#Runkle Of The Bailey
weatherman667 · 5 months
Alec Baldwin Indicted On Manslaughter Charges For Rust Shooting
Alec Baldwin was indicted on negligent manslaughter with a firearm.
He says he was trying to practice fanning.  He pulled the hammer back, and “it fired on it’s own.”
This is the easy answer.  It doesn’t look into any of the blatant firearm safety violations on set.
Runtime:  11:35
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afewnovelideas · 11 months
I cannot believe how the Colleen Ballinger drama is shaking out right now...
She is now copyright striking LawTubers for commenting on her nonpology video. She copyright struck Natalie D Baker!
Oh I can't wait to see more LawTubers break her whole situation down. Runkle of the Bailey released a great one last night. You should watch it before it gets struck too.
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screampotato · 3 months
I am absolutely in love with the phrase
Pigeon Business
and I'm taking it upon myself to spread it further. It was coined by the YouTube lawyer Runkle of the Bailey, and it means behaviour that seems very clever and subtle and strategic, but is actually just incompetence. He likened it, if I recall correctly, to playing chess with a pigeon, and what seem like very complex and advanced moves are actually just "pigeon business".
I love this because I've never heard a term for this specific phenomenon, and it applies to so many situations. Politics. Business. Tech (Elon Musk is up to neverending pigeon business). And those situations where I disrupt an entire game of The Resistance, because all the experienced players extrapolate from my moves on the assumption that I'm up to something very clever, when in fact I'm just unable to remember what's going on and playing at random.
Pigeon Business. The world is full of it.
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anjelicawrites · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @thought--bubble and @vhagar-balerion-meraxes!!!
nine people i’d like to know better
Last Song I Listened To : Begging, Måneskin.
Favourite Colour : bottle green and purple red.
Currently Watching : Runkle of the Bailey's coverage of the Rust trial part 1.
Spicy, Savoury, or Sweet? : Sweet. It's Easter and I am living off chocolate 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ .
Relationship Status : single and probably never ready to mingle.
Current Obsession : since I am writing the second fic in a row about him, I'm going with Abraham, but it's all Ewan's characters.
I'm arriving quite late at this one so I'm tagging whomever stumbles upon this and wants to participate!!!!
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naphulahastur · 4 months
First video: Ian Runkle (Runkle of the Bailey) talks about his appearance in front of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Initial thoughts, wow younger Ian looked like a nerd (lovingly). Clearly nervous but well spoken as an attorney should be. I really like how the courtroom looks, simple but regal and official. The justices also ask very good questions and politely refute some of his arguments. I love watching Supreme Court hearings anyway.
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captain-grammar · 5 months
My YouTube watch-list today has consisted of:
Runkle of the Bailey dissecting the judge's response to the Janette Braun copyright/defamation situation
Caitlin Doughty breaking down the Harvard Medical School cadaver scandal
Watcher/Ryan and Shane playing Five Nights at Freddy's
Mythical Chef Josh and his fiance chaotically cooking their dream wedding menu
I don't think The Algorithm knows what to do with me.
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xylophonetangerine · 4 months
For YouTubers who do American legal commentary/drama content that's actually good look to Runkle of the Bailey and MadCatster.
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acecasinova · 5 months
I feel like any private attorney who’s dumb enough to try and sue YOUTUBE of all companies, especially over a fair use claim that’s backed up BY YOUTUBE probably shouldn’t be allowed to practice law, they seem like a threat to their clients AND society
Oh for SURE.
I'm pretty sure she may have actually been fired by the client she filed on behalf of, but that's just word of mouth, so probably worth taking with a grain of salt.
I know the judge who initially saw some of the lawsuit stuff dragged her through the mud for the unprofessionalism, but man, I'd love to see some actual consequences with her license, yeesh...
Small edit:
MadCatster and Runkle Of The Bailey are two lawyers on youtube who have seen some of the filings and have breakdowns on some of it, if you're interested~
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roadwarrior1157 · 2 years
check out, runkle of the Bailey.
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weatherman667 · 1 year
Wizards Of The Coast Sends The Pinkertons After One Of Their Fans
Guy is accidentally able to buy an unreleased pack from MTG, and they LITERALLY send the Pinkertons after him.
Runetime:  12:02
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years
I know I made a post about this before, but I can't find it. So, you're friendly reminder that you don't have to settle for zoom "mediocrity" just because you have ADHD. There are plenty of successful people with ADHD. The trick is finding something you love, and a passionate and diving into it. You might have to work on some depression and anxiety first, but you CAN succeed!
There are actors with ADHD: Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins (who has also written books), Kristen Bell, Salma Hayek
There are YouTubing attorneys with ADHD: Emily D. Baker (also dyslexic), Ian Runkle (Runkle of the Bailey), Rob who's last name I don't remember (Law & Lumber).
Badass gymnast Simone Biles has ADHD, as does Dancing with the Stars pro Karina Smirnoff.
The founder of Kinko's, Paul Orfalea, also had ADHD and dyslexia. Charles Schwab, who founded the US's largest brokerage firm, also has ADHD.
One of my dad's patients is an advanced nurse, and has been in charge of departments in an academic setting.
There are more in this list too.
No matter what people tell you, - even others with ADHD (including one that inspired me to write this post that I should have pushed back on right then and there), - you absolutely don't have to settle for doing nothing. You CAN accomplish things. You just need to find what you love enough that it can motivate you.
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aitchque · 2 years
LawTube, It’s not a thing - for real…
This drama thing going on YouTube with these lawyers is hilarious. Some of them have definitely been on the grift while streaming the Depp v Heard trial. Personally, I wouldn’t sit on someone else’s stream for HOURS and watch them rake in bank through superchats and not partake in that. I think that’s why eventually Emily D Baker, Nate the Lawyer and Good Lawgic started doing their own streams. Why sit on Legal Bytes channel and watch her get thousands of dollars while you’re not getting anything, but a beg for a sub on their channel? UGH!
And then there’s one lawyer that’s a bit full of himself. DUI Guy. I really liked him but after the bullshit with the line holders, I decided yeah, no. I don’t wanna be bothered with him and his grandeur. I wish him well.
I realize over this drama and nonsense, I’ve unsubbed to a few of them. But I was always a Emily D Baker fan. So I’m still a Emily D Baker fan. And she is probably the one that made the most out of this. She gained thousands upon thousands of subs and a crazy amount of views. She didn’t need anyone. She didn’t need a cheerleader. That whole Hoeg thing simping for Legal Bytes was cringy. And it was such a turn off. Emily first started coming on Legal Bytes, but I think she saw she would do better if she just streamed the trial on her own channel. I think Nate the Lawyer and Good Lawgic saw it too. Why should they give all their time and attention on someone’s channel when they can do it for themselves? Good for them.
But it seemed like Uncivil Law was wholly bothered by not being able to seize on the grift. The way he started begging for subs was a weird flex for me. He could have started his own stream. Just like the others. Perhaps he was feeling he wouldn’t get the exposure on his channel vs what he was getting on Legal Bytes. Nevertheless, it’s a losing strategy to not put faith in your own abilities. Good Lawgic started out with about 100 people in this streams and it just grew when people weren’t feeling whatever was going on Legal Bytes. That’s how shit happens. But I think he was most bothered when Rob, Law & Lumber, jumped into the YouTube channel waters. Without any effort…the hard YouTube lift (which a lot of people struggle with years upon years)…came on the scene and within a month, he had over 100k subs, a video that went viral (the wooden bed video debunking) and made a bromance with Runkle of the Bailey is when I think Kurt - Uncivil Law kinda lost his shit. Rough around the edges kinda people are cool. Straight shooters are on point. But he’s little too crass for me.
Rekieta Law…he always knew and he doesn’t go on other’s channels it would appear. They come to him. He stands on his own and does his own thing. He is definitely on point.
It’s amazing how people are when more attention and more money come into play how attitudes change. I do think Legal Bytes misstated when she said something to the effect of sending people to court. I started to feel like the Legal Bytes channel became the de facto hangout for this trial, making it appear as if she was the Lawtube leader. Just my observation.
Lawtube is not a thing. It’s just a group of lawyers hoping around to other’s people’s channels during streams mostly. There are some smaller creators, like Law with Mike, Tragos Law, Boss Bri, and Natalie Lawyer Chick that also did their own thing and didn’t get too heavily mixed up with the drama and the grift. And they have really good content.
All this is just the vibe I picked up over the course of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial. Apparently a few of them streamed the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, but I don’t think it was at the magnitude of the Depp v Heard trial. It wasn’t it the same in regards to attention. I did not watch the Rittenhouse trial, but this is just the energy I’m reading from what the lawyers are saying.
I think this is what happens when a creator community forms and that creator community is attempting to appeal to the same audience as their “competitor.” Yes, there is a enough to go around, but in the end, a creator wants that audience to land on them as their bonafide go to channel.
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omggg runkle of the bailey says he listens to electro swing
i'm DEAD.
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nathanalbright151 · 3 years
Laws Make Bad Memorials
Laws Make Bad Memorials
I was watching a video recently from a lawtube channel named Runkle In The Bailey that features a Canadian criminal defense attorney with a specialty in firearms law. What he said that was striking about the Canadian legal system and some of its problems was the habit that Canadians have of legislating in the wake of a trial in order to try to close the loopholes that led to unpopular decisions.…
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inkymp · 3 years
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weatherman667 · 11 months
Grooming: What Is It, And How To Stop It?
They will find a way to get close to kids.  Either online or in person.
Find a victim.  They prefer ones that are distant from their family.
Fulfill an unfilled need.  This can be as simple as buying the latest generation phone, or it could be as profound as giving a child companionship they do not get anywhere else.
Isolate the child.  They try to get the child further away from parents.  This can be as simple as telling the child that their parents cannot be trusted.
Normalize sexuality.  This can be as simple as encouraging them to dress a bit more scantily.  This is made all the easier by prevalence of kinderslut apparel.  It can go as far as getting them to watch porn.  Also easy nowadays, with all of the free porn online.
Encourage the child to break the rules.  This teaches the child that rules are to be broken, such as the rules that would keep them from meeting up from a paedophile at night.  If these rules are also laws, or can say affect them academically, it gives the paedophile blackmail material.  Blackmail material is to get them to do more and more, with each step being used as blackmail for the next.  As more and more rules start to get broken, the less impact any other rule has to the child.
The worst part is a lot of these might be done without trying to abuse the child. Paedophiles prefer jobs where they are close to children, they might take a special interest in children, go out of their way to help children.  And even worse, is that if the person is attracted to children, these steps will groom the adult as well as the child.
Runtime:  26:09
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