#corpse spy classroom
I promised that I would become a Spy Classroom blog so here I am! And I will be ranking every single villain in Spy Classroom from worst to best.
Keep in mind that unlike a lot of series, I don’t actually hate any of these characters. Even though some of them aren’t very deep, I think they all fulfill their purposes.
Spoiler warning for Light novel season 1 (Volumes 1-4) and Anime season 1-2 (first 24 episodes) under text
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Yeah, so this one goes without saying. I’m betting most of you don’t remember him. (I’m probably one of like 5 people who remember his name, Takemachi included.) but just for a refresher, he was the antagonist in Grete’s short story in SSC 1 : Bridal Royale and the finale of season 1. He is the president of Mannheim inc. and started a harassment campaign against a local meat pie owner to gain his recipe without paying. He attempted to take advantage of Lily (under the alias Lillian) under the assumption she was desperate and poor and turn her into his “lover”, which is really gross. He is just a violent, borderline pedophiliac scumbag and I hope he never shows up again. Overall there is not much to talk about since he’s just a guy who adds tension to the plot and exists so Grete and Lily can defeat him in the end.
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Ok, in his defense, having Orphan Gang Leader in your resume is really funny. You also may have forgotten him, but like with David from before, Frisé is a character from Bridal Royale/episode 6. He was in charge of a gang of child orphans which he picked up from the street and forced to commit crimes for him in exchange for food and shelter. If they (the orphan children) didn’t meet their quota, he would respond by physically abusing them under the guise of his expression of “love.”
Really fucked up guy, arguably worse than David from before, but unlike David, his fight with Klaus and Sybilla was cool and his philosophy of being someone taking in these kids with nowhere to go and giving them a home and food on the table while the government of Din all but abandoned them is pretty interesting, and goes back to Sybilla’s past in a natural way. (Also in the light novel, he is referred to as a golem looking guy before he is given a name which is funny.)
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Yeah, so am I the only person who did not imagine Ever would end up looking like that? Thought she would look younger and a bit more disheveled.
Anyways, bad villains end here folks, While Eve doesn’t actually get to do much (especially since the anime cut out all the cool shit she did). She makes every moment count with her light novel screen time. Her wire ability is really cool and I hadn’t seen anything similar at the time of reading it. Her philosophy of extreme brains over brawn, while it doesn’t go anywhere (since she gets offed by Klaus like 3 pages later) adds context for the world of spy classroom. She treats soldiers as beneath her because she is a young adult in a world where that kind of combat is growing more and more obsolete.
Where Eve really shines is in Bridal Royale with her fight with Monika. She is the best out of all three of the antagonists in that volume. The way she used her wires to surround the living room and how Monika had to use her calculation skills to get out was awesome. Props to Takemachi for giving her a cameo in that volume because she was someone I wanted to learn more about (even though I forgot about her until I reread volume 1.)
Rip Eve, Takemachi cannot stand to see a girlboss win.
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So rip any anime-onlys I guess (though you should have heeded the warning.)
Yeah, I’d you’re wondering why Matilda is so low, she is kind of my least favorite main villain in season one of the light novels. She is the antagonist of Volume 3 of the light novel and will show up in season 2 as an antagonist for the former half of the series. With Guido and Olivia, the other twist villains, you don’t really see it coming. With Guido, because you are under the assumption that he is dead and that Klaus’s arc will consist of moving past his abuse. And with Olivia, she had previously been a mob with not much presence. You really had to not be paying attention or understand the formula to not think she’s gonna do evil shit.
Even so, she’s the “bad” kind of bad villain. Yeah you don’t sympathize with her because she’s a piece of shit who abused Annette, made her blind in one eye and literally gave her amnesia. But she doesn’t have any guiding philosophies that make her worldview understandable like most of the villains and she doesn’t get any cool fight scenes either. You’re really just wondering when they’re gonna reveal that she’s a baddie.
Her role as a character, despite how predictable she is is still good in terms of her role in the story. The actual conflict she creates between Lamplight (specially Monika and Thea) has created one of the best fights in the series revealing a lot of character between them that has stuck with both of them ever since. I love seeing Monika and Thea as rivals and Volume 3 convinced me of that. The impact she leaves with Thea as the end actually lasts too, creating legitimate questions Thea had to ask herself moving into volume 4. She is like the anti-Hearth in that way. The fact she actually unnerves White Spider speaks volumes about how deranged she is. The scene where she holds up her blue toolbox with White Spider in the room saying that she used that toolbox to beat Annette’s memories out of her gave me straight chills. Like holy shit, this woman should not have been anywhere near a child.
Her impact on Annette though…Christ. Rereading scenes with her and Annette in volume 3 with context make everything so much worse. She’s the only villain so far that Lamplight has outright killed. (Lamplight being Annette). I can’t say she didn’t deserve it.
And maybe that is the point of her, Takemachi didn’t her her reasons for acting like a live of shot or an ideology that justified it simply because. She is an awful person who did awful things to Annette because she’s a coward. Even so, that does not make it any less awful to read about her.
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Ok, before you scream and cry at me for putting Roland so low, let me explain: I think Roland is a good character, I don’t think he’s a good villain. This is because his actual character development happens in Volume 4 where he has been defeated is not acting like a villain
Roland’s role in Volume 2 was basically to be a decoy to distract you from Olivia, hyping you up for a showdown between him and Klaus when he couldn’t actually measure up, that was it, it was funny, but “Corpse the evil imperial assassin” ended there.
Now Roland has a different role in Volume 4. He is withholding information from the Foreign Intelligence Office and when he is giving information, he is warning Lamplight of Purple Ant. In the latter half of Volume 4, we learn a lot about him, how Purple Ant stole his life away and turned him into an assassin, abandoning everything, how he eventually got bored of being an assassin and wanted something new and exciting (a callback to when he became Olivia’s boyfriend.) Thea helped him defy his Master and fight for his freedom. While he did die, he died on his feet as opposed to living the rest of his life on his knees. And that’s pretty damn honorable.
But yeah, we see an ok fight between him and monika and him betraying Thea in Volume 4 was cool which does put him above Matilda. But his great aspect’s don’t really come from him being a good villain specifically.
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Oh hey, on the subject of pieces of shit, we have Guido! Yeah, you can argue that we know less about Guido than Matilda, and I’ve heard people argue that he is the worst villain. I doubt that, as of now, the information we know about him is scarce. We know he was a member of inferno and was basically like Klaus’s Dad, he treated him harshly and insulted him. For some reason, he left Inferno to join serpent and let the rest of his team minus Hearth and Klaus get killed on the Abyss Doll mission. We don’t know why he acted that way to Klaus, and we don’t know why he defected.
One reason I am putting Guido above Matilda is that he actually gets one of the most badass fights in the series. Takemachi did NOT pull his punches with Guido. The actually build up to Guido was great and well foreshadowed. The flashbacks with Klaus and him could easily have been interpreted as an arc for Klaus to overcome Guido’s death and accept Lamplight as his new family, and we got that…just not in the way we were expecting. Guido is my favorite kind of twist, a twist that is completely inevitable in the context of the story and makes you goes “How did I not see that coming?” Even though all the evidence was right there. His fight with Lamplight is on par with later fights in the series like Purple Ant or the one in Volume 5.
Second reason, I don’t think we’re finished with Guido just yet. We know next to nothing about Serpent (and I doubt It’s the standard run of the mill imperialist type stuff the empire does either.) and discovering serpent is going to give us clues to Guido and why he did what he did.
So yeah, while we don’t get much of him, we will soon. His role as an antagonist is extremely well fulfilled given his lack of time and his impact on Klaus sticks with the rest of the series, overall, great villain.
White Spider
No image yet! Anyways, White Spider is great. He isn’t the most memorable, but he breaks the formula for a Spy Classroom villain. White Spider is a serpent member, and so far the only villain Lamplight has not defeated. He stands out from the rest by being a guy who is pretty reasonable-ish. He doesn’t make messes when he fights and he knows his own limits. Also in the fight with Klaus in Volume 3 he was really funny. He has a concept of morality (thinking Purple Ant and Matilda are monsters) and really is just here to get the job done. From what we’ve seen with him so far, his mushroom appearance is great full exaggerated (which is sad, rip mushroom boy) but he makes for a good straight man when communicating with the rest of the villains. Not that much to talk about, but I do hope to see him more!
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Talk about a controversial pick. Yeah Olivia is a really underrated villain and I am fully planning on writing and analysis on her and how she acts as a foil to Grete one one these days. (The anime completely nerfed her design from the manga lmaoooo)
Anyways, I really love Olivia. She is a bitch, she is selfish, she is insecure, superficial and jaded and I love her. The buildup to Olivia was fantastic, you wouldn’t be blamed if you thought she was just going to be some random mob while the girls hunter for Corpse. But like with most spy classroom twists, the villain was right in front of us.
It was less predictable than last time, but the way Olivia was revealed to be a villain in the light novel was no short of awesome. She is so awful and I love her to bits. Her relationship with Corpse makes for a wonderful contrast to Grete, their dynamic is inspired and brings out the best and worse in both of their characters. Her time in the underground brothel thinking that was all she would ever add up to before meeting Corpse really stuck with me, and knowing what we know now about how Corpse actually thought about her, she wasn’t really deceived. Olivia was an opportunist. She saw Corpse as a way out and she took it, same with Roland. You hate her for making the choices she did but you can never fully blame her. It’s could she have even escaped her soul sucking existence if she hadn’t taken his hand.
I really want to write about Olivia in the near future because she is my favorite villain to think and write about, and she does not get the appreciation from the fandom she deserves
Also, I hate how they cut out the final scene with her and Grete disguised and Uwe. It was the perfect ending for her character before getting captured by the republic.
Purple Ant
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Yeah, this should surprise nobody. But hey, guess who has an official design now. (Pleasedontfuckuphisdesignintheanime)
Purple Ant is the best villain in Season 1 by a long shot. He is cunning, sadistic, manipulative, charming and so much more. He is the king of Mitario, the greatest villain Lamplight has faced so far. With the manpower of 400 Ants worldwide. He challenges all of Lmaplihht at their own games. All without lifting a finger. He holds an iron clutch on the lives of hundreds of people he believes are lower than him. Miranda, Barron, The bartender, Corpse, the accounts of their torture burned into the brain of anyone who read volume 4.
Purple Ant breaks people, targets in no way excluding, pushing even Klaus to the absolute brink in a way we have not seen in this entire series. Being an Ant is a fate worse than death, your body and mind in control of someone else, being forced to murder, torture, capture, your family members held hostage and being punished if you do not do everything to a T—or just because he feels like it. When you become an Ant, you are stripped of you. You lose what makes you an individual and turn into another one of Purple Ants pawns.
That isn’t even breaking into the neat of him, his relationship with Hearth, Thea, Klaus, Corpse, holy crisp do I need to do a mega post on him. I feel like his ideology towards Mouzaians (the people he turned into Ants exclusively because he believed they were entitled and privileged after Galgad lost the Great War to them) has clues on serpents actual ideology. He offers a piece the puzzle that has been brewing throughout the entire series.
Props to Takemachi for keeping him alive…so far, I hope he gets in one or two extra moments before Takemachi offs him for good. I can’t imagine this bastard ever getting redeemed lmaoooo
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i-am-grell · 2 months
Choose the Anime I Start or Finish Next!
I'm terrible at finishing series, starting series, and making decisions, so Tumblr just picks for me.
I'll likely finish off your last choice of Attack on Titan tomorrow, so what do I watch next?
Propaganda* (*my thoughts, etc) below the poll. Also, feel free to reblog if you wanna recruit (bully) followers to your cause because "[this one] is clearly the best choice!"
Spy x Family - Season 2 just fell through the cracks for me I swear! (This is why I have so many shows I haven't finished. I watch 'em while they're still airing, there's a new season, I forgor).
Tribe Nine - The propaganda is Corpse Husband.
Zombie Land Saga + Zombie Land Saga Revenge - I think I was just a couple episodes from finishing ZLS, and I haven't seen Revenge yet either. Anyway, we love girl power and hate TERFs.
Sk8 - (Seriously Sk8 fandom, y'all are allowed to reblog this and bully your followers into voting. Y'all have been so close on the last polls. I gotchu.) Also, again, I will be watching the dub.
Buddy Daddies - DILFs. That is all.
Assassination Classroom - They murder their teacher and, idk, learn life lessons I guess.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Masterlist of Masterlist!!
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What the emogys mean:
🐭 = normal fanfic
🖤 = yandere
🌸 = crossover
🌙 = NSFW (comission/special event)
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🐭 My status with the fandoms
🐭 Special - Autistic Reader
🐭 Special - For comfort
🐭 Special - Yandere
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Here a list of the fandoms of which I have written!
🐭 My hero academia [ Characters ]
🐭 Komi-san can't communicate
🐭 Shuumatsu no Valkyrie
🐭 Kiss him, not me
🐭 A silent voice
🐭 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
🐭 Kakegurui
🐭 Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
🐭 Assassination Classroom
🐭 Happy Sugar Life
🐭 Puella Magi Madoka Magica
🐭 Card Captor Sakura
🐭 Pumpkin Night
🐭 Spy x Family
🐭 Hamefura
🐭 Kaguya-sama Love is war
🐭 The way of a House Husband
🐭 Romantic Killer
🐭 Your lie in April
🐭 Ouran High School Host Club
🐭 Kaleido Star
🐭 My Dress-Up Darling
🐭 Wotakoi
🐭 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
🐭 Oshi no Ko
🐭 Devilman Crybaby
🐭 Gakuen Babysitter
🐭 Mob Psycho 100
🐭 Majo Taisen
🐭 Haikyuu!!
🐭 Ousama Ranking
🐭 One Punch Man
🐭 A condition called love
🐭 Brand New Animal
🐭 Violet Evergarden
🐭 Yuri on Ice!!!
🐭 Gakkou Gurashi!
🐭 Lost Song
🐭 Cells at Work! & Code Black
🐭 Magic Knight Rayeart
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Here a list of the fandoms of which I have written!
🐭 Danganronpa [ The 4 games ]
🐭 Omori
🐭 Doki Doki Literature Club
🐭 The Legend of Zelda [ GAMES ]
🐭 NieR Replicant & Automata
🐭 Super Mario Bros [ Characters ]
🐭 Hi-fi Rush
🐭 Honkai Star Rail [ Characters ]
🐭 Little goody two shoes & Pocket Mirror GoldenerTraum
🐭 Reverse 1999
🐭 Genshin Impact
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🐭 Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
🐭 Gravity Falls
🐭 Corpse Bride
🐭 Disney [ Movies ]
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 2 years
i've been putting off an intro post for the longest time so here i am lol
Name(s): Zay, Z, Miz (I prefer Zay, but any of these will do <3) Pronouns: she/they Age: 18 Fandoms: My Hero Academia, Miraculous Ladybug, Spy x Family, Buddy Daddies, SK8 The Infinity, Assassination Classroom, Ouran High School Host Club (subject to change)
Other Socials: > Online Shop -- mizcellaneous > AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) -- panpanicatmha > Tumblr > @panpanicatmha (writing blog--sneak peaks, polls to help with fics, and updates will go here) > @bakutitty-appreciation-club (a sideblog solely consisting of fanart/comics/fanfics/pro-propaganda for bakutitties.) > @bakugocorpsenametournament (poll tournament blog for current canon bakugo's corpse) > Wattpad -- panpanicatmha > YouTube -- Mizcellaneous
My Top Ships In Fandoms (romantic): <MHA> MULTISHIPPER. However, it will mainly consist of BakuDeku/DekuBaku <MLB> Marichat, Adrigaminette, Lukadrien, Julrose, Lukagami <SK8> Renga, MatchaBlossom <Spy X Family> Twiyor, Damianya <Buddy Daddies> Kazurei
What Do I Post/Reblog?: I will mainly post/reblog My Hero Academia related content (mostly bkdk, but I will post other ships too). I do occasionally post other ships and non-ship related content. I will also post/reblog ship and non-ship content for other fandoms. Expect graphic art, writing, shitposts, and a healthy assortment of memes. I will also make posts where I link videos from my YouTube channel. These will mainly consist of edit audios and fan edits.
Other Information About Me And This Blog: > This is a Muslim/Islam friendly blog (hello fellow Muslims!). > This is an LGBTQ+ friendly blog. > Racism, sexism, ableism, or any kind of discrimination will NOT be welcomed or tolerated. > If you send me anon hate or post rude comments on my post, I will not hesitate to drag you like a fucking dog <33. > On the other hand, my ask box is always open! Feel free to send in writing/incorrect quote prompts, talk about fandoms, and more! > This is a pro-Palestine blog. > !!!NOT SPOILER FREE!!! > Cursing, violence, and mental health triggers are mentioned. Tread with caution. > Do NOT repost any designs that I post here. If I see my designs being reposted/misused without my permission, I will start adding watermarks. > If you draw/write something that is heavily inspired by one of my incorrect quote posts, please credit and @ me! I love seeing other people's work <33
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anime-fyi · 1 year
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After being a pretty subdued show all season, the eleventh episode of Spy Classroom actually focused a bit more on missions and genuine surprises. We’re clued into the backstory of that other maid we’ve been dealing with, as well as a bit more of just why Grete is so reclusive. She’s incredibly talented, and the reasons behind it make a whole lot more sense now. As for the others, they play their part in taking down the maid and Corpse, and how that unfolds is actually kinda clever. A satisfying end to this arc, though assuming we get a twelfth episode curious what’s left to finish.
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
“Spy Classroom” season 2
Spoilers ahead:
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  “Thea, Monika, Annette, and Erna bested Corpse and his accomplice Olivia.So they have earned a break. Unfortunately, their relaxing vacation’s postponed, as they soon come face-to-face with Annette’s mother—although Annette herself has no memories of her past. While the emotional reunion initially brings everyone together, but soon fissures begin spreading throughout the team… Plus,a new ally is introduced:Captain Welter Barth”.
Who’s Barth?
  Captain Welter Barth is the Captain of the Military Intelligence Department. With origin and citizenship of Din he is a man loyal to his nation.He’s 24 years old, and with a body rigorously trained reaching strength,he takes his job as a captain seriously and scoffs directly anyone who disregards the power level of Din’s military.
In fact he senses that any spy team,with Lamplight particularly,gets to much praise for their work -while the soldiers and military officers risk their lifes on the war front.He’s a man of action,also an understanding* one who uses his rhetoric skills to boost the spirits of fellow soldiers.
He and Klaus have known each other a long ago,they don’t get along!
*He has a sixth sense on sensing the troubles up ahead,thus he read the malice coming from while Annette: "There is a great evil at work here, Bonfire--someone so wicked their soul is twisted to its core."
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alexa-fika · 3 months
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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This are the fandom that I have read/watched, I wanted to post it so it’s easier to talk to. At least I get nervous talking about something if im not sure the person knows about it.
That being said, don’t be afraid to ask. Maybe I missed it or maybe I know about but haven’t delved into it but I would still love to talk about it!
The emoji’s mostly apply to Anime
The 👁️ stands for watched/anime and 📖 stands for reading/manga
Agents and Kings 📖
Anima+ 👁
Angels of Death 👁 📖
Assasination classroom 👁 📖
Bastard 📖
Black bullet 👁
Black butler 👁
Blue exorcist 👁
Boku no hero academia 📖 👁
Campione 👁
Creepypasta 👁️ 📖
Corpse party 👁
Cowboy bepop 👁
Diabolik lovers 👁 📖
Death note 👁
Doctor Elise 📖
Dsmp 👁️
Dr stone 📖 👁
Dog days 👁
Eden zero 📖
Family x spy 📖
Fairy tail 👁 📖
Fire force 📖 👁
Fruts basket 📖
Full metal alchemist 👁
Gakuen alice 📖 👁
Gamer, The 📖
Genshin impact 📖 👁
Gintama 👁
Gurren laggan 👁
Hakkenden 👁
Howls moving castle 👁
How to keep a mummy 📖 👁
I dont want this kind of hero 📖
Jujutsu kaisen 📖
Kenjo no mago 📖
Kyokai no kanata 👁
Legendborn 📖
Legend of Zelda 👁️ 📖
Love life 👁
Lumine 📖
Madoka magika 👁
Mahou sensei negima 📖 👁
Magi 📖 👁 ✍🏽
Minecraft Diaries 👁️
Misfit of demon king academy 👁️
Monster soul 📖
Nanatsu no taizai 👁 📖
Noragami 👁 📖
One piece 📖 ✍🏽
One punch man 👁 📖
Ouren high school host club 👁
Owari no seraph 👁
Princess mononoke 👁
Princess tutu 📖 👁
Pokemon 👁
Qsmp 👁️
Rain 📖
Rave master 📖 👁
Sakamoto desu ga 👁
Soul eater 📖 👁
Subzero 📖
Sugar apple fairytale 👁️ 📖
Sword art online 👁
That time I reincarnated as a slime 📖
The devil is a part timer 👁
The Witcher 👁
Tokyo ghoul 👁
Tokyo mew mew 📖 👁
The familiar of zero 👁
Tougou project 👁
Twisted wonderland 👁 📖 ✍🏽
White fang 👁
Unordinary 📖
Voltron 👁
Violet evergarden 👁
Xenoblade chronicles 1, 2 n golden eye 👁️
Yuri on ice 👁
Zankyu no terror 👁
Zero no tsukaima 👁
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Fandom/Interest Masterlist
Harry Potter/Wizarding World
The Hunger Games Series
Divergent Trilogy
The Selection Series
Sorcery of Thorns
Iron Widow (Duoligy? Series? Idk but the sequel’s on the way 🙌🏻)
An Ember in the Ashes Quartet
Hex Hall Series
Pride & Prejudice
Wuthering Heights
Jane Eyre
Wide Sargasso Sea
The Poisonwood Bible
The Giver
Gathering Blue
The Count of Monte Christo
Sailor Moon
Ouran High School Host Club
Tokyo Mew Mew
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
St Lunatic High School
Chibi Vampire
Little Queen
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Big Windup
Love Live
Assassination Classroom
My Hero Academia
Spy x Family
Demon Slayer
Yakuza Fiancé
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory
Voltage/Love 365
The Witch’s House
The Crooked Man
The Sand Man
Corpse Party Series
Ao Oni
Paranormal Syndrome
Mad Father
Persona Series
Danganronpa Series
Kamigami no Asobi
Diabolik Lovers
Uta no Prince Sama
Dance With Devils
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me
The Arcana
Devil Butler with Black Cat (AkuNeko)
Nu Carnival
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Stardew Valley
Coral Island
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hunie Pop
Monster Prom
The Sims
James Cameron’s Avatar
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro
How to Train Your Dragon
TV Series
Avatar The Last Airbender Universe
Cold Case (god I love Lilly Rush)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
The Tudors
Alias Grace
BBC Ghosts
CBS Ghosts
0 notes
astrawberrykitsune · 8 months
Fandom/Interest Masterlist
Harry Potter/Wizarding World
The Hunger Games Series
Divergent Trilogy
The Selection Series
Sorcery of Thorns
Iron Widow (Duoligy? Series? Idk but the sequel’s on the way 🙌🏻)
An Ember in the Ashes Quartet
Hex Hall Series
Pride & Prejudice
Wuthering Heights
Jane Eyre
Wide Sargasso Sea
The Poisonwood Bible
The Giver
Gathering Blue
The Count of Monte Christo
Sailor Moon
Ouran High School Host Club
Tokyo Mew Mew
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
St Lunatic High School
Chibi Vampire
Little Queen
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Big Windup
Love Live
Assassination Classroom
My Hero Academia
Spy x Family
Demon Slayer
Yakuza Fiancé
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Rune Factory
Voltage/Love 365
The Witch’s House
The Crooked Man
The Sand Man
Corpse Party Series
Ao Oni
Paranormal Syndrome
Mad Father
Persona Series
Danganronpa Series
Kamigami no Asobi
Diabolik Lovers
Uta no Prince Sama
Dance With Devils
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me
The Arcana
Devil Butler with Black Cat (AkuNeko)
Nu Carnival
Ensemble Stars
Hypnosis Mic
Stardew Valley
Coral Island
Five Nights at Freddy's
Hunie Pop
Monster Prom
The Sims
James Cameron’s Avatar
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro
How to Train Your Dragon
TV Series
Avatar The Last Airbender Universe
Cold Case (god I love Lilly Rush)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
The Tudors
Alias Grace
BBC Ghosts
CBS Ghosts
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otakusmart · 2 years
0 notes
olives-life · 2 years
Anime + Donghua + Hanguk Aeni ive Watched
notes: - in alphabetical order
-finished unless marked otherwise
-linked to pages with who I simp over and other stuff (unless theres nothing yet)
-up to means including (ex: seen up to season 4 - means ive seen seasons 1-4)
-btw ill be going through the ones ive already watched and reviewing them
-im a completionist so ill be finishing everything if its not marked as done - the stuff marked as watching is stuff im actively / recently watching
-most donghuas are in the list by their mandarin name (ex: soul land is in the D section by "Soul Land / Doulou Dalu)
-P.S. names with ** or in caps are characters I really really simp for
-Ace Attorney
-Akame ga Kill! (watching)
-Angel Beats!
-Assassination Classroom (watching 2nd season)
-Attack on Titan (watched up to season 3 part 2)
-Avatar: The Last Airbender (not finished)
-Beyblade - 2001 version (at ep 10)
-Black Butler (up to season 2)
-Black Clover (at ep 65)
-Blue Period (finished)
-Bus Gamer
-Cells at Work! (at ep 7)
-Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun
-Corpse Princess (Kuro ep 10)
-Darker than Black (watching)
-Death Parade (watching)
-Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (watched 1st season)
-Soul Land / Douluo Dalu
-Dr. Stone (haven't seen the new OVA)
-Food Wars (up to 3rd plate)
-Free! (haven't seen the movies)
-Gintama (watching at ep 100)
-Grave of the Fireflies
-Gurren Lagann (watching)
-Hamatora (watching)
-Heavy Object
-HENNEKO - The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat (at ep 4) (this is not a hentai btw)
-Hunter x Hunter (watching)
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-K (watching)
-Kakegurui (twin included)
-King's Game
-Kuroko's Basketball (I havent seen Last Game yet)
-Little Busters!
-Lookism (finished)
-Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
-Moriarty the Patriot (havent seen the second season)
-My Hero Academia (up to season 4)
-Nanbaka (watching)
-Naruto (at 90)
-Parasyte -the maxim- (not finished)
-Pokemon: Indigo League (at ep 34)
-Qualidea Code (watching)
-Versatile Mage / Quanzhi Fashi (if youve seen this and dont hate it DM me)
-The Kings Avatar / Quanzhi Gaoshou
-Sanrio Boys
-Seraph of the End
-Shounen Maid
-SK8 the Infinity
-Spirited Away
-Spiritpact (I have to rewatch it)
-Spriggan (finished)
-SPY x FAMILY (up to season 1)
-Sword Art Online (up to season 2)
-That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (not done)
-The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior
-The Millionaire Detective - Balance:Unlimited (watching)
-The Pet Girl of Sakurasou
-The Prince of Tennis (not finished)
-Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
-Tokyo Revengers
-Tower of God
-Violet Evergarden
-Weathering With You
-Your lie in April
0 notes
greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Ch. 323 - parallels and comparisons
Most important thing first: Mic name-calls “Jeany” after Best Jeanist interrupts him and insults the UA teachers, saying the citizens find it hard to hear the truth from schoolteachers. Excuse me, PRESENT FUCKING MIC IS A PRO HERO WHO FOUGHT IN THE WAR AND ARRESTED THE DOCTOR. Ultimately, Jeany is trying to take responsibility, which is good, but the way he does it is insulting. Is that really how the Top 3 feel about the UA teachers? (This started out shitpost-y, but I think it does actually matter….)
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On to Nezu, who, despite all his well-repressed rage, is still just a rat principal building a cage. He’s created an elaborate mecha-vault-campus to capture save humans and transport them around the country like Willy Wonka’s great glass elevator. Nezu says he did this on intuition, yet that can’t be the full story because his High Specs quirk gives him great insight into possible strategies the villains will use. In fact, the last time we saw his quirk in action, he was trapping 2 students in a maze, gradually blocking off all paths to the exit. Oh, and who else in BnHA is seemingly able to predict their opponent’s strategies and enjoys doing so? I’m not saying Nezu is “The UA Traitor,” particularly given his speech at the end of the chapter, but I AM saying there are parallels.
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In particular, Nezu seems to do a lot of work related to quirk morality, while AFO refers to morals as mere fabrications.
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Sticking with Nezu and jumping to the end of the chapter…this isn’t the first time he’s made a grand speech about UA students and the future. After DvK2, while Izuku and Katsuki are under house arrest, Nezu speaks to the school about All Might’s retirement and says how all of the students will “inherit this society.” The word “inherit” makes All Might think about his successor, and how Nezu reached out to him when he was searching in earnest (ie, when Nezu and Nighteye had Mirio picked out). Nezu’s “one step” language also ties back to an All Might monologue from the remedial course days — when Shoto, Katsuki, and the Shiketsu kids worked together to win tiny hearts AND All Might and Endeavor had their first real talk, leading Endeavor to reach out to Shoto.
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Speaking of the remedial class moving forward, the Katsuki/Shoto “we are not friends” mutual side eye at the mention of Shiketsu is A Moment. Will the remedial foursome be trapped in an underground classroom!??!?
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I think it’s clear that the heroes — pros, teachers, students — need to work together as one to win over “the citizens”. The heroes also need their supporters (hello kid in an All Might shirt!), parents (omg, Mitsuki holding Inko back from recklessly running into the crowd like the Midoriya she is!), friends, and rescued victims to take those steps to come forward. Izuku is moving forward for them, and they need to move forward for him.
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I’m not convinced that Nezu’s “ultimate hero” is Izuku; it could be Katsuki, Ochako, Shoto, Mirio (hello underground permeation!), Shigaraki, Class 1A, or the entire “new generation”, judging by his “inherit” comment. Izuku is All Might’s chosen one to inherit OFA, but Izuku is NOT the only one inheriting society’s future. Special, but also not. (More on that later!)
Final bit on the mecha-school…I don’t think anything good in this series has come from being “underground”. I think we’ve already established that “underground” is neither safe nor invincible. Underground Yakuza compound. Underground prison. Underground hero (sorry Aizawa!!) Even when talking about the “ultimate hero,” Nezu speaks in terms of rising.
The text leaks said Eri was with Class 1B, which made me frustrated, but the panel is actually a lovely soft Monoma comforting her. It’s really sweet and shows off Monoma’s heroic heart! (And his off-duty fashion sense, because those buttons add some serious dramatic flair.) But, knowing that Aizawa, All Might, Mic, Thirteen, and the Big 3 are Eri’s usual caretakers makes me really sad for her — why are they ALL gone?? Especially when (1) she’s listening to a crowd call her personal hero a weapon with a cursed quirk, exactly how Chisaki used to talk about her; and (2) Izuku doesn’t HAVE to be the one taking care of her, but I think they’d both LIKE to see each other.
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Speaking of the crowd, I do like having “the citizens” as a character. In the early chapters, we heard so much about protecting citizens and keeping society from falling into chaos, but it was all theoretical. With the jailbreak, the war destruction, and Dabi’s reveal, it’s good to see citizens who (1) question the value and robustness of the current hero society; and (2) are scared out of their minds. “The citizens” may be an obstacle for the heroes, but their fear and motivation is very rational under the circumstances. People who were forced to evacuate their home on short notice and hole up in a dormitory while skyscrapers crumbled due to villains gone wild (and, uh, Deku) are unlikely to trust the same people who created this mess in the first place. While WE know and love cinnamon roll Izuku, “the citizens” only know him as the target of Shigaraki’s destruction. He’s billed by Jeany as the One True Hope but the citizens know him as a dirty teenager insane enough to break his own bones in a school competition. He’s somehow related to AFO and is either a bomb for AFO, a Nomu-fied corpse doing AFO’s bidding, a target for Shigaraki, or a weapon against AFO that is falling apart at the seams. None of that is reassuring, so I can see why the crowd gets mad enough to make Izuku’s Danger Sense go off. The heroes need to take a moment to really empathize and understand the crowd’s fear and anger.
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What’s missing from this scene? ALL MIGHT. The focus on Deku and the OFA/AFO quirks completely omits that Izuku is All Might’s handpicked successor, and that All Might used OFA as a force for good for decades. Jeany and Ochako confirmed Izuku is the special powerOFA holder, so it’s all out in the open except for how Izuku came to possess OFA in the first place. So much for Mt Lady and Endeavor’s media discussion in Ch.317! Also, as Lady Nagant told us, the HPSC was well aware of AFO and tracked his movements. AFO may have been a secret from the public, but was NOT a blind spot for heroes. Same with Gigantomachia — Gran Torino and Tsukauchi failed to capture him, but they knew of him and his association with AFO. (Nobody, including All Might, knew about the doctor and his quirk duplication prior to Hawks’s spy work and the hospital raid.)
I want to see all of this come into the open because the hero failures stem from All Might working alone in secret to stop existential threats while other heroes fought each other for table scraps. (Think of Manual, who is such a plain and underpowered hero, but was clutch during the war.) Heroes STILL aren’t working together, and to fight dual AFOs they are going to need every last bit of help they can get from each other, from students, and from citizens — quirked or not. Anyone who is willing or able to help should join in.
Unease is referenced in this chapter, and unease is what happens whenever All Might disappears. At first when All Might retires, Twice notes the widespread unease with Endeavor as the new #1. Endeavor himself notes his unease with becoming #1 by default rather than earning it. Shigaraki has a persistent unease with his past (pre-awakening), arguably because All Might never came to save Tenko.
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Unease spreading through the citizens feeds into AFO’s win conditions perfectly. He WANTS as many fractured and walled-off groups as possible. To steal OFA and rule for eternity, he needs to prevent a “singularity” of will that opposes him.
Let’s see what happens next chapter — I still don’t think Ochako has quite hit her “light of hope” moment yet, and am not convinced this speech will be it. I do think she’s trying hard to humanize Izuku as the OFA holder, but the irony is, in doing so, she is denying he is a special person to her. Only a few humans are truly special at the societal level, but we all have friends and loved ones that think we are special. That’s right, you are loved, even if you don’t have OFA. You are loved even when you need saving. I think this is what All Might was getting at when he tells Izuku during the Sports Festival that there is something special in Izuku. All Might is saying he feels a connection and a trust with Izuku because they were both born quirkless, which makes Izuku special to All Might. This contrasts with Endeavor and Jeany, who view Izuku as special solely because he is the OFA wielder, and Izuku’s need to rest is in service to that duty rather than Izuku’s needs as a human.
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-y'all can call me- Jiya ❤❤,or Molly , or any cool nickname you can come up with
-cabin- 6 (athena)
-pronouns- literally anything, she/her/he/him/they/them whatever you are comfortable with
-sexuality- confused af but i think im pan
-Nationality- desi
-My Spotify- Here
- My Instagram- @/wesper_worshipper
Book/Book series:
Hunger games
The Mortal Instruments
The infernal Devices
The last hours
Harry Potter (fuck JKR)
Maze Runner
Fifty Shades
Red, White and Royal blue
Fault in our Stars
Looking for Alaska
Paper Towns
An Abundance of Katherines
Turtles all the way down
The Folk of the Air
All for the Game
Web Series/movies:
Young Royals
Squid Games
How I met your mother
Brooklyn nine-nine
Anne with an e
Never have I ever
The Vampire diaries
Good Omens
Shadow and Bone
Pride and Prejudice(2005)
One direction (band and solo both)
Omar Rudberg
Arctic Monkeys
The Weeknd
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Anime (i just started watching so the list is a bit short)
Death note
Attack on titan
Classroom of the elite
A silent voice
Spy x family
Jujutsu kaisen
My Hero Academia (currently watching)
Your Name
-currently in love with- Dove Cameron🛐🛐🛐, benadryl cucumbersnatch, OMAR RUDBERG <33
-married to- @willothewhisper (love of my life , she's the best )
-parabatai- @crzyprsn42 <33
-spawned on this earth in the year- 2003
-DNI- all pedophiles, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, misogynists , terfs , abusers , and other stupid bigots please stay off my blog if you dont want me to kick your ass hard. next , and im adding this on 14th feb 22 that i dont ever put an age limit on my blog, but if you are below 14, please dont follow me, unless we're already mutuals or i follow you. you can ask me the reason if you want
-random info- i love being tagged in picrews and games and chains and all that stuff so please tag me , and if there maybe a chance that i didnt reply , i saw it and forgot about it im realllllllyyy sorry in advance about that.
i lovee talking to new people and make friends so if you wanna talk, or just tell me about your day, or share theories with me, or swoon of one direction and other hot people , im totally available lovelies<33
im the cool dad for all babies under 17 here(im 18 . HOLY SHIT IM 18 im 19!!) so yeah i can tell you a lot of dad jokes.
im also the kind of person who hates hates hates science but is fascinated by space and astronomy etc, its so full of possibilities yk?
my tags-
original posts as #mine
original shitposts as #jia shitposts
liveblogging as #liveblogging movies cuz i got no one to talk to , or #liveblogging series cuz i got no one to talk to
my most important post
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thequietkid-moonie · 8 months
What are your WIPS now?
Thanks for asking dear anon!
Please just keep in mind that since this are wips there is a chance that i won't write it at the end, please forgive me if that happen
If you find one interesting or are excited for one of them let me know! I always love hearing the opinion of all of you ❤️
As always, I say from what fandoms the wips are but not for what characters, I like it that way, its funny! hope you don't mind haha
Current Wips
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- Komi-san can't comunicate -
Affectionate S/O
S/O is always sleepy
- Shuumatsu no Valkyrie -
S/O loses their fight
Their child experience their first crush
- Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun -
S/O brings their cat to school
Gyaru S/O
Inmortal!Reader meeting their lover again
Meeting someone who doesn't exist
- Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon -
Their child experience their first crush
The glimpse of a lost memory about someone that doesn't exist anymore
- Assassination Classroom -
Their child experience their first crush
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica -
Cuddling headcanons
Darling doesn't mind getting hurt
Darling wish to be the most powerful witch
- Card Captor Sakura -
Taking someone's place searching for safety
- Spy x Family -
Their child experience their first crush
- Ouran High School Host Club -
Cat like S/O
- My Dress-Up Darling -
S/O is always sleepy
- Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon -
S/O is always sleepy
Co-worker reader sees Kobayashi as a big sister
- Oshi no Ko -
Cheerful and optimistic S/O has a great view of live
The twins help their sibling
- Gakuen Babysitters -
Their child experience their first crush
- Brand New Animal -
Darling works for a anti-beastmen organization to help
- One Punch Man -
Affectionate S/O
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- Danganronpa -
Bullied reverse course darling
Autistic S/O
Finding S/O's depression out by a breakdown
Introducing S/O to their family
- The Legend of Zelda -
S/O's healing power has bad side effects
- Nier Replicant -
Secretly Dating
- Nier Automata -
Autistic S/O
Cheerful and optimistic S/O has a great view of live
- Super Mario Bros -
S/O likes making people laugh
S/O gets kidnapted by King Boo
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- Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat noir -
Their friend knows their true identity
Sibling headcanons
- Corpse Bride -
Newlywed Life
- Disney Movies -
Secretly Dating
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anise05 · 3 years
My Anime List
P.S. Sorry in advance to those who disagree with me>_<
One Piece, Gintama, Kimi no Nawa, Soul Eater, Hunter X Hunter, Natsume Yuujinchou, Code Geass, Osomatsu-san, Haven't You Heard I'm Sakamoto, Saint Onii-san, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure(all parts), Yakitate Japan, Working!, Saiki Kusuo Psi Nan, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, My Neighbor Totoro, Black Lagoon, Asobi Asobase, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Wotakoi, Tsurezure Children, D. Gray-man, D. Gray-man Hallow, Durarara!, Violet Evergarden, Violet Evergarden Gaiden, One Punch Man, Fate/Zero, Dr. Stone, Diamond no Ace, Maquia:When the Promised Flower Blooms, Run With the Wind, A3! Act! Addict! Actors!, Pandora Hearts, Vanitas no Carte, Bungo Stray Dogs, Bungo Stray Dogs Wan, Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, Magi, Monster, The Millionaire Detective, Tower of God, K Project, Obey Me Anime, Lupin the 3rd, Zutto Mae Kara Suki Deshita, Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan o, Our Love is Always 10 Centimeters Apart, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Nana, Record of Ragnarok, Twisted Wonderland, Heroines Run the Show, Spy × Family
Fushigi Yuugi, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Golden Time, Shakugan no Shana, Hotarubi no Mori e, Kyoukai no Kanata, Sword Art Online, Ao Haru Ride, Assassination Classroom, Amnesia: Memories, Hakuouki Shinsengumi, The File of Young Kindaichi, The File of Young Kindaichi R, Detroit Metal City, Whisper of the Heart, The Cat Returns, The Boy and the Beast, Koe no Katachi, Shiki, 5 Centimeters per Second, The Secret World of Arriety, Only Yesterday, Cells at Work, WWW. Working!, Summer Wars, Princess Mononoke, Parasyte the Maxim, Ano Hana, Magic Kaito 1412, Barakamon, Death Note, Mirai Nikki, Jormungand, Danganronpa, Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, No Game No Life, Ni No Kuni, Demon Slayer, KonoSuba, Overlord, Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, The Promised Neverland, Dororo, Tenki no Ko, Erased, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Stay Night:Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Extra, Gakuen Babysitters, Fruits Basket, Carole and Tuesday, Kaiji, Kaguya-sama:Love is War, Isekai Quartet, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, The Heroic Legend of Arslan, Toriko, Psycho Pass, Detective Conan, Hypnosis Mic, Kiki's Delivery Service, Iroduku:The World in Colors, Orange, Special A, Space Brothers, Mob Psycho, Yamato Nadeshiko, Servant X Service, Japan Sinks, Libra of Nil Admirari, Code:Realize-Guardian of Rebirth, Moriarty the Patriot, Magi:Sinbad no Bouken, Haikara-san ga Tooru, The Way of the Househusband, Laputa:Castle in the Sky, Paradise Kiss, Tokyo Revengers, A Letter to Momo, Belle, Hetalia, Hyouka, In This Corner of the World
Ayashi no Ceres, Rokudenashi: Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records, Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Love and Lies, Nijiiro Days, Shingeki no Kyojin, Shingeki no Kyojin Junior High, Haikyuu!!, Nisekoi, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Rewrite, Guilty Crown, Date Alive, Tamako Market, Tamako Love Story, Diabolik Lovers, Kamisama Kiss, Gurren Lagann, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Hanebado, Tales of the Abyss, Tears to Tiara, Angel Beats, Last Exile: Fam the Silver Wing, Princess Principal, Charlotte, Sankarea: Undying Love, The Tower of Druaga, Kiss Him Not Me, My Little Monster, Noragami, Noragami Aragoto, Servamp, Pokémon, Digimon, Inuyasha, Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Clannad, Plastic Memories, Hayate the Combat Butler, Free!, Rurouni Kenshin, Anonymous Noise, Machine Doll wa Kizutsukanai, Ao no Exorcist, Cardfight Vanguard, Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan, Hello World, A Whisker Away, Baby Steps, Kuroko's Basketball, Slam Dunk, Your Lie in April, Hitorijime My Hero, Soul Eater Not, Clean Freak Aoyama-kun, The Garden of Sinners, Corpse Party, The Place Promised in Our Early Days, Yu-gi-oh, Relife, Sugar Sugar Rune, Alice Academy, Brothers Conflict, Kiba, Chihayafuru, Love me Love me not, Yumeiro Patissiere, Snow White with the Red Hair, Kimi ni Todoke, Romeo X Juliet, Jujutsu Kaisen, The King's Avatar, Wonder Egg Priority, Kaze no Stigma, A Place Further than the Universe, Rental Magica, Twin Star Exorcists, Animal Crossing Anime, It's Disgusting to Call this Love, Chrome Shelled Regios, The World God Only Knows, Horimiya, My Hero Academia, Inuyasha, Mermaid Melody, Takt Op. Destiny, My Next Life as a Villainess, Ousama Ranking
Nanatsu no Taizai, School Days, The Irregular at Magic Highschool, Fairy Tail, Highschool of the Dead, A Lull in the Sea, Classroom of the Elite,
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The Witch Dances
It is said that during the annual gatherings of the eight witches on the Bald Mountain where they would swear obedience to their Master, they would engage in dancing and loud partying for his amusement. They would usually follow the format of a circle dance, the witches coming together around a bonfire, and overcome by frenzy became enticed to spin and sway to unheard melodies among demons and spirits. These dances could and usually did go on throughout the entire night until the break of day. Their laughter and yelps could be heard from the base of the mountain and villagers of Brocken would often be tempted to join them in their revelry. However, this was considered unwise as the dancing was sacred to the witches themselves, and any man caught spying would be immediately struck mad.    
Nowadays, the dances are performed as an homage to the memory of the eight illustrious figures whose teaching inspired the formation of the dorms. Taking place a week before the Sorting ceremony, students who passed the admission exam are invited to attend a ceremony known as the Witch Dances. Its purpose is to help the young girls about to enter Walpurga Nacht decide which particular dorm they might find most helpful for their studies based on its presentation by the Prefects. 
Danse Macabre
Opening the Witch Dances at dusk is an event known as the “Danse Macabre”. In the venue which takes the form of a theatron (ancient Greek theater), a group of twelve students are gathered in the middle around a bonfire that is burning brightly. Dressed in red, loose dresses the girls also wear masks that resemble various animals, among the most common being pigs, wolves and goats. Around them, at a fair distance, is another group of nine girls clad in black and seated down with hangs in their laps or tambourines in their hands. The girls around the bonfire hold hands and as the others students begin to play their instruments start to dance in a circle around the bonfire. The dance is wild and unstructured, accompanied by chanting and punctuated by yelps and shouts as the students twirl and move to the rhythm of the music. The red clothing makes it seem like they are blending in with the fire itself, and the animal masks create a grotesque image of madness and devilry. 
The purpose of this dance is two-fold: to recreate what the atmosphere on the night where the eight witches met on the Bald Mountain must have felt like and to acknowledge the sacred nature of this event. Though information about the witches is scarce, it is said that the eight of them came from very different walks of life based on the textual evidence left behind by their grimoires. The fact that they would assemble each year and treat each other as equals was proof of their respect for each other. The twelve girls dancing around the first are said to represent the months of the year, and the number nine is considered a cursed one but also has connotations of power. 
As a result the twelve dancing girls are girls chosen for the month of their birth, at random, from among the second, third and fourth years. It reinforces the idea that no matter the girl they are all witches at their core. The nine instrumentalists are all chosen from among the music club. The girls usually prepare for this event before the end of the previous school year, after the Prefects for the next year are announced.
The Prefects’ Dances
Once the Danse Macabre is over, all that remains on the stage is a ring of scorch marks and footsteps. What follows is a short speech given by the Headmistress of the school regarding the legends of the eight witches and their teachings, before introducing the Prefects at the start of their performances to the audience.
What follows afterwards are the presentations for the eight dorms according to what the respective Prefect thinks are its most important features. Traditionally, Rosenhex has always had a focus on their mastery of enchantments and charms, either bringing constructions to life or asking for volunteers from the audience in order to cast a charm on them. Grimmaire takes a more methodical approach and almost simulates a classroom lecture, as the Prefect rattles off the many spell compositions and steps to be undertaken when casting. Kriegskald’s performances have usually been focused on showing off their newest creations and mechanisms, or bolder Prefects have gone ahead and attempted to recreate them on stage. Galdtrea’s performances are often cited as lacklustre as there are only so many ways one can talk about and present a collection of herbs and plants. Monarchia presentations are turned usually into a monster show, where tamed beasts are brought to show the audience their various tricks and abilities. Oraluna has focused mainly on showcasing its divination talents and fortune telling by asking for volunteers from the audience. Eliksia has always done a live demonstration of how their alchemical concoctions might be used or what their effect might be, with the Prefect explaining the process. While Noctasis has remained rather controversial with its exhibitions of mummified corpses and pickled organs to this day.
The Danse Macabre portion is allocated thirty minutes, and is followed by a short intermission of fifteen minutes. The Headmistress’ speech is usually an hour and a half, followed also by an intermission. Each Prefect is given 50 minutes to perform their ‘dance’ and it is up to them how they use it. While the dancing witches must wear red and animal masks, and the singing witches must wear black, the Prefects are allowed to dress in any manner they consider fitting. Some may order customized costumes, while others may choose to don the school’s Ceremony Dress. The only request is that whatever clothing they wear, it must remain in the limits of public decency.   
The Witch Dances are not traditionally televised, this being seen as a breach of privacy, however this year, at the request of Prefect Rosalia Morgainne, the school has allowed her manager to livestream the eight performances. It was considered inappropriate for the Danse Macabre to be caught on camera, and the manager considered the Headmistress’ speech irrelevant to the PR campaign he was undertaking. 
Notes: The idea for the Witch Dances comes from several sources. First there is the Disney animated short “Night on the Bald Mountain” where spirits and demons dance for Chernabog’s amusement in infernal fire. The image of the three masks (pig, wolf, goat) correspond to the three animals that appear during a scene in the short. The red dresses are an allusion to the Fire Women that also appear there. Second, there is the image of Walpurgisnacht as shown in Goethe’s Faust, where witches and warlocks dance together on top of the Harz Mountains. Another reference is made to the Iele, which are beings in Romanian folklore who are said to dance so beautifully it drives men mad. The name ‘Danse Macabre’ refers to the artistic allegory on the universality of death: regardless of one’s station in life, death comes for all.
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