#Ruby Aenn
uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Community Interact Prompt (GW2)
There is loud feedback over the Black Citadel emergency communication system
A voice says, booming over the speakers.
"Life's about the tough questions innit? I'm not talkin' about weak shit like the meaning of life, who let you in here, what are you doing with that wrench - no! I'm talkin' about the real stuff here! Personal connection!"
There's audible laughter in the background of someone else.
"The job is simple! All you gotta do is hand in your personal ad to the beautiful, stunning, jaw-dropping, eye-opening, perfect-in-every-way Charr currently camped at the 20th Iron Maniple and the rest will be in her capable claws. Hi Gal! Love you, Diamond."
There's commotion in the background, something like a saw going and glass breaking. A gruff voice yells SIGILIS in a furious manner. It sounded like a certain Blood Legion Tribune.
"Hah! Seems like some people 'round here ain't got that loving spirit. That's all from me, unless someone wants to pay bail again. Live fast, eat a-"
The broadcast ends abruptly.
To encourage more group engagement - let's set up characters and have fun with it! Rules and details under the cut!
Rules are simple:
Reblog and let whichever OC wants to speak speak, as though they were placing a personal ad. Looking for a friend? Someone to engage in murder with? Romantic partner? FWB? Fishing buddy? Someone to help with their multilevel marketing scheme? You name it! If you have a match with someone, tag them, and reblog their post and mention it! If you feel like it can be a reply in character, or just in the tags as 'hey i think my oc would work for that!'. No serious RP or anything needed, none at all so no stress. It's just a way to use that as an icebreaker to talk to the person behind the OC if you want to collab, since I know many of us are shy ITS ME IM SHY but still want to have our blorbos interact! Otherwise, if it's not a match, you're welcome to add onto the main post with your personal ad! (I'll give an example of one but it doesn't have to count as the 'first' ad just so people have an example!)
Baking Buddy Required -Sylvari, 5'0, Thirdborn, seeking taste tester for series of cooking experiments for baking project. Some cooking knowledge preferred but empty stomach is a must. Food allergies can be accommodated, just please mention it before rather than after!
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
Ooo would love to know Sanne's thoughts on Ruby!
Ranger beloveds <3
"The little red Commander is so, very, very small. Don't get me wrong, she's admirable, worthy of a legend and all that, but if I was to write a legend for her, I'd have to try very hard to not call her Ruby the Small. For contrast, you know. You hear Ruby the Small and don't think she can kick your ass and suddenly you're in the Mists because she and her army of animals ended your existence. Tactical mistake, my friend. Never fuck with the little red Commander."
Sanne would respect Ruby in the same way she respects Nyra. She'd tease Ruby a little for being smol tho, not in a mean-spirited way (she's used to most people being shorter than her, cause norn) but I do see them as being good friends and people who you call when you're feeling down so they show up with everything that could cheer a person up on the front door together. Also, rangers for lyfe man <3
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Should you fight my characters? Plant Flavor!
Back at it with more!
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Battle Music: Saltillo - A Necessary End
Should you fight Riag? Look I get it, you get it, even he gets it - he's not the most amiable person in the world. He's usually grumpy and sometimes even an asshole. He wouldn't even be mad at if you if you tried to fight him. But no one is winning from this fight. You will likely feel like crap trying to fight someone who (is trying but) cannot fight back, and guaranteed he will feel even worse. Trying to fight someone who is well aware of that they aren't what they used to be is a little mean - so please don't fight the grump.
Who initiates the battle? You would have to, he knows he can't win in fights anymore so he doesn't try to start anything.
Who would win? You would. He physically can't wield weapons anymore and mentally/psychologically is unable to deal with the stress of it. It wouldn't even be a fair fight, he would summon minions to try to defend himself but that's it. You would still be able to take him down pretty quickly.
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Battle Music: anoice - finale
Should you fight Dei? They are the least threatening person you can encounter. ...so why on Tyria would you? The only reason I could ever see someone trying to fight them is them being a rigid 'All NMC are evil and must die' type of person. They have all the strength of wet tissue paper and are allergic to conflict. Don't fight them. You stand nothing to gain from it (besides my unwavering disapproval).
Who initiates the battle? You would HAVE to. They would expend all of their energy just trying to run from you than have to fight. Even if cornered they would try to fend off attacks but not fight back.
Who would win? There's no question that you would win. It would be like kicking a stray cat on the street that had just gotten its ass kicked from other cats. Their magic is illusion based for concealment or psychological harm (which they hated using and only did in the past because they were forced to) not for attacking. It wouldn't even really be a fight, it would be you kicking their ass.
Under the cut to save your dash!
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Battle Music: Shadow of the Colossus OST - Silence
Should you fight Dion? No! Absolutely not! He's minding his own business in the Wychmire and is already scared of everything. Leave him be.
Who would initiate the battle? You would have to start it - but that means finding him first. He's very good at hiding.
Who would win? You would, but then you would probably have to fight me because Dion doesn't deserve to be picked on. He's bad at Guardian magic and scared of everything, he would probably be shaking in a corner as soon as you got anywhere near him.
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Ruby Aenn
Battle Music: Dallas String Quartet - Firework
Should you fight Ruby? Ruby is always up for a good fair sparring session. Actual fights, she thinks can be avoided with enough discussion but sparring for practice is fun! She's game for a bit of a spat if you are!
Who would initiate the fight? 50/50! She might want to warm up before a bigger skirmish and ask you to spar with her. Or perhaps you feel like trying the Prismatic Dragon's Champion on for size.
Who would win? Ruby has some very clear strong points and weaknesses. For one, she's tiny, just at 4'9, so her center of balance makes her harder to take down. Most especially challenging is that she changes her fight strategy depending on which pet she is soulbound to. So that's tricky. However, it is easy to bait while attuned to specific animals and that makes her slip up because the animal side wins. It would be fair!
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Battle Music: The Dali Thundering Concept - There is no Calm Before the Storm (Instrumental)
Should you fight Mad? Oh god, please kick his ass. He has made life hell for a lot of innocent people and deserves to get the shit kicked out of him. You would be making a lot of people happy.
Who would initiate the fight? Chances are Mad would since he thinks with his fists more often than his brain. Or he would be trying to abduct you for his hounds to 'play with' so you had to defend yourself.
Who would win? Tricky. Mad is good at both long range with his bow and close melee with axes, but struggles at mid-range. If you have something that can keep him just close enough to you to not be able to use his long bow but not so close you meet the axe, you can probably out last him. That is until he goes full chicken shit and gets other Blasphemy goonies to try and waylay you. He's not above being a slime ball to win.
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Countess Diamhasla
Battle Music: Romanian Folk Dances, Sz 56: III. Pe-loc - Andante
Should you fight Diam? PLEASE DO. Can I help? I would love to help. We can throw her down a well. She sets people up for failure, and when they are at their most vulnerable she 'saves' them, only to then hold that over their head to get what she wants. She's fragile and has poor health but I'm not above beating her leafy head in with a mallet.
Who would initiate the battle? You would, she doesn't do fighting. Usually letting her henchmen do the dirty work for her. Half of the issue of fighting her is actually getting to her, she's fairly well defended.
Who would win? She's scary good at earth magic, so the key would be to interrupt her before she can summon too many elementals or the huge earthen hands to grab you. If you can hit hard and fast, you win, easy. But if you let her get too many spells off it's looking like she will win.
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Warden Captain Cálguais
Battle music: Andry Vinogradov - Chain Dance
Should you fight Cal? They're the most honorable (to the point of being insufferable) person to fight. If you asked for an honorable dual they would be happy to oblige you but in any other situations they would not. To spar for the sake of improvement (since they will be telling you the whole time where you could have done better) sure! Fight them!
Who would initiate the battle? Either you asking to spar with them or them training baby Wardens and asking you to spar as an example.
Who would win? Likely you would, but not easily. They are pretty competent at fighting but they tend to be rigid and fixed in their training they learned so they can't always adapt to new threats.
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Battle music: Gallowstreet - Fisticuffs
Should you fight Glan? Sure, as long as you realize he treats fighting like flirting half the time. Morally he's a grey person so you don't have much to lose by fighting him. He doesn't kill people unless he's paid to do so so go for it!
Who would initiate the fight? Depends! If he's in a good mood, he'll ask you to spar with him. Otherwise you'd have to approach the topic.
Who would win? If you give him any distance at all, he will win so fast it makes your head spin. He's a sniper, and a damn good one at that. If you go after him in melee you have a very strong chance of winning, since he's not as good with pistols as he is with his rifle. (bonus there's a high chance he asks you out for a drink and then a rematch later).
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Battle Music: Skyrim OST - Tooth and Claw
Should you fight Cao? I don't recommend it. She doesn't see the point of fighting without killing - so if you challenge her one of you is going down for good. Plus she's an older lady who just is trying to care for her siblings. Sure, she may not have social skills, but she keeps to herself.
Who initiates the battle? If she thinks you are going to harm her siblings or pose a threat to the remnants of her family, she will absolutely start it. And give you no warning, you will just have a Norn sized, winter-hardened Warrior after you.
Who would win? Cao would win unless you run away mid-fight. She fights to kill, not to spar. While she is not as strong as some of my other kiddos, she is very slow and unyielding. She aims to break your defenses before going in for any major damage with her mace. If you run, she might not chase you - having tired herself out.
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Battle Music: LORN - ENTANGLED
Should you fight Caem? Honestly, it's up to you. While he is not a bad person, he has so much anger (mainly at Charr and the Jungle but it bleeds over) that it makes him a twat at times. Would there be any major negatives to getting rid of him? No. Any positives? Not really.
Who would initiate the battle? I think you would have to but it wouldn't take much. All it would take is a comment about Sylvari being dragon minions in any shape or form to get him defensive and then he will be after you.
Who would win? In close quarters, Caem, hands down. He hits hard and fast and has no small amount of fury/unhinged behind it. At distance he can't really attack but he can block and shield himself from most projectiles. Best bet would be to try and slow/cripple him and then get him from range so he can't close the space.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Rating how good of cooks some of my kiddos are:
Ruby (Commander): 10/10 can make just about anything, inventive, a real master chef.
Glanaim: 8/10 doesn't usually have the money for high quality ingredients but is really good at cooking when he has time.
Party: 6/10 she may not make the most tasty food but by Gods does she know how to stretch food for lots of cubs. No one goes hungry even if it's not the best tasting.
Galla: 3/10 usually edible but not something you'd want to try. She doesn't season anything. Anything.
Dei: 1/10 does not cook since they have a lot of food allergies and just tries to scrape by with instant/low effort stuff/ quick food (living off of oatmeal and french fries is not healthy purple).
Riag: 0/10 for the love of all things holy do not let this man around fire or food. He would manage to burn cereal.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
For all your sylvari, how high esteem to each of them hold the Pale Tree in?
Ty for the ask! I Ranking time!
Highest Esteem:
Calguais, my Warden Captain. They're a revenant who is basically in direct conversation all the time with Ventari and thus are the most painfully lawful good plant I have. They annoy me with how rigidly they see things. To them the Pale Tree is basically god/ess.
Caemdryn. He maintained his connection to the Dream even after everything in the HoT campaign and is aggressively protective of other Sylvari (to the point of being kinda a dick to the other races). The Pale Tree is not just a mother, but like a divinely put in place ruler (for Sylvari).
Riaghael. While not nearly as intense about the Tree as the other two ranked above him, Riag dearly loves the Pale Tree. That's his mom. Not a Divine Ruler but a mother and a respected figure to ask for insight, but not Perfect In Every Way.
Ruby Aenn. Being the one who discovered first hand the origins of the Tree and then having to tell others, there's a small break of trust in her. The Tree is not the end-all-be-all of Sylvari and she's still a bit annoyed that the origin of the Tree was kept for so long. More damage might have been avoided if it had been known by others. But still, she cares for the Tree and the Tree's well-being.
Middle Tier:
Glanaim. Glan's functionally Soundless though without the commitment of it. The Pale Tree is an unreachable figure, some unknowable entity that tries to influence in ways it thinks will help the world. Glan would very much rather find that out himself than through the Tree's influence.
Naechdion. Doesn't really have the connection with the Tree that the rest of the Sylvari do since he was supposed to be Mordrem. He isn't aware of this though. Honestly he doesn't know the Tree has a sentient form or face or energy, it's just the big plant at the other end of Caledon that people seem to be protective of. People seem to be around it so all the more reason for him to avoid it.
Toraedh. Despite being 50% Nightmare, Tora doesn't dislike the Tree. They do, though, dislike it's manner of controlling people with Hunts. Especially since their own Wyld Hunt basically guaranteed they were to be treated like crap by other Sylvari. Being shoved into some duty someone else decided for you before you were even born is cruel.
Lowest Esteem:
Deilius. The Tree is just another example for them of a person/force that promises things and then doesn't deliver. Before they turned Nightmare, they were sort of neutral on the Pale Tree. Now they just see it as both A) someone else who left/abandoned them B) a symbol for the people who want them dead on principal C) a place that had fond memories that have been soured by others actions.
Caonai. She is not of the Pale Tree, and views the Tree and the Maguuma Sylvari as being too young/weak to be relied on. They are spring children, she is born of winter and ice. They won't last.
Madruil. The Tree is a controlling force on Sylvari that makes them do things for the sake of a 'greater' good. He's doesn't like the idea of doing things for others.
Countess Diamhasla. Diam sees the Pale Tree as a relic of the past, and she should function as a production line for Sylvari but stop trying to tell them how to live their lives (mainly so she can START telling them how to live their lives woops). Utter disdain, she would lobotomize the Avatar and have her just be a broodmare for Sylvari production if at all possible.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
🍒⭐🧡 for the smol red dottir 👀
Short red dottir! Ty for the ask!
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
Ruby is pretty easy to get along with but her tendency to be a little bombastic means she expects people to be onboard with her idea. She sort of assumes everyone is at the same level she is, and while she won't be rude if they aren't, doesn't get it. What do you mean you don't want to go out and try to watch the for opossums right now? Who cares if it's four thirty in the morning? Since the red bean is aro and ace, all her relationships are platonic but in various degrees.
So her relationship with Trahearne is very much younger sibling looking up to older sibling. Her relationship with Riag is deeper than friendship and approaching family, but also friendship. Her relationship to Sigilis is friendship, but there's an element of being coworkers as well. She's only really demanding about things where she thinks the person is not taking care of themselves right, like trying to get Sigilis to not get blackout drunk all the time or trying to get Riag to remember to eat. Then she's demanding and won't take no for an answer.
I think people expect her to be the cheerful, positive energy in their life so she feels she can't express sadness or despair. She had to be the motivation, the upbeat, the silver lining, so she does. But it does way on her sometimes.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
Ruby is afraid of being the last one standing. Of upon another world ending event, being the only one left alive, or losing everyone to age, sickness, or malice. She doesn't have any major phobias but getting lost bothers her a lost and makes her panic, it comes from getting lost as a sapling and having to wait until a Warden happened upon her.
Ruby hardens when scared, she stands straighter, and tenses. As though whatever the source was could be a person she is about to argue with. That's really how she sees fear, she personifies it, and makes it into a shape she can fight/argue/reckon with instead of an intangible force.
Her pets calm her down and are about the only thing that can. Especially those she's soulbonded with they can communicate wordlessly and it settles her.
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
I had to ask her about this, she found the notion of having a 'favorite person' like a favorite color to be strange. She admired Almorra and sees the Firstborn as important voices on the Sylvari narrative. But she doesn't have a 'favorite'.
So short answer, she doesn't have a favorite. Ruby admires many for their experiences and wisdom but doesn't put them up on a pedestal like that.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Ooh gimme words of affirmation for Ruby please!!!
Ty! Words of affirmation coming up!
does your muse like giving compliments?
how easy is it for your muse to say‘ i love you’?
what is one compliment your muse is dying to hear?
what is something your muse loves being praised for?
Yes! She does enjoy giving compliments but doesn't throw them out willy-willy. Her compliments are usually based on achievements and deeds rather than appearance or physical things. Like hyping someone up for doing a great job if they had to scout an area, or complimenting how much work they put into making something.
Medium easy? She says it fairly often but not perhaps as much as you'd think. Ruby is very much a 'show affection' instead of 'say affection' and tends to show appreciation by giving small gifts, or surprising someone with a dish they like.
I think it would something simple like, 'you've made our (non specific) lives better'. Despite her bouncy nature she feels the mundane aspects of being Commander more than Riag did. The impact that these big world-ending wars has on the common person bothers her more and she feels it closer. Riag used the reasoning and the fact that it was his Wyld Hunt, but it's decidedly *not* Ruby's Hunt. Which is still gnawing at the back of her head the whole time.
Her cooking! Since it's how she shows affection and appreciation to others it sometimes goes overlooked. A quick 'oh hey thanks' but then the person doesn't realize that she's baked her whole heart into it. So far someone to praise her for it requires them to look deeper than pancake level and realize it's her - showing love as she knows how. But this very much makes a very pleased (and probably huggy) red plant.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
10-15 for one of your commanders!
Ty for the ask! I went with Commander Ruby Aenn for this one!
10. Would/does knowing their backstory change how people (in general but also Tyria at large) view them?
Oh yeah for sure, short red plant does have some parts to her backstory that would make people raise an eyebrow at her and treat her differently. For instance, she very nearly joined the Nightmare Court as a sapling, she desired to feel needed and have community and was willing to go NM to get that.
I think most people don't realize that being Commander isn't actually her Wyld Hunt and her calling. Her calling/purpose is to teach saplings on the Ranger path. So the whole 'divinely guided/fate guided' aspect that a lot of the Commanders have she does not. She was the only one left to be able to pick up the pieces when Riaghael was made to retire. If given the chance and knowing that someone else could take over, she would absolutely drop the role and go do what she would like to.
11. How accurate is their reputation/image compared to how they really are?
Fairly accurate I would say. She is bubbly and light-hearted very often but she puts on airs of it for display to try to keep peoples moral up. The smiling face and optimism of the Pact, who keeps everyone looking on the bright side of things.
But she considers it a duty - she HAS to or people will panic. So it's a naturally kind and bubbly person forcing herself to be Extra Happy for others.
12. Have they "completed" the map? What does that look like in your canon?
To date Ruby is the only one of my kids that has 100% map comp. It looks like to me that no matter where one goes - someone, somewhere has heard of her. For good or ill!
13. What is the worst/funniest/dumbest article that could be written about them in Tyria's trashiest gossip mag?
She does deal with scandal articles of people jumping the gun whenever she's hanging out with someone - they automatically assume 'relationship'. As for funniest, I think since she's a well known cook they would have a dumb add about her cooking with choya spines and just have it labels "CANNIBALISM?!"
14. Biggest misconception about them?
That she's a push over. She will always take talking over fighting and discussion over conflict. She'd even be willing to lose small fights to avoid bigger issues. But she is no wilted daisy when it comes to standing her ground. At just 4'9 she's tiny, round, and often her voice sounds more out of place around the others she's with (happy, bouncy sounding voice that can be a little shrill at times).
Commander Ruby will absolutely wreck someone's shit though, because they assume an easy fight. She uses 2 handed weapons exclusively (Greatsword) and when she merges with her pet her entirely battle style shifts.
She's happy, bubbly, and willing to be everyone's best friend but she's not a doormat and people will regret thinking she is one.
15. What is their favorite and least favorite part of being the commander (or whatever role they play in your canon)?
Oh hands down her favorite part is being able to be a part of Aurene's life. Ruby's a big nurturing type (seen by her many pets and her insistence of trying to tame hydra). It helped give her that need for community and closeness that she's always desired. Not fully completed it but greatly helped it.
Least favorite is that there are so many bodies behind her. Indirectly and directly, there will be and have been people that die and it is her responsibility. If she had all the time in the world and all the resources, she would get to know every single person in the Pact as a person. But as she can't it always bothers her. She sees the Pact as People not as a Force.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
From Kerra to Ruby: “As a fellow soulbeast, I’m curious, if you don’t mind sharing—how does it feel for you when you commune with your pets?” @kerra-and-company
Ty for the ask!
(Ruby bounces on the tips of her feet for minute in thought.)
"It depends on who it's with. Aeren for instance," (she gestures to a large fernhound who is scratching at his ear) "it feels very comfortable, very cozy. He's been with me the longest so it feels rather like wearing a very worn in and cozy sweater. Only mentally, and internally, as well as externally. If that makes much sense."
"There's also a feeling of oh what-do-you-call-it. "
(She wrinkles her nose in thought)
"Like - like an accompanying perspective. So I would see you, yes? And know you Ruby side of things! But there'd be an overlaying element of seeing you from how Aeren sees you. Think of when the sun is making shade on something with its leaves, how the original shape is sometimes a little harder to see because of the leaf shadows? Something like that.
Now with Arura, my iboga, it's very different. Arura operates more on instinct and hunting than Aeren, who knows people very well and is friendly with other Sylvari. Arura isn't, they're just themselves. Instead small pieces from another perspective which can accent or obscure, a color has been added to the whole scene.
Yes, I would see you, but say if the color was red, you would look very different! Everything looks different. And it's not cozy. I feel more capable with Arura, to be honest with you, but it's not a relaxed capable. It's sharper. Less personal. More instinct and less thought. And so it's nice in a way, I don't over think. But everything gets put into 'threat' or 'not threat' and that can get tiring."
(Ruby shrugs)
"Just depends on the friend! I can mentally have a conversation with Aeren while he's soulbound to me, I can't do that with Arura. Sometimes I can work around Aeren's perspectives, but Arura's are much stronger and harder to negate. He's cozy, friendly, and warm. They are instinct driven and hunting focused, there's no chatter."
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
Now that I think about it, Commander Ruby Aenn has more footing outside of the Grove, in terms of standing and weight. In the Grove, yeah she's Commander but a thirdborn that mainly deals with issues that don't directly impact the Grove.
Kralk? Yeah a threat, but not here. Prim and Jormag? Threats yeah but not one most in the Grove have experience with.
Riag, however, does have a direct link to the people there. Something that directly attacked/impacted the Tree? The one they all live in? Now that's personal.
So while he's retired and much of the Pact doesn't hold him in particularly high regard, the Grove as a whole still has a higher opinion of him.
Ironically, Ruby doesn't really care for the opinions of people and would rather be loved by the Grove, by the Firstborn and Secondborn, and seen in high regard. And Riag would rather have the respect of the Pact still.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
hi hi! have ⏳ ⏳ for ruby and ⏳ for riag, maybe? :D @kerra-and-company
Ty for the ask :D! It's appreciated been busy and stressed lately so ty for the distraction!
Ruby Aenn:
"So I tried to learn nature magic and druidry for a while. It seemed really helpful and more in line with my Wyld Hunt! But it turns out it's not really for me. I don't have the patience to study and 'attune' to glyphs. I don't sit still well - I have to be doing something. So nope! Druid is right out for me!"
"I still visit Tarir! Not as often as I'd like with trying to keep Tyria from crumbling like a muffin with too much flour. I go and tell the Exalted about Aurene and how much she's done. They're always happy to hear about her. At least I think they are happy. Not much in the way of expression, those guys."
"Well, if she (Ruby) is outing some things, I suppose it's only fair. You may have heard from someone, " (looks pointedly to the short, red ranger), "that I am bad at directions. What you may not have heard was that I got lost on the way to Concordia, back before we - before they built Trinity. And that they had to send a few people to come look for me because they thought I'd been attacked.
Showing up late to an important meeting, when the Pact was still in it's infancy, when the one person you truly admire and have a massive crush on has been worried sick that you got attacked - and then having to admit 'no, I took a wrong turn' was not the easiest thing in the world."
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
mirror mirror commander edition?
Ooo dark-side Ruby? She would be NMC 100%. She very nearly joined anyway as a sapling because of her want to feel like she belonged somewhere.
Darkside Ruby is scary. She is manic, unhinged, and all of her bouncy and happy nature has been twisted into something horrifying. She would rise quickly in the ranks of the Court due to her ruthless nature.
Sadly, she would have never met Riag and thus he wouldn't be with us anymore (she helped him more than she realizes during his recover period). Some brand new Commander would have had to take over and the world would be worse for wear for it.
Ruby would never have been more than a Knight in the Court but a knight of exceptional cruelty. The Short Red has more than a few screws loose that she hides under cheerful laughter and helping others, she does a great job of keeping herself in check and bettering herself. In Nightmare, it would fester. Manic cruelty, laughing in the face of someone she is beating to death with her hammer - because it would be funny to her.
Instead of thriving on friendship and community, trying to work together and using violence as a last resort, she would thrive on violence. If I'm being honest, she scares me as Nightmare more than Mad or Diam. Mad wants attention from Diam and Diam wants to be loved by the Court. But what would Ruby want? What would make the spunky already a bit scattered Sylvari delighted?
Being more self contained it would be something less like external affections and more like internal motivation of 'how much further can I go with this?'.
Tiny Red Knight, if I had to give her a title it would be Knight of Ravening. Mad likes the sport of killing things and is a sadist some but mainly does it for Diams favor. Ruby does it because she can - and no one could stop her.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Do any of your characters have a topic they are absolutely obsessed about? Like if someone offhandedly mentions it they can and will go on an excited 30 minute ramble about it
Ty for the ask!
For Commander Ruby Aenn it's anything to do with food or animals. She can and will introduce you to all her pets and feed you until you explode.
For Elder Parteira, my Olmakhan midwife, if you mention having to deal with cubs she's going into anecdote city about all the ones she's helped raised.
For Mhonde, my tiny very good son, all you have to do is mention Norn in any capacity and you better be prepared for 30 minutes of love-sick hype rambles from the bootsized lad about his very large girlfriend. He can ramble about anything but gets most excited and enthusiastic when someone asks him about Raja.
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uselessidiotsquad · 1 year
Do any of your characters canonically use skiffs? If they do, is it more out of necessity or do they genuinely enjoy being out on the water?
Ty for the ask!
A few of them do, mainly out of necessity. Larthi, my unstuck in time Chronomancer Charr, does. It learned how to handle a small vessel after being teleported to an Olmakhan fishing village for a few months (before it got sent back to right before The Searing). Managing to flee before things got spicy.
Likewise, Dhizzi, the ferryman, uses one to traverse in-between realms of the Mists. Think of them like access roads to different highways that take you to different subareas of the Mists. Many of these spiritual access roads are just open flat expanses of somthing like water (which is what the worlds primordial state was and also what the world returns to eventually, and Larthi has also visited it - though it isn't sure if it was the Before All or After All state). She uses a skiff because Alchemy preserve - who knows what touching the 'almost water but not quite' would do if you touched it as a living person.
Commander Ruby, however, just likes being out on the water and can use a skiff some. Mainly she's just on her skimmer though because it's her pet and friend, she loves that big squishy manatee a whole lot.
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uselessidiotsquad · 2 years
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I got tagged by @moonlit-grove and @i-mybrunettelady for this picrew of some of my kiddos! Have a very Daffodildo, a Ruby, and a Sigilis!
Tagging anyone who wants to (I am nervous to tag peeps and most of the folks I know have already been tagged!)
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