#Rosemary Spencer Alcott
inevitablemoment · 4 months
I Know Better (But You're Still Around)
On the tenth anniversary of her mother's death, Lucy reflects on where she was then, where she is now, and what it means for her now that she herself is a mother.
Mom!Lucy flangst, Lunnister hurt/comfort, Bannister family feels.
Happy Mother's Day!
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inevitablemoment · 1 year
Frightober Day 10 - Pre-Canon!Lucy
Word Count: 470
Warnings: Aortic dissection, parent death, emotional abuse, emotionally detached romantic partner, heart condition, misdiagnosis mention, exhaustion mention
Fandom: The Frighteners
Pairings: Lucy Lynskey x Ray Lynskey (NOTP)
Warning; this is a rough one.
Lucy is twenty-four at this point, so she's in her second year of med school.
The ringing of the phone roused Lucy from what had already been a rough sleep. She had gone to bed with an upset stomach and a tight chest that night after a full week of all-night studying, finally crashing into her bed because she had no other choice.
Not like Ray cared enough to try to ask her to get some rest. He would only try to pry her away from her textbooks for sex.
She picked up the cordless phone from the charger and drowsily answered, "Hello?"
"Is this Rosemary Spencer's daughter, Lucy Lynskey?" a man's voice asked.
"Yes, this is she," Lucy answered. "Who is this?"
"I'm Dr. McGovern," he introduced. "I was the cardiologist who treated your mother--"
"Cardiologist? Is she okay?" she asked, not even letting him finish his sentence as her stomach dropped.
Lucy remembered her mother mentioning that Nana Robin died of heart problems, but Rosemary seemed to go through her life without facing any of the same issues.
"Mrs. Lynskey--"
"Dr. Lynskey," she corrected.
"My mistake," he apologized. "Dr. Lynskey, I'm sorry, but... your mother died at 10:48 PM earlier tonight..."
Lucy could actually feel her heart rip in half, even with her chest still so tight against it, with one half dropping into her stomach. Her eyes, already physically hurting from trying to stay open, were burning, and her throat was closing.
"Dr. Lynskey... are you still there?"
She remained silent.
"Dr. Lynskey?"
"Yes, I'm still here," she said.
Dr. McGovern explained to her that they had suspected that Rosemary suffered a heart attack, but the doctors soon learned that she had an aortic dissection. She underwent surgery in an attempt to repair the dissection, but she died on the operating table.
The rest of the phone call went by in a blur; if you were to ask Lucy what she remembered, all she could tell you was that her mother was dead. She put the phone back on the charger, waking Ray up.
"What're you doing up?" Ray grumbled. "It's the middle of the night."
"My mom... she's g--"
"Spit it out, Lucy. I'm not like you; I need sleep."
"My mom's dead," she kept herself from snapping at him.
Saying the words, the anger and frustration disappeared and a numbing sadness came.
As stupid as it was, a very, very small part of her hoped that Ray would see how clearly bereft she was, take her in his arms, and comfort her.
Instead, he said nothing and turned back onto his side.
Lucy tried to give him the benefit of the doubt; it was the middle of the night, he was exhausted...
But, the next morning, as she was discussing the funeral plans over the phone, he told her that she needed to start packing for his friend's wedding.
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inevitablemoment · 2 years
Frightober Day 1: Dark
Word Count: 802
Warnings: Mention of spousal death, mention of parental death, implied/referenced toxic relationship (Lucy and Ray)
Fandom: The Frighteners
Pairings: Frank Bannister x Lucy Lynskey (future), Frank Bannister x Debra Bannister (past), Lucy Lynskey x Ray Lynskey (Canon NOTP)
Okay, it’s the beginning of Frightober! This is the first piece that I’m doing for the prompt list. I’m so excited to be doing this, even if this drabble is a little angsty. But soon, we’ll be getting some fluffy pieces this month.
Happy Spooky Season and enjoy!
Frank trudged up the hill that the Fairwater Cemetery laid on. The summer heat beat down on him, adding to his frustration and anger. The sweat from his palms soaked through the stems of the pink carnations he was holding.
He stopped, sparing a glance towards the gravestones that bore his mother’s and his grandparents’ names. He hated to entertain what they would think of him now.
Probably the same that he thought of himself; that thanks to his own selfishness, he had lost the best thing that had ever happened to him.
He had destroyed the future that had stood before him and Debra with just one swerve of the steering wheel.
He began to take a step toward the gravestones and removed a few flowers from the bouquet, but stopped.
They probably wouldn’t want him around to disturb their eternal rest now, after all of this.
He continued his path towards Debra’s grave, ignoring the eyes surrounding him. He still hadn’t gotten used to this “gift” he had discovered while he was recuperating in the hospital.
When he finally reached the simple gravestone that bore Debra’s birth and death dates, he knelt at level with it.
Her funeral was only yesterday, but it felt like it had been forever.
It was a sorry affair.
Neither of them had any living family, so only a few so-called “friends” from college. Frank had been too distraught to give the eulogy.
He didn’t even know what he could have said.
“I’m sorry, Deb. It’s all my fault. I miss you.”
He was already living those three sentences every damn day.
What was he supposed to do now?
The house was still unfinished.
They were supposed to build a life together in that house, raise a family.
And thanks to him, that was all gone.
The carnations fell against the grave as his body was wracked with silent sobs.
“Are-- are you okay, sir?” a voice behind him asked.
Frank turned around; the voice had come from a tall, gangly man around his very early twenties, sporting round glasses that would have made Egon Spengler blush... and completely transparent.
“I’m-- I’m Stuart Harper...”
Lucy’s chest still felt as tight as it had when she had received that phone call last week.
The phone call that had told her that her mother had died.
The doctors had thought it was a heart attack at first, but it had grown apparent that it was an aortic dissection.
They had tried to repair the dissection, but Rosemary Spencer (formerly Alcott) died on the operating table.
And now, instead of attending her mother’s funeral, she was sitting in the very law row of the congregation of the wedding of one of Ray’s friends.
“What do you want me to say to Gordon, Lucy? I can’t be his best man ‘cause my mother-in-law dropped dead.”
“No, Ray. But you don’t have to go; it’ll just be me--”
“And make me look like a jackass that I can’t get my own wife to go to a wedding with me?!”
“Ray... please...”
“The both of us are going to that wedding, no matter what.”
Lucy wouldn’t have begrudged Ray if he himself was against going to the funeral.
Rosemary had made it clear that she was not fond of him, and even told Lucy once (when they were alone, of course) that she could do much better, and that Ray wasn’t treating her right.
When Ray had learned of this, he told Lucy that he thought that Rosemary coddled her, purposely kept her too naive.
But even after all of that, he had to realize that her mother was all she had left.
Her father had died in a car crash when she was only twelve, four years after her parents divorced. After that, her mother had been the only constant in her life.
Her only friend and confidant.
And she wouldn’t get to say goodbye.
By the reception, Lucy was able to slip back to her and Ray’s hotel room. It was a blessing that no one seemed to notice her.
All of Ray’s friends always leered at her, talking about how pretty she was, how lucky Ray was, and when they were drunk, would whisper to each other how they would like her to suck them off.
And all of their wives and girlfriends hated her for that, as if it was Lucy’s fault that the men in their lives were absolute pigs.
Once she had crossed the threshold of the hotel room, she didn’t even bother to change into her pajamas or wipe off her makeup. She was too tired.
She let herself fall onto the bed, front-first, and curl up into a ball, letting out the sobs that she had struggled to contain throughout the week.
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I was kinda in a rush because I thought I would pre-write all of this stuff before hand, but I ended up writing this at nine pm the night before.
Anyway, Happy Spooky Season and Happy Frightober!
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inevitablemoment · 3 years
Daniel Alcott and Rosemary Spencer Alcott Visual Inspiration
For those of you who don’t know, Daniel and Rosemary are my OCs and who I imagine Lucy’s parents to be
Basically, I imagine Rosemary and Daniel to be portrayed by Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck:
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Rosemary with newborn Lucy (quick note: Lucy had a lot more hair as a newborn than the baby in the picture):
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More Rosemary and Daniel under the cut:
Rosemary and baby Lucy during a family vacation to Cape Cod:
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Rosemary’s ensemble at the costume masque where she and Daniel met:
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The Spencer Family Estate, where Rosemary spent the first twenty-four years of her life:
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Daniel and Rosemary on their first date:
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Rosemary on her wedding day, with her brother and her stepmother:
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Another picture of Rosemary on her wedding day:
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An aesthetic I made about Daniel and Rosemary’s 18-year-marriage and even longer friendship:
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