#Rosieverse: Ehsan
dovakhiindrabbles · 5 years
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More of Rosie’s family and childhood! I thought I’d focus first on her father’s side of the family considering Emeline’s side include characters we’ve already seen before, like Tulius! (Though I’m super excited to get to them too!)

Adnan is the second oldest out of his three other siblings. It was a busy household to say the least and they all pestered the absolute shit out of each other. Nothing has changed since Rosie’s birth, but they truly love the little spitfire that is Rosalie with all their hearts.

Other Rosieverse Info: 

Rosie Bio

Rosie’s Parents (Emeline and Adnan)

Eldrims’s Bio

Eldrims’s Past


- The talented curator and metalsmith for the Imperial army, Hanee, though less active after allowing his daughters to step forward, is still known for his constant fretting and worry-wart tendencies. His wife, Ehsan is one of the only people capable of soothing his anxieties and his daughters are one of many ever so talented at escalating it.

- As shown in the art, Hanee specially made Rosalie her first set of armor for her 10th birthday, Rosalie was so excited she squealed and showed it off the everyone in Solitude – even as an adult she keeps it hung up in her room, she adores it endlessly. 

- A fond lover of teas and reading, late in the nights when Rosalie stays with her grandparents, she can sometimes be found settled in her Jadda’s lap. He was the one to teach her how to read when the little girl was struggling. (She’s now in fact, quite a fan of books! She sends Hanee many of the old books she comes across in her adventures as an adult) 


- Serene, calm, and sweet as can be, Ehsan is the absolute epitome of a sweetheart who is supportive to no end of her granddaughter’s dreams of adventuring as long as she still remembers to visit her old jaddati. 

- Ehsan is extremely proud of her Redguard heritage and adores telling stories of the Gods and culture to Rosalie, Rosie personally loves hearing stories of Tava and of course, Ruptga 

- However, despite Hanee and Ehsan’s families traveling to Solitude in an attempt to amend relations between Redguards and Imperials, that doesn’t mean her remaining family back home aren’t wary. Upon hearing Adnan’s marriage to Emeline and eventually of Rosalie, they promptly cut her off and disregarded Rosie’s very birth. (This caused Ehsan to become exceedingly protective over Rosie too, never wanting her to feel unwanted) Eventually, Rosalie will travel to Hammerfell and finally meet this quiet and distant part of her family, against Ehsan’s suggestions. 

- Ehsan has a not-so-secret fondness for puns and only the cheesiest of humor. It’s a trait she’s passed down to all of her children, even the stone-faced Makna. 

Speaking of which, moving onto perhaps the most disastrous trio in Skyrim… 


- Oldest of Hanee and Ehsan’s children (34-35 in the picture, in early forties when Rosalie begins the main plot) 

- One to take over family’s Smithy, can often be found molding new sets of armor or sharpening weapons, the stronger the better is her motto! 

– Makna tends to be a bit of a workaholic Not much of a talker, not shy in the slightest, just doesn’t feel the need to chatter on and on like her sisters. Though, with family she is a bit more talkative (Rosie loves for Makna to tell her tales – she’s actually a very talented storyteller)

- While Rosie would never openly admit she has a favorite aunt, Makna is definitely her favorite. The two connect very deeply and Makna is very protective of Rosalie, even getting nicknamed ‘hawk’ for how she hovers over her little niece. (Rosie loves to watch Makna craft armor and in turn, Makna adores having something like an apprentice) 

- Makna is asexual aromatic, and while she doesn’t feel any need for a significant other, she’s extremely dedicated to her family and is beloved by Solitude. She’s the sort of neighbor to sit down and check on someone if she’s heard troubling things – she’s a very good listener, growing up in such a busy household after all.

- Makna doesn’t learn of Rosie’s dragon adventures herself, but not until Adnan sends them terrified, but proud letters of his daughter’s achievements… killing dragons. Makna promptly sets out to smack some sense into that girl (How dare she not ask for some proper armor!) though when she finally meets her niece again after all these years, she can’t help but burst into tears from all the worry that’s been slowly brimming to the surface since she’s heard of the news. She’s just too happy to see Rosie okay to be upset. It’s a very sweet reunion.


- Youngest of the siblings, and it shows. She’s a total princess. (late twenties in picture, early thirties when Rosalie begins main quest)

- Spoiled, but well-meaning! Makna taught her some sense early, but Indeela isn’t afraid to admit she enjoys the finer things in life

- While Makna forges most of the armor and weapons, Indeela designs all the armor and weaponry. She has more than a few dusty old sketchbooks she’d lose her mind over if anyone got a hold of.

- A very charming, classy lady (many find her to be super cute because of this) so… it only makes sense that her eventual spouse is a sharp-tongued, sly, former Aldemeri Assassin, who also happens to be a Khajit! 

Ma’vani loves Indeela so much though, despite how different they are, they bring out the best in each other (Ma’vani teaches Indeela to relax and let loose and Indeela teaches Ma’vani how to reenter society and gives them the first stability they’ve ever had in a long time)

Ma’vani’s heart is also incredibly melted by little Rosie who, is always overjoyed to meet new friends and finds herself able to relate to Ma’vani, the two of them feeling very different and separate from everyone else in the world. Rosie’s friendship with Ma’vani is what causes them to become excited at the prospect of a potential family of their own. 
Rosie is such a proud and enthusiastic cousin it’s ridiculous 


- Middle kid and proud of it, second-to-youngest and a firecracker that made life in the Allam household never boring (early thirties in picture, late thirties when Rosalie begins main story, and early forties when Rosalie meets Isran)

- Aisha handles the shop, and is very good with people and making them feel both comfortable and welcomed. Don’t be surprised if you end up telling her your whole life story, she’s a very good listener and very empathetic. 

- The one who inherited her mother’s sense of humor the most and is caught with a ridiculously snorty laugh

- Aisha takes care of all the stray dogs in Solitude, and even has names for all of them – throughout the day it’s very interesting to see dogs of all shapes and sizes come rushing up to her. Aisha is a very proud dog mom and carries treats with her at all times. 
- A bisexual mess

Has been with multiple people (Both male, female, and otherwise) but despite how inviting she is, she struggles to open up herself. She’s never quite felt the same connection that others feel with her and it frustrates her to no end. Fortunately for Aisha though, a certain leader of the Dawnguard began appearing often in Solitude for special weapon/armor orders and despite his cold exterior, he found himself enjoying the store clerk’s company (She was even a little pretty or whatever) and Aisha too for the first time, found herself wanting to tell him her story – she wanted him to know her and vice versa.

- If It wasn’t too clear, it’s Isran (This makes it a teensy bit awkward when Rosalie joins and finds out he has a major crush on her aunt – Rosalie doesn’t know whether to scream or make fun of him for weeks) 
The two write to each other often but both are caught in a ridiculous, mutual case of major pining as neither are too good with real romance like this (Aisha is more accustomed to flings or short-term, not anyone she wants to spend every day with dear god) and don’t have a single clue as to how to properly express them. Of course, with Rosie’s help… they might get somewhere…
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dovakhiindrabbles · 5 years
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Hello Everyone!! I hope you’ve all had a lovely time!! Personally, these past few weeks have been the roughest I’ve experienced in a long while but I’m still doing my best to be positive! So, I thought to get my mind off things I’d do a bit more elaboration on an important figure in Rosie’s life: Ma’vani! 
Ma’vani, Rosie’s uncle, is a former Aldemeri assassin who met Indeela while on the run after refusing to murder an assigned target. (and even helping them escape -- but that’ll be elaborated on later!) He stumbles into Indeela’s office, desperate to hide from the impending Aldemeri forces, and while she reluctantly helps him, the two bicker the entire time. In spite of the poor first impression, however, Hanee and Ehsan agree to let him stay and hide -- if he’s willing to help around. 
Ma’vani of course, agrees and spends most of his time pestering helping Indeela with her designs. Indeela begins to teach him how to sketch and design and Ma’vani is ridiculously excited all the while. He loves the colors, structure, and form -- he’s incredibly passionate and determined to make her proud, and Indeela eventually has to admit he’s not the absolute worst. 
Maybe he’s even kind of sweet
To thank her for all her help in keeping him safe, Ma’vani tries to plan a special evening for the two (Totally friendly, cause there’s no way he caught feelings nuh-uh), he even sewed a dress for her! (Of which, Ehsan had to help) Everything is going well, even great! Yet it all comes to a screeching halt when Aldemeri officials, led by inside forces, seek out Ma’vani once again and attempt to put him under arrest for execution. 
Indeela flips out, alongside the rest of the collective family, and Hanee, thankfully a naturally cautious man, somehow managed to never step on the toes of the Dominion, and figures a very tentative deal with the officials to save Ma’vani’s life:
Ma’vani can never leave the walls of Solitude and will suffer severe consequences if ever caught for another crime, but he can keep his life -- and the entire hold was seemingly able to breathe once again. 
It’s a grand change for Ma’vani, who spent so many years of his life traveling all throughout the world -- seeing each and every inch Tamriel has to offer -- and perhaps now that he can’t, he wants to explore more than ever, if only to show Indeela. Nonetheless, Ma’vani won’t have the other option -- no traveling would be worth it anyhow without her. Being the genius he is however, Ma’vani blurts this out loud.
From that point on, as Indeela tries to settle Ma’vani into domestic life, both begin to awkwardly walk around their feelings -- both a mix of too embarassed and too prideful. It’s a bit of a disaster until Adnan steps forward, having a deep heart-to-heart with his baby sister. Ma’vani, on the other hand, is given an extreme burst of courage from the firecracker that is Rosalie, and both Ma’vani and Indeela try to confess to one another at the same time -- they keep speaking over each other and then stopping to let the other speak -- it’s a wonder they get anywhere but they do admit their feelings. 
In the following years, they get married, and might even have a child, Ma’vani took up painting all his free-time and is known for his street-pieces stretching along the winding roads of Solitude (and rambling about how cute his wife is). Despite Ma’vani’s new life, he does still maintain a very tense relationship with the remaining Aldemeri officials within the hold -- especially with the rise of Ulfric, rumors begin to rise of the Khajit joining forces with the Stormcloaks in exchange for his freedom. Few do know of his connections to the outside world after all... (I’d like to elaborate on this later but I’d be happy to answer any questions in regards to it!) 
Personality-Wise Ma’vani is a very impulsive individual who doesn’t usually think through everything he says or does before he says or does it. He truly does mean well, however, and his quick wit and secretly kind heart more than makes up for it. He’s chatty too and is easy to befriend or just converse with -- he’s a bit more used to talking rather than listening but he can be surprisingly comforting if the situation calls for it -- not that he’s very good at reading a situation. He’s trying, and that’s what matters. 
While he’s no longer involved in the world of assassination, he was once very adept with poisons and a pair of blades. He’s still admittedly extremely agile and nimble, and could beat Rosie in a race any day (but gets his ass beat in an arm-wrestling contest)
With Rosalie especially he proudly holds the title of favorite uncle. (He’s very protective of the title as Isran enters the family -- not that he had to worry) He very much relates to and is charmed by her desire for adventure and zeal for life. The two get easily excited over everything, but on a deeper note, Ma’vani is one of the few who can relate to Rosalie’s feelings of alienation among Skyrim society. He provides a great deal of needed support to her and is partly to blame for her cockiness. In spite of his closeness to Rosalie, he’s exceedingly intimidated by both Adnan and Emeline. 
He adores Ehsan, and the two spent many evenings trying to figure out plans to make a bold man out of Hanee -- that or pranks, they’re avid fans of both. 
Fun Facts
- Ma’vani calls Indeela ‘Nightingale’ for her brooding and snippy nature when they first met. He’d even call her ‘Nightie’ if he really wanted to push her buttons, but now it’s morphed into a loving nickname for his beloved. 
- Ma’vani and Aisha are the most annoying pair of best friends anyone has ever met. They’re the exact opposite of the two sisters at the Radient Raiment, but you might lose your mind listening to them prattle on and on, but they’ll have fun anyways. (Makna has to take Ma’vani away so Aisha can work or she’ll get too distracted most of the time)
- Ma’vani doesn’t talk much of his own family much anymore. It hurts his heart too much to think of it, knowing he can never see them -- but Rosie vows to help him, and as she becomes a hero, she intends to keep her promise.
- He has quite the sweet tooth! He was, in fact, the first to introduce Rosie to her favorite treat, lavender dumplings!
- A humongous cuddle-bug
- Ma’vani does very much so like the worst and cheesiest puns to ever grace the planet, and he just loves trying them out on shop vendors throughout the day -- he finds it almost funniest when they’re deadpan. (He thinks almost anything is funny if it’s coming out of his mouth -- he’s the funniest person he knows) He and Ehsan are very competitive in terms of who can come up with the worst joke. 
- Ma’vani’s torn ear was a recent occurrence during his time with the Aldemeri officials awaiting his fate. It’s left him mostly deaf in that ear, and there was an immense adjustment period as he learned to adapt. He’s not very proud of the scar though, seeing it as a reminder of his past. 
Anyhow, that’s just about a good basis for Ma’vani’s character! I’m hoping to release a couple prompts involving him, Rosalie, Indeela, and other members of the Rosalie family! I would like to begin releasing parts on Emeline’s part of the family, but Adnan’s got a huge family of his own with a whole lot of personality! Goodness, it’s just the beginning and there’s so much to explore -- I’m honestly so excited!
If you’d like any other information about the Rosieverse, here are some links:
Rosalie Bio
Rosalie’s Parents (Emeline and Adnan)
Eldrims Bio
Eldrims Past
Adnan’s Side of Family
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