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eduardocoutorj · 2 years
SAPEC desenvolve o primeiro encoder oara transmissão ao vivo em 8K
O encoder foi desenvolvido junto a RTVE da Espanha (grupo de midia estatal) e a Universidade de Madrid. O projeto desenvolveu em FULL UHD8K capturando em alta qualidade de imagem e necessitando de uma conexão de 8Mhz. A SAPEC tem mais de quatro decadas de desenvolvimento tecnologico em tecnologia de Brodcast na Espanha e foi pioneira no desenvolvimento de transmissões de HDR E DVB-T2, por…
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tapeskingdom · 2 years
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priyanshisingh · 4 months
Biostimulants Market Projections: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast (2023-2032)
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The global market for biostimulants is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.40% between 2024 and 2032, from its estimated USD 4158.2 million in 2023 to USD 11906.99 million in 2032.
The biostimulants market is an emerging and rapidly growing segment within the agricultural industry, driven by the increasing need for sustainable agricultural practices and the rising global demand for food. Biostimulants are substances or microorganisms applied to plants and soil to enhance nutrient uptake, improve stress tolerance, and boost overall crop health and productivity. These products include a diverse range of materials such as humic acids, seaweed extracts, microbial inoculants, amino acids, and other organic compounds.
One of the primary drivers of the biostimulants market is the growing awareness and adoption of sustainable farming practices. As conventional agriculture faces challenges like soil degradation, nutrient depletion, and the adverse effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, biostimulants offer a natural and eco-friendly alternative. They improve soil health and structure, enhance root growth, and increase the availability of essential nutrients, leading to healthier and more resilient crops.
The increasing global population and the consequent demand for higher agricultural productivity are also propelling the biostimulants market. Farmers are under pressure to produce more food on limited arable land, necessitating the adoption of advanced agricultural inputs that can boost crop yields. Biostimulants help in achieving this by enhancing the efficiency of fertilizers and improving plant growth and development.
Climate change and the associated increase in abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures have further highlighted the importance of biostimulants. These products help plants to withstand and recover from such stresses, ensuring stable and improved crop performance under varying environmental conditions. This stress-mitigating property of biostimulants is particularly crucial in regions prone to adverse climatic conditions.
Types of Biostimulants:
Humic Acids: Improve soil health and nutrient availability.
Seaweed Extracts: Enhance plant growth and stress resistance.
Microbial Inoculants: Introduce beneficial bacteria or fungi to the soil.
Amino Acids: Aid in plant metabolism and growth.
Other Organic Compounds: Various plant extracts and natural substances.
Improve the efficiency of fertilizers and increase nutrient availability to plants.
Help plants withstand abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures.
Enhance soil structure and microbial activity, promoting long-term soil fertility.
Boost overall plant growth and productivity, leading to higher yields.
Market Drivers
Growing demand for eco-friendly agricultural practices and reduced chemical inputs.
Increasing need for higher agricultural productivity to feed a growing population.
Rising abiotic stresses necessitating resilient and adaptable crop solutions.
Key Players-
Isagro Group
Sapec Agro S.A.
Biolchim S.P.A.
Novozymes A/S
Platform Specialty Products Corporation
Valagro SpA
Koppert B.V.
Italpollina SAP
Biostadt India Limited
Biostimulants Market Growth Opportunities-
1. Increasing Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Farming: The rise in organic farming practices, which prioritize natural and eco-friendly inputs, boosts demand for biostimulants.
Reduced Chemical Usage: Farmers are increasingly seeking alternatives to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, creating opportunities for biostimulants as a sustainable option.
2. Technological Advancements
Improved Formulations: Advances in biostimulant formulations, including the development of more stable and efficient products, enhance their effectiveness and appeal.
Precision Agriculture: Integration with precision agriculture technologies allows for targeted application of biostimulants, optimizing their benefits and reducing waste.
3. Expansion in Emerging Markets
Asia-Pacific: Rapid agricultural development and government initiatives promoting sustainable farming in countries like India and China offer significant growth potential.
Latin America and Africa: Increasing agricultural activities and the need for improved crop yields in these regions present new market opportunities.
4. Growing Awareness and Education
Farmer Training Programs: Educational initiatives and training programs to raise awareness about the benefits and usage of biostimulants can drive market growth.
Government and NGO Support: Support from governmental and non-governmental organizations in promoting biostimulants for sustainable agriculture.
5. Product Innovation
New Biostimulant Categories: Development of novel biostimulant products, such as those derived from microbial and marine sources, can attract new customers and markets.
Multi-Functional Products: Biostimulants that offer multiple benefits, such as nutrient enhancement and stress resistance, can provide added value to farmers.
6. Regulatory Support and Standardization
Harmonized Regulations: Development of standardized regulations and guidelines for biostimulants can facilitate market expansion and improve product credibility.
Subsidies and Incentives: Government subsidies and incentives for the use of sustainable agricultural inputs, including biostimulants, can boost market adoption.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/biostimulants-market
Biostimulants Market Regional Insights-
1. Europe:
Market Characteristics:
Europe is a leading market for biostimulants, driven by stringent environmental regulations and a strong emphasis on sustainable agriculture.
High awareness among farmers and advanced agricultural practices contribute to the market's growth.
Environmental Regulations: Strict EU regulations on chemical fertilizers and pesticides encourage the use of biostimulants.
Research and Innovation: Significant investments in R&D and innovation in biostimulant products tailored to various crops and soil types.
Organic Farming: The rise in organic farming practices supports the demand for biostimulants.
Spain: Leading producer and consumer of biostimulants in Europe.
Italy: Significant market due to its extensive agricultural sector and focus on sustainable practices.
France and Germany: Growing markets with increasing adoption of biostimulants in various crops.
2. North America
North America is a rapidly growing market for biostimulants, driven by increasing demand for sustainable farming solutions and organic food.
Key Drivers:
Organic Farming: Growing consumer preference for organic products boosts the adoption of biostimulants.
Technological Advancements: Integration of biostimulants with precision agriculture technologies enhances their application and effectiveness.
Regulatory Support: Supportive regulatory frameworks and incentives for sustainable agricultural practices.
United States: Leading market with significant adoption in both large-scale and small-scale farming operations.
Canada: Growing market with a focus on sustainable and organic farming practices.
3. Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region for biostimulants due to its large agricultural sector and increasing awareness of sustainable farming practices.
Key Drivers:
Government Initiatives: Policies and programs promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing chemical fertilizer use.
Population Growth: Increasing need for higher agricultural productivity to feed the growing population.
Climate Change Adaptation: Adoption of biostimulants to mitigate the impacts of climate change on agriculture.
By Active Ingredient Type
Humic Substances
Seaweed Extracts
Amino Acids and Proteins
Microbial and Bacterial Inoculants
Plant Extracts and Extracted Compounds
Fulvic Acids
By Crop Type
Cereals and Grains
Fruits and Vegetables
Oilseeds and Pulses
Horticultural and Ornamental Crops
Row Crops and Cash Crops
By Formulation Type
Liquid Biostimulants
Granular Biostimulants
Powdered Biostimulants
Water-Soluble Biostimulants
By Application Method
Foliar Application
Soil Application
Seed Treatment
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/biostimulants-market
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ocombatente · 5 months
Como é bom “Não Estar Nem Aí"
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    Acabou a Quaresma, aleluia. Em tese, quem mentiu, furtou, deu calote, fornicou, prevaricou (a lista completa daria outra coluna) mas se arrependeu, confessou e jejuou ou, conforme o caso, se comprometeu com Ogum, ou fez o propósito, está liberado. Concedeu-se o perdão, em sede de fé. Porém, em sede da lei dos homens o papo segue reto: os chatos do Serasa e do SPC, a infeliz da Receita Federal e uma ruma de desmancha-prazeres não desistem de acabar com a festa e melar o pagode de todo mundo que NENA - Não Está Nem Aí. Aos números: só em fevereiro, mês do nosso já saudoso Carnaval (ô papai...), foi de R$ 7,55 bilhões o total de desconto nas dívidas que os brasileiros renegociaram. Restam 533 milhões de ofertas, solenemente ignoradas pela turma do NENA, disponíveis para negociação no Serasa Limpa Nome desde outubro do ano passado. Na ponta do lápis, são R$ 830 bilhões implorando por serem pagos, o que rebaixa em mais de 100 vezes o antes impressionante valor dos descontos contratados em fevereiro. A cifra, sob outro ponto de vista, também demonstra o quanto somos todos escalpelados. Como este site nunca foi patrocinado, como o “Jornal Nacional” o é há anos, pela Crefisa, BB, Itaú, Bradesco e Santander, não temos bloqueios velados que nos inibam de informar com todos os decimais: as taxas de juros nominais começam em 7,75% a.m. no cheque especial, para clientes com limite vigente no Banco do Brasil S.A. e na Caixa Econômica Federal, e decolam feito os foguetes do Elon Musk até alcançar os extorsionários 22,5% a.m. com que somos esfolados nos empréstimos pessoais, graciosamente oferecidos por Crefisa, Agibank, BMG e assemelhados. De dar inveja ao usurário Shylock, personagem de “O Mercador de Veneza”, duas vezes imortalizado, por Moliére, seu criador, e por Al Pacino, sua persona no cinema desde o século XX. E eu com isso? Quase nada, se o distinto leitor (ainda) exclui-se dos 72,4 milhões de cidadãos inadimplentes, 0,04% a menos que em janeiro, contabilizados pelo IBGE como integrantes da PEA - População Economicamente Ativa. Aos números, novamente, agora extraídos do próprio Serasa Experian: quem tem entre 41 e 60 anos representa 35,0% dos CPFs restritos. Colada neles, com 34,2%, está a turma de 26 a 40 anos. A facção se completa com a senectude dos sexagenários e seguintes (18,8%) e com o ímpeto indomável para fazer besteira quando se tem 18 e 25 anos (12,0%). E o quê a Receita Federal tem a ver com isso? Muito, mas muito mesmo. Mas ninguém tem paciência para entender como se perpetra um roubo descarado contra o seu bolso, ano após ano, por causa da não-correção da tabela de isenção de Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física, descontado ou não na fonte. Nuss, zulivre, papo de aranha, vôti... Coluna que vem, alguém eventualmente abismado se manifestando, detalhamos os porquês de a capacidade de pagamento de dívidas do brasileiro ser dramaticamente comprometida por esta vil artimanha, com absoluta cara de paisagem, e que ferra a todos com gosto, inclusive quem tem mais de 85 anos, sabia? Sim, senhor. A Receita esfaqueia os rendimentos até de D. Tereza Macena, que sapecou 93 em outubro. Noutra ocasião, podemos também cutucar a cobrança integral de IPVA durante os anos da pandemia do Covid-19, o que faz tanta gente entrar em pânico quando vê uma blitz. Por enquanto, ninguém vai para as ruas, flamenguistas ou não, o Congresso não se mexe, porque ali floresce um valhacouto de covardes a serviço de si mesmos ou do próprio estrato socioeconômico em nome do qual atuam, e que jamais será o da grande maioria dos brasileiros, que nunca ganha mais do que 02 SMs a vida inteira. Mas motorista do Senado leva R$ 6.807,00 limpinhos todo mês, que o digam Confúcio, Jaime e Rogério, com seus chefes de gabinete a R$ 28.301,00 mensais... Sendo ou não da turma do NENA, o povo se endivida a não mais poder. Engambelado pelas Black Fridays de araque, iludido pelos feriadões que torram toda a picanha do Lula, morto de feliz por só ter estourado em R$ 58 bilhões o orçamento da União, e hipnotizado pelo TikTok e Instagram, cujas legiões de envaidecidos nunca se saciarão. Mas vamos fechar com duas lembranças boas, inclusive para a turma do NENA: sobre feriadões, “Tiradentes” já era, dia 21 vai cair num sábado, mas o Primeiro de Maio vai ser numa quarta, quem sabe rola um ponto facultativo geral. A segunda alvíssara: o Desenrola Brasil está prorrogado até 30 de maio. Legal, né? CARLOS PEDRO MACENA, 60, nascido em Brasília (DF), é graduado em Jornalismo pela USP (MTb 22.323/1989/SP). Veio com a família para Rondônia em 1982, aos 18 anos, tendo residido em Vilhena, Cabixi, Pimenta Bueno, Ji-Paraná e Porto Velho. Em SP, foi assessor de imprensa da Brasfilter/Europa e repórter do Grupo Folhas e da Editora Abril. Em RO, foi administrador da Afiliada Globo em Vilhena, repórter de Política na Folha de Rondônia, chefe de reportagem no Diário da Amazônia, redator da NdA Comunicação, assessor de imprensa do Detran (Ivo Cassol), voltando ao Jornalismo depois de 12 anos como escriturário do Banco do Brasil em Limeira (SP). Read the full article
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retelabuso · 9 months
Svizzera romanda: sono 91 le vittime di abusi in ambito ecclesiale annunciatesi dopo il 12 settembre
Dal 12 settembre, data della pubblicazione del rapporto di Zurigo sugli abusi commessi nella Chiesa in Svizzera, come comunica in queste ore cath.ch, sono 91 le vittime di abusi sessuali annunciatesi nella Svizzera romanda presso il SAPEC, associazione di aiuto alle persone abusate in ambito ecclesiale, o presso la Commissione di Ascolto, Conciliazione e Arbitraggio (CECAR) e anche presso…
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Global Micronutrients Fertilizers Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Demand for Sustainable Crop Production
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The global Micronutrients Fertilizers Market is estimated to be valued at US$2821.1 million in 2021 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.20% over the forecast period 2022-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: Micronutrients fertilizers are essential for the growth and development of plants, as they provide essential minerals and elements necessary for optimal plant health. These fertilizers contain micronutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, manganese, and boron, among others. They are applied to crops either through foliar spray or soil application, ensuring that plants receive an adequate supply of essential nutrients. Micronutrients play a crucial role in various physiological and biochemical processes in plants, including photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and hormone synthesis. Micronutrients fertilizers offer several advantages to farmers, including improved crop yield, enhanced nutrient uptake efficiency, and increased resistance to diseases and pests. They also help in correcting nutrient deficiencies in the soil, which can negatively impact plant growth and productivity. With the rising global population and increasing demand for food, the adoption of micronutrient fertilizers is crucial to ensure sustainable crop production and meet the growing food requirements. Market Key Trends: One key trend driving the micronutrients fertilizers market is the increasing adoption of precision agriculture techniques. Precision agriculture involves the use of advanced technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and data analytics to optimize agricultural practices. These technologies enable farmers to precisely apply micronutrient fertilizers based on crop needs, soil conditions, and yield goals. Precision agriculture helps in reducing nutrient wastage and improving fertilizer use efficiency, leading to cost savings for farmers. It also minimizes environmental impacts by preventing excess fertilizer runoff into water bodies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For example, in precision farming, farmers can use drones equipped with multispectral cameras that provide detailed information about crop health and nutrient deficiencies. This data can be used to create prescription maps for micronutrient application, ensuring targeted and efficient fertilizer use. PEST Analysis: Political: Governments across the globe are implementing agricultural policies and regulations to promote sustainable farming practices. This includes the promotion of micronutrient fertilizers to improve crop productivity and reduce nutrient deficiencies in soils. Economic: The increasing demand for high-quality food products and the need to enhance agricultural productivity are driving the adoption of micronutrient fertilizers. Farmers are willing to invest in these fertilizers to achieve higher yields and meet the growing consumer demand. Key Takeaways: - The global Micronutrients Fertilizers Market Share is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.20% over the forecast period, due to increasing demand for sustainable crop production. - Regionally, Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing and dominating region in the micronutrients fertilizers market. The region has a large agricultural sector and a growing population, driving the demand for improved crop productivity and quality. - Key players operating in the global micronutrients fertilizers market include Yara International ASA, BASF SE, The Mosaic Company, FMC Corporation, Nouryon Cooperatief UA, Nutrien Limited, Haifa Group, Valagro SpA (Syngenta Group), Coromandel International Limited, Sapec Agro SA, Auriga Group, ATP Nutrition Ltd, Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC, BMS Micro-Nutrients NV, and UPL Limited (Arysta Lifescience Corporation)
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pranalipawarshinde · 2 years
Agricultural Micronutrients Market Profit-Sources Analysis Report 2021-2031
Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market  report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Agricultural Micronutrients Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
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Agricultural micronutrients are those nutrients that are required in small quantities by plants. They include Boron (B), Chlorine (Cl), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), and Zinc (Zn). While macronutrients are required in large quantities and are typically applied to fields in the form of fertilizers, micronutrients are applied in much smaller quantities and are often applied in the form of chelates or through the irrigation water.
Key Trends
There are several key trends in agricultural micronutrients technology. One is the development of new and more effective micronutrient products. This includes products that are more concentrated and easier to apply, as well as products that are specifically designed for certain crops or soil types.
Another trend is the increasing use of micronutrients in foliar applications. This is because foliar applications can provide a more targeted and efficient way to deliver micronutrients to plants.
Finally, there is an increasing focus on understanding the role of micronutrients in plant nutrition and how to optimize their use in order to improve crop yields. This includes research on the most effective application methods and timing, as well as the development of new diagnostic tools to help farmers identify micronutrient deficiencies in their crops.
Key Drivers
The key drivers of the Agricultural Micronutrients market are the increasing demand for food, the need for higher crop yields, and the growing awareness of the importance of micronutrients for plant health.
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The demand for food is increasing due to the growing population and the need for higher crop yields is driven by the need to meet the food demand.
The growing awareness of the importance of micronutrients for plant health is driven by the increasing research on the topic and the growing recognition of the role of micronutrients in plant nutrition.
Market Segments
The Agricultural Micronutrients Market is segmented by type, mode of application, form and region. By type, the market is divided into zinc, boron, iron, manganese and others. Based on mode of application, it is bifurcated into soil, foliar and fertigation. On the basis of form, it is classified into chelated and non-chelated micronutrients. Region-wise the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Key Players
The Agricultural Micronutrients Market includes players such as BASF SE, AkzoNobel, Nutrien, Ltd., Nufarm, Coromandel International Ltd., Helena Chemical Company, Yara International ASA, The Mosaic Company, Haifa Group and Sapec SA.
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Agricultural Micronutrients Market Size, Growth Factors and Major Segments, Forecast Research Report
The global agricultural micronutrients market size is expected to experience significant growth by reaching USD 6.65 billion by 2028 while exhibiting a CAGR of 7.51% between 2021 and 2028. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights in its report, titled “Agricultural Micronutrients Market, 2021-2028.” The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 3.86 billion in 2020. Decreasing arable land and the growing demand for gardening activities is perceived as a positive growth factor in the market. According to the Our World in Data Organization, half of the global habitable land is adopted for agriculture purposes. On the other hand, as per the European Commission and Joint Research Center, around 970 million tons of soil are lost due to erosion in the European Union every year.
COVID-19 impact:
High Sales Owing to Growing Demand for Nutritious Agriculture Yield
As per the 2020 CropLife 100 survey, 69% of respondents were of the view that their micronutrient sales rose between 1% to 5% in 2020. The rise in sales is owing to the supportive government initiatives and the high demand for nutritious agricultural products worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the need to consume cereals, pulses, and vegetables as a balanced diet. Such factors are expected to favor the demand for the product in the forthcoming years.
List of Top Companies Profiled in the Global Agricultural Micronutrients Market are:
Haifa Group (Haifa, Israel)
AkzoNobel (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Nutrien Ltd. (Saskatoon Canada)
Yara International ASA (Oslo, Norway)
Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC (Tennessee, United States)
Coromandel International Limited (Secunderabad, India)
The Mosaic Company (Florida, United States)
Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (New Delhi, India)
Compass Minerals Inc. (Kansas, United States)
SAPEC S.A. (Bruxelles, Belgium)
Market Segmentation
On the basis of type, the market is segmented into zinc, boron, iron, molybdenum, manganese, and others. Based on form, the market is bifurcated into chelated and non-chelated. Moreover, on the basis of application, the market is trifurcated into soil, foliar, and fertigation. On the basis of crop type, the market is segregated into cereals, oilseeds & pulses, fruits & vegetables, and others.
Based on crop type, the cereals segment held a global agricultural micronutrients market share of about 48.09% in terms of revenue in the forthcoming years. This is due to the increasing incidence of nutritional value loss amongst cereals crops such as wheat, rice, and others that propel the demand for advanced micronutrients in the agriculture sector worldwide.
Finally, on the basis of region, the market is classified into North America, Europe, South America, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East and Africa.
What does the Report Include?
The global market report includes qualitative and quantitative analysis of several factors such as the key drivers and restraints that will impact growth. Additionally, the report provides insights into the regional analysis that covers different regions, contributing to the growth of the market. It includes the competitive landscape that involves the leading companies and the adoption of strategies to announce partnerships, introduce new products, and collaborate to further contribute to the growth of the market between 2021 and 2028. Moreover, the research analyst has adopted several research methodologies to extract information about the current trends and industry developments that will drive the market growth during the forecast period.
Growing Demand for Gardening Activities to Augment Growth
According to the data by Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, gardening is believed to relieve stress and reduce high blood pressure in people. Besides, the increasing awareness regarding the consumption of healthy food products has led to the high inclination towards gardening activities worldwide. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to people being confined in their home spaces that propelled the adoption of home-gardening activities. The cultivation of horticulture crops gained momentum owing to their nutritious benefits. Therefore, these factors are likely to bode well for the global agricultural micronutrients market growth during the forecast period.
Asia-Pacific – The region stood at USD 1.76 billion in 2020 and is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. This is due to the rapidly growing population driving the demand for nutritious agriculture yield in countries such as India, China, and Japan. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of the global population is present in the Asian region.
North America – The region is expected to experience significant growth in the forthcoming years. This is due to the steady decline of arable land in countries such as the U.S. and Mexico that is likely to boost the adoption of advanced agricultural micronutrients between 2021 and 2028.
Collaboration between Key Players to Brighten Their Market Prospects
The market is experiencing healthy competition amongst the key players positioned in it. These companies are focusing on collaborating with other companies to develop and commercialize innovative agricultural micronutrients to cater to the growing demand from consumers. Moreover, the adoption of organic and inorganic growth strategies by the major companies will contribute to the growth of the market during the foecast period.
Industry Development:
March 2021 – ICL is set to acquire the South American plant nutrition business of Compass Minerals Inc. The acquisition is expected to expand its portfolio of micronutrients required in agriculture and further strengthen its position in the global marketplace.
Browse In-depth Summary of This Research Insight:
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qrtumb · 2 years
Global Bio stimulants Market Trends, Report, and Forecast 2022-2027
Global Bio stimulants was valued at US$ 1,280.45 Million in 2021, estimated to reach US$ 6,970.35 Million in 2027, with a CAGR of 23.33% from 2022-2027.
Any microorganism that applied to seeds, plants, or on the rhizosphere, stimulates natural processes to improve or benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, or crop quality and yield is called as Bio stimulants.
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Market Drivers
Agricultural procedures are required to identify possible ways to be more efficient & effective in the coming decade. Bio stimulants can address this issue in a sustainable manner, by providing protection against stress & thereby propelling the growth of the plant.
The market for bio stimulants is anticipated to grow in the upcoming years, owing to the increase in consumer awareness about the benefits of organic foods, implementation of organic regulations, and adoption of Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBAL GAP) polices.
The use of organic & bio-based compounds in agriculture & forestry provides a significant opportunity for farmers to improve roots 7 shoot growth, stress resistance, and better growth potential. For instance, as per the information provided by the international federation of Organic Agriculture Movements & Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, in the year 2020, agricultural land under organic certification was around 3.14 million hectares in China.
The strong emphasis from governments & other stakeholders on the organic & sustainable mode of farming has raised the acceptance of these bio stimulants.
Market Restraints
Lack of transparency in patent protection laws in several countries has led to the prevalence of low-quality products.
The low prices of these products from small scale domestic manufacturers attracts farmers to purchase them which expected to hamper the growth of global bio stimulant market over the forecast period.
Market Segmentation
Bio stimulants Market is segmented into major 4 categories. Based Active Ingredients, the market is segmented into Acid Based, Seaweed Extracts, Microbial, Others. Based on Application, the market is divided into Foliar Treatment, Seed Treatment, Soil Treatment. Based on Crop Type, the market is segmented into Row Crops & Cereals, Fruits & Vegetables, Turf and Ornamentals, Others. Based on Region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East.
Regional Analysis
Europe market dominates the Bio stimulants market across the world owing to  the growing consumption of organic foods and the growing preference of manufacturers for sustainable & eco-friendly production alternatives.
Asia Pacific was the second-largest regional market in 2021 owing to the presence of various manufacturing companies along with the rapid growth of agriculture-based economies, such as India and China.
Central & South America is estimated to register the second-highest growth rate, in terms of revenue, over the forecast period. Although currently, the region is growing at a stagnant rate, it has a lot of growth potential due to the presence of economies, such as Brazil, which are primarily agriculture-based.
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Market Key Players
Some of the key players operating in Global Bio stimulants Market are BASF SE, Isagro Group, Sapec Agro S.A., Biolchim S.P.A., Novozymes A/S, Platform Specialty Products Corporation, Valagro SpA, Koppert B.V., Italpollina SPA, Biostadt India Limited.
Industry development
In Nov 2021, Hanwha Solutions had announced a strategic investment in REC Silicon ASA to secure low-carbon photovoltaic materials amid growing demand for renewable energy in the USA. The company, which operates Q CELLS, agreed to invest in REC Silicon for $160.47 million, becoming a co-leading shareholder of the Biostimulant manufacturer with Aker Horizons, a Norway-headquartered investment firm focused on renewable energy.
In Oct 2020, Isagro S.p.A. communicates the Closing of the acquisition of 100% of Phoenix-Del S.r.l. capital stock was finalized. The value of the transaction amounts to €3.6 million, out of which 3.1 million paid Wednesday and 0.5 million to be paid in 2023 subject to the achievement of certain commercial objectives.
Browse Full Report https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Bio-stimulants-Market
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josuejuniorworld · 2 years
Xandão mandando bronca.
No domingo antecedente à eleição majoritária de segundo turno, quem imaginou curtir um final de semana de sol, sem grandes intercorrências, apenas assistindo seu futebol, presenciou uma atrocidade. Um senhor, que no auge de seu extremismo, sapecou 50 tiros contra uma viatura da polícia federal. Foram arremessadas três granadas nos agentes, com direito a “live” para a divulgação de seus atos.…
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salted-caramel-tea · 2 years
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zeroleo · 4 years
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Quem nunca #sapecou a #muçarela na #bocadofogão , não sabe o que é #felicidade. (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHY2DqqFo9C/?igshid=1rham26s2rsr9
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moshe-gr · 4 years
Sapece x y su prototipo del proyecto starship explotan al intentar aterrizada.
La nave no tu ve su aterizzaje exitoso
No se presentaron heridos ni muertos
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ocombatente · 5 months
Como é bom “Não Estar Nem Aí"
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    Acabou a Quaresma, aleluia. Em tese, quem mentiu, furtou, deu calote, fornicou, prevaricou (a lista completa daria outra coluna) mas se arrependeu, confessou e jejuou ou, conforme o caso, se comprometeu com Ogum, ou fez o propósito, está liberado. Concedeu-se o perdão, em sede de fé. Porém, em sede da lei dos homens o papo segue reto: os chatos do Serasa e do SPC, a infeliz da Receita Federal e uma ruma de desmancha-prazeres não desistem de acabar com a festa e melar o pagode de todo mundo que NENA - Não Está Nem Aí. Aos números: só em fevereiro, mês do nosso já saudoso Carnaval (ô papai...), foi de R$ 7,55 bilhões o total de desconto nas dívidas que os brasileiros renegociaram. Restam 533 milhões de ofertas, solenemente ignoradas pela turma do NENA, disponíveis para negociação no Serasa Limpa Nome desde outubro do ano passado. Na ponta do lápis, são R$ 830 bilhões implorando por serem pagos, o que rebaixa em mais de 100 vezes o antes impressionante valor dos descontos contratados em fevereiro. A cifra, sob outro ponto de vista, também demonstra o quanto somos todos escalpelados. Como este site nunca foi patrocinado, como o “Jornal Nacional” o é há anos, pela Crefisa, BB, Itaú, Bradesco e Santander, não temos bloqueios velados que nos inibam de informar com todos os decimais: as taxas de juros nominais começam em 7,75% a.m. no cheque especial, para clientes com limite vigente no Banco do Brasil S.A. e na Caixa Econômica Federal, e decolam feito os foguetes do Elon Musk até alcançar os extorsionários 22,5% a.m. com que somos esfolados nos empréstimos pessoais, graciosamente oferecidos por Crefisa, Agibank, BMG e assemelhados. De dar inveja ao usurário Shylock, personagem de “O Mercador de Veneza”, duas vezes imortalizado, por Moliére, seu criador, e por Al Pacino, sua persona no cinema desde o século XX. E eu com isso? Quase nada, se o distinto leitor (ainda) exclui-se dos 72,4 milhões de cidadãos inadimplentes, 0,04% a menos que em janeiro, contabilizados pelo IBGE como integrantes da PEA - População Economicamente Ativa. Aos números, novamente, agora extraídos do próprio Serasa Experian: quem tem entre 41 e 60 anos representa 35,0% dos CPFs restritos. Colada neles, com 34,2%, está a turma de 26 a 40 anos. A facção se completa com a senectude dos sexagenários e seguintes (18,8%) e com o ímpeto indomável para fazer besteira quando se tem 18 e 25 anos (12,0%). E o quê a Receita Federal tem a ver com isso? Muito, mas muito mesmo. Mas ninguém tem paciência para entender como se perpetra um roubo descarado contra o seu bolso, ano após ano, por causa da não-correção da tabela de isenção de Imposto de Renda de Pessoa Física, descontado ou não na fonte. Nuss, zulivre, papo de aranha, vôti... Coluna que vem, alguém eventualmente abismado se manifestando, detalhamos os porquês de a capacidade de pagamento de dívidas do brasileiro ser dramaticamente comprometida por esta vil artimanha, com absoluta cara de paisagem, e que ferra a todos com gosto, inclusive quem tem mais de 85 anos, sabia? Sim, senhor. A Receita esfaqueia os rendimentos até de D. Tereza Macena, que sapecou 93 em outubro. Noutra ocasião, podemos também cutucar a cobrança integral de IPVA durante os anos da pandemia do Covid-19, o que faz tanta gente entrar em pânico quando vê uma blitz. Por enquanto, ninguém vai para as ruas, flamenguistas ou não, o Congresso não se mexe, porque ali floresce um valhacouto de covardes a serviço de si mesmos ou do próprio estrato socioeconômico em nome do qual atuam, e que jamais será o da grande maioria dos brasileiros, que nunca ganha mais do que 02 SMs a vida inteira. Mas motorista do Senado leva R$ 6.807,00 limpinhos todo mês, que o digam Confúcio, Jaime e Rogério, com seus chefes de gabinete a R$ 28.301,00 mensais... Sendo ou não da turma do NENA, o povo se endivida a não mais poder. Engambelado pelas Black Fridays de araque, iludido pelos feriadões que torram toda a picanha do Lula, morto de feliz por só ter estourado em R$ 58 bilhões o orçamento da União, e hipnotizado pelo TikTok e Instagram, cujas legiões de envaidecidos nunca se saciarão. Mas vamos fechar com duas lembranças boas, inclusive para a turma do NENA: sobre feriadões, “Tiradentes” já era, dia 21 vai cair num sábado, mas o Primeiro de Maio vai ser numa quarta, quem sabe rola um ponto facultativo geral. A segunda alvíssara: o Desenrola Brasil está prorrogado até 30 de maio. Legal, né? CARLOS PEDRO MACENA, 60, nascido em Brasília (DF), é graduado em Jornalismo pela USP (MTb 22.323/1989/SP). Veio com a família para Rondônia em 1982, aos 18 anos, tendo residido em Vilhena, Cabixi, Pimenta Bueno, Ji-Paraná e Porto Velho. Em SP, foi assessor de imprensa da Brasfilter/Europa e repórter do Grupo Folhas e da Editora Abril. Em RO, foi administrador da Afiliada Globo em Vilhena, repórter de Política na Folha de Rondônia, chefe de reportagem no Diário da Amazônia, redator da NdA Comunicação, assessor de imprensa do Detran (Ivo Cassol), voltando ao Jornalismo depois de 12 anos como escriturário do Banco do Brasil em Limeira (SP). Read the full article
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