#Roland spy classroom
I promised that I would become a Spy Classroom blog so here I am! And I will be ranking every single villain in Spy Classroom from worst to best.
Keep in mind that unlike a lot of series, I don’t actually hate any of these characters. Even though some of them aren’t very deep, I think they all fulfill their purposes.
Spoiler warning for Light novel season 1 (Volumes 1-4) and Anime season 1-2 (first 24 episodes) under text
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Yeah, so this one goes without saying. I’m betting most of you don’t remember him. (I’m probably one of like 5 people who remember his name, Takemachi included.) but just for a refresher, he was the antagonist in Grete’s short story in SSC 1 : Bridal Royale and the finale of season 1. He is the president of Mannheim inc. and started a harassment campaign against a local meat pie owner to gain his recipe without paying. He attempted to take advantage of Lily (under the alias Lillian) under the assumption she was desperate and poor and turn her into his “lover”, which is really gross. He is just a violent, borderline pedophiliac scumbag and I hope he never shows up again. Overall there is not much to talk about since he’s just a guy who adds tension to the plot and exists so Grete and Lily can defeat him in the end.
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Ok, in his defense, having Orphan Gang Leader in your resume is really funny. You also may have forgotten him, but like with David from before, Frisé is a character from Bridal Royale/episode 6. He was in charge of a gang of child orphans which he picked up from the street and forced to commit crimes for him in exchange for food and shelter. If they (the orphan children) didn’t meet their quota, he would respond by physically abusing them under the guise of his expression of “love.”
Really fucked up guy, arguably worse than David from before, but unlike David, his fight with Klaus and Sybilla was cool and his philosophy of being someone taking in these kids with nowhere to go and giving them a home and food on the table while the government of Din all but abandoned them is pretty interesting, and goes back to Sybilla’s past in a natural way. (Also in the light novel, he is referred to as a golem looking guy before he is given a name which is funny.)
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Yeah, so am I the only person who did not imagine Ever would end up looking like that? Thought she would look younger and a bit more disheveled.
Anyways, bad villains end here folks, While Eve doesn’t actually get to do much (especially since the anime cut out all the cool shit she did). She makes every moment count with her light novel screen time. Her wire ability is really cool and I hadn’t seen anything similar at the time of reading it. Her philosophy of extreme brains over brawn, while it doesn’t go anywhere (since she gets offed by Klaus like 3 pages later) adds context for the world of spy classroom. She treats soldiers as beneath her because she is a young adult in a world where that kind of combat is growing more and more obsolete.
Where Eve really shines is in Bridal Royale with her fight with Monika. She is the best out of all three of the antagonists in that volume. The way she used her wires to surround the living room and how Monika had to use her calculation skills to get out was awesome. Props to Takemachi for giving her a cameo in that volume because she was someone I wanted to learn more about (even though I forgot about her until I reread volume 1.)
Rip Eve, Takemachi cannot stand to see a girlboss win.
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So rip any anime-onlys I guess (though you should have heeded the warning.)
Yeah, I’d you’re wondering why Matilda is so low, she is kind of my least favorite main villain in season one of the light novels. She is the antagonist of Volume 3 of the light novel and will show up in season 2 as an antagonist for the former half of the series. With Guido and Olivia, the other twist villains, you don’t really see it coming. With Guido, because you are under the assumption that he is dead and that Klaus’s arc will consist of moving past his abuse. And with Olivia, she had previously been a mob with not much presence. You really had to not be paying attention or understand the formula to not think she’s gonna do evil shit.
Even so, she’s the “bad” kind of bad villain. Yeah you don’t sympathize with her because she’s a piece of shit who abused Annette, made her blind in one eye and literally gave her amnesia. But she doesn’t have any guiding philosophies that make her worldview understandable like most of the villains and she doesn’t get any cool fight scenes either. You’re really just wondering when they’re gonna reveal that she’s a baddie.
Her role as a character, despite how predictable she is is still good in terms of her role in the story. The actual conflict she creates between Lamplight (specially Monika and Thea) has created one of the best fights in the series revealing a lot of character between them that has stuck with both of them ever since. I love seeing Monika and Thea as rivals and Volume 3 convinced me of that. The impact she leaves with Thea as the end actually lasts too, creating legitimate questions Thea had to ask herself moving into volume 4. She is like the anti-Hearth in that way. The fact she actually unnerves White Spider speaks volumes about how deranged she is. The scene where she holds up her blue toolbox with White Spider in the room saying that she used that toolbox to beat Annette’s memories out of her gave me straight chills. Like holy shit, this woman should not have been anywhere near a child.
Her impact on Annette though…Christ. Rereading scenes with her and Annette in volume 3 with context make everything so much worse. She’s the only villain so far that Lamplight has outright killed. (Lamplight being Annette). I can’t say she didn’t deserve it.
And maybe that is the point of her, Takemachi didn’t her her reasons for acting like a live of shot or an ideology that justified it simply because. She is an awful person who did awful things to Annette because she’s a coward. Even so, that does not make it any less awful to read about her.
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Ok, before you scream and cry at me for putting Roland so low, let me explain: I think Roland is a good character, I don’t think he’s a good villain. This is because his actual character development happens in Volume 4 where he has been defeated is not acting like a villain
Roland’s role in Volume 2 was basically to be a decoy to distract you from Olivia, hyping you up for a showdown between him and Klaus when he couldn’t actually measure up, that was it, it was funny, but “Corpse the evil imperial assassin” ended there.
Now Roland has a different role in Volume 4. He is withholding information from the Foreign Intelligence Office and when he is giving information, he is warning Lamplight of Purple Ant. In the latter half of Volume 4, we learn a lot about him, how Purple Ant stole his life away and turned him into an assassin, abandoning everything, how he eventually got bored of being an assassin and wanted something new and exciting (a callback to when he became Olivia’s boyfriend.) Thea helped him defy his Master and fight for his freedom. While he did die, he died on his feet as opposed to living the rest of his life on his knees. And that’s pretty damn honorable.
But yeah, we see an ok fight between him and monika and him betraying Thea in Volume 4 was cool which does put him above Matilda. But his great aspect’s don’t really come from him being a good villain specifically.
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Oh hey, on the subject of pieces of shit, we have Guido! Yeah, you can argue that we know less about Guido than Matilda, and I’ve heard people argue that he is the worst villain. I doubt that, as of now, the information we know about him is scarce. We know he was a member of inferno and was basically like Klaus’s Dad, he treated him harshly and insulted him. For some reason, he left Inferno to join serpent and let the rest of his team minus Hearth and Klaus get killed on the Abyss Doll mission. We don’t know why he acted that way to Klaus, and we don’t know why he defected.
One reason I am putting Guido above Matilda is that he actually gets one of the most badass fights in the series. Takemachi did NOT pull his punches with Guido. The actually build up to Guido was great and well foreshadowed. The flashbacks with Klaus and him could easily have been interpreted as an arc for Klaus to overcome Guido’s death and accept Lamplight as his new family, and we got that…just not in the way we were expecting. Guido is my favorite kind of twist, a twist that is completely inevitable in the context of the story and makes you goes “How did I not see that coming?” Even though all the evidence was right there. His fight with Lamplight is on par with later fights in the series like Purple Ant or the one in Volume 5.
Second reason, I don’t think we’re finished with Guido just yet. We know next to nothing about Serpent (and I doubt It’s the standard run of the mill imperialist type stuff the empire does either.) and discovering serpent is going to give us clues to Guido and why he did what he did.
So yeah, while we don’t get much of him, we will soon. His role as an antagonist is extremely well fulfilled given his lack of time and his impact on Klaus sticks with the rest of the series, overall, great villain.
White Spider
No image yet! Anyways, White Spider is great. He isn’t the most memorable, but he breaks the formula for a Spy Classroom villain. White Spider is a serpent member, and so far the only villain Lamplight has not defeated. He stands out from the rest by being a guy who is pretty reasonable-ish. He doesn’t make messes when he fights and he knows his own limits. Also in the fight with Klaus in Volume 3 he was really funny. He has a concept of morality (thinking Purple Ant and Matilda are monsters) and really is just here to get the job done. From what we’ve seen with him so far, his mushroom appearance is great full exaggerated (which is sad, rip mushroom boy) but he makes for a good straight man when communicating with the rest of the villains. Not that much to talk about, but I do hope to see him more!
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Talk about a controversial pick. Yeah Olivia is a really underrated villain and I am fully planning on writing and analysis on her and how she acts as a foil to Grete one one these days. (The anime completely nerfed her design from the manga lmaoooo)
Anyways, I really love Olivia. She is a bitch, she is selfish, she is insecure, superficial and jaded and I love her. The buildup to Olivia was fantastic, you wouldn’t be blamed if you thought she was just going to be some random mob while the girls hunter for Corpse. But like with most spy classroom twists, the villain was right in front of us.
It was less predictable than last time, but the way Olivia was revealed to be a villain in the light novel was no short of awesome. She is so awful and I love her to bits. Her relationship with Corpse makes for a wonderful contrast to Grete, their dynamic is inspired and brings out the best and worse in both of their characters. Her time in the underground brothel thinking that was all she would ever add up to before meeting Corpse really stuck with me, and knowing what we know now about how Corpse actually thought about her, she wasn’t really deceived. Olivia was an opportunist. She saw Corpse as a way out and she took it, same with Roland. You hate her for making the choices she did but you can never fully blame her. It’s could she have even escaped her soul sucking existence if she hadn’t taken his hand.
I really want to write about Olivia in the near future because she is my favorite villain to think and write about, and she does not get the appreciation from the fandom she deserves
Also, I hate how they cut out the final scene with her and Grete disguised and Uwe. It was the perfect ending for her character before getting captured by the republic.
Purple Ant
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Yeah, this should surprise nobody. But hey, guess who has an official design now. (Pleasedontfuckuphisdesignintheanime)
Purple Ant is the best villain in Season 1 by a long shot. He is cunning, sadistic, manipulative, charming and so much more. He is the king of Mitario, the greatest villain Lamplight has faced so far. With the manpower of 400 Ants worldwide. He challenges all of Lmaplihht at their own games. All without lifting a finger. He holds an iron clutch on the lives of hundreds of people he believes are lower than him. Miranda, Barron, The bartender, Corpse, the accounts of their torture burned into the brain of anyone who read volume 4.
Purple Ant breaks people, targets in no way excluding, pushing even Klaus to the absolute brink in a way we have not seen in this entire series. Being an Ant is a fate worse than death, your body and mind in control of someone else, being forced to murder, torture, capture, your family members held hostage and being punished if you do not do everything to a T—or just because he feels like it. When you become an Ant, you are stripped of you. You lose what makes you an individual and turn into another one of Purple Ants pawns.
That isn’t even breaking into the neat of him, his relationship with Hearth, Thea, Klaus, Corpse, holy crisp do I need to do a mega post on him. I feel like his ideology towards Mouzaians (the people he turned into Ants exclusively because he believed they were entitled and privileged after Galgad lost the Great War to them) has clues on serpents actual ideology. He offers a piece the puzzle that has been brewing throughout the entire series.
Props to Takemachi for keeping him alive…so far, I hope he gets in one or two extra moments before Takemachi offs him for good. I can’t imagine this bastard ever getting redeemed lmaoooo
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oqmovieweek · 6 years
OQMovieWeek Prompt List
Hi Guys,
So, the prompt list is finally here.
Each prompt has been assigned a genre and a short, vague summary in order to aid shortlisting.
As a disclaimer; I have not watched all these movies/series, and so the genre/summary provided may not be 100% accurate, but there should be enough there to get the general gist.
A ‘plot idea’ is an extra layer of information provided alongside the prompt; it is not a necessity to follow it, but it would be nice for the promptee :)
The prompts can be filled in any which way you choose: art, fanfic, manips, moodboards, playlists, videos... There is no limit to creativity.
The prompts can fit as closely or as loosely as you want; these are open to interpretation, genderbending, amending, and merging. They can be an entirely new universe, or they can be based in canon, the choice is yours.
A ‘Wildcard’ can be used if something comes to you which doesn’t fit within one of these prompts.
More posts will be along to provide extra information soon.
So, without further ado, here are the prompts for OQ Movie Week 2019:
- Australia - An aristocrat reluctantly joins forces with a stock-man on an adventure in order to protect her inherited land and animals.
- Avengers - A group of superheroes join forces to save the world. Plot Idea: Regina as Black Widow.
- Avengers: Infinity War - A group of superheroes join forces to save the universe. Plot Idea: Thanos does the snap and half of Storybrooke disappears.
- Hidalgo - In 1890, a down-and-out cowboy and his horse travel to Arabia to compete in a deadly cross desert horse race.
- Hunger Games - In a televised fight to the death, two random strangers are selected to compete, forming close ties and closer enemies. Plot Idea: Henry/Roland/Robyn get chosen as tributes - OQ have to find a way to save them.
- Iron Man - A weapons manufacturer is abducted, forcing them to re-evaluate their life choices and right their wrongs.
- James Bond - The tale of a British spy through life and death, missions and holidays, and love and lust.
- Killers - A happy couple find themselves at the center of a million-dollar assassination contract.
- Mr & Mrs Smith - Robin and Regina are married, both are unaware they’re contract killers working for different firms until they receive their next target: each other.
- The Mummy - An unlikely team of archaeologists accidentally resurrect a mummy and get more than they bargained for.
- Top Gun - As students at the United State Navy’s elite fighter weapons school compete to be best in the class, one daring young pilot learns a few things from a civilian instructor not taught in a classroom.
- Twister - Soon-to-be-divorcees are thrown together by a twist of fate when their weather warning systems have an opportunity to show what they’re capable of.
- Bridget Jones - A woman keeps a diary to document her life, and her quest to find love.
- Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood - A woman is kidnapped by her mother’s childhood friends, and learns a lot about her mother’s behaviour.
- Grown Ups - Five good friends reunite for the holiday weekend, rekindling their friendship.
- Legally Blonde - When a sorority queen is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him into law school. But whilst she’s there, she learns there is more to her than she thought, and she deserves better than she believes
- Much Ado About Nothing - Young lovers conspire to set up a romance between their sparring friends who are meant for each other but can’t see it.
- The Switch - A woman’s best friend comes to the realization that he may be the sperm donor for her son.
- Anastasia - A lost royal with amnesia unknowingly joins forces with conmen to follow clues to her identity.
- Aristocats - Three pedigree, abandoned kittens join forces with an alley cat to find their way back home.
- Coco - An aspiring musician finds themselves in the land of the dead, unlocking the real story behind their family history.
- Enchanted - A fairytale character finds herself in the real world and finds something unexpected: a happy ending. Plot Idea: Genderbent Enchanted
- Frozen - A newly crowned queen loses control of her powers and casts a curse over her kingdom. Her sister joins forces with a kind stranger in order to put it right.
- Hercules - The son of Zeus and Hera must become a true hero in order to reclaim his status and save his love.
- Lady and the Tramp - Despite coming from completely different homes, a pedigree and a mongrel form a close bond.
- Moana - The story of a teenager going on an adventure across the oceans to save her island - and find her calling.
- Pirates of the Caribbean - A blacksmith teams up with an eccentric pirate to save the love of his life.
- Princess and the Frog - A waitress set on being a restaurant owner is determined to turn a frog back into a human, but after she kisses him she finds herself in the same predicament.
- Tangled - A girl with magic hair persuades a thief to help her escape her tower to achieve her dream.
- Tarzan - A man raised in the forest must decide where he belongs when he discovers he is human, and falls in love with an explorer.
- Up - After the death of his wife, a homeowner ties 1000 balloons to his house and flies to Paradise Falls, however, he soon finds he has a stowaway, and the journey isn’t as simple as he planned.
- 101 Dalmations - A couple with two dalmatians have a litter, but when that litter gets stolen, it’s up to the litter’s parents to rescue their pups.
- Cats Don’t Dance - An ambitious singing and dancing cat goes to Hollywood to fulfill their dream of being a movie star.
- Corpse Bride - A groom practices his vows in the presence of a deceased woman. Though when she rises from the dead she assumes he has married her.
- Ella Enchanted - A girl cursed to be obedient tries to hide her secret, and finds herself on an adventure with a prince.
- FernGully: The Last Rainforest - A fairy accidentally shrinks a human, and they both save the forest from being destroyed.
- Harry Potter - The story of a wizard and friends as they navigate school challenges, personal drama, and the return of a powerful enemy.
- Labrynth - A young girl is given 13 hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue her baby brother from the goblin king.
- Megamind - A villain re-evaluates their life path after they defeat the hero, and starts imagining a life with love and friendship.
- Ponyo - A young goldfish princess wishes to change into a human when she develops a bond with one.
- The Addams Family - A con artist poses as a long lost relative to an eccentric family fascinated with the macabre.
- The Book of Life - A young man is torn between following his family’s expectations and his heart, he finds himself on an adventure which helps him decide.
- The Princess Diaries - A teenager discovers she’s actually a princess, and has to navigate high school, puberty, and romance.
- The Princess Diaries 2 - In order to become Queen, a princess must find herself a husband. But when she starts to fall for someone who isn’t her fiancé, things get a little complicated.
- The Santa Clause 2 - Santa Claus has remained the heart and soul of Christmas for many years, however, if he doesn’t find a Mrs Claus by Christmas Eve, all that may be over.
- Toys - When a military general inherits a toy making company and begins making war toys, his employees band together to stop him
- Zootopia - In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a rookie bunny cop and a cynical con artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy.
- 10 Things I Hate About You - A teen can’t go on a date until her sister has a boyfriend, and so she sets her up with an attractive newcomer.
- Arsenic and Old Lace - A new groom visits his bride’s home and finds several corpses, maybe his new family is more crazy than he thought.
- Atonement - Lies separate young lovers, but when their paths cross again can their relationship and hope be rebuilt?
- Big - A young boy‘s wish to be a grownup is granted, though he finds that grown up life isn’t all that simple.
- Bless The Child - A child with supernatural abilities is kidnapped, her guardian and a FBI agent lead the search but come across some unusual secrets about the child.
- Catch Me If You Can - A FBI agent pursues a fraudster as they forge paychecks through several different identities.
- Divergent - In a dystopian future, society is divided into factions, but when a teenager doesn’t fall into a specific faction they must hide their true identity as war breaks out.
- Life is Beautiful - When a Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humour and imagination to protect him and his son from the dangers at camp.
- Practical Magic - A curse prevents two witch sisters from finding true love, though that doesn’t stop their attempts at breaking it.
- Safe Haven - A young woman with a mysterious past builds a new life for herself in a quaint town, and finds herself falling for a widowed father. But when her past catches up with her, will her new life and love be her safe haven?
- The Last Temptation of Christ - The story of Jesus as he experiences the struggles of humans, and his last temptation; a normal life.
- The Mountain Between Us - Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow-covered mountain.
- Birdbox - Five years after an ominous unseen presence drives most of society to suicide, a mother and her children make a desperate bid to reach safety.
- Stepford Wives - The idyllic town of Stepford is harbouring a secret, one which explains why all the married women seem brainwashed and robotic.
- Stigmata - When a young woman is affected by Stigmata - the wounds of Christ - a priest is sent to investigate her case. What he discovers will make him question what his religion has stood for.
- The Last Starfighter - A gamer finds themselves in an alternate reality, recruited for an upcoming battle, when the level beaten was just a test of skill.
- The Music Man - A travelling con man must woo a detached music teacher in order to carry out his plan, but soon he develops feelings and complications ensue.
- Rent - Based on the play, the story of Bohemians in East New ayork City, struggling with life, love, and AIDS, and the impacts they have on America.
- Evita - A rags to riches story about a poor woman becoming the President’s wife, simultaneously the most loved and hated woman in the country.
- Grease - Good girl and stud fall for each other over summer, but when they find themselves in the same high school, can they maintain their romance?
- Grease 2 - An English student has to prove himself to the leader of a girl gang - whose members can only date members of a different gang.
- Mamma Mia! - A bride to be tries to find her father by inviting three potential candidates to the wedding - resulting in rekindling a romance between her mother and the love of her life.
- Singin’ in the Rain - The journey of a silent film company transitioning into movies with sounds.
- The Greatest Showman - The rags to riches tale of a young boy becoming the King of the Circus, with the widest range of humanity joining him for the performance.
- The Sound of Music - A woman leaves an Austrian convent to become governess to the children of a Naval officer widower.
- West Side Story - A moden day Romeo & Juliet; a gang member falls in love with a rival’s sibling.
- Xanadu - A struggling artist meets a woman who could hold the key to happiness, but is there more to her than meets the eye?
- 13 Going on 30 - A teenager wishes to be an adult with her life sorted out, but when she magically becomes an adult she finds life isn’t as simple as she thought.
- 50 First Dates - A man sets about wooing a woman with short term memory loss, meaning to her every date is their first.
- About Time - A man discovers he can time travel and tries to Right the wrongs in his life - one of which is finding himself a girlfriend.
- Age of Adeline - A woman rendered ageless by an accident meets a man who complicates her solitary life.
- Bringing Up Baby - While trying to secure a donaton to his museum, a palaeontologist is pursued by a flighty and sometimes irritating heiress.
- Conversations With Other Women - A couple get to know each other at a wedding, but when memories are mentioned that could be common to the both of them, it becomes clear there may be a previous connection.
- Falling In Love - A mixup of packages brings a couple of strangers together, and then fate keeps tying them together with chance meeting after chance meeting... However, despite their instant attraction and desire to know each other, they are already married to other people. Can they keep their promise of just friends, or will their atttaction become too much to handle?
- For Lovers Only - An American photographer runs into an old lover whilst in Paris, their love reignites in La Ville d’Amour
- Friends With Benefits - Two friends unlucky in love decide to start a no-strings-attached friends with benefits relationship, though is it possible to not develop feelings when close friends add a new layer of intimacy?
- Gone With The Wind - During one of the most tumultuous periods in American history, a woman is determined to woo the love of her life.
- Just Go With It - A commitment-resistant guy convinces his assistant to pose as his soon-to-be ex-wife, though the ruse isn’t as complication-free as he would have liked.
- Kate and Leopold - An English duke from 1876 finds himself in modern day New York, where he finds himself falling for a plucky woman.
- Leap Year - A woman tired of waiting for a proposal uses leap year tradition to do it herself.
- Maid in Manhattan - A senatorial candidate falls for a maid when he sees her trying on a wealthy woman’s dress.
- Me Before You - A woman is hired to take care of a recently paralysed man, and they form an unlikely bond.
- Monster in Law - A fairytale relationship is threatened by a monstrous mother-in-law.
- My Best Friend’s Wedding - When a woman’s best friend is due to get married, she realises her own feelings and tries to break off the engagement.
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding - A Greek woman falls in love with a non-Greek and struggles to get her family to accept him whilst she comes to term with her identity and heritage.
- Overboard - A rich socialite gets a taste of real life when she gets amnesia and her unappreciated carpenter convinces her they’re married.
- Pretty Woman - A businessman hires an escort to accompany him on formal outings, though soon feeling get involved and complications ensue.
- Set It Up - Two colleagues try to set up their bosses, but end up falling in love in the process.
- The Best of Me - A pair of former high school sweethearts reunite when they return to their hometown for nostalgia’s sake.
- The Holiday - Two women swap homes in each other's countries, where they each meet a local guy and fall in love.
- The Kissing Booth - A high school student finds herself face to face with her crush whilst running a kissing booth.
- The Notebook - A poor, passionate man falls in love with a rich, young lady, but can they overcome their societal differences to live happily together?
- The Princess Bride - A girl betrothed to a prince but still lamenting the loss of her true love is kidnapped by bandits, but when it comes to the identity of her rescuer, perhaps her true love isn’t as lost as she once thought.
- The Proposal - An executive not known for personal skills learns she is about to be deported to Canada, and persuades her assistant to marry her.
- What Women Want Romance After an accident, a man discovers the ability to hear what other women are thinking. He tries to use this to his advantage, but then finds himself falling for the one person he never thought he would.
- Titanic - A young aristocrat falls in love with a poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.
TV Series
- Castle - A writer volunteers with NYPD and builds a relationship with the head detective.
- Damien - The child from “The Omen” has built a normal life, but now evil forces are catching up to them and they must face their past..
- Friends - The tale of six very different people who just so happen to be the best of friends as they grow through careers, milestoness, friendship, and love. Plot Idea: OQ as Ross/Rachel, or Monica/Chandler.
- Game of Thrones - Powerful families fight for control over their kingdoms, while an ancient enemy returns and threatens their entire lands.
- Gargoyles - Creatures awakened from an Enchanted petrified state take on roles as NY’s secret protectors.
- Gilmore Girls - The story of a single mother and her child as they live through friendships, romance, and general ups and downs. Plot Idea: OQ as Luke/Lorelai
- Greys Anatomy - Medical drama focusing on the personal and professional lives of hospital workers through friendship, romance, tragedy, and happiness.
- Luther - A morally ambiguous cop builds a relationship with a murderous psychopath.
- Nashville - The lives and tragedies of rising and fading country music stars in Nashville, Tennessee.
- One Day At a Time - A Cuban-American family are building a life for themselves, through ups, downs, friendship, romance, and keeping true to their identity. Plot Idea: Robin as Schneider, Regina as Penelope. They fall in love.
- One Tree Hill - The tale of high school brothers through highs and lows, family and rivalry, love and loss.
- Orphan Black - A con artist is pulled into a government conspiracy when witnessing the death of a woman who looks exactly like her.
- Swingtown - The tale of neighbours and friends as they embark on a journey of freedom, sex, and self-discovery.
- The Good Place - Four people and their otherworldly frienemy struggle in the afterlife to define what it means to be good.
- The Marvellous Mrs Maisel - A housewife in the 1950s decides to become a stand-up comic, carving he way for herself in a male dominated world.
- Three’s Company - The misadventures of two women and one man living in one apartment. Plot Idea: DOQ
- Timeless - An unlikely trio travel through time and encounter all manner of legendary heroes and unspeakable catastrophes, but they also build relationships and find themselves part of something much bigger.
- You Me Her - A married couple start hiring an escort in an attempt to recapture intimacy, though soon feelings get involved and the three of them embark on a real relationship. Plot Idea: DOQ
Non-Specific Movie Prompts
- Robin and Regina are actors (or film crew) on a rom-com movie.
- Regina Mills hates the rom-coms her best friend Mary Margaret loves to watch. One day, she hits her head and wakes up to discover her life has become one. The only way to get out is to play the movie to the end - including falling in love.
Tadaa, that’s the end of the prompt list.
You have until 19th March before entries are due, so get creating :)
Good Luck.
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