#Rose McAllister
eldritchdiplomacy · 10 months
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Thoran O'Donnelly
Mag'har | Clan McAllister
Half-Orc, Worgen, Brawler, Headlander, Just a kid from the Canals
Father | Mother
Age: 19 Height: 6'5"
A tall, broad, olive-skinned lad, Thoran might strike one as older than his 19 years, until they truly took in his cheery, if scarred up face. Though roped in muscle and scattered with scars, Thoran has a very kind, open, youthful appearance overall. His auburn-brown hair is almost always tied back, revealing the scar that passes through his left eye ((pretend it's the same in both forms, c'mon game)). He dresses plainly when not in his Harvest Witch's vestments, his clothes simple but lovingly mended and clean, tidy. He is prone to smiling wide, even with how unsettled it might make people at the sight of his small lower tusks.
In worgen-form, his fur is ((in model!)) a muddly black green, his scars ever more apparent slicing through rough fur. His ears are bid ol' ragged satellites, his same eye grey, yet somehow his grin is just as kindly.
Unless throats need tearing out, of course.
Thoran is a very pleasant, kind young man, despite the roughings up he's clearly been through in his short few years. He is quick with a smile, a joke, a drink on him if you're short….but don't be fooled. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing, those scars were earned in the brawlers club, starting when he wasn't strictly old enough to be there.
Some points!
He grew up in the dwarven and mage districts since the age of 2 - his father the mage schoolteacher Mykhael O'Donnelly. While sure, some might be wary of a half-orc, anyone who's lived there and been active in the local community would know him on sight as a big nice boy, who breaks up far more fights than he starts….outside the ring, of course.
Along with his three Gilnean Headlander cousins, they probably influenced some truly insane accents in their peers growing up.
His mother is Gaezull, an Outland Mag'har orc living in Northrend since BC. Though not together, his parents cared/care greatly for each other, and he WILL correct anyone who implies his conception was anything but loving and consensual.
Darnassus was.....an education >.>
"In the clearing stands a boxer And a fighter by his trade And he carries the reminders Of every glove that laid him down Or cut him till he cried out In his anger and his shame "I am leaving, I am leaving" But the fighter still remains..."
"But I know being reckless & young is not where the damage gets done."
You'll Be In My Heart Everyone Is Someone's 10,000 Miles A Stor Mo Chroi Mykhael:
Two Of Us Sweet Afton Mammas, Don't Let Your Babies... Cloudbusting Two Worlds Reprise Growing Up/The Cousins:
Damage Gets Done Time to Run So Nice So Smart Darnassus:
Show Your Fangs Fast Car Safe & Sound De Selby (Part 1)
Present/Time To Adventure Bb Boi:
Studying Stones Learn Me Right Take The Heartland The Boxer
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miraacleworker · 3 months
them i think
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og post vvv
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
Bailey Rose McAllister. 🩵🤍
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Animal Crossing: The Group Chat
The squad uses their NookPhones to make a group chat. Characters in the tags :)
Rep. McAllister created “the GOAT squad”
Rep. McAllister added bailey rose to the chat
bailey rose: First
Rep. McAllister: SHIT
bailey rose: ✌️
Rep. McAllister: I will DISOWN YOU
bailey rose: is this supposed to be a group chat??
bailey rose: because there’s only 2 of us
Rep. McAllister: im gonna add guilliver
bailey rose: you spelled his name wrong
Rep. McAllister: GODDAMMIT
Rep. McAllister added Gulliver to the chat
bailey rose: Gully, hoi
Rep. McAllister: Answer your phone Gulliver
Rep. McAllister added Wilbur and Orville to the chat
bailey: you haven’t talked in 4 months
Rep. McAllister: SHUSH
Wilbur: What’s up electric hair dryers, it’s your local leg warmer!!
bailey rose: Wilbur what are you on
Wilbur: I don’t do drugs.
bailey rose: ….
Wilbur: Hold on. I’ll grab Gully for ya.
Rep. McAllister: 👍
bailey rose: :)
Gulliver: What’s up, Skipper?
bailey rose: HOYA GULLIVER
Rep. McAllister: HIIIII BESTIE
Gulliver: wait….why are we goats
Wilbur: You don’t know what GOAT stands for??
bailey rose: WHAT????
bailey rose: Greatest of all time
Gulliver: Ahhhh……I’m gonna cry in the corner from embarrassment.
Wilbur: Gully don’t.
Gulliver: 😭😭😭😭 I cri
Rep. McAllister: Nooooo guys, we made Gulliver cry!
Gulliver: Don’t worry, behind this phone I am not actually crying.
Wilbur: Phew.
bailey rose: guys why do u type in complete sentences this isn’t an english essay
Wilbur: Because that’s what I want to do.
Rep. McAllister: It’s professional. I am a leader.
Gulliver: yuo cna speel wurds ayn wey yoou watn adn stlil red teh stenence
Rep. McAllister: Gulliver, how much sleep did you get last night?
Gulliver: …..
Gulliver: At least five hours.
Wilbur: It was less than that.
bailey rose: 👀
Rep. McAllister: You were playing that snake game on Orville’s computer again, weren’t you?
Orville: WHAT??
bailey rose: hi orville
Orville: Gulliver, I told you to go to bed by eleven.
Gulliver: I am adult now. I make the rules.
Gulliver: 😏
bailey rose: gulliver you’re like always passed out, how do you function with less than FIVE HOURS OF SLEEP????
Gulliver: Coffee.
Wilbur: I just KNOW Gully is yawning in his room right now.
Gulliver: 😠
Gulliver: …..
Gulliver: oh no
Orville: I want to be mad at you, but I can’t because you’re too nice. So, no coffee for the next two days.
Gulliver: WHAT??????
Orville: You need to sleep more. And don’t steal my coffee.
Gulliver: I’m so sorry Orville, I was really tired this morning during my shift and I needed my coffeeeeee!!
bailey rose: this is fun to watch
Rep. McAllister: Agreed.
Orville: Wait…Allie is in this chat?
bailey rose: Bro Allie created this chat. 😂
Orville: …..
Orville: So anyways, I am a dumbass!
Gulliver: Me too!!
Wilbur: Me three!!
Rep. McAllister: Should’ve named this chat the Dumbass Squad.
bailey rose: don’t do that
Rep McAllister: you’re on thin ice bailey
Gulliver: Should we add Ketchup to this chat?
Rep. McAllister: I’m on it laddie!
Rep. McAllister added KETCHUP THE POP STAR to the chat
Gulliver: Wait what if we made a group chat with like the entire town????
Wilbur: Gully, that would be too many people for one group chat.
Gulliver: 🥺
Wilbur: Don’t puppy dog eyes me, Gully. That is Too Many People.
Gulliver: Fine. 😠
bailey rose: hi ketchup
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: How are y’all doing????
Gulliver: Just fine, skipper!
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: Gulliver is in this chat? Awesomesauce!
Gulliver: I am indeed.
Wilbur: Gully has something to tell you.
Rep. McAllister: Gulliver stayed up too late playing games on the computer again.
KETCHUP THE POP STAR: So this wasn’t the first time?
Gulliver: It happened one other time.
Wilbur: It was more than that.
Gulliver: How DARE you??
Rep. McAllister: Yeah Gulliver, do it.
bailey rose: if we can get gulliver to go to bed at a reasonable time, we will get him cookies tomorrow.
Gulliver: COOKIES??
Gulliver: Hell yeah.
bailey rose: and gully if you stay up on the computer tonight, i’m gonna add tom nook to this chat.
Tom Nook: Hello, this is Mr. Nook speaking, yes yes!
bailey rose: I DONT KNOW!!!!!!
Gulliver: o-o
Tom Nook: Is there a matter in which you need my assistance? Construction, perhaps?
Rep. McAllister: Hello, Mr. Nook. I apologize for our craziness in this group chat. I don’t know how you found your way in here, but all is well.
Tom Nook: I see. Do you want to build a bridge? Or maybe a new incline?
Rep. McAllister: I don’t want to build anything right now.
Tom Nook: But McAllister, I have striking new deals! 50% off on all bridges for two days! Normally a zen bridge would be 228,000 Bells, but now it’s 200,000 Bells!
bailey rose: …
Rep. McAllister: That’s not 50% off.
Tom Nook: Now, listen up PUNK.
Gulliver: oh-
Tom Nook: You want that bridge or not?
Rep. McAllister: Mr. Nook, you never call anyone a punk.
Wilbur: Guys, Orville’s been awfully quiet…
bailey rose: so have you, wil.
Wilbur: Besides the point. Orville isn’t in this chat anymore.
Gulliver: WHAT???? He left?? NOOOO, TOM NOOK KICKED HIM OUT!!!!!!
Rep. McAllister: Wait a second……
bailey rose: ……
Rep McAllister: That’s Orville! He changed his name and profile picture! You sneaker!
Tom Nook: Yes yes, I assume you don’t want that bridge.
Tom Nook has left the chat
Wilbur: That was Orville 100%. Nice job, y’all fell HARD.
Rep. McAllister: Ok, Wil, you don’t have to EXPOSE all of us now!
Gulliver: Yes?
Gulliver: I thought we already established that I am going to bed tonight?
Rep. McAllister: And he’s getting cookies.
Gulliver: Those are for me. But I can save you one.
Gulliver: I said 1. ONE.
Gulliver: 👍
bailey rose: can i have one too
Gulliver: Okay. Everybody gets ONE EACH. and the rest are for me.
Wilbur: Got it, Gully!
Rep. McAllister: Woo hoo, I get a cookie!
bailey rose: what about orville
Rep. McAllister: We’ll save him one.
Rep. McAllister added Orville to the chat
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droughtofapathy · 9 months
So, last month I saw an ad for the new Feud season in my Playbills, and it reminded me that I'd jotted down a concept in 2022 of a Swan-type situation for my Gilded Age Divas with Ward McAllister as Truman Capote (would not be surprised if that was Nathan Lane's inspiration). GA history mirrors Swan history in many ways with the whole fallout between Lina Astor and McAllister, so it was already primed. But I put it on the backburner because, having read In Cold Blood years ago, I find Capote insufferable and had no desire to research further into what the hypothetical fic concept would entail. However. I just watched the first promo for the upcoming show, and now I'm fascinated again.
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dduane · 7 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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queenvernage · 1 year
if you're mentally ill, your fave power ranger is on this list:
billy cranston
tanya sloane
tj johnson
damon henderson
chad lee
danny delagdo
trip regis
blake bradley
trent fernandez
jack landors
madison rocca
rose ortiz
theo martin
flynn mcallister
gem and/or gemma
jayden shiba
lauren shiba
noah carver
chase randall
nate silva
ollie okana
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fair-city-inquiries · 22 days
Roleplay Information
Randy here, hello!
Okay - this is also out of character but I figured this would be a neat way to introduce not just the roleplay but the character involved with it! So, let’s get right to it, shall we?
Wordgirl: What the Future Holds
The blog technically is an alternate universe nicknamed “What the Future Holds”. In reality, it’s a post-canon universe set after the series finale ‘Rhyme and Reason’. The blog follows title lead, Becky Botsford, who is now in high school as a freshman. The timeline is exactly how it happened in the show, though there might be some differences! Not that it’s entirely necessary to know, to be honest.
This blog is specifically for Becky Botsford, not Wordgirl. What the Future Holds will be focusing on both her time in high school, as well as silly nonsense with headcanons mixed in!
Now, onto information about the character/muse, Becky Botsford!
Becky Botsford
Name: Rebecca Botsford
Nicknames: Becky/Becks (used by friends and/or family), Beckface (coined by Victoria Best), any variant of Becky - Becky Doodles, Beckaroni, etc - (all coined by members of the Botsford family), kid/kiddo (by Dr. Two Brains), dearie/dear/my dear (used by Granny May)
Age: 14 years old!
Birthday: [404.EROR], May 15 (presumed birthday by the Botsford’s)
Allies/Friends: Violet Heaslip, Todd “Scoops” Ming, Rose Franklin, Bob Botsford
Acquaintances: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III, Victoria Best, Eileen
Enemies: [REDACTED]
Friendly Rivals: Theodore “Tobey” McAllister III
Family Members: [REDACTED], Adoptive - Sally Botsford (Mom), Tim Botsford (Dad), TJ Botsford (Younger Brother), Bob (“pet” monkey)
Becky Botsford is the eldest child in the Botsford family. She was taken in and adopted by them when she’d still been a young girl after being found mysteriously in front of their house. An adept reader as she was somehow reading a newspaper while still being very little.
She grew up in Fair City which was rampant with super-villains, although most were stopped by super-heroine Wordgirl. Apparently Wordgirl and Becky have interacted before but of course - that’s as far as it goes. The audience knows otherwise. As a child, Becky attended Woodview Elementary School alongside her best friend, Violet Heaslip, and her first crush Todd “Scoops” Ming. Things were a bit trying with the supervillains in the city, but thankfully - Wordgirl managed to kick butt and send them to jail, and again and again every time they broke out.
Becky would eventually graduate from elementary and middle school. Now the school year has picked up again as she’s exploring her time as a freshman. She’s part of the Debate Team, as well as an honorary member of Book Club (though she also has her moments when she seems to have disappeared-).
Things of course, are about to get very interesting.
Headcanons & Additional Muse Information
⭐️ The Botsford’s are Afro-Latin Americans, much like Becky! Even if she is adopted - she is also Afro-Latina. She’s fluent in both English and Spanish, though who knows maybe she knows other languages~ ;))
⭐️ Becky is an avid reader. Canonically, she’s known for checking out ten books at once from the library! She has a soft spot for light romance-fantasy genres - though she also enjoys crime and mystery thrillers!
⭐️ Her fixation on PPMPPH never went away!
⭐️ Becky is autistic and ADHD, and you cannot convince me otherwise. This is canon now.
⭐️ She’s a bit nervous about juggling [REDACTED] and her high school classes but she’ll be fine. After all, she could handle it in the past… right?
⭐️ Becky and Violet’s friendship strengthened following “Rhyme and Reason”, but it also caused some unfortunate trauma, and that’s all you’re getting for now!
⭐️ She has freckles because I said so
More headcanons will be dropped soon!
If you’re a fellow roleplayer who wishes to interact with the blog, please please - let me know if you want to! 🙏
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hahahax30 · 6 days
Buckle up because this is super long, and I mean, way too long
Basically it starts with Roland Brisbane, aka Break Bones, the leader of the currently unnamed cult. He originally created the cult with his childhood sweetheart, Lorna McAllister, with whom he’d grown up with in the same Glasgow neighborhood. They’d had completely different upbringings. With Roland being the heir to the uber-rich and ancient (formerly noble) Brisbane family (and by rich, I mean old money, unlimited funds, almost billionaires) and Lorna the daughter of a local butcher, raised firmly in the lower middle class. But despite that, they’d had similar views on justice and magical politics, power, honesty, etc.
And so they began to create their cult with peaceful protests and activism, due process and going fully legal in every way they could in order to make the magical world a better place. This became extremely pertinent after the birth of their son, Barty, when they were 21
He became their guiding light, everything they did, they did for him and for the hope he would have a better life and grow up in a better world. They saw him as their hope for the future, he was going to come of age in their new nation, the one they created to keep magic safe
And everything was going well, until Barty turned four. The cult (not yet a cult) had gained a small following and the Brisbanes were happy. Then Lorna was murdered by humans who found out about her magic and killed her for it. All of the light went out from Roland’s heart the day she died in front of him. He lost Lorna and his following very quickly after, he’d lost nearly everything. He left Glasgow and moved himself and Barty to the Brisbane ancestral home in the Scottish Highlands
He became dedicated to raising his son and rising up his cult again. He became successful, eventually gaining a large following by the time Barty was a teenager. The cult was mainly young people, friends of Barty’s from school, clubs, everywhere really. Roland became drunk on the power, gaining more ambition as time went on
Barty, however, became more disillusioned with what his father did as he got older and started to pull away from the cult when he turned nineteen. He later died in an accident shortly after his nineteenth birthday, though despite many witnesses, nobody could say for sure what had happened to him
Barty’s death ruined Roland. It tore his heart from his chest. He was forever changed. He had lost his son and the love of his life, he had nothing left outside of his power. The only thing he had left of Barty was his four best friends-his band of brothers-, including Steel Grey and Ivan Saltykov; whom Barty had not told of his plans to leave the cult and Roland used his death to manipulate his friends into sticking with him after Barty’s death
He spends two years tracking down a key witness in Barty’s death, a young woman. After two years of stalking this woman, he finds out her biggest secret: she’s a selkie
Selkies are the key in a spell he had found, one that would bring back what once was lost. And so he captures her and steals her sealskin, forcing her to marry him under the guise that if she does what he wants, he’ll give her back her skin
Spoiler alert: he doesn’t
He gives her the name Cassandra and they eventually go on to have two of my MCs, the twins Oona and Viggo (temporary names), who are unaware of their selkie heritage, as well as many other children. All under the guise that eventually Roland would give Cassandra back her sealskin and allow her to go back to the sea
All four MCs: Oona and Viggo Brisbane, Rose Tully, and Zoya Amobi-Chapman (also known as Zoya Saltykova), were raised within the cult until they were preteens and the cult was forcibly disbanded with Roland’s death at the hands of the magical government after they found out that he planned to reveal magic to the humans
And basically after they did that, the MCs were sent to a magical detention center for years to determine if they were “evil” or not, before being sent to do house arrest at a Brisbane property in a small New England town called Romulus, where the WIP takes place
Omg that went on a lot longer than I planned for it to be, I’m sorry-
Okay, I finally managed to have time to get to this!
Is Barty's death going to be important for the plot???? What with it being mysterious
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ranger-ribbons · 1 year
Seasons and Ships
Hello! This is just a little thing so let people know what I ship in which seasons! If you don't see a season on here, I haven't seen that season. If you don't see a ship on here, ask me about it! Let me be clear now, I'm willing to write for the ships, but please check the list or ask me to make sure I'm okay with it. Thank you!
Mighty Morphin'
Jason Lee Scott/Zach Taylor/Billy Cranston/Trini Kwan/Kimberly Ann Hart
Jason Lee Scott/Billy Cranston
Trini Kwan/Kimberly Ann Hart
Jason Lee Scott/Tommy Oliver
In Space:
Kimberly Ann Hart/Tommy Oliver
T.J. Johnson/Cassie Chan
Carlos Vallerta/Ashley Hammond
Lost Galaxy:
Leo Corbett/Kai Chen/Damon Henderson/Maya/Kendrix Morgan
Leo Corbett/Kai Chen/Damon Henderson/Maya
Leo Corbett/Kai Chen
Leo Corbett/Kai Chen/Damon Henderson
Leo Corbett/Kai Chen/Kendrix Morgan
Leo Corbett/Damon Henderson
Leo Corbett/Maya
Leo Corbett/Kendrix Morgan
Kai Chen/Damon Henderson
Kai Chen/Maya
Kai Chen/Kendrix Morgan
Damon Henderson/Maya
Damon Henderson/Kendrix Morgan
Maya/Kendrix Morgan (Lost Galaxy)
Lightspeed Rescue:
Carter Grayson/Kelsey Winslow
Carter Grayson/Dana Mitchell
Carter Grayson/Ryan Mitchell
Chad Lee/Kelsey Winslow
Joel Rawlings/Angela Fairweather
Chad Lee/Joel Rawlings
Chad Lee/Marina
Kelsey Winslow/Dana Mitchell
Time Force:
Wes Collins/Jen Scotts/Lucas Kendall/Katie Walker/Trip Regis/Eric Myers
Wes Collins/Jen Scotts/Lucas Kendall/Katie Walker/Trip Regis
Wes Collins/Jen Scotts/Trip Regis/Eric Myers
Wes Collins/Trip Regis/Eric Myers
Wes Collins/Jen Scotts
Wes Collins/Trip Regis
Jen Scotts/Katie Walker
Lucas Kendall/Katie Walker
Trip Regis/Eric Myers
Eric Myers/Wes Collins
Wild Force:
Cole Evans/Merrick Baliton/Princess Shayla
Cole Evans/Merrick Baliton
Taylor Earhardt/Alyssa Enrile
Danny Delgato/Max Cooper
Ninja Storm:
Shane Clarke/Tori Hanson/Dustin Brooks/Hunter Bradley/Cam Wantanabe
Shane Clarke/Tori Hanson/Dustin Brooks/Blake Bradley/Cam Wantanabe
Shane Clarke/Tori Hanson/Dustin Brooks/Cam Wantanabe
Shane Clarke/Tori Hanson/Dustin Brooks
Shane Clarke/Tori Hanson
Shane Clarke/Dustin Brooks
Shane Clarke/Hunter Bradley
Shane Clarke/Blake Bradley
Shane Clarke/Cam Watanabe
Tori Hanson/Dustin Brooks
Tori Hanson/Hunter Bradley
Dustin Brooks/Hunter Bradley
Tori Hanson/Blake Bradley
Tori Hanson/Cam Watanabe
Dustin Brooks/Blake Bradley
Dustin Brooks/Cam Watanabe
Hunter Bradley/Cam Wantanabe
Blake Bradley/Cam Watanabe
Dino Thunder:
Conner McKnight/Ethan James/Kira Ford/Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Conner McKnight/Ethan James
Kira Ford/Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Tommy Oliver/Hayley Ziktor
Jack Landors/Sky Tate/Bridge Carson/Z Delgato/Syd Drew
Jack Landors/Sky Tate/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Sky Tate
Z Delgato/Syd Drew
Jack Landors/Bridge Carson
Jack Landors/Z Delgato
Jack Landors/Syd Drew
Sky Tate/Bridge Carson
Sky Tate/Z Delgato
Sky Tate/Syd Drew
Bridge Carson/Z Delgato
Bridge Carson/Syd Drew
Mystic Force:
Nick Russell/Maddison Rocca
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn/Xander Blye/Vida Rocca
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn/Xander Blye/Maddison Rocca
Chip Thorn/Xander Blye/Vida Rocca
Nick Russell/Chip Thorn
Chip Thorn/Vida Rocca
Maddison Rocca/Xander Blye
Maddison Rocca/Amelia Jones (Dino Fury)
Operation Overdrive:
Mack Hartford/Will Aston/Dax Lo/Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz/Tyzon
Ronny Robinson/Rose Ortiz
Mack Hartford/Will Aston
Mack Hartford/Tyzon
Will Aston/Ronny Robinson
Jungle Fury:
Casey Rhodes/RJ Jameson
Lily Chillman/Theo Martin
Dom Hargan/Fran
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllister/Summer Landsdown/Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllister/Summer Landsdown
Scott Truman/Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman/Flynn McAllister
Scott Truman/Summer Landsdown
Scott Truman/Dillon
Scott Truman/Ziggy Grover
Summer Landsdown/Tenaya
Flynn McAllister/Summer Landsdown
Flynn McAllister/Dillon
Flynn McAllister/Ziggy Grover
Summer Landsdown/Dillon
Summer Landsdown/Ziggy Grover
Dillon/Ziggy Grover
Ziggy Grover/Doctor K
Gem/Doctor K
Gemma/Doctor K
Jayden Shiba/Anonio Garcia
Kevin Yamamoto/Mike Sato
Mia Wantanabe/Emily Tanaka
Troy Burrows/Emma Goodall/Noah Carver/Gia Moran/Jake Holling/Orion
Troy Burrows/Emma Goodall/Noah Carver/Gia Moran/Jake Holling
Troy Burrows/Orion
Troy Burrows/Jordan
Emma Goodall/Gia Moran
Emma Goodall/Noah Carver
Jake Holling/Noah Carver
Dino Charge:
Tyler Navarro/Chase Randall/Koda/Riley Griffin/Shelby Watkins/Ivan of Zander
Tyler Navarro/Chase Randall/Koda/Riley Griffin/Shelby Watkins
Chase Randall/Koda/Shelby Watkins/Kendall Morgan
Tyler Navarro/Chase Randall/Riley Griffin
Tyler Navarro/Shelby Watkins
Tyler Navarro/Riley Griffin
Chase Randall/Koda
Koda/Phillip Phillips
Shelby Watkins/Kendall Morgan
Heckyl/Levi Weston (Ninja Steel)
Ninja Steel:
Brody Romero/Preston Tien/Sarah Thompson/Calvin Maxwell/Hayley Foster
Brody Romero/Preston Tien/Sarah Thompson
Brody Romero/Preston Tien/Calvin Maxwell
Brody Romero/Preston Tien
Preston Tien/Calvin Maxwell
Sarah Thompson/Hayley Foster
Sarah Thompson/Levi Weston
Sarah Thompson/Viera
Calvin Maxwell/Hayley Foster
Beast Morphers:
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Devon Daniels/Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Ravi Shaw/Roxy
Devon Daniels/Ravi Shaw
Devon Daniels/Zoey Reeves
Devon Daniels/Nate Silva
Ravi Shaw/Zoey Reeves
Ravi Shaw/Nate Silva
Zoey Reeves/Nate Silva
Dino Fury:
Zayto/Ollie Akana
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Amelia Jones/Javi Garcia/Aiyon
Zayton/Ollie Akana/Amelia Jones/Izzy Garcia/Aiyon
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Amelia Jones
Zayto/Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
Amelia Jones/Izzy Garcia/Fern
Ollie Akana/Javi Garcia
Amelia Jones/Izzy Garcia
Izzy Garcia/Fern
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ztremx · 1 month
"True Patriots" will use Non-Lethal Booby Traps to humiliate Xenophobes and Christian Nationalist Wingnuts.
What do Rambo and Kevin McAllister have in common?
such as?
Pit Traps
Using the terrain: conveniently placed and potentially painful plants—like cacti, roses or blackberry hedges.
Spikes (and broken glass) Spike-strips, Nail-Boards, Caltrops
Fence-top smeared with Roofing Tar (and broken glass)
Lastly, a shotgun can be rigged to a trap. This is illegal almost everywhere, so not recommended, even if its just firing a blank (non-lethal)
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miraacleworker · 3 months
they grew 🥹
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fauvestictragedy · 3 months
this isnt au stuff mb but im just so hyped someone is actually in the room fandom!!!! i recently just binged all 4 games (recently as in finished 4 like 30 minutes ago) bc of the summer sale making the bundle super cheap and it kills me how its story isnt more popular, especially for how old and iconic it is. i just wanted to say hi to a fellow room fan, and i would absolutely love to hear anything about your au you wanna share! have a good day!
Hello there, fellow fan.
Autism goes fucking insane man.
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Something something random hyperfix on absolutely unspoken characters from the series: See, Dr. Beckett (his first name is Adam to me.)
The protagonist is actually just Trevor Pinerod, an old OC of mine, he just gets used as Tag because I could NOT be bothered to make a new character design. Anyways, as he is also a man with a medical degree, he’s homies with Beckett, and works with him, as the top doctor at a hospital, which Beckett now runs following what happened with Lucy Montfaucon. (fun fact: originally Trevor and Beckett were supposed to hate each other, but we got bored and now they are the best of friends. Take what you will with that. They be dropping the hardest lines of all time and oh my god they kill me ouuuuuugh)
Anyways, fun fact is that a lot of what I’m working with is built alongside @scylla-and-charybdis-posts and @balencia (Rose, and Deity.) !! We actually are just a few RPers who don’t know how we got here over the last two years.
Rose is responsible for a large portion of Dr. Beckett’s writing, and I just am the one who does the funny art. You’ll also occasionally see Rigby, Robert, or McAllister too, as I did designs for the last two like two days ago, and I just like Rigby. I also have Hirst, Montfaucon, Lucy, and Hydrus with designs, as well as Simon and A.S. Maggey has one but we actually know what she looks like 100% pretty much.
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Anyways here’s your content. My asks are ALWAYS open for TR related thoughts, and I have a separate ask blog for my Pokémon AU!!
Thanks for reaching out man, I’m the only artist around the fandom 95% of the time, and I may be crazy but I gotta feed y’all one way or another.
- Les Fauves
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
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From left to right: Gulliver, Rep. Mia McAllister, Bailey Rose McAllister, Tom Nook, a mystery person
In the summer of 2021, Gulliver finally put his sailor life behind and moved to the town of Cozy Beach for good. Two years on, he is happier than ever, and while he still holds the heavy weight of his past, the others are slowly helping him lift it off his shoulders.
For the two-year anniversary of Cozy Beach Adventures :)
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Today in my AU: July 22
~Cozy Beach Adventures 2~
Thursday 07/22/2021
Gulliver wakes up, groggy and disoriented, in the bedroom of Resident Rep. McAllister with her and her sister Bailey Rose. At first he doesn’t remember how he got here, or even where he is.
McAllister helps him remember the events of the night before: he had taken a nasty fall off the third level (a cliff that spans about two stories in height) and most likely took a hit to the head. He was unconscious for a few seconds, maybe closer to a minute, before coming around in the girls’ arms as they began to carry him back to her house. The walk was twenty minutes. They kept him awake the whole time, but he was very much out of it…and once they reached her bedroom he had to stay conscious longer, until she finally allowed him to sleep.
Now he doesn’t remember most of this.
He struggles to get out of bed, from the injuries the fall had given him, and so McAllister insists he stay there for the rest of the day. The two sisters care for him, giving him medications and food. It is also revealed that poor Bailey Rose had stayed up all night worrying about him, and she eventually goes back to her own house to get some rest.
After the events of this story, Gulliver decides to move to Cozy Beach permanently. In addition, Tom Nook sets up a hospital in town for obvious reasons.
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
“You're as safe as a mountain / But know that I'm dynamite” (Dynamite by Sigrid)
There is no order in which I'm writing these prompts, just what inspires me in the moment. I sat down this afternoon thinking that I wanted to write something happy and fluffy for Marina, but then this prompt caught my eye and I ended up writing something sad and angsty instead. 😂 I love this song and it gave me all the Marina feels.
A link to the song
The apartment is quiet and still when Maya gets home. She had left the station in the middle of the Halloween festivities, slipping out the front door as everyone enjoyed the party in the barn. She had found a pile of fresh clothes in her locker, a gift from her wife she presumes, and she had never been so grateful to slip into a clean t-shirt and pants, her Parka keeping her warm in the cool evening air.  
Closing the front door behind her, Maya shrugs off her jacket and slips out of her sneakers, grimacing as she bears weight on her sprained ankle and limping across the hard floor towards the kitchen in just her socks. She doesn’t bother with the overhead light, knowing her way around in the dark. She grabs a glass and fills it with water from the tap, then digs around in the top drawer until she finds a packet of Advil. She doesn’t bother to count them – extracting three, maybe four into her hand and throwing them into her mouth, swallowing them down with a swig of water.
Her stomach grumbles and she knows she should eat, but she is too exhausted to think about cooking. Even putting a slice of bread into the toaster feels like too much effort for her weary body. Instead, she takes a power bar out of the cupboard and eats it hungrily in just a couple of bites, then heads to the bedroom.
She lights the room with a bedside lamp and goes into the bathroom to clean her teeth. She can’t bare to see her reflection in the mirror, knowing how gaunt she looks these days, and keeps her gaze low, looking at the array of toiletries that are scattered across the vanity unit. She spits into the sink and dumps her toothbrush back into its cup, then picks up Carina’s moisturiser, uncapping it and holding it to her nose to inhale the soft scent of rose. It is a smell she knows well, all those times she has buried her face into Carina’s neck – an act of intimacy she hasn’t enjoyed for so long.
Maya’s heart hurts with sadness and loneliness, and she pushes it down, lets the walls build back up, tossing the bottle back onto the counter. She strips her clothes and pulls on a clean pair of pyjamas, then crawls into bed.
She hasn’t slept in her own bed for almost a week and, oh, it feels so good to sink into the familiar mattress. She pulls the comforter over her body and snuggles into the pillow, letting the warmth ease her aching limbs. If only it would do the same to her mind, which screams with voices she so desperately wants to dim – McAllister, Beckett, Ross, Carina, Andy: all telling her how she keeps screwing up, reminding her of her faults, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction in her path.
Maya squeezes her eyes closed. ‘Shut up!’ she begs. ‘Let me rest.’
She forces herself to think about something else and imagines herself running around the park, her feet pounding the gravel path, the cold wind harsh against her cheeks, her lungs working hard to push her faster and faster. She isn’t sure if the pulsing ache in her ankle is real or not, but she ignores it, letting the steady rhythm of her imaginary run soothe her into sleep.
She doesn’t know what time it is when Carina gets home, but the gentle dipping of the mattress as she slides into bed rouses Maya from her sleep. She opens her eyes to see Carina’s hair cascading over the pillow, the contours of her back flexing as she pulls her half of the comforter over her body. Oh, to be able to curl up against her body and feel Carina’s arm wrap around her, pulling her tight and whispering reassurances into her ear – that she’s not broken, that she’s not chaos, that she will make a good mom when they finally get the baby they have been dreaming about for so many months.
But that’s not who they are right now and so Maya stays silent; she doesn’t want Carina to know she is awake, doesn’t want her wife to roll over and look at her with the same disappointment that greets her every time they see each other.
Carina is kind and warm and beautiful, and yet it is written all over her face how sad and angry and frustrated she feels. She doesn’t deserve this. Maya could pretend that it is all about the baby, and how unfair it is that they have to jump through so many hoops to even try to get pregnant and how unfair it is that every attempt so far has failed, but she knows it is not true. Maya knows that she is slowly breaking the best thing that has ever happened to her and she wants to stop, she really does, but she can’t.
Maybe everyone is right. Maybe she is chaos and destruction – like a truck that ploughs through a group of motorcyclists on an afternoon ride.
Carina doesn’t deserve this, but maybe she does.  
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