moji · 2 months
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残留思念   via Σのアンビグラム
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Sexiest Battlebot Tournament (2023 season) Round 1 - Match 28
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hyp3rsh0ck · 1 year
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larryshapiro · 7 months
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recovering a Beechcraft Super King Air B200 with a Century 60-ton rotator
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cloacacarnage · 1 year
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whystrain · 1 month
Kayak Fisherman We can help! When fishing from a "seated position" in a Kayak; a Power Booster offers the Leverage you need to reel in Bigger Fish.
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hypershocked · 1 year
some of my all time favorite moments
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supercasey · 1 year
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Finally caught up with my Dad on BattleBots, so I get to make a bracket this year! Here's my finals prediction (under a readmore because as usual I got carried away):
May 4th Episode
Riptide vs Shatter!: As much as I'm irritated by the unsportsmanlike behavior from Riptide's captain, they have an incredible bot with the means to go undefeated this season. That said, Shatter! won't be much of an obstacle for them. Riptide wins by KO.
Lucky vs Hypershock: Both of these bots have made major improvements over the years, but with Will Bales as an opponent, I don't see Lucky making it to the bell. Hypershock wins by KO.
End Game vs Tantrum: This is sure to be an exciting match, what with two former champs facing off, but my money's definitely on End Game. End Game wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Copperhead vs Rotator: Both of these bots are well-built and well-driven, so I imagine this will be a hell of a fight that ends with both bots punch-drunk. Unfortunately, Rotator isn't performing as well as anyone would've hoped this season, so they're at a disadvantage. Copperhead wins by a split judge's decision.
Witch Doctor vs Jackpot: As much as I like Jackpot, they just aren't the same bot that took the sport by storm during their debut. Besides, Witch Doctor is killing it this season. Witch Doctor wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Lock-Jaw vs Bloodsport: I really hope this will be a killer match, seeing as these two are both well-made bots that have powerful weapons. Bloodsport wins by a surprising KO.
Huge vs Skorpios: I'm gonna say something that'll probably get me some heat; I don't like Skorpios's captains or even the bot itself, as both are just annoying to watch. That said, Huge is amazing this season, and I don't see them being stopped this early into the bracket. Huge wins by a split judge's decision that will probably piss a few fans off.
Claw Viper vs Mad Catter: Claw Viper has been extremely impressive this year, but even with that success in mind, I think Mad Catter's experience and durability will earn them the win. Mad Catter wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
May 11th Episode
Minotaur vs Fusion: Fusion is at the bottom of the bracket for a reason; they have terrible reliability and I just don't think they have what it takes to make an upset. Minotaur wins by KO.
Switchback vs Malice: Malice has been off their game all season, and I don't see that changing, especially against such an improvement from Switchback. Switchback wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Sawblaze vs Blip: Yet another case of a classic bot doing poorly, I don't have any faith in Blip this season. Besides, Sawblaze is way too good to lose their first bracket match. Sawblaze wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Cobalt vs Monsoon: As much as I love Monsoon and their design, I don't believe they have a chance against a monster like Cobalt. Cobalt wins by KO.
Hydra vs Death Roll: This is definitely a controversial theory, but I think Death Roll can take Hydra down; their bot is built in such a way that I think they have the means to pull off the upset of the season (save of course for Endgame vs RIPperoni). Death Roll wins by a surprising KO that yet again sends the Hydra fanboys into a frenzy, but at least this time they can't blame a woman.
Beta vs Whiplash: Am I the only one sick of hammerbots? I think Beta did well enough to make the top 32, but I don't see them winning against Danny's driving. Whiplash wins by split judge's decision.
Quantum vs Ribbot: Quantum has been overwhelmingly good this season (I'm still salty they didn't get the number 4 seat) and I can see them overtaking Ribbot, especially considering Ribbot's lackluster performance this year. Quantum wins by split judge's decision.
RIPperoni vs Black Dragon: Even taking RIPperoni's impressive wins this year into account, I don't think they can quite top Black Dragon, but I'd be happy to see them pull it off. Black Dragon wins by a controversial split judge's decision.
May 18th Episode
Minotaur vs Switchback: It's pretty clear cut in my mind that Minotaur will slaughter Switchback in a weapon on weapon collision. Minotaur wins by KO.
Sawblaze vs Cobalt: This is gonna be a close match, considering the skills and power of these two bots, but I think Sawblaze outclasses Cobalt with their driving. Sawblaze wins by a split judge's decision.
Death Roll vs Whiplash: As much as I adore Whiplash and their driver, I think Death Roll has a good chance at beating them into a corner, but I'd love to be surprised. Death Roll wins by a split judge's decision.
Quantum vs Black Dragon: Again, this is a hard match-up for me, but even with Quantum's impressive performance this season, I don't see them going the distance. Black Dragon wins by KO.
Riptide vs Hypershock: Why do I get the feeling this episode is going to snipe me? Hypershock is my favorite bot (next to Minotaur), but Riptide might be too much, even for Will Bales. Riptide wins by KO.
End Game vs Copperhead: In yet another powerful brawl, I can see both teams taking a serious beating, with End Game outmaneuvering Copperhead enough to earn extra control points. End Game wins by a split judge's decision.
Witch Doctor vs Bloodsport: With how amazing Witch Doctor has become over the last few years, I don't see Bloodsport having the means to KO them, and in a fight that goes the distance, Witch Doctor is hard to outdo. Witch Doctor wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Huge vs Claw Viper: As incredible as Claw Viper has become, I don't see them standing a chance against a bot like Huge, unless of course they go the cowardly way like Hydra did in 2021 (yes I'm still mad about that). Huge wins by KO.
May 25th Episode
Minotaur vs Sawblaze: In what will certainly be an exciting start to the season finale, I can see Minotaur destroying Sawblaze's weapon early in the fight and pushing them around until the bell. Minotaur wins by a unanimous judge's decision.
Death Roll vs Black Dragon: In what's sure to be a slugging match, I think Black Dragon has the advantage thanks to their sheer durability and knack for destruction. Black Dragon wins by KO.
Riptide vs End Game: For reasons other than pettiness, I truly believe End Game can put an end (pun intended) to Riptide's tournament sweep. End Game wins by KO.
Witch Doctor vs Huge: If anyone can take Huge down to their level, it's Witch Doctor, and I'm sure they'll do it in style. Witch Doctor wins by KO (most likely by getting Huge stuck on/out of the arena).
Minotaur vs Black Dragon: This fight will probably be the most destructive of the night, with both teams chewing each other up the full three minutes. Minotaur wins by a split judge's decision.
End Game vs Witch Doctor: I would absolutely love to see Witch Doctor go for a third round with Minotaur, but End Game is a hard bot to beat. Again, I'd love to be surprised here. End Game wins by KO.
Minotaur vs End Game: Good lord, this will be a legendary fight. While End Game has adopted the skills that made Bite Force so unkillable, Daniel Freitas is damn near unstoppable when he's under pressure. Minotaur wins by KO.
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waltfelix · 2 years
Steering Street Towing Peterbilt Rotator
Steering Street Towing Peterbilt Rotator #peterbilt #millerindustries #heavyduty #towing #towingandrecovery #towingservice #towtruck #century #wreckmaster #rotator
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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agentperezbian · 21 days
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your favorite M/F ship is.
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moji · 11 months
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カゲ   ヒカリ    (via igatoxin)  /図地反転
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Sexiest Battlebot Tournament (2023 season) - Revival Round Group 4
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cheddar-baby · 4 months
heres my advice to any followers i have who are young. Don't delete things when you think you've outgrown them or they're cringy. If you make youtube videos just private them don't delete them. Save your files, you can bury them in multiple sub-folders if you think they're cringe now but DON'T DELETE THEM! It doesn't feel like it now but years in the future you will look back fondly at who you were and wish you still had those things.
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cloacacarnage · 2 years
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cemeterything · 8 months
abandonment issues are sooooo funny. "i'm scared people will leave me so i push them away and leave them first to avoid being hurt" girl the prophecy is self fulfilling!!! the sabotage is coming from within!!! you forgot about the cycle!!!!!!!!!
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