#Rodimus: Yeah I can hear him too bud
ihatebrainstorm · 1 year
Did you order your brainstorm from transformersland. My guy came from there and he arrived in a ziploc back. i keep it around like you would a baby’s first cradle. Anyway i empathise and feel your pain because my g1 perceptor is coming in december. But it is now getting close to 18 August and soon your brainstorm will be here and if it is the generations brainstorm you will be blessed with his frightening ratchet joints (the clicky joint type not the character)
No I got my boi from some other seller on Ebay? The struggle of waiting 4 more days to hear the CLICKCLICKCLICK ratchet joint sounds tho.. But also oh jeez, having to wait until December for Perceptor to arrive? Ouchh, but at least he'll arrive someday :'D (I hope he comes in good condition for you!)
I'm planning on bringing my Brainstorm around and taking a bunch of little photo shoots once he's here eheh >:D)-(
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lovemesomerobobois · 4 years
Okay, so LL megs are trapped in a cave in, megs is tuck so s/o starts mining, like, real mining and they’re pretty good, turns out they just learned how to mine because they were originally high class and feel sick with themselves with what miners had to go through so... yeah? Maybe some self hate because they just hate that they where such high class snobs and they’re terrible at anything they needs work??? Idk I’m sorryyyh XD
Okay, so i feel like this is some heavy shit and they would totally talk about it before hand, so like, is developing relationship okay? That’s what I’m going with, but i can change it too. BTW, love this idea!!!! 
Rated G, not very soft and fluffy. . . sorry
Their little escapade  was supposed to be reconnaissance only. Ultra Magnus had stressed that well enough before departure. The Lost Light’s planetary scanners were disrupted by the electromagnetic debris in the planet’s atmosphere, but of course that wouldn’t stop Rodimus. He just had to know what was on the thinly-veiled, rocky planet. Abandoned rocky planet. 
Surprise, surprise, rocks. Huge red-brown fissures splitting the murky sky, and crawling tunnels burrowing into the planet’s core. 
Megatron and his newfound partner (their courting had been declared only a week earlier) had split off from the group of Bots exploring the surface to poke around the tunnels. The two walked in companionable quiet, listening for any strange sounds that might indicate danger. Who knew what odd creatures dwelled in the dark ahead of them). 
A mile or so deep, Megatron stopped to examine a corroded box of sorts that was tucked into the shadows. He’d noticed the scars in the surrounding rock earlier, the silver marks where tools once struck, but so far the mine appeared barely tapped. Megatron didn’t have to call for his partner, they’d already turned towards him, optics wide in the dark. They backtracked and joined him at the box. 
Stooping down, they brushed a thick layer of dust away and asked, “Tools, you think?”
They looked up and Megatron thought, for a second, that they looked too innocent to be in a mine, abandoned or not. He nodded and glanced behind him, as if some lone remaining miner was lurking out of sight.
“I am wary,” he started, “of a mine barely touched, yet barren.” 
His significant other stood. “We aren’t very far in, though.”
“No, we are not. But do you see any sign of valuable minerals?”
“No, but—”
The tunnel trembled, scattering small chunks of rock and kicking up dust. Without thinking, Megatron threw himself on top of his partner and clutched them tight, his frame the only shield they had. The roar of the quake and falling rock was so deafening that, when everything stilled again, there was an incessant ringing in both bots’ audials. 
The voice was muffled and he wasn’t certain that someone had spoken until something moved under him. They said his name again, like they were summoning him from Deep Space, but instead of floating in nothingness, he was pinned down. He turned his helm and met familiar optics. He blinked slow, convincing himself that his lover wasn’t a hallucination. 
They wriggled from underneath him, fighting debris as they did. Thankfully, they weren’t injured and managed to dig their way to a small pocket of space, a miniature cave in the collapsed tunnel. 
“Can you hear me?” they called.
Megatron groaned, hoping they heard. Only minutes later, a sound from his nightmares rang out, louder than the ringing in his helm. It came again and he shuddered, diverting his attention to the pain in his legs and the pins and needles gathering in his joints. He teetered on the line of consciousness and emptiness, and he wasn’t sure what his reality looked like anymore. Was there someone chipping away at the rubble crushing him, or was that a demon from his past announcing its approach?
_ POV SHIFT cuz. . . yeah :)
With every swing of the pickaxe, Megatron’s partner pushed on. They had to reach him, no matter how much rock and broken earth stood in the way. They remembered their first cave-in. An early detonation on the surface had sent shocks down into the mineshaft they were working in. Three mechs died, and they —the rookie— were trapped with the others’ corpses. They cringed to think how long they would’ve been left down there had their sire not been in the Senate. 
They swung extra hard, relishing the burn in their shoulders. They took a break to send out another distress signal to anyone in range and check on Megatron. 
“Megatron, are you awake?” 
No response. 
“I’ve got to be close,” they muttered to themself. 
“A miner,” Megatron managed, “but you knew Senator Proteus.” His voice, warped with pain, echoed what little distance there was left between them. Of course he knew about his partner’s old Senate connections, but only on a superficial level. 
“I. . .” How could they explain this to Megatron? Their relationship was only budding, and full disclosure hadn’t been a condition of their courting, but it felt wrong to keep this from him. They opted for insufficiency. “I wasn’t a miner. Not like you.”
They returned to their work and Megatron returned to his plagued silence. 
Finally, finally, Megatron was uncovered and, by some miracle, the tunnel hadn’t collapsed from all the movement. His legs were ruined, mangled and completely useless. So, without a word, his partner propped him up against a sloped rockwall and continued their work, desperate for an escape route. It was difficult ignoring Megatron’s unabashed gaze, his evaluating and cynical optics. 
“You move like a miner,” he said, “but you aren’t a miner.” The question in the statement was clear.
His partner didn’t stop chipping away at the rock. “I was born into the upper class.”
“And your connection to Proteus?”
They couldn’t tell if Megatron was furious or hoarse from the dust.
“My sire, but I’m a bastard child.” As if that remedied anything. They paused to chance a glimpse of Megatron. Flat face, impossible to read. “I hated it, every second of it.”
He snorted. “You hated your privilege? I pity you.” Angry, definitely angry.
His partner, though they doubted that title would be lasting much longer, slipped on their next swing. The blade of the pickaxe snapped off its base and skittered off the rock, slashing the back of their servo. They dropped the handle and sank to the ground.
“I couldn’t stand watching the lower classes struggle while grandeur was a commonality for me. So, I blackmailed Proteus.” They couldn’t look up, wouldn’t dare meet Megatron’s gaze. “I was young and naive, making demands about an equality I knew nothing about. Proteus muzzled me, but I was dumb and stubborn. Behind his and my carrier’s backs I snuck into the mines and worked, just one of the numbers. I documented everything I witnessed, but even after it was published, nothing changed.” Recounting it all made them feel dirty and they hung their helm. “I wasn’t going to let my socioeconomic standing blind me to the horrors that so many others experienced daily.”
Megatron said nothing for a while. When he did speak, it was a sort of hush, but no less powerful than his normal tone. “What you found in the mines was truth, yet you would have never found it had you not flaunted your privilege.” He took a slow, grating breath. “So tell me, what good came of it all?”
They risked making eye contact. There was no rage in Megatron’s optics, only the exhaustion of a mech who’s lived a thousand lives. 
“What good comes from anything?”
Megatron thought a moment then beckoned them closer and took their bleeding servo. He examined the wound before pulling a cloth and bandage from his subspace and doctoring it. His grip was warm and careful.
His partner watched him work. “What good did come of it?” they asked. 
“Every time I believe I know, it is only my imagination.” He finished wrapping their servo and tugged them closer. “There is no shame in not having an answer,” he said.  
The two leaned against one another in quiet contemplation, lost to themselves and only existing in their relation to the other. Mining could wait.
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malady335 · 7 years
An Unlikely Find
Chapter 2 (still rated T for the next few chapters)
They had intended on keeping the human a secret till it had recovered at least. Unfortunately somehow Swerve found out which meant half the ship knew within an hour. The medbay doors were soon crowded with mechs wanting to see the human. Ratchet came running out with a running saw with Ambulum waving the largest needle they had to scare off the mechs. While Ambulum couldn't scare away a fly Ratchet's furry alone kept everyone from obviously trying to get a peak.
Soon mechs started coming in with very minor scratches, their optics roaming around to find the human. Ratchet was very thankful he had the forethought to put the human in the back room well out of sight. He didn't want anyone bothering them as they haven't even woken up yet. First Aid or Ambulum would check on them every hour to see if there was any change. Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, and Megatron were to be informed as soon as the human awoke.
Ratchet had studied and worked on humans while he was on Earth, and with Perceptor's help he was able to give the human a proper antibiotic for the infection running through it's body. He took note of the fact the human's legs seemed very thin, most likely due to the several weeks enclosed in a space no bigger than a truck bed for several weeks. He was very unhappy with the human's so called dog. The creature was huge, of an unknown species, and refused to leave the humans side. It stayed laying on the berth next to the human and seemed to slobber an awful lot of fluids. If it wasn't for the fact the creature tried to chew him up whenever he attempted to move it, it would have been kicked out a while ago. Like the human had warned the cat had scurried away to unknown parts of the ship.
It was when Tailgate came in with another bare scrap to his paint that the human finally awoke. They had stayed laying down quietly till First Aid peeked in to see them awake and petting the dog. He quickly sent a message to everyone informing them the human had awoken.
Ratchet came in and was glad to see the human's palor was looking better. The electrical burns around their arms were wrapped nicely and wouldn't need changed for a while. The human looked up at Ratchet.
“You know I thought it was because I was so out of it, but apparently you guys are just that big huh.” The human stated.
“We've got you on an antibiotic to take care of that infection. Outside of that how are you feeling?” Ratchet was a very to the point kinda mech.
“For a guy made of metal I'm surprised you even had any lying around?” The human deflected.
“We didn't. One of our scientists was able to synthesis a batch out of his lab. How are you feeling?” Ratchet punctuated his question with his very stern tone.
The human grumbled, “I feel ok I guess? It's hard to judge right now.”
Ratchet pulled out a datapad, “I did what scans I could and from what I've gathered you've sustained some minor nerve damage, the burns along your arms, and some very minor wasting due to your prolonged period in such a small space.” He paused to look directly at the human.“Once you have fully recovered you are to be scheduled with our psychiatrist.”
The human's face scrunched up, “I'm fine doc. What you worried I'll blow up your ship too? It's full of Autobots, you know the goodies of Earth.”
“Assuming you have been telling us the truth you'll no doubt have suffered some severe psychological trauma. You may not be experiencing any symptoms now but they will come up.”
The human rolled their eyes, “Whatever.”
“For the most parts your wounds are pretty minor. Do you feel up to being interviewed by our Captains and second in command?”
The human shrugged, “Sure but I'd like a bite to eat first. Please tell me you guys have some kind of food?” The human asked.
“We found the stash of organic nutrition cubes in the bottom compartment of your pod. But outside of that no.”
“Uh that stuff tastes like my gym teachers feet smelled.” Groaned the human.
Ratchet left to attend to his other duties. Ambulom was the bot to scurry his way in carrying a few cubes. He was glad to get the chance to talk to the human.
“Who're you then?” The human asked.
“I'm Ambulom, First Aid and I assist Ratchet in the medbay.” The bot said trying to hand the injured human the very easy to crumble cubes.
“Ratchet's the doc then?”
“Yeah he's not the most personable but he's the best there is.”
“Hey bud what's going on with your skin?” The human passed the dog a few cubes.
“My skin??” Ambulom asked confused.
“Yeah you've got like peaks of different colors. Do you got like a robot version of that skin disease that changes your pigmentation?” The human took a bite out of the brown cube.
Ambulom felt his face flush with embarrassment, “Well no...Cybertronians don't have any diseases like that...I just….I was a bit to quick on my paint job.”
“That perked the human right up, “You mean to tell me you can change your color? That's awesome! Jealous!”
“What do you mean you change colors. You were like 3 degrees lighter when Ratchet first brought you in.”
“Yeah but not on purpose. Humans can't just permanently change color unless they got pigmentation problems.” The human glanced around the room, “By the way have you seen my cat? I think he's ran off again.”
“No, it ran off a while ago.”
The human started to call for it, repeating 'here kitty kitty kitty' and 'come here Selina, here girl'. Ambulom was going to say it'd probably be difficult for the cat to hear them but just as he was about to say that the cat squeezed through the grating of the vent on the floor. The dog perked up wagging it's intertwined tentacle tail at seeing it. Jumping onto the bed they gave the cat the remaining cube.
They seemed to be eating as fast as possible, 'it's because of the taste' they told him. Once finished he took a last look at their wounds and went to inform the human was ready for interrogation.
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