#SHINJO Eiko/Hotaru
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Arrogant princess turned ronin
Daughter of the head of her clan, blessed by the kami and promised to a great destiny, she was held sort-of captive in the capital, a token of loyalty from her father to the Emperor. It was immensely boring... so she escaped, and found herself in the same place as the others, by chance. Her immense status meant no one could really say no to her, and she abused that power greatly. The rest of the group were the first to offer some resistance to her tantrums, and that interested as much as it annoyed her. Because of this, she somehow ended up in a middle of a terrible battle with them by her side, where she barely survived.
After this incident, she promised herself to never, ever feel as powerless as she did in this forest. So... she temporarily gave up her title and her name (she now calls herself Hotaru, in the hope of evading the Imperials searching for her) to learn the sword with Shimon as her teacher. The duelist wasn't too keen on the idea, but it's not like Eiko would take no as an answer, so... she's now stuck with this brash, smart but unruly teenager as her student.
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We are playing in the Empire of Rokugan, the setting of the Legend of the 5 Ring card game and ttrpg. It's mainly inspired by the japanese feodal system, but you'll see a lot of influence from China, Mongolia, and a lot of anachronistic/unrelated elements... It is a very eurocentric view of Asia, there is no denying that. However, its lore, especially the rivalty and alliances between clans and people, create a perfect starting point for great and complex stories. We've played a lot and grown attached to our PCs, and we want to introduce them to you!
Here are the links to their individual portraits :D
DOJI Kyouka - CRANE CLAN (♂)
Handsome courtier and wannabe superstar
Arrogant princess turned ronin
Quick-witted courtier (with an entrepreneur mindset)
Hopeful monk and duelist
HIDA Mataro - CRAB CLAN (♂)
Weathered warrior
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SHINJO Eiko, ultimate horsegirl.
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confused-in-rokugan · 11 months
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Walk back to safety after a hard battle.
From left to right:
Kakita Hiro, amazing duelist we bullied so he came with us. Great idea, since he sliced half of the opposing army. For him, it was a Tuesday.
Eiko: FREE TRAUMA. Covered in blood from head to toe. This cemented in her head that she needed to learn how to fight. Didn't make her less of a pain in the ass, sadly.
Mataro: Played golf with ennemies' heads. Was barely wounded: but isn't war a senseless thing? Also the leader of the army he killed was his friend's wife, so...
Aikasu: Not a fighter, but his horse has no problem stomping on anyone that was in its way. Aikasu is a little hurt, but he is mostly mourning his loyal Moto bodyguard...
Shimon: Did a lot of damage, received as much. Had her hand almost sliced in two: but she regrets none of her actions!
Kyouka: was shinobi-ing from the shadows. His handsome face remains unharmed (thanks the gods!) and he now has to babysit his friend.
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confused-in-rokugan · 9 months
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Even assholes teenagers get homesick sometimes, you know?
(Just a non-canon scene, that I thought probably happened during the one year timeskip, where Shimon and Eiko lived mostly by themselves in the mountains. Going from castle life to surviving with the bare necessities wasn't easy, i'm sure.)
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confused-in-rokugan · 11 months
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Bullying is ok when you're a princess teehee
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