#S1ep7 the kabedon scene~
athyrabunlord · 7 years
DiaMari 26
“I didn’t intend to kiss you.” [Prompt List]
A/N: iirc my second ever DiaMari writing attempt? Takes place during S1ep7Words: 742 (still longer than I expected DX I cannot stop rambling)
Mari smirks, unfazed even as Dia slams her hand beside her head. The Kurosawa heiress has a way of intimidating people, whether it is through those piercing emerald eyes or her frigid expression that leaves no hint of weakness. Having known her for years though, Mari easily sees through such facade and thus stands her ground. Beneath that diamond layer, Dia is a passionate girl who tends to put others before herself.
Even now, in spite of her best attempt to appear threatening, she is only doing this out of concern for Chika’s group, for Kanan, and for Mari too.
“Just what are you trying to do, Mari-san?”
“Nothing~” The blonde tilts her head, giggling flippantly. “I should be the one asking you that, cornering me against the wall like this. Kya~ when did the little obstinate penguin grow so bold?”
Dia narrows her eyes and leans even closer. “Stop fooling around, Mari-san. I am serious.”
“It’s no joke,” Mari drops her voice, schooling her expression to match her friend’s severe one. “I will get what I want. You know I always do.”
“Why are you so stubborn? And you call me obstinate…” Dia is so close that Mari could practically feel her body warmth.
“Ara, stubborn should be a word reserved for that pigheaded old man,” Mari is long used to her personal space being invaded, usually by a certain ponytailed seaweed lover, but also she tends to invade other people’s personal space too. She giggles inwardly, tutting at Dia’s attempt to unnerve her.
Still, it’s been a long time since she gets to observe her childhood friend this closely. The manual boob-measurement aside, Dia has indeed grown so much in these two years. She’s gotten taller, perhaps the same height as Kanan, and seems to have polished a steel edge that had only been evanescent in the past.
Truly, Kurosawa Dia has blossomed into a beautiful young woman. While Mari is saddened that she wasn’t around to witness the process, she is glad to be one of the few people that Dia does not keep at arm’s length.
“You are both the same,” Dia is growling now, her clenched fist slowly raising while her right hand remains beside Mari’s head. “Stubborn, foolish, clumsy…”
“Now, now, I’m not as bad as-” Mari involuntarily flinches when Dia grips her shoulder, painfully at first, but the force lessens almost immediately. She’s seen Dia angry before, an explosive kind of anger, but not like this brewing darkness. Their proximity is starting to make her quite uncomfortable, yet she could not look away from Dia’s eyes. The whirlpool of green is drawing her in, rendering it difficult to think and maintain her confidence.
Mari enjoys tackling the unknown and would often do so with a cackling laugh. However, when it comes to her two best friends, she feels like shrinking to a shell, vulnerable and lost.
“Hey, Dia-”
Suddenly, she finds herself unable to speak, move, or even breathe. Dia is so close that she could count her long eyelashes, so close that the heiress’ mild but soothing scent of green tea fills her senses. And there is something hot and soft moving gently against her lips.
It takes her several moments to realize that Dia is kissing her.
Stunned to her core, she remains still like a statue even as Dia pulls away and opens her eyes. With those fiery green eyes are well-guarded once more, she mutters something under her breath, so quietly that Mari almost misses it. When there is no response, Dia drops her gaze awkwardly and takes her leave.
It is only upon the click of the carefully closed door that Mari snaps back to her senses. Frantic, she looks towards the door, contemplating on chasing after Dia but uncertainty roots her in place. She touches her lips with a trembling finger, as if she could feel the phantom warmth.
“I did not intend to kiss you.”
Dia’s whispered words echo in her mind, making her heart ache something fierce. She slides down against the wall and hugs her legs against her chest, suddenly feeling cold and so very alone in this spacious room.
She touches her lips again and lets out a shuddering sigh when realization sinks in.
“I did not intend to kiss you.”
Mari smiles wryly. “Well, I do.”
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