#Rubyn Montana
satureja13 · 6 months
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Winter Solstice - Part 3 Part 1 and 2 -> here
And so they decided to let Ji Ho be claimed by Caleb to make it easier for Vlad to claim him back... and because everyone thinks Ji Ho hit the lottery with Caleb ^^'
And then finally, finally Vlad and Jeb made their way back from the Otherworld! But where are their shirts?
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They ran over to the temple. Hopefully in time! Ouf! Luckily Genji was quick-witted enough to steal some time. He started an argument with Lady Demon about that Ji Ho is his bonded and it's not legal to steal him away from him and give him to Caleb...
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Vlad: "What is going on here?" (Vlad and Jeb really had no idea what is going on here. They went over the fence to the Otherworld and hadn't heard of Ji Ho since they travelled to the Tomarang with the ship from Selvadorada.)
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Saiwa: "Gods, Jeb!" *hungry kiss* Vlad went to the altar to stop this madness: "Ji Ho is mine!"
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Genji: "Hey, Caleb. How about we two share a coffin?" Genji is very clever. He started the argument with Lady Demon not only for Ji Ho and Vlad. He wanted to hit on Caleb ;)
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Now that Ji Ho's rightful bonded is back, they decided to make their bond official in vampire terms so no one ever will question it again and try to claim Ji Ho while Vlad is in the Otherworld.
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Ji Ho: "Let's go over to the sanctuary and fix your eyes..."
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And that's what they did.
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They undressed and kissed.
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Ji Ho: "Claim me."
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And that's what Vlad did.
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When I added Vlad and Jeb to the household during Ji Ho and Caleb's ceremony, Vlad spawned there and looked so sad.
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Poor Lady Demon. The lucrative deal with Ji Ho is called off. But she will get a pretty penny for setting up Caleb with Genji too ;)
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And finally Vlad asked Ji Ho to be his boyfriend. Vlad: "From now on, no one will ever touch you again." Ji Ho: "But I want you to touch me." ... *sigh*
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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It was dark when they left the temple. First we need to cure Jeb (who has been marked for death!) and Ji Ho. Luckily they passed an abandoned computer and were able to buy the cure. (I was in panik and couldn't think of anything else than saving them o.o')
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And after drinking the cure, Jeb turned into a skeleton as a side effect... Poor Saiwa. He can't get used to it.
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On their way to find a save place to sleep, they still looked for that Amazonite... They have to be very careful not to be seen, now that Vlad and Jack have these annoying suns over their heads for 2 days! omg
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Still no luck! How are they supposed to proceed with this riddle when they don't find an Amazonite?
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They didn't dare return to their accomodation or the Sapphire Retreat. Let alone light a fire. So they looked for a hidden place and slept under the stars.
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Vlad and Jack are still awake. They talked for a while and made up again. Vlad promised to be honest from now on and Jack forgave him for what he did to them (Vlad tried to bond with Morgan to spare Ji Ho from the Bond Magic...) they are best friends after all and Vlad already paid for his mistake with his eyesight. Jack: "Is the Bond still trying to convince you to kill us?" Vlad: "It's surprisingly quiet..." Jack: "Maybe it's just happy because you're near Ji Ho. Tell us if anything changes." Vlad: "Promised."
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And then they went to sleep too.
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The next morning. Early... Since Jeb has a brand new appearance for a few hours, he thought it might be a good idea to visit the market again to look for the missing ingredients for the potion...
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Saiwa isn't very happy about it. What if Mami and 'The Boys™' recognize and kidnap him to join them? But they have no choice... Saiwa: "Be careful." Jeb: "I will. Go back to the camp so nobody sees you."
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So they went back to pack their stuff together. And Ji Ho didn't give up on that Amazonite. But he only found his second Alexandrite! Unbelievable...
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Meanwhile at the market. Jeb bought the ingredients for the potion. No one recognized him. *phew*
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Before he left he asked if they maybe have some Nitelite Crystals. The Boy™: "Ah no, I'm sorry. But you could go to the Meteorite Crash Scene. Some Aliens do their research there. There was a giant Nitelite Meteorite Crash a while ago. Hey, and if you like, take one of those Amazonites. They're for free. Lyin' around here on every corner..." What? ö.Ö
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Outtakes Collection
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Jeb reassuring Jack that is's ok if he does the cutting because Jack is having so much pain <3
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Jeb ^^'
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Vlad and Jack now have this sun over their heads for two days...
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Family Photo. The way Vlad looks at Ji Ho <3
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Little Goat: 'I want a happy end!' Saiwa: 'Don't worry!'
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Their expedition attire. It's still warm in Selvadorada.
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Saiwa went with Rubyn to the village. Rubyn is trying to find out if the administration has any documents about Professor Callahan.
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And Saiwa is asking around if someone heard about him. And to buy twenty or so bottles of insecticides... "We don't like people asking too many questions."
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But then a strange lady approached him. "Don't listen to their trash. Everyone here knows about the weird stuff the Professor had been in." Saiwa: "What do you mean?" Strange Lady: "I can't tell you more. They scrutinize us." And then she left. How strange...
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Meanwhile Jeb is talking to Jack and Vlad about Saiwa. He already had this conversation before with Ji Ho. They are finally all together again (except for Kiyoshi). And Jeb worries about Saiwa.
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Saiwa is the oldest and their leader. And responsible for them. He gets punished if something goes wrong. But Saiwa is as damaged as all of them. They need to disburden him and take responsibilty for their own actions.
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Jeb: "We need to be honest to each other. No secretive single actions anymore! If something goes wrong, we need to talk to each other before it escalates! I will no longer tolerate this. Ji Ho already pledged this to me. Now you two." Vlad: "You want us to vow?" Vlad can't make a vow! Not now after the Bond started to stir him up against his friends! Jeb: "Think about it. You heard Francine. This is our last chance anyway. If we mess this up, we will be disbanded - forever. If I haven't gotten a vow from you until tonight, I will leave with Saiwa."
Vlad: "What?" Jack: "What? I promise! I want to stay with you!" (Saiwa is the most important person in Jack's life.)
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Vlad didn't vow... He went to the stables to have a chat with Adriano. Jeb joined him to care for the goats. It seems Malfoy has a chat with Jeb. Jeb to Malfoy: "Is that so?"
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Jeb called Vlad over: "Hug him." Vlad: "What?" Jeb: "Hug Malfoy." (Malfoy can sense any kind of magical interferences). All wait curiously...
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And Malfoy revealed it. He acted up and refused to let Vlad touch him... let alone hug him. Jeb: "So, what's wrong? He told me there's something going on with you. What is it? Why didn't you vow?"
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And then Vlad told Jeb about the Bond stirring him up against his friends. Who are the reason Ji Ho and Vlad want to cut the Bond. To protect them from the Council. Jeb: "Oh gods... I don't know what to do. A few minutes ago I wanted us to be honest to each other - and now all I want to do is to keep this a secret from Sai... And from Francine. She even assumed it. She will divide us immediately if we tell her..." (This would be the end of the Boys!)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Their expedition to Selvadorada starts at the Space Port in San Myshuno where they all meet again.
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Jeb missed Sai so much. Haha I agree wit Noxee. Saiwa doesn't have to worry if Jeb likes the way he dresses :3
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Let's hope Jack lives up to the moodlet ö.Ö (the box contains Kiyoshi's heart...)
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The adventurer shop is too tiny for all of them to fit in so Rubyn starts outfitting them with Ji Ho and Jeb.
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While Saiwa and Jack explore the Arcade ^^'
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And Vlad went to enjoy the view, now that he can finally see again.
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Vlad already noticed that something has changed with his eyes. The Bond is playing tricks on him again. But it got worse after he sees Ji Ho together with the others.
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THEY are the reason why Ji Ho wants to cut the Bond. To protect THEM from the Council! (Uhm Vlad, you wanted that too (?)) Vlad could live happily with his bonded Ji Ho if it weren't for THEM! Oh oh ö.Ö'
Didn't you promise Francine to tell her if you notice something odd?
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And poor Noxee is sad having to let her babies go on a possibly dangerous expedition...
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Greg will be there for her.
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'… No one could ever know me No one could ever see me Seems you're the only one who knows What it's like to be me Someone to face the day with Make it through all the rest with Someone I'll always laugh with Even at my worst, I'm best with you, yeah' I'll be there for you - The Rembrandts RIP Matthew Perry
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satureja13 · 7 months
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The Expedition The UFO teleported Rubyn and the Boys near their accomodation.
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Poor Ji Ho isn't feeling well. Travelling in an UFO does him no good as it seems. Jeb: "Gods, Ji Ho. Come, get up. I'll take you to bed."
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The jungle welcomes them with another problem.
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Luckily they only had to walk a few meters.
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Here they are. Their stay in Selvadorada: The Container Home. It's built from worn out SFS (Star Fleet Sixam) Fright Containers.
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Saiwa: "Wow! A cool idea to build cheap homes AND save the environment!" Jack: "And it looks so awesome!"
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They decided to place the goats from their inventory so they would not complain and call the horses tomorrow. They are doing fine in the Otherworld. Vlad's Little Goat has a surprise for him. He made the deal also with Adriano! So they can call him anytime without having to transport him in a trailer! Aww that's so sweet!
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Vlad is so happy! Thank you, Little Goat! But Little Goat has another surprise... Saiwa: "Uhm Vlad..." Oh no! Malfoy! No gain without pain...
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Time to go to bed. They'll be busy during this expedition. They have to share two bedrooms and keep Ji Ho and Vlad separated. Jack is the only one who is strong enough to keep Vlad at bay (should the Bond try anything) and Sai has to care for (still a bit) unstable Jack...
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Leaves Jeb and Ji Ho in the other bedroom. They are best friends and often share a room. So there's (again) no chance for Sai and Jeb to spend their nights together...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
This is the beginning of a new chapter! 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 7 months
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There was no way to find out more about Professor Callahan and his research online. It was too long ago and the prediction (of an impact of a meteorite pair in the far future made by an unknown professor without any evidence) too insignificant.
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So Rubyn went over to Foxbury. To the archives. Where all the pre-internet astronomical data are kept - on paper. The Librarian wasn't of much help...
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So Rubyn spent her night in the archives. Searching through card indexes...
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Consultating catalogues...
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And finally a trace lead her to the personnel file of a Professor J.Callahan. Who had been a lecturer for astronomy at the Britechester University a hundred years ago. Long before Foxbury Institute had been built.
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The reason why any information about him was so hard to find is, that he only taught for a few days. Published his article about the ...
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... Tepesz-Woo meteorite pair (???)
What? A Professor -> J. Callahan (and only him) predicted the impact of Ji Ho and Vlad's meteorites and named them after them - a hundred years ago? (Ji Ho's last name is 'Woo' and Vlad's 'Tepesz'. And Jack's -> Callahan...)
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Unfortunately Professor Callahan lost his professorship due to his, then unprooved, weird theories. The last entry in his file is, that the University of Britechester wishes him good luck for his further research in Selvadorada...
TMI: This episode is inspired of a real life experience where I was lucky to spend hours and hours in the Library of our University and in the endless Archives. It was stunning.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning -> here Previous Chapter: 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 7 months
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Rubyn and Ji Ho are busy. To prepare the devices for Vlad's and Ji Ho's meteorites, Rubyn neglected their discovery from the telescope the other day: the asteroid pairs!
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So instead of doing school stuff, Ji Ho assists Rubyn to find out more about those asteroid pairs and which secrets they hold. They agreed to declare this as science class ^^' Ji Ho: "Sorry Little Goat. Vlad has to care for you."
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A few hours later. Ji Ho: "Uhm Rubyn... I found an entry about a certain Professor Callahan...It seems he predicted a meteorite pair impact in Chestnut Ridge on the date our meteorites crashed down... but about a hundred years ago ö.Ö' "
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Rubyn: "WHAT? How is this possible? Even with our advanced telescopes and computers we didn't see them coming! What kind of entry is this?" Ji Ho clicked around but there were no further links or references... A few hateful comments under the article from years ago said this was fake. But we know it wasn't...
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Rubyn: "This is a mystery!"
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TMI: Even though asteroid Dinkinesh was discovered over 20 years ago, they only found out beginning of this month that it is a binary asteroid! There's still so much to discover. (And what a coincidence when we are just having a asteroid/meteorite special about meteorite pairs!)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning -> here Previous Chapter: 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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The Morning after Winter Solstice
When Ji Ho woke up, Vlad had already left. And Ji Ho was glad he did. It would have been too awkward to wake up next to him. There was a lily on the bed. A symbol of Vlad's love for him. All obstacles are out of their way now. No curse and no need to cut the Bond anymore. They have a home now in the Otherworld and they are save there. Only thing Ji Ho has left to do is to learn how to love Vlad...
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Vlad stepped out of the sanctuary. Dtui and Rubyn are already up and busy with the pedestals. They are trying to figure out how to send the Boys back and forth between their home in the Otherworld and this world. Dtui: "Morning Vlad! It went very well as I see. You have your eyes back! The others are at Ichiraku's." Vlad: "Morning. Ah, yes ^^' and thanks!"
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Jeb and Jack noticed Vlad's good old eyes: "Oh my finally!" (Saiwa is sulking because neither Vlad nor Jeb told them why they showed up without their shirts yesterday... Jeb even in his hot cowboy outfit...)
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And really, Vlad regained his black eyes! It seems the Bond has forgiven him for trying to bond with Morgan and murder the Bond...
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A little later Ji Ho joined them. Jack: "Ji Ho! How do you feel after you shoved Caleb Vatore from your bed and your neck? For Vlad ^^' "
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Ji Ho flushed. But he sat next to Vlad <3 Saiwa to Vlad: "You must be a very good boy now to not make Ji Ho regret his decision ;)" Jack: "Ah lucky Genji! He left together with Lady Demon and Caleb in the limousine!"
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They indulged their breakfast and chatted for a while. Knowing they'd return to their new home soon. Together. Ah, it's been a while since I've seen them so carefree and happy! Only - Kiyoshi's place is empty. Let's hope they get him out of that tree soon.
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Saiwa: "You still haven't told us why you showed up without your shirts yesterday..." Vlad: "What happens behind the fence, stays behind the fence." Saiwa: "Yeah? What if I kill you behind the fence?" Jeb: "Vanië, such things happen when riding the fence. I told you it's dangerous. You never know from which leg of the Trousers of Time you'll emerge when you hop in the waistband. Let's just forget about it, hm?"
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Pff. Sai went over to Dtui and Rubyn to discuss when they are going to send them back home. Rubyn: "We still have no idea how to send you back and forth by yourself. If we send you back now, either Vlad or Ji Ho has to stay here with their meteorite." Saiwa: "Oh. No that's not an option. Other Jeb urged us to stay together..." Dtui: "While I cast my spells here yesterday, I figured a few things out. We already know that the meteorites, together with the crystals, allow you to teleport to certain places. Rubyn could be able to build a portable device for you. But we need more information about the powers of the crystals."
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Saiwa: "Oh we'd found an amazing website with all the information about the crystals when we were on the clue hunt in Selvadorada!" Dtui: "Unfortunately we need information from a specific old book. This wisdom is not shared on the internet. Saiwa. We can't send you home yet. We need you to go to the library in Windenburg to find this book. Make sure nobody recognizes you there. The Council is still after you. I'm sorry." Rubyn: "Hey, you've already managed harder stuff, right?" Oh no...
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Then poor Saiwa went over to the Temple with Dtui to discuss Kiyoshi. Saiwa: "We've made good progress and I'm positive we'll get him out of that tree. Little Goat already shows up from time to time. I'm just not sure how to interpret Other Jeb's message. When he urged us to stay together, did he also mean Kiyoshi? And If yes, how is he supposed to stay with us in the Otherworld when he has his duties here at the Temple. And for the Resistance?" Dtui: "I fear Kiyoshi can't return back here anyway. Kōjin banned him from the Temple. And he's of no use for the Resistance either as it is. Keep him with you and look after him. He still has so much to learn." Oh no...
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Ji Ho: "I hope Genji isn't sad I chose Caleb. Over him..." Jack: "Don't worry. He also chose Caleb ^^' Anybody would ;) " Vlad: "Tch...this bigheaded goth kitten. And what is even going on with his hair?..."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 8 months
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In the afternoon they all went to Leander's study.
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Rubyn and Leander's trials to cut the Bond will take time and efforts. And even though Ji Ho already confirmed verbally (twice) that he is determined to do anything possible to help to cut the Bond, Leander insists to make a proper contract.
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Now it's getting serious and Ji Ho was a bit anxcious. But he has no choice anyway, they can't go on like this. With their lives permanently in danger, always on the run and with the Council on their heels. So he agreed.
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And this is how Ji Ho sealed his fate...
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Leander: "Don't worry. This is the right choice. As soon as Vlad signed the contract too, we can start right away."
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Let's just hope this was really the right choice... Vlad hates Leander more than anything else for what he'd done to him and Wesley. But Ji Ho understands why Leander did what he did and trusts him. Leander risked his life to rescue Wesley and Vlad from the Council. Albeit with questionable tactics...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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It took a while until they reached their final destination. They had to sneak and made sure nobody followed them. But now they are finally at the end of their Jungle Adventure!
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They way inside is barred... Ji Ho: "How are we supposed to enter?" Saiwa: "There must be a way. We've made it this far already. Let's search the surroundings." Jeb: "But stay together! And be careful! Gods when I think of only Jack and I survived - I..I..."
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Jeb was interrupted by the Droid, who was beeping excitedly... He was standing in front of a pedestal. Jack: "So other Jeb said, we need the crystals for the pedestals by the ship. Leaves the potion..."
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And really, as soon as they placed the potion at the pedestal, a crack opened! It was a bit of a hassle to slip through the vines and the narrow crack, but eventually they all made it to the other side.
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There is the Ship! But it's in a cave and the roots keep it in place...
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Saiwa: "So when we place the crystals and the meteorites - something will happen. But Ji Ho's pedestal is on this side and we are on the ship. This might divide us and Jeb ... the other Jeb warned us and said we have to stay together!" Rubyn: "But he also told us to do so..." Ji Ho: "I think you have to go ahead and I stay with Rubyn to find a way to use the meteorites to travel! Now that we have all the information from Albaleyh and ... the other Jeb and this pedestal here. And then we can meet again soon. And bring Kiyoshi back." The Bond only hears that Ji Ho and Vlad will be divided...
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Saiwa shared his recordings from Albaleyh with Rubyn before they leave. Jeb: "I really hope we are doing the right thing here, Ji Ho." Ji Ho: "The other Jeb and Jack must have been sure it works out. If not they wouldn't have lead us here, hm? We will be together soon." Vlad was very, very silent in the background...
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Jack was just about to explore the ship...
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When Malfoy appeared in front of him! (Malfoy can sense any kind of magical interferences.)
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Vlad shouted: "Jack! Wolf!" The Bond pushed him towards the others. The others who are going to keep him from Ji Ho - again! And Jack knew what was about to happen in an instant. He shifted to stop Vlad the Bond from killing them. Jack is the only one strong enough to keep Vlad at bay.
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And Vlad knows that very well... he still has the scars, you know?
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Mount Komorebi - Temple District Kiyoshi is still banned from the Temple so Jeb texts Rubyn and asks her what do do... Jeb: "Ah, Rubyn said to bring him to the One OK Rock Bar? She said he's only been banned from the Temple itself but not from the buildings nearby." Jack: "Ah that's a relief." (Neither Jack nor the others (nor Kiyoshi himself...) know that Kiyoshi got banned from the Temple because he lost control over his demon side (because Jack had left him... because Kiyoshi neglected Jack and Jack went crazy...)
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And so Kiyoshi returned to the Temple after more than two months in this world - and a few decades in the Otherworld he'd spent in that tree...
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Saiwa went over to the Temple to talk to Dtui, and the others to the Bar to meet Rubyn. Ji Ho: "Ah the pedestals are still here!"
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Jack: "Very proactive from Rubyn to place them here and not at the Temple Grounds."
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Jeb and Rubyn shared their latest news about the crystals and the device. And of course they told her the story about the meteorites from the book Jack had found. (Rubyn is just as crazy about Star Wars as Jack and Vlad ^^'). They agreed to find out more about this book, the story and the author.
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But back to the teleport devices. Rubyn: "I'm positive we can send you back to the Otherworld soon! The device is built and we just need to adjust it and calibrate with all of you and then you're ready to go!" Jack: "Awesome!"
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Dtui is so sad. She is not allowed to see Kiyoshi until he learned why he'd been banned from the Temple... Saiwa reassured her: "Don't worry. He doesn't suffer. He's still in tree mode. But I'm sure we'll get him back and then he will learn from his mistakes and you'll meet again."
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Dtui stayed at the Temple and Saiwa went over to the others. Rubyn handed Ji Ho and Vlad their devices and they inserted their meteorites. She explained the functions and divided them in two teams. For 'balance'... Jack to Vlad: "See you on the other side, Pal!" The others were too anxious to say anything. No one had ever tested these devices. What if something goes wrong?
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But nothing went wrong. Because nothing really happened. Rubyn: "Argh! It's too weak! The beams have to cross. But we're already at full power... " Oh no...
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But then Jeb had the idea that saved the mission: "Ji Ho - sing!" And Ji Ho sang. The lights appeared around them, the scent of ozone wafted through the air and the beams crossed!
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And then the Boys were gone. Rubyn cheered! Hopefully she sent them to the right place - in one piece...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Winter Solstice - Part 2 Part 1 is -> here
Night fell over the Temple and Lady Demon arrived with her client to claim Ji Ho. Since he's without a rightful bonded after Vlad went to the Otherworld without him. It's Caleb Vatore! Caleb: "You didn't exaggerate, Lady Demon. He's beautiful." Even Dtui seems to be enchanted by Caleb!
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Caleb: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ji Ho." (Exactly the moment Ji Ho and Caleb touched for the first time, the lights went on! ö.ö And Lady Demon seems very pleased with herself ^^')
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Ji Ho was stunned. And when he was able to use his brain again he regretted his choice of dress. (He initially chose this attire to scare off any potential client ^^')
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They went inside to hear Ji Ho's decision. Genji or Caleb. Huh - Ji Ho started to think that maybe it is not that bad of an idea to try it with Caleb... Vlad still had 3 days to claim him back. And if not... Caleb: "I will treat you like a prince." ... he would treat him like a prince...
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Ji Ho: "Uhm... ok - I guess?" Omg Ji Ho ^^'
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Ji Ho excused himself to have a short talk with his friends. Jack: "Gods - what? Caleb Vatore? And he pays for you? Tell him he can have me in addition at no extra charge!" Saiwa: "Oh my, he's so handsome - and he's kind. It will work out, you'll see. And if Vlad doesn't come back - I mean, I hope he does - but ... it's Caleb Vatore!"
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And so they set everything up for the ceremony.
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Caleb: "You are so beautiful."
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To be continued...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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December 21. Winter Solstice And the first snow. This night is the longest night of the year and from tomorrow on, the days are getting longer again until Summer Solstice. This is my favourite day of all. Because it gives hope in the darkest of times. Without having to do or achieve something, the light comes back into our life. And this is my wish for you today. May the light come back into your life. Just like so. I know many of you are struggling. Don't lose hope and have faith in time ♥️
Rubyn, Genji and the Boys went to the Temple at Mount Komorebi where Ji Ho is supposed to chose his new bonded. Genji or 'a client' of Lady Demon... Someone who is willing to pay a pretty penny for a precious mermaid. And someone who is brave/stupid enough to make him his bonded. Mermaid's blood is deadly poisonous for vampires. Not many live to tell (Genji, for example). And even Vlad paid with his life for it.
Time is short, but Rubyn and Dtui are not willing to give up on trying to summon Vlad here to avoid this. Rubyn brought the pedestals and the meteorites and Dtui is casting additional spells. They still have time until sun sets and the longest night of the year begins and Lady Demon shows up.
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They were hugging (to acitivate some bond magic...), casting spells and adjusting the pedestals for hours now. But of no avail... What if Vlad and Jeb don't find their way back?
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Rubyn is at her wit's end. If only Vlad hadn't left his meteorite with Saiwa and Jack!
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They gathered in the hall of the Temple to warm up and discuss how to proceed. Ji Ho: "I talked to Genji and I'm fine with being his bonded. This is the best solution. We'd still be able to be together just as Other Jeb demanded. Who knows who this ominous client of Lady Demon will be? She alone already scares me so much! I'm better off with Genji. We get along so well."
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Dtui: "If this is your wish. Just know that once you tighten your already existing bond with Genji, it will be nearly impossible for Vlad to claim you back. *sighs* But we have no choice anyway, have we?" Saiwa: "But maybe - if Ji Ho choses Lady Demon's client - we could buy a little time. The book we found in Saarburg said it's three days until the bond needs to be completed. And if Ji Ho somehow stalls the 'completion' with the client, Vlad has a chance to claim him back. He's his righful bonded after all." Ji Ho: "I don't know if I'm strong enough to act up against a vampire and stall the completion of the bond with him. And I won't be able to stay with you then. He surely won't let me leave again after he paid for me and claimed me." Jack: "What a nightmare..."
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They went back out again to try to bring Vlad here in time until night falls. But after a another few hours more without any success... Saiwa: "Let's stop this now. Dtui already worked herself to exhaustion."
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And just a little later Lady Demon and her client arrived in a big limousine. To claim Ji Ho...
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To be continued...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Sai and Jack went back home. There was still no sign of Jeb and Vlad. Neither of Rubyn and Ji Ho. Saiwa is worried beyond measure. And Jack is still deep in thoughts about Kiyoshi. What are they supposed to do when they have to live together as Other Jeb and Jack demanded? Jack and Sai are of no help for each other this evening...
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They cared for the goats and went over to Jack's houseboat. Sai still has no room of his own and he can't sleep alone in Jeb's bed. It hurts too much to be there without him. And Jack can't sleep alone anyway. Saiwa: "How are you able to watch Star Wars movies today..." Jack, from his Star Wars world: "Distraction." They have the meteorite always close nearby to see if something changes.
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And when the movie was finally over, Sai came back from brushing his teeth and Jack was about to go to bed... Jack: "Sai look!" Sai: ?
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Vlad's meteorite started to glow! Saiwa: "To the ship, quick - oh my..." No time to dress. Rubyn finally found out how to teleport them back!
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After the first shock, they were excited to see the others again! And that the teleportation is finally working!
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Off they go.
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As expected, they'd been teleported to Rubyn's lab in Britechester. In the real world.
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Rubyn: "There you are! We made it!" It seems Genji and Ji Ho were able to activate the meteorites on the modified pedestal with their bond magic ö.Ö' It really seems a once knotted bond can't completely fade, even if 'overwritten'...
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Saiwa: "But... where are Jeb and Vlad?"
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Ji Ho: "Why are they not with you?" Rubyn: "Oh no..."
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After Rubyn told them that Ji Ho will be claimed by a customer of Lady Demon or has to tighten the bond with Genji - should Vlad not show up as his bonded tomorrow at Winter Solstice - Saiwa had a breakdown. Jack: "Sai, come on. We need a plan. Stay strong - for Jeb, hm?" Saiwa sobs: "Gods, Jeb! Why did I allow them to leave! What are we supposed to do now?"
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Next day Ji Ho and Genji arrived in Britechester to support Rubyn with her research on the meteorites to bring Ji Ho and the others back together again. Poor Rubyn is already working at full speed and now she's also under time constraints...
Rubyn: "What's wrong with these people? Winter Solstice is in 4 days! This is still work for weeks! I have to figure out which crystals to use and how this pedestal works and I also have to make sure you are safe! Gods! I'm stuck - I need ideas..."
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She also showed them the setup in the yard behind her laboratory. There is already a second pedestal. Different to the one that vanished with the ship. Rubyn: "This will be the stationary one. If it all goes well, we will be able to use the meteorites to let you travel between the worlds. At least I hope that the ship teleported your friends to the Otherworld."
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Rubyn called her collegues from Foxbury to gather new inspiration. They met at the 'Book Nook'. And while Rubyn discusses meteorite matters with her fellow physicists (without revealing too much to not put the Boys in jeopardy): Ji Ho: "If it all goes wrong and Vlad can't come back in time, I'd rather stay with you than being claimed by some of Lady D's 'customers' - prince or no prince." Genji is chuckling. Ji Ho: "What?" Genji: "Don't be stupid, Ji Ho. You could live a life of plenty. You are too precious to be a 'Laundromat Prince'."
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It's late and there's a firework over at UBrite Arena. They went to the roof to watch it.
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Rubyn: "Oh Ji Ho. I feel so sorry for you. We'll do anything possible to help you. Such a mess!" Genji: "Let's take this smiley as a good omen that all will be well in the end, hm?"
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Ji Ho: "I was serious in the 'Book Nook', Genji. We get along really well and I'm so thankful you have me and protect me. I had a difficult past and I hate to get touched. But if Vlad doesn't make it I'd like to solidify our Bond." Genji: "Oh Ji Ho, I caused you so much pain I can't even imagine. I will never be able to make it up to you. And you flatter me that you consider this after all that happened between us. But I still hope Vlad makes it. You two belong together."
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Ji Ho: "I'm not sure if I can love him." Genji: "You will. Sleep now. We will have a busy time here until Winter Solstice."
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They took Ji Ho's meteorite with them to charge it with their Bond. And Genji was watching over Ji Ho's sleep...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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