taneyhana · 7 years
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I have risen from the depths of Asmodeus to say thank you to those of you that came to our ceremony and FUCK OFF YOU LITTLE SHITS to those that didn’t. Kidding! It didn’t really matter to me who was there so long as Luke and our kids made it. It was nice to share our day with all of you. Anyways, what is going on in your life?
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thegirlnamedgia · 7 years
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September 6th, 2017: Lucas & Taney’s Wedding
     It was easy for anyone to see that Gia was a wedding type of woman. She put her focus into bridal design while studying fashion, took on as many brides as she could when her design season opened up, and -- while it would be bashfully admitted -- she spent many, many hours into the night on Pinterest just looking at ideas. Some were for herself, some were just things she liked, but wedding fever was something that hit Gia hard and stuck around. She wasn’t entirely sure if it was the idea of weddings and the pure magic that was behind it, or if it had something to do with the fact that getting married was a dream of hers for quite a long time, but something was there and it was making her itch. Every wedding she attended, every dress she designed that made a bride tear up made the itch worse, and for the longest time that itch was something that drove her completely insane. It only did so because for the longest time she felt as though those rollercoaster of emotions when something as simple as a dress or the right invitations fell into place was something far away from her. As much as Gia hated to think about it, the wedding bells stopped ringing so loud for her when she came to the conclusion that perhaps marriage wasn’t in the cards for her.
     After the “Thaddeus Incident”, as she referred to it once upon a time, the idea of marriage slipped far from Gia’s hands. The embarrassment was the first thing that hit after that moment, those bells stilling for the time being due to the fact that she had put herself out there and bared far too much of herself only to be shot down. That entire situation did a number on her ego as well as her ideas of weddings and marriage. It all kind of paused for a short while, while she dealt with the sudden shift in what she knew with Thaddeus, from dealing with the broken relationship she wasn’t prepared for to the fact that what she thought her future was going to be wasn’t going to be that at all. In the moment when she decided to propose Gia had everything planned out, and even though the nerves had set in she was still excited for what was to come. Except it didn’t. Nothing was coming when such an opaque wall of “NO” was what she was met with upon the question, and that certainly did a number on her entire life plan.
     Looking back on that she still felt the slight sliver of embarrassment that would forever be etched into her mind, but it was for entirely different reasons. At the time Gia was embarrassed due to the fact that the man she was in love with didn’t feel the same way at the same level, but now her embarrassment took on another form. It took on the form of the fact that she now knew she was young and stupid, and that she had went out on that limb simply because she wanted the wedding and the life that would come with it. She did feel for Thaddeus, she couldn’t deny that, but upon reflection it was glaringly obvious that the way she felt wasn’t anywhere close to how she should have felt if she were ready to marry the man. There were things they hadn’t done, things they weren’t ready for that she just jumped over and ignored in her blinding want of a married life.
     A few years of self-reflection and discovery in who she was and what she really wanted in her life was what made the bells in her mind start ringing again. When Gia settled down in Los Angeles of all places, taking on a teaching position instead of a full-time designing gig, that was when the sound started echoing once more. At first she couldn’t place it, ignoring it, but the sound became familiar and much louder because Gia found herself at a good place in her life. She had a secure job that she enjoyed going to and doing, she had a nice home, and mentally she matured and felt as though she had a stable footing underneath herself. She became ready in those years to be a supportive partner for someone, to be able to give enough of herself to another person while still keeping some for herself so that what she could be was strong and secure in whatever relationship came her way. She was older than most women who got married, that was for sure, but it just meant that the silly, little things that were worrisome in a young relationship were things she could step over easily. She had her own goals, and she was sure that whoever it was that became that special someone to her would as well, and in knowing what she and they wanted in life meant that they could support and push each other instead of sitting and trying to still figure it out.
     And then, out of the blue, it happened. It happened in a way she would have never imagined, and not because the meeting and revelation of romantic feelings was strange in any way, but it was the circumstances that were a tad bit odd looking at the grand scheme of things. The dates were wonderful and absolutely normal, the relationship, albeit new and still rather shiny, was blossoming into something so good, but the fact that she had found all of this in Thaddeus’ brother of all people was -- ... Well, it was interesting. Of course it was something she thought about early on when she agreed to the first date, but Thaddeus was a part of her life that didn’t define her anymore. Sure, Gia could say that what had happened defined her early on and helped her grow from that point, but now? Now that was just something in the past for both her and Thaddeus, so why should it be something that stopped her from pursuing something that could be better?
     Yes, in a way the relationship between her and Thane was fresh, but considering the fact that their lives had started and settled meant that it was still mature. Like herself, Thane was somewhere in his life where his career was thriving, and as a person he knew who he was and where he wanted to end up. That level of maturity in a relationship skipped the awkward steps of “where will we be in five years?” because that five years was now. It was now and she and Thane were there, ready to be supportive and to enter a relationship as adults. So, due to that blessing, things were just a little easier than Gia could have ever imagined. It was easy to be with Thane despite his schedule keeping him from Los Angeles for some time, easy to talk to him and be that special person for him. However, Gia had a feeling that it was less about the level of maturity entering the relationship that made it so easy, and more about Thane as a person. He was a kind man, gentle and sweet, and with the charming aura that surrounded him Gia deduced that it was easy to have feelings for a man like Thane Watson because he was absolutely incredible.
     Having these feelings for Thane was easy when it all started, less easy but still so when he went away to London, and it was easy now during his visit to Los Angeles while she was next to him at Lucas and Taney’s wedding. Gia was swept up in the warmth that he was exuding, dizzied by the cologne he was wearing in the best way possible, and just knowing that she was beside him as his partner made her heart hammer in her chest when she took a moment to think about it. On that special day for her friends, she often did have moments to think -- when his hands brushed hers when they moved, when he spoke, when he turned to look at her briefly among the craziness of the unity and smiled. It was the little moments she was relishing in, and if she could be so enamored by the smallest of things she couldn’t even begin to wonder what it was going to be like when things began to get bigger.
     Oh yes, the bells were ringing.
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✖ Lucas & Taney’s Marriage Ceremony ✖ Laney Ship Event ✖
VENUE: Oak Canyon Ranch
WHEN: 6 September; Sunset - Midnight
Best Man: Axel Mathis @axelmathis
Maid of Honor: Aubrie Sinclair
Singer: Genaya Salazar @genaya-salazar
Spawn Watchers:
Keeper of the Ring Bearer, William “Liam” Peterson: Prince Bayoa of Denmark @princexfdenmark
Keeper of the Flower Girl, Wednesday “Winnie” Caviler: Whitney Williams
No guest may wear the color red.
What to Expect at a Wiccan Wedding
What to Expect at a Pagan Wedding
Wiccan/Pagan Marriage Ceremonies
Pagan Wedding Q&A
Tag: SABRlaney and SABRlaneywedding
You can post open paras (use the event tags and ‘SABR OPEN’) and pictures, or just post a head canon about going to one or all of the events. Try not to post more than a month before the event occurs.
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kailanimaris · 7 years
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Labhras ar caoin na dtor le gréin || Kaioa
Note: This para takes place at Lucas and Taney’s wedding on September 6th, 2017
Kai had a habit of giving away the gowns she was given. She didn’t like being spoiled when there were so many people living in poverty that couldn’t live the luxurious life she was. The dresses she kept, Kailani made sure to wear more than once. The problem, as Lucas and Taney’s wedding approached, was that her form had become softer and curved around the middle. With everything she put on she cringed at her own reflection. It was easy to feel beautiful and loved next to Bayoa. He had always taken the time to show her how much he still loved her. Confidence had a way of waxing and waning with her though and, like a tide, she felt like confidence had temporarily drifted from her. That feeling would not have mattered a wink to her if Bayoa wasn’t going to be so occupied at Lucas and Taney’s wedding but he would be.
Reluctantly, Kailani asked Nala to reach out to a few designers for a simple gown that would keep her looking modest and plain at their friends’ wedding. The last thing Taney needed was the inevitable paparazzi that followed the royal family or to be outshined just because Kai had certain garment expectations when attending such events. As Kailani tried to describe the couple and the type of wedding she only became more concerned about how badly those garment requirements might clash with the fall colors and Peterson aesthetic. When the garment showed up, she pulled it out and sighed at the lilac tone, all the less certain. It wasn’t until the day of the wedding that she pulled it out again and her attention was so focused on keeping the boys’ ties straight that she hadn’t noticed her own reflection as they passed the mirrors and large glass doors out of their Los Angeles estate.
Sticking to Sirius, Kailani had managed to stay out of the way to the best of her ability. Their were children to tend to and friends to greet and catch up with. So much of her time these days was spent in coursework, museums, and libraries that if she’d had another moment she was penciled in for board meetings and trying to spend that time with family. Of course, there was also the added pressure of the usual trips back to Denmark, too. All of this had culminated into a lot of chit chat, making it easier for her to sink deep into the small crowd. Though that may have flustered Sirius, her poor head of security attempting to keep his eyes on everyone, it helped the lilac gown from standing out- not that many noticed a thing aside from Taney’s lovely and vibrant red wedding dress.
At the end of the night she scurried off to the bathroom to relieve herself while Benji was in a trusted friends arm. Scooping her phone from her purse she saw a message saying that paparazzi were going to hover at the venue gates without pictures of her in the dress. With a frustrated sigh she texted back a day and time, agreeing to have a shoot in the dress and others so long as the dresses photographed could then be auctioned. It wasn’t the first time she had done that, nor would it be the last, but in her eyes it was worth it to let Lucas and Taney have space on their day. Despite her own sore feet and soured attitude she came out and hugged her boys, showering them in kisses. All the chaos of their royal life had no effect on their love and for that she was forever grateful. 
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bayoa-salazar · 7 years
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These Moments Make Us Reflect || Headcanon || Laney Wedding
There were moments when Bayoa remembered what it was like to live before he was Prince Bayoa Isagani of Denmark. That’s not to say that he didn’t love his lfe. He truly did. What Bayoa missed was having the moment not be about him. It didn’t matter where he went or what he did, media coverage would shape and mould his actions into a story. His creation of a theatre company with his siblings was less about their struggles against a corrupt nation and a tyrannical leader and more about Danish royalty taking steps to be more involved in the arts. His brothers didn’t seem to mind as it meant they were left to get on with their work but it bothered Bayoa to no end. 
Maybe that was why he was so happy to have such a small and seemingly insignificant role in his friends wedding. He got to blend in and just be happy for the couple as any normal friend would. As the night went on it really let him take note of his ow life in comparison to the people he was surrounded by. They all had their own restrictions and expectations. They were all challenging their futures or planning them. It made Bayoa realise that he didn’t always need to be so focused on what family back in Denmark were expecting from them. 
When Kailani had brought up that her father was asking when there was going to be another baby it had been in Bayoa’s nature to try and resist the pressure place upon him. In hindsight and with some time to really process his situation he was starting to realise if it weren’t for that expectation another baby wouldn’t have been as frightening a thought as it had seemed. Taking Lucas as an example, he stepped into the roll of father because he needed to and within months he was father to not one but two. Bayoa had time to prepare, they could plan it. He wanted more children, of course he did. Benji would be over a year old by the time their newest little one entered the world. There was no reason why they couldn’t. With that in mind he decided it would be something he would bring up at home. In that moment he had somebody else to celebrate.
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zephyr-dresden · 7 years
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September 6th, 2017: Taney & Lucas’ Wedding
     Being a witness to the unity of two of her friends was something amazing, something important in Zephyr’s life. From the moment she made herself known on the Network, Lucas and Taney had been a warm welcome. They were something constant in her life now, and so to be invited to their wedding was something special to her. The fact that she was someone they had thought about in one of their busiest moments, thought to have her to be a part of a special day, was absolutely extraordinary. She wouldn’t have missed it for the world, quite honestly, and not even a scheduled show made her change her mind about going. It was a simple reschedule and a promise of a date in the future that Zephyr was able to wholly be a part of Lucas and Taney’s big day.
     And yet she was jealous. Of the two people she wanted to wish nothing but the best for in that moment, she instead found herself wallowing in something. Zephyr almost didn’t recognize it at first, brushing it off as a creeping up cold that caused the tightness in her chest, but it lingered even after a bit of medicine. The tightness turned into a complete plunge into her stomach when she was face to face with the happiness that was exuding from nearly everyone, and while she didn’t mean for it to happen there was quite a damper on her mood by the time the reception hit. In all honesty she did want happiness for the couple, especially after everything they had been through, but she realized very quickly that she also wanted that for herself.
     She was a busy girl, someone who came and go on a whim depending on what the next thing for her and DZ was. She could be a week in Los Angeles and then away on tour the next. She had interviews, meetings, band practice and writing sessions, but what she didn’t have was a lot of time to make relationships. Not like Taney and Lucas, anyways, not the type of relationship that was special like theirs. It wasn’t that she wanted to push things like that away, it was just that with the uncertainty lingering in the air it was hard. It wasn’t like she didn’t try, but when she did things just never worked out.
     Zephyr wanted to wish the best for Lucas and Taney, wanted to be as happy as she possibly could for them, but it all just lingered. She was tired, she was cranky about the fact that after this she was going to be heading back on the road for the rest of her tour, and she hated that she was being completely selfish on a day that was not about her at all. This wasn’t about her, not at all, and yet all she could do was stay behind a champagne glass.
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genaya-salazar · 7 years
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The Spell of Weddings || Headcanon || September 6th || Laney Wedding
Genaya always fell in love a little when she attended a wedding but she had always been a romantic. She couldn’t be blamed for the way her heart had fluttered she was swept off her feet by someone acting like the prince she had needed that day. It hadn’t worked out of course but the moment was one Genaya held quite close to her heart. There was a magic surrounding weddings she couldn’t deny. It was the one event that to her could really make you feel like love could conquer anything. 
It had been difficult to attend Micah & Aless’ wedding without Connor. Watching the first dance and then seeing couples joining them made her jealous. Though she knew it was a ridiculous thing to think up she fantasised about Connor showing up mid reception just to dance with her. Naya knew that was unrealistic though. Connor was a great many things but he wasn’t a romantic like she was plus how would he had ever gotten there on time. Instead she spent the night avoiding the slow songs, enjoying being able to sip at champagne in a country where it was legal for her to drink. 
When Lucas & Taney’s wedding came around she tried to hide her excitement. She didn’t want to freak Connor out and she knew there had been a lot of baby talk on the network so he was already having to deal with uncomfortable conversations. She wasn’t expecting him to propose anytime soon. Heaven knows she wasn’t even sure she was ready for that. It had got her thinking though. After the conversation she’d had with Aless about what she wanted out of life Genaya had spent a lot of time thinking about the future. Problem was Genaya didn’t know how to plan a future when she didn’t know what she would want. 
It seemed stupid to try to plan out a life with or without children when she wasn’t even old enough to drink. It seemed foolish to wonder if she would ever get married when she had only just moved in with Connor fully. Genaya was lucky for the most part she got to keep herself occupied from those thoughts as she took on her duty as wedding singer. Sets didn’t last forever though and she found herself coaxing him into a slow dance with her on her break. So what if he wasn’t a romantic man. He was there when it mattered, she didn’t need roses to know he loved her. He’d shown that already. Yes, he didn’t want children but did she or was that image something shoved in her mind by her mother. Even if she became pregnant by some complete fluke did he really seem like the type of man to run?
She sighed and buried her face against his neck. Too many questions, not enough answers. One thing she did know? She love the way he looked under the light. She loved knowing the look in his eyes was saying she was getting some attention when they got home. She loved knowing that no matter what the future she hoped to god he was in it. Weddings always gave her a sense of love conquering all and Lucas & Taney really felt like a huge example of that. If they could make it then she could make it with Connor. She was sure of it.
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mario-morgan-peretz · 7 years
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lucas-peterson · 7 years
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bayoa-salazar · 7 years
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Outfit for the Laney Wedding
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genaya-salazar · 7 years
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lucas-peterson · 7 years
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The Day Feels Like... || Open Para || Lucas & OPEN || Laney Wedding
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting being married to feel like. Had he expected this? It wasn’t a weight. Lucas would never consider his life with Taney to weight him down at all. No it felt more like a tether, an anchor. He had someone to keep his feet on the ground and focused on what really mattered. It felt freeing in a way to know he’d always have someone to depend on. He had someone who would take care of him as he would her. 
Taney looked beautiful in red. Maybe it was just the atmosphere or maybe she really was just that stunning. He was leaning against a tree watching her move between guests. Lucas had given up doing the rounds a little while ago and was content on watching his new wife smile from a distance. It was odd to think that last year Taney had only just decided to stay in his apartment with him and stop looking for new places to live. How crazy to think two years before that things had just started progressing romantically.
They’d taken their time to get where they were and had suffered at the hands of cruel people. It was all worth it to have what they had today. Tearing his eyes from his wife he focused his attention to the person walking over to him. He lifted his glass in recognition and nodded just a little. “It’s interesting to see who actually came today. Taney and I have gotten so much shit over the years for being together. Today feels a little like a huge fuck you to those people.”
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