#Russell Auty
bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty) Radiomk    Bands In and Around Milton Keynes    Aug. 23rd.,2023 01Wesson     My Self Master     02 Blue Cabs     HEY PRESTO_       EP Hey Presto     03 Marseille     This Dream Of Mine     BubbleBrain Records 04 King's Division     This Thick Skin   06 The Standard Lamps    Cats and Dogs 07 Faiblesse Parfaite   Crocodile  08  Independent music club    Last train 09 The Get Gone     Rabbit in Headlights   New ~Release 10  Martial Dare     Dirt Track 11 Redwood Ridge  -Low Lifes_And High Hopes 12   NOASIS     Walk On   13 Grand Union Canal     How Come I’ve Learned to Love Heartbreak’ 14 Chris Mainfield and the Intouchables    In the shadow   15 Andrea Maria Ricchetti   Oh No There I Go 16  Malcolm Dunn    Scotland Revisited   Album Reflective 17 Tu-kay & Ryan - All That I Am    Realeasted 18  Kenneth J Nash     New Holes in Old Shoes         Old Hotel Records 19 Mandy Storm -i wont tell    geert@showbizzinfo 20 Leftover             Forbidden-fruit   Milton Keynes 21 Lead Shot Hazard - Current State Of Play 22 Robbie Buckley    Now or Never 23  LAKE ACACIA - You Will See 24 Rick Fletcher        Without Her       Four Queens And A Jack Records 25 Maini Sorri - Let me do your time 26 RAY MALCOLM sings   Cliff Richard's   Traveling Light , LIVING DOLL - 27  A Mouth Full Of Matches            Danger High 28 Furah Dread People Must Stop 29  Kayanites     Water 30  Jonny & The Mental Breaksowns 31  Jagged Little Thrills      Lovers Coup 33 Infinite Wisdom    Towards The Sun            
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falling-mellow · 2 years
My mom's work's boss' wife does amigurumi, and she had also made multiple cute doggos to sell at a local market last weekend. This one was my favourite. I named him Jax. At first Jax was with 2 pupper sons (he was a single father) but they found their own homes just before I found Jax. Jax is very proud of his boys and hopes they'll behave at their own new homes. They would get into sibling misschief at times..
The original pattern is by MyChrissyDolls! From her Dutch book 'Mijn Hondjes van Sokkenwol' (My Sock Yarn Doggies)
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dancinglost · 1 year
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SUMMER BISHIL // have you seen AUTUMN MORGAN around the crash site? we’re trying to make sure they’re still alive after the crash! according to the manifesto SHE/THEY is a 32 year old ENBY PERSON. i hear they’re known being a DANCE INSTRUCTOR. AUTUMN is also known to be FUNNY yet also PESSIMISTIC at times. we have a couple questions for AUTUMN when we find HER/THEM, we heard something about a secret they might have? such as they write jack/sam stargate fanfic! (Robin, 28, GMT, he/they
TW: divorse, family death
Autumn “Autie” Hope Morgan was born on the 4th of May to a Australian woman (an absolute hippie) who runs a New Age trinket and bookstore and a American nursing student in Melbourne, Australia. They were raised most of their life there until her father and mother divorced when she was 10. After this point, she would spend weekends with her dad, but they spent the majority of their time with her mum.
They also have two half siblings who she was raised with by her mother and stepfather Todd. When Autumn was 21 their father moved back to the USA in order to be closer to his parents, which was initially very hard for Autumn because she and her dad are close. They struggled with the idea of not being able to drive and see him. After then she would visit her father and then later step mother and half siblings in San Fransisco as often as they could make the trip. Of course it wasn’t the same.
They were diagnosed in her early teens with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and they had three clear special interests: Stargate SG1, survival documentaries and ballet. She can cycle through the intensity of these interests but in the end they’re always there. They have a collection of Stargate memorabilia, all of their well-loved (read: now grainy from being rewound so much) VHS copies of the series, as well as a laserdisc copy of the original Kurt Russell movie.
As for the survival documentaries, she’d often video record those too so she could rewatch them at their leisure. They’d often put one or other of these on while working on the paperwork that naturally comes with a business, just to feel like they had some company while they worked.
Her mum very much leaned into the latter, providing them with as much resources as she had to peruse ballet lessons growing up, along with other kinds of dance, though ballet was always their passion. She practised hard, and had a natural talent, and performed for several years with The Australian Ballet, until she retired from performing at 30 in order to go into teaching dance instead, which allowed them a lot more flexibility outside of work.
After their grandfather passed, Autumn travelled to San Francisco to attend her his funeral and to spend time with her father and her wider family. Once she’d finished visiting with her family and headed home, she took her half-sister Lyla with her, as she had planned a holiday in Australia and wanted some moral support. They and their sister boarded flight AA78 expecting to have nice time after a not so nice family event.
Unfortunately for them, the universe had other plans…
Full Name: Autumn Hope Morgan Nickname/Alias: Autie, A Gender: Enby Pronouns: She/They (please mix these up) Orientation: Bisexual & Panromantic Ethnicity: Indian, Mexican & English Nationality: Australian  Diagnoses: Autistic Age: 32 Birthday: 4th May Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia Occupation: Dance (usually ballet) instructor, retired ballerina Secret: they write Jack/Sam Stargate SG1 fanfic Faceclaim: Summer Bishil
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roysexton · 7 years
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I am overwhelmed. In the best way possible. Bunch of theater nerds got together under the expert leadership of Denise Isenberg Staffeld and Kevin Robert Ryan with Lia De Biasi and Shirley Addison Auty and sang a bunch of beloved old tired show tunes, raising over $14,000 (!!!) in one evening for Relay For Life of Canton and Plymouth, MI. We had a sold out crowd of 400 people who seemed to enjoy whatever the hell we were doing on stage. Let that sink in. 400 people. $14,000. ONE (Wednesday!) night. And we had a heckuva time doing it. Personally, I had nearly half of my law firm Kerr Russell show up to support me - they filled the back three rows. I still have goosebumps over that. And I had a number of other wonderful friends – old and new - there to support our efforts. This is truly a remarkable experience, and I will be forever grateful. I shall sleep well tonight. Thank you, all. #cabaret4relay Christopher Tremblay, Cathy Skutch McDonald, Jim Paglino, Ben Two-Ships, Bethany Jean, AJ Kosmalski, Aimee Kat, Michelle Burtley, Jeff Steinhauer, Tim Chanko, Tracy Neil, Kelvin Elvidge, Nikki Bagdady Horn, Jenn Kennedy, Melissa Francis, Bruce Sheri Hardcastle, Cynthia Villeneuve, Gail Showler, Katie Westfall, Jeffrey May, Brandy Swykert Mathie, Ashley Racette, Yvette Kotlarczyk, Sue Smith, Candace Hadley, Rebecca Winder, John Mola, Leo Babcock, Jackie Jenkins, Michelle MacDonald McAllister, Pat Williams, Wendy Sielaff, Michele Danic, Sue Fater Willis, Jan Sekedat Caurdy, Laura Evans Jones, Kristina Kalfayan, Heather Kalfayan, Shana Orgeck, Karen Schumer, Debra Behrmann, Gary Longwell, Joanie Davidson Forfinski, Cara Forfinski, Cole Forfinski, Jamie Gazella Coker, Kelly Hinojosa, Megan Schaper, Liz Johnson, Kim Strube Scartelli, Diane Pessefall DiMauro, Susie Sexton and lord knows who all I’m missing. Grateful for you all ❤️ (at Canton Village Theater)
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richletter · 5 years
Eagle Cap Wilderness – sobota
V sobotu v 5.30 ráno mě vyzvedla Carolyn, která též bydlí v Richlandu a jeli jsme se zastávkou ma kávu ve Starbucks do Kennewicku, kde byl sraz účastníků zájezdu. S drobným zpožděním z důvodu lehce pozdního  příjezdu hlavního organizátora - náčelníka jsme vyrazili na cestu směr Wallowa Lake. Jeli jsme dvěma auty. Skupinu A (pro jednoduchost jsem si ji označil skupina A. Jde o čistě rozlišovací označení. Nic hodnotícího.), která jela autem s náčelníkem jsem tvořil já, náčelník Russel Tag a Mafer. Mafer je sympatická veselá paní původem z Kolumbie a byznysový partnerem Russela, vyrábí spolu tábornické dehydrované instantní jídlo. Zatím tu společnost jen rozjíždí. Koupil jsem si od nich dvě večeře na vyzkoušení.
Skupinu B tvořil Paul Krupin, jeho žena Nancy a jela s nimi v autě ještě Carolyn. Paula a Nancy jsem již potkal před týdnem na výlet na Sourdough Gap. Paul je bývalý hydrolog, kromě toho píše o turistice do místních novin Tri City Herald, a provozuje spoustu dalších řemesel.
Celý okruh se jmenuje Wallowa River Lake Trail. My jsme směřovali po stezce West Fork směrem k jezeru Frazier Lake, kde jsme měli nocovat. Jezero je ve výšce 2177 mnm, a měli jsme na 15 km urazit převýšení 827 m nahoru a 88 dolů.
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Než popíšu vlastní cestu, rád bych se přiznal, že jsem měl strach, že mi v noci bude zima. Nesl jsem proto asi více oblečení než bylo potřeba. Asi trochu víc jídla než bylo potřeba. A taky víc vody. Skoro 4 litry. Suma sumárum, můj batoh měl téměř 20 kilo. Kromě toho jsem si koupil na benzince litr vína. Všichni něco měli. Já jen rum v placatici, a tak bylo potřeba doplnit.
Neslo se mi to překvapivě dobře. Dokud jsem si nesundal batoh. Evidentně jsem podcenil situaci a málo utáhl bederní pás. Během cesty mi to nepřišlo tak hrozný, ale asi po hodině, co už jsem měl postaven stan, mě tak příšerně bolely všechny svaly mezi krkem a rameny, že jsem nebyl schopen ani vzpažit. Příště budu chytřejší.
Prvních šest mil bylo nudných z hlediska náročnosti a převýšení. Šli jsme lesem, mírně jsme stoupali podél západního ramene řeky Wallowa. Občas se koruny stromů rozestoupily a mohli jsme se kochat vrcholky okolních kopců. Teprve až po šesti mílích, kde začíná smyčka, začala stezka stoupat výš a výš. Museli jsme přebrodit řeku a vydat se do relativně prudkého kopce k Frazier Lake. Dorazili jsme k němu a byla to prostě nádhera.
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Stan mě příjemně překvapil. Za 40 dolarů bez daně je myslím super. Využívá trekové hole, takže se člověk netahá s tolika věcmi. Váží tak asi jen půldruhého kila. K večeři jsem vyzkoušel Happy Trailz "Soul Food", velice příjemné jídlo. Je to firma teprve v začátku, uvidíme, jak se jim bude dařit.
Pokračování příště.
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty) Radiomk  Bands In and Around Milton Keynes    Aug.16th.,2023 01Blue Cabs     HEY PRESTO_       EP Hey Presto     02 Wesson      My Self                                         03 King's Division     This Thick Skin             04 The Standard Lamps     Cats and Dogs         05 The Get Gone    I wait for death 06  Couch conspiracy     “Waste my time” 07 Martial Dare     Dirt Track   08 Faiblesse Parfaite   Crocodile   Release  July 28th.,2023 09 MODESTY BLUE     Time of Your Life 10 Grand Union Canal     How Come I’ve Learned to Love Heartbreak’ 11 Independent music club    Last train 12 Redwood Ridge  -Low Lifes_And High Hopes 13 Calico Palace     Golden Days. 14  Catalyst    Desert Storm 15  If Not Us Then Who  - Heads We Win, Tails You Lose -  key2artistpromotions.com 16 Carrot Bowen & The Collective - Growing Up In My Hometown   IMC  Promotion 17 Malcolm Dunn      Melanie's Song      Album Reflective 18 Tu-kay & Ryan - All That I Am    Realeasted  FRIDAY 4TH AUGUST 2023 19 Neil  Beardmore     Going to the City                    Milton Keynes.    Blues 20 Chris Mainfield and the Intouchables    In the shadow 21 Jack Blake   Headed Nowhere 22 Carbon Daydreams    Uptown 23 Chris Romero - King of Nothing     Obsidian Music PR & Media. 24  Maini Sorri - Let me do your time   new album Shiny Eyes Vol. 2. 25 Noasis      Walk On       26 Rebuilt Electric -  Its Easy   TOEKONEF - 27 Rickey Joyce - Get You Dance On Tonight      DistroKid 28 Furah Dread     People Must Stop 29 Mandy Storm -i wont tell    geert@showbizzinfo 30 Lexi x Ft. Honey B Sweet.   Do Me In Your Mind 31  Les Paul's'  Tommy, Tommy     album 'I'm Not There Brittania' 32 The Standard Lamps     Cats and Dogs 33 Coupdekat    Love Online
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bonzo193 · 1 year
Belgian Country Radio Russell's Country & Western Music Show  August 11th.,2023 01 Lee Browing - Ring From A Quarter Machine   CLB 02  The Hammond Brothers - Susie 03 Michael Moncada & Whiskey High - Walk No Line      Winter 04  Helena Mace   When Those Stars Align    countrymusicsocialmedia   05 Glen Shelton   I'm All In    Jordash 06 Amy Rose - One Love    Wild Rose Music 07 Vicki Lynn Maxwell - Goodbye Darling 08 Ray Shavers - Country Living 09 Jimmy Nash - Green     Cloverdale Music 10 Eden Langworthy    Heaven 11  DebbieNunn - World On My Shoulders 12  Lone Rider                Debbie Bergeron   album She Drives 13 David Wilcox - We Make The Way By Walking       What Are 14  Rae Leigh - Faith In Us  key2artistpromotions.com 15 Paul Seils JNR -  HOLD THE LINE      key2artistpromotions.com 16 Miranda Easten - View From Here   Tasman Records 17 Michael Botte Band    New Rising Sun 18 Cardboard Cowboy Cutouts_Long Black Veil    Megalith Records 19 Warren Kearney'    The Road Beneath My Wheels     Blue Shamrock Music 20 Eileen Carey - Land With You   RolleyCstr Music 21 Cabela & Schmitt  This Is My Life 22 Rob Georg - Won For Y'all    Coast 23 AJ Kross - She Gets What She Wants (2015) 24 Ashley Puckett - Live Like You Love 25 Paul Jupe   .LATE NIGHT BY THE RIVER      Hometown     Country Music Social media 26 Alana Springsteen - Think About You (2020) 27 Jesse Hackett - California Dime   Evolution 28 Rich Owen - Line Dance King   Evolution 29Alyson Tracy - Doin' My Own Thing     Twelve Seventee 29  Paul Jupe    Best Friend     countrymusicsocialmedia  30 Singin' Sam Little - Boxcar Children   LSI 31  Robert Eskridge - Takes     Bucket List
Time 2 p.m to 4 p.m B.S.T.  on  https://countryradio-musicbox4friends.torontocast.stream/ Nova Scotia (Atlantic Time) 9a.m to 12. p.m New York/Toronto (Eastern Time) 10a.m  to 1 p.m Nashville/Tulsa/Chicago (Central Time) 9a.m to12 p.m Alberta/Montana (Mountain Time) 8a.m. to 11 a.m British Columbia (Pacific Time) 7a.m. to 10.a.m
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bonzo193 · 1 year
01 Toffees       Ours Dayz        Milton Keynes 02 Blue Cabs     HEY PRESTO_       EP Hey Presto   03 King's Division    Cheap and Cheerful       04  Wesson     My Self 05 Dead Frequency      Every Last Breath In My Body 06 The Get Gone    I wait for death 07 Sarah Bird      Boys in This Town 08 Catalyst    Olympus 09  Faiblesse Parfaite   Crocodile 10 The Sons   ( You Put Your)  Life In My Pocket      11  The Straw Horses       April Fool            12 Devil Red                      The Shamed   13   The Retros     2,4.6.8  Motorway                14    The Mustard Tiger      Assistance       15 Maybes    Mild_violence        noisefloorproductions   16 The PommyGranites   Baby I Don't Care (Originally by Transvision Vamp) 17  The Predecimals    Money In The Bank            18 Rise Bailey Rise      Sometimer       19 Young & Restless   After_Party     20 Martial Dare   Harder 21 Andrea Maria Ricchetti    Oh No There I Go     22 Chris Mainfield and the Intouchables    In the shadow 23 Grand Union Canal     How Come I’ve Learned to Love Heartbreak’ 24 Rochelle Arthurs     Rochelle - IT'S MY BODY 25 Rosemill Kix   These Boots 26 KUSHYKUSH - January 27 KLUBBER LANG_SLEEP WELL Kid Klumsy    Love Is A Battery Field  Sing Our Souls 29   Kayanites     Fear Is A Weapon               30 Furah Dread  People Must Stop 31 FRANK PALANGI      Fire Of Love        Curtain Call Records
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty)
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty) https://soundcloud.com/russell-auty/1-radiomk-bands-in-and-around-milton-keynes-august-2nd2023?si=a44f751dacb340139bdb148c67912692&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty)Listen ever Wednesday for Bands In And Around Milton Keynes
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty)
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty)
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bonzo193 · 1 year
(Russell Auty) Russell's Country & Western Show  June 7th .,2023 01 Elvis Presley Jr.    She's Hurting Me Again    Big Bear Creek Music 02  RAY MALCOLM & TONI WEST      ISLANDS IN THE STREAM 03  Ron McNeill      Prayin' The Hell Out Of Me    blackmountainmusicandmedia.com 04 Hiedi Hyacinth  I Don't Need The Drama - blackmountainmusicandmedia.com 05 Ollee Owens       Edge of Goodbye -  blackmountainmusicandmedia.com 06 Emily Faye - When It Comes To Leaving  Scarlet River PR. 07 Mike Hughes     Honky Tonk Doors     Big Bear Creek   08 Rick Walters - A Train Wreck In The Heart    Nashville Gold Records     09 Emma Donohue Ramblin Man 10  William Ray - lady Luck's A Woman      A Train Wreck In The Heart    Nashville Gold Records 11 Chris Anderson - Nothin' Easier Than Lovin' You 12 A Thousand Horses  - Travelin' Man (2015) 13 Abby Christo - Cooler Than Me (2019) 14 Abigail Neilson - Without You (2019) 15 Ace Diamond - Eventually (2008) 16 JUDY WELDEN    When I'm Chasing a Dream 17 Justin Landers  - Be A Little Kinder 18 Karen Craigie - Little Heartbreaker 19  KATE RUSSELL   GIVE YOUR LOVE TO ME 20   Katie Taylor    I Am Katie Taylor 21   Katrina Webster   Except For Monday       -New Beginnings 22  - Littlemen    Calico Town   countrymusicsocialmedia.com   23 Janey Kirk      The Call-    countrymusicsocialmedia 24 -Liz Clarke     Blue Skies Over Georgia    countrymusicsocialmedia   25 TONI WEST    CHICKEN 26 Michael Mc Millan    Scars and Stripes  Album  Cross Country 27 Dan Knight -Crank It Up    Liva Music 28 Janice Hunter & Dan Knight - Crickets Me And You  Liva Music Radio 29 Karen McDawn- Love You To The Moon And Back  Liva Music Radio 30 Tony Clarke         Hand upon myheart By Tony Clarke 31 The Heartland Roots Band  Midnight Call        Country Music Social media 32  Judy Welden   Little Girls, Boy & Puppies - 33 Jimmie Dale Gilmore      I'll Never Get Out Of This World Alive    Come On Back 34 Aaron McDonnell - Born To Leave (2020) 35  ALAN and TRACE  Duo    Lying Next To You 36 Andy Martin   Storms Never Last   ambmusic. 37 Alan Percy  Buckaroo
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bonzo193 · 5 years
(Russell Auty)   Project Noise playing at Radiomk  July 23rd. 2019
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bonzo193 · 5 years
(Russell Auty)  This is a story of what happen to Kim Smith when she went on holiday to Spain.
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