#SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy)
simesthetick · 1 month
I know there's gotta be a term that's the video game equivalent of SABLE*
(*in knitting, etc: stash accumulation beyond life expectancy)
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burrowingbear · 2 years
I was listening to Gideon the Ninth again while making dinner and was reminded that Cytherea canonically crochets.
So. Yarn people accumulate yarn faster than they can use it up and quickly find themselves with more than they can possibly use in a normal human lifespan (SABLE = Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy). So what happens if you live for 10,000 years? By the time of the events of the books there must have been, like, entire orbitals of the Mithraeum completely full of yarn
Mercymorn says that when Cassiopeia died she said to herself, 'Lord, what are we going to do with her ceramics collection? There is so much of it.' Imagine the dread and outrage she must have felt at the prospect of doing something about all the yarn!!
Which begs the further question of what the fuck they would make yarn out of in the Nine Houses, where I seriously doubt there are any sheep, but I don't think I would like the answer.
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kae1crafts · 7 years
Giant Sorting Job
I don’t envy my young friend who is dealing with her grandmother’s stash and UFOs.  Another friend and I helped for a couple of hours yesterday and only made a small dent in the amount to be sorted.  I’m uncomfortable when I have more than about 8 - 10 Unfinished Objects (UFOs).  We filled 2 large garbage bags with UFOs and had only sorted about 1/5 of what needed done.  We also grouped bags and bags of yarn.  All of this makes me look at my stash and how I need to organize it so I don’t leave someone else a giant problem.  My stash is certainly a lot smaller than my friend’s but it tends to grow when I’m not looking.  I swear that it clones when I’m sleeping.  I think I have come close to reaching SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy).  I know that my friend had reached SABLE long ago but her family kept putting her stuff in storage and moving it around so she frequently replaced what she couldn’t find.
We did find some positives.  Her granddaughter had wanted grandmother to write out a particular pattern but had never received it.  Yesterday, we found the hand written pattern that the granddaughter had thought was lost forever.  We also found a bracelet that I had made her in shades of blue.  Another granddaughter is getting married next spring so they are going to give her the bracelet for her wedding.  Pieces of projects were found, then the missing yarn was located.  I recognized a mystery project with no pattern included and I happened to have the pattern in my car so I could share it with the granddaughter.  In all, it was a very positive and productive time.  
I didn’t get any crafting done for myself yesterday.  I worked on a project for another friend - laying out a Christmas Letter.  It is almost done and ready to print.  Between the Christmas letter, getting supper in the crock pot and driving across town to help sort, my day and energy was depleted.  Energy gone = no writing in my blog.  Had a good nights rest so am ready to go today.  Hope to get the Christmas letter completed, watch the Bronco’ s game and work on the Fair Isle hat then play Mah jongg tonight.  Will post picture of the hat when I get it a little further along.
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