#Rusted Robot Podcast
esonetwork · 9 months
More Hair Naturally with Mahryah Shain - Soul Forge 302
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More Hair Naturally with Mahryah Shain - Soul Forge 302
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More Hair Naturally with Mahryah Shain!
Actor Mahryah Shain drops by the Soul Forge to have a chat about a few things. What are we talking about on this episode? In addition to his company More Hair Naturally, we discuss Disney theme parks, Hot Wheels, toys and mental health. But who is Mahryah Shain…
Mahryah Shain studied at University of Southern California where he completed a Bachelor’s degree. In 1999, he started working as an actor, appearing in TV and short films. Through his career, Shain appeared in TV shows like The Handler, Criminal Minds, Bones and Tales. He also appeared in films like Constantine and Babysitter.
Since 2013, Shain has been working as Vice-President of Marketing and Creative Director of the brand More Hair Naturally. He is also a Freelance Graphic Designer that has worked on award season campaigns for films like Vice and If Beale Street Could Talk. More Hair Naturally with Mahryah Shain is the 302nd episode of the Soul Forge Podcast.
Mahryah is passionate about helping people. Although he is the man behind More Hair, he is interested in a total approach to mental health. He believes that the physical affects the mental. If you take your focus off of your body, you can focus on the world and your impact.
What is More Hair Naturally?
Their mission is to put you back in control of your hair (and life), elevating and raising your self-confidence and self-esteem to the point that you are unstoppable in achieving any goal you set out to achieve. Fighting thinning hair should not be a mystery and comfort should be taken in knowing that answers exist, are easy to understand and are within your reach.
However, it’s not just about hair loss (that is just the starting point)…
It’s about taking positive actions to change your life, taking actions to improve your confidence, self-esteem, and overall enjoyment in life. The stronger you are as a person, the more likely you are to make a positive impact on your friends, family, the people you encounter and the world at large.
This week’s podcast promo: The Flopcast
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oneforthemunny · 2 months
strangerprompts: turn back time |eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: #8 you step into a hole-in-the-wall bar for a drink and suddenly find yourself in a different decade.
from strangerprompts writing challenge made by @bettyfrommars @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing <3 this was so fun!!! please check it out and consider writing for yourself!
warnings: language. time travel. but nothing crazy.
“It should be illegal.” You huff, nails digging into the leather of your steering wheel. The GPS shouted at you another robotic turn, drumming out the sound of your roommate on the other line. 
“I mean, seriously? Making me travel alone to- to the middle of nowhere. Ro, I’m not even kidding, it looks like the town Deliverance was filmed in. It’s the middle of nowhere.” You scoff, looking at the rundown building passing by you, all crumbling with desperate need of a renovation. 
“No, it can’t be Deliverance. They didn’t have hotels there.” Roslyn snicker floated through your car’s speakers. “C’mon, it’s not that bad.” 
“It is.” You grumbled. “And then they want us to meet at this bar for mingling. I don’t even know if I’m going to the right place!” You threw your hands up, smacking them on the steering wheel dramatically, turning it as the GPS announced you’d arrived. 
The Hideout- or at least, that’s what you could make out from the peeling sign above the building. “Jesus Christ, I’m getting murdered.” You muttered, sending Ro howling in laughter. “I’m not even joking. I’m about to be a topic on a fucking podcast.” 
“Stop.” Roslyn wheezed through laughter. “You’re not gonna get murdered.” 
“I don’t- This place doesn’t even look open.” You exhaled sharply, flicking through your phone, ensuring this was the right place. “Ro, you have to swear to me if I get murdered, you’ll make sure the true crime freaks won’t make Etsy merch about me.” 
“Calm down,” Ro laughed. “You’re not gonna get murdered. It’s just not the hipster ass bars you’re used to.” 
“No,” You muttered, locking your door quickly, clutching your purse to your side. “I really might. Stay on the phone with me.” 
“What?” Roslyn’s voice broke through the static. “I can’t- You’re cutting ou-” 
“Fuck.” You hissed, looking down at your phone as you climbed the stairs. Call Failed flashing back at you, no bars to be found. 
Turn around, get back in your car, and say fuck it. You do not need this job this bad. 
Yes, you actually do. 
A painful reminder of your maxed credit card, student loans, and rent flashed before your eyes, silencing your bitter thoughts. Sliding your phone into your purse, you clung to the strap tightly.
“Just stay fifteen minutes, then say you feel sick.” You muttered to yourself, reaching for the rusted handle. 
The entryway was dark, eerily quiet to be a bar. You almost thought it wasn’t one, if it wasn’t for the bright neon sign shining at the end. Welcome! Glowing in blinding red letters, underneath it in blue, the piercing glow that read: Stay A While. 
“So weird.” You muttered, your arms wrapping around yourself. 
The air turned colder with every step you took, following the bright signs- the only source of light, down the dark hallway. Your heart hammered in your ears, clutching your purse close to you. Just as you were about to panic, chest swelling with fear, veins icy as the air- you heard it. 
A muffled roar of an electric guitar, a tiny sliver of golden light peering beneath the heavy door. You pushed the door open, met with a sudden wave of warmth, the dim lights of the bar blinding you still. 
“Watch it, sweetheart.” A man with a tray of beers muttered, swiveling past you. 
“Sorry,” You squeaked, looking around the crowded dive bar. You scanned the packed tables for anyone from the conference, shimmying in between tables, peering over teased hair for anyone. 
“Fuck me,” You huffed, settling at a sticky bar booth, still littered with half drank beers and peanuts- the only one available. “No way I’m the first one.” 
You plopped your purse on to the seat of the booth, an iron grip still on the strap. You could feel the cutting glances still cast on you from the others, they’d had followed you from the moment you walked in. Judgemental, all accompanied with a lifted brow. 
Should look in the mirror, You thought bitterly, rummaging through your purse. They’re the ones wearing that outdated, ugly shit.
“Where the fuck- I know I put it in here.” You muttered, taking out the wrappers, your wallet, desperately trying to find your phone. 
“‘Scuse me,” You jumped, eyes wide when you looked up, clutching your purse to your chest. 
Dark eyes met yours, a dimpled smile joining them. “Sorry,” The man lifted his hand carefully, the other balancing a black bucket stacked with glasses. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to see if it was ok if I clear this outta the way for you?” 
“Y-Yeah, sorry.” You muttered bashfully. “Yes, that would be great. Thank you.” 
A ringed hand passed in front of you, the light catching in the skull before it grabbed a glass. You moved back to your purse, furiously checking each pocket, chest growing tighter and tighter with fear. 
“You alright?” The busboy asked, swiping another glass, stacking it into the bucket with a soft rattling clank. 
“Yeah- I mean, not really.” You turned, head craning towards the door. “I think I lost my phone in that hallway.” 
“Hallway?” He laughed, his name tag flashing towards you- Eddie, decorated with sharpie drawn bats and devil horns. “Phone’s on the wall over there.” Eddie nodded towards the bar, an old dial up phone mounted there, a sign that the charge is a quarter above it. 
Your brows creased. You didn’t even know those things worked, you always assumed they were decoration for the… edgy aesthetic of the place. 
“No, I mean my cell phone.” You shook your head lightly. “I think I dropped it in that hallway back there.” You pointed towards the swinging door. 
Eddie frowned at you, stilling as his eyes scanned your features. “Are you- Are you feeling ok?” He asked. 
“What?” You snapped defensively. 
“Did someone slip something in your drink or something?” Eddie asked carefully. “Gotta be careful with those old guys. They look harmless but they’re gnarly-” 
“-What? No.” You shook your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “I-I haven’t even had a drink. I just got here. I’m supposed to meet some people from a conference, but I can’t find my phone-” 
“-Your phone?” Eddie’s nose crinkled in confusion. 
“Yes. My phone.” You barked in irritation. “My cell phone?” 
Eddie blinked at you. “What is that European?” He shrugged. 
“What? Are you fucking with me-” 
“-No,” Eddie held his hands up. “No, I just- I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” He laughed nervously. “And I mean you’re dressed… different. Not that it’s bad!” He added frantically. 
“I just assumed you were European or something. Not from here anyways.” Eddie muttered, leaning against the table. 
You blinked. It felt like you were in a dream, like everything you were saying was mute, confusing, in Wonderland and entirely discombobulated. 
“You… You don’t have cell phones here?” You asked slowly. 
Eddie shook his head, curls bouncing. “Nope. Not here, sweetheart. Hasn’t made its way to Hawkins, Indiana yet, but sounds pretty-” 
“-What?” You hissed, chest booming with a fear filled ache, sure your heart had stopped entirely. “What did you just say?” 
Eddie’s face fell, his flirtatious grin disappearing. “Hawkins? Indiana?” He said slowly, eyes narrowing when your face paled. “Hey, are you ok? Did you take something?” 
“N-No, I-I don’t- I d-didn’t-” 
“-Look,” Eddie slid into the booth beside you. “You’re not gonna scare me off if you did somethin’, alright? I’m not nearly as conservative as these other bogus losers.” 
You couldn’t speak, mouth dry, heart caught in your throat, hammering away so fiercely your ears were ringing. “What’d you take? Blow? K? Pills or somethin’?” His arm brushed yours, head ducking towards you. “It’s fine, whatever it is, I’m- I’m really good with dealing with this sorta thing, if you can believe it.” 
“I-I didn’t take anything.” You droned, nearly automated. “I just- I-I was walking down the hallway, and-” 
“-Hey, I’m just trying to help you.” Eddie said softly, his tone pulling your attention back to meet his gaze. “Did you hit your head?” 
“N-No, I- The hallway-” 
“-That,” Eddie pointed towards the swinging door. “Is a bathroom.” You watched as the door swung open, as if on cue, a girl with blue painted lids and crimped hair piled high stepping out. 
“The closest thing to a hallway here is to the dumpster out back.” Eddie grinned at you softly. It was sweet, but you couldn’t bring yourself to smile back, body trembling with fear. 
Eddie felt it, frowning at you softly. “Do you need me to call an ambulance? Call someone for you?” 
“No,” You swallowed hard. “I-I need to leave. I have-I gotta get out of here.” Panic rose through your chest, trying to push him out of the booth, climb over him, anything. 
“Hey, easy,” Eddie slid out of your way. “Hang on-” You ignored him, pushing past him towards the door. 
Outside, the sun was still just beginning to set, that was the only thing that was the same. 
Your car was gone, in its place a line of cars- old cars, but still shiny? Still new, not rusted with wear or dulled colors from age. The buildings were no longer crumbling, signs still new and displayed proudly. 
“No, no, no, no.” Your chest heaved, fingers threading through your hair. “What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck is going on?” 
“Hey!” Eddie grabbed your shoulder, pulling your attention towards him. “Hey, I-I don’t think you should be driving-” 
“-My car.” You gasped. “Where the fuck is my car? I-It was right here,” You turned, throwing your hands out. “Right here!” 
Eddie looked around, a blush rising to his cheeks at the judgy looks the passersby were giving. “Maybe you should come back inside-” 
“-No.” You barked, shaking your head furiously. “No. I-I’m not-” Through the window, a glimmer of a photo caught your eye. 
Your walk back inside felt nearly trance like, everything underwater, Eddie’s voice droning out with the others. A painting of two cartoonized children waving fistfuls of flowers gleefully- though that wasn’t what caught your attention. It was the printed lettering underneath it that made your blood run cold. 
“Hey, why don’t you take a seat, an-and I’ll call someone-” 
“-Is this,” You swallowed, pointing at the wall. “This isn’t right, r-right? Thi-This isn’t- There’s no way.” 
Eddie frowned, looking at the wall. “I mean, yeah, it needs to be changed now. I guess it’s technically May now, Mick just hasn’t gotten around to flipping it-” 
“-No, this-this says…” Your finger traced the numbers, glaring at you in bright red. “1986?” You squeaked. 
Eddie blinked at you. “Yeah,” He nodded slowly. 
Your vision filled with dark splotches, fading in and out of focus on the calendar in front of you. Your knees buckled, purse slipping between your fingers before you fell limply, Eddie’s frantic voice ringing in your ears the last thing you heard before your consciousness slipped. 
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Mimic Headcanons?
you're making me start to like this little fucker
Okay to me Henry made the Mimic in University in the robotics society only he and Bill were members of (there used to be more people but they left cus these two are insufferable together). It won them an award and then he just kinda forgot about it till Charlie was born and he realised she could spend time with the robot while he was off being emotionally distant. So Charlie plays with the Mimic a ton when the Afton kids are with their mum and her dad's busy.
Obvs Charlie dies and Henry sees the Mimic acting like his recently deceased daughter and he just kinda beats the shit out of it and locks it in the Fredbear's basement so he doesn't have to see it.
So the Mimic goes like YEARS going a little stir crazy in there. It was built to copy things and is now in an environment with absolutly nothing to copy. So it turns inwards and reruns the memories it already has over and over and over again. It internalises Charlie's manurisms and Henry's propensity for violence but It latches on to Bill specifically cus he's the only one who hasn't actively hurt it. And Bill was the guy who worked on it's coding I think it's in character for him to program the Mimic to prefer copying him cus he's a little egotist.
Fast foward and Faz Inc is scrounging around the FFPS loctaion (which is Fredbears I think they're the same building) and they find this really old, rusted animatronic and they think it's a GREAT idea to extract its code and see what's up with it.
So the Mimic gets access to the internet and the first thing it does is beam all the information about William Afton it can into its head. Its watched all the doccumentaries, read all the books, heard ALL of the true crime podcasts. So it concocts an idea of this guy based on all that which is 'Kinda Queer Rabbit. Kills Kids at Freddy's' with like a bunch of triva about Bill thrown in there for good measure.
So yeh the rest is history, it gets put in the Help Wanted project to aid in development and ends up manipulating a bunch of the devs into doing awful things (and I think it is manipulation I kinda really dislike the possession angle) and it meets Vanny who's like... gotten SUPER into the Freddy's Murders after she started working for Faz Inc, so she agrees to do its bidding. For the most part that's 'what would William Afton do here' and 'Please get my physical body out of the hole'.
Yeh I think the Mimic is this really fun device for exploring cycle of abuse stuff and the legacy William leaves behind after his death- and how even though the guy himself is long burried the impact he's left on the people around him still festers and harms.
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c-53 · 30 days
hihi! do you possibly have any recs for media with girl robots? (glados portal and elster signalis are about all ik and i need to broaden my horizons)
THE FALL PART 1!!! I adore ARID. That one is a short puzzle game where you play as an autonomous combat suit, who’s operator is unconscious and dying. So she’s taken complete control of the body, and jumping through hoops and breaking rules to get him medical attention. She’s a very interesting character. Theres also a part 2, which I enjoy but forgot to finish
Sea of Rust by Robert Cargill is another one with a girl robot protagonist. She’s a scavenger in a post apocalyptic, post robot uprising wasteland, trying to get parts to repair herself. Its very very good. Big fan.
Entropy Centre is a portal-like gimmick puzzle game, where your tool gun has an onboard ai assistant, named Astra. She’s kind of one note, and always chipper and upbeat, but she’s very cute and also gay
I Am Mother is a movie (on netflix iirc) about an ai raising the next generation of humanity after an apocalypse, and follows her relationship with her, and her daughter, until someone else shows up at their bunker, and proves to the daughter that Mother is wrong about the extinction of humanity, and the inhospitability of the surface. Pretty decent movie! I have a liiiittle bit of beef with it though because I think it has some unsubtle bad opinions about abortion and the obligation of motherhood.
Vast Horizon is a podcast I’m still in the process of listening to, but as of season 2, its really really good. Following a human waking up on an abandoned, damaged spaceship, with no one but the onboard ship ai to help her. And while the ship ai genuinely cares about her friend’s well being, she is limited by her failing systems, and the many rules imposed upon her.
Aaaaand I still havent played them but I feel obligated to nudge System Shock at you. Shodan is one of the legendary girl ais.
This is all I can think of currently, but I’ll rb this later if I think of more, but I’m trying to only include ones who spend a lot of time with the girl robot
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morawcrumb · 1 year
Robot!Julian AU PART 2
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(*Ones with and without the oil stain) continuation of the Robot! julian AU We're gonna do Mr. Chourinard! because he is a significant part of this story, Mr.Chourinard tries to be an mechanic and tries to study in the engineering department so he can care for Julian if hes ever broken bc Julian never came with a manual or any structure of how he was made and put together (bc yk..robots come with a manual sometimes?? i think) and so they technically don't have anyone else who knows how to fix rbots or anything like that and so Mr. Chourinard being the best man he can he tries to learn so if there was ever an accident (like the polar bear incident) he would be able to help and fix whatever problem Julian has wether its a loose screw to a circuit problem. In the podcast he tried to learn sign language for Julian bc he thought Julian couldnt speak...but he like struggled and his kids were like steps ahead of him (context to one of my fav scenes in Secondly, the past and he was like "it will be.. a pleasure to meet you") and so thats why i said try but hes trying his best ok!! Julian thinks Mr. Chourinard kinda like a extra parent-ish who's there when he needs him because Mr. Chourinard chooses to be patient with Julian bc he kinda fears that he might turn evil and kill him bc at somepoint he saw some movie ab robots turning evil and killed people but yeah! Julian trusts Mr. Chourinard and always comes to him but he's more comfortable with the Narrator (yes he still has his beloved narrator) Mr. Chourniard would have them oil stains for experimenting on his own little projects so he can understand and get better in the engineering department and robotics and he has like a silly pocket thing always on him incase yk something happens and so he can easily access the materials he needs. Mr. Chourinard is still quite confused on how Julian is still here and works, he was super duper confused when he was introduced to julian from John Cameron. He's like "A robot?? are you insane??" and John Cameron would be like "Just take him, PLEASE. I need him off my hands for all of our sake (talking ab the crew: Laeticia, Jacque, Lily etc etc) especially mine." When Mr.Chourinard took Julian under his wing he had NO idea of how to take care of em bc hes a robot.... so he started the hobby of studying  the robotics field!! just for the sake of his sanity. Mr. Chourinard does get worried ab em though, Julian being some robot who's sentient can produce some sort of robot existent crisis, because he isn't human anymore, he is capable of rusting, and have artifical intelligence. So to kinda solve this problem Mr. Chourinard will tell Julian that "it's okay to be a robot, robot's are more better than your average human, you're capable of doing things we can't. Don't feel bad for being a robot, feel lucky" so Julian is atleast doesn't worry, he sure doesn't have a superior complex don't you worry  !! Mr. Chourinard does question things like, but like the simple average questions like "What does he eat?? does he even eat??? is he chargeable or does he run on batteries"  Mr.Chourinard hasnt been in a situation of fixing Julian (he has but i mean like he hasnt been in sitautions where he had to mess with robot organs, the only times he been in a situation in need of fixing is when he has to put oil on the silly thingys idk what they're  called but yk where you put oil on something so it can stop squeaking yeah thats what i mean and also see if he 's  rusting or anything but thats not everyday though !! more like once a month idk) His boss thinks hes insane bc he talks about this robot he hired which he thinks is preposterous so he frequently asks questions of how this "robot" works or if they gone feral yet (haha funny) Conclusion aka summary Mr. Chourinard is a cautious and compasstionate silly for Julian and is thoughtful, studying in the engineering field and robotics just for him and for safety reasons and is just aware but also confused and has many questions but since Julian (in the podcast) doesn't really answer questions he doesn't get any answer out of him besides stories or just small talk convo type stuff.
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poettier · 2 years
SQUARESPACE - Everything To Sell Anything (Director's Cut) from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell DOP: Mauro Chiarello Producer: Jon Adams Production Designer: Robin Brown Production Designer: Tristan Mur Lead Wardrobe Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender Gimbal Operator: Florian Hatwagner Casting Coordinator/DA: Emm Le Chat Service: Radioaktive x Metro VFX: Black Kite Studios
Service: Radioaktive (UA) Executive Producer: Sasha Bevka Producer: Tanya Sokolova 1st AD: Aleksei Smoliar Production Manager: Yulia Sotnikova Art Director: David Kharaishvili VFX Supervisor: Denis Reva Wardrobe Stylist: Kostia Goncharuk MUA: Dasha Taivas Production Coordinator: Olga Avrahova Production Assistant: Anna Refel Stills Photographer: Artem Nadyozhin DIT: Dmitry Samus 1st AC: Vlad Dobrik Playback Op: Sergey Rupos Service: Metro (GE) Executive Producer: Sandro Gabilaia Head of Production: Maiko Gurabanidze Line Producer: Masho Tevdorashvili Unit Production Manager: Tamar Tvaradze 2nd AD: Sopo Parjiani Production Manager: Tato Pantsulaia Gaffer: Misha Ramishvili Rigging Gaffer: Giorgi Marsagishvili Key Grip: Shalva Leluashvili Production Coordinator: Pikria Kikodze Unit Manager: Merabo Rostomashvili Set Manager: Koka Chkaidze Transportation Manager: Davit Peradze Transportation Coordinator: Davit Maghlakelidze Location Manager: Achi Kevlishvili Location Manager Assistant: Natia Chomakhidze Casting Director: Tina Khizanishvili Casting Assistant: Beka Khachidze Production Assistant: Nini Iashvili Production Assistant: Mariam Gugushvili ProductionAssistant: Irakli Kakabadze Chaperone: Marisha Jincharadze
VFX: Black Kite Studios VFX Supervisor: Adams Croker VFX assist: Guillaume Weiss VFX assist: George Brunt VFX assist: Dan Sanders Colourist: Tom Mangham VFX Supervisor: Denis Reva VFX Producer : Tamara Mennell
Music and sound design Supervising Sound Editor: Lawrence Kendrick Sound Design and Mix: Will Cohen, Lawrence Kendrick, Joe Wilkinson, Jim Stewart, Adam Smyth Music Composition “Everything”: Joe Wilkinson Music Composition “Time": Adam Hare Music Composition “Future": Jim Cornick Audio Producer: Laura-Leigh Smith Music Research: Jon Rust
Talents LA Podcast Host: Michael Delgado Voice Over: Candace Camille Reporter: Nicola Lambo Motivational Speaker: Micah Bijon Talents Spain Doula Guide: Rachel Lascar Mom: Neema Lahon Farmer: José Luis Matienzo Frasquet Boulder Instructor: Roqueta Navarro Xavier Robot: Mireia Ruiz Callado Boat Guide: Aniez Atlas Manicurist: Antony Jaime Perez Pilot Student: Irene Aguilar Plane Instructor: Motokazu Kawamara
Talents UA Writer: Eugeniy Skisov Biker: Maria Jeniffer Writer Assistant: Oles Dmytrenko Talents GE Cafe Girl: Mariam Sanogo Lobby Suit: Salome Chitaia Tarot Reader: Ana Meskhi Cafe Dusk Fan: Ana Gogiashvili Dad: Gigi Loria Chef: Dato Bekoshvili Cafe Guy: Preston Zein Finishing Tutor: Tamar Khurtsilava Wine Man: Tengo Avalishvili Astronaut: David Chokuri Flotation Tank Guy: Ituka Bright Lobby Suit: Vika Kalandia Lobby Suit: Giorgi Chigogidze Lobby Suit: Goga Khapava Lobby Suit: Chy Vic Lobby Suit: Irma Lapiashvili Book Signing Fan: Gegham Book Signing Fan: Ana Taladvanze Book Signing Fan: Nino Gachechiladze Book Signing Fan: Kanji Sakemi Book Signing Fan: Preshels Tudebi Cameraman: Giorgi Shetsiruli Boulder Pusher: Indira Reyes Boulder Pusher: Ana Zubashvili Boulder Pusher: Jack Hubbell Boulder Pusher: Mohamed Keshta Tourist: Milan Lee Tourist: Nuca Dopadze Tourist: Nadejda Tsoi Tourist: Alexander Tsoi Tourist: Shbi Kbngwa Lenel Richy
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this-week-in-rust · 3 months
This Week in Rust 536
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
This month in Servo: gamepad support, font fallback, Space Jam, and more!
Announcing Jco 1.0
This month in Pavex, #9
argmin 0.10.0 - a Rust crate for numerical optimization
Text labels rendering on a map with Rust - research and design
Rust developers fear language is getting too complex and prefer bug fixes to new features
Lessons learnt from building a distributed system in Rust
How Rust Could Change Robotics
Asynchronous clean-up
Edge IoT with Rust on ESP: Ping!
ESP Embedded Rust: Command Line Interface
ESP Embedded Rust: Ping CLI App Part 2
Convert a String to int in Rust
Mastering ManuallyDrop<T> - A Guide to Explicit Resource Management in Rust
Rust, but async
Rust Walkthroughs
Matching and iterators in Rust
Practical guide to Error Handling in Rust
Building an Async Runtime with mio
[HE] [video] Rust Course
Guide to using TensorFlow in Rust
A Twist on Wadler's Printer
Implementing API Rate Limiting in Rust
How to benchmark Rust code with Iai
Sequential-storage: efficiently store data in flash
[audio] Sentry - Rust in Production Podcast
[video] A First Look at Lifetimes in Rust
[video] Firmware for an ESP32 to read from a noise sensor in Rust
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is web-audio-api-rs, a Rust implementation of the Web Audio API for use outside the browser.
Thanks to Otto Rottier for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE] : add offset field to disputes list
Hyperswitch - [FEATURE]: addoffset field to mandates list
Ockam - ockam node create --identity X should fail if X doesn't exist
Ockam - Output for ockam project ticket is improved and information is not opaque
Ockam - Output for both ockam project ticket and ockam project enroll is improved, with support for --output json
ZeroCopy - In zerocopy-derive UI tests, detect whether we're building with RUSTFLAGS='-Wwarnings'
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
430 pull requests were merged in the last week
Avoid non-local definitions in functions (RFC #3373)
wasm: store rlib metadata in wasm object files
account for RPITIT in E0310 explicit lifetime constraint suggestion
actually use the right closure kind when checking async Fn goals
add #[rustc_no_mir_inline] for standard library UB checks
allow for a missing adt_def in NamePrivacyVisitor
avoid generalization inside of aliases
by changing some attributes to only_local, reducing encoding attributes in the crate metadate
do not const prop unions
don't ICE on anonymous struct in enum variant
expand weak alias types before collecting constrained/referenced late bound regions + refactorings
fix panic when compiling Rocket
make intrinsic fallback bodies cross-crate inlineable
make it possible for outside crates to inspect a mir::ConstValue with the interpreter
make non-PartialEq-typed consts as patterns a hard error
mark min_exhaustive_patterns as complete
match lowering: Introduce a TestCase enum to replace most matching on PatKind
match lowering: eagerly simplify match pairs
match lowering: simplify empty candidate selection
match lowering: test one or pattern at a time
Fix liveness analysis in the presence of never patterns
no need to validate_alias_bound_self_from_param_env in assemble_alias_bound_candidates
prevent cycle in implied predicates computation
promotion: don't promote int::MIN / -1
properly emit expected ; on #[attr] expr
provide suggestions through rustc_confusables annotations
refactor trait implementations in core::convert::num
split Diagnostics for Uncommon Codepoints: Add Individual Identifier Types
support async trait bounds in macros
unify dylib loading between proc macros and codegen backends
when encountering <&T as Clone>::clone(x) because T: Clone, suggest #[derive(Clone)]
miri: /miri many-seeds: support MIRI_SEED_END to control the end of the seed range
miri: add "cargo miri clean" command
miri: windows miri-script execution ergonomics
use br instead of a conditional when switching on a constant boolean
stabilize cfg_target_abi
improve UEFI stdio
windows: use ProcessPrng for random keys
require simd_insert, simd_extract indices to be constants
make Barrier::new() const
implement MappedMutexGuard, MappedRwLockReadGuard, and MappedRwLockWriteGuard
add "algebraic" fast-math intrinsics, based on fast-math ops that cannot return poison
remove useless 'static bounds on Box allocator
mpsc: fix race between block initialization and receiver disconnection
futures: add 'static bound to waker_ref
cargo add: Improve error when adding registry packages while vendored
cargo: Control clap colors through config
cargo: Respect CARGO_TERM_COLOR in '--list' and '-Zhelp'
cargo: error messages when collecting workspace members now mention the workspace root location
cargo: support target.<triple>.rustdocflags officially
rustdoc: include crate name in links for local primitives
clippy: box_default: preserve required path segments
clippy: read_line_without_trim: detect string literal comparison and .ends_with() calls
clippy: add unnecessary_clippy_cfg lint
clippy: add new multiple_bound_locations lint
clippy: add new unnecessary_get_then_check lint
clippy: allow unused_imports, and unused_import_braces on use
clippy: don't lint infinite_loop in external or proc macros
clippy: make redundant_guards take constness into account
clippy: unused_unit: be careful with expressions with attributes
clippy: new lint: empty docs
clippy: extend unnecessary_to_owned to handle Borrow trait in map types
clippy: fix sign-handling bugs and false negatives in cast_sign_loss
clippy: fix suggestion error in useless_vec
clippy: fix no_effect_underscore_binding firing on ignored parameters of async fns
clippy: look for implied_bounds_in_impls in more positions
clippy: take lifetime extension into account in ref_as_ptr
rust-analyzer: add assist for filling fields by replacing ellipsis in record syntax
rust-analyzer: add short flag -V for consistency with other rust tooling
rust-analyzer: add "make tuple" tactic to term search
rust-analyzer: replace_filter_map_next_with_find_map shouldn't work for dyn trait
rust-analyzer: don't panic on synthetic syntax in inference diagnostics
rust-analyzer: fix completions panicking with certain macro setups
rust-analyzer: fix deadlock in recreate_crate_graph <-> file_line_index
rust-analyzer: fix modules in blocks not resolving in ide layer
rust-analyzer: fix proc-macro server not accounting for string delimiters correctly
rust-analyzer: fix recompiles due to RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP
rust-analyzer: panic when inlining callsites inside macros' parameters
rust-analyzer: merge BorrowKind::Unique into BorrowKind::Mut
rust-analyzer: speed up Method Completions By Taking Advantage of Orphan Rules
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A rare week where regressions out powered improvements to make the compiler roughly half a percent slower on average on nearly 100 benchmarks. Some regressions have fixes in the pipeline, but some remain elusive or were introduced to address correctness issues.
Triage done by @rylev. Revision range: 5af21304..71ffdf7f
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 1.0% [0.2%, 4.4%] 69 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 1.4% [0.2%, 4.9%] 66 Improvements ✅ (primary) -1.1% [-3.3%, -0.2%] 28 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -0.6% [-1.5%, -0.2%] 33 All ❌✅ (primary) 0.4% [-3.3%, 4.4%] 97
4 Regressions, 6 Improvements, 5 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups 58 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Lint singleton gaps after exclusive ranges
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for slice::split_at_unchecked() and split_at_mut_unchecked()
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for generic NonZero
[disposition: merge] Made INVALID_DOC_ATTRIBUTES lint deny by default
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for ARM CRC32 intrinsics
[disposition: merge] use confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, ...) as a TMPDIR fallback on Darwin
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: RArrow Dereference for Pointer Ergonomics
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-02-28 - 2024-03-27 🦀
2024-02-29 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup | Mirror: Berline.rs page
2024-02-29 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Surfing the Rusty Wireless Waves with the ESP32-C3 Board
2024-03-06 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
An intro to nom, parsing made easy for Rustaceans
2024-03-06 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-03-07 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-03-12 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-03-12 | Hybrid (Virtual + In-person) Munich, DE | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Web Frontend Co-Learning (online)
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup | Mirror: Berline.rs page
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-03-21 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-03-26 | Virtual + In Person (Barcelona, ES) | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup - Stream
2024-02-29 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell - Season start 2024
2024-02-29 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust Meetup #44 sponsored by Bang & Olufsen
2024-03-06 | Zürich, CH | Rust Zürisee
How to (partial) Migration - March Meetup
2024-03-12 | Munich, DE + Virtual | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-03-13 | Paris, FR | Paris Rustaceans
Rust Meetup in Paris
2024-03-14 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
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Hack Night
2024-03-19 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
Rust Interactive Session
2024-03-20 | Girona, ES | Rust Girona
Introduction to programming Microcontrollers with Rust
2024-03-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust Meetup Augsburg
Augsburg Rust Meetup #6
2024-03-21 | Lille, FR | Rust Lille
Rust Lille #6: Du RSS et de L'ECS !
2024-03-26 | Barcelona, ES + Virtual | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup
2024-03-26, 2024-03-28 | London, UK | Rust Nation UK
Rust Nation 2024
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Rust Lunch - Fareground
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Rust Happy Hour
2024-03-04 | Cambridge, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Central Cambridge Rust Lunch
2024-03-07 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-03-13 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Northeastern Rust Lunch
2024-03-19 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-03-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-03-27 | Hawthorne, CA, US | Freeform
Rust in the Physical World 🦀 Tech Talk Event at Freeform
2024-02-29 | Brisbane, QLD, AU | Rust Brisbane
February Meetup
2024-03-05 | Auckland, NZ | Rust AKL
Rust AKL: Introduction to Embedded Rust + The State of Rust UI
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
That would take 18 million terabytes of RAM. You don't have that much memory.
– Alice Ryhl answering "What is MAX array size" on rust-users
Thanks to Zeroexcuses for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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chorusfm · 9 months
Albums in Stores – Sep 8th, 2023
If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the comments to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed. Alabaster Deplume – Come With Fierce GraceAllison Russell – The ReturnerAnjimile – The KingAs Friends Rust – Any JoyAshley McBryde – The Devil I KnowBlackbird Angels – SolsorteCLT DRP – Nothing Clever, Just FeelingsCORE OF iO – Part I: iOCoach Party – KILLJOYConquer Divide – Slow BurnCourtney Barnett – End Of The DayCryptopsy – As Gomorrah BurnsDark Divine – Deadly FunDeath Of Me – Hell’s Where You Make It, Love’s How You Fake ItDeeper – Careful!Downes Braide Association – Celestial SongsDying Fetus – Make Them Beg For DeathEcho Ladies – LilliesFixation – More Subtle Than DeathFossilization – Leprous DaylightFotocrime – AcceleratedGodseyes – Progress//RegressHawthorne Heights – Lost LightsIce Giant – Ghost Of HumanityJames Blake – Playing Robots Into HeavenJonathan Wilson – Eat The WormKristin Hersh – Clear Pond RoadKvelertak – EndlingLaufey – BewitchedLaurence-Anne – OniromancieLowdrive – RiseMedicine Horse – Medicine HorseMotionless In White – Scoring The End Of The World (Deluxe Edition)Mustard Plug – Where Did All My Friends Go?Nasty – Heartbreak CriminalsOOMPH! – Richter Und HenkerOlivia Rodrigo – GutsPain Of Truth – Not Through BloodPhantom Bay – UndergroundPleaser – PleaserPomegranate Tiger – All Input Is ErrorProper. – Part-TimerPuddle Of Mudd – UbiquitousRomy – Mid AirRose Of The West – No Things PermanentRoyal Blood – Back To The Water BelowRóisín Murphy – Hit ParadeSex Swing – Grade A Peanut SauceSleep Maps – Reclaim ChaosSlomatics – Strontium FieldsSoft Science – LinesSparklehorse – Bird MachineStarmen – StarmenizedStigmatism – Ignorance In PowerSylosis – A Sign Of Things To ComeTalking Kind – It Did Bring Me DownThe Chemical Brothers – For That Beautiful FeelingThe Coral – Holy Joe’s Coral Island Medicine ShowThe Coral – Sea Of MirrorsThe Mercury Tree – Self SimilarThe Natvral – Summer Of No LightThe Postal Service – Everything Will ChangeThe Pretenders – RelentlessThe Wonder Years – The Greatest Generation (10th Anniversary Edition)Tired Minds – The Body Is A BurdenTurnpike Troubadours – A Cat In The RainUNITYTX – FeralityUada – Crepuscule NaturaVarious Artists – A Song For LeonVega – BattlelinesWe Do Not Belong Here – Strange To Cope In Today’s WorldWith Honor – BoundlessYussef Dayes – Black Classical MusicZAND – SewerstarZeus – Credocursetheknife – There’s A Place I Can Restthe great nothing. – no one.Angel Du$t – Brand New Soul --- Thanks to helloiamzach for providing additional contributions to this week’s list. You can check out and support his weekly music podcast It’s Not A Phase or follow him on his socials. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/albums-in-stores-today/albums-in-stores-sep-8th-2023/
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gamergreys · 2 years
Gobot figure toybox
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Gobot figure toybox movie#
Gobot figure toybox crack#
His tech specs said "He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions" but didn't mention anything about him being rust proof. Ryan's 1st Transformer: G1 1984 Bumblebee (121 images)īumblebee's running a little flat these days. On vacations up north, the Constructicons dug holes from the shores of the Straits of Mackinac all the way to "the other side of the world" (wherever that was) or they entombed their Autobot captives in sandy embankments. They were buried in sand, entangled in covert missions amongst seaweed, had forest hideouts among leaf piles, wood chips, tree branches, shrubs or whatever else I could think of. I had no long term plans for these toys at that time but I sure had about as much fun as a kid could have with them. I fascinated with taking my Transformers in the lake, playing with them on the sand, in the bathtub. As a child, we lived on a lake in mid-Michigan about 1/2 way between Flint and Ann Arbor. While I don't understand what happened with his tires, which appear to have melted at some point, I'm assuming the rust was caused by Bumblebee's many water adventures he went on. Capturing this detail helps tell the story. It was interesting photographing a toy for that wasn't as close to perfection as I normally strive. Some of my favorite photography shots that came out of this were of the rust on the screws and the diecast piece on Bumblebee's back as well as the shots of the tires. Transformers had fully captivated my childhood imagination.Īs you'll see from the pictures in this gallery, there are some "artistic" shots showing the wear in detail. My earliest connection with the Transformers comic, that I remember, was my Dad buying me a copy of Transformers #4 at a Perry Drug store. She did, and she bought me the Mini-Bot Bumblebee toy you see featured below and my brother took home a Windcharger (thanks Mom!). Later that day, I begged and pleaded my Mom to take me to Toys R Us to get a Transformer toy. I don't recall much about watching that first episode but I swear I remember flipping the channel to Wheeljack and Bumblebee's opening scene in the first episode.
Gobot figure toybox crack#
With me, it was one fateful Saturday morning when I woke at the crack of dawn, turned on the television to discover another weekly installment of Saturday morning cartoons, when I came across a cartoon about those very robots. Like all of you, my collision course with our favorite robots that convert from one thing to another and back, has a beginning. Pretty unremarkable, huh? Well, let me tell you a story or three. Here all of us are on, which winds back to that moment in time. It is the earliest physical representation I possess of the moment Transformers became of interest to me. It marks the beginning of something major in my life which ultimately has led to this very moment years later with you reading an article that I'm writing on, a website about Transformers toys that I created 16 years ago. Well, he's my very first Transformers toy that I got way back in 1984 at the age of 7. You might be wondering what's so special about this run-down Transformers toy. He's battle damaged, worn, has some extra paint apps, rust, a flat tire, a missing tire, a damaged tire, a stress mark, and more. Lo and behold, it's my first Transformer from 1984 who is none other than G1 Bumblebee. It has historical significance to and much personal significance to myself. Nothing of particular interest, except maybe to me. Here we are at 's 4,000th Transformers toy gallery.
Transformers Exhibit at Children's Museum in Indianapolis.
Transformers The Last Knight Global Premiere Events ».
Subscribe to Twincast/Podcast with iTunes.
Gobot figure toybox movie#
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Movie News.
Transformers: Rise of the Beast Movie News.
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esonetwork · 5 months
Attacked By Monsters - Soul Forge Podcast 312
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/attacked-by-monsters-soul-forge-podcast-312/
Attacked By Monsters - Soul Forge Podcast 312
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Attacked by Monsters!
Awesome feedback received this week! Jim from the Monster Attack podcast wrote in to say he is listening. There has been much sickness in the house, but that has not stopped us from making plans and doing the things!
From Jim we learned that our show is engaging and enjoyable. Shawn and Leah have great chemistry and this is apparent when listening. Jim will keep on listening–there are a lot of episodes to catch up on. We will be listening to his Monster Attack podcast.
Everyone in our house has been down with the sickness the last month. We are on the road to recovery, but it is taking longer than expected. Shawn even called in sick to work and that is quite a rarity. There was a recent birthday dinner. Curtis, one of Shawn’s brothers, had a birthday in December and this past week, the 3 brothers were able to mesh their schedules and go to Chuck’s Roadhouse to celebrate.
Bathroom renovations have been on hold. The leaky sink has sunk our motivation to continue. We are however, planning a cruise, a visit to Milwaukee for Easter, and a trip to Traverse City this weekend. Some time away is required after being sick and taking care of Shawn’s dad. There are some fun plans for the next few months! Maybe we were attacked by monsters, and maybe we weren’t. Either way, here is a fun episode to listen to!
Check out our Etsy shops! Leah’s store can be found by searching Collect and Cast On. Shawn’s store is Rusted Robot Toys.
This week’s podcast promo: Monster Attack
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esonetwork · 11 months
Time Travel - Soul Forge Podcast 296
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/time-travel/
Time Travel - Soul Forge Podcast 296
Time travel is a fun concept to contemplate. When would you go? How would you get there? The questions and thought experiments are endless. There might not be a more exciting concept in all of pop culture.
Time travel is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, particularly science fiction. In fiction, chrono travel is typically achieved through the use of a hypothetical device known as a time machine. The idea of a time machine was popularized by H. G. Wells‘ 1895 novel The Time Machine.
Speaking of travel through time, this episode travels back 9 years. At that time, I was recording the Rusted Robot Podcast with my wife. Episode 32 was all about traveling through time. On this episode, we will all travel into the past to hear that episode that was recorded so long ago.
The bulk of the show references a T-shirt I once owned. On this shirt was a clock and each hour was a different method of pop culture time travel shenanigans. Some travel methods include the T.A.R.D.I.S. from Doctor Who, the time machine from the classic film The Time Machine, and the Delorean from the Back to the Future franchise. Also included is the Guardian of Forever from the classic Star Trek episode, “The City of the Edge of Forever”. This leads into a nice discussion of Star Trek.
Later in the episode, we talk about books that include temporal displacement. Stephen King wrote 11/22/63 and Evan Mandery wrote a book called Q. The episode finishes up with a talk about some Doctor Who collectibles.
This week’s podcast promos: Cigar Nerds Podcast, and The Con Guy
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esonetwork · 1 year
Shawn and Paul Finally Meet in Real Life - Soul Forge 294
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/shawn-and-paul-finally-meet-in-real-life/
Shawn and Paul Finally Meet in Real Life - Soul Forge 294
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Shawn and Paul finally meet in real life!
Shawn is from Canada. Paul is from England. They have been podcasting together for over 9 years. They have spoken over Skype and Zoom. However, it was not until this week that the two friends finally met in person. This is the episode where they discuss their history, their visit, and a huge pile of other topics!
Paul, his wife Linda, and their two boys have come to Canada to visit Paul’s aunt. It was 1994 the last time Paul and Linda made the trip. Since the two friends started podcasting they have vowed to one day meet in person. The trip to Canada was Paul’s perfect opportunity to visit Shawn. So, after a week in Toronto, the boys flew home to England and Paul and Linda flew up to Sault Ste. Marie.
Everything is bigger in Canada. The cars are larger. Road lanes are wider. Cheese is in all the foods. There is more land and everything is more spread out. On Paul and Linda’s bucket list was trying a genuine Canadian poutine, which they did. They also enjoyed the beaver tail pastry, Dairy Queen blizzards and Tim Horton’s coffee. Trying to visit the United States also became quite the ordeal.
Shawn and Paul finally meet in real life! However, they have quite the podcasting history. Paul was Shawn’s UK Correspondant on the old Rusted Robot podcast. They then created and co-hosted the Sci-Fi Waffle podcast for 40 episodes. Dan later joined them and they created the Cosmic Pizza podcast and the Epsilon Three podcast.
This week’s podcast promo: Cosmic Pizza Podcast
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esonetwork · 1 year
Not Every One Is A Winner - Soul Forge Podcast 278
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/not-every-one-is-a-winner-but-that-is-okay/
Not Every One Is A Winner - Soul Forge Podcast 278
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Not every one is a winner, and that’s perfectly okay!
It’s a mixed bag of topics this week. There is no theme holding all the thoughts together. What will Shawn say on this week’s episode? No one knows–not even him! Prepare yourself for a cosmic adventure to nowhere! Not every one is a winner, but it might still be a fun episode to listen to.
Valentine’s Day was this week. How did you spend the day? Is it Single Awareness Day? Did you go to a fancy restaurant? I spent the day at work, followed by an evening of watching TV, eating chocolate and relaxing. Melissa went to Mexico with her family. We celebrated earlier in the week.
Television and movies are fun. I used to host a podcast all about pop culture and movies and toys. I am currently enjoying The Last Of Us. We are only 5 episodes into the series and it is really great so far. I haven’t played the video game it is based on, but that doesn’t seem to matter. The third and final season of Star Trek: Picard premieres this week. I have been eagerly anticipating seeing the reunion of the Next Generation crew. My brother Robin and I are going to see Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania on Thursday. Who doesn’t love Paul Rudd?
The situation with my dad has improved recently. Things had been tense for quite some time. He recently reached out. We have been doing coffee and having visits. All in all, it has been quite pleasant so far.
Check out Rusted Robot Toys. It’s my pop culture shop on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/RustedRobotToys
This week’s podcast promo: But First, Let’s Talk Nerdy
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esonetwork · 2 years
Is it Stress or Just Life - Soul Forge 270
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/is-it-stress-or-just-life-that-causes-you-to-feel-the-way-you-do-this-week-on-the-podcast-we-are-taking-a-look-at-what-has-been-on-the-mind-of-your-host/
Is it Stress or Just Life - Soul Forge 270
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Is it stress or just life that causes you to feel the way you do?
This week on the podcast, we are taking a look at what has been on the mind of your host. As of late, there has been a bit of nostalgia on the mind. And as such, it might be time to look ahead to what might be coming. A return to the Rusted Robot Podcast might be in order. Shawn hosted that pop culture podcast for about 7 years. Rusted Robot was your weekly dose of geek style news and reviews. Its return might be in the forecast. Kirstie Alley’s death would have been a major topic on this week’s episode had the podcast still been a thing.
The Etsy shop is going well. It is called Rusted Robot Toys. If you are looking for some pop culture gifts, the Etsy shop should be your first stop. My YouTube channel is also called Rusted Robot Toys. Check it out!
In other news, I purchased my first hour glass this weekend. I have wanted to collect hour glasses for 30 years but never did so. Will this be the start of a new craze? Time will tell (haha)! You also get to hear the newest promos for my 3 podcasts! That would be the Soul Forge Podcast, The Epsilon Three and Cosmic Pizza.
Is it stress or just life? That really is the question. When I lived in Timmins I was always sore. I went to a massage therapist on a regular basis. My back and legs were always in pain. Ever since I moved to the Soo I have not needed to see a massage therapist. I didn’t realize until recently how much pain and stress was caused by my living situation.
This week’s promo: ES DCU
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esonetwork · 2 years
The Earth Station One Podcast - The House of The Dragon Season One Review
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-one-podcast-the-house-of-the-dragon-season-one-review/
The Earth Station One Podcast - The House of The Dragon Season One Review
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HBO Max returns to Westeros to focus on the early days of House Targaryen in the age of Fire and Blood. Mike, Mike, Ashley, Chip Johnson, and M.D. Jackson time jumps around the Seven Kingdoms on the backs of dragons before the big dance. Plus, Nick Taber steps out of his Movie Theater Time Machine and into the Geek Seat. All this, along with news from Borderlands’ Robert Young, Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take, Michelle’s Iconic Rock Moment, and Shout Outs!
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Podcaster and Friend of the Station, David Keep.
We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at [email protected] and subscribe and rate the show on Apple Podcast, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, wherever fine podcasts are found, and now we can be found on our own YouTube Channel.
Table of Contents 0:00:00 Show Open / Interview & Geek Seat w/ Podcaster Nick Taber 0:46:38 Iconic Music Moment 0:49:25 House of The Dragon Season One Review 1:53:02 A Geek Girls Take 1:54:51 A Conversation with Robert Young of Borderlands Comics & Games 2:07:30 Show Close
Links Earth Station One on Apple Podcasts Earth Station One on Stitcher Radio Earth Station One on Spotify Past Episodes of The Earth Station One Podcast The ESO Network Patreon The New ESO Network TeePublic Store ESO Network Patreon Angela’s A Geek Girl’s Take Ashley’s Box Office Buzz Michelle’s Iconic Rock Talk Show The Earth Station One Website NSC Live TV Tifosi Optical The New Earth Station One YouTube Channel Movie Theater Time Machine My Crazy Nerd Life Amazing Stories Annual Kickstarter Borderlands Comics and Games Professor Dave’s Ark in Space
Promos Tifosi Optics Rusted Robot Flopcast The ESO Network Patreon
If you would like to leave feedback or a comment on the show please feel free to email us at [email protected]
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