a-weird-writer · 2 years
Would Demonic Shuten and Inferno Ibaraki enjoy a musical s/o? I wanna sing them happy songs.
Demonic Shuten Dōji and Inferno Ibaraki Dōji (As well as their younger counterparts) are very fond and find enjoyment in the arts, traditional or modern, human or inhuman. Including but not limited to music.
Music is truly fascinating, an art, a blessing. There is an assortment of cultures and practices surround it, from a form of variety of praise to the gods or festivals. One of the most beautiful things humans ever graced Earth. A joy for the soul, wine for the ears.
And these friends do cherish their wine.
It's a gift, freshly wrapped and ready to be opened. They wholly enjoy listening to the S/O play if allowed such an honor. Loud and proud, or short and soothing, the experience is enjoyed to the fullest. And they are rarely ever late in their arrival, glad to cheer you on. Ibaraki is just happy to be included, fangirling like the energic man he is in the background, and Shuten wants another excuse to drown in alcohol.
Shuten won't bring drinks to your shows if you tell him, he'll respect the rules despite his disappointment.
Mess up? Pluck a string too hard or sing off key? Who cares? You worked hard, that's what really matters. They clap no matter how "terrible" you might be, not even a grimace. Focusing on every note, hearing every tone. Don't get me started on what will happen if anyone dares not at least clap around Ibaraki during your shows.
Ibaraki-let's say-is very passionate. There is no fault in standing up for your friends, for what you believe in and adore. He will rip ears off if beloved's song is so 'beneath you.' Despite how violent he is willing to become; Ibaraki means well enough to not straight up murder in the middle of your song, your grounds won't be stained for such petty reasons, he refuses it. But that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to defend your honor.
Clap insolent fool, lest you lose your head.
Heed the threat. The warning is no bluff. Trust me, he is being "nice" here. You're already dancing on thin ice, don't give him another excuse to throw you out, because it won't be a soft landing.
Shuten will even help gather an audience (Seimei is sure some of his younger and childish Shikigami will adore your entertainment, always longing for something fun and new. Shuten knows Seimei wouldn't mind, he'd never deny his children peaceful air, let alone the beauty of music), allowing you to perform in the Demon Throne if you really wish, which isn't an offer given to just anyone. And you're not just anyone. If your stage shy, easily frightened or prefer more 'private' performances then that's ok too, no complaints from them. Its encouraged and accepted either way you choose. A free show is a free show, can't argue with free. It serves the show in a more personal and special light anyway, not that they don't already cherish them.
Whether singing or playing an instrument (Aren't particularly picky), they give it all ears regardless. Even if listening to music isn't always the picked past time for them, if their beloved likes it then they will respect it. More than happy to support their dreams and give further advice on their musical goals if asked for it, and proper criticism as well.
Music isn't their strongest points, they're fighters not musicians. But they aren't completely ignorant, they know a thing or two about music. Their adventures throughout the centuries have been eventful to put it mildly. Always has wise words and lessons to spare, these 2 have near everything to share.
Shuten actually knows how to play a few wagakki instruments on a pretty decent level, he can fill entire libraries of his adventures and endeavors. Being an ancient god of demons has its benefits and perks, of which Shuten made great use of in his divine centuries. In giving pointers, he has pure apprehension in his examples, desiring to develop your perseverance; kingly confidence trailing the ends of every word, flat in tone but meaningful in definition and purpose, wise as the old ones. Straight-forward and runs never off topic, excellent at ignoring unwanted distractions.
He seems annoyed, but hes just serious. Dead bitch face is Shuten's usual look. Ever patient in his lessons, eager to teach and pass on his valuable knowledge. Willing to expand or break it down simply as needed. Afterwards, he will want to reward all your hard work, applaud the progress so far. Good efforts must be recognized. Shuten is proud of you, and nothing beats a good drink after a long day. You will both get a drink. His treat, he insists!
Ibaraki knows all about the importance of stance and positions, down the pinky and big toe. All details, every inch and centimeter make all the difference. He is like a kitten, purring compliment meows in your ear, happy for contact and quality time. Gentle praise, soothing and relaxing as he guides your arms and legs, happy to lend a helpful hand. Mayhaps more later. Such as where to place your fingers on the bridges so they won't turn too uncomfortable, how far to lean in and lean back, or what way to cross your legs so they won't constantly shift and bump into your instrument. It's alright if it's frustrating, even someone as strong as him is no stranger to failure. The trick is coming back to try again, over and over till victory is in your grasp, more determined than ever before to win. And he'll help you back on your feet, you won't fall alone, not while Ibaraki is around and breathing.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Pairing: Dr. Toshiki Kasumi x OC (Anna)
Fandom: Voltage, RomanceMD
Genre: Fluff and a little angst
Word count: 2,945
Disclaimer: I do not own Voltage or any of its characters, but I own the idea of this fic. Also, CG borrowed from Voltage.
A/N: I wrote this for my good friend @imoonlit-river as a Valentine's Day present. I hope you enjoy this.
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It started one afternoon. One terrible afternoon, just after you'd clocked out of a long and grueling shift at the Seimei University Hospital. You sighed. You were used to long shifts, but covering two shifts on your first week on the job was one for the books. 
You squinted as you stepped out of the main entrance, the afternoon sunlight shone directly at you. As you trudged to your apartment, you mentally deliberated if taking this temporary assignment was a mistake. Lost in thought, you allowed your feet to carry you through the busy crowd. 
'Maybe I should've just stayed home,' you thought silently. It has only been a week since you started, but you have been passed on from one IT department to another, told off twice for misunderstanding instructions,  had no one else on the same shift as you, and no one to talk to. 
You stopped on your tracks and found yourself on a bridge - the same one you pass every single day on your way to work and back. The vivid hues of the sky caught your attention, and you gasped as you admired the pretty pink palette in front of you. Leaning at the railing, you stared at the horizon, drinking in its beauty, and allowing it to refresh your tired soul. 
"Long day?"
A voice beside you made you jump. You hadn't expected anyone to be there - more so, notice you standing there. As you shifted your gaze to the person next to you, you felt your eyes widen in surprise. 
"Did I guess right then?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, as the beautiful man standing beside you continued to speak. You shook your head and blinked your eyes a few times to make sure you weren't dreaming. You haven't slept in twenty-four hours, you reminded yourself. Maybe this was all a dream. 
Yes, it must be a dream. There was no way that the Seimei University Hospital's Chief of Medicine, and top Cardiologist, Toshiki Kasumi, was beside you looking so cool in his grey hoodie under a crisp blue jacket, and jeans. 
"Uh, are you okay?" 
"C-c-chief Kasumi!" You blurted out louder than you had intended when you saw his face coming nearer to check on you. "It's you! You're here!"
"Yes, I have been for several minutes now, but you seem to have noticed just now. Are you feeling okay?." He raised his eyebrows to study you, before leaning back. 
"I'm sorry, Chief Kasumi," you bowed a lot lower than necessary. "I worked two shifts today to cover for Sena-san. I didn't mean to be out-of-sorts today."
He looked at you quietly before turning his attention to the view in front of you. 
"It's fancy seeing you here, Chief Kasumi. Do you cross this bridge, too?" You asked awkwardly. 
The silence between you stretched for a few minutes, and you suddenly wished you hadn't asked him a silly question. You kept your gaze low, looking around for a hole you can crawl into and hide. 
"Bridges aren't for crossing," he finally spoke, as he tucked his hands in his pocket, and you looked up to see the pink hues had turned purple. "They're for stopping."
He simply nodded. "Who knows, maybe we'll stop by the same spot again sometime," he said, and just before he turned to leave, he added, "but only if you stop calling me Chief Kasumi."
"You know, you haven't introduced yourself to me properly."
You glanced sideways to see him looking at the same blessed view you admired with him four weeks back. Today was an uneventful Wednesday and you managed to clock out on time. 
"Oh, I haven't? I'm sorry. My name is Anna," you replied, smiling. 
"And you're here on a temporary assignment?" He asked as he handed you one of the cans of coffee he bought from the vending machine just before. 
"For four more months, yes," you said cheerily.
"I see. What's it been like for you so far?"
"The first week was hell," you recalled, sighing. "But lately, Sena-san has been a lot nicer to me. I now have two other teammates on the same shift, so the workload is more manageable. They're also teaching me the ropes so I don't get in trouble."
He simply nodded, keeping his gaze towards the sky, while you secretly stole glances at his picture-perfect profile. Until now, you still couldn't believe you've managed not only to talk to but also to 'hang out' with Seimei University Hospital's most sought-after doctor.
Him. The guy beside you. Cardio surgery's rockstar, EICU's fearless department head - the guy loved and loathed by many because of his top-notch skills and his dazzlingly good looks. Your teammates told you that the most difficult cases always get sent his way, and big shots always requested for him to attend to them. You've seen him in action a few times in the hospital, too, and his intense energy was nothing like the soothing aura he exuded now 
"If you have something to say, speak up," he said, snapping you out of your reverie, and you blushed. Just how long has he noticed you staring at him, you wondered, slightly mortified. As the sky turned a darker shade of purple, he cleared his throat and looked your way. "Anyway, I have to go back to the hospital. Are you on your way home?"
"Yes," you managed to reply as he turned to leave. "I hope to cross this bridge and see you here again sometime."
He paused for a moment and turned around. "Bridges aren't for crossing, you know. Did I ever tell you that?"
"Oh. Yes, you did," you suddenly remembered, as your face turned redder. "Well, maybe we can stop by again another time."
"Maybe we will, Anna."
Maybe it was the way he stopped on his tracks to remind you about what he said about bridges or the casual way he called your name that kept rooted on the spot to watch his figure disappear into the crowd, with an unopened can of coffee in hand, and a goofy smile on your face. 
"I'm glad you were able to restore the files in Kyogoku's computer the other day."
The two of you stood side-by-side at the bridge once again, looking at the pink sky. You had met quite a few times in between, but today, you decided to linger a while longer so you could talk a little bit more. 
"It wasn't that hard. All I did was search the servers for the backup of his data. No biggie," you shrugged, as you handed him the sandwich you bought at the convenience store for him while he opened your can of warm coffee for you. 
You don't know when this whole thing started, and neither of you seemed to have taken notice, but somewhere between the first time you've met and today, you've made up so many unspoken rules with each other. Rules such as who's turn it is to buy snacks, or which topics are safe to discuss with each other. 
But today, you were feeling more daring than usual, so you stared at him again as he was appreciating the beauty of the sky before him. 
"You've got something to say?" He finally asked. 
"You must love the sky so much, no?" 
"I like this one in particular," he said coolly. "This particular view is called the Belt of Venus."
"Belt of Venus…," you mouthed. 
"It only lasts for about 15 minutes before the sky turns dark. It's associated with the Greek goddess, of course, and it signifies…" he said before catching himself. 
"It signifies what, Dr. Kasumi?" You asked curiously. 
He took a deep breath and shook his head. "It signifies a lot of different things to different people."
"What does that signify to you though?" You press earnestly. 
"A passing," he said quietly. 
Something in his voice pulled at your heartstrings and as you gazed into his grey eyes, you knew there was more to the man beside you than he let on. 
Before you could press any further, he moved his hand to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear and you froze on the spot. He felt you tense up and smiled. 
"I have to go back to the hospital, Anna. Take care on your way home, alright?" 
All you could do was nod at him as he smiled tenderly and went on his way, leaving behind his uneaten sandwich and your half-finished can of coffee. 
He didn't promise you'd stop by together again soon, but something in you knew you would. Soon. 
"I can't believe the time's flown by so fast!"
You threw your hands in the air excitedly and looked to the sky with a big smile on your face. You're only a month away from ending your assignment in Tokyo, and you couldn't be happier. 
He stood beside you, armed with a paper bag filled with sandwiches and chips, and your favorite can of coffee. He smiled silently as you beamed like a child who has just been allowed to go outside and play. It was sunset again, and his calendar was surprisingly clear, so he texted you to ask if you wanted to meet. It was, of course, an offer you'd never say no to. 
"Someone's happy," he said as he leaned by the railing, once again staring at the sky. 
"Well, duh. Of course, I'm happy. I miss home," you replied, finally settling in beside him. "I can't wait to eat home-cooked meals once again, and talking to people who speak the same Language - no offense meant!"
He snickered softly as you leaned on him, your arm against his while admiring the view in front of you. With you, he seemed less like the dark emperor of the lord of death his colleagues made him out to be - he was simply Dr. Kasumi, a guy who loved the sunset and who loved to listen to your endless - often nonsensical - stories, and humor you with his own. 
As you fell into silence, you began to wonder what your days would be like when you went back home. Days without Dr. Kasumi. 
Your heart began to hurt at the thought that in a few more weeks, you would have to say goodbye - to put an end to the sunset stops along the bridge to watch this beautiful view, bid farewell to the conversations you've exchanged over convenience store snacks sometimes until late into the night, and say goodbye to the kindest soul you've never even had the chance to know deeper. The thought made you freeze. What's wrong with me?
"Are you okay?" He asked, peering into your face, as you stared listlessly into space. 
"That was what you first asked me," you replied, recovering quickly. He smiled. 
"Yes, it was," he chuckled, facing you. "Back then, I knew exactly what was going on in your little head after Sena asked you to work overnight."
"And now?"
He sighed. "And now, I'm not sure if your reason is the same as mine," he said, as he backed you up against the railing and trapped you in his arms. "You wanted to know what the Belt of Venus meant to me, right?"
You nodded nervously. 
"My dad died when I was little, and my mom always said you could send off your departed loved ones when the goddess appeared. I watched it every day since," he said quietly, his eyes never leaving yours. "And when my mom and my best friend died, I watched the sunset even more. The Belt of Venus means to send someone off - at least that's what it means to me. And I always felt sad when it's over. At least I did until lately…"
"What changed?" You asked, waiting on his answer with bated breath. 
"You. You happened," he replied, leaning closer to you until your lips touched his. "You came and saw the sunset with me. And for a time, I forgot to be scared. But now, I need to send you off."
"Dr. Kasumi -," you gasped, as he pulled away from you and straightened up. 
"I'm sorry to burden you, confessing as I did," he said, as he reached out to wipe the tears you hadn't realized had stained your face. "Please think nothing of it. I want you to go home and be happy - as happy as you made me in these four months we've watched the sunset together."
He sighed, releasing you from his grip. "And for your sake, I won't stop by anymore. But don't be a stranger when you see me at work."
His image was a blur behind your tears, as he walked away from you, just as he's always done whenever you watched the sunset. Only this time, you had a feeling he was never coming back. 
You scolded yourself right there and then. He was just a friendly face, someone who wanted you to feel you weren't alone in this strange place, you reasoned out. You aren't even supposed to cry over him. 
But as the night grew darker, the realization of your feelings for him came into light. 
You loved him. You were in love with Dr. Kasumi. And you needed to see him one more time. 
The days leading to your departure went by like a blur, and in the flurry of it all, you had not caught sight of the dark-haired doctor that stole your heart. You passed by his office but were often told he was in surgery or teaching at a conference somewhere. He never stopped by your usual bridge, too. 
This isn't fair at all, you thought angrily. How come he gets to confess his feelings and you don't? 
Today was your last day at the Seimei University Hospital, and you've made arrangements to stay two more days in Tokyo before flying back home. 
This was it, you thought. Your last chance to confront the elusive heart thief they call Chief of Medicine at the EICU. As you peered into the exclusive department, a grumpy looking Orthopedic surgeon looked your way and sighed. 
"He ain't here," Dr. Takado said, exasperated. Not that you blame him - he's been in the receiving end of all your inquiries after all. 
"I see. Well, thank you, Dr. Takado," you said, bowing politely, much to his surprise.
"Why do you want to see him so badly anyway?" 
"It's my last day at work today," you explained, trying your best not to melt under his icy glare. "I- I only wanted to thank him for making me feel like I wasn't a stranger around here."
Something in Dr. Takado's eyes flickered, and his lips stretched into a lazy smile. "Is that so?" He said. "I may be able to help you then, but you gotta tell me something first, got it?"
Relief washed over you as you realized you may have gained an ally in his squad. Smiling, you looked at the kind-hearted doctor in front of you and said, "I'm at your mercy, Dr. Takado."
The lovely pink hue tinged the afternoon sky once again, signaling that the day was about to come to a close. Filled with determination, you sprinted towards the bridge at the far end of the river bank. Standing there, just as Dr. Takado promised, was Dr. Kasumi, in casual clothes - the same one he wore when you first met. He stared quietly at the Belt of Venus, his expression solemn, as though he were sending someone off in prayer. 
You paused to catch your breath and to calm your beating heart. You wanted nothing more but to run over to him and tell him off, but that wouldn't do you any good, and you knew it. 
"Fancy seeing you here," you said, feigning nonchalance. 
"You look like you've just seen a ghost." You walked closer until you stood right in front of him. "What's wrong with our old bridge?"
He looked at you with a scowl on his face. "I said I wasn't stopping by there anymore, didn't I?" 
"You also said I shouldn't be a stranger if I saw you at work, but you never showed yourself to me," you retorted. "Don't you think it's cruel to confess your feelings to me and not hear me confess back?"
"What's the point if you're just crossing  -," he asked, turning his gaze back to the Belt of Venus as it was starting to disappear. 
"Well, what if I said I wasn't crossing anymore?"
He paused and held his breath. And you took it as an opportunity to approach him. Cradling his face in your hands, you forced him to look at you. 
"I don't want to just cross the bridge anymore, Dr. Kasumi," you said earnestly, as you gazed into his eyes. "I want to stop. With you."
His breath hitched, but at the same time, you felt his arms around you holding you close. "Are you sure?"
"I thought it was your last day…"
"Someone may have worked some magic to make me miraculously extend my stay," you respond cryptically, as you returned his hug. 
"So, you mean it - you're not going away."
"I said it before and I'll say it again - I won't. I'm staying," you said, pulling away from his hug so you can look at him. "And depending on how this works out, maybe I'll be staying for the long run."
He smiled and touched your cheeks. "Oh, you'll be happy here alright. I'll make sure of it. This is the only place you're stopping - right by my side."
The end. 
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