#Ryan Mcleod
nuge · 6 months
clouder proudly showing off his kicks to his 2 dads mcdrai 😭
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kentjohnson91 · 28 days
more memes (i need hockey back)
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poolparty13 · 2 months
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back to camp!
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foegoal · 3 months
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toasttt11 · 13 days
broken family
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June 4, 2018
Ellen rubbed her face hearing her phone going off in the middle of the night and she looked at the clock seeing it barely two am and grabbed her phone, “Hello?” Ellen cleared her throat.
“Hi is this Ellen Hughes?” A woman’s voice spoke through the phone.
“It is.” Ellen confirmed.
“I’m calling from San Diego Hospital.” The woman told her.
Ellen sat up quickly as she heard what hospital was calling her as she knew it was the hospital the Blake’s go too.
Jim squinted his eyes seeing his wife on the phone and sitting up in bed at two in the morning, he sat up with her and rested his hand on her back making her look over at him and put the call on speaker.
“A few hours ago Harrison and Maddison Blake were hit by a drunk driver and were immediately taken to the hospital for emergency surgery. Unfortunately they have both passed away and Hayden Blake said that we could call you.”
Ellen gasped dropping her phone onto the bed as Jim froze hearing the words their best friends are dead.
Ellen coveted her mouth in shock her eyes watering.
“Thank you.” Jim mumbled to the phone and hung up the call, he knew they needed to get to Hayden immediately.
Ellen looked at her husband with a heartbroken face and watery eyes, his ways were filled with tears. The two clung to each other and let themselves cry for a few minutes before they pulled away and took a deep breath.
“I’ll pack for us and get the flights, will you get the boys and tell them to pack and we will tell them before we leave.” Ellen asked her husband wiping her face of tears.
Jim nodded and pressed a gentle kiss to his wife’s forehead before getting out of bed and walking to Quinn’s room first.
He opened the door seeing his eldest and youngest son laying next to each other and he walked over gently shaking Quinn awake, who always wakes up extremely quickly.
“Quinn i need you to wake Luke up and both of you pack for a few days we need to go to San Diego soon. We’ll explain everything to you three before we leave but please.” Jim quickly explained to a very confused Quinn.
Quinn nodded and started waking up Luke as their father walked out of the room and to Jack’s room.
Jim shook his head not at all suprised seeing Jack sprawled out like a starfish on his bed and he walked over waking him up and telling him to pack before heading back to his room seeing Ellen finishing up packing.
“The boys all up?” Ellen spoke softly her face in sad frown, Jim nodded and helped her put the last few things into their suitcase and zipped it up.
They headed down to the living room with their bags and a few minutes later Quinn came down with his bag and then Luke and eventually Jack.
Ellen and Jim had the boys sit on the living room couch and shared a sad look.
“We’re going to San Diego for Hayden.” Ellen started telling her three boys.
“Is Haydes okay?” Jack immediately sat up in worry, Quinn and Luke both looked extremely worried.
“She’s okay.” Ellen reassured her children, she knew Hayden was fine physically but emotionally she knew Hayden was definitely broken.
“Uncle Harry and Aunty Maddie were in car accident a few hours ago.” Ellen told her boys gripping onto her husband’s hand.
Quinn swallowed having a feeling he knew what was wrong, Jack titled his head and Luke looked confused but still worried.
“They both passed away.” Jim voice cracked as he told his boys.
Jack’s jaw dropped and his eyes watered, Quinn clenched his jaw and fists, squeezing his eyes shut. Luke frowned confused on what he was supposed to feel, he was only fourteen and he never had anyone close to him pass away.
“Like we won’t see them again?” Luke hesitantly asked, Ellen nodded shutting her eyes at how innocent her youngest son sounded.
The boys all stayed silent in their own worlds as they left their house and got in the car to drive to the airport.
The Hughes got onto the plane and it was short four hour flight to San Diego from Michigan making them land by seven in the morning.
Ellen and Jim got a car and loaded it up and quickly drove them all to the Blake’s house.
Ellen took a deep breath as they pulled into the driveway realizing her best friend wouldn’t be in the house when she goes in.
Jim squeezed her hand reassuringly and they shared a look getting out the car with the boys all following her.
Jim unlocked the front door and Archie walked around the counter of the front entrance barking but calmed down once he saw the Hughes.
Luke patted Archie’s head as they walked through the entryway and turned the corner seeing Hayden sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest and her back against the wall.
Hayden looked up hearing people walk in and she knew it was the Hughes, “They’re dead.” Hayden said monotonously her face blank, her eyes dim, her cheeks covered in trails of tears and her nose red from crying.
Ellen squeezed her eyes feeling her heartbreaking at how broken Hayden is right now and she kneeled down in front of her goddaughter.
Hayden eyes searched Ellen’s face before she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Ellen tightly feeling her shoulders shake with silent sobs.
Ellen let out tears as she held Hayden feeling she sobbing.
Jim guided the boys back outside to grab their bags giving Hayden and Ellen a few moments alone.
Ellen let Hayden cry for a while until her knees were aching from kneeling on the tile and Hayden’s sobs died down.
“Why don’t we get you to bed Hay.” Ellen spoke softly and looked at her watch knowing Hayden has been up for to long but froze seeing the date on her watch, with everything that happen the last few hours it slipped her mind that today is Hayden’s birthday.
Ellen realized Hayden has just lost her parents on her birthday, “Oh Hay i’m so sorry. Happy birthday.” Ellen mumbled against Hayden’s hair feeling her sob once more.
Ellen helped Hayden sit up and slowly walk to her room seeing the boys in her room already, Hayden was similar to a zombie as she walked and got into her bed not saying a word.
Jack quickly got into bed next to her and cuddled to his best friend. Luke got into the bed on the other side and grabbed onto her hand holding it tightly and Quinn laid on the bed next to Jack and his arm rested across the pillow and his hand rested on her head.
Ellen and Jim shared a extremely heartbroken look as they starred at the four, Ellen and Jim both knew Hayden’s custody goes to them and they don’t have a single problem with becoming Hayden’s legal guardian and her living with them, she’s their goddaughter.
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adelphenium · 3 months
would you be interested in drawing clouder, oiler with the biggest toothless smile of all time? 👉👈 my friend wanted to ask but was too shy!! i love your art so much, you're amazing!
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aaahh for both you and your friend! a big toothy (?) grin from last night's #8 :D
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sunshine-gumdrop · 3 months
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Clouders empty netter and the Panthers guy with his water bottle
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Stu and nurse's empty netter!
We are going to game 7....
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chippergoose · 4 months
Man is always doing the most
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ryan-nugenthopkins · 3 months
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Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. - Robert Frost
Photos: x x x x x x x x x x x
Text: x x x
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nuge · 7 months
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rub rub rub…gentle rub
leon draisaitl | WSH @ EDM | 03.13.2024
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goaliedefender · 3 months
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very small mcleod doodle because I miss him
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poolparty13 · 4 months
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The sass
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foegoal · 3 months
i really want to stay at rogers place || a love letter to the 2023/2024 season.
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toasttt11 · 15 days
happy birthday?
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June 3, 2018
Hayden was cuddling her few months old puppy in her bed, she has been having a hard few days and she denied going to dinner with her parents.
She knew they would be home within in few minutes as it is almost midnight and she knew they would be home by midnight for her birthday.
Hayden frowned hearing a knock on the front door, she was confused as her parents wouldn’t knock and she wasn’t expecting anyone else.
Hayden looked at Archie who was sitting up alert and she got out of bed with Archie right on her heels.
Hayden opened the door and felt a wave of dread washing over her, there was two police officers with pity looks.
“Hayden Blake?” One of the police officers asked the sixteen year old girl.
“Yes?” Hayden warily answered having a very bad feeling she wasn’t going to like what they were going to tell her.
“Your parents were in a car accident. They are in the hospital now in emergency surgeries.” The other officer softy told her.
Hayden stumbled a step back her holding onto to the door as her breathing picked up, “Are they alive.” She stammered out trying to count in her head and not get a full panic attack.
“They are but they are both greatly injured and both of them are in surgery.” The police officer told her looking at the young girl in pity, “We can take you to the hospital.”
Hayden nodded and grabbed a pair of sandals next to the door and closed the door behind her quickly following the officers to the police car.
Hayden’s legs were bouncing up and down as she chewed on her fingernails as the officers drove her, she didn’t even realize she forgot her phone and only paid attention to the fact where the drive was taking for her.
June 4, 2018
Hayden rushed out of the car immediately once they parked with the officers begin her, they lead her to the emergency surgery waiting room and she saw that only her mother was still in surgery.
“Wheres my dad.” Hayden harshly asked the front desk employee, “Harrison Blake.” Hayden did not like the emotion that showed on the employee’s face when she said her father’s name.
“Are you Hayden?” A soft voice called behind her making her turn and she saw a surgeon waking out of the doors.
Hayden nodded and surgeon walked over to her, “I’m sorry to tell you this Ms. Blake but your father did not survive, he passed just minutes ago at 12:04.”
The rest of the word coming from the surgeon drowned out as she only focused on the fact her father is dead.
Hayden chocked on her breath shaking her head and looked at the surgeon, “And my mother.” She croaked out holding on to the front desk trying not to fall over.
“She and the baby are still in surgery and the team is trying their very best to save her.” The surgeon told the very young girl.
“The baby?” Hayden croaked out looking extremely confused her eyebrows furrowing as she looked at the surgeon.
“Your mother is almost four months pregnant, did they not tell anyone yet?”
Hayden shook her head no, she did not know that she was going to have a sibling, she just found she lost her father but now she had a sibling.
Hayden went and sat down on a chair and held her head in her hands letting out a few tears as she knew she would never be held by her father, never play hockey with him, never cook a meal with him, she would never be able to tell him she loves him again.
Hayden didn’t know how long she sat in the waiting room only listening to the ticking on the clock on the wall until the door opened and the surgeon came back out.
She looked up and felt her heart drop as he slowly shook his head and was holding two bags of things and she immediately recognized them as the things her parents had with them when they left home.
Hayden covered her mouth closing her eyes as her whole body trembled.
“I’m sorry but neither your mother or the baby survived, there was many complications and we could not do anything more.” The surgeon sadly told the now seventeen year old on her birthday that all of her family were dead.
“Is there anyone we can call?” He asked her softly.
Hayden blinked rubbing her face, “Uh the Hughes.” Hayden mumbled, “They are on my parent’s charts.” Hayden knew her parents had added Ellen and Jim to their charts so if something happened to both of them they woukd know and could be there for her.
“Okay we will call them.” He softly told her.
“Can i go home now.” Hayden mumbled not knowing how much longer she could go with out sobbing and she didn’t know once she started if she could ever stop.
“Yes you can go.” The surgeon kindly told gesturing for the officers to take Hayden home, he knew there was lots of paperwork and funeral arrangements that would need to be made but he wasn’t going to ask her to it after just finding out her parents and unborn sibling are dead, it can wait a few days.
Hayden spaced out the entire time until she heard her name being called and realized the car was pulled in front of her house.
Hayden stumbled out of the car shutting the door and slowly walked up the steps to her house, she slowly opened the front door locking it behind her. She dropped the bags of her parents belongs to the floor not even wanting to think of items
Archie ran to Hayden looking very excited to see her then cocked his head noticing something off. Archie slowly trotted over to Hayden as she sunk to the ground with her back to the door and she started sobbing.
Hayden wrapped her arms around her dog and harshly sobbed against his fur. Archie whined sadly licking Hayden’s arm.
She just became an orphan on her seventeenth birthday.
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sunshine-gumdrop · 3 months
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Idk why it is so funny to me that a bunch of Canadian hockey players got rained on and started to act like cats...
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