My kitten’s name is Najim
Najim means “star” in Arabic. I guess my kitten is a star. But he already knows his place in life... such a diva. 
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happy Ramadan!
The time of year when you learn patience standing next to an active child in Taraweeh. 
The time of year when you learn to deduce what the ladies next to you had for Iftar based on the spices on their clothes. 
The time of year when you grow soft because your excuse for eating from 8pm to 4am is “But I was fasting ALL DAY” 
The time of year you count your blessings and thank God for your health, safety, family and friends. 
Happy Ramadan friends! 
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I have 18 new scarves. I’m still obsessing over them.
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Think about it.
If you lived your life starring: 
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things would be a little different. Then again maybe I’m thinking about Johnny because we watched Pirates of the Caribbean three weeks in a row. 
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I’ve never been so happy to buy scarves. At $10 a scarf, and I custom ordered each solid one. Happiness at its finest. This feels better than eating a ferrero rocher. Needless to say I bought about 18 scarves. I need them all.
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I think there should be mini food stands in every department store.
So we can shop and snack. I’m telling you, this will raise sales by 600%.  EAT and SHOP. duh. 
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Annoying much?
There’s a fly in my house. It bothered us throughout the movie and now as I’m typing. Mostly I hate the noise flies make. And I fear it will land in my ear. 
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We went looking at kittens. . .
We held them and pet them and turned in our adoption application except my friend calls and says not to adopt. She tells me her cat had a litter and she has exactly the kittens we were looking for. Did she call to save us from adopting that day... or as a distraction from adopting that day?? Question to think about. 
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is advice day? DO you need advice? Go ahead ask me for some. I give out free advice on Fridays only. 
Today I’m going to advise you to send me your inquiries.  And It’s cold. I need a blanket...brb. 
My advice to you today: if you have this gut feeling to buy Life Alert, do it. Tomorrow might be the day you fall and can’t get help. Or just get some because this guy:
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are u asian
I am not. My heritage country lies in Asia though…. but then again Asia is a big continent.  
“Excuse me?! I think the question is who are YOU? We’re in a war man!”
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Food makes me dance
Like really good food when you’re super hungry... do you do the same happy dance? 
Today I had sushi (which I don’t usually enjoy except for a select few pieces from Soganos SHOUTOUT TO MY MICHIGAN PEEPS) but I had sushi today. 
And because I was so hungry and watching the hunger games I did a little happy dance. It was perfection. My reaction was similar to this: 
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I’ve been MIA. I know. I’ve just been looking at wedding photographers which does take up quite a lot of time. 
In the meantime, enjoy this gif from my old tumblr gif folder: 
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Sassy-ness at its finest. 
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why did pilgrim's hats have buckles on the front?
because they can 
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Nocturnal Mind
Some days it is hard to find sleep.
No rain to soothe, nothing to dream.
Just lying awake in the overwhelming silence.
Thoughts too loud, but muddled like static.
Tired, but too restless to let go. 
Weighed down by this feeling of limbo.
There is no use in counting sheep.
Have to latch onto a memory to find sleep.
Slowly my eyelids flutter shut,
Pondering the truth I know in my gut.
Change is coming for us all,
Might as well slumber before I fall…
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It’s a matter of perspective.
What do you see here? Now look again and see it how your sister might see it, or how your cat might see it?  Drawing by: MissRemSshi
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Friday is the day
to Post It Forward?
I wish I had the following piece of advice when I  was younger: 
When you travel and meet people or when you travel and say goodbye to family overseas, it’s okay to cry. Cry as much as you want and pour as much love out to them as you want and tell them how much they mean to you because you never know when you will see them next. 
Even if you have plans to travel there again, every trip will never be the same so, please, treasure that moment. Remember every detail and spend less time sleeping, less time alone, less time thinking, and more time with each other. 
If you hate goodbyes because you cry ever time, or because you think it’s embarrassing, I’m here to tell you, CRY your heart out. You might not get the same opportunity again.  Away from my family 6 years and counting. :’(  That day I had a feeling, a horrible gut feeling that this moment would not last. I’m still waiting ever so patiently for that moment to return. 
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un Cafe de Paris
Is on a tapestry in my home. It takes me to Paris (although I have yet to visit) and if I stare at it long enough I start to daydream about bustling life on the real street of this tapestry. 
The Cafe sits on the corner of the cobblestone street. Street lamps and trees alternate, lining the roads. there’s a Marche de Parfum (perfume store) next to the cafe and an open french door that leads to the alley behind the stores. Above both stores are the store owners’ homes. Quaint and cozy homes with a balcony and flower gardens on the window sill. 
I always want to live in these houses and own the cafe downstairs. Just another daydream. :) 
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