alexa-fika · 6 months
Hi schools getting better btw kids are annoying but sometimes they say something that changes your life 🥺
Okay, so you did child!Dracula!Reader with the whitebeard pirates and the red-haired pirates how about the Hart pirates
I kinda want to see law interaction with child!Dracula!Reader
And I think child!Dracula!reader loves animals so his and Bepo's interaction will be adorable
Lost Again? ( Heart Pirates x gn!child!Dracule!Reader)
A/N Y’ll I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I have this done for two days but I kept staring at the screen thinking on how to continue and I was to hell with this 😂, it’s good the way it is. Hopefully you guys agree and you like it this way! IM SORRY SPIDER
Here Reader is replaced by Dokusha which means reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Law stared at the sight in front of him, glancing between his navigator and the small child in his hands
“Bepo, what did you do?” he grits out
The mink fidgeted around, repositioning the winged child to give his captain a better view of them
“I found them…”
“Why the hell did you bring them here?!”
“Don’t be mean to Mister Bear!” The child huffs, glaring at the Doctor
“Aw, C’mon, Captain!” Shachi exclaimed, walking closer to the Bear Mink and grabbing the child
“They’re cute!“ Penguin grins
They grin at Shachi, clapping their hands joyously
Shachi immediately holds them close to his chest hugging them.
“Captain! Can we keep them?” Shachi’s eyes sparkle.
“Misters can’t keep me im Papa’s!”
“Whose your father?” the Captain asked, walking a bit closer to them.
The captain sighed at the child's response.
"Fine. We'll take care of you until we can find your father. Bepo, where did you find this child?"
"I was collecting herbs when I saw them behind a bush."
"Bring them inside,” he huffs, turning and entering the submarine, the others following after him
Dokucha suddenly wiggles out Shachi’s grasp, flying toward one of the bulletin boards that stood in the lounging area
“That’s Papa!” They proclaim, happily pointing toward the picture of a wanted poster
Shachi and Penguin both rush over to the wanted sign, the latter immediately recognizing whose wanted photo the child had.
“This… Is your father?….” Penguin mutters, sweat beginning to form on his head as he stares at the picture, turning around to address Bepo
“Bepo, you just found the child of Hawkeye!” he hisses out
Law had been watching the scene play out beside them. Realizing Bepo had found the child of one of the most dangerous men, he hurried over to the bulletin board.
“That's your Father?” he inquired, glancing between the child and the Wanted photo.
Law was silent, his eyes narrow as he looked back at the Wanted Poster that was filled with a picture of his fellow Warlord. An overwhelming sense of frustration washed over him, making the man’s brows furrow.
He groans, pressing the bridge of his nose at the situation they had found themselves at
"Your father... Is him? Of all people?." He glared at the wanted flyer before turning to the child, who seemed unaware of how serious the situation was.
“W-What are we going to do, Cap?” Bepo inquires nervously
“I'm thinking,” he growls, closing his eyes
“Hey, what’s your name?” asks Penguin, looking at the child
“I ‘m Dokucha!”
Law opens his eyes and looks at his crewmates
“This might work in our favor.”
“How so?” Shachi questions
“We might be able to negotiate; reports say that Mihawk was spotted in our next destination; we can exchange The kid for safe passage.”
All four of them were silent for a while, contemplating the situation. The idea may have been risky; there was no telling how Mihawk would react. And what would happen if something went wrong? But on the other hand, what could be gained if they were successful? A chance to evade the Marines and get to the next island.
“That’s a risky option…” Bepo hesitantly states, “It’s Mihawk after all…”
Dokucha looks up, amazed at the roof of the polar tang, flying their way up and watching the numerous tubes and mechanisms that littered it
Law glances at the child, who begins drifting away while looking, and he sighs, taking a small rock from his pocket
“Room,” he mutters as a blue began enveloping the lounge.
“Shambles,” he said, grabbing at the child once it had changed places with the rock
“Don’t drift off,” he grumbles
They look around, confused from the sudden change in position, looking up at his words and giggling
The captain was silent for a moment, looking at the child. He couldn't help it; he smirked.
“It’s fine. Just try not to drift off,” he says before returning his focus back to his crewmates
“Shachi, you and Penguin begin prep work for our voyage. Bepo, watch the child while I get into contact with Hawkeye,” he said, handing the child to the mink
“Papa?” The child questions
“I want to talk to Papa, too!”
“Not yet; I have to discuss something important with him; you will see him soon.”
“Awe,” they whine, cuddling closer to the bear and watching the captain walk away
“What’s Mister Bear’s name?” they ask, looking up at the polar bear
“I ‘m Bepo”
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Okay now that I look at it it’s not really a bad point to stop the story right? 😭
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perfusio · 7 months
For the ship ask, could I perhaps request Shachi and Penguin? Thank you very much for your consideration
I love your work tremendously, I hope you continue to share your amazing art, your color work is phenomenal truly 💕
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here !! the duo of the Heart ^^
Your compliments warmed my heart ^^ !!
I'LL TRY !! ^^
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clockworkbanana · 6 months
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May you always be a good bug.
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takenbytaj · 4 months
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Shashi Haynes
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hoppingheart · 8 months
Bepo? 🥹 you good?
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nuthingness · 9 months
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मेरे गुनाहों की सज़ा मेरी माँ को मत दो
🇩 🇪 🇪 🇼 🇦 🇷 
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bluegalaxygirl · 1 year
A sight you shouldn't see (Law X reader) P2
Plot: You have to head back to your old school run by your aunt to help out with money issues. The heart pirates want to see your old school but you refuse. after being away for too long Law goes looking for you the crew demanding they come along. What they find is another side of you they have never seen before
Law X reader, reader is female (Sorry), established relationship. Got reminded of an old movie i used to watch over and over again, i love it so much, St. Trinian's. Listen to the playlist on youtube its awesome and i wrote this while listening to it.
Warning: Bad language, Crime, Blood, violence, seduction, Alcohol, Drugs
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
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"Well lunch should be soon, how about you join them, Y/N please be a dear and lay down the rules to the lady's" Your aunt speaks after hours of talking with you and Law. An hour ago Law told the rest of his crew to head back to the sub and bring it round to the beach near the school with permission form miss Fritton planning to stay until this situation has been sorted out. "Yes auntie" You smile standing up Law joining you giving your aunt a nod before leaving the office. You stayed quiet still not sure how to deal with Law and the crew knowing about your old life but you were snapped out of your thoughts by Law grabbing your waist and dragging you into a storage room. Closing the door quietly Law turned to you and pushed you against the wall slamming his lips onto yours and forcing his tongue into your mouth. Socked you didn't respond for a moment but leaned in and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in closer. His hands ran over your hips and waist taking short brakes to breath before going back in for another kiss. After a few minutes he stopped and places his forehead against yours "You look so hot in this" he asks looking you up and down before making eye contact with you "You still love me?" you ask a small smile appearing in your face "Of course. Why wouldn't i?" he asks confused as to why you would think otherwise "Its just... i-i'm" he doesn't let you finish pressing his lips onto yours and wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you closer. "Your my Y/N." his simple words are enough to know that he doesn't care about your past and who you are. "i love you" you whisper pulling him in for a hug placing your face in his neck. "I love you too" Your captain hugs back kissing your shoulder.
With the sub docked and all the school girls in the cafeteria it was a perfect time to introduce everyone and lay down some rules for the girls and your crew with Law's permission of course. Entering the large cafeteria the heart crew behind you and Law at your side the first person to greet you was the head girl, Kelly getting up from her seat to look your crew over "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said there's a lot of them" she giggled Penguin and Shachi blushing at the sight of her, she is beautiful, short black hair and an outfit similar to yours just with a loose blue and white striped tie, a tighter skirt and a black strap around her neck. "I'm Kelly head girl, nice to meet you all" Her eyes look them all over landing on one and giving Ikkaku a smile "You must be Ikkaku right?" she asks gaining the female crew members attention "Ur. Yes" Ikkaku gulps as Kelly holds out her hand for the woman to shake "Its a pleasure to meet you" Their eyes lock before Kelly pulls away and turns to the loud crowd. Each area had different groups of girls chatting away and some groups yelling at each other. Echo's and Emo's were the quietest groups trying ignore the kayos going on around them. The chavs or Mean girls where yelling and throwing pieces of paper at the pretty girls who yelled insults back. The geeks were writing on large chalk board in the room and building things on the tables. The first years ran around like the kids they are almost starting a food fight a few times with party animals who where drinking and dancing on the tables to some music.
Kelly took in a deep breath and used her pinkie fingers to whistle out, the room going form concert level loud to silent in a second every girl in the room stopping what their doing to look in the direction of the noise. You could hear some of the crew behind you gulp at the sight. "There you go" Kelly smiles at you walking back to her seat letting you do the talking. "Ok Lady's these are the heart pirates, their here to help so no stealing, fighting, pranking" as you speak the girls around you groan out annoyed that they won't get to mess with the crew as you go through the list in the corner of your eye you see one of the pretty girls twirling her hair her eyes locked on Shachi "And lastly no flirting... i'm look at you Tottie" you say turning your head to the girl who pouts and crosses her arms over her chest "Your no fun" she yells out causing the other girls to laugh "all that goes for the crew too" you turn to face the crew who nod in agreement "The Sub outside is off limits" at those words yelling echos threw the room as the girls get angrier "Come on" and "Just a look" most of the girls have never seen a sub before and since it's a Doctors ship that makes it more interesting. Rolling your eyes at the lady's Kelly stands up and walks over to you "Good luck with that rule" she says watching some of the girls get into a fight just letting it happen "Why are they so interested in our sub?" Bepo asks only for you and Kelly to say in perfect unison "Drugs" Law lets out a sigh pinching the bridge of his nose regretting bringing his sub around. "Great" he mutters you turning to give him a sorry look "I'll make sure no one does anything" your voice catches his attention giving you a nod knowing you'll do your best.
As the day passed you, Law and some of the crew got together to discuss options and a plan but nothing seemed to stick. The bank took the money and are still going to close the school down, there are too many people to black blackmail and even Law's war lord statues wont have any effect the bank. None of you can come up with anything and its starting to make you worry that there is no answer. "Well i guess were screwed" Penguin sighs leaning back looking out the windows to see the night sky only to get hit in the head by Ikkaku "Don't say things like that, idiot" she yells crossing her arms over her chest. You rub your temples with your fingers anxiety building up only for a hand to rub your thigh, Law's tattooed hand rubs up and down your leg trying to sooth you, it somewhat works only for a loud voice to yell out through the halls "He's here" One of the first years yells running down the hall. "I thought men weren't aloud on the property" Law stands gripping his sword ready to fight if need be only for your hand to meet his "Yea but unfortunately he is. He's my cousin helps sell the booze in the basement" you say heading out the door "I'll be back, gonna kick his ass out" You expected them to stay but Law, Ikkaku, Bepo, Penguin and Shachi pick up their weapons and follow you "You don't have to come you know" you giggle but not stopping them form following you down the stairs and into the basement "Well i'm mainly coming because of the booze" Shachi laughs along with Penguin both earning a glare form Ikkaku.
Walking thru the basement the smell of alcohol hits you but by now your used to it, seeing the girls around putting liquid in bottles and other making whiskey and vodka. Geeks printing out labels and sticking them on the glass bottles. Soon making it to the end of the long basement is a desk with a man sitting on it talking to two first years "Ash i thought i told you never to come here while i'm here. Leave" you voice caught his attention smiling up at you and standing up form his seat waving the two first years away "Oh come on you know you love me" he comments his smile making you feel sick. You were about to speak again when something caught his eye coming around the desk "Well hello there. aren't you a cutie" he smiles walking up to Ikkaku only for your arm to go between them "Off limits" your glare set the man backing away putting his arms up in difference "Ok, chill. i was just being friendly" Law steps forward glaring at the man, if you feel the need to protect a member of the crew from this man then he should be on guard "She told you to leave" The captain states having enough of this conversation. Ash laughs a little leaning against the desk "Calm down captain, i'm here to help." he states looking the captain up and down probably wondering if he could take the man in a fight. "I know where your money went" Ash smiles his eyes going back to you "What? My money went to the bank" your voice filled with annoyance. Ash reaching into a bag at the end of the desk and handing a file out to you "I opened a new Art galley in the west and your bank man came and bought a very expensive painting" As you look thru the file your blood boils, your money never went to pay off the school debt, Ash's files show the money you put into the account actually went to an offshore account and paid for ash's paining. "Your family Y/N but i can't just give you the money. Although i'm we can figure something out" Law glared at the man pushing the hilt of his sword out not liking the way ash is talking while Bepo steps forewords growling a little "Woh there... i didn't mean anything by it... i just think maybe we could steal the painting back, it's going into the gallery in town in a few days." he suggests throwing his hands up.
"That's all good for you but how are we going to get the money back?" Ikkaku speaks up looking at the files with you "I think we can help with that" A voice behind you says looking to see Kelly standing behind you and Ikkaku her hand on your crew members lower back while looking down at the file in your hands. "Our girls are more than happy to help" she smiles at you two Ash stuttering a little to greet her, the man has a massive crush on the head girl "H-hay Kell. um you look nice" you laugh a little at his attempt to flirt "Hello Ash." she simply replays's before turning to you "How about we talk about this tomorrow. I'll pick out some girls to help, and we can brain storm" You nod watcher her turn and leave with a smile "I think she likes me" Ash smiles making you roll your eyes "No she doesn't" you speak, the man now glaring at you "How the hell would you know?" with a sigh you close the folder and walk away "You're going to look so stupid when you realize"
Settling in back at the sub you look through the file for the sixth time while sitting on your shared bed with Law now in your comfy pj's. Law walks in topless and a towel over his wet hair after just getting a shower "Now i know how you feel" he states leaning in the door way watching your every move as your eyes never leave the papers scattered in front of you "I just can't believe this happened. I should have checked" you sigh to yourself mentally beating yourself up about it, Law sighs and sits next to you on the bed throwing the towel off his head "You can't change what happened." his hand goes to your back not really sure how to comfort you over this your always the one who works with the money and your very good at it. "You were worried about the school and probably didn't think to look into it." he states getting you to look up at him "I feel stupid" putting the papers into the file you shove it onto the night stand finally able to stop looking at it. The captain grabs your chin and forces you to face him "You're the smartest person i know" he smiles a little as you finally let yourself relax and place your hand over his "Not compared to you" you smile only for him to shrug "We'll i didn't add myself onto the list" you playfully slap his shoulder letting out a laugh "You have such a ego" Law laughs a little acting hurt and laying down on the bed holding his shoulder. Laughing you lean over him and kiss his cheek "thank you" you hand runs up his bare chats and to his cheek letting your thumb rub his soft skin "Anything for you" he whispers, an arm going around your waist as he leans up to place his lips on yours.
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shashiethnic · 10 months
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Shashi Ethnic : Shashi Hosiery Garments
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sourliartdump · 6 months
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my wol adhira and his bun boi retainer shashi :)
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nisreensartworld · 1 year
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Drawing by me
Pencil, paper
@sridevifanforever 🌛💖
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Who: Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Hope What: Shashi Refined Earrings in Blue/Pearl - $58.00 Where: 2x10 “I Am Gossip”
Worn with: Dolce & Gabbana dress
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styleofdiamandis · 2 years
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Marina Diamandis was one of the big performes at the Corona Capital 2022 concert in Mexico last November! Styled by Mercedes Natalia, here’s what our girl wore on stage while rocking her discography.
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Marina and her team occasionally enjoy shedding some light on up-and-coming designers, and Romania-based ATU Body Couture definitely fits the bill.
She looked gracious on stage in their white, green & black color-block catsuit with single shoulder silhouette and glossy shoulder cape ($550.00).
ATU Body Couture Catsuit ($550.00)
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Her 90s-inspired pearl and intertwined gold rings earrings are signed by SHASHI. Unfortunately, they are sold out.
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Lastly, her Venetian 18kt gold chain bracelet ($240.00) is from Atelier VM’s “L’Essenziale” collection.
Atelier VM “L’Essenziale” Bracelet ($240.00)
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shashiox · 16 days
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ilyricshub · 6 months
Julia Lyrics - Ae Watan Mere Watan | Divya Kumar
Julia Lyrics - Ae Watan Mere Watan | Divya Kumar, Shashi #Julia #AeWatanMereWatan #DivyaKumar #Shashi #SaraAliKhan #PrashantIngole #ShashiSuman #KannanIyer
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View On WordPress
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mystic-snail · 9 months
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Romance option for a magical college kid visual novel I was thinking about making but never have lol
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oliviaculpofashionblog · 11 months
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What: Shashi Royal Queen Earrings - $68.00 Where: Instagram - November 5, 2023
Worn with: Jamemme dress and Magda Butrym sandals
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