#Rob Berman
kerenitychan · 1 year
have assorted whiteboardfox doodles, featuring the weird overlapping polycule , two touchstarved cats and their husband , some sleepy babies, cuphead shenanigans, and some glamrock nonsense.
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for clarification on the 1st pic situ: Elise & Chris are hapilly married, Elise knew beforehand Dan came with the Chris package as a semi boyfriend that he might make out with sometimes, she doesn't rly mind. "Dan*" (or dayun as we call him around these parts) is desperately attempting to worm his way into getting the spot of Chris's boyfriend nr 2 but for now he's just a rly good friend to Chris and literally only Chris.
He's still got this weird fixation on Dan but nobody's sure if it's malicious, romantic, friendly or a secret fourth option we can't figure out. Dan Ker and Al are also happily married...... I have no idea where the heck Robert stands in this setup though. he's tired of all of us though.
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rkdaily · 4 months
A stoker's ditty. TITANIC at Gnycitycenter with the formidable Rob Berman on the stick.
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mywifeleftme · 6 months
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I'm a bit of a goon for stats and lists, so as I close the book on this project, here are a few highlights.
Total word count: 181,231 Average review length: 497 words Longest review: 1,761 words (138: Various Artists // Experiments in Destiny) Shortest review: 131 words (303: Alice Coltrane // Journey in Satchidananda) Most reviewed decade: 1970s (110) Firstest review: Various Artists // Keep on Truckin' (1) Lastest review: Patti Smith // Horses (365) Middlest review: [TIE] Sandy Denny & the Strawbs // All Our Own Work (177) & Various Artists // The Paths of Pain: The CAIFE Label, Quito, 1960–68 (178) Age: 37 Wives left: 0
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Twelve of my favourites
1: Various Artists // Keep on Truckin': How a series of TV commercials made Americans crazy for novelty truck driving songs.
32: The Who // Meaty Beaty Big & Bouncy: A free, online personality quiz.
59: Nass El Ghiwane // Nass El Ghiwane: Moroccan legends, quibbling about hype stickers, and the gift of trances.
90: Joe Coleman // Infernal Machine: Exploring a well-remunerated "Outsider artist" and his fixation on serial killers (feat. the craziest picture disc I've ever seen).
92: Aquariana // Aquariana: Your introduction to Father Yod and the Source Family cult, plus some weirdo piano ballads.
179: Elvis Presley // The Sun Collection: I asked 17 of my friends (and my grandma) for their opinions on Elvis.
199: Zero Kama // Zero Kama: In 1983, Austrian Psychic TV-devotee Zoe DeWitt snuck into a charnel house and scavenged a pile of human bones, which she then fashioned into musical instruments. This is the music that resulted.
209: Rob Hertner // Bucky's Heartaches: I research a private press country record by a Texan expat in London, and unearth his life as a crackpot political figure in Britain and connections to a terrorist militia group.
227: Jim Sullivan // U.F.O.: A guide to six lesser-known private press folkies, prepared with the assistance of antiquarian D. John Christie.
256: Maria Tănase // I: Romania's answer to Edith Piaf, and a figure much in need of rediscovery.
270: Purple Mountains // Purple Mountains: On David Berman's last work, and writing through pain.
319: Gilbert Bécaud // Incroyablement: A lovestruck fool, but no dummy. Some thoughts on an irrepressible chansonnier.
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These are so stupid
Blogs tagged "this is so stupid"
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commenter2 · 2 years
Exes and Oohs breakdown (spoilers)
Another Moxxie episode where we see his father AND ex-boyfriend.
This episode already gets points for coming out on the weekend, as a lot of people like myself didn’t like how the last episode aired during the work week.
Looks like Loona’s fat shaming/gas lighting is working, as Moxxie is now starting to believe it.
From time to time I have brought up the idea that Millie’s anger might be related to some kind of mental or psychological problem, and its moments like this that seem to hint/confirm it. It’s nice to see Moxxie being one of the things that can calm her down.
Looks like Moxxie and Millie aren’t the only people Blitzo likes to see doing it.
Heh it’s a Hell-icopter. Hey if Vivziepop can make the occasional cheesy joke in her videos then why can’t I, especially since I’ve already ignored several big ones of hers so far in the series.
Returning background characters. Well those kids are going to need therapy.
So this episode takes place in the Greed ring. Kind of hoping we would go to Envy, but at least we can learn more about the Greed ring.
Interesting to know that there is vehicle sized elevators available to take people to other rings while in their respective vehicles. Explains how Blitzo can bring the I.M.P. van to places.
Loo Loo Land is still a wreck.
Mammon is so cheap, he won’t pay to print his own logo on all of his things.
Improper toxic waste disposal. That’s the reason why the place is so green.  It’s probably more radioactive then anywhere in the Fallout series. Eh better than just having it represent money.
Before I forget, it seems like the theory of the shark demons being from Greed is true. It does make me wonder if there a sub-species though, as I’m sure there are some sharks in the Envy ring that look totally different from what we’ve seen, heck I think we saw some of them in “Ozzie’s”
In that wide shot where we see Crimson and that big shark guy, what is that red demon supposed to be? He looks like a Imp/Incubus mixed with something else that looks very bird like to me. Could he be the bastard child of a Goetia who slept with a lower-class demon?
Crimson says Blitzo is becoming famous but is it because of his business or because of his “relationship” with Stolas as the events of “Ozzie’s” still haven’t been showed yet. Has my wish of their relationship still being a secret coming true? I guess we will have to wait till the Ozzie X Fizz episode.
THAT’S NOT ANDY BERMAN!! Come on that would have been awesome for this episode, and I’m not even an Invader Zim fan.
WAIT HE DATED MOXXIE AND MILLIE! Now that’s a twist while still breaking away from cliché tropes.
Of course Blitzo is jealous of Chaz getting with M and M XD
Baby Moxxie and his mother! Looks like she wasn’t happy in the relationship, poor thing. At least it’s fitting and tolerable for this one time story compared to another cliche marriage but I’m not getting into that as today is all about Moxxie and Millie.
I will say, Moxxie’s mother is beautiful!
Love the flashbacks followed by the Titanic references, even Blitzo calls it out XD.
For robbing a bank owned by the demon of Greed, I’m surprised Moxxie only went to jail. You think a crime like that would be instant death or getting tortured from the demon himself.
MOXXIE AND BLITZO FIRST MEETING! I wished Moxxie had talked more in that conversation but it’s nice to see how it all started. It also seems to show that Moxxie likes Blitzo because he’s leagues nicer than his father and ex, betting its was how Blitzo wanted to get in touch with Loona that sealed their friendship.
By Moxxie saying “sissy lifestyle” I’m guessing Crimson is homophobic. I can see several HH/HB characters having issues with that.
Looking closer, Chaz’s hairstyle is very similar to Seviathan von Eldrtich’s hairstyle. I’m guessing that is a common style for aquatic demons.
Please tell me were going to get a “Princess Bride” scene later in this episode with Millie in the Westley role :D
So Crimson is homophobic. I’m also still surprised by what this series can get away with sometimes when it comes to visuals.
The flashbacks are education as along with getting more confirmation of Moxxie’s childhood and Crimson being a bad father and husband (not surprising) with very little words, but it’s also thanks to him Moxxie’s mother is gone. Damn. Hell just got a lot uglier without her in it.
It also seems like the HB fandom has another person to ship with Stella :3
Fourth wall break.
Imagine if before Chaz and Blitzo did the nasty, Stolas appeared with a camera, causing Blitzo to go “Are you F^&*ing filming us!”
Moxxie’s last name is Knolastname!
Moxxie X Millie FOREVER!
I honestly wasn’t expecting Chaz to have his own agenda, I thought we would see Millie learn about the wedding and try and stop it. Heck I’d be okay if Blitzo did this as he hasn’t done much in the episode, almost like he SHOULDN’ T have been in it.
“Says he’s better then he looks only to be knocked out” cliché. It would have been cool to see Moxxie do some action before getting knocked out, as that would be another reason why Crimson ties him up as he see’s that his son can be a problem.
I have been wondering what a demon wedding looks like, so it was nice seeing some elements of it.  I am surprised that the demon priest is wearing attire an actual human priest would wear. You think he would wear something more IDK… hellish, like wearing all red or something. Ooo what about gray as that could represent the groom (who wears white) and bride (who wears black) becoming one!
Want to point out that Wrath channel is playing a country like song, fitting given we know it’s filled of farmers and other stereotypical country stuff.
We’re getting our “Princess Bride” scene!!!!!
Mille gives Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion a round for his money on, I mean she pulls out people’s skulls and spines WAY better then him.
She literally just turned a shark into sushi XD
After all that, I would have just killed Crimson, and maybe Chaz, so they can’t cause future problem especially when they already have tons of enemies but that’s just me. At least I could see them returning in interesting ways but more on that later.
It honestly wasn’t surprising to see Loona still in that chair, heck I bet she could stay in any chair for weeks without having the need to get up.
NO KEEP THE HELL-ICOPTER GUYS! That would have been cool to have for later.
I don’t think Chaz is dead, however without his teeth I bet he wished he was.
Actually thinking back, I’m surprise that though he is a shark demon, he can’t regrow teeth like an actual shark. It makes me wonder if other animal like demons lack traits the actual animal has, like I could see bee demons being able to use their stingers without fear of it coming off naturally.
Another episode, another Hell enemy for I.M.P. though I do see this leading to a good episode.
(watching credits) DAMMIT Chaz is dead. Why couldn’t it be Striker! I really would have liked to have seen Chaz return with not only dentures to replace his missing teeth, but also trying the same plan on Helsa Von Eldritch in a Hazbin Hotel episode. I feel like this potential episode would have been a growing moment for Charlie who discover Chaz’s plans, and though she hates Helsa (showing similar traits to how her father hates people like Adam or Michael in that episode which are pointed out by the characters) she puts it aside and helps Helsa realize she is being used and maybe while the two still hate each other, there is some respect between them as maybe Helsa does something that helps the Hotel.
Another good episode that is fitting with this season’s theme of expanding more on the character’s backstories, though this one is the best so far. All the positives about the episode are the same as previous episodes so I’m going straight to the negatives.
Though I do like how Millie got some good screen time, I wish we could have explored more about her in it, like what if she always had a bad reaction when dealing with exes EVEN when said ex tries to be friendly with her?  It also would have been nice and fitting with her character if she tried to bond with Crimson during the episode or again figure out his plan’s with Moxxie and instantly tries to stop it.
As I mentioned in my Helluva Boss EXPO literature, I didn’t like Blitzo being in another episode that really would have been better off as a Moxxie and Mille only episode. I recently watched a DCAU Justice League/JLU review and it went over how though it was about a team, not every team member appeared in every episode which was a plus as it gave stories where the problem couldn't be solve in 5 minutes because this specific character was there but also gave us interesting character interactions and dedicated screen time for said characters. It would be nice to see that later on in Helluva Boss in some way. Same with how Crimson being another bad father since we’ve gotten plenty of those. Again I know bad parents is a theme in Vivzies’s shows but I think it be nice to get more “variety” like that headcanon I made about Moxxie’s father being an actor, but more on that in my eventual Helluva Boss rewrite. It IS happening but there is no big rush right now, which gives me time to focus on other things I need to catch up on. I at least hope HH’s Lucifer isn't like that as it would be nice if he was a character who loves Charlie but strongly think her redemption idea should be stopped as along with how he feels like his pride is being attacked a bit, he is scared of her failing and maybe because of something else as I suggested in my HH season 1 premiere post.
At least Crimson’s personality could lead to an interesting future episode where he tries to get revenge on Moxxie and especially Millie, which would hurt Moxxie more. He’d be perfect for the antagonist of my episode idea where Moxxie and Millie go and spend time with Millie’s family, as Crimson has orchestrated the events that led Millie’s father Joe in a bad position and unknowingly lures Moxxie to him in order to get out of it. Of course seeing how Crimson treats Moxxie, and realizing he isn’t going to let him go and plans on hurting Millie next, Joe goes back on his deal and the two (along with Millie and her other family members) defeat Crimson who I could see dying of natural causes because he refused to give up on getting back at Moxxie. This episode could also make Millie’s parents finally accept Moxxie as one of the family and maybe Moxxie starts seeing Joe as a new father figure.
This episode was worth the long wait, and luckily Spring starts soon so hopefully episode 4 will come out soon. I have to say I’m excited for the upcoming Blitzo centered episodes as they guarantee to give us some good stuff.
What are your thoughts on the episode?
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i was tagged by the wonderful maddie @leonardcohenofficial to post the posters from my favorite new-to-me watches of the year!! (in purely aesthetic order)
rope - alfred hitchcock (1948) sunset boulevard - billy wilder (1950) deep end - jerzy skolimowski (1970) i’m not there - todd haynes (2007) brewster mccloud - robert altman (1970) carol - todd haynes (2015) ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous stains - lou adler (1982) what’s up doc? - peter bogdanovich (1972) the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds - paul newman (1972)
i'll tag @frogeye-pierce @thebuffalospringfeild @iwrotemrtambourineman and @juliebarnes!!!!
i only made it through half my goal of 100 new-to-me movies this year (life was. crazy) but the 52 i did watch will be under the cut!
edge of the city - martin ritt (1957)
the grand budapest hotel - wes anderson (2014)
licorice pizza - paul thomas anderson (2021)
dazed and confused - richard linklater (1993)
brewster mccloud - robert altman (1970)
the tragedy of macbeth - joel coen (2021)
my own private idaho - gus van sant (1991)
my beautiful laundrette - stephen frears (1985)
dead reckoning - john cromwell (1947)
keep off my grass! - shelley berman (1975)
raising arizona - joel & ethan coen (1987)
top hat - mark sandrich (1935)
the man who fell to earth - nicolas roeg (1976)
chicago - rob marshall (2002)
the blues brothers - john landis (1980)
little miss sunshine - jonathon dayton & valerie faris (2006)
sunset boulevard - billy wilder (1950)
i'm not there - todd haynes (2007)
love & mercy - bill pohlad (2014)
walk hard - jake kasdan (2007)
mysterious skin - gregg akari (2004)
whip it - drew barrymore (2009)
sophie scholl: die letzten tage - marc rothemund (2005)
when harry met sally - rob reiner (1989)
the watermelon woman - cheryl dunye (1996)
shiva baby - emma seligman (2020)
juno - jason bateman (2007)
carol - todd haynes (2015)
what's up doc? - peter bogdanovich (1972)
the philadelphia story - george cukor (1946)
die fälscher - stefan ruzowitzky (2007)
but i'm a cheerleader - jamie babbit (1999)
the twilight saga: eclipse - david slade (2010) <- THIS WAS NOT MY CHOICE but it was technically new to me. i want to emphasize my friend forced me to watch this with her
velvet goldmine - todd haynes (1998)
magical mystery tour - bernard knowles & the beatles (1967)
the shape of water - guillermo del toro (2017)
all that heaven allows - douglas sirk (1955)
i was a male war bride - howard hawks (1949)
the effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds - paul newman (1972)
ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous stains - lou adler (1982)
the breakfast club - john hughes (1985)
airplane! - jerry & david zucker & jim abrahams (1980)
maleficent - robert stromberg (2014) <- twilight friend pick lmfao
chi-raq - spike lee (2015)
a league of their own - penny marshall (1992)
rope - alfred hitchcock (1948)
pearl - ti west (2022)
get out - jordan peele (2017)
one cut of the dead - shinichiro ueda (2017)
deep end - jerzy skolimowski (1970)
the hours and times - christopher munch (1991) <- random number generator decided my gay john lennon fate with this one :/
glass onion - rian johnson (2022)
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are-they-z · 11 months
Supporters of #NoHostageLeftBehind Open Letter to Joe Biden - Part 2/2
Gabe Turner
Gail Berman
Gary Barber
Genevieve Angelson
Gideon Raff
Grant Singer
Greg Berlanti
Guy Nattiv
Hannah Fidell
Hannah Graf
Harlan Coben
Harold Brown
Henrietta Conrad
Howard Gordon
Iain Morris
Imran Ahmed
Inbar Lavi
Jackie Sandler
Jake Graf
Jake Kasdan
Jamie Ray Newman
Jaron Varsano
Jason Fuchs
Jason Biggs & Jenny Mollen Biggs
Jason Segel
JD Lifshitz
Jeff Rake
Jen Joel
Jeremy Piven
Jesse Itzler
Jesse Sisgold
Jill Littman
Jody Gerson
Joe Hipps
Joe Quinn
Joe Russo
Joe Tippett
Joel Fields
John Landgraf
Jon Bernthal
Jon Glickman
Jon Liebman
Jonathan Baruch
Jonathan Groff
Jonathan Tropper
Jonathan Marc Sherman
Jonathan Steinberg
Jonathan Tisch
Josh Goldstine
Josh Greenstein
Josh Grode
Julia Lester
Julie Greenwald
Karen Pollock
Kelley Lynch
Kevin Kane
Kevin Zegers
Kitao Sakurai
KJ Steinberg
Laura Pradelska
Lauren Schuker Blum
Laurence Mark
Laurie David
Lee Eisenberg
Leslie Siebert
Leo Pearlman
Limor Gott
Lina Esco
Liz Garbus
Lizanne Rosenstein
Lizzie Tisch
Lorraine Schwartz
Lynn Harris
Lyor Cohen
Mandana Dayani
Maria Dizzia
Mara Buxbaum
Marc Webb
Marco Perego
Mark Feuerstein
Mark Shedletsky
Mark Scheinberg
Mathew Rosengart
Matt Lucas
Matt Miller
Matthew Bronfman
Matthew Hiltzik
Matti Leshem
Dame Maureen Lipman
Max Mutchnik
Maya Lasry
Meaghan Oppenheimer
Melissa Zukerman
Michael Ellenberg
Michael Aloni
Michael Green
Michael Rapino
Michael Weber
Mike Medavoy
Mimi Leder
Modi Wiczyk
Nancy Josephson
Natasha Leggero
Neil Blair
Neil Druckmann
Nicole Avant
Nina Jacobson
Noa Kirel
Noah Oppenheim
Noreena Hertz
Odeya Rush
Oran Zegman
Pasha Kovalev
Paul Haas
Paul Pflug
Peter Traugott
Rachel Riley
Rafi Marmor
Ram Bergman
Raphael Margulies
Rebecca Angelo
Rebecca Mall
Reinaldo Marcus Green
Rich Statter
Richard Kind
Rick Hoffman
Rick Rosen
Robert Newman
Rob Rinder
Roger Birnbaum
Roger Green
Rosie O'Donnell
Ryan Feldman
Sam Trammell
Sarah Baker
Sarah Bremner
Sarah Treem
Scott Tenley
Seth Oster
Scott Braun
Scott Neustadter
Shannon Watts
Shari Redstone
Sharon Jackson
Shauna Perlman
Shawn Levy
Sheila Nevins
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Simon Tikhman
Skylar Astin
Stacey Snider
Stephen Fry
Steve Agee
Steve Rifkind
Susanna Felleman
Susie Arons
Todd Lieberman
Todd Moscowitz
Todd Waldman
Tom Freston
Tom Werner
Tomer Capone
Tracy Ann Oberman
Trudie Styler
Tyler James Williams
Vanessa Bayer
Veronica Grazer
Veronica Smiley
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Will Graham
Yamanieka Saunders
Yariv Milchan
Ynon Kreiz
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risian-slut · 11 months
Smoking on that shit that made Armin shim a man. That shit that deforested Kelley. That shit that made Gene rob a berry. Shaking my ass in a problematic style call me Thicc Berman.
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littleglasswalelu · 1 year
I Eat Men Like Air by Alice Berman
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Book Summary:
A lavish, snowy weekend in New Hampshire ends in tragedy - and, a few months later, one of the party-goers is found dead. As famed podcaster Tyler Carroll tries to discover the truth around Alex Sable's dramatic death, he turns to the native Upper East Siders who knew the billionaire's son best. Each of the six people Tyler is investigating has something to hide, and each has chosen a wildly different path: Lulu is an LA influencer, Maxie a Park Avenue Princess turned Chicago housewife, Will a status-obsessed lawyer, Rob a money-hungry trader, Yael a not-so-innocent ER doctor, and Alex himself a party boy with a penchant for darker trouble than even his friends knew. With the shadow of a fifteen-year-old crime hanging over Alex's life, Tyler delves deeply into the complex past that seems almost to have disappeared from memory, hoping to find any answers around who Alex was, alive and dead.
Link to Buy – Amazon
In Berman’s mystery novel, a true-crime podcaster immerses himself in the overprivileged world of a “despicable lot” after a member of the group dies in an apparent suicide.
Police detective Sean Strickland is assigned to the case of Alex Sable, the 30-year-old son of a billionaire who apparently committed suicide in the bathroom at his best friend’s wedding: “Of all times to kill yourself! It’s very selfish,” the wedding planner rails. “The best man. Do you know anyone who would do something like that?” Tyler, a popular podcaster who’s come to this part of New England to investigate the fentanyl epidemic, has questions and increasing suspicions about Alex’s death, which Strickland says could be suicide but also could be an accident or a homicide. Tyler talks with members of the wedding party and Alex’s friends, including Will and Jessica, the shattered bride and groom; famed Instagram influencer Lulu Swanson; Alex’s former high school classmate Maxie Stein-Golden; Rob, a trader, who’s “always just a few seconds late, a few meters short, a few words off”; and Yael, a “perfectly nice” doctor. Through these interactions, Tyler unearths the inevitable secrets and scandals that bind the group together and threaten to tear their lives apart. As Alex’s life comes more into focus, the question of whether his death was self-inflicted or inflicted by another remains elusive. Berman’s debut novel is an instantly addictive read. “Tyler found Alex Sable three hours after he had been declared dead” is the kind of opening upon which entire TV series have been launched, and the large cast of characters mostly avoids falling into whodunit clichés; Lulu, for example, makes Tyler “unnerved” when he finds his assumptions to be flawed: “She looked like she should say like every ten seconds and instead she dropped words like expound and maudlin.” Berman also drops in some fine literary references; the book’s title, for instance, comes from a Sylvia Plath poem. More Metropolitan than Gossip Girl, this novel makes for an entertaining spin on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous line that “the very rich…are different than you and me."
An intriguing whodunit with richly drawn characters.
Kirkus Review
About the Author:
Alice Berman is the New York City-based author of “I Eat Men Like Air." Hailing from Washington, D.C., Berman attended Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #3: “Cats” | February 25, 2007 - 11:45PM | S01E03
We start this one with a little ad for a restaurant called Gravy Robbers, an inane family dining restaurant where the gimmick is that their very dry meat will always require gravy, and during your meal you will have to occasionally defend yourself from a “gravy robber” who comes to your table to rob said gravy. This was a holdover idea from Tom Goes to the Mayor that was previously unused. Indeed, dumb theme restaurants was very much in the Tom Goes wheel house.
Later we see snippets of a Gravy Robbers training video, featuring Tairy Greene portrayed by Zach Galifianakis. He’s so funny. Goodness. One of the few comedy people that I feel like hasn’t let me down, EVER. I like when he says gravy “grah-vee”. Eventually we get to see bloopers which is such a funny, self-indulgent thing for an instructional video to do, gosh. Zach intoning “these are traaaaained military veterans” over and over just makes me so happy, because I’m choosing to interpret this as anti-troop. And who could forget his longform Shelly Berman-esque phone bit where he reacts to his friend’s niece being murdered as if he were being told about a friend winning the lottery.
The host stuff for this is: Tim has learned a magic trick where he can turn himself into an orange little kitty cat. Tim, however, finds it hard to turn himself back, and panic sets in. Eric eventually gives the cat away, before wistfully dreaming about better times he and Tim had playing around in a park. The smug way Tim drinks but then spits out the water fountain water is so funny, and the push in on Eric’s face, as if he’s saying to himself “I was always remember this and cherish this moment”. So funny. Tim comes back from cat-transformation at the moment that Eric is dropping him off to his forever home. He is nude, and the way he moans is so weird and funny. I love it so much. Behind-the-scenes note, Eric stated on the DVD commentary that they trained cat they got for the shoot was wonderful, except it smelled like shit. 
The first of the Kidz Break bits is in this one, and this might be the best one of all. “I Sit Down When I Pee” is a spirited rap whose aim is to de-stigmatize the act of sitting down to pee when you’re a boy. The song is very funny, and its purpose is murky. Is this an educational video? Infotainment? Could it simply be a hit song? The end throws up a caption reading “Paid for by Voter Initiative Prop 216” which raises more questions than answers (and this might be one of my favorite jokes of all time!). This is an absolute all-timer. 
There’s a shot-on-the-street segment where Tim offers free portraits for tourists walking around Hollywood. Pranky stuff like this would sorta fade out of the show, if I remember correctly. Tim does a bad job drawing and acts like a very weird guy. He also says things that don’t inspire confidence like: “you only have one mouth so I’ll just do one mouth”. A uh, borderline character if you know what I mean. Tim has some borderliners on this show for sure.
There’s the tender prime time drama “Kitty Cat Man”, where two big bros hug Michael Cera for fucking hours, and then he turns into a kitty cat just like Tim did. I wonder if this is actually intended to be a TV movie based on Tim’s real-life predicament. I guess it’s not a bad thing to have two sketches in the show that are basically the same. I like it! Hey dude, funny’s funny!
Speaking of that other sketch, the way it actually ends is Tim shows Eric how to make his legs very long. This is accomplished by having Tim & Eric act on a green screen and inserted into a cartoon land with cartoon legs. They stomp around with their new long legs, oblivious to the carnage they are creating below the clouds, where they are just crushing people up. Rude way to get laughs, but the moon approves so I do not know what to think. 
Another pretty great episode. I love the Tim & Eric program.
I have so many Mail Bags, OH MY GOD
Here's a new mail for the mailbag hot off the press: Tim and Eric are GAY for EACH OTHER. Print it and ship it. Goodbye!
b-dog bites the big one:
(muttering under my breath to a shrill techno dance beat) a-fuckin podcast. a-fucking podcast. a-fucking podcast.
Wouldn’t wanna meet potty mouths like this in a dark alley, I might gets sweared on!
I was hoping you'd say G4 because videogames are super cool 8-)
I never watched that shit it was too bad. And video games are bad. Sometimes they had people affiliated with Playboy on there, and even that would not get me to watch it.
My wife was so obsessed with That's My Bush that she met the guy who plays That's My Bush and got him to fuck her. He was married. She was dating me. But that's our man.
Thank you for a rare sexual Mail Bag... illuminating as usual! It is good to know that true love prevails
I was on an episode of Jonah Ray's Bar-B-Quay and he cooked pizza and burgers on the grill for everyone on the set for like two hours after filming wrapped. Nice guy. He even took selfies with his then new Samsung Propel. Unfortunately, Har Mar Superstar was there and that guys apparently a rapist. Otherwise a great night.
Har Mar Superstore may have gotten the last laugh, but I’m glad you had a fun night. If there were any girls there let me know. I love hearing about girls
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cathygeha · 1 month
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Dark Intent by Carolyn Ridder-Aspenson
Rachel Ryder #9
Excellent ~ Couldn’t put it down ~ Can’t wait for the next book!
What I liked:
* That I was engaged from first page till last
* Rachel: widow, detective, team player, determined, dedicated, intelligent, does what it takes, has a bit of a temper, in a relationship with DEA agent Kyle
* Bishop: Detective, Rachel’s work partner, mature, professional, a good balance for Rachel’s personality, in a relationship with Cathy, this case turned personal for him before the end
* The team: Bubba (tech), Nikki (CSI), Michels & Levy (detectives), Jimmy (police chief), Dr. Barron (coroner) – all do their jobs professionally and work together well – loved catching up with them
* The police procedural aspects of the story * The plot, pacing, writing, twists and turns, and red herrings with all their complexity
* That the present murder case was linked to a serial killer that was prolific * That the threads of case were tied together by the end of the story and the bad guys caught * Knowing that there will be another book to look forward to
What I didn’t like: * Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how twisted the killer was and that the person may have gotten off too easily in the end
* Having to wait for the next book in the series.
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
Thank you to NetGalley and Severn River for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
The past comes back to haunt a small town when one murder leads to the discovery of another.
When a troubled young woman, Jenn Berman, goes missing at the summer fair in Hamby, her uncaring family fails to notice. That is, until a loose dog returns home with a bloodied hand. Investigators are led to a developing subdivision where they find the unthinkable: Jenn’s body in a shallow grave.
The town is shocked by the murder, and Detectives Rachel Ryder and Rob Bishop are assigned the case to deliver justice for Jenn. But upon further inspection of the crime scene, a jaw-dropping discovery is made: another body is found buried deeper in the same grave. The remains belong to Caroline Turner, a young woman who also went missing from the summer fair…almost four decades ago.
The connection between the murders is undeniable. As Rachel and Rob race to narrow down their suspect list and inch closer to the truth, a dangerous threat emerges, putting those they love at risk. Can they expose the killer and uncover the secrets of the past before it's too late?
Prepare to be captivated by USA Today bestselling author Carolyn Ridder Apenson's newest gripping crime thriller.
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kerenitychan · 2 years
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you can’t expect me to watch a show with a little gremlin man I’m attached too and NOT project different little gremlin man I’m even more attached too and friends onto them. Rob Vs
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joslincox · 5 months
Middle School: Biology Immune
Middle School: Biology Immune is an American animated teen comedy/buddy cop film. The film stars Ashanti, Phil LaMarr, Jeff Bennett, Tara Strong, Melissa Disney, Cree Summer, Justin Cowden, Alanna Ubach, Kimberly Brooks, Tasia Valenza, Rob Paulsen, Debi Derryberry, Vivica A. Fox, Grey DeLise, E.G Daily, Nancy Cartwright, Dan Castellaneta, Richard Steven Horvitz, Greg Eagles, Mila Kunis, Candi Milo, Kenny Blank, Jeannie Elias, Aspen Miller, Liz Georges, Jackie Harris, Seth Green, Cathy Cavadini, Cheryl Chase, Kath Soucie, Carolyn Lawrence, Crystal Scales, Jeffrey Garcia, Brandy Norwood, Christy Carlson Romano, Hilary Duff, Kyla Pratt, Seth MacFarlane, Dionne Quan, Frankie Muniz, Gary LeRoi Gray, James Sie, Stacie Chan, Susanne Blakeslee, Daran Norris, Rosearik Rikki Simons, Melissa Fahn, Andy Berman, Mindy Cohn, and Frank Welker. Set in 2002, the film follows a group of New York City middle school students as they enter 8th grade at East Side Middle School. However, the kids meet their match in two college-bound teen detectives, one a white blood cell and the other a cold pill, both of which are hailed as heroes fighting germs and viruses and defending the body of a Latino boy whose family hired a job at a hotel and is in mourning over the death of TLC's Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes.
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etcemais · 9 months
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O sindicato dos diretores dos Estados Unidos revelou os indicados ao DGA Awards 2024. A cerimônia acontece no dia 10 de fevereiro.
Confira abaixo:
-Melhor direção Greta Gerwig (Barbie) Yorgos Lanthimos (Pobres criaturas) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Alexander Payne (Os rejeitados) Martin Scorsese (Assassinos da lua das flores)
-Melhor estreia na direção Cord Jefferson (American Fiction) Manuela Martelli (Chile ‘76) Noora Niasari (Shayda) A.V. Rockwell (A Thousand and One) Celine Song (Vidas passadas)
-Melhor direção em série de drama The Last of Us - Peter Hoar Succession - Becky Martin Succession - Mark Mylod Succession - Andrij Parekh Succession - Robert Pulcini & Shari Springer Berman
-Melhor direção em série de comédia Ted Lasso - Erica Dunton Barry - Bill Hader Ted Lasso - Declan Lowney O Urso - Christopher Storer O Urso - Ramy Youssef
-Melhor direção em filme de TV ou minisserie Toda Luz Que Não Podemos Ver - Shawn Levy Uma Questão de Química - Tara Miele Uma Questão de Química - Millicent Shelton Uma Questão de Química - Sarah Adinah Smith Daisy Jones & The Six - Nzingha Stewart
-Melhor direção em programa infantil Percy Jackson e os Olimpianos - James Bobin American Born Chinese - Destin Daniel Cretton Goosebumps - Rob Letterman Stand Up & Shout: Songs From a Philly High School - Amy Schatz American Born Chinese - Dinh Thai
-Melhor direção em documentário Bobi Wine: The People’s President - Moses Bwayo & Christopher Sharp 20 Days in Mariupol - Mstyslav Chernov Beyond Utopia - Madeleine Gavin Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie - Davis Guggenheim Kokomo City - D. Smith
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fettesans · 9 months
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Top, Rob Pruitt, HUGGINS, 2012, Marble and paper bag, 48 × 30 × 17.5 cm. Via. Bottom, photograph by Zeke Berman, Untitled, 1979, Gelatin silver print, 26.7 × 34.7 cm. Via.
To seek reality is both to set out to explore the injury inflicted by it—to turn back on, and to try to penetrate, the state of being stricken, wounded by reality—andto attempt, at the same time, to re­-emerge from the paralysis of this state, to engage reality as an advent, a movement, and as a vital, critical necessity of moving on. It is beyond the shock of being stricken, but nonetheless within the wound and from within the woundedness that the event, incomprehensible though it may be, becomes accessible. The wound gives access to the dark­ness that the language had to go through and traverse in the very process of its “frightful falling-mute.” To seek reality through language “with ones very being,” to seek in language what the language had precisely to pass through, is thus to make of ones own “shelterlessness”—of the openness and the ac­cessibility of ones own wounds—an unexpected and unprecedented means of accessing reality, the radical condition for a wrenching exploration of the testimonial function, and the testimonial power, of the language: it is to give reality ones own vulnerability, as a conditional of exceptional availability and of exceptionally sensitized, tuned-in attention to the relation between language and events.
Shoshana Felman, from Education and Crisis, or the Vicissitudes of Teaching, in Vol. 48, No. 1, PSYCHOANALYSIS, CULTURE AND TRAUMA, Spring 1991. Via.
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tradedmiami · 1 year
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SALE IMAGE: Grant Steinberg & Rob Goldberg DATE: 10/03/2023 ADDRESS: 3678 South Congress Avenue MARKET: Palm Springs ASSET TYPE: Retail BUYER: Miriam Berman SELLER: Jay Bailyn BROKERS: Grant Steinberg (@GrantSteinberg__) & Rob Goldberg - Matthews Real Estate Investment Services (@Matthews_REIS) SALE PRICE: $2,100,000 SF: 10,030 ~ PPSF: $209 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #PalmSprings #Retail #GrantSteinberg #RobGoldberg #MatthewsRealEstateInvestmentServices #JayBailyn #MiriamBerman
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I Eat Men Like Air by Alice Berman
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Book Summary:
A lavish, snowy weekend in New Hampshire ends in tragedy - and, a few months later, one of the party-goers is found dead. As famed podcaster Tyler Carroll tries to discover the truth around Alex Sable's dramatic death, he turns to the native Upper East Siders who knew the billionaire's son best. Each of the six people Tyler is investigating has something to hide, and each has chosen a wildly different path: Lulu is an LA influencer, Maxie a Park Avenue Princess turned Chicago housewife, Will a status-obsessed lawyer, Rob a money-hungry trader, Yael a not-so-innocent ER doctor, and Alex himself a party boy with a penchant for darker trouble than even his friends knew. With the shadow of a fifteen-year-old crime hanging over Alex's life, Tyler delves deeply into the complex past that seems almost to have disappeared from memory, hoping to find any answers around who Alex was, alive and dead.
 Link to Buy – Amazon
In Berman’s mystery novel, a true-crime podcaster immerses himself in the overprivileged world of a “despicable lot” after a member of the group dies in an apparent suicide.
Police detective Sean Strickland is assigned to the case of Alex Sable, the 30-year-old son of a billionaire who apparently committed suicide in the bathroom at his best friend’s wedding: “Of all times to kill yourself! It’s very selfish,” the wedding planner rails. “The best man. Do you know anyone who would do something like that?” Tyler, a popular podcaster who’s come to this part of New England to investigate the fentanyl epidemic, has questions and increasing suspicions about Alex’s death, which Strickland says could be suicide but also could be an accident or a homicide. Tyler talks with members of the wedding party and Alex’s friends, including Will and Jessica, the shattered bride and groom; famed Instagram influencer Lulu Swanson; Alex’s former high school classmate Maxie Stein-Golden; Rob, a trader, who’s “always just a few seconds late, a few meters short, a few words off”; and Yael, a “perfectly nice” doctor. Through these interactions, Tyler unearths the inevitable secrets and scandals that bind the group together and threaten to tear their lives apart. As Alex’s life comes more into focus, the question of whether his death was self-inflicted or inflicted by another remains elusive. Berman’s debut novel is an instantly addictive read. “Tyler found Alex Sable three hours after he had been declared dead” is the kind of opening upon which entire TV series have been launched, and the large cast of characters mostly avoids falling into whodunit clichés; Lulu, for example, makes Tyler “unnerved” when he finds his assumptions to be flawed: “She looked like she should say like every ten seconds and instead she dropped words like expound and maudlin.” Berman also drops in some fine literary references; the book’s title, for instance, comes from a Sylvia Plath poem. More Metropolitan than Gossip Girl, this novel makes for an entertaining spin on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous line that “the very rich…are different than you and me."
An intriguing whodunit with richly drawn characters.
Kirkus Review
  About the Author:
Alice Berman is the New York City-based author of “I Eat Men Like Air." Hailing from Washington, D.C., Berman attended Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut and graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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