#Rumor of the 10.000 year sakura
|Engraved Sakura Memories|
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shizukateal · 4 years
Judging Magia Record’s Outfits [Part 21]
The last part. The three rules.
Hinata Matsuri
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Not bad! See Shigure? You can have a quirky tech aesthetic and still use clothes that a human would wear. My only problems are the details, like the circle not being in the center of her ribbon and I also think her soul gem position is weird. But hey! Flawless use of the halter top-miku sleeves combo.
Haruka Kanade
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Well, good! Another girl that understands that you can be sexy with class. I will admit that her tiny braid at her side weirds me out a little, though.
Ryoko Natsu
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Look, I understand what she’s going for, but she botched it. The silhouette of this thing is just weak. It’s limp, like she didn’t bother to fasten anything properly. The frills on the sock shouldn’t be there, they just look awkward with the frills of the skirt. Hell, maybe the outfit would look better without the skirt at all! Especially if it has that... tail? that just has no reason to be there at all. Also the blue ribbon connecting the scarf is stupid. Some of this girls are starting to try my patience with the asymmetric socks.
Rui Mizuki
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Already did this one.
Midriff count: 28
Characters ruined by the Male Gaze: 28
Rumor of the 10.000 year Sakura
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I’m just gonna call her Sakura for short. She kinda looks like a Miku Hatsune skin, which is certainly an interesting look but... I don’t know, I just don’t really “feel” her personality. If we are talking about specific parts of her outfit I dislike I’d have to say her weird one sock (boot?) with the metallic trim, and her bracelet is a bit too big and while I get that it’s there so at least one of her hands doesn’t look so naked, they could have just elongated the sleeves to achieve that.
Ok, I think my problem really is the halter top-miku sleeves combination. Again, I do not have a categorical hatred to this pairing or miku sleeves in particular. It actually looks good here, even! But here’s the thing: this combo is only versatile because it’s both generic and easy to draw. It’s basic. It’s a template that you can modify to your convenience to have an easy and appealing silhouette to your character, but at the expense of other options more specific to their aesthetic, most of the time. I think Sakura here has something very interesting going on here with her skirt, but the halter top and miku sleeves while, again, not ugly here at all make me feel like her designer didn’t really put any more effort into figuring out how to convey her personality to the audience. When you compare her to Hinata up above here you can feel the difference in aesthetic cohesion. One of this days I’m gonna make a separate post about this.
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