scoliwings · 4 months
finished SASASAP and i'm writhing
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vulpixisananimal · 4 months
(Warning for death and dagger usage under the cut.)
"Look out, everyone!"
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"W-what do we do?!?" (Mirabelle looks panicked.)
"Just stay calm, we've beaten a lot of sadness' before, haven't we?" (You draw your dagger and take an offensive stance, falling back into habit.)
"Hey hold on Loop! We don't know if, if hurting it will hurt Ramos or. . ." (Glancing over, Isabeau looks hesitant.)
"We can't worry about that right now, it's about to attack." (Odile was ready, slow, but ready.)
"I-I've not practiced! Or, or fought anything for a while!" (Mirabelle was struggling struggling to stay composed.)
(You glance over with a smile.) "The house was only a month ago, we fought a lot. . . of. . ."
(Your companions, they weren't ready at all. You never did fight that first house sadness with Mirabelle; Isabeau is still shaken up by Ramos' betrayal. Odile seemed at least somewhat ready, but how much had all of you kept up with training and fighting? You were out of pracice.)
"Hey!!!! Don't just stand there crabface!!!" (Bonnie yelled from the side, glancing over, Nille was struggling to keep them away from the fight. It looks like she'd grabbed her hamer too.) "Fight!!!"
(Loop time. You snap your fingers.) "Alright everyone, let's be fast about it, just follow my lead~"
"W-we're really doing this???" (Mirabelle looked worried, but nodded.) "Alright! Alright let's, then let's do this!!!" (She gripped her rapier and dashed forward, slashing at the sadness. It glanced off like it was nothing.)
"S- Loop, I-" (You glance over at Isa, he looks shaken up.) "Are, are you sure they'll be alright??"
(. . .)
"They'll be alright."
(Isabeau time. He nods back to you and takes a strong, defencieve pose. You already feel hardier.)
"Loop, you do know about craft type advantages, correct?" (Odile glances your way.)
"Of course! What kind of star would I if I didn't~"
"How does that- nevermind." (Odile shook her head, and held out an open palm with a powerful paper craft. The sadness recoiled back, and then screamed.)
"Look out!!" (Nille yelled, the sadness came charging at Odile and struck out.)
"I-I'm alright."
(This isn't working.)
(Hush you! You're not helping! You shake your head and focus, come on Loop, you're rusty too, aren't you. Stars, when WAS the last time you were able to attack something.)
(. . . Tee Hee, it was, wasn't it~ You rush in with your dagger and strike at the sadness. It felt like grinding against stone, but still, the sadness recoiled; a powerful strike.)
"Woah..." (Isa was staring at you, oh were you impressed~?)
". . Tee hee~" (You wink in reply.)
"This sadness is really strong, just, just be careful!" (Mirabelle clapped her hands, you feel a warm strength flow through you.)
"Hey!! Catch!!" (You turn, Bonnie came running out of the house with a few tonics in hand and tossed it at you and the party. Your crit chance increased!) "I found a few extras!"
"Nice work Boniface!" (Nille gripped her hammer anxiously.) "Crab you guys are strong."
"Saving the world does that! Hey! Ramos!" (Isabeau jumped from side to side, taking the sadness' attention. He looked your way.) "Got them distracted for ya Loop!"
"Perfect." (You hold out a scissors sign and slash with your dagger. Once, twice, three times and a crit! Oh how you MISSED this. Even if you were rusty and you were hitting rock with scissors, you still felt strong, so strong.)
(Odile time. She was holding her head in a hand before snapping to attention. She put out an open palm and. . .)
". . . Hrrnghh--"
(She stumbled back and held her head. Turn over.)
"Odile?!? Are you alright???"
"F-fine, I just. . ."
(The sadness roared and rushed at her again.)
"Crab!!!" (Nille rushed forward, she shoved Odile out of the way and blocked the attack with her hammer.)
"SIS!!!" (Bonnie started running forward, pan in hand.)
(Bonnie ignored their sister and ran to the Sadness while it was distracted, and BAM! A big blow from Bonnies pan that made it double over and back off of Nille, Bonnie quickly retreated to the back.)
(Nille looked surprised, you could only imagine what was going through her head, but you had to focus.) "Keep it up!"
(Mirabelle time, she held out a scissors sign and thrust with her rapier, another crit! You were really getting progress.)
(You might get this first try.)
(The was dripping with tears, and struggled getting upright. Untill it snapped its head back and shrieked, this time loud enough to hurt.)
"W-what in Change--"
(Stars it hurt, it was rattling around your head. Was it still screaming? No, no it stopped, but, dammit you could still hear it!! You couldn't focus!! You couldn't think, you couldn't--)
(. . .)
(You breathe in and out. You grip your dagger and your teeth, and throw out a palm. [Paper].)
(The blast interupts the sadness. Making it sputter and cough. Stars. Finally. So annoying.)
"N-nice work Loop." (You look over, Isabeau is giving you a big thumbs up. Not Loop, but that didn't matter right now.)
"I-it's, it looks weak! We can beat it!!" (Mirabelle held out a hand and cast a quick healing spell on Odile, who was getting up and back into battle.)
"B-but, but Ramos will be fine, right? You're absolutly sure???"
(You nod. You didn't know, but you had to win.)
(Give me back the front!! Do you even ASK?!?)
(Battle first.)
"A-alright, alright!! S-sorry if this hurts!" (Isabeau rushes in and strikes out against the sadness, a strong punch that the sadness takes with ease.)
(Odile time.)
". . . . Cant. . . . Focus. . . ." (She's shaking her head.)
"M'dame. . ."
(The sadness looked between you and the others, it charged forward at you, looking to take your head off.)
"Move it!" (Nille again, she shoved you out of the way and tried blocking the strike. This time, however, the sadness slipped past her hammer and flung her halfway accross the yard. K.O)
"No!!! Is she ok?!?!"
(You grit your teeth. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid. Why did she touch you, idiot. She just got herself hurt. Fine. That was fine. You didn't need them, any of them. Stupid. Stupid Ramos. Stupid sadness. Just go away!!)
([Just attack])
(You strike out increddibly fast, fast enough that your body is aching at the strain, striking the sadness multiple times with your undevided attention before jumping back.)
(The sadness stumbled for a second, then roared, then screamed, then whimpered. It collapsed to one knee, then crumpled to the ground.)
(You breathe in, and out.)
(Mirabelle is now level 46.)
(Isabeau is now level 46.)
(Odile is now level 46.)
(Nille is now level 14.)
(. . .)
(Ugh, your head, that stupid, stupid thing, you were holding back, sure, but that's because you were already strained! You had been using time craft too much as is and didn't want to drain yourself! Didn't want to PROTECT Siffrin?!?)
(Looping again due to dying is worse.)
(You had it handled, it was fine. You shook your head and stumbled back. That scream was still rattling your head a little. Looking up, Mirabelle was running to Nille, and Isabeau to the Sadness, or what was the sadness? It looked like it was disolving.)
(So you went over to Odile. She'd sat down and was rubbing her head still.) "M'dame? Are you alright?"
(She shook her head.) "Hard, to focus."
(You hold out a hand.) "Let me help, I know a bit of healing."
"F-fine. . ." (With a bit of hesitation, you place your hand where you thought the wound was. Healing wasn't your specialty, but it was one of those skills you just learned after seeing Mirabelle do it hundreds of times.) "Did we beat it?"
(You tilted your head.) "Yes? We beat it, did you miss it?"
"I, can't think properly-"
"Sif!! Mira!!"
(You turn around, it's Isas voice, and he sounded terrified.)
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(He was holding Ramos in his arms.)
(Ramos, Ramos wasn't moving.)
(You ran over, Mirabelle right behind you.) "Are, are they alright?!?"
"I-I don't know! I tried waking them up, a-and I checked their pulse, and, and--"
"L-let me see." (Mirabelle, put a hand to Ramos' head, then their heart. Her face was, well, it was hard to tell. She was focused.) ". . ."
". . ."
". . ."
"I-I. . . I don't. . ." (She took her hand back, she was shaking.)
(Your heart dropped. They, where they, where they dead?)
(. . . Stupid.)
"How. . . "(You ignored your headmate.) "We've fought dozens of sadness and, but, how did. . ."
"I-I don't know! I-I-" (Mirabelle was hyperventilating.)
"Ramos. . ." (Isa was holding their body. He looked, he looked truly devistated.)
(. . . They were friends. That wasn't a lie, at least.)
(No, it wasn't. You don't know if that makes this more or less tragic. Stars. . .)
(Isabeau glances up at you, he was about to say something, then looked away.)
(. . . Do it.)
(For once, we agree~)
"I'm going back." (You say.)
"I'm going back. Going to try again." (You sigh. Stupid. You probably could just go with this. But. . .)
"Loop I," (Isabeau looked at you, his eyes. . .) "I'm. . . W-well-
"I understand."
(We did kill Ramos, after all.)
(You ignore it.)
". . ." (Mirabelle looked your way, she was biting her nails. A person was dead. She probably couldn't talk.)
(Just go back. We've done enough here.)
(You sigh. You still haven't told me how you looped back before.)
(You know how.)
(. . . . You hypocrite. I'm not doing that.)
(. . .)
(You shake your head. What a pain. Loop was probably going to yell at you about using the dagger later. Stupid. You need an easy way to loop back, and that was the only way. Fine. They were gone for now.)
(You look at your companions. At Isabeau. He is sad. He wont remember. You turn to the side and take out your dagger. He wont remember.)
(You twist the dagger, and stab yourself. You feel a tug-)
(Bonnie is looking at you.)
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