#SCP 3887
uvioletarts · 3 months
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SCP Girlies.
An unfinished sketch involving a selected few SCPs.
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arctic-shard · 11 months
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Wandering a bit off the beaten path with designs for SCP-3887-A ( the human ) and -B ( the rat-toad monster. ) According to the wiki, these two were scooped up back in 2014 and -A was 24 at the time, so she'd be 33 now and in Foundation custody for nine years. I've headcanon'd her name as 'Layla' because none is given, it has five letters, and she looks like a Layla to me. -B is canonically named 'Grenda'.
Foundation custody has been surprisingly good for Layla. It's boring but it's predictable. It's given her life a stability she never had before, nobody's on her case for not being good enough, and if the doctors are cold, it's a clinical sort of cold rather than being mean and personal. It's done wonders for her anxiety. I gave her a little pudge in her design because she's finally comfortable in her life and her body and she's had nine years of being allowed to just exist and not starve herself to be someone else's impossible standard.
Grenda is less thrilled about the situation, being a phobiavore and Layla being her main food source. Layla's not living in a constant state of fear and anxiety any more, so Grenda gets hungry. But Grenda is also extremely protective of Layla and refuses to leave her - and might not be able to, since she got in trouble with her kind for getting attached to a human.
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shufflet · 6 months
So there were a lot of details I missed after rewatching Tales of the Foundation. But they still fit perfectly with my suspicion on how the scp foundation interacts with ordinary people or would civilian populations be more accurate?
Now I could be completely wrong about things which is fine. Those can stay fanfics. Kinda doubt we are going to get any new content but I can still have my fun speculating. It's going to be two years soon of no new animations and the original YouTube channel has said they are working on a different project.
Okay let's start with Agent Lawrence. Now I know electrician is more than dealing with electrical equipment in the scp universe because of the wiki explaining the foundation has a more supernatural power source. But the way Lawrence mentioned used to being an electrician seems more of an ordinary electrician job. Like when he got the power back on it during scp 106 wasn't based on use of supernatural elements. So the idea of this guy just getting dragged into the foundation after witnessing stuff that definitely doesn't belong in normal electrical equipment is my favorite theory. The MFT career might have been due to his reaction to a supernatural threat that usually most people would have died from.
I completely forgot that Dr. Collingwood had outright said she had a PHD in Experimental Research of Cryptids. Sorry about that. So she probably either took a chance on a shady college that later led her to the scp foundation or most likely is part of the population in the scp foundation universe that has prior knowledge. Still cool and I wonder if that has lead to to misunderstanding in the past with other coworkers. It also could explain the different reactions between the meeting photo between Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck. Personally after rewatching I think she probably knew stuff that families who outright have a culture from working mainly with people in the scp foundation itself.
Now about Dr Buck, odds are most likely prior knowledge since her father worked in the foundation. But I have a pet theory with the idea that she may not have outright know about what the foundation was at first. This secrecy with her father having a job that is not on any known legitimate agency could have contributed significantly to family difficulties. Since the politics even in a scp universe would have their own political scares with governments both knowing and not knowing everything with this organization that might as well be its own country/government that operates by hiding itself from the general public. This lack of transparency between her parents could have contributed significantly to the arguments that was depicted in a flashback. Her mother would definitely would want explanations especially since there could be psychological tolls that working with a secretive job that cant be declassified and/or actual unexplained close calls that could have been dangerous to her and her family thanks to the father's secretive job. Their constant fighting could have led to Dr Buck trying to be more independent of her parents with her own goals earlier on. One of the things the scp 3887 preyed upon was Dr Buck's childhood fears and her fear of being insignificant. Regardless of if Dr Buck knew of the foundation, she could have been a workaholic that focused a lot on achieving goals but neglects socializing outside of work. I still like the idea that Dr. Buck had veterinarian experience and later a marine biology degree that got her either acquired by the foundation or was simply a job that looked good on paper that turned out to be the same company her father could never give answers for. Especially since anomalies can be come in a lot of varieties. I still think that some sort of undersea anomaly is what led to her initial hiring. She later got answers to lot of questions later on about her family's secret job.
Agent Carson I'm speculating was raised knowing and wanting to be part of the Mobile Task Force in the past. Much like how some kids want to be soldiers. His disillusionment when talking to Agent Ramsey about being disposable as the D class makes me wonder if he puts a lot of faith in his gear more than other people. As for why Carson doesn't have a former civilian vibe, he does complain and compare things within conversations. He seems like the type of guy to accidently over share some of his past.
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dracoskullart · 3 years
Next up art wise is fanart of SCP 3887 aka Grenda!
My fiancé and i found some animated scps, and got interested when we came across Grenda, a monster under the bed of her human, who’s name isn’t given. Grenda’s appearance is semi-hinted to be based off her human’s childhood fears, which tickled me almost as much as the fact her human is queer (she has an ex girlfriend in the story)
I liked the animated depiction, and just wanted to try drawing it. Sketches are below lol
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oh-no-a-whovian · 3 years
Lavender perfume
Summary: the SCP foundation has hired a new psychiatrist for their more sapient SCPs. The best thing about her? She’s immune to them all.
Pairing: SCP 049 x fem! reader
Word count: 2506
Warnings: mentions of murder. Feeeeeeelings
Your first day on the job and it has been interesting to say the least. Four appointments with sentient SCPs down and it’s only ten o’clock. Being the psychologist for sentient SCPs really is gonna be a trip. They’re going to have so many things to say.
The foundation were lucky to have found you and some have even expressed as such. A cognizant and intelligent SCP with a doctorate in psychology and mental health able to do so much more than a normal psychologist can. Though you’ve made it clear you don’t want to hear your SCP designation from anyone. If they use it you might just punch them.
Yesterday you had to go through vigorous psych and physical testing before you could even get all the clearances to enter certain cells though. Hours of tests and questions. They had to make sure you were immune to certain SCPs.
Such as SCP-053, a little girl where if any normal human were to come into prolonged contact with her they’d go mad and attempt to harm her. That little girl was overjoyed to have someone to play with, if only for an hour. Though she did speak a lot about ‘the nice reptile puppy’ or when she gets to see her ‘friend’ again. From what you could tell by her file she was talking about SCP-682. An impossible to kill creature that seems to only like her. It was originally an attempt to kill the creature since normally it would attack anyone and the little girl's ability would kill whatever tried to harm her. Apparently she played with it and even drew on it and it just sat there and let her.
Most of your session was you talking and her showing you her things, which is fine she’s for all intents and purposes a three year old. By the end she was in a great mood and you handed her a mars bar on your way out. And made a note to get her a new stuffed animal, perhaps one designed to look like 682.
Before her you met SCP-073 or Cain. A handsome man of Middle Eastern descent with a symbol on his forehead and limbs made of an unknown metal. He didn’t speak much of his past and only mentioned his brother Able or SCP-076 in passing, moving on from the subject quickly. He was polite though, answered your questions about how he’s felt in containment, what he has thought of the foundation and even his opinion on some of the other free roaming SCPs in the facility. He even expressed a sadness about not being able to smell flowers ever again. Unfortunately if he comes into contact with plant matter it degrades rapidly. Perhaps he'd enjoy scented faux flowers?
After SCP-053 you met SCP-3887 or well the two pertaining to that number. SCP-3887-A or Lexi is a young perfectly normal woman, with long brown hair and bright green eyes. From what she said she’s been happy since entering the facility and even feels safer than ever. SCP-3887-B or Grenda is a humanoid entity with greyish skin, horns on her head and a long rat-like tail. She was a little more hostile, didn’t really want to talk and dislikes most of the staff surrounding Lexi.
Lexi was happy to have someone to talk to about things. Although she is usually allowed to roam the facility she’s been staying in her room as of late, since Grenda had taken one of the scientists interviewing her into some dimension under Lexi’s bed. The only thing Lexi didn’t want to talk about was the incident that had placed her in the hands of the foundation. The death of her abusive girlfriend at the hands of Grenda. That is of course understandable, you would never force someone to speak of such trauma, from what you’ve seen in the report it wasn’t a pretty sight. You'd set up your appointment schedule with her and look forward to helping her.
You can’t help but smile as you leave the cell of SCP-1867, a sapient nudibranch that goes by Lord Theodore Thomas Blackwood. He was the definition of an eccentric gentleman, polite if a bit flirtatious for a sea slug. He mostly went on about his adventures for the whole hour and didn’t really answer your questions but he probably just needs a few sessions to open up. You just have to remember not to mention his slug like appearance since he believes himself human. You’re not gonna argue the point since there’s no way to know if was true once or not.
Your next appointment is one that most of the scientists are surprised even set one up. Though they say he’s a pleasure to talk to, when he’s not trying to touch them and operate. SCP-049 is a plague doctor and a willing inhabitant of the facility. He’d be allowed free roam if he didn’t have a habit of trying to ‘cure’ the staff.
From what you can tell from his file he’s well-mannered and intelligent, witty and has a strong sense of humour and you’re looking forward to getting to know him. He was found in south France, surrounded by his instances of SCP-049-2s. All were people that had gone missing for weeks before. He’d simply stood by taking notes as his creations were destroyed and then left with the foundation soldiers without fuss.
Your bosses are hoping maybe you can get some information about his obsession. A plague he believes all human have and his desperation to sure it. From their extensive research there’s been no evidence of his pestilence. All they’ve seen is him turning perfectly healthy people and animals into monstrosities. You’re not sure that you’re comfortable with that though. You became a psychiatrist to help people not spy on them.
As you walk down the hallway to your next appointment you hear a myriad of noises from cells left and right, all reacting to the click of your heels. Groans and clicks and even the occasional voice from behind three foot thick steel containment doors. Your clearance only allows you to meet safe and Euclid class anomalies with sentience and sapience. And you can only see the ones that are passive. If it’s not one of those or hasn’t got some relation to one you don’t get to know.
You pause in front of two guards, taking a deep breath and straightening your blouse, you produce your clearance to enter 049’s cell. For a moment the men eye you with concern, after all not everyone who enters 049’s cell leaves it alive or as themselves. You smile though, steeling your posture as they open the cell door without a word.
As you step past the entrance, the door slams shut behind you the bolts locking it tight. The sound of a pen on paper stops as the being in the room notices your presence, looking up from his notebook. He watches you with silver eyes, analysing you as you move to the table in the middle of the room.
“Good morning Doctor” you greet with a smile as you remember what you’d read in his file. He prefers to be referred to as doctor, not his SCP designation, just like you. “I’m Doctor [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. I will be your psychologist for the foreseeable future.” You explain as you place your bag on the floor and take your seat.
“A pleasure to meet you, Doctor” he says as he rises from his cot to join you at the table, his French accent thick and metallic as it echoes in his mask. His black robes drape like cloth around his form, though you know it’s a part of him like skin. And his silver eyes regard you with interest behind his white plague mask. You used to love the whole plague doctor thing, more than once dressing up as one for Halloween. And maybe you have a plush or two.
“I’d like you to know before we start anything you say will be between you and me. All microphones for this room have been turned off as of me entering. The only reason I will divulge information is if I am concerned about your safety or the safety of others. Do you accept this?” you start, as you pull out you file for him and a note book and pen. Your bosses said you didn’t actually have to tell them this, it’s not like they have actual rights [Y/N], but you decided that you will not treat these patients any different to human ones. Even the slug.
“Of course.”
“Great!” you smile “so, you were offered this chance and decided to accept. What is it you wanted to talk about?” you ask him as you cross your legs under the table, your hand hovering above the note book, ready to write.
“I have been… frustrated as of late.” He says, watching your hand with the pen.
“Go on.”
“Your peers within this foundation have ceased supplying me with humans for my research. I have devoted my life to ridding this world of the pestilence and without subjects my research has grown stale. I cannot cure what I do not understand.” He explains as he leans back into his chair.
“Okay. May I ask what this pestilence is?” you enquire as you start writing in your note book. For a moment he remains silent and you glance up to see him glaring at you. “Before you say I should know of it, being a doctor, I would like to point out that I am a doctor of the mind and soul not of the body.” You point out, keeping your smile bright and genuine.
“It is in that file is it not?” he asks, glancing at the folder under your elbow.
“The only things in this folder are manuscripts from your previous interviews with Doctor Hamm, Doctor Sherman and Doctor Itkin. Two of whom are no longer among the living.” You tell him, barely sparing a glance to the file. Making a decision you’ll be berated on later, you lift up the file, offering it to SCP-049 to take. “Honestly, I am not here to talk about this pestilence or to pass judgment. I am here because you requested someone to talk to about your situation and how you feel. My only goal is to help you, to be an ear for your worries and for you to vent your frustrations.”
For a moment he stares at your hand upon the offered document. “An admirable goal” he says as he refuses to take it. “It is a shame about the good doctors, Doctor Hamm especially. He was a great man. It is unpleasant to lose ones colleague and a bright mind at that. But sacrifices must be made for the greater good.”
“Have you lost many colleagues?”
“I have lost many over the years in the name of preventing the great dying, all regrettable but all furthering my research.” He replies, tapping is fingers on the table. “I only wish to cure those afflicted.”
“I understand.” You hum writing in your notes. “I can’t help but notice your room is rather sparse. Are you satisfied with it?”
“I am not one for material objects, I only need what furthers my research. I am disappointed that they did not provide me with the lab that I requested though.”
“That’s understandable, not everyone likes stuff. And I am surprised by that, perhaps it was out of budget” You smile, glancing down at your notes in thought. A weird idea coming to mind. “I personally love things. I moved into on-site living quarters and I already have my walls covered in books and art. My bed has way too many plush toys. Probably too many things for one person.”
“You like books?” he asks, his silver eyes calculating.
“Love them. They’re all just little worlds, sitting there waiting for me to understand and enter them.”
“Interesting” he says in and amused tone. With a hum of thought he slides his note book toward you but you look at it with a raised eyebrow. You’ve seen in his folder about that book. You know he has offered it to many and laughed when they could not read it.
“I think we both know I can’t read that, Doctor.” You muse but take the book anyway. You admire his hand writing, smooth and clean, nothing like most doctors hand writing. Most doctors have weird squiggle writing that only the pharmacist can decipher. “I heard you find it amusing watching the other doctors trying to read your work.”
“I have found it… humorous at times.” He admits.
For a while he speaks of his frustration and his progress in his research and you even tell him of some books you think he may like. You always like to use your first appointments with patients to gauge them, see how they like to talk. 049 seems to like a bit of back and forth, a bit about you a bit about him and some banter mixed in. though you’ll do well to remember not to share too much.
Checking your watch you sigh. “So our time is almost up but before I go, I want, in your words, to know what exactly you want from our appointments.”
“I just wish for someone to ‘vent to’ as you said and maybe someone to lessen the communication errors with our compatriots.” He ponders “and perhaps ease my increasing concern that they are in fact imbeciles.” You giggle as you write down his last words, smiling wide at this term for your bosses and co-workers.
“I don’t know them very well so I’m not sure I can ease that concern but I’ll definitely try.” You huff, fighting the grin trying to spread on your lips. “So do you want this to be a fortnightly occurrence, once a month? What would you prefer? So I can put it on my calendar, perhaps get you a nice calendar to keep track.”
“Fortnightly will do.” He says quietly, his head tilted and his eyes never leaving your face. As you pack your things he slowly rises from his seat moving around behind you. For a moment you’re concerned he’s going to try and touch you. It won’t do anything but if that’s his next thought then you’re not sure you want to continue visiting him. Instead though, he gently pulls out your chair for you, avoiding your skin as he does and bowing slightly as you move past him to the door.
“I’ll see you next fortnight then.” You smile, knocking on the door to let the guards know you’re ready to leave. “It was a pleasure.”
“The pleasure was mine.” He replies as the thick door closes between you.
Is it too much to hope that all your appointments be as pleasant as these first few? Probably, since your next appointment is with an immortal mentally unstable Hitler.
A/N: like and reblog to share the love!!!
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
 Note! This list doesn’t judge SCPs off of their morals, personality, utility, or overall Objective Goodness. This list is a judge of whether or not I think the SCP would care for, look after, or otherwise benefit c!Tommy with its presence. List is under the Read More and is purely personal opinion. 
#1: SCP-682
Okay I know this is a wacky start. But listen. C!Tommy, yes? C!Tommy? Baby? Baby boy starchild darling bubble blessed by the golden sun itsefl? Lover of the Unloved? Tell me, if you can, that c!Tommy would not be the ONE PERSON on this bitch of an earth that could turn this omnicidal regenerative monster of endless adaptability into a Whole Ass Puppy Dog. He could! He could do it. He could do it very easily, and SCP-682 would be so disgusted by the server’s treatment of the boy that he’d go on a rampage and make everyone pay. Would that be the most moral thing for him to do? No. Would it be very fun and incredibly satisfying to see. Abso-FUCKING-lutly. 
 Feed! C! Doomsday! Trio! To! The! Murder Lizard!
#2: SCP-3887
This one probably makes more sense upon a first glance. SCP-3887-B, AKA Grenda, is a very sweet boogeyman-type creature that acts in a protective manner towards the human woman she’s been attached to since she was a little girl. She could easily latch onto Tommy, and given her generally friendly, lighthearted, motherly/big sisterly jokester demeanor, I think C!Tommy would warm up to Grenda very quickly once he got over the initial shock of her popping out from under his bed(likely located in the attic of c!Tubbo’s old house as that’s the most secure locate).
 However...there is ONE issue with Grenda being Tommy’s personal guardian. That being that Grenda’s species of monster adapt their physical appearance to look like a fusion of whatever it is there human is most afraid of. And given that c!Tommy’s current(and 100% valid fear) is that of his obsessive murderous abuser, I fear that Grenda’s body could possible change in a way to resemble c!Dream, even if she herself doesn’t wish for it to do so.
 Unless Grenda can control her shape-shifting! In which case maybe she’d just stay as a stereotypical monster that Tommy could giggle at. Maybe something vaguely bovine to feed into his love of cows! That’d be cute.
 Then there’s the topic of Grenda’s diet. Grenda eats off of the fear of those around her. She doesn’t need to harm them physically to do so, nor does she act in a violent manner unless prompted to by seeing her human in danger. Tommy is a very anxious little fella, and as such would be the perfect source of nutrition, and once he gets to properly heal and settles down some, she could easily just drag people like c!Puffy or cBad down into her cave dimension to spook ‘em a little to get a bit of food, as well as to give them a Very Firm Talking To about using a child’s triggers against him. She could tell them off!! It’d be very good.
#3: SCP-131
Eyepods! Little goobers! These little dudes might be a bit spooky at first, but I think they’d make for both good company as well as good security. They could keep an eye on his home at night! Peep into the dark to spot any wrongins! Either run upstairs to alert Tommy so he can get away, OR more humorously, kill c!Dream or anybody else who’d want to break in via a series of Home Alone style traps. It works either way.
#4: SCP-999
 This needs no explanation.
#5: SCP-963, AKA Dr. Jack Bright
Now listen. I know Dr. Bright is a nutcase. An utter madlad. A bit of a jerk. Sorta an agent of chaos. He’s wacky, he’s weird, he’s got a whole list dedicated to stuff he’s not allowed to do, and overall he’s not the sort of man you’d want to let around a traumatized barely 18 year old boy.
 But listen.
 Bright knows FULL DAMN WELL the horrors of forced immortality. He knows the pain it causes. He knows the damage it brings to ones mental state. He knows how awful it is to be forced into living forever, so I think if he knew that C!Dream was trying to bring such a fate onto a young boy, he would lose his Utter & Complete Shit and classify the cunt as a Keter in need of immediate termination.
also he and tommy would do crime together and it would be good
I’ll add more to this list as I read more articles. This is how I’ve been coping with lack of Good Lore. Please lord help me /hj
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poopy-pants-gremlin · 3 years
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SCP 3887 is the lesbian monster power couple I crave and Greta must be protected at all costs
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One last drawing for the night, scp 3887 is one of my favourite scps because of how wholesome it really is
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Also fuck drawing hands
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wakraya · 4 years
Do you like the scp Foundation? If you do what your favourite entries?
I do! I don't know many numbers by heart but... My least favorite are humanoids most of the time. I like the bizarre alien-ness and unexplained nature of many of them, and so many times humanoids and talking ones end up lame, and often enough kinda creepypasta-y "I AM GOD" in vibe, you know? There's exceptions though!
Other than that, I tend to like ones that play with the SCP formula, ones with extensive research or exploration logs, that sorta stuff, but I also enjoy chiller and more classic ones though!
To mind come... 2521, 3887, 3000, 2678, 4000, 3043... Other than those I remember one that was a portal in a lake, a few creepy ocean pocket dimensions, the endless blank space of a scp office with weird statues, the hallway that loops into a very slightly different alt reality, and that super long one that's just, an entire site that got out of control and got warped to another reality.
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monstersandmaw · 4 years
If you want to read an interesting boogeyman story, Scp-3887 on the Scp foundation is a good one!
Oh! Thanks :)
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missfinefeather · 4 years
I think this is something I might come back to.
Not something on the regular like, every couple months or so... Because, I am enjoying this ^^
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pinkprogram · 7 years
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