romanationmovement · 1 month
The Roma Nationalism in digital form
Roma Nationalism the right of self determination in global digital form #RomaNationMovement
80 years since punishment for Roma and Sinti existence in Europe and still yet Romani nation has no authority, no government, no army, no land, in worse scenario the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma can happen again. Most of the Roma didn’t learn from past, no wonder 35 years since iron wall fallen down, Romani nation face second class treatment across the Europe. We Roma should learn from our friends Jews and reach the promised land as they did.
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misscromwellsmonocle · 6 months
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The Cross of France (1914) by Romanine Brooks
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dandanjean · 27 days
Kafka et la poupée
À 40 ans, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), qui ne s’est jamais marié et n’avait pas d’enfant, se promenait dans le parc de Berlin quand il rencontra Ingrid, une petite fille qui pleurait parce qu’elle avait perdu sa poupée préférée. Franz et elle cherchèrent la poupée sans succès. Alors il lui proposa de revenir le lendemain afin de la chercher encore. Le lendemain, la poupée demeurant introuvable,…
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wornoutspines · 1 month
Second Chance (2016 TV Series) Season Review | Unrealized Potential
I re-watched #SecondChance, and the concept, storylines and performances still hold up. I totally recommend for all sci-fi and crime drama fans. #TVSeries #Lokinglass #ScienceFiction @adhirkalyan @DilshadVadsaria @RobertKazinsky
Rand Ravich (Creator)CASTRobert KazinskyDilshad VadsariaAdhir KalyanCiara BravoVanessa LengiesTim DeKay Review This short-lived science-fiction crime drama is a series that I’ve re-watched a few times. It’s a clever modernization of Mary Shelly‘s Frankenstein which follows the story of Jimmy Pritchard, a 75-year-old former disgraced sheriff, played by Philip Baker Hall, who is murdered during a…
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lapostaldemardelplata · 11 months
¡Inflación galopante!
Por el abogado Eduardo Andriotti Romanin El Gobierno de AF acaba de dar a conocer por vía de un INdEC creíble, la inflación del mes de mayo y sus resultados son desalentadores y poco auspiciosos en la guerra contra la inflación. El ente de mediciones marcó una inflación galopante un con un interanual de mas de un 100por ciento y con una proyección de más del 150 anual para el año 2023. Sergio…
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dritez · 9 months
Të ruaj në biblotekën e zemrës si romanin më të bukur!❤️
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