#Rolie Polie Olie fanart
artbyjasonleung · 8 months
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Rolie Polie Olie 🤖
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jacmirie · 6 months
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daily doodle challenge - set 48
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jillyb2004 · 8 months
Happy (Late) 25th Anniversary to Rolie Polie Olie!
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Based on these images
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glitterberryshortcake · 3 months
🌸 Hi everyone!! Welcome to my blog!! Here is my current bio! 🌸
💖 My name is Star!! I’m currently 18 years old and my pronouns are she/her. 💖
🌈 I have anxiety and autism, so please be aware that I’m very, very shy and that my social skills are not the best. 🦄
❤️ I’m a selfshipper and I crush on quite a lot of fictional characters! Below is a list of my F/Os! Please DNI if you have the same F/Os as me. ❤️
🩷 My main F/O is Mr. Paulson from Teamo Supremo! I’ve been dating/selfshipping with him since May 31, 2020! I love him sooo much!!! X3 🩷
🩵 My second main F/O is Mr. Tinkerton from The Legend of Frosty the Snowman! I’ve been dating/selfshipping with him since February 4th, 2023! I love him to bits!!! :3 🩵
💗Other F/Os:💗
To keep things short and simple, I will only list some of my F/Os.
• Dexter’s Dad (Dexter’s Laboratory)
• Principal Pankley (The Legend of Frosty the Snowman)
• The Postman (Olive the Other Reindeer)
• Percy Polie (Rolie Polie Olie)
• Mr. Baldwin (Fish Hooks)
• Hugh Test (Johnny Test)
• Kent Mansley (The Iron Giant)
• Sarge Snorkel (Beetle Bailey)
• Burt Burtonburger (Kid vs. Kat)
• Stanley Livingston (Tennessee Tuxedo And His Tales)
• Surge Protector (Wreck-It Ralph)
• Andrew Morris (Ron’s Gone Wrong)
• Roger Ramjet (Roger Ramjet)
• Adam Flayman (Bee Movie)
• The Teacher/Sensei/Mr. S (Doraemon)
💛 These characters are shipped with my various OCs!
Here is a link to the introduction of my OCs!! https://www.tumblr.com/glitterberryshortcake/742910635441012736/heres-an-introduction-of-my-ocs-and-the-fos 💛
🌼 I’m an artist and animator! Most of the content you will see on this blog are my selfshipping/OC x canon art, and fanart of my hyperfixations/interests! 🌸
🦄 Below is a list of my current hyperfixations/interests! 🦄
Current major hyperfixations: The Legend of Frosty the Snowman, Teamo Supremo, Lalaloopsy, Precure/Pretty Cure, My Little Pony (all generations), Strawberry Shortcake (2003 and 2009 generations), Care Bears (all generations), Animal Crossing, and Sanrio.
Other interests: Five Nights At Freddy’s, Poppy Playtime, Touhou, Paw Patrol, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ojamajo Doremi, Hfjone, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Danganronpa, and Splatoon.
⭐️ I know that this isn’t the best-looking bio, but it will be edited/updated and improved over time! ⭐️
🌈 Have a nice day/night!! :D 🌈
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knadire · 4 years
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Today’s cursed fanart is brought to you in part by ClericofMadness. Thanks; I hate it!
You can find the full-res version as well as more drawings in the series at the link below:
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cp-artwork · 5 years
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This is some major throwback for a lot of us 90′s and 2000′s kids, “Rolie Polie Olie”.
I remember watching this show a lot on DisneyJunior back when it was called Playhouse Disney, and I remember that one episode where Zoe asks her family “why this” and “why that”, and that fanart is based on that (as well as me asking so many questions about the live action “Kim Possible” movie).
So here’s a little trip down memory lane for you all.
This is CartoonPrincess, and I’ll see you all later. Bye.
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sexycraisinthanos · 3 years
I’m gonna infodump about my favorite movie
Rise of the Guardians
It’ll be under the readmore, but TL;DR: Watch Rise of the Guardians and read the books
Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 animated film released by Dreamworks. The story is childhood figures (Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Sandman, and Jack Frost) trying to defend the children of earth against Pitch Black, (The Boogeyman) 
It’s based on a book series called Guardians of Childhood, written by William Joyce. Who, if you don’t know, writes children’s book. Guardians of Childhood is more of a “Young Adult” series compared to his other Guardians books (The Man in the Moon, Sandman: The Story of Sanderson Mansnoozie, and Jack Frost are all part of the series, but they are picture books.)
He’s also written other books you may be familiar with.
The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs and A Day with Wilbur Robinson 
Sound familiar?
Maybe you’d recognize them as their movie counterparts, Epic (animated by Blue Sky Studios) and Meet the Robinsons (animated of course by Disney)
Also Rolie Polie Olie, which was a favorite Disney Jr cartoon growing up for me, and was also a book series. 
I could honestly go on and on about William Joyce, his work was a part of my childhood a LOT (even credited for working on some of my favorite films like Buddy, Robots, Toy Story, and A Bug’s Life) and that’s probably why I love ROTG so much.
I read all of the Guardians books and own all of them save for Jack Frost and The Art of Rise of the Guardians and the books are not cheap, but what books are? I have HARD COVER BITCHES. Half of them were gifts and I also own the ROTG DVD.
The art in the books (all drawn by William Joyce himself) is really good (this is my favorite art from the books)
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And the animation in the movie, as expected from Dreamworks, is beautiful. 
You get to see all their unique homes and they’re such varying types of environments. Of course, you have the North Pole, where it’s chaotic and wonderful. Just look at this concept art 
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And then you have the Tooth Palace, where the Tooth Fairy does her work
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It’s very obvious that there are some Indian inspirations in the design because Tooth herself is actually Middle-Eastern (in the books it’s explained in depth more and one of my complaints about the movie is that they whitewashed her even though her concept art in the ending credits shows her with brown skin)
The Warren, where the Easter Bunny paints his eggs
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Which is something you never really think about because people only focus on the North pole so seeing so much thought put into it is really nice
We never see where Sandy works/lives (in the MOVIE. But the GAME on the other hand lets you explore EVERYONE’S homes and that’s a whole nother story)
We DO however see Pitch’s lair and
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it’s rightfully spooky. When you actually see the scene play out in the lair, you get all confused and don’t know which way is which and it always unsettles me which is GOOD because that’s what it’s SUPPOSED to do
What’s really unique about ROTG is that there’s a source material (and as of now there are eight books (five novels, three picture books) and the series isn’t DONE yet) and instead of turning the books into a movie even though the plot is literally RIGHT THERE, they took the source material and turned it into a prologue. The movie takes place about 300 years after the books do and since the books are supposedly still ongoing, and William Joyce was CONTINUING to write the series while the movie was in production. (Three books have come out since the movie came out.)
I love how challenging that must have been for William to try to include stuff from his previous books in the movie AND to try and link the movie to his newer books despite some continuity errors (also worth noting that he has written a book about Santa and his wife, but Mrs. Claus is YET to be seen or even mentioned in the movie) but I appreciate the effort he put into it and I can’t wait to see what else he’ll come up with.
The characters look a BIT different from their book counterparts
Jack is voiced by Chris Pine and his voice is WAY TOO DEEP and the creators can’t agree on an age for him (book age is 14, but he can age himself up and down to a certain point and some producers said they imagined him 17 or 18) and (imo) I think Jack’s design was pretty lazy (a blue jacket with brown pants) compared to everyone else’s. I mean you have North, who is 
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His design is based more on the worldly Father Christmas than the Saint Nick/Santa that we know. 
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When he’s not in the Pole he’s wearing his big red fur coat and a cossack hat
Because he’s Russian
I’m pretty sure he canonically was raised by bears but that may have just been me imagining it. His book appearance is way different because when we meet him, he’s not Santa yet. So he’s still young
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Of course, as the books go on, he looks like Santa
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Bunny has the most drastic character change from his book design, as depicted by this fanart (which i couldn’t find a credit for that wasn’t pinterest so if anyone knows please tell me)
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And there’s a CANONICAL reason why he looks so different (two actually)
Once they put Hugh Jackman in the role, they wanted a more dry Australian ranger-type design for him, and then the robes got in the way because of how he was moving, even when they changed him to just a lab coat, so they decided to forgo clothes altogether
Fun fact about Bunny. He’s a Pooka, a shapeshifting folklore creature that can turn into either a rabbit, goat, cat, dog, or horse. (or even a human with animal like features) Which actually gives a lot of people the headcanon that Pitch uses the souls of all Bunny’s dead people (yep he’s a sole survivor) as Nightmares
But he’s a different kind of Pooka. He’s an alien technically. And this breed of Pooka CANNOT eat chocolate because it does things to their body. Like giving him six arms. Or making his ears into helicopter propellers. 
This is relevant because he uses chocolate in battle multiple times. So the canonical explanation for why Bunny looks so different is that he ate too much chocolate and it permanently changed his body.
Which I love. I could go on about him but all the characters are interesting
Tooth has probably the second most confusing design
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She’s based off a hummingbird with dragonfly wings, which aesthetically makes so much sense, but in the books she has regular feather wings. I also don’t like how weird her proportions are. Her feet are tiny nubs, her head is too big for her body (her body is actually pretty nicely designed it’s just every other part of it that bothers me) and I already mentioned the whitewashing
PITCH on the other hand had the biggest glow down compared to the books
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He’s just wearing a black robe and, apparently, he doesn’t even have sleeves, which you can’t even really tell because it’s just all smudgy and shit
I mean I guess that’s the point, that he looks like he’s clothed in shadow, but it’s frustrating to look at especially compared to his book design where he’s wearing a FABULOUS coat
Meanwhile Sandy has the PERFECT character design
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He’s just ROUND and wears a bathrobe made of sand. Like it’s not even that different from his book design (his hair has more frills than the book version) because it’s such a perfect design and I love how he’s animated. You can’t see it that well because the gif quality, but the sand also sparkles and it just makes it so fun to watch on screen 
The movie itself has its share of flaws. (the movie likes to pick and choose the rules it wants to follow about its universe, a huge plothole, and some cheaply constructed arguments between characters that really just make me annoyed because I don’t want to see the easter bunny making a child cry I want to see him get into a fist fight with Santa it’s like you don’t even KNOW your demographic) But I love it and there’s SO MUCH I could talk about. There are characters in the books that weren’t in the movie and there were characters in the movie that weren’t in the books (because they weren’t born yet but IRRELEVANT) 
It was a HUGE flop despite critics praising it. Like 8,000 people lost their jobs over it that’s how big a flop it was. But it’s such a dear movie to me and it’s clear that William Joyce holds this series close to his heart (dedicating it and the movie to his late daughter) which makes sense because it’s based on stories he told her when she was young and I’m so honored that he chose to share these stories with us. I just love the series and I should do a re-read at some point
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markmaker36 · 7 years
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Behold, my first fanart ever (And the subject matter)! Little me drew this at the (approximate) age of 5 years.
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