jeintalu · 3 months
Rootsi on okupeeritud
Rootsi parlament ratifitseeris lepingu, mis lubab USA-l rajada Rootsi sõjaväebaase.
Tuumarelvade paigutamist Rootsi see leping ei välistanud.
Norra ja Soome seevastu on kehtestanud seadused, mis ei luba tuumarelvi riigi territooriumile paigutada.
Eesti poliitikud pole sellistel teemadel avalikult rääkinudki.
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brrrrrism · 1 year
"Ohtlik anne" - Camilla Sten
Kirjastus: Eesti Raamat Lehekülgi: 338 Ilmumisaasta: 2023 Kombinatsioon Camilla Läckbergi “Kuldsest puurist” ja Sebastian Fitzeki “Teraapiast”, mis toob lugejateni järjekordse naiste poolt loodud impeeriumi, segased suhted ning hulljulge kättemaksuhimu. Usaldus asendub hirmuga, armastus vihaga, sõprus vaenuga. Ning seda kõike vaid kuulsuse, au, võimu ja raha pärast. Ohtlik…
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Nordecon: Ehituslepingu sõlmimine Tagadi ökodukti rajamiseks
Nordecon: Ehituslepingu sõlmimine Tagadi ökodukti rajamiseks
AS Nordecon kontserni ettevõte Tariston AS ja OÜ Rail Baltic Estonia sõlmisid töövõtulepingu Tagadi ökodukti rajamiseks Rail Baltica trassile Harju maakonnas. Lepingu maksumus on 5,3 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Tööde valmimise tähtaeg on 2024.a september. Nordeconi kontsern (www.nordecon.com) hõlmab ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud hoonete ja rajatiste ehitamise projektijuhtimisele…
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rootplants · 2 months
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russia has a chokehold on me... more doodles!!!
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Adromischus with their lil leggies. :3
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keyboard-crat · 1 year
Murdsin täna kahtlaselt rohke vaevaga peahoone küljeuksest sisse (apparently seda oli üritatud lukustada), kogu maja kihas, kursakad rääkisid, kuidas pommikoer neid garderoobis üle nuusutas ja mul võttis u 8 minutit aega et aru saada, et ruotsi kunn isiklikult on meid väisamas
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melveres · 1 year
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petrolandchlorine · 1 year
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elizaneals · 2 years
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#rhrowbackthursday to my #FabulousFerndale days and the beginning of my obsession with #DenimJumpsuits #rockin the #blues from the Jump💙 Go back to #Messinwithafool and hear what I've always been up to creating #Rootsy #Bluesy #Americanroots and #Modernblues💙 #Recordingartist #Bluessinger #touringartist #rocksinger #womenwhorock #Womeninblues #Detroitblues #JerseyCityArtist #Femaleproducer #Blondebombshell #denimfashion #songwriter #Arranger #keyboards #rockstaroftheblues⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2wlJ4utEp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 months
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Here is my mass-revenge for everyone on Artfight up until a certain point (I’m so sorry if you didn’t make it in, this took me a few days to make 🙇💀💀💀)
(Credits/tags under the cut)
TV/Dark: @darkxsoulzyx (ME)
Virux: @bunrux (and whom the attack is addressed too because wE’RE LINKED TOGETHER)
Indigo: @astral-olive
Ace/Luria: @gufaspins
Invalid: Breadmaster (artfight)
Nihility/Tizo: @cinnabynn
Puppet: @dustyisegg
Stitch: idiotofthecentury404 (DeviantArt)/cheese_idiot2 (Twitter)
Luna Phasma: @stefdarkblood
Tasia: pinnipuff (artfight)
Ace/Soi: yekorav (Instagram)
Ali Surna: @alisurna
Hollow/Fatality: @inkywellcrow
Beast Sans: FernTail06 (instagram)
Candyland DCA/Sandman: @garbagechocolate
RELLIK: @s0l-st-ice
Alex: @boredlydoodling
Livvy: flowerry_._ (tiktok)
Floral/Unknown: Holy_Mol_y (Twitter)
Crash: @russianfig
Vitrum: @mossdoesartshit
AbsentCat/Mystery Apocalypse: Absentcat (tiktok and YouTube)
Rootsy: @awoscorner
Eli Jin/Fry08: @sandeewithtwoe
Rosy Sans: @justabirds-art
Judas: @claie171art
Comedy/Tragedy: @woolysstuff
Faolan: @the-jadedknight
Kai: @blizzysnowolf
Scot: @usercookie2008
Thane/Nyx: Khaotic_Order (Twitter) Khaotic_order_ (instagram)
Moss: @swiftmitsu
Chiib/H.O.PE.: @chiib-foxx-artz
Glitter: @kandidandi
Motus: potato_mochi_679 (instagram)
Tempean: @zef01
Loanen Riverside: nox_starswimmer ( instagram)
Twister/Wraith: @marinavoyageuse
Aya: @domijeannes
Exp: Cut_It_Out (Artfight (and I’m assuming Amino?))
Oh, and if any of you were curious about how much it was worth… >:)
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jeintalu · 1 year
Mul on plaan:
Baltikum tuleb kuulutada tuumarelvade vabaks tsooniks.
Vaesestatud uraaniga tugevdatud mürsud tuleb Eestis kuulutada keelatuks.
Eesti peab hankima traditsioonilisemaid enesekaitsevahendeid.
Veelgi parem oleks, kui selle plaaniga ühineksid ka Soome ja Rootsi.
Ilmselt Norra langeb välja, sest Norra on juba raketišahte täis uuristatud.
Kõige vahvam oleks, kui selle plaani saaks Venemaaga kokku leppida nii, et ka Kaliningrad oleks tuumapommi vaba tsoon (ja miks mitte ka Valgevene).
Sealkandis läheb asi aga keeruliseks, sest Poola ja Valgevene omavad Ukrainaga ühist piiri, aga Ukrainas käib sõda.
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brrrrrism · 1 year
"Kutsung sisekosmosest" - Elin Nilsson
Kirjastus: Päike ja Pilv Lehekülgi: 160 Ilmumisaasta: 2022 Raamatu juures kutsusid esimese hooga lugema kaks peamist tegurit – sõna “kosmos” pealkirjas ning idee lühijuttude kogumikust. Polnud ammu ühtegi kogumikku lugenud, mistõttu oli hea vaheldus, lisaks on tegemist nooremale lugejaskonnale suunatud lugemispaladega, mistõttu sai selleski valdkonnas üle pika aja linnukese kirja. Tutvustus…
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Nordecon: Ehituslepingu sõlmimine Karlssoni lasteaia ehitustöödeks Viljandis
Nordecon: Ehituslepingu sõlmimine Karlssoni lasteaia ehitustöödeks Viljandis
AS Nordecon kontserni ettevõte Embach Ehitus OÜ ja Viljandi Linnavalitsus sõlmisid töövõtulepingu Viljandi linnas Kesk-Kaare 19 asuva Karlssoni lasteaia hoone ja territooriumi ehitustööde teostamiseks. Lepingu maksumus on 5,1 miljonit eurot, millele lisandub käibemaks. Tööde valmimise tähtaeg on 2023.a lõpp. Nordeconi kontsern (www.nordecon.com) hõlmab ettevõtteid, mis on keskendunud hoonete ja…
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leomacgivena · 3 months
ROOTSYさんのツイート (via leomacgivena)
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unofficial-estonia · 9 months
Inspireerituna sellest postitusest
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months
I have a mostly heterosexual readership but my number of queer readers are growing exponentially by the week. I am grateful for any human soul who adores the frequency I channel from and feel expanded in any capacity by my work.
I do not try to fit it with the heterosexual community because I am not a heterosexual person in my thinking, perceiving, or feeling. I do not care to fit in with the queer community either because I don't sense myself queer. The queer community is too wounded in oppression, locked into the mortal mind, and generally moves through the world too victimized for my taste and archetypal texture, not in full ownership of their divine power and light, which can also be said for the conscious black community. I have never felt aligned with the Western word "queer" as I feel more undefinable--which means-- indigenous and rootsy, a frequency where "sexuality" wasn't rigid and had a natural range, depth, spirit, and viscosity, a primordial mother so lighthearted and sensitive to subtle energy that she could make passionate love to the universe and repair her aching knee joints with the provisional light received. There is a great gift in not defining, boxing, or organizing every part of us into a system of language. Thank you, Mother Sobonfu Some, for courageously authoring range and clarity in your divine work.
I am merely who I am, and that person, that playful, creative, dancing, beautiful, womanly spirit in female form, a medicine woman and sensual Priestess, is enough.
I have lived in a 3rd lane for most of my life because I generally do not feel inferior to anyone or any system, which assisted me in unplugging the limiting programming and dogmatic thinking from my tissues and building more real grounded confidence in myself and my unique imprint without having a whole entourage around coddling me along the way. I didn't need to be part of the "feminist" crowd. The "witch" group. The LGBTQIA crowd. The conscious Black crowd. I participated in everything that I wanted to without any labels attached to my personhood. I was free. I still am.
The more anonymous you walk around, the brighter you shine.- Mother Caroline Myss
I care deeply about what's real--true love, the brightest expression of the power of God/creation running through our bodies, lives, and experiences.
I have dedicated myself to embodying love imperfectly. I am devoted to the chaotic and vulnerable journey of living full and plump and loving innocently. And it is a journey because all the programmings and conditioning baked into my mind, body, and psyche, and even the TV shows and movies I watched in my youth, have to come undone. And it can be chaotic because you are literally letting go of everything, shifting your perceptional field, changing frequencies, growing consciousness, growing new tissues, and evolving your mind. True chaos is the structure of the divine feminine. Surrender is key.
I also care about real nourishment and lubrication/hydration. And a range of intimacies and passions. And real human emotion. And authenticity. And relaxation, playfulness, and groundedness. And truthful, thoughtful, vulnerable relationships. And regeneration.
I am a Lover Archetype through and through.
I care about how to inspire people to love themselves (their cells) better and to love other people (and the cells of other people) better. And the only way to know love is to muster the courage to move through addictions, obsessions, shadows, and other blockages to love.
My desire to always be myself and not fit in if the harmony was not truly there has also been my superpower that has kept my body ripe life force energy, that juicy love, innocence, and aliveness. It has also kept my mind sharp and clear. I was never meant to fit in. And I am willing to bet that neither were you.
Trust the ones who don't try to fit in.
The ones who seek to evolve into new imprints.
The ones who weave the deep magic of full body sensual explorations into practical life.
The ones who come out from the limiting programming of ancestors and heal unseen kin. The ones who harness the courage required to live their best lives.
The ones who tread through the mud of race, class, sexuality, and gender and stack river rocks as offerings to nuanced femme Gods.
The ones who do not shrink in order to make other people feel comfortable.
The ones who descend into the underworld, slough through discomforts, and come back with otherworldly solutions and next step directions.
The ones who burn with flames so red hot that their mere presence, without words or the any need to profess, illuminates.
The ones who dare to dream so big that they appear brilliantly naïve and beautifully childlike.
The ones who know that their knowledge is only a fraction of the whole truth.
The magical ones with soft strength and deep vulnerability, heat and humility, love and compassion, and drive and kindness. See them. Welcome them. Honour them. And most importantly, recognize them in you.
None of us are not supposed to do this work alone. --India Ame'ye, Author
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