#Rylee Home Services
ryleehomeservices · 5 months
Rylee Home Services LLC: Your Trusted HVAC and Plumbing Partner
Rylee Home Services LLC is a premier family-owned company specializing in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) and plumbing services. Based in central New Jersey, Rylee Home Services has been serving residential and commercial clients for over 80 years. Let’s dive into the details of this reputable company.
About Rylee Home Services
Faith-Based and Family-Oriented
At Rylee Home Services, faith and family values are at the core of everything they do. The Sowell family, deeply rooted in the industry, leads the company with integrity and a commitment to customer-focused service. They believe in treating others the way they wish to be treated, which sets them apart in the competitive HVAC and plumbing market.
Comprehensive Services
What started as an HVAC-focused company has expanded into a full-service provider encompassing all aspects of home maintenance. Rylee Home Services offers the following services:
Heating and Cooling: Whether it’s installing a new air conditioner, repairing a furnace, or maintaining your HVAC system, Rylee Home Services has you covered. Their technicians are OEM certified with leading equipment manufacturers, including Johnson Controls (YORK) and Carrier.
Plumbing: From leaky faucets to complex plumbing installations, Rylee’s skilled plumbers handle it all. They provide both residential and commercial plumbing services, ensuring that your pipes, fixtures, and drains are in top condition.
Electrical Services: Rylee Home Services has expanded beyond HVAC and plumbing to include electrical services. Whether you need wiring repairs, lighting installations, or electrical panel upgrades, their certified electricians deliver reliable solutions.
Home and Office Automation: Rylee understands the importance of modern technology. They offer comprehensive home and office automation services, integrating smart devices for convenience, energy efficiency, and security.
Service Areas
Rylee Home Services serves the following counties in New Jersey:
Monmouth County
Middlesex County
Mercer County
Their service areas extend across these counties, ensuring that residents and businesses receive excellence and integrity in HVAC-R and plumbing solutions.
Competitive Pricing
Rylee Home Services believes in providing accurate, reasonable, and appropriate pricing tailored to the local market. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, you can trust Rylee for transparent pricing and high-quality workmanship.
Contact Information
Address: 132 Van Liew Avenue, Milltown, NJ 08850
Phone: 848-202-9883
Website: Rylee Home Services
Driving Directions: Rylee Home Services
When it comes to HVAC, plumbing, and electrical services, Rylee Home Services LLC stands out as a reliable partner. Their commitment to excellence, faith-based values, and comprehensive offerings make them a go-to choice for New Jersey residents and businesses. Whether you need a new air conditioner, a plumbing repair, or an electrical upgrade, Rylee Home Services has the expertise to meet your needs.
If you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to ask! 😊🛠️
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nurseathomeservices21 · 11 months
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J.C. Ryle Christmas Sermon
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Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David. — Matthew 22:42
Christmas is a season which almost all Christians observe in one way or another. Some keep it as a religious season. Some keep it as a holiday. But all over the world, wherever there are Christians, in one way or another Christmas is kept.
Perhaps there is no country in which Christmas is so much observed as it is in England. Christmas holidays, Christmas parties, Christmas family-gatherings, Christmas services in churches, Christmas hymns and carols, Christmas holly and mistletoe,—who has not heard of these things? They are as familiar to English people as anything in their lives. They are among the first things we remember when we were children. Our grandfathers and grandmothers were used to them long before we were born. They have been going on in England for many hundred years. They seem likely to go on as long as the world stands.
But, reader, how many of those who keep Christmas ever consider why Christmas is kept? How many, in their Christmas plans and arrangements, give a thought to Him, without whom there would have been no Christmas at all? How many ever remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is the cause of Christmas ? How many ever reflect that the first intention of Christmas was to remind Christians of Christ's birth and coming into the world? Reader, how is it with you? What do you think of at Christmas?
Bear with me a few minutes, while I try to press upon you the question which heads this tract. I do not want to make your Christmas merriment less. I do not wish to spoil your Christmas cheer. I only wish to put things in their right places. I want Christ Himself to be remembered at Christmas! Give me your attention while I unfold the question— "What think ye of Christ?"
I. Let us consider, firstly, why all men ought to think of Christ. II. Let us examine, secondly, the common thoughts of many about Christ. III. Let us count up, lastly, the thoughts of true Christians about Christ.
Reader, I dare say the demands upon your time this Christmas are many. Your holidays are short. You have friends to see. You have much to talk about. But still, in the midst of all your hurry and excitement, give a little time to your soul. There will be a Christmas some year, when your place will be empty. Before that time comes, suffer me as a friend to press home on your conscience the inquiry, —"What think ye of Christ?"
I. First, then, let us consider why all men ought to think of Christ.
This is a question which needs to be answered, at the very outset of this tract. I know the minds of some people when they are asked about such things as I am handling today. I know that many are ready to say, "Why should we think about Christ at all ? We want meat, and drink, and money, and clothes, and amusements. We have no time to think about these high subjects. We do not understand them. Let parsons, and old women, and Sunday-school children mind such things if they like. We have no time in a world like this to be thinking of Christ."
Such is the talk of thousands in this country. They never go either to church or chapel. They never read their Bibles. The world is their god. They think themselves very wise and clever. They despise those whom they call "religious people." But whether they like it or not, they will all have to die one day. They have all souls to be lost or saved in a world to come. They will all have to rise again from their graves, and to have a reckoning with God. And shall their scoffing and contempt stop our mouths, and make us ashamed? No, indeed! not for a moment! Listen to me and I will tell you why.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of the office Christ fills between God and man. He is the eternal Son of God, through whom alone the Father can be known, approached, and served. He is the appointed Mediator between God and man, through whom alone we can be reconciled with God, pardoned, justified, and saved. He is the Divine Person whom God the Father has sealed to be the giver of everything that man requires for his soul. To Him are committed the keys of death and hell. In His favour is life. In Him alone there is hope of salvation for mankind. Without Him no child of Adam can be saved. "Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." "He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life." (I Cor. iii. 11; 1 John v.12.) And ought not man to think of Christ? Shall God the Father honour Him, and shall not man? I tell every reader of this tract that there is no person, living or dead, of such immense importance to all men as Christ. There is no person that men ought to think about so much as Christ.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of what Christ has done for all men. He thought upon man, when man was lost, bankrupt, and helpless by the fall, and undertook to come into the world to save sinners. In the fullness of time He was born of the Virgin Mary, and lived for man thirty-three years in this evil world. At the end of that time He suffered for sin on the cross, as man's substitute. He bore man's sins in His own body, and shed His own lifeblood to pay man's debt to God. He was made a curse for man, that man might be blessed. He died for man that man might live. He was counted a sinner for man that man might be counted righteous. And ought not man to think of Christ? I tell every reader of this tract that if Christ had not died for us, we might all of us, for anything we know, be lying at this moment in hell.
All men ought to think of Christ, because of what Christ will yet do to all men. He shall come again one day to this earth with power and glory, and raise the dead from their graves. All shall come forth at His bidding. Those who would not move when they heard the church-going bell, shall obey the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God. He shall set up His judgment-seat, and summon all mankind to stand before it. To Him every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord. Not one shall be able to escape that solemn assize. Not one but shall receive at the mouth of Christ an eternal sentence. Every one shall receive according to what he has done in the body, whether it be good or bad. And ought not men to think of Christ? I tell every reader of this tract, that whatever he may choose to think now, a day is soon coming when his eternal condition will hinge entirely on his relations to Christ.
But why should I say more on this subject? The time would fail me if I were to set down all the reasons why all men ought to think of Christ. Christ is the grand subject of the Bible. The Scriptures testify of Him.—Christ is the great object to whom all the Churches in Christendom profess to give honour. Even the worst and most corrupt branches of it will tell you that they are built on Christ.—Christ is the end and substance of all sacraments and ordinances.—Christ is the grand subject which every faithful minister exalts in the pulpit.—Christ is the object that every true pastor sets before dying people on their deathbeds.—Christ is the great source of light and peace and hope.
There is not a spark of spiritual comfort that has ever illumined a sinner's heart, that has not come from Christ. Surely it never can be a small matter whether we have any thoughts about Christ.
Reader, I leave this part of my subject here. There are many things which swallow up men's thoughts while they live, which they will think little of when they are dying. Hundreds are wholly absorbed in political schemes, and seem to care for nothing but the advancement of their own party.—Myriads are buried in business and money matters, and seem to neglect everything else but this world.
—Thousands are always wrangling about the forms and ceremonies of religion, and are ready to cry down everybody who does not use their shibboleths, and worship in their way. But an hour is fast coming when only one subject will be minded, and that subject will be Christ! We shall all find—and many perhaps too late—that it mattered little what we thought about other things, so long as we did not think about Christ.
Reader, I tell you this Christmas, that all men ought to think about Christ. There is no one in whom all the world has such a deep interest. There is no one to whom all the world owes so much. High and low, rich and poor, old and young, gentle and simple,—all ought to think about Christ.
II. Let us examine, secondly, the common thoughts of many about Christ.
To set down the whole list of thoughts about Christ, would indeed be thankless labour. It must content us to range them under a few general heads. This will save us both time and trouble. There were many strange thoughts about Christ when He was on earth. There are many strange and wrong thoughts about Christ now, when He is in heaven.
The thoughts of some people about Christ are simply blasphemous. They are not ashamed to deny His Divinity. They refuse to believe the miracles recorded of Him. They pretend to find fault with not a few of His sayings and doings. They even question the perfect honesty and sincerity of some things that He did. They tell us that He ought to be ranked with great Reformers and Philosophers, like Socrates, Seneca, and Confucius, but no higher.—Thoughts like these are purely ridiculous and absurd. They utterly fail to explain the enormous influence which Christ and Christianity have had for eighteen hundred years in this world. There is not the slightest comparison to be made between Christ and any other teacher of mankind that ever lived. The difference between Him and others is a gulf that cannot be spanned, and a height that cannot be measured. It is the difference between gold and clay,—between the sun and a candle. Nothing can account for Christ and Christianity, but the old belief that Christ is very God. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care!
The thoughts of some people about Christ are vague, dim, misty, and indistinct. That there was such a Person they do not for a moment deny. That He was the Founder of Christianity, and the object of Christian worship, they are quite aware. That they hear of Him every time they go to public worship, and ought to have some opinion or belief about Him, they will fully admit. But they could not tell you what it is they believe. They could not accurately describe and define it. They have not thoroughly considered the subject They have not made up their minds! —Thoughts such as these are foolish, silly, and unreasonable. To be a dying sinner with an immortal soul, and to go on living without making up one's mind about the only Person who can save us, the Person who will at last judge us, is the conduct of a lunatic or an idiot, and not of a rational man. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If any are, take care!
The thoughts of some men about Christ are mean and low. They have, no doubt, a distinct opinion about His position in their system of Christianity. They consider that if they do their best, and live moral lives, and go to church pretty regularly, and use the ordinances of religion, Christ will deal mercifully with them at last, and make up any deficiencies.—Thoughts such as these utterly fail to explain why Christ died on the cross. They take the crown off Christ's head, and degrade Him into a kind of make-weight to man's soul. They overthrow the whole system of the Gospel, and pull up all its leading doctrines by the roots. They exalt man to an absurdly high position; as if he could pay some part of the price of his soul!—They rob man of all the comfort of the Gospel; as if he must needs do something and perform some work to justify his own soul!—They make Christ a sort of Judge far more than a Saviour, and place the cross and the atonement in a degraded and inferior position! Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care !
The thoughts of some men about Christ are dishonouring and libellous. They seem to think that we need a mediator between ourselves and our Saviour! They appear to suppose that Christ is so high, and awful, and exalted a Person, that poor, sinful man may not approach Him! They say that we must employ an Episcopacy ordained minister as a kind of go-between, to stand between us and Jesus, and manage for our souls! They send us to saints, or angels, or the Virgin Mary, as if they were more kind and accessible than Christ!—Thoughts such as these are a practical denial of Christ's priestly office. They overthrow the whole doctrine of His peculiar business, as man's Intercessor. They hide and bury out of sight His especial love to sinners and His boundless willingness to receive them. Instead of a gracious Saviour, they make Him out an austere and hard King. Reader, are the thoughts I have just described your own? If they are, take care!
The thoughts of some men about Christ are wicked and unholy. They seem to think that they may live as they please, because Christ died for sinners! They will indulge every kind of wickedness, and yet flatter themselves that they are not blameworthy for it, because Christ is a merciful Saviour! They will talk complacently of God's election, and the necessity of grace, and the impossibility of being justified by works and the fullness of Christ, and then make these glorious doctrines an excuse for lying, cheating, drunkenness, fornication, and every kind of immorality.—Thoughts such as these are as blasphemous and profane as downright infidelity. They actually make Christ the patron of sin. Reader, are these thoughts I have described your own? If they are, take care!
Reader, two general remarks apply to all these thoughts about Christ of which I have just been speaking. They all show a deplorable ignorance of Scripture. I defy any one to read the Bible honestly and find any warrant for them in that blessed Book. Men cannot know their Bibles when they hold such opinions.—They all help to prove the corruption and darkness of human nature. Man is ready to believe anything about Christ except the simple truth. He loves to set up an idol of his own, and bow down to it, rather than accept the Saviour whom God puts before him.
I leave this part of my subject here. It is a sorrowful and painful one, but not without its use. It is necessary to study morbid anatomy, if we would understand health. The ground must be cleared of rubbish before we build.
III. Let us now count up, lastly, the thoughts of true Christians about Christ.
The thoughts I am going to describe are not the thoughts of many. I admit this most fully. It would be vain to deny it. The number of right thinkers about Christ in every age has been small. The true Christians among professing Christians have always been few. If it were not so, the Bible would have told an untruth. "Strait is the gate," says the Lord Jesus, "and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.—Wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." "Many walk," says Paul, "of whom I tell you, even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction." (Matt vii. 13, 14. Phil. iii. 18, 19.)
True Christians have high thoughts of Christ. They see in Him a wondrous Person, far above all other beings in His nature,—a Person who is at one and the same time perfect God, mighty to save, and perfect Man, able to feel.—They see in Him an All-powerful Redeemer, who has paid their countless debts to God, and delivered their souls from guilt and hell.—They see in Him an Almighty Friend, who left heaven for them, lived for them, died for them, rose again for them,—that He might save them for evermore.—They see in Him an Almighty Physician, who washed away their sins in His own blood, put His own Spirit in their hearts, delivered them from the power of sin, and gave them power to become God's children.—Happy are they who have such thoughts! Reader, have you?
True Christians have trustful thoughts of Christ. They daily lean the weight of their souls upon Him by faith, for pardon and peace. They daily commit the care of their souls to Him, as a man commits a treasure to a safe keeper. They daily cling to Him by faith, as a child in a crowd clings to its mother's hand. They look to Him daily for mercy, grace, comfort, help, and strength, as Israel looked to the pillar of cloud and fire in the wilderness for guidance. Christ is the Rock under their feet, and the staff in their hands, their ark and their city of refuge, their sun and their shield, their bread and their medicine, their health and their light, their fountain and their shelter, their portion and their home, their door and their ladder, their root and their head, their advocate and their physician, their captain and their elder brother, their life, their hope, and their all. Happy are they who have such thoughts! Reader, have you?
True Christians have experimental thoughts of Christ. The things that they think of Him, they do not merely think with their heads. They have not learned them from schools, or picked them up from others. They think them because they have found them true by their own heart's experience. They have proved them, and tasted them, and tried them. They think out for themselves what they have felt . There is all the difference in the world between knowing that a man is a doctor or a lawyer, while we never have occasion to employ him, and knowing him as "our own," because we have gone to him for medicine or law. Just in the same way there is a wide difference between head knowledge and experimental thoughts of Christ. Happy are they who have such thoughts? Reader, have you?
True Christians have loving and reverent thoughts of Christ. They love to do the things that please Him. They like, in their poor weak way, to show their affection to Him by keeping His words. They love everything belonging to Him,—His day, His house, His ordinances, His people, His Book. They never find His yoke heavy, or His burden painful to bear, or His Commandments grievous. Love lightens all. They know something of the mind of Mr. Standfast, in "Pilgrim's Progress," when he said, as he stood in the river,—"I have loved to hear my Lord spoken of; and whenever I have seen the print of His shoe in the earth, then I have coveted to set my foot over it." Happy are they who have such thoughts? Reader, have you?
True Christians have hopeful thoughts of Christ. They expect to receive far more from Him one day than they have ever received yet. They hope that they shall be kept to the end, and never perish. But this is not all. They look forward to Christ's second coming and expect that then they shall see far more than they have seen, and enjoy far more than they have yet enjoyed. They have the earnest of an inheritance now in the Spirit dwelling in their heart. But they hope for a far fuller possession when this world has passed away. They have hopeful thoughts of Christ's second Advent, of their own resurrection from the grave of their reunion with all the saints who have gone before them, of eternal blessedness in Christ's kingdom. Happy are they who have such thoughts! They sweeten life, and lift men over many cares. Reader, have you such thoughts ?
Reader, thoughts such as these are the property of all true Christians. Some of them know more of them and some of them know less. But all know something about them. They do not always feel them equally at all time! They do not always find such thoughts equally fresh and green in their minds. They have their winter as well as their summer, and their low tide as well as their high water. But all true Christians are, more or less, acquainted with these thoughts. In this matter churchmen and dissenters, rich and poor, all are agreed, if they are true Christians. In other things they may be unable to agree and see alike. But they all agree in their thoughts about Christ. One word they can all say, which is the same in every tongue. That word is "Hallelujah," praise to the Lord Christ! One answer they can all make, which in every tongue is equally the same. That word is, "Amen," so be it!
And now, reader, I shall wind up my Christmas tract, by simply bringing before your conscience the question which forms its title. I ask you this day, —"What think ye of Christ?"
What others think about Him is not the question now. Their mistakes are no excuse for you.—Their correct views will not save your soul. The point you have before you is simply this,— "What do you think yourself?"
Reader, this Christmas may possibly be your last. Who can tell but you may never live to see another December come round? Who can tell but your place may be empty, when the family party next Christmas is gathered together? Do not, I entreat you, put off my question or turn away from it. It can do you no harm to look at it and consider it. What do you think of Christ?
Begin, I beseech you, this day to have right thoughts of Christ, if you never had them before. Let the time past suffice you to have lived without real and heartfelt religion.—Let this present Christmas be a starting point in your soul's history. Awake to see the value of your soul, and the immense importance of being saved. Break off sharp from sin and the world. Get down your Bible and begin to read it. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer, and beseech Him to save your soul. Rest not, rest not till you have trustful, loving, experimental, hopeful thoughts of Christ.
Reader, mark my words! If you will only take the advice I have now given you, you will never repent it. Your life in future will be happier. Your heart will be lighter. Your Christmas gatherings will be more truly joyful. Nothing makes Christmas meetings so happy as to feel that we are all travelling on towards an eternal gathering in heaven.
Reader, I say for the last time, if you would have a happy Christmas, have right thoughts about Christ.
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Sixty Seven. Part 2
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I am so proud of him, to see how nervous he was and then he is just killing it out there, I love that for him “Rylee!” Raihan spat “oh yeah sorry” looking back over at my brother, he is making me take pictures with every rapper I can find, now that Dave is here he is wanting me to take the picture “sorry, I was just looking at him” Dave waved me off “it’s fine, I was actually looking too” taking the picture “I done it, look” passing him my phone “he is really killing it out there” turning to the stage “he is” the crowd have been very forthcoming and I think my mom wasn’t impressed, my dad even went out too, I didn’t know he was going to go out but he did and Raihan, Junior both ran on stage, it’s like a free for all but my mom, she wasn’t amused at all “for you all to not be my home audience and to be reacting this way, I appreciate it you know” Oakley said on the mic “I have a song and I know the crowd know this, but all I am going to say is don’t do things when in anger, you may regret it. And for that, I am not playing that song. It’s disrespectful to the mother of my child, so we going to skip that” oh he isn’t actually performing it “I know, I know. But me, I can’t do it, it’s not my style and I regret it” the crowd actually like that, too many bitter men in the world “oh brother, the men are bitter” rolling my eyes “what?” Oakley said laughing, someone is shouting something at him “why am I not performing it?” grown men crying over it, I can’t even “because I did it in anger and hurt, just to be back with her. Lesson learned my guy, don’t do things in anger. This is what we learn here, I mean I can pull that shit off streaming services but I ain’t doing it. But we move on, let’s go to the next song. I know you guys have a lot of commitment issues, I do too” the crowd love that, there is more men here then women, the women here just here because of him and that’s it but men are petty. I wonder why he didn’t do it because that was on the list, unless it was what I said to him about it, maybe that made him change his mind, but I am shocked. I am not upset about it, initially I was but now I don’t care because I know how he feels but it makes me laugh at people like Melo that is acting heartbroken, he is such a pathetic man.
I am nervous seeing my son on that stage, I have told Oakley about leaving him but from what I can see he is holding his hand and so is Raihan, he is smiling this time which I am happy about. I think maybe it’s not the going on stage but the many of guys that are here “you think you can get Oakley to speak to me?” looking to the side of me, his brother got a nerve “no” I said blatantly “stop using his name to get here too, I don’t know why you came” I don’t understand “running out of money” he has hurt Oakley a lot too “nah, I just miss my brother” I sniggered “you know what would have been better for you, if you stayed out of the situation, if you didn’t get yourself involved in it, you attacked him in front of people that dislike him for being with a black woman and having a black baby, you attacked him again and then police were called. I am sure he tired to help you with your life, he sang about you. He did all this for a family that can’t stand him, you right. I am not, he is mine now and I thank you all of you for not wanting him” I smiled “it wasn’t like that, Oakley isn’t the best guy you think he is, he did fucked up shit too” I shrugged “seems like you a problem, it’s just a matter of time until you as a family are out of the home he bought. I made it my mission, and I will get it because he shouldn’t pay for people like you, I think the roads are calling you” his brother swallowed hard, looking over at Oakley and Aziel, my son looks so happy. Clapping my hands “I am so proud of you” hugging him “thank you, thank you” he said, he is happy, so I am happy. I won’t be helping that family with shit; he is mine now and they can fuck off.
Walking over to Wadz to grab my phone “thank you, awww you took a nice picture of us” Wadz always takes good pictures “angles” he knows it, tapping on the picture to add a caption ‘My family’ it’s a cute picture of us and Aziel, I get his mindset of wanting the outfit, but I hate that he pays for the whole bum gang besides Wyge and Wadz, they do their thing “Lee” looking behind me, Oakley waved me over. Going over to him “I won’t perform that song again, from now on” smiling at him “I mean, I am not going to stop you. Seems like the heartbroken men love it” he shook his head “that was my story, my hurt so any other guy reflecting that to you, I don’t fuck with that so yeah. I ain’t performing it, it’s disrespectful to you, and to Aziel to do that” poking my lips out “awwww, you love me a lot” he rolled his hands “Rylee” my mom waved me over “be back, don’t let Aziel go” I pointed, making my way over to my mom “Rylee, you are so grown” Drake came out of nowhere, I didn’t even know he was here “oh yeah” I laughed “I remember when you was born, now look at you” I chuckled “life, it comes at you fast and then the next thing you’re grown” he smiled at me, did he just check me out “you look like your mom, I see some of your dad in you though” I cooed out “my dad would prefer that, thank you” turning to my mom, she rolled her eyes. She still doesn’t like that man “I wanted to say you look beautiful today, and really he is so lucky to have someone like you with him, even though in my heart you deserve better, you’re my daughter I am going to think that but you’re happy, I just want us to leave on a good note, I know you will be running back to London” she knows me “yeah” I breathed out “and in regards to the past, I want to leave it there” nodding my head knowing what she means by it “you know Ti is here” I huffed out “I don’t know how or even who invited them but yeah, he stays away from Oakley by the way” my mom nodded her head “can she apologise to you” I sighed out looking away from my mom, my dad is stood against the wall smoking a blunt “be the elder sibling” my dad said, nodding my head.
Because I think I will be away for a while I just need to tell him “Oakley” grabbing his shoulder “don’t let Aziel go, I am going to deal with a little family thing here. I will be close by, call me if you need me” I told him “oh yeah, is everything ok?” nodding my head “and your brother is floating around, just don’t start anything while I am gone” shuffling out, this room is packed of people, but he better take care of Aziel “let’s go” I said to my mom “this isn’t about us, this is about you and Ti so she is just around there, just her and yeah. Whatever, we will be around here somewhere, there is no man just her” I guess let’s see how this goes, turning the corner. My feet hurt, I am tired so I don’t need shit, I hope it doesn’t turn out to be shit and makes the day worse when it got better somewhat “you came” Ti said “shocking that I did” I said, I think I may take my heels off if we are longer then five minutes “not seeing Aziel played on my mind a lot, I think it hurt me so much so that I did cry. You made me an auntie and I took that role serious even if we had disagreements I still facetimed him, I love him a lot and when mom and dad said that you banned me, that hit me to the core” she explained “it was just the truth, how can you see Aziel when you feel that way with his dad, mind you I am with and then on top of that the drama that happened, it was silly for me to allow it still and a slap in his face, Oakley doesn’t really know you hate him that way, to wish death on his dad when he loves his dad, it’s fucked up so yeah banning you is the option” it was stupid for me to let her “I get it, look I thought about it all, I did and I am sorry” nodding my head, I mean I will take it but it’s not going to fix a thing.
I breathed out “look I knew it would hurt you with me doing that, but you know how I feel about him, when you say those words it hurts me. I know we had some shit going on and I vented to you but if anything happened to him, I would be heartbroken, it hurts me when you said that and it did bug me” I hate when she said that “I spoke out of terms about him, and I am sorry. I didn’t think of Aziel either, so that makes me a bad auntie, but I promise you Rylee, I care about you and Aziel this is why I felt that way, but I handled it wrong” crossing my arms across my chest “I think really, I just didn’t think you would speak on secrets about me, I don’t know I just felt like you wouldn’t because I wouldn’t. I never told anyone you slept with Jay Z older son, and we talking about gap, that is a big one. But I wouldn’t think to speak on it, I get I did it when I snitched on you at the house, I was young and stupid and going through mean girl stage of my life, but I have grown, I know I have grown but I wouldn’t think of speaking on that, I know mom would be heartbroken because of things that happened with him in the past, it’s things like that which can be kept as family business. I have spoken on you to Oakley, oh I have. How much of a bitch you are, I have ranted about you out of anger, and he laughs it off or he barely even listens to me half of the time, but he is aware, but he hasn’t changed how he is with you. We all do it, but I know not to say about things, some things should stay under ground. That is why I was hurt, and still am but I can’t just wallow in it can I, I didn’t realise how much I loved him until this came out really, so thank you” Ti put her head down “I would have been heartbroken if that came out really, and if Oakley said something about it, I understand. And I made a mistake, I thought you know. I have a guy that listens and cares for me, I got comfortable. I am sorry Rylee, hearing that I cringe” least she gets that.
Ti is ever so quiet, she is probably thinking about things “this is the thing, you can rant to him but I do it he has to say something” I shrugged “some men are like that, some men are bitchy as us females, there is nothing really we can do but to be aware of it and not say a thing” I am so over just fucking arguing that I want this over with “I am sorry for wishing death on him, but I was just hurt with how he treated you, with how he was with you but it’s not my place, Taylan wants to say sorry” shaking my head “I rather he didn’t, the best thing he can do is just leave it as that, leave us, leave him. It’s different for you, we are still blood but like I said, as I was always doing, I will not say anything to him and we keep it as that but I don’t think we will see each other really” Ti nodded her head “I don’t want to dwell on the past but things have been hard for me, always second best, it wasn’t the nicest thing to go through but I know we aren’t going to be close but I want you to know I am so sorry, and I know we not going to be close but I do want to see Aziel grow, even if you don’t think it Rylee you made me an auntie for the first time and I do love him and when mom and dad said it, and then seeing him so upset, I am hurting” chewing on my bottom lip “I guess we all have lessons that need to be learnt, you right we won’t be close but cordial, just keep your man to you and I keep my man to me and that’s it. and if you want to see Aziel then you can” I said “tell Oakley I apologise to him too” I laughed “I don’t even think he knows you want him dead or he wasn’t paying attention, if only he did pay attention. He would actually take me on dates, but I will, but I wish you nothing but the best and I hope he treats you right, I mean even if he is a dick to us. He may be good to you, behind closed doors and that” I shrugged “true” smiling at her “I better go now but take care of yourself” it’s something I guess.
Closing the door behind me ever so slowly, Oakley is having a interview, he is so awkward in them. Aziel made his way to me “mommy” I shushed him, ruining the interview. I know Neesa has a big mouth; she is going to be too much for Oakley. Looking at Ybeez “you chose the one with the biggest mouth?” I said in a whisper “hey, I don’t make the rules” I just know he is going to stumble on his words “sorry we all pausing because Central Cee girlfriend has walked in” I laughed “hey girl, I remember you. I do, I remember you with your dad. I been in the game for so long, she was thirteen I think, and you sat there all bored and you told me you wanted to take over the world, come here girls. Sit next to your man” I opened my mouth and then closed “go on” Ybeez pushed me clapping “no I look awful and it’s about him, no” I shook my head “girl please, you are so damn beautiful. Your body is amazing too, I am jealous. Sit down, come. Sit next to your man” letting Ybeez hold Aziel hand, I sighed out making my way over. Sitting next to Oakley smiling “you know what girl, how you get anything out of him?” looking at Oakley “oh he speaks, when he is comfortable he does” he smiled at me, shuffling back into the couch and crossing my leg over “you on stage Cench, you refused to sing that song, tell Nessa why? What happened with that” I wonder how he will answer “just disrespectful init, I just think that certain people are taking it out of context, it was more of a thing for me how I felt but like, I did out of anger. If I could take it back I would” Nessa cooed out “did that make you upset about the song?” she asked me “there was a lot of things said in there that did hurt me, he knows how I feel and what went down, I feel like he vented and released it without thinking but it’s happened, and I can’t change it” Oakley placed his hand on my lap “do you love her?” Nessa laughed, looking at him “choose your words wisely” I warned him, he smiled “I said it on another interview that I had to be a little deluded to be that, I never love or been loved so it’s something I am learning to do but I am happy, she makes me happy. I can’t wait to be in her presence, yeah I would say it” he will jump around every question, I laughed leaning into him “he can’t just say yes or no” I mumbled “well you’re blushing, you’re happy” I shrugged “it’s a learning process for us” I mumbled, we are learning still.
I am so drained, like with everything I am tired, like ok me and Ti are just fine, she is my sister and that’s it really. Just I think she has learnt a lesson, a big one really because it was wrong, I just know not to speak to her about things really. Aziel is asleep in the back and I’m jealous of him, I truly can’t wait to sleep. Oakley finally got in the SUV “took your time” I said “taken your heels off already too” he noticed that “I did, I needed it my feet hurt “I am tired, no friends please” I said to him “Wadz and Wyge, that’s it” I can deal with them “you want to sleep on my lap” I have to laugh “you love to love me in private don’t you” he licked his lips shaking his head “I don’t want to do this with you now but you wrong” I pulled a face “then why were you mad about Kairo saying about the marriage thing?” I questioned “because he took it out of context, I said question for you guys would you consider marriage. It was a conversation; I was just asking my friends. I asked and they said if she is the one that they would. I did nothing wrong then he tell me you told him that over pillow talk I speak on cutting them off if I get married to you, shit makes no sense and that if we do you putting a prenup on me, so I was like why she telling you that I never even said about marriage, the subject is out of hand. So that’s why I was pissed off then you speaking on something else, I do love you. Like I do, I think the boys know that too. I never like said a bad word, it was a discussion” Kairo is lying “I don’t even know what one is, is it like you say you will do something like if I say I will clean the house on a Sunday I have too? Like a demand?” I laughed; I have to laugh “is that what it is?” Let me stop “you don’t know?” He shook his head “so it’s like we come to an agreement on assets, so let’s say we buy that house together. But then I put on paper if we divorce I take the house, and then you say ok but if we divorce I want half of earnings on the house when sold. It’s more to do with money, but to me that is lack of trust, why marry. That’s it” Oakley let out an oh “that’s protecting you though, like I get I mean you have more money, a lot of money and you’re protecting yourself from me, I won’t be mad at that. That’s your grind” he is cute “you have a lot to learn, no wonder you need Ybeez” how did he not know that “I just don’t think of those things, like I don’t think about protecting my money because really I ain’t marrying so why would I think about it but, before you bite me I am not ruling it out just yeah. I don’t know, I feel like there is something sinister going on with Kairo, every-time he sees you he says things and I see the way he looks at you, I don’t like it so I’m asking you what is it?” I don’t want to do this today “I am really tired, can we do this tomorrow please” I asked “that’s fine but I’m a little happy, in a good way” he grinned at me “oh please, get out of my face” he snorted laughing “take your happy ass somewhere, your hand is ok to use” I can’t be dealing with that right now “I have realised the way you ask for sex, you always say I’m a little happy and you glare at me” he is so stupid “romance me and then we will” he huffed out “yeah yeah, we will see” he probably will get his own way.
My arm lazily rested atop of my head just woke up “move” I said to Oakley “why?” He questioned with a frown “you don’t like pillow talk anymore do you, after yesterday move” trying to nudge him away and he finds it funny “please, don’t do that. Please” side eyeing him “skinny ass” he smiled closing his eyes “see how I got my way though, I’m happy” him and his happy “but tell me what happened to your sister? You both not beefing now” I shrugged “not really, she apologised and it’s alot Oakley, she apologised to you because she wishes you was dead and yeah” he let out an oh “but I said he doesn’t need to accept it and she understood but I am telling you she said sorry, it was wrong of her. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to you” he cooed out “that is deep though” that is straight rude really “I said to her that Taylan can just keep away from us, keep his apology too, I don’t want him near you really. But yeah, we are ok or whatever, but she apologised” looking over at Oakley, he is such a baby in bed but out there he’s something else “I don’t like it though, also you need to trim yourself. We spoke about that” moving my shoulder so he can look at me “I will” he said “I don’t like how you can publicly love me, that makes me sad you know that” he looked up at me “but I do love you, look I really want to know about Kairo, I been peeping the change in him. Something is off and I don’t like it and you’re acting different too so please tell me, you’re telling me you don’t want him around, then you act different. He’s making these remarks. What is it? You think I won’t choose you over Kairo” oh he’s been noticing then, I assumed he was just being blind to it. I swallowed hard; I don’t want to ruin his high either. He lifted his head as he looked at me, he got up from the bed and sat up “Wadz might need help with Aziel” he squinted his eyes at me “tell me” I shook my head but then it’s me, of course I’m getting emotional “he’s been making passes at me for a while now, every time he sees me he practically tells me that he wants to fuck me” I didn’t want to cry but look at me, wiping my tears “at his big age, he’s older than me. Are you serious?” I sat up on the bed “I am telling you truth!” I spat sniffling “no I’m shocked, all this time? I believe you, don’t cry. Hey, it’s ok. He’s like six years older than me you know, come here” Oakley hugged me “you should have said it the first time it happened!” I spat “he pressed himself against me the day at your concert and we wasn’t really speaking, he did that on the stage” he moved back from the hug “that is fucked up” he got out of bed “Oakley” I said “just leave it” getting out of the bed and grabbing my tee.
I can hear Oakley shouting from here, making my way down “I asked a question bro!? How is it hard!? Has Kairo been acting different!?” I don’t want this trouble “Oakley just please stop this; you can’t go around being this way I just don’t want him near me” I said “fuck that! Nah, you know he’s been making advances at her!? I want to know dickhead” why is he taking it out on Wadz “I told her he’s acting weird so stay clear, I said that to her. I didn’t know he did that; I didn’t know. Tell him I didn’t know” Wadz looked at me “he doesn’t know a thing, Oakley I told you because you wanted to know but I don’t want you to kick off” Oakley shook his head “he’s been playing I. My fave, in your face. He’s been talking shit about us, playing us against each other, he makes these low-key remarks and I’ve been peeping, and I wasn’t liking it” Oakley is too angry for me to stop him “Kairo is here in the hire car” Wyge said with Aziel, I groaned out “Oakley please just leave it, I am begging you to leave it” holding his arm “why would I leave it!? You think I’m dumb? That I’m gonna allow him to do that to you!? Nah, fuck that” he turned away “I’m here niggas” Kairo walked in at the wrong moment “nah, fuck you my guy” Oakley said “what!?” Kairo spat “you been talking shit about my girlfriend!? Saying things to her, touching her!? Nobody touches her besides me, that’s my girl” Oakley is fast ass because he just punched him “Bro no!? I swear fam on my life she is making things up” Kairo got up “I believe her my guy, I don’t need to hear anymore because I believe her” I felt choked up “let’s leave it for now” Wadz said but Kairo did a u-turn and ran back outside “Oakley no!” I spat, he grabbed the key from the side and ran “don’t let him go, don’t you dare do anything” chasing on after him “fuck, Cench! Man” I know he isn’t taking my car “Oakley no!! Leave him!” Seeing he is in the car as Kairo reversed out, I did a little run to the car but he sped off “oh man” Wadz said “I didn’t want to say anything because of that, oh my god” this is why “but he been touching you? It’s wrong, I get it. He’s mad, but I’m scared for my brother” Wadz said, I am so mad with Oakley, what the fuck, I am so scared for him.
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cheshirelibrary · 2 years
One Book, Two Readers - Teens Review "It Ends With Us"
Teens: did you know that you can earn community service credit for writing a book review and submitting it to us? Today, we’ll hear from two teens who did just that, and get their takes on the same book. Find out more about how to earn community service hours from home at cheshirelibrary.org/teens/.
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. Reviewed by Anja J.
This book had me in actual tears by the end of it, and I finished it in less than 2 days. Colleen Hoover did an outstanding job at portraying the hard-to-hear truths of domestic violence in this book. The story outlines the childhood of Lily Bloom living and growing up in an unstable household, with a father that got angry at her mother very easily. At the same time, she falls in love with a boy, Atlas, with whom she found refuge and comfort. The two, however, part ways.
Everything is written so personally and eloquently that it is like you are literally in Lily’s shoes and experiencing everything firsthand. This book has recently gained a lot of popularity, and it is justifiable, as it truly lives up to all of the hype.
5 stars.
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It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. Reviewed by Jocelyn C.
Lily Bloom grew up in a traumatizing household. She never had it the same as some of her classmates and friends. When she meets a handsome neurosurgeon, Ryle Kincade, her whole life is turned around. She falls in love with him. As Lily navigates through her crazy and wild ride of a relationship with Ryle, thoughts of Atlas Corrigan come back to haunt her. Atlas was her first love.
When Atlas all of a sudden reappeared back in her life 15 years later, Lily and Ryle’s entire relationship is jeopardized. He was a link to her past that she didn’t want to remember. Colleen Hoover conveys an excellent novel of love and heartbreak that jump started a new groundbreaking career for her.
5 stars
Read the full reviews at cheshirelibrary blog.com.
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Rylee Home Services: Your Trusted Partner for HVAC Emergency Services
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When your heating or cooling system suddenly breaks down, it can quickly turn your home from a comfortable retreat into an uncomfortable, even hazardous environment. Whether it’s a sweltering summer day or a frigid winter night, HVAC emergencies are not just inconvenient—they can also pose serious risks to your health and safety. That’s where Rylee Home Services steps in. Our dedicated team is ready to provide fast, reliable HVAC emergency services whenever you need them, ensuring your home stays safe and comfortable year-round.
Why HVAC Emergencies Need Immediate Attention
Your HVAC system plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and comfortable indoor environment. When it fails, the consequences can be more than just discomfort:
Health Risks: Extreme temperatures can pose serious health risks, especially for young children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions. A malfunctioning HVAC system during extreme weather can lead to heatstroke, hypothermia, and other health emergencies.
Home Damage: In winter, a broken heating system can cause your home’s temperature to drop rapidly, potentially leading to frozen pipes and water damage. Similarly, excessive heat can damage electronics, furniture, and other household items.
Increased Costs: Delaying repairs can often lead to more significant problems down the line, resulting in more expensive repairs or even the need for a complete system replacement.
What to Do in an HVAC Emergency
If you experience an HVAC emergency, it’s important to act quickly. Here are some steps you can take while you wait for Rylee Home Services to arrive:
Check Your Thermostat: Sometimes, what appears to be an HVAC malfunction could be a simple thermostat issue. Ensure it’s set to the correct mode (heating or cooling) and that the temperature settings are accurate.
Inspect the Circuit Breaker: A tripped circuit breaker can cause your HVAC system to stop working. Check your breaker panel and reset any tripped breakers.
Shut Off the System: If you notice any unusual noises, smells, or if your system is clearly malfunctioning, it’s best to shut it off to prevent further damage until a professional can inspect it.
Call Rylee Home Services: As soon as you notice a problem, contact Rylee Home Services. Our team is available 24/7 to respond to HVAC emergencies and will work quickly to restore your system.
Why Choose Rylee Home Services for HVAC Emergencies?
When it comes to HVAC emergencies, you need a team that’s not only fast but also highly skilled and reliable. Here’s why Rylee Home Services is your best choice:
24/7 Availability: HVAC emergencies don’t wait for business hours, and neither do we. Our technicians are on call 24/7, ready to respond to your emergency at any time.
Expert Technicians: Our team of licensed and experienced HVAC technicians can diagnose and repair a wide range of issues quickly and effectively. We come prepared with the tools and parts needed to handle most emergencies on the spot.
Transparent Pricing: We believe in honest, upfront pricing with no hidden fees. You’ll know the cost of repairs before we start the work, so there are no surprises.
Customer Satisfaction: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to provide fast, efficient service while ensuring the highest quality of work, so you can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands.
Preventing Future HVAC Emergencies
While emergencies can happen unexpectedly, regular maintenance can help reduce the risk of sudden breakdowns. Rylee Home Services offers comprehensive HVAC maintenance plans designed to keep your system running smoothly year-round. By scheduling routine inspections and tune-ups, you can catch potential issues before they become emergencies, saving you time, money, and stress.
HVAC emergencies are stressful, but they don’t have to be a disaster. With Rylee Home Services, you have a reliable partner ready to respond whenever you need help. Our expert team is committed to restoring your home’s comfort quickly and efficiently, ensuring that your HVAC system is back up and running in no time.
Don’t let an HVAC emergency disrupt your life—contact Rylee Home Services today and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re in expert hands.
Rylee Home Services
(848) 202-9883
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Rylee Home Services: Your Trusted Partner for Home Comfort
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When it comes to maintaining a comfortable and efficient home, Rylee Home Services stands out as a reliable partner for homeowners. Specializing in HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair, we ensure that your home remains a sanctuary of comfort year-round. Here’s why Rylee Home Services should be your go-to choice for all your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning needs.
Expertise You Can Trust
At Rylee Home Services, we pride ourselves on our team of experienced technicians who bring extensive knowledge and skills to every job. Whether you need a new HVAC system installed, routine maintenance, or prompt repairs, our professionals are equipped to handle it all. We stay updated with the latest industry advancements to provide our customers with cutting-edge solutions that enhance their home’s comfort and energy efficiency.
Comprehensive HVAC Services
We offer a wide range of HVAC services designed to meet your specific needs:
HVAC Installation: A properly installed HVAC system is crucial for optimal performance and energy efficiency. Our experts ensure that your new system is installed correctly, setting the foundation for years of reliable service.
Maintenance Services: Regular maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your HVAC system and avoiding costly breakdowns. Our maintenance services include thorough inspections, cleaning, and tune-ups to keep your system running smoothly.
Repair Services: When your HVAC system encounters issues, our team is ready to provide prompt and effective repairs. We diagnose problems quickly and offer solutions that restore your system’s functionality, ensuring your home remains comfortable.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do at Rylee Home Services. We understand that each home is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your individual needs. From the initial consultation to project completion, we prioritize clear communication, transparency, and a seamless experience for our customers.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings
In today’s world, energy efficiency is more important than ever. Our HVAC services are designed to help you save on energy costs while reducing your environmental impact. By choosing energy-efficient systems and scheduling regular maintenance, you can enjoy a comfortable home without breaking the bank.
Why Choose Rylee Home Services?
Expertise: Our team is highly trained and experienced in all aspects of HVAC services.
Reliability: We offer dependable services that you can count on, no matter the season.
Customer Focus: We listen to your needs and provide solutions tailored to your home.
Quality Workmanship: We take pride in our work and strive for excellence in every project.
Rylee Home Services is dedicated to keeping your home comfortable, efficient, and safe. Whether you’re in need of a new HVAC system, routine maintenance, or emergency repairs, we have the expertise and commitment to deliver top-quality service. Trust Rylee Home Services to be your partner in home comfort—contact us today to learn more or to schedule a service appointment.
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afabstract · 1 month
It Ends with Us Review – Bit of A Cop Out But Ends Right
Florist Lily Bloom (Blake Lively) falls for the hot charming neurosurgeon Ryle Kinkaid (Justin Baldoni), unprepared for his abusive side in "It Ends With Us".
⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 2.5 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) Lily Bloom is home after a long time for her father’s funeral, and when her turn comes to speak at the service, she offers to list five great things about her dad, maintains a moment of silence, and walks away without saying anything. Directed by Justin Baldoni, the 2024 romantic-drama “It Ends with Us” is based on the bestselling…
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ryleehomeservices · 5 months
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Our Extensive Range of Nursing Care Services
1. 24/7 Nursing Care Home
Our facility offers continuous nursing care, ensuring patients receive attention and support around the clock.
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4. Mentally Retarded Care
Specialized care for individuals with mental disabilities, providing a safe and nurturing environment.
5. Wound Care/Diabetic Wound Care
Expert management of wounds, including diabetic wounds, to promote healing and prevent infections.
6. Fluid Management
Monitoring and managing fluid intake for patients with specific medical needs.
7. Tracheostomy Care
Specialized care for patients with tracheostomy tubes, ensuring proper maintenance and support.
8. Stoma Care
Expert management and care for patients with stoma, ensuring hygiene and comfort.
9. Ryle’s Tube Feeding/Insertion and PEG Feeding
Skilled feeding tube management and insertion for patients requiring nutritional support.
10. Pain Management
Personalized plans to alleviate and manage pain, ensuring maximum comfort for patients.
11. Bed-Ridden Care
Dedicated care for individuals confined to bed, focusing on mobility, hygiene, and prevention of bedsores.
12. Counselling and Support
Emotional and psychological support for patients and families, aiding in coping and adjustment.
13. Rehabilitation
Tailored plans to aid in recovery, promoting independence and functionality post-illness or surgery.
14. Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s Care
Specialized care for patients with neurodegenerative conditions, ensuring proper support and comfort.
15. Catheter Care, Colostomy Care, and Respite Care
Specialized care for patients with catheters or colostomies, offering respite care for families.
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Monitoring and providing necessary oxygen support for patients with respiratory needs.
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Specialized care for patients recovering from strokes, paralysis, or in a coma, focusing on rehabilitation and support.
Our Commitment to Exceptional Care
At Bangalore Care Takers, our dedicated team of skilled nurses and caregivers are committed to providing compassionate and personalized care. We prioritize the comfort, safety, and well-being of our patients, ensuring they receive the support they need throughout their healthcare journey.
For specialized nursing care services in Bangalore, trust Bangalore Care Takers to provide comprehensive and attentive care for your loved ones.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist and support your healthcare needs.
24/7 Nursing Care
Palliative Care Services
Post-Operative Care in Bangalore
Mentally Retarded Care Facilities
Wound Care and Diabetic Wound Care
Fluid Management Services
Tracheostomy Care in Bangalore
Stoma Care Facilities
Ryle’s Tube Feeding and PEG Feeding
Pain Management Services
Bed-Ridden Care Support
Counselling and Emotional Support
Rehabilitation Programs in Bangalore
Alzheimer’s Care Services
Dementia Care Facilities
Parkinson’s Care in Bangalore
Catheter Care and Colostomy Care
Respite Care Services
Oxygen Support Facilities
Stroke, Paralysis, and Coma Care
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Services for the elderly at home
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Want Services for the Elderly at Home: Trust the Care Providers at Vesta Elder Care
Worried about how your parents will be taken care of in your absence? Previously, it was difficult to find organized healthcare solution providers who could serve as reliable entities for in-home elderly care services. But now that’s not a worry because Vesta Elder Care is here to revolutionize elderly care with a solid ecosystem of healthcare solutions accessible and affordable for all. Vesta Elder Care is one of the few care providers that offer services for the elderly at home with utmost sincerity. The services of the company are specifically designed keeping the needs of the elderly in India in mind.
Vesta Elder Care: Making Home Health Care for the Elderly Stress-Free
Vesta Elder Care is an end-to-end healthcare solution provider that integrates client-centric; clinical and professional services to deliver efficient healthcare for improved patient experience. It makes in-home care for the elderly accessible and stress-free and serves as one of the safest options for uncertain times when family members cannot be personally present to take care of the senior citizens. With Vesta’s top quality at-home elder care services, you can ensure that your parents will enjoy a well-managed and healthy life even in your absence. In-home elderly care services at Vesta include:
Nursing Care at Home
Vesta Elder Care is the one-stop destination for you to avail 24/7 nursing care solutions to address the requirements of aged parents. These include a plethora of services related to meeting the daily requirements of the elderly. They are as follows:
Post hospital rehabilitation
Post stroke rehabilitation
Help in the management of low back pain; chronic joint pain and frozen shoulders
Complete patient care
Tracheostomy care
Ryle’s tube feeding
ICU Setup at Home
In critical medical situations, the elderly at home may require more love and intensive care in a familiar environment where the presence of the other family members can speed up the recovery procedure. Extended hospital stays can result in stress and depression further deteriorating their health condition, thus increasing the requirement of at-home care. Acknowledging the fact that the elderly may sometimes require intensive care facilities for an extended time, Vesta Elder Care offers ICU setup at home, which is economically viable and physically beneficial for the senior citizens. This mainly involves arranging nurses and medical devices at home and Vesta excels at this. You can rent required medical devices as per your convenience and budget. ICU devices available on rent at Vesta Elder Care include:
Oxygen cylinder
Oxygen concentrator
Pulse oximetre
Cardiac monitor
Suction machine
Air or water mattress
Services for the elderly at home have always proved to be useful, especially in times where senior citizens have their children stationed abroad. You can put an end to your worries regarding the health of your patients by getting in touch with the care providers at Vesta Elder Care. Choose from their wide range of elder care services and arrange the best possible care for the elderly. Contact Vesta today if you are in the look out of a nearby at-home elder care provider in Delhi.
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Christian Songs of Praise by J.C. Ryle
“The best public worship is that which produces the best private Christianity. The best Church Services for the congregation are those which make its individual members most holy at home and alone.
If we want to know whether our own public worship is doing us good, let us try it by these tests. Does it quicken our conscience? Does it send us to Christ? Does it add to our knowledge? Does it sanctify our life? If it does, we may depend on it, it is worship of which we have no cause to be ashamed.
The day is coming when there shall be a congregation that shall never break up, and a Sabbath that shall never end, a song of praise that shall never cease, and an assembly that shall never be dispersed. In that assembly shall be found all who have ‘worshipped God in spirit’ upon earth. If we are such, we shall be there.
Here we often worship God with a deep sense of weakness, corruption, and infirmity. There, at last, we shall be able, with a renewed body, to serve Him without weariness, and to attend on Him without distraction.
Here, at our very best, we see through a glass darkly, and know the Lord Jesus Christ most imperfectly. It is our grief that we do not know Him better and love Him more.
There, freed from all the dross and defilement of indwelling sin, we shall see Jesus as we have been seen, and know as we have been known. Surely, if faith has been sweet and peace-giving, sight will be far better.
Here we have often found it hard to worship God joyfully, by reason of the sorrows and cares of this world. Tears over the graves of those we loved have often made it hard to sing praise. Crushed hopes and family sorrows have sometimes made us hang our harps on the willows.
There every tear shall be dried, every saint who has fallen asleep in Christ shall meet us once more, and every hard thing in our life-journey shall be made clear and plain as the sun at noon-day. Here we have often felt that we stand comparatively alone, and that even in God’s house the real spiritual worshippers are comparatively few.
There we shall at length see a multitude of brethren and sisters that no man can number, all of one heart and one mind, all free from blemishes, weaknesses, and infirmities, all rejoicing in one Saviour, and all prepared to spend an eternity in His praise. We shall have worshipping companions enough in heaven.
Armed with such hopes as these, let us lift up our hearts and look forward! The time is very short. The night is far spent. The day is at hand. Let us worship on, pray on, praise on, and read on.
Let us contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, and resist manfully every effort to spoil Scriptural worship. Let us strive earnestly to hand down the light of Gospel worship to our children’s children.
Yet a little time and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Blessed in that day will be those, and those only, who are found true worshippers, ‘worshippers in spirit and truth!'”
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Country Singer-Songwriter Brei Carter Signs With Brown Lee Entertainment For Exclusive Global Music Distribution & Digital Marketing
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Country singer-songwriter and U.S. Army veteran Brei Carter has signed with Nashville based Brown Lee Entertainment for exclusive global music distribution through The Orchard, and digital marketing services. BLE is headed and founded by former RED Music/Sony Music Entertainment Executive Dewayne Brown, along with his team of Nancy Lee, Michael “Benjy” Cruz, and Pepper Meiler. “When we set out to start BLE, we collectively had our hearts set on finding that right female country artist with an amazing voice and an uncanny writing ability that will cross various genre formats,” said Brown. “Two years later we found Brei Carter and we are so proud of her body of work that we couldn’t say no. We are so happy that she chose BLE to call her home.” Carter’s first full length album, the critically acclaimed Brand New Country originally released independently on September 16, 2022. The eclectic album explores Carter’s country, soul and R&B musical roots, and is set to be re-released via Brown Lee Entertainment and The Orchard. “It’s amazing how God aligns you with the right people at the right time,” Carter said. “I am so blessed and fortunate to now be a part of the BLE family. Greatness can never be achieved by one alone, it is the people, the team, the village that takes the person there.” Album name: Brand New Country Record label: Brown Lee Entertainment / The Orchard Download/Stream/Listen: linktr.ee/breicarter Album audio produced by: Jason Wyatt, Curt Ryle, SP Fredrick Perine, William Washington WLPWR, Bridgetown Music Video Links: “Stronger Than That” | “Gave Him A Girl” | “Brand New Country” | “Kiss An Angel Good Mornin’” Track Listing & Songwriters:  - “Brand New Country” $ (Brei Carter, Shawn Hubbard) - “Smiling” * (Brei Carter, Josh Courson, Jason Wyatt) - “Roadmaps Of Memories” ^ (Curt Ryle, Hollie Jett) - “Kiss An Angel Good Mornin’” * (Ben James Peters) - “Cowboy Romeo” * (Brei Carter, Jason Wyatt, James Breedwell) - “Paybacks” * (Brei Carter, Jason Campbell, Terry Smith) - “Stronger Than That” * (Brei Carter, Wayne Burton) - “Country Choir” * (Corey Lee Barker, Shantell Odgen) - “Sippin On A Good Time” ^ (Curt Ryle, Kelsey Hart, Tony Mullins) - “Cowgirl” ^ (Brei Carter, Carli Vintaj) - “Here’s To Nowhere” * (Brei Carter, Corey Lee Barker) - “Propane” @ (Brei Carter, Misha Fair) - “Gave Him A Girl” * (Brei Carter, Mason Douglas, Jason Wyatt) - “Love Don’t Look Like This” ^ (Marilyn Crawley) - “Yours” * (Corey Lee Barker, Charley Woods) - “Ride In The Desert” featuring Josh Waters + (Brei Carter, SP Fredrick Perine, Shawn Hubbard) * = Produced by Jason Wyatt ^ = Produced by Curt Ryle + = Produced by SP Fredrick Perine @ = Produced by William Washington WLPWR $ = Produced by Bridgetown About Brei Carter: Emerging crossover country and southern pop recording artist Brei Carter is proof that sometimes faith, patience and time pays off. Growing up in Monroe, Louisiana with a solid, southern upbringing, Brei’s family raised her on several authentic southern staples: the Bible, Lone Star Missionary Baptist Church’s choir, Charley Pride, Loretta Lynn, Aretha Franklin, and no shortage of familial love and devotion. However, before she became the dynamic and vivacious country singer she is today, Brei was busy earning a Bachelors in Business from University of Louisiana in Monroe, a Masters in International Relations from Webster University, and a Doctorate in Theology from New Foundation Theological Seminary. She is also a proud Veteran of the U.S. Army, where she served as an enlisted soldier and as an officer. Having moved to Nashville soon thereafter, Brei has quickly established herself in the songwriters community as a smooth and sometimes edgy songstress who melds country, soul and southern pop into one fused style. Her first single at country radio “Gave Him A Girl” was immediately recognized as “cute and catchy” by country music journalist and historian Robert K. Oermann in his weekly DISClaimer review column for Music Row Magazine, where it eventually charted up to #71. With a growing catalog of new music, including her debut album Brand New Country, which was released in Fall 2022, this young singer-songwriter is a welcome addition to the emerging new styles of the country music community. About Brown Lee Entertainment: Brown Lee Entertainment is an non-specific genre entertainment company that focuses on artist development, digital marketing, digital distribution, and artist management. We all know that this industry is not a cookie-cutting, one shoe fits all business model for today’s talented artists and songwriters. Everything must be tailored around their specific needs and art. BLE focuses and target each artist to maximize all of their social media, website design, and music awareness for greater exposure. Read the full article
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