serpentinespider · 6 months
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Earth-6198 Flash ref!! Yippee!!
His appearance and personality are based almost entirely off of MCU Flash (with some of my own personal touches obviously), though the reasons he acts the way he acts are different. I also took several aspects from the comics, story-wise. He’s probably the character I’ve put the most thought into for this AU. I love him dearly :]
Abbreviated info under the cut! (It’s still pretty long, though.) Content warning for ableism.
I wouldn’t call Flash a bully exactly, because that would imply aggression; he’s just, well, a teenage boy. He also comes from a pretty wealthy family, which makes him entitled, plus his parents don’t really give him any positive attention. He makes insensitive jokes and generally tries to keep himself as the center of attention because he’s insecure and seeks approval from his peers. Will do pretty much anything to be liked, and if that fails he’ll act out for attention. He’s very resentful of anyone he considers to be smarter or “better” than him. Flash has a running rivalry with Harry Osborn. Harry is somewhat GNC, has stereotypically “cringe” interests, and is disabled (t1d) so he’s an easy target for Flash’s mean jokes. (Flash thinks that he’s “allowed” to make ableist jokes at others’ expense because he himself is disabled.) 
Flash has cerebral palsy which affects his fine motor skills and ability to walk. His parents got him into physical therapy as early as possible, and he responded well to it— but not well enough for their liking. In Harrison Thompson’s mind, the goal wasn’t to improve Flash’s quality of life, but to “fix” him. Flash grew up with his parents constantly looking down on him, insinuating that his disabilities were his own fault. Sentiments like “you just have to work harder to compensate; if you fall behind, it’s because you’re not trying hard enough” were common. He’s taken that mentality to heart, and has very little self-worth + large amounts of pent-up stress and anger that he takes out at anyone else who is also “abnormal” (hence his meanness towards Harry). 
He has also latched onto Spider-Man as a more… positive(?) reflection of these feelings— his father, who’s a police chief, hates Spidey, so liking him is like Flash’s small way of going against the stuff his parents say (even if it’s subconscious/he doesn’t fully know that’s why). 
In sophomore year, Flash dated Felecia Hardy. They were the world’s most obnoxious couple, always getting in very public fights, breaking up but then getting back together dramatically a week later, etc. Felecia and Flash both have huge crushes on Spider-man, leading Flash to have a sexuality crisis and Felecia to break up with him for good after a few months of dating.
Black Cat was commissioned by an anonymous benefactor to steal an “alien clone” from Alchemax… she’d never done anything NEARLY on that level, but she was being offered a lot of money so she agreed. She did manage to steal the thing, but the deal fell through, and suddenly she had one lab-grown alien and no money to show for it.  At a loss for anything else to do, panicking a little, Felicia dumped the alien onto the only person she could think of: her ex-boyfriend Flash. 
Now, despite what his parents might tell him, Flash is very smart, and figured out what the thing was. Flash is, at first, very hyped about this. His first thought is, of course, to become a vigilante like his idol Spider-Man. Flash has a strong desire to be useful— not in the “I want to help other people” sense but in the “I need to prove to others that I have worth” sense. So, he crafted the Anti-Venom identity for himself!
Around this time, Spider-Man was in the process of fighting his first big villain, Hobgoblin, so the two ended up teaming up to try and take her down (in the least violent way possible). This caused some internal conflict for both Flash and Spidey… 
Flash centered his whole identity around "fitting in" to the point that he actually has no identity of his own. He doesn’t know what he likes, he has no concept af his own style outside of mimicking others that he sees as influential, obviously the most prominent of these being Spider-Man. Which obviously comes with its own twisted irony since Spidey himself is so insecure in his own masculinity (mainly because he’s trans). The two of them were sort of trapped in this feedback loop of insecurity and validation when they first teamed up... Spidey longs for connection, but was unable feel comfortable around Flash as he felt like he has to perform to live up to Flash’s expectations. Meanwhile Flash had based his whole personality off of liking Spider-Man and put on this macho facade to try and impress him. But that just made Spidey feel more inferior, afraid he isn’t passing well enough, etcetera… their dynamic made even more complex by Flash’s very obvious (and unrequited) crush on Spidey.  They’re awful, I love them :3
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moonmoonthecrabking · 3 months
🌈 ☔ with any wips of your choosing + 18 19 25 for those ask games ?
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
girl jeri (especially until recently) and jeptitty. FASCINATING
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
there is one michie fic that i actually really enjoy. it's explicit, so i scroll past the smut (that's nothing to do with shame i just don't like smut), but yeah. because i like how the author characterises both of them and their relationship and doesn't ignore the women or like weirdly attack them. also werewolves.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
as you know, i really fucking hated the "angel gets its wings ripped off". i feel like i complain a lot on here and people are probably sick of me instead lol
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
i don't know to what extent it's soft and to what extent it's angsty but i'm working on a jeptitty fic that takes place after max dies and (as we know i like to write) grace has spiraled into a sexuality crisis, while jason is sort of thinking about the kind of man he wants to be now he has that freedom and both of them thinking about the messaging they've been brought up with and how they feel broken in different ways but they listen to each other and help each other. hopefully canon divergent but can be read as canon compliant if you'd like to make jason's ending even sadder. (don't. don't massacre my boy like that)
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
there's a maybe 5+1 i don't know exactly how it would've worked. but grace going through the apocalypses of each lib. the idea that started it is the main one i care about, so idk if it would've been 5+1. essentially, on the day of her graduation, grace gets stuck in a timeloop (tinky). as she starts to waver in her hope that she can get out of there, as she starts to break, she starts to Change. her hair has been growing the whole time, but now the roots are coming in yellow. two little bumps appear on her head and start growing. she starts to wear her hair in pigtails and only choose yellow clothing. how much of it is conscious? who knows. not me. basically grace is snigglette bc the lib see how faithful she can be in npmd and decide they want a grace for themselves. if it's a 5+1, the 1 is probably npmd timeline in some way. this means that blinky's snigglette as grace still has the yearning for who she once was and the dreams she once had, even though she can't remember or understand all of them anymore. which is fun. yippee!!
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so. how does one tell if they are actually asexual or just. really repressed
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quillsink · 3 years
hey,,, 12, 14, 45 for the ask thing?
Heya Vanilla! Thanks for the ask!!!
TW - Death mention, cannon mention, homophobia
12. Do you have the feeling you’ve lost something you might have had in another life - whether it be a person, a place, a world, a language, etc.?
Okay so, this is probably nerdy af and weird but anYWAYS-
As a kid, I lived in India, and when we moved to different places, I always lived in Indian communities. I dislike the mythology, the clothes, the culture, the language, literally everything about my culture (pls don’t take this an insult Indians I just personally dislike it, wear/do/believe/read whatever you want as long as you’re not hurting people) and weirdly, I was always drawn to old-fashioned English books, set in US, UK or Canada. I was the kid who would binge read Anne of Green Gables, quote Little Women randomly, buried inside What Katy Did or The Secret Garden.
Then, I got into amrev, and I feel more at home there than here, in India, and now, in the present time. I understand the dialogue, the manners, the culture, the clothes, everything, so much more, and like it so much more (although the rampant discrimination fucking sucked). When I read Laurens’s feeling of thrill at hearing cannons in the distance, it sparks something inside of me. Watching or reading battle scenes have me on the edge of my seat, ready to die for freedom.
So yeah, kinda. I do feel like I was there before, I feel like these stories, this history, is almost like a memory to me.
14. Would you want to be reincarnated?
y e s. I would love a chance for a re-do, or if not, to be a spirit lurking at the back of someone else’s mind, influencing them, feeling like a half forgotten memory, an emotion never felt.
45. Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for?
Already answered this! I’ll copy paste it here :)
*slides smoothly onto stage* *takes mike and flashes handsome grin at the audience*
‘Now, ladies, gentlemen and interesting miscellanea, welcome to “Why All Ink’s Friends Call Her The Reincarnation Of Alexander Motherfucking Hamilton”’
Now see, I want a legacy. I h a v e to be remembered and I have a borderline weird obsession with it. That’s one of the reasons I work so hard for equal rights (though it’s mostly because I wanna help people) because I have a weird need to be remembered. It’s also because, I think, Hamilton and Laurens and studying about them, knowing they were remembered, helped me through sexuality struggles/depression/parents being shit/school being shit.
I want to be remembered for fighting for equality for the LGBTQ+ community, I want to be remembered by people in the future, who will know that yes, queer people have existed for centuries. People have fought for our rights through history. We have always been here.
I want in the future to look at me the way we look at the people at the head of the Stonewall movement, to the people who fought to legalise gay marriage. Someone who fought so we could live.
Ok I got all sappy aNYWAYS
Yes I need a legacy it is the meaning of my existence
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