ties in the U.K.
UK to send depleted uranium shells to Ukraine (AP) Russia threatened to escalate attacks in Ukraine after the British government announced it would provide a type of munition to Ukraine that Moscow falsely claims has nuclear components. The British defense ministry on Monday confirmed it would provide Ukraine with armor-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium. Such rounds were developed by the U.S. during the Cold War to destroy Soviet tanks, including the same T-72 tanks that Ukraine now faces in its push to break through a stalemate in the east. Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process needed to create nuclear weapons. The rounds retain some radioactive properties, but they can’t generate a nuclear reaction like a nuclear weapon would, RAND nuclear expert and policy researcher Edward Geist said. That didn’t stop the Russians from offering a full-throated warning that the rounds were opening the door to further escalation. In the past, they have suggested the war could escalate to nuclear weapons use.
To stay or go? The dilemma Ukrainians near front face every day (Reuters) It was finally time for Vasyl Kurlyshchuk to leave. When Ukraine’s State Emergency Service evacuation team arrived outside the gate of his small home in the eastern village of Kalynivka on Tuesday, the 74-year-old began slowly sorting through his papers and faded picture albums. Outside, the loud boom of outgoing artillery from Ukrainian positions and rumble of incoming shells fired from Russia’s side of the frontlines less than 4 km (2.5 miles) to the east were a reminder of the dangers of staying. Just to the east of Kalynivka, Bakhmut is a city that since August has become the 13-month war’s bloodiest battleground between Russian and Ukrainian forces, with thousands of soldiers on both sides killed there. But many elderly residents of Kalynivka and the town of Chasiv Yar next door say they have nowhere to go and no desire to leave.
Indian court orders Rahul Gandhi to two years in jail for Modi comment (Reuters) A court in India found opposition leader Rahul Gandhi guilty of defamation on Thursday for a speech he made in 2019 in which he referred to thieves as having the surname Modi, and sentenced him to two years in prison. Gandhi, a senior leader of the Congress party and the scion of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, will appeal against the order in a higher court, his party said. The judgment was passed by a court in the city of Surat, located in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state of Gujarat. An adviser to the federal government, Kanchan Gupta, said Gandhi, a member of the lower house of parliament, could face immediate disqualification as a member of parliament following the conviction. The opposition claimed that a conspiracy was being hatched to eliminate non-BJP leaders and parties by prosecuting them.
Suspected Iran drone kills US worker in Syria; US retaliates (AP) A strike Thursday by a suspected Iranian-made drone killed a U.S. contractor and wounded five American troops and another contractor in northeast Syria, the Pentagon said. American forces retaliated soon after with “precision airstrikes” in Syria targeting facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, the military said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, reported that the American strikes killed six Iranian-backed fighters at an arms depot in the Harabesh neighborhood in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour. The Observatory, which relies on a network of local contacts in Syria, said U.S. bombing at a post near the town of Mayadeen killed another two fighters.
Tear gas, clashes as Lebanon protesters try to storm govt HQ (AP) Lebanese security forces Wednesday fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters, mainly retired soldiers, who tried to break through the fence leading to the government headquarters in downtown Beirut. The violence came amid widespread anger over the harsh economic conditions in the country, where mismanagement by the ruling class has been rampant for years, preceding the economic meltdown that started in late 2019. The protest was called for by retired soldiers and depositors who have had limited access to their savings after local banks imposed informal capital controls amid the crisis. The controls restrict cash withdrawals from accounts to avoid folding amid currency shortages. People with dollar accounts can only withdraw small sums in Lebanese pounds, at an exchange rate far lower than that of the black market. The Lebanese pound hit a new low on Tuesday, selling for more than 143,000 pounds to the dollar before making some gains. The pound has lost more than 95% of its value over the past three years. The official rate is 15,000 pounds to the dollar. “My monthly salary is $40. How can I survive,” screamed a retired army officer.
Ramadan begins in Mideast (AP) The first daily fast of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan began Thursday, as hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide enter a four-week period of worship. During the coming four weeks, hundreds of millions of Muslims will abstain from food and water from dawn to dusk, before gathering with family and friends for indulgent nighttime meals. According to Islam, fasting draws the faithful closer to God and reminds them of the suffering of the poor. In addition to fasting, charity giving is another of Islam’s five pillars. During Ramadan, mosques and charities regularly provide meals for the poor at long tables that sprawl out onto the street. Israeli and Palestinian leaders pledged this week to lower tensions as Ramadan begins, following months of deadly violence in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. This year, the fasting period coincides with the Jewish festival of Passover, spurring concern about fresh flare-ups with large numbers of Jewish and Muslim faithful expected to pour into Jerusalem’s Old City. From Gaza to Khartoum and Tunis to Sanaa, soaring prices are proving a further concern for those set to celebrate the occasion. Arab countries are continuing to suffer from the economic fallout of the war in Ukraine, with many reliant on grain imports from eastern Europe.
Israeli government lifts ban on return to West Bank settlements (Reuters) The Israeli parliament on Tuesday paved the way for Jewish settlers’ return to four settlements in the occupied West Bank by amending a 2005 law that ordered their evacuation, a move condemned by the Palestinian Authority and the European Union. Yuli Edelstein, head of the Israeli parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, hailed the move as “the first and significant step towards real repair and the establishment of Israel in the territories of the homeland that belongs to it”. Since the 1967 war, Israel has established around 140 settlements on land Palestinians see as the core of a future state, where more than 500,000 settlers now live. Besides the authorized settlements, groups of settlers have built scores of outposts without government permission.
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napabeer · 1 year
Visit Downtown Napa’s Lighted Art Festival
Napa’s Lighted art festival is back for 2023, and it promises to add even more excitement to the Napa nightlife scene. From now through February 19, visitors and residents alike can experience and explore original light-based sculptures, projection artwork, and more as they meander through downtown Napa from 6 to 9 pm Monday through Thursday and 6 to 10 pm Friday through Sunday.
Napa Nightlife: Illuminating the City
This year’s edition of the free Napa Lighted Art Festival features ten lighted art sculptures on First Street and Napa’s Riverfront that are sure to thrill all ages. Artworks are located throughout downtown Napa and include everything from glittering jellyfish to a pulsing giant heart.
Other highlights include:
Martin     Taylor/Chromaforms’ “Seed of Dreams” at Dwight Murray Plaza. This 13-foot     tall artwork depicts a human head in a dream state or deep trance. At     night, light emits through geometric perforations on the sculpture’s     forehead, and the mesmerizing blue eyes invite viewers to connect with     their intuition. You can also enter the sculpture to reflect and meditate.    
The     family-friendly Lantern Parade that begins and finishes at Veterans Park     on Saturday, February 11, from 6:30 pm on. The short half-mile loop is     energized by live music, and attendees are invited to create their own     unique lanterns to carry on the route.
Luciana     Abait’s “Agua” at Native Sons. This multichannel video artwork features a     waterfall cascade that offers moments of delight, joy, and contemplation.
Sponsors of this year’s event include Panasonic, the Culinary Institute of America, the Napa County Historical Society, and many more.
Downtown Napa Restaurants Where You Can View the Lights
If you’re planning to attend the light festival, why not stop into Downtown Joe’s before or after the event? We’re conveniently located in the middle of all the activity, and you can even enjoy some of the lights from our river view dining patio.
Our always entertaining Napa brewery has been serving up good eats and fun times for over 25 years. We invite you to drop by and try one of our locally crafted beers and enjoy some live music while you’re here. For your convenience, we currently accept phone-in reservations up to four hours before seating time. You can also make an online reservation 24 hours in advance. And, as always, walk-ins are always welcome, and there’s never a long wait!
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rock-and-roll-hell · 2 years
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September 14, 1979
Dynasty Tour
Riverfront Coliseum - Cincinnati, Ohio
The day before this show Lydia's divorce from Peter Criss was finalized
"KIϟϟ wasn't playing any gems either. The 40 minutes this writer sat through before catching a final-edition deadline showed that KIϟϟ' vacation from touring did nothing to improve the group musically. Peter Criss still approaches the drums with a beginner's gingerliness. The concept of a backbeat continues to elude him and he uses the cymbals as often as donkeys fly. What Criss lacked in finesse he more than topped with his ill-timed tempos. He rushed so terribly it became obvious he couldn't keep the beat if it were locked in Ft. Knox. Gene Simmons' tentative bass guitar work was right at home with Criss' drumming. The same went for the outrageously out-of-tune guitar musings of Paul Stanley and Ace Frehley. In concerts past, KIϟϟ attempted to temper its wretched rock with on-stage wanderings which bordered on theater. Theater of the absurd, but theater nonetheless. Friday evening, the theater was gone. KIϟϟ was merely a rock and roll band in grotesque mime makeup. Thus, the band's performance could only be judged on the basis of its music and... its dancing. Oh, yes. There was dancing. As Simmons garbled his way through "Calling Dr. Love," Stanley bounded across the stage. In his high-heels and mincing, one-and-a-two-and-a-three steps, he cavorted like a reject from a Lawrence Welk polka contest" (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/15/79).
The harshness of the review is hardly surprising in the context of the critic's preshow interview and piece that ended, "That's great, Gene. You're just what the world needs, and old school teacher who preaches nihilism and sticks out his tongue" (Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/9/79) as a response to Gene's comments that being awed by a show experience was more important than searching for meaning in art.
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pulsdmedia · 2 years
The Week Ahead 6/5-6/11
Burgers, tequila, disco, jazz, and celebrities - this week in New York City is a hot one, so before you Netflix & chill or opt for a lackluster schedule, peep at our lineup of happenings that will elevate your week and make you feel all the summer vibes...
$19 To Whitmans Flight Club: Tequila, Cocktails, Burgers At Hudson Yards
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Craft tequila, juicy burgers, and delectable cocktails - you'll savor all of the above and energetic vibes at Whitmans Hudson Yards, whose beloved Flight Club returns, this time showcasing the exquisite Casa Dragones Tequila, this Wednesday! Grab your $19 Ticket that includes A Flight of 3 Signature Casa Dragones Tequilas, 1 Casa Dragones Tequila Cocktail, 1 Whitmans Classic Burger, and 1 Whitmans Souvenir Custom Glassware. Treat your taste buds to flavorful bliss with a mixologist crafted cocktail featuring the gorgeous tequila, as well as the most flavorful, succulent burger made with a beef short rib blend patty, seared onions, bibb lettuce, tomatoes, new pickles, and special sauce on a potato bun. Cheers to this epic fiesta...
A Rooftop Workout to Start Your Day Right
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Join expert trainer Calyn Brooke for an early morning workout on the PUBLIC hotel's gorgeous terrace to start off your day! You'll work in a mix of dynamic exercises with light weights and bursts of cardio to get your heart rate up and sculpt your entire body.
$19 VIP Ticket: 2 Hour Open Bar Studio 54 Summer Fridays Party
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Go back in time and experience the great discotheques of the '70s like Studio 54, 2001 Odyssey, and the infamous Copacabana as Casa 51 turns up the heat to a full inferno with their specially curated Studio 54 Summer Fridays series. Let the music of the '70s fill the air at this groovy spectacular that harkens to the heyday of glamour and glitter, with a heavy splash of unlimited drinks, DJ sounds, and vibes aplenty. Snap selfies in Boogie Wonderland, grab your friends & learn the Hustle, drop by the Disco Fever Mirrored Wall for a complimentary far-out photo or video, marvel as the the Studio 54 aerialist glides on the infamous crescent moon, hit the dance floor to the disco rhythms - there's so many more surprises in store! Breathe in the fresh air on the outdoor ParaDisco patio, and bask in the energy - let's kick off the weekend and get our groove on...
Jazz at Pier 84
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It wouldn’t be summer in Hudson River Park without Jazz at Pier 84! As a spirited tribute to New York City’s storied history, this Park-favorite series features local jazz legends in a lineup of free performances on Manhattan’s riverfront. This week, stop by for a live performance by The Phil Young Experience, who will combine smooth tunes with the beautiful Hudson River Park evening for a perfect summer night!
55% Off Tickets To A Rooftop Boozy Brunch Party With Live Music
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Soak in summer sunshine & revelry via the rooftop scene at Elsie! This gorgeous aerie is perfectly perched high above the hustle & bustle, ready to serve up their iconic Boozy Bamboleo Brunch & show, complete with delicious eats, potent drinks, live music, fabulous denizens and more on Saturdays! While you sip, dine on fare like fresh Avocado Toast (pomegranate, micro greens) and Spanish Grilled Cheese with manchego cheese, prosciutto, and medjool dates between fresh sourdough slices. Shimmy & sway to the sounds of the Gipsy Kings tribute band Los Cintron, savoring sangria blends that will make you swoon with glee, namely the decadent Margarita Sangria with Baron Herzog Sauvignon Blanc, Codigo 1580 Blanc Tequila, agave, pineapple juice, lime juice, fresh oranges, limes, strawberries, and basil. Your Saturday has never been sexier...
Marvel Star Simu Liu Presents His New Memoir
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Spend an evening with the star of Marvel's first ever Asian superhero movie, Simu Liu, as he traces his path from his humble upbringing in China to the bright lights of Hollywood. Simu gives fans an inside look at growing up between cultures, battling stereotypes, and landing the role of a lifetime in Shang-Chi in his new memoir, We Were Dreamers. Joined by special guests, Simu will share inspiring insights into how we can all become the heroes of our own life stories!
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shanearhodes · 2 years
One More Week!
This weekend was the last weekend of packing and preparing for our trip. I can't believe it's already here! One more week of work (and it's going to be a busy one) and not even a week of school for the kiddos as they have Friday off! This weekend I got the backpacks packed (mostly) and had the kids try them on. I think they will work great. We shouldn't need to check any bags and they will each have all they need in their own packs. I hope the bags are with them for many adventure into the future! This week I have a lot of work to do to pass on the transportation work around Oregon22 and the Riverfront Festival. It's a tough time to leave, knowing that we have the World Track & Field Championships coming to Eugene and there's still a lot of work to do to prepare for all the transportation needs surrounding that. But luckily there's a great team here in Eugene working on it; from the team at Cascadia Mobility who is expanding and dialing in bike share to my Transportation Options team working on wayfinding, active transportation routing/detours, and Transportation Hub logistics at the Riverfront Festival I know that things will be well taken care.
The kids are getting very excited (and slightly nervous) for the trip and with the last week of school and an early birthday celebration for Gus & Ben the day before we leave it's going to be a lot in these last 6 days. So here's hoping we all take deep breaths and remember that we're almost there....
And speaking of there, here's a little write up that explains a bit about what this trip is about. I put this in the June InMotion to encourage people to follow along (hey InMotion readers!) and it would be good to have here too. Maybe in my next update I'll share my basic itinerary so you can see exactly what we're planning to do once we're over there. Here's the basic description: The UO Scan Design Fellows program will bring five Oregon-based professionals to join an existing University of Oregon study abroad program to Denmark this summer so they can be immersed in some of the most bicycle and transit friendly cities in the world. The local professionals will learn from professionals in Denmark and the Netherlands, experience first-hand what makes different cities work for people on bike and by transit, reflect on what insights translate to the U.S. context, and do so under the guidance of UO faculty expertise and alongside university students exploring the same issues.
We're going over a week earlier than the others to play a little before the work starts and I plan to share perspectives from that part too. It's going to be an exciting and interesting time experiencing the Denmark (and Sweden) from both a transportation professional's perspective as well a dad's and his kids'. Thanks for following along!
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fific7 · 3 years
Go Back - Part 1
Josh Sawyer x Reader
A/N: Inspired by the song Go Back by Tony Allen ft. Damon Albarn. Josh’s wife has thrown him out and he’s been avoiding his obsessive ex-girlfriend after a one-night-stand. And then he met you. Life is complicated enough, isn’t it?
Additional A/N: I found Locked In a bit confusing but Ben looked totally hot in it! Sort of like a naughty King Caspian 🔥😉 This is very loosely based on the film plot but I’ve dropped the whole ‘daughter in coma’ part of the storyline so basically have rewritten the film 😄
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral and unprotected, between consenting adults*. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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When you see the stained reflections of city lights
But you're far away at sea, with all the satellites
And the runaways
What am I gonna do with you if you go back?
You're a runaway
What am I gonna do with you if you go back?
You're a runaway
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He quickly picked up the glass as soon as the bartender put it down and emptied it of the shot of whisky. The bartender eyed him, taking in the dark good looks, the slumped shoulders as he leant on the bar, his morose expression. “Bad day, bud?” he grunted.
Josh nodded, “And some.” He sighed and tapped the glass, it being swiftly refilled. “Wife’s divorcing me ‘cause she found out I’d hooked up months ago with an ex - just the one time! - and kicked me out. She’s making it difficult for me to see my kid. And the ex has gone into full-on stalker mode.” He downed the second whisky and asked for a beer. The barman popped the top for him and placed the bottle and a tall glass in front of him, “Rough on ya. Hope it works out, man.” He moved away to serve another customer.
Another beer later, Josh left the bar and headed the short distance down to the Charles River, sitting down on a bench next to the water and gazing out across it. It was Friday night and there were quite a few people strolling along the river. How the fuck had he got here? No home, no marriage, no steady job… his phone vibrated in his pocket and made him jump.
He pulled it out. Jesus H Christ! Would this never stop? He killed the call and went into his contacts. Found Renee’s details and deleted them. He should’ve done this months ago. When she next called back - and she would - he’d block her. If he had deleted them in a more timely manner, maybe Emma would never even have found out, he thought bleakly. But then admitted to himself that their marriage hadn’t exactly been a bed of roses the past couple of years, so maybe it was always just fated to end one way or another.
He stood up, sliding his phone back into his jeans pocket and taking one last look at the river flowing past him. Turning to leave, he heard an exclamation and a low cry of pain. A woman was half bent over just a short way along the riverside walkway, making small bunny-hops while clutching her ankle. He approached closer and asked if she needed some help. She smiled up at him, and with that simple gesture his world suddenly got a little bit brighter.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d been walking briskly along the riverside walkway heading to your apartment when you turned your ankle on an uneven area of paving. A low crack accompanied this and for a few awful seconds, you thought you’d actually broken it but then realised the victim was one of your high-heeled shoes.
“Ow! Dammit! Shit!!” you cursed, hopping about like a mad March hare. A shadow fell across the walkway in front of you, and you heard a deep voice asking if you needed help. Looking up, you saw that your knight in shining armour was one of the hottest guys you’d laid eyes on for a long time. You didn’t realise that you were smiling up at him until he suddenly returned your smile.
Without so much as a second thought about stranger danger, you blurted out, “Can you believe I’ve broken the heel of my shoe! And twisted my ankle. Listen, I live just along there..” you pointed, “…would you mind helping me hobble along to my apartment? I’d really appreciate it.” The stranger smiled even more broadly at you, “No problem at all, be happy to.” He offered you his arm and you grabbed it, standing upright and then slipping off your one remaining intact shoe so you could carry both.
The two of you started a slow walk along the riverfront, your ankle still being painful enough to stop you putting any weight on it. So as you’d anticipated, you were indeed hobbling and wobbling along. “Have you got any ice at home?” he asked you. “Yes, but I also have frozen peas,” you laughed, “that’s probably the least messy thing to use as a cold compress, isn’t it?” He smiled back at you again, nodding, and you thought about how much the two of you seemed to be smiling at each other.
“Which is your condo?” he asked, before continuing. ”I’ve just moved in to one myself here very recently.” You pointed out The West End Apartments, “That’s mine.” “Nice,” he nodded, “mine is a bit further back from the water. The Towers at Longfellow.” “Oh yeah, I know them. Looked at an apartment there before I bought mine.” “I’m just renting for now. I… ah…didn’t expect to be looking for an apartment, to tell you the truth.” You glanced across at him and saw that he now had a stony expression on his face. You decided to change the subject, “Could I be a complete pain and ask you to deliver me to my door? There’s an elevator but I’m still struggling a little here.”
The smile was back on his face, “Yes, of course.”
A few moments later, and holding your Good Samaritan’s arm in a firm grip, you were ascending the few steps up to the main entrance of your condo. As you wobbled through the lobby with him on your way to the elevator, you decided it might be a good idea to introduce yourself. You’d also decided that you were going to invite him in for a drink or a coffee in appreciation of him helping you in your hour of need. And if you were honest, you wanted to try and get to know him a little.
He didn’t seem to be a homicidal maniac, after all.
In fact you got a slightly melancholic vibe off him.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Josh pressed the Call button and stole a quick glance at her, thinking how beautiful she was. And how lucky he’d been to bump into her tonight, she’d certainly lifted his mood. He’d jumped at the chance to spend even a couple more minutes with her by escorting her to her door. She’d made him feel relaxed and at ease, which was surprising to him as he’d literally only just met her. He’d been so on edge recently that any relief from the anxiety was truly welcome.
The elevator arrived and he guided her inside; she leant against the side to take the weight off her ankle. With a little smile, she introduced herself and he told her his name. By that time, the elevator had zipped up to the top floor and they emerged into a large lobby area. He noticed there was only one door. She pointed at it, “That’s me,” and they headed towards it.
She fumbled her keys out of her bag and opened the door, turning to him and asking, “Would you like to come in for a coffee or a drink to say thanks for helping me out?” He hesitated, and she jumped in, “It’s okay, I understand if you’d rather not.” He looked at her, the small smile on her face, the little shrug she gave. Did he really need to complicate his life even more? But as soon as she’d finished speaking, he heard himself saying, “Yeah, I’d like that.” She limped through the doorway, “C’mon in then,” she said, over her shoulder.
He followed her into the apartment, seeing a huge open-plan area with floor-to-ceiling windows forming each end of the space. “Wow, this is nice,” he commented, “much nicer than mine!” She laughed, “Oh, I’m sure yours is just as nice.” He shook his head, wandering around and taking in the whole space, spotting a half-open door leading to a bedroom. Get your mind out of there right now, he said to himself. “No, believe me - mine is much smaller and without the huge amount of light you must get in here.” She walked over to the kitchen area, turning back to look at him, “What’s your poison?” “Uhh… do you have any beer?” he replied, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over an armchair.
She pulled out two bottles of local beer, “Is this okay for you?” “Perfect,” he nodded, so she popped the tops and handed one to him, before also grabbing a bag of frozen peas. She headed to the sofa, sitting down and holding the bag against her ankle; he’d followed her and sat down at the other end of it. “So, Josh… tell me something about yourself,” she asked in a non-interrogative way. He smiled, feeling a bit apprehensive as he always did now when asked about himself, “Ha, well, okay but I’m warning you, I’m not very interesting! I directed commercials for an ad agency for the past few years, but decided to jack it in recently. It all got to be too much, d’you know what I mean? So I’m doing some freelancing at the moment.” She nodded, and he carried on, warily, “I… uh, I’m in the middle of a divorce and I’ve got one kid, a daughter called Brooke. Another reason - the main one, actually - that I left my job, I wanted to spend more time with her. That’s about it, really. I did warn you it wasn’t very interesting.”
He looked over at her and noticed the small frown on her face and laughed, “I’ve put you off now, haven’t I? Which was it, the no job, the divorce or my kid?”
She shook her head, smiling, “None of them. I was just feeling a little sad for you. My parents divorced when I was younger so I know how difficult it can be all round.” He relaxed a little, sitting back against the sofa, “Yeah, it’s not ideal. My wife’s making it difficult for me to see Brooke.” “That’s your daughter, right?” When he nodded, she continued, “And you just said ‘my wife’ so that sounds like you haven’t yet really accepted that the divorce is going through.”
He took a swig of his beer and relaxed even more, leaning one arm along the back of the sofa. “Oh I’ve definitely accepted it, I guess it’s just habit. My “ex” wife, I should have said. The divorce will be final very soon so I’d better get used to saying that.” Another sympathetic look from her, “I’m sorry you’re going through that.” He shrugged, “There was a trigger for it but if I’m honest, it’d been on the cards for a while. Things hadn’t been good for the past couple of years.” Reaching over and putting the bag of peas on the coffee table and curling her legs underneath her, she said, “Is it too intrusive to ask what the trigger was? Tell me to mind my own business if you like!” she grinned.
He found himself grinning back, “Nah, it’s okay… I’d gone out to pick up more sweets last Halloween and uh, I stopped in for a quick drink on the way. I happened to meet an ex of mine in the bar and regrettably, I… um, well, we…” Her hand went up, “It’s okay, I get your drift! I shouldn’t have asked, sorry. I’m too nosy for my own good.” “It’s fine. I’m not proud of it. And karma’s got me good in any case. Not only the divorce but the ex is stalking me.” “Oh… really? And I take it you don’t want her to stalk you?” He laughed out loud, “No, I definitely don’t! There was a reason we split, y’know? At the time, I didn’t want to do the whole ‘settle down and get married’ thing, and that was her only goal. So I broke up with her. That makes me sound very shallow but I just really couldn’t handle it, she was pulling me over to jeweller’s windows and buying bridal magazines. We’d only been going out for a couple of months!” He paused, “In fact, again if I’m honest, I’m not sure I was even ready for all that when Emma and I got married.”
She leant back, sipping her beer, “I see. Well, as I’m asking intrusive questions tonight I may as well ask, why did you propose?” He looked away for a moment before meeting her eyes once more, “She thought she was pregnant. Turns out she wasn’t but I’d asked her and all the arrangements were underway by the time I found out.” “Was it a genuine mistake?” She was looking intently at him. He blew out a big breath. No-one had ever asked him that before. Thinking for a moment longer, he replied, “You know, I’m really not sure. I know that previously she’d asked about my exes and I’d laughingly told her about ‘Bridezilla’. So if she was being manipulative, I guess she knew I maybe wouldn’t go down the marriage path too willingly and it may need to be something drastic to get me there.” He laughed, a little bitterly.
She’d leant forward and put a hand on his arm, “Look, I don’t know your …ex.. wife at all and I shouldn’t have asked that, I’m sorry. Way too personal and insinuating things that probably never happened. Hey… changing the subject quickly, let me tell you my very uninteresting life story.” He couldn’t deny he was happy to move away from the previous topic, the turn the conversation had taken had unnerved him a little. His mind was still ticking over about it as she started speaking again and told him that she was a commissioning editor for a publishing house. She waved a hand around, “You’re possibly wondering how I can afford this place on that level of salary. Well, I couldn’t! - my extremely rich Daddy bought this place for me. And a holiday cottage on Cape Cod. And my car. He continually tries to salve his conscience and earn my forgiveness for him leaving me and Mom.”
Josh nodded slightly, “Ah okay, yes I confess I did wonder. I wouldn’t want to try and guess how much this place cost.” He gazed over at her, “And did it work?” “Did what work?” “Has he earned your forgiveness?” She laughed, shaking her head, “Ha. No, he hasn’t, to be honest.” Sipping her beer, she carried on, “All those nights of 14-year-old me listening to Mom crying herself to sleep? Me crying myself to sleep? Watching him create a new family without, it seemed, a backward glance at us?” She put her bottle down with a little bit of a bang, “So, no. Whatever he does or buys me, it’ll never make up for that.”
Josh’s heart sank. Was that how his daughter would feel about him when she grew up?
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A sober look suddenly appeared on his face and you realised you must’ve said something to upset him. And then it dawned on you that he must be thinking about his own situation. “Oh no! I’ve put my foot in it again!” you said, guiltily, “Look, I have forgiven him mostly. Things like that happen and always have, haven’t they? - it’s just life. There is always a tiny kernel of hurt that lives inside me and that’ll never go. But I love my Dad and that’ll never change either. So your daughter - I guess you’re thinking of her - will feel the same, I’m sure.”
He sighed, “I hope so. It’s difficult to see her right now. Emma’s making it awkward for me, a punishment I guess. Not that I don’t deserve it - I cheated on her after all - but she shouldn’t use access to Brooke against me.” You agreed, continuing, “But that’s what generally happens, Josh. It’s the one really effective weapon that the ex-partner has in their possession. My mother used the same tactic,” you shrugged. “I’m doing my best to spend time with Brooke,” he mused, “but like I said, it’s difficult. And I’m sure it’s being made out to be my fault. I used to be a bit of a workaholic.”
The conversation continued on a different tack, more work-related and how it could be difficult to get a healthy life/work balance. He was totally relaxed on your sofa now, sprawled out with his long legs in front of him. You were in the middle of telling him about a yoga retreat you’d considered going on up in Cape Cod when you noticed his head had dropped onto his chest and his eyes were closed.
Oh. He’s fallen asleep, you thought, what do I do? Wake him? But something told you he hadn’t been sleeping that well lately, he’d more or less admitted it during your conversation. So you got up and went through to your guest room, taking a blanket and a pillow from the bed. Returning to the living area, you lifted his ankles and swung his legs onto the sofa, hearing him mutter something under his breath but he didn’t wake. Popping the pillow under his head and covering him with the blanket, you headed to your bedroom and went to bed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Josh jolted awake, hearing his phone ringing and sitting up groggily. Where….? He looked around and at the blanket covering him. Ah okay… shit, he must’ve fallen asleep on her sofa! How embarrassing. He got up and headed to his jacket as he’d transferred his phone to its pocket when he’d got here. It stopped ringing just as he reached for it, and he pulled it out of the pocket to see a Missed Call notification from Emma. Shit!!!!
It was just after 9 and he wondered why she was calling him so early. He hit redial, and she picked it up on the second ring. “Where are you, Josh?!” she snapped as a greeting, “You’re supposed to be taking Brooke to the mall to get some roller skates, remember? She’s been ready for the last half hour, waiting for you! Did you forget?!” “No!” he snapped back, “I took a sleeping pill and I’ve slept in. I’ll be there as soon as I possibly can, okay?” He felt slightly guilty at lying to her but she was always sniping at him, and while he had temporarily forgotten about the mall trip, he could also have sworn that it was supposed to be happening the next day, not today. Emma had done that to him before, telling him he’d got the day wrong when he knew he had not.
And he certainly couldn’t tell her what had really happened. She’d never believe that it was an innocent situation. And sadly that was definitely the case, he thought with a rueful smile. He still had his boots on, never mind all his clothes. He thought fleetingly about how nice it would’ve been to wake up next to his new acquaintance this morning. He tried to ignore the thrill that ran through him as his morning wood chafed against his jeans. Emma’s voice pulled him abruptly out of his fantasy world.
She huffed, “Aww, not sleeping well, Josh? That’s what having a guilty conscience does to you.” He sighed, “Look, Em, let’s not do this okay? I’ll be over to pick up Brooke in… maybe 30 minutes.” “Alright,” she replied, “just make sure you are.”
Josh put his phone in his jeans pocket and picked up his jacket, shrugging into it and wondering what the best way would be to take his leave. If she was still in bed, he didn’t think it’d be appropriate for him to disturb her in her bedroom, bit too intrusive for their short acquaintance. Then he heard the faint sound of a shower running,
Damn! He could’ve done with using the bathroom, but thankfully it would only take him five minutes to jog round to his own condo. Just have to hold on!
Yeah, he’d leave a note for her.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Stepping out of the shower, you wondered if Josh was still sleeping. No work today, and the thought of sharing breakfast with him was a pleasant one. You were trying to be casual when thinking of him but you liked this guy. Really liked him, even with all his baggage. I mean, who didn’t have some of that? you thought, mentally shrugging.
Tying your robe, you took a quick look into the living area. Empty.
Your heart sank with disappointment. Was he one of those, then? The ‘leave in the morning without a word’ types? Obviously you hadn’t slept together, but still… you thought you’d felt a connection between the two of you.
You headed for your coffee machine, noticing a small piece of paper lying on your kitchen island as you made your way over. Swiftly you scooped it up.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Good morning - sorry for falling asleep on your sofa, what an interesting conversational partner I am, huh! I usually do better, I promise. Haven’t been sleeping too well lately and I got so relaxed I guess I just dozed right off. And sorry I’ve had to leave in a rush, I’m taking my daughter to the mall and am running late - another black mark against me! I’ll get straight to the point, I’d like to see you again. Here’s my number, I’ll let you contact me if you’re interested in meeting up for a proper date. I’m hoping you are!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You filled the water jug and slotted it into the coffee machine, conscious that you had a huge smile on your face the whole time.
Okay, okay, you counselled yourself, this guy could turn out to be problematic. Cheated on his wife, in the middle of a divorce, could get pulled into a custody battle. You knew only too well how messy all that could get.
But maybe that’s exactly why you felt a distinct pull towards him.
YOLO and all that kind of stuff. You were going to give this a go, you decided. Heading into it with your eyes wide open and you thought you knew what to expect. It would either work, or he’d be too involved with his marital situation and cut you loose.
Either way, you were in.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
And when the harbourmaster comes
To switch off the lights (switch off the lights)
And the waiting rooms are empty
Of everyone
Does anyone
What am I gonna do with you if you go back?
Does anyone
What am I gonna do with you if you go back?
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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