lasseling · 4 months
Viral Video Shows Democrats & Corporate Media Claiming Hunter Biden Laptop Was ‘Russian Disinformation’
A video showing prominent Democrats, members of the corporate media, leftist shills, and intelligence officials calling the Hunter Biden laptop story “Russian disinformation” went viral on Wednesday.
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inexable · 18 days
Influencers or Propaganda Tools? Dive In!
Wow, can you believe the new tactics emerging here? An indictment alleges that Russia funneled nearly $10 million to a conservative social media company to spread divisive content through influencers. The influencers supposedly didn't know, but were they really in the dark? It brings up so many questions about media literacy and our susceptibility to outside influence. Do you think influencers have a responsibility to vet their sponsors more thoroughly? And how can we as a society build better defenses against this kind of manipulation? Let's talk about it!
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ivygorgon · 6 months
An open letter to the U.S. House of Representatives
Vote NO on the TikTok ban bill!
1,465 so far! Help us get to 2,000 signers!
I understand that the House Energy and Commerce Committee just passed a bipartisan bill, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, that could ban TikTok in the US by allowing the President to designate it as a national security threat. I oppose this bill. It’s absurd to target one social media platform when foreign governments are active on all of our social media networks and in one of our major political parties. If Congress really cares about adversarial countries influencing and spying on our citizens it should immediately pass strong internet privacy protections. Then it should launch investigations into the Republican members of Congress who’ve spent years spreading Russian disinformation to win elections and also aiding and abetting Vladimir Putin. Will they do that? Thanks.
▶ Created on March 8 by Jess Craven
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thxnews · 8 months
UK Pledges Unwavering Support for Ukraine at UN
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Speech Delivered at the UN Security Council in New York.
Word for Word transcript. Thank you President, and I thank ASG Jenča for his briefing. Colleagues, Russia has called this meeting in an attempt to distort history. Once again, the Russian delegation seeks to use this Council in a desperate effort to justify Russia’s unprovoked, unnecessary and illegal invasion of Ukraine. The Russian Permanent Representative claimed that Putin’s war was necessary to prevent conflict and alleviate suffering in the Donbas. That it was Ukraine and its partners who were responsible for undermining the Minsk agreements. Members of this Council know better. It was Russia’s aggression that killed the Minsk process. It was Putin who declared that the Minsk agreements no longer existed. And it was Russia that systematically failed to implement its obligations, freely signed up to, under the Minsk agreements, which the Council endorsed unanimously in resolution 2202. Two years ago, we urged Russia in this chamber to act in the interests of peace and to give the Minsk agreements a chance. The United Kingdom consistently called on all parties to implement their commitments under the Minsk agreements in full, right up until Putin signed a decree recognising Donetsk and Luhansk as so-called independent entities. Three days later, he invaded Ukraine. Since then, millions of people across Luhansk, Donetsk and other temporarily Russian-controlled territories have suffered terribly because of Russia’s invasion. Russia’s actions have deprived them of humanitarian assistance, despite consistent calls by the General Assembly, that Russia allow humanitarians safe access to these areas. President, the Russian Permanent Representative made various claims about the ICJ today. The courts found that Russia had violated international law in three ways. It discriminated against Ukrainians. It failed to investigate allegations of terrorist financing. It failed to comply with the court order not to aggravate the dispute with Ukraine. And of course, Russia has failed to comply with the provisional measures of March 2022 ordering Russia to leave Ukraine. President, the truth is this war is entirely of Russia’s choosing. Putin’s decision to launch his illegal and barbaric invasion in February 2022 shows us clearly that he was never interested in peace. We urge Russia once again to end its illegal invasion, withdraw from Ukraine and respect the principles of the UN Charter. Until then, the UK will continue to stand with Ukraine, to defend the Charter and to call out Russian disinformation.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & James Kariuki. Read the full article
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tetcny · 19 days
So , how many #farReich posters on Twatter got their rubles for spreading misinformation ?
Did they give any money to Elon for how he has spread their dogma for them?
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realcleargoodtimes · 4 years
Rubio’s concerns about Russian disinformation echo those of Burr, who last year privately told GOP Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Chuck Grassley of Iowa that their corruption probe into Hunter Biden — the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s son — could aid the Kremlin’s efforts to sow chaos and distrust in the U.S. political system. POLITICO first reported Burr’s private warning.
“On that front, it’s important to remind everyone that [Vladimir] Putin is not a Republican or a Democrat,” Rubio said. “What he seeks more than anything else is to put us at each other’s throat. And nowadays that’s not a very hard thing to do.”
Rubio’s Republican counterpart on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), has been hinting at “criminal referrals” for members of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Rubio is steering clear of those and other efforts that Democrats — and privately, some Republicans — say could aid Russian intelligence.
When asked about such GOP initiatives, Rubio emphasized that his panel has jurisdiction over the activities of the intelligence community rather than the FBI or Justice Department. And he urged senators to be “wise” about the “ongoing threat” of election interference from Russia and other countries.
“If we hear or see something, I’ll encourage them to go read up on the intelligence they have access to,” Rubio said, adding, “Ultimately, we can’t control what people decide to believe or say.”
Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has been conducting an investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, and is exploring claims that a Democratic-aligned public-relations firm sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s role on the board to influence State Department policies under the Obama administration.
Democrats have said the investigation itself is a misuse of the Senate’s resources and simply designed to boost the president’s reelection prospects, pointing to Trump’s efforts to prop up the same allegations against Hunter Biden. Critics of the probe have also said it undermines U.S. national security by giving a boost to Russian intellig
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