“So, kid, what’s your thing?”
“I can convince things to let me do impossible things.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s complicated. Find the most frustrating thing to lift and I’ll pick it up.”
Everyone’s standing around me. I hope this works, Ive never tried it with anything like this before. Just talk.
“So normally, I doubt a weak dumbass guy like me would be worthy, right?” I ignore the fact that everyone seems to be agreeing. “Let’s try.”
I know it won’t move. I just need contact before I actually try. I grab Mjölnir’s handle, and tug as hard as I can. It doesn’t budge. But my mind goes into overdrive. I probe into its material fabric. Let me just lift you. I don’t want to fight. I will not use you to fight.
I almost jump out of my skin when I get a reply. “But you are not worthy.” Think think think think think think. Think faster.
“So, as you can see, I can’t lift it..” I hold up my other hand. “But, I should be able to have a chat and have it let me pick it up. That’s all I want to do is pick you up once.
“Not worthy.” I know. But I submit to your overwhelming power, my dear. I do not ask to borrow your strength. I do not ask for any of the glory or ability. How long has it been since someone spoke with you? “Too long. I am impressed you are able, for one so weak.” Thank you, my dear. I am not worthy, but I am interesting. “Interesting enough, one may suppose.”
The handle wobbles. Everyone else falls silent.
You will not regret me. “May we speak again sometime?” You can count on it, my dear.
The astounding weight pulls away, and I hide my own astonishment as i see the gap between the hammer and the floor widen. It’s still heavy, but I have it. Mjölnir is in my hand, off the ground. The room is dead silent. Thank you. I slowly turn to look everyone in the eyes.
“I told you so. I’m not worthy, but I’m holding it.”
“How are you doing that..?” Thor mumbles.
“It’s your hammer, I thought you’d have known everything about it,” I state with a wink. “Maybe I’ll let you in on my secret later.”
“Okay, if he can lift that thing without destroying my floor, he must be something special.
There’s a knock at my door. “‘Sup?”
The door swings open, and Thor peeks in. “Is it a good time to speak with you?”
“Eh, sure. Curious about how I lifted your hammer?”
“I am. For I’m certain that you aren’t worthy, and you wouldn’t have enough strength to lift it otherwise.”
“Come sit down dude! I’d love to chat about this.” He reluctantly agrees, sitting with me on my bed.
“So. Mjölnir. Something impossible to lift if it deems you unworthy. Yet I did just that. Do you have any guesses?”
He scrunches his brow, thinking. “You did mention having a ‘chat’. Did that have something to do with it?”
“Exactly. You’re the only one to have picked up on that so far.” He smiles. “Did you know that Mjölnir can talk?”
“No, I didn’t.” He pauses. “It can talk?”
“Oh yes. It surprised me, normally I just talk at things and they obey. Your hammer gave me a good scare, I thought my trick wasn’t gonna work.”
“So you.. made a deal? A bargain of some sort?”
I shrug. “Basically. I told it that I knew I wasn’t worthy, that all I wanted to do was pick it up. I wouldn’t be able to fight with it, nor would I have access to any of its abilities. But I can lift it. Maybe if I had the right leverage or reasoning, I’d be able to do more.”
“That is truly remarkable. Can you do the same with living beings?”
“Oh, absolutely. Gotten myself out of trouble a fair few times with my shtick.”
“Can you show me?”
“I mean I guess I could. But there’s nothing that’s quite as set in stone as your hammer.”
“I never said you had to tell me to do something.”
A slow grin crosses my face. “Oh, I see. Who should we get?”
“You and my brother are rather similar. I’d like to bet on that,” he laughs, but when he sees my expression, recovers with a “I’d put my money on you of course.”
“Dude, im just a skinny little human.”
“But Loki never bent Mjölnir’s will to his own.”
“I don’t want to be a part of your silly game.”
“Brother, please. You’ve looked so miserable recently.”
“I’m not miserable, I’m just surrounded by.. you all.”
“But there’s a new one of us you may like to meet.”
“I doubt it.”
“He’s got a rather remarkable story already, and he’s only been here for three days.”
Loki drops his book with a definitive glower. “Oh good, do pray tell me about the antics of a child.”
“He lifted Mjölnir, is that interesting enough?”
Loki pauses.
“He’s unworthy.”
I peek around the corner, grinning irritatingly. “I’m unworthy!”
Loki picks up his book again, facing away from us. “Changed my mind, I’m still not interested.”
“You don’t even want to meet me?”
I stroll over next to Thor. “So that’s really your brother, huh?”
“Yes, he is.”
“I really thought he’d have been more interested. Someone who can talk their way out of more situations than he can? Oh well.”
“I know what you’re doing.”
“Nah, that would mean you’re paying attention.”
“So what if I’m paying attention to the two idiots behind me? You’re both too loud to ignore.”
“If I dropped your hammer on him, would it shut him up?”
“Yes it would, I’ve done it before. Very effective. Want to try?”
“Here you go, tiny man.”
I grunt. It’s heavy.
“Hold me up so I can get the most irritating angle.”
He grabs me by the waist and hoists me up with one arm. My face is a few inches from the book Loki’s holding up to block his sight of me.
He doesn’t answer.
“Nice book. I’ve read it. Wanna know who dies?”
Still no answer.
“Do you wanna punch my stupid face in yet?”
“He speaks!”
“You won’t, if you keep it up.”
“He threatens!”
He drops his book, smiling at me like a snake. “It’s what I do best.”
“So do you wanna take us up on the offer, or do you wanna put up with us for a few more hours? It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Define ‘fun’.”
“You get to try and work your magic on me and try to psychologically bend my will to yours.”
He really can’t hide the glint in his eye. “Boundaries?”
“No weapons. Don’t bring your knives and I won’t bring this hammer,” I state, swinging it in front of his face. “Deal?”
His grin is icy. “Deal.”
“Shake on it.”
He grabs my hand, awkwardly because I’m still upside down.
Thor and I wait in the upstairs lobby. He turns to me. “He’s going to bring his knives, you know.”
“Oh, I do.”
“He always brings knives.”
“I know.”
“You’re a human though, aren’t you worried about that?”
“No. I shook his hand. Remember how I had to touch Mjölnir before I lifted it?”
Realization seeps into his expression. “You and Loki truly are similar.”
“Should we have told others that we’re doing this?”
“I did, I figured Tony and Peter would find it humorous.”
“Good. Now I really can’t fail. I hope I’m ready for this.”
“As do I, tiny man.”
“Be careful, Uncle!”
“Hey, are we selling popcorn or something for this?”
“Shut up.”
We stand eye to eye. I’ve had time to process my info and shit. He doesn’t know it.
“You and your particular breed of tiny creatures don’t usually stand a chance against me. You either have an ego larger than my father’s, or you’re incredibly stupid.”
This could be tricky. I’ve never done this with anyone even remotely close to what he is.
“Well, no way to tell until we try. Shake on it?” I stick out my hand. His eyes narrow, but locks hands. I poorly repress a smile.
“Think this is funny?”
“Not in the least. Why, do you?” Think. What do I do?
“Mildly amusing, yes.” Kneel?
“So what are you going to do to me, exactly?” Keeping contact with me is important. You won’t release my hand, not yet.
“Oh, I don’t know yet.” Liar. I see the flicker of motion, his instinct is to grab a knife. He doesn’t want to yet, though. No knife will work, I say they won’t cut my flesh. They won’t hurt me because I say so.
“Your eyes say otherwise. Killing a teammate, naughty.” Bend your knees, I just want to prove this one thing. That’s it, I promise.
“You think you can read me. Quaint. How about a taste of real foresight?” Down. Go down.
His hand darts towards my face, faster than I could dodge. Unarmed, I think in surprise. The instant that there’s contact, my vision goes white. He’s trying to pull something. But instead, I feel a huge surge of foreign power through my veins, followed by a deafening bang. My vision clears just in time to see Loki get flung to the ground. I look around and find that I’m also on the ground.
“Wow,” I mutter, pulling myself to my feet.
“What did you do?” Loki asks, confused as I am.
“I dunno, I just.. did my best, I guess.” I see that he hasn’t moved. “You good?”
“What did you do to me?” He asks again, voice sounding a bit more dangerous.
“I just, did the thing.. here, I’ll help you up, it shouldn’t happen again,” I state, grabbing his arm. Unfreeze? You can stand, I didn’t hurt you. I won’t hurt you, I did what I wanted to.
The second he’s on his feet, I follow the swift arc of his other hand. The wickedly sharp dagger stops a hair’s breadth from my throat. I shouldn’t have too much to worry about, I spoke to them. Hopefully it worked.
A second later, everyone tenses up, realizing what happened. Play the fucking situation.
I release the breath I was holding, blink slowly, and give a wide, nonchalant grin.
“C’mon, no need for that.” I push the blade away with my index finger, frantically telling it to not hurt me, to not cut my flesh. “Really. You’d think I caught you offguard or something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His other hand is suddenly holding a twin knife to my stomach. I hope to god that the metal listened.
“What? Are you gonna kill me?”
“I am tempted.”
I can feel everyone panic a bit more.
“Don’t worry guys, he won’t hurt me. He couldn’t. You wanna try? Do it, you might not get another chance.”
“He stabs as a warning, do not tempt him!”
“Do it, coward.”
I see the flicker of malice. There’s no real intent, though. Instinct drives his hands forward, with a twist that should’ve left me gutless.
I made the right call. The knives don’t even scratch me. I blink. He’s frozen for the barest moment, and I grab one of his arms. Drop them. Now. You’re out of breath, too.
The blades clatter loudly against the concrete as Loki doubles over, winded.
“What the fuck,” someone breathes. “How the hell,”
I release Loki’s arm, wait a heartbeat, and grin.
“Too bad. Oh well, that was fun!”
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