paleobird · 21 days
"Did you know? Mosasaurs--some of the apex predators of the Cretaceous oceans--weren't as strange as some might think, because they were lizards! Closely related to the monitor lizards, in fact. It's sort of a similar case that led to whales: a land-going animal returning to the ocean and adapting to a fully aquatic lifestyle. Considering how widespread they were by the end of the Mesozoic, and how big some of them got--over 40, maybe even 50, feet--I'd say it was a smart move on their part!"
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omnifobia · 5 months
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"d-don't worry about it"
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stcries · 14 days
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@royalreef wrote:
There were, of course, weird days in Gravity Falls.
But there were also days when a pink crocodile-fish-newt-thing walked up to the counter as though she didn't have a concern in the world.
As it was, Miranda was behaving herself nicely. Her hands were kept tucked to her chest in a way that suggested being calm, relaxed, while still holding proper posture of a princess and all that was demanded of her. She kept her head high, her fins relaxed back so that they only-just danced their tips over the scales on her neck. It framed her crown nicely, sitting ever-present on top of her head, its three pearls each the size of a fist, strange damascus-patterned gold wrapping around them and stretching up into odd serrated tines. Gold which continued as a theme down her body — gold piercings along her arm-fins, gold bangles around her wrist, gold necklaces wrapped around her neck, gold detailing on clothes that were equally as fine as the metal worked for their buttons and clasps.
There was absolutely no indication from her that she found this strange, nor atypical, nor that it was odd for something like her to be standing there like she belonged. If anything, she was possessed of the complete and utter calm of someone who knew exactly where she was, and what she was doing, and that absolutely none of this was worthy of note.
It was not odd for someone to be something that looked like a crocodile melded with a fish, balanced upwards on stubby back legs that could only hold her horizontally, which was less notable due to the way her considerable length still put her at an upsettingly familiar height. It was not strange that she had to move her tail, tall and shaped like a paddle, with a smaller upper fluke forking off the top, out of the way of the door, because that was just polite and she knew her manners. It was certainly nothing to be alarmed at that her head was long and thick, solidly made to absorb impacts, that there were slit-pupiled eyes within it set against a too-blue backdrop, that beneath her lips there were flashes of teeth that flickered at some ancient human instinct to run.
And, even if it was, Miranda would not have known nor reacted to any of this, because she was possessed of the total conviction that she was exactly where she belonged, which happened to be wherever she wanted to go.
"You are Stan Pines, yes?" Her voice is deep, not as a human's, but in the depth of whalesong or of a tiger's growl, thrumming in her chest and luting at the ends like an attempted song. "I was interested in purchasing a tour — this is my first time visiting around here, and it was recommended to me that I should come here to get a grasp upon the area. Are you still accepting new visitors for the day?"
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OH SWEET MOTHER OF- this certainly wasn't how he was expecting his day to start off. sure, living within gravity falls was bound to ensure that every single day had a little bit of chaos sprinkled in, but this? i doubt anybody could have been prepared for that. working in the mystery shack for the past thirty years, stanley had seen his fair share of mystical and outrageous creatures, heck, some of them he even walked by on the daily thanks to them being on display. monstrous heads mounted upon the walls, body parts inside jars, just about anything you could think of. but to have a living breathing creature stare you down like it was just another day of the week? i don't think anybody could be prepared for that.
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in truth, stan hadn't even noticed her enter at first, being too busy counting another handful of cash he'd managed to haggle of yet another unsuspecting customer. flicking through the dollar bills, the ring of the door's bell was the only thing that alerted him to her presence, not even lifting his head at first. "welcome to the mystery shack, how can i-" he started, but was all too quickly halted as the older man took in her appearance. old weary heart was just about to leap out of his chest, standing there behind the counter frozen like a statue. was it here to eat him!? no please, he was old and wrinkly, he wouldn't taste good at all!
but he quickly snaps back to reality upon hearing the beast speak, unable to hide the audible 'huh?' that escapes past his lips. "yeah, that's me." wait, so he wasn't about to end up on this thing's platter? phew, that took an immense weight off his shoulders, but stanley would be damned if he let his guard down completely just yet.
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"a tour, YOU of all ... things want a tour?" he wasn't about to object just yet, but did this creature even have the money to pay for such services? would their currency even be the same as humans? then again, with how much gold jewelry adorned their body, perhaps he shouldn't jump to such conclusions just yet.
"i mean, hey if you've got the cash, then sure, i'll do whatever 'ya want! just so long as i don't end up between those teeth of yours." surely soos and the others could keep the shack busy whilst he deals with this.
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archivalwrite · 8 months
She startles for a moment, blinking and lifting up her hand, craning her head down to try and see. The first impulse Liam might have is that Miranda would have cut herself — there's a sharp tang of blood in the air, and out between Miranda's fingers the fluid drips. A sizeable amount, it seems, for how long it took for Miranda to notice that there was something wet on her hand.
Miranda's not acting out in pain, however. She flares her fins and her eyes widen, startled, but not pained in any manner that Miranda might show, and the distress she shows just feels different. There's something in the way she shifts her phone to her other hand, glancing between it and her palm, that suggests she's figuring it out herself.
There's a crack in the glass. A fairly large one, one Miranda must have missed when she picked it up again, and maybe it was what cut her in the first place — except she wipes her hand off on a cloth one of her serfs hands her, and more doesn't replace it. More does, however, leak out through the crack in the glass, movement pushing something soft and meaty from the inside of the phone against the opening.
Again, Miranda doesn't seem all that distressed. There's a big dramatic huff as she fully pauses now, stopping to examine her phone, poking at the crack in its side. Everything smells so sharply of meat and of drained blood that it makes her comment of, "Wait a moment, Liam — ugh, and I will have to go get another this afternoon, then..." stand out harshly in the mundane irritation it carries.
liam's head quirked up at the smell of the blood, distracted from his phone where he'd been tying his very well thought out response in an argument online ( beyond the common and non-thought provoking reply as: L + RATIO + FUCKED YOUR MOM that had been sent to him ).
there was a moment of worry, as the blood was visible on miranda's hand, along with the phone shifted to her other hand. liam knew better than to assume it was miranda's blood, he'd managed to learn some of her reactions to things, spending so much time both with her, and simply admiring her in a studious way to learn her reactions to things. help study what she might react positively to, should he decide to be a bit of a romantic. the scent of the blood seemed .. wrong. perhaps he hadn't smelt the blood of many merfolk before ( he hasn't ) but he wouldn't assume it smell . . . like this.
forgive his curious horror when he found her phone to be bleeding. watching the way she pressed on it, messed with it. the smell of meat joined the blood, raw meat. liam, in very few instances, put his own phone down, and into his pocket. just staring at the phone.
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" miri . . . what happened to your phone? " liam had to fix his glasses, yellow eyes narrowing just a little bit, as if trying to tell what exactly was the mass of flesh within the screen, and whatever was leaking out in a way of casual, mundane annoyance to the princess. while also hoping to not make it too obvious that he was inquiring about - the blood. " that is quite the crack on the screen. "
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daeamor · 1 month
SAWYER SAWYER SAWYER!!!!! She has to apply herself directly to them as soon as possible!!
And of course, what's meant by this, is that she has to BOLT up to them and TACKLE them with all nineteen feet of her, wrap her arms around them, and purr into their shoulder. Hope Sawyer missed being Miri's cuddle buddy!
If there was one thing Sawyer could do, and do it well, it was disappear. Vanish out of people's lives completely as though they'd never been there to begin with. Only leaving behind memories and mementos of their presence, enough for those that love them to remember them. Enough for those hunting them to trace them. So their steps became erratic, their time in one place sporadic and their very presence cryptic. Turning them to a rumor, to whispers, so those following them were running in circles. Chasing their tails in search of someone that might not even be there anymore. If they were even being followed at all anymore.
In time Sawyer looped back, returned to where they felt loved most. Like a street cat fed once now befriended for life. Perhaps they wouldn't be here for long or maybe they'd be around until the end of time. Who knew, only they did and even they couldn't say for certain. It all depended on when those in their head told them it was time to run again.
For now all that mattered was the weight on their back. A feeling that could knock most off their feet and even had them stumbling forward narrowly knocking them to the floor. They manage to catch themselves at the last second, remaining on their feet with pure willpower. If they hadn't grown up with a hell hound doing the exact same thing they certainly would've taken a face full of dust and dirt. It's the purring that tips them off. The sound and feeling so distinct that in an instant it gives away the surprise of who has pounced upon them. In an instant it sways their paranoia too.
Peace takes hold, a contented purr of their own mixing into the vibrations in their chest and shoulders from Miri's purrs as their head lolls to the side rubbing their cheek against Miranda. Her scales feel oddly soft almost like the down feathers of a scratchy bird when they rub their head against her like this. They move their arms to hold her to their back a bit more, lifting her to a more piggy backed position with her tail still dragging like a veil behind them as they begin to dance with her in circles.
"Miri!! Oh how I missed you!" They chirp and purr and dance to unheard music. Aw yes, to disappear was such an easy thing to do. To stay gone was far harder however.
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von-eldritch · 8 months
@royalreef liked this for a starter
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"You're very pink."
For someone who trades in charm, it's a questionable opener. Hellsa's behavior is fairly questionable too, she keeps her eyes trained on this stranger, tilting her head this way and that. She can't help it, things of the sea tend to interest her. It feels just shy of home.
"Pink is my favorite." And just like that her observation is turned compliment, just in time for her to look away. Or, at least the eyes on her face, admittedly a few others had bloomed elsewhere when Hellsa had arrived, currently just a half-dozen dotting each of her shoulders like freckles.
Her main eyes flit about her surroundings, but there's no new information to be learned, she'd been here alone for a few minutes now. "Am I... trespassing? I'd just intended to head towards the nearest beach but if this place is private..."
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scifielves · 8 months
@royalreef replied to your post “This Aaravi has already experienced eldritch girl...”:
" ......... No, no I do not think I shall be spoiling any of my secrets for you." Ah, there comes the smug fishcat look of knowing something this Aaravi doesn't.
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"Not asking, Miranda." She's all set, thanks- though she's definitely had one or two fantasies about it. "Maybe I'm curious, but I'm all set."
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apocalopalyptic · 3 months
@royalreef replied to your post “"Bingos are for people with standards."”:
........ Okay but *can* she see Amira eat the combustible materials.
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"All you had to do was ask~"
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destruxxon · 4 months
❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ for calculester!
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Random Questions || Accepting || @royalreef
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Cal stares at at the rising smoke, screen very perplexed. At Miranda's approach they tilt their head towards her and offer a pixelated smile. "Very astute observation, Friend Miranda! Currently I am attempting to decipher whether the cause of the smoke stems from the fireworks I let off in the cafeteria or if something else may have occurred."
It could have been anything really, Calculester had only set off a few dozen of the fireworks at their disposal, and there was a very limited amount of cloth in the cafeteria. They did leave the lighter though. And they set it off near the stoves, and a stack of books. Truly could have been anything!
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statics-radio · 2 months
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if anyone is wondering how I'm doing tonight
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lancelot-sharpkeen · 11 months
baps lance with her paws. baps lance with her paws. baps lance with her paws. fucka you.
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paleobird · 17 days
Codex: Merfolk
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Merfolk, based on my admittedly limited experience, are aquatic, highly intelligent apex predators most comfortable in warm marine waters. Though not immediately apparent, they seem to be temnospondyl amphibians--a group that is otherwise extinct, to my knowledge.
While I have only had the pleasure of significantly interacting with one merfolk individual, she has proven very insightful into the nature of their culture and society, and how different it is from land-dwelling sapient species.
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universalcarnival · 9 months
@royalreef gets a starter from Susie:
The beach was definitely one of the most fun places for Susie to go, the rays of sun catching on her scales, the sound of the waves and the coolness they bring, and the general vibe of the people enjoying everything else on the beach as well. Hunting for shells, making sandcastles, there's honestly a lot to do.
However, the best way Susie loved enjoying the beach was basically burrowing into the sand and becoming only a head on the beach while the rest of her body is submerged in cool sand. Definitely feels good against her naturally hot blooded body.
Of course, people tend to notice just a head sticking out of the sand with no one else around, but she doesn't seem to mind at the very least. Of course, she put herself there, and she doesn't exactly feel like getting out any time soon.
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— " Hey, dude. Wassup? "
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busygirlgcttagc · 5 months
💋 perhapst.
[ get kissy ; ACCEPTING ]
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archivalwrite · 2 months
👄 + aaravi, for liam
talking about others ; accepting
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" a little bit annoying, in her own right. slaying monsters is so cliche - not to mention i don't think she's ever been any good at it. though i'm sure if she wasn't leaping out at me whenever she could with a stake, then maybe we'd get along. "
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clawedevil · 5 months
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"Claws can do a multitude of actions besides snipping and crushing. Although, those are my faaaavorite things to do with them."
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