estrellami-1 · 1 year
Also I’m trying my hand at a permanent taglist… let me know if y’all want to be added!
Eddie had gone on before him. It wasn’t fair to keep him waiting, but, well… Steve had tried to warn him about smoking.
Steve’s eyes drop closed as he thinks over his life. It was good. Once Vecna was gone, once the hospital scare was over and done with, it was good.
They’d all grown up, separately but together. Robin and Nancy, surprisingly enough, had been the first to leave. Then one by one, the rest of the Part followed in different directions.
Robin and Nancy had moved to San Diego. Dustin and Suzie settled in Maine, of all places. Lucas and Max picked Florida. Will and Mike were closest in Indy. El and Erica—with whatever they had going on—were in Oklahoma, trying to find normalcy.
Steve and Eddie had bought an RV and traveled the country. Visited the kids. They were there for Dustin and Susie’s first kid (and second, and third). They were there when Nancy got her first journalist award. When Mike and Will tied the knot, even if it wasn’t exactly legal yet. When El and Erica needed some familiar faces. When Lucas and Max had gotten hitched. They’d even driven them to the airport, seen them off for their Colorado honeymoon.
Never any kids of their own, Steve reflects. Except in all the ways they did. Everyone had been there for Eddie. Crowded into the hospital room, annoying the fuck out of the hospital staff and uncaring, because that was their Eddie, their brother, their uncle, their grandpop.
Steve had seen memories flash through Eddie’s eyes, like they’re doing in Steve’s mind right now. Their first kiss, sun-drenched and summer-sweet, tentative and so, so hopeful.
When they bought the RV and visited everyone for the first time, rolled up in front of their houses and laid on the horn until someone had gotten annoyed enough to peep out the windows, only to run outside when they realized who it was.
Will and Mike first, since they were closest. Eddie and Steve had taken them out to a gay bar—a nicer one than they’d ever been to at the boys’ age—and had fun for a night. They’d stayed for a few days before making the trek up to Maine to see Dustin and Suzie. Skiing and dinner and loud laughs long into the night.
Then they’d gone to see Max and Lucas in Florida, getting horribly burned the first day and regretting it for the next few days. Max and Lucas had both made fun of them. Then a rather uncomfortable drive to Oklahoma to see the girls. El, who had been learning to cook, made them all dinner. They were introduced to May and Alex, two kids who had needed help. Eddie had put his arm around Steve’s shoulders like he knew Steve had been holding back tears.
Then off to San Diego to see Robin and Nancy. Robin had yelled and barreled out the door. Steve had done much the same thing after parking the RV, and the hug lasted long enough that Nancy had helped Eddie bring their things inside and were well on their way through the first of many iced teas. They’d stayed there the longest, even toyed with the idea of making home base somewhere near.
But Steve knew Eddie, knew he’d want to be near Wayne, at least while he could be. So they returned, set up camp in a town about the same size as Hawkins, about an hour away. Settled in. Hired someone to cut the grass. Bought groceries. On their third day there, kids had come around, intrigued by the new RV, drawn close by the sound of Eddie’s guitar. Kept close by Steve’s snacks.
They’d pseudo-adopted a few kids from that town. The kids had decent parents, who would come over from time to time and joke about Steve and Eddie stealing their kids. The nights would end in beer and laughter and more guitar, softer than the metal Steve had fallen in love with, but no less beautiful.
They grew up together. They grew old together. What goes around comes around, because a few short years ago Eddie had been in this very same hospital, right back in Hawkins. The familiarity of it all had given Steve double vision at times. He’d been there when Eddie passed. Felt him squeeze Steve’s hand for the last time.
Steve hadn’t cried until he’d gotten back to the RV. After all the condolences, the paperwork, the well-meaning bouquets and cards. The family they’d made, who were just as heartbroken as he was.
Steve had driven off, secluded himself for a few months, as he learned how to breathe without Eddie around. He didn’t make any more trips, but he did return to the town they’d made their own. He saw their youngest kids, their parents. More condolences. More faked smiles.
Now, he gives the ceiling a genuine smile. He’d kept Eddie waiting for too long. He takes his last breath and steps into the rest of forever, Eddie by his side.
Permanent Taglist:
@justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround (you didn’t ask but I figured you’d be ok w it… but if not lmk, no hard feelings!)
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motivationalvamp · 2 years
Snowbeast - 1977
Nightmare Theatre - Tonight Baron Mondo Von Doren (Mike Ensley) with his sidekicks—the masked wrestler El Sapo de Tempesto (Chip Chism) and pet werewolf Mittens (Lemmie Crews) will be showing Snowbeast  a 1977 American made-for-television horror film starring Bo Svenson, Yvette Mimieux, Robert Logan and Clint Walker, and follows the story of a bloodthirsty Bigfoot-like monster terrorizing a ski resort in the Colorado Rockies. It was directed by Herb Wallerstein from a teleplay written by Joseph Stefano (The Outer Limits co-creator, who also wrote the screenplay for Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 thriller Psycho). The film originally premiered as the NBC Thursday Night Movie on NBC on April 28, 1977. 
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savagesneversleepnyc · 2 months
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DAVE was one of the GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS, an elite squad who could ski and shoot guns and get buck should they deploy. No human may have lived of any higher caliber of fortitude in SANDY’s eyes.
A gun toting right wing REAGAN ERA believer, who like him believed in the value of teaching troubled kids. They held court at the far end of HAZEN and would build many stupendous things of metal, wood, clay and vellum. The room seemed boundless with its collage of NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE adverts blown like graffiti upon the white cinder block walls. The film STYLE WARS played on PBS one evening in the 80’s. He was like a child attempting to frame the infamy of real and tough folk he came up with. The reason the soldiers came back from WARS and were alienated.. They felt already discarded and would be forgotten completely if not for profound effort to define a flawed cause and life. As generations spilled over like a champagne cascade of the toxic slurry of society fed to the VETS and the rest of US.
The poisonous reasoning mechanism that made HUNTS POINT, BROWNSVILLE and OZONE PARK places of conflagration. Like desperate creatures under feet trying to run from the stomping of loud heels or thunderous pounds on the door as the tenement burns….
DAVE was from COLORADO and BARRE… We watched LIVING ON A PRAYER debut on MTV vs THE BEASTIE BOYS. (I don’t think anyone wins a popularity contest.. )
We also would watch a spritely young upstart charge his team back to back to the SUPER BOWL atop HIDEAWAY ACHES at the DEAD END of the CUL DE SAC,.
As they all whipped up a frenzy not once but twice, I saw this young man fall upon his ambition and sword as a titan not yet bold enough to clutch the crown… SOME TIME LATER, when his face was facing mine we smiled as he turned and jumped in some forgettable car.. ED McCAFFREY towered to the sky as I popped into the VENATION glass veiled BROWN PALACE lobby…, I’d soil myself in TOIL and TREACHERY and a very real and perilous game of cat and mouse I would play there…
BUT no place of haves and FECES could my eyes perceive when old boy took the championship 3 times in a campaign repeated by PAYTON and other who’s balls are cast of cold rolled GRID IRON… we RIOT’d in the streets and VIC got on the cover of the ROCKY for looting.., the corny cellphone store people who payed him played him KNOW MIND, and chuckled at the awkward, kindly giant from PROVO looked like he was actually working while digging for records online…
The FIRST LOSS is the most real. Do we ever win instantly at anything?
We cannot crawl before being prone. Like a tad pole from the creek to frog legs on lilly pads in spring. The legs are not formed in utero but in motion toward failure and finality.. But time and space is kind to keep off too many pigeons, rats and wombats, so they proliferate and marry PIGS who sing so great…
To rise is to fall as
the LION and the BALL
the SHARK and the FISH
the MOUTH to the NIPPLE
the YANG to the YIN
John Elway is probably a dude a great many people volley BIG OPIONS on and I only say that he LOST, HE WON, HE is a man who I shook hands with once and I think that is probably GOOD LUCK.
PEOPLE of huge tasks are often of huge asks from the world. The action hero’s and athletes who are shown to be quite human and flawed are not the fault of the people and legacy that surround them.
WE forget too quick to be kind in remembering our on own faults and cracks that we allow ILL intent into our SAFEs to TRESPASS and erect STATUES OF LIBERTY to pass…
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
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Metallica autores del cd Y JUSTICIA PARA TODOS [tras tener un accidente de BUS en la gira AMO DE LAS MARIONETAS muriendo su bajista BURTON=fundador de marca de Snow de 2do apellido CARPENTER=grupo de TEXAS de nombre CORD con el que toco VIRGINIA MAESTRO..y el cual tuvo accidente que le impidió unirse al equipo de SKI de la Universidad de COLORADO en cuyas PISTAS murió ALFONSO DE BORBON tras matar a su hijo viniendo de SKIAR] y cuyo ultimo cd es HARD_WIRED TO SELF_DESTRUCT [PROGRAMADO PARA LA AUTO_DESTRUCCION]..vienen a MADRID el 12 y 14 julio..creo que ahí tenéis UN MATCHBALL coincidiendo con el PUTO WIMBLEDON
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2024 Texas Hurricane Season Predictions
2024 Texas Hurricane Season Predictions
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Predictions Show a Very Active Hurricane Season
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Texans well know about the damaging high winds and flash flooding from tropical storms. This year's TX hurricane predictions show a very active season. Learn why this season could be one of the toughest.
Apart from hot summers, one thing Texans know all too well about is hurricane season. Flooded streets, damaged roofs, and your Texas electricity is out. Towns hit hard in the past like Rockport, Port Arthur, Houston and others shudder when skies darken over the Gulf of Mexico. This season's hurricane predictions look like it could be another tough one.
Officially, the Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1 and runs through the end of November. But due to the potential for global economic disruptions from these powerful storm systems, everyone wants to know how to prepare well in advance.
AccuWeather's March 27 forecast warns of an "explosive season" where forecasters may even run out of names. 
Tropical Storm Risk (TSR), which makes forecasts in December, released their updated prediction on April 8.
Colorado State University researchers released their annual hurricane forecast on April 8, also. 
NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) usually releases forecasts in late May.
Given this past year's record warm temperatures and a La Niña expected to emerge in the Pacific Ocean, these weather services now expect "a very active" hurricane season ahead.
Are Hurricane Predictions Accurate?
Bear in mind that storm predictions are based on the probability for the environment to spin up tropical storms. So, predicted storm numbers are not iron-clad. But while some year's predict too many; in the past 30 years, we're seeing predictions fall short. For example, the 2023 hurricane season forecast only 13 tropical storms. But due exceptional warm sea surface temperatures, there were 20 and it became the fourth most active season on record. Dire-sounding, true but of the 20 tropical storms that formed, only three made landfall in North America. Several stayed at sea and disipated as they wandered north.
However, there have been more extremely active hurricane seasons since 1995 than there has been since 1900. And two of the most active seasons occurred in 2005 with 28 storms and 2020 with 30 -- eleven of which made landfall in the US causing $37 billion in damage.
With all that in mind, the 23 tropical storms predicted this year is twice as many tropical storms that occur during a statistically "normal" season. And this makes the consensus for the potential number of storms compelling. As we'll see, conditions going into the 2024 season have more in common with 2020 than last year.
Why So Many Storms?
Tropical storm systems need three things to spin up:
LOTS of calm, warm water. Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) at least 80°F (26.5°C) to a depth of about 150 feet. 
Dry, thirsty air. When a firm, dry trade wind blows across warm sea water (at about 11 mph), it has an easy time evaporating that water and taking on its heat. As this warm, humid air begins to move upwards and organize, it can quickly develop into a moist and unstable atmosphere that supports sustained shower and thunderstorm activity. 
A nice, calm upper atmosphere. Tropical storms like winds that move horizontally and spiral up in nice, stacked layers (stack of pancakes). Vertical winds that cut or shear across that horizontal structure can tear it apart. Wind shearing happens everywhere but as long as it's about 23 mph from the ocean surface all the way up to around 60,000 feet, the tropical storm will be fine. 
The ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) also plays a role. To be clear, El Niño, ENSO Neutral, and La Niña don’t prevent or cause hurricanes. Rather, it is an ocean-atmosphere system at the equator in the Pacific Ocean that can shift atmosphere's circulation (called the "Walker Circulation"). El Niños usually produce wind shears in the Atlantic that blow apart tropical storms or shift them to the middle of Atlantic (as we saw in 2023). ENSO Neutral and La Niñas, however, shift those wind-shear patterns far to the east, leaving a nice, calm upper atmosphere over the Atlantic where tropical storms develop.
Current Conditions
This past February saw record global temperatures, especially in the Atlantic Ocean. Currently, sea surface temperatures remain warm. In fact, there's a band of 80°F (26.5°C) water stretching all way from west Africa to the west coast of Cuba. All three hurricane predictions cite warmer than normal SSTs as a reason for more storms. And given NOAA's temperature predictions for the summer, it looks like much of the US Atlantic coast will stay like bathwater. That may sound like good news for beach goers (and sharks) but it's also perfect for building tropical storms.
There is a lot of dry air coming off the African west coast. Actually, too much right now. The Saharan Air Layer (SAL) lies about 5,000 and 20,000 feet up in the sky that transports plumes of dry, dust-laden air from west Africa to as far west as Texas. It usually forms in the late spring/early summer when hot dry winds blow across the Sahara desert and move over the Atlantic Ocean. As result the SAL can impede tropical storm formation:
Big dust plumes can warm the atmosphere but block sunlight from warming the ocean surface below. That reduces evaporation. 
The dry air can create down drafts or sinking air. These can interfere with moist air rising and organizing into low pressure systems.
SAL winds are strong enough to carry dust. So, their winds can also produce vertical wind shears that blow out storm formation.
Although the SAL begins in the spring it don't blow all summer long. All the same, in both 2022 and 2023, the SAL helped keep a lid on storm formation for about 2 months. The pattern peaks in June and fades in early August. Each plume usually last 3 to 5 days. But once the SAL pattern ends, a warm ocean can spin up a storm in only a few days, if not hours.
All three hurricane predictions also cite the weakening El Niño. This shows that sea surface temperatures in the middle of the Pacific Ocean at the equator are getting cooler. NOAA predicts that they expect ENSO Neutral conditions between April and June. Already, cooler water temperatures as deep as 200 feet are being detected in the eastern Pacific. So change is coming.
While ENSO Neutral means there's no giant mass of warm or cold water in the Pacific affecting the atmosphere, it allows other atmospheric conditions to exert a bigger influence on hurricane seasons. From 2016 through 2020, summer time ENSO Neutral conditions produced some of the most active hurricane seasons on record. In fact, some of the biggest and deadliest storms to hit the US occurred during ENSO Neutral conditions: Hurricane Harvey (2017), Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005), and Tropical Storm Alison (2001).
NOAA predicts 70% to 80% chance for La Niña will emerge in August. Again, all three hurricane predictions suggest a La Niña can produce conditions that spawn the most tropical storms will most likely align. And in many ways, this suggests similarities to the 2020 season.
Hurricane season 2020 also began with above average sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic. Trade winds were weak across most of the Atlantic. ENSO Neutral was firmly in place and would slowly turn into La Niña by autumn; so there was little wind shear. Some tropical storms first formed at a liesurely pace from mid-May to June. But in mid-July, storm systems began forming in bursts.  The most occured in September. At one point there were five named storms spinning in the Atlantic. All told, 2020 saw 30 tropical storms. Eleven struck the US; six of them were hurricanes.
So August and September could be dangerously busy.
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Learn what's driving hurricane predictions this summer and what you need to know to stay safe.
Predictions for a Hurricane Hitting the US in 2024
Because hurricanes are creatures of heat, water, and wind they are reliably unpredictable. Once they spin up we can only guess where they probably will go. After all, these storm systems form in an area that stretches from the west coast of Africa all the way to the western shore of the Gulf of Mexico.  That said, given the number and potential strength of the storms forecast and the things that sustain their formation, it's logical to anticipate a few coming ashore. But, predicting just how many with any accuracy is a dicey gamble. 
While weather services do their best to tease details out of the hundred or so years of record keeping, most won't forecast the number and locations of landfalls.
NOAA predictions usually don't predict landfalls.
CSU also does not predict the number of landfalls but estimates probability. For example, this year, they estimate a 62% chance for a storm making landfall somewhere along the the entire (Atlantic) US coastline.
Accuweather forecast that the US will see 4-6 direct impacts.
TSR says 4.6 tropical storms or hurricanes will come ashore.
One other important thing to remember here is that electricity prices in Texas could surge if tropical storms shut down off-shore natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico. Some natural gas platforms are located more than 100 miles from shore.
Tropical Storms - What Are the Biggest Dangers?
Tropical storms and hurricanes can unlease three dangerous events: storm surges, high winds, and flooding.
Coastal residents face the greatest danger from storm surges. Because of increasingly higher tides, storm surges are now more likely to cause flooding in any coastal city, including those in major bays and estuaries. Texas and other Gulf coast states have seen past storm surges as high a 10 to 24 feet deep that move inland for miles. So residents living on the coast will face a good chance of needing to evacuate at some point this summer.
Because water and heat fuel these storms, they lose power once they move inland. That doesn't mean they're any less dangerous. For those who live further inland, high winds, tornados, and flooding are all potential dangers. Weakened cyclones can turn into slow moving storm systems that dump enormous amounts of rain as they go. This makes flash flooding more likely and extremely dangerous in areas like central and west Texas. 
How You Can Prepare for the 2024 Texas Hurricane Season
Texas Electricity Ratings is a Houston company. We've all been through the high winds, rain, and electricity outages from some very tough hurricanes. These powerful storms can affect any part of Texas so we want everyone to stay safe. Find out now what you can do to keep your family safe when the power goes out well before the first big storm comes. 
Make a plan so your family knows for what to do when a dangerous storm comes your way. 
Make a Hurricane Emergency Checklist to help you keep track of how to prepare and what supplies you'll need if you choose to shelter in place. 
Build your hurricane disaster kit.  Make sure every person and pet in your home has everything they need to get through a disaster.
Gather essential stuff for your Grab-N-Go bag. Each person (and pet) should have their own in case you need to leave your home and evacuate to stay safe.
Review and understand Texas evacuation routes ahead of time. Make arrangements well ahead of time where you’ll go to in the event of an evacuation order.
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rokhopr · 6 months
Embark on an Adventure: Discovering the Best Backpacking Places in the US
When it comes to exploring the great outdoors, Best Backpacking Places in US  is one of the most exhilarating ways to immerse yourself in nature's beauty and challenge yourself physically and mentally. The United States offers an abundance of breathtaking landscapes and diverse terrains, making it a haven for backpackers seeking unforgettable adventures. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a novice explorer, there's a trail waiting for you to discover. Let's delve into some of the best backpacking places in the US that promise awe-inspiring experiences and unforgettable memories.
The Appalachian Trail, East Coast:
Stretching over 2,000 miles from Georgia to Maine, the Appalachian Trail is a legendary backpacking destination that offers a wide range of landscapes, from lush forests to panoramic mountain vistas. Traversing through 14 states, this iconic trail provides hikers with an immersive journey through the eastern United States' natural beauty, cultural heritage, and rich biodiversity.
Yosemite National Park, California:
Renowned for its towering granite cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and pristine wilderness, Yosemite National Park is a backpacker's paradise. With over 750 miles of trails to explore, adventurers can embark on multi-day treks through the park's rugged backcountry, camping beneath star-studded skies and marveling at iconic landmarks such as Half Dome and El Capitan.
The Rocky Mountains, Colorado:
Home to some of the most stunning mountain scenery in the US, the Rocky Mountains offer an array of backpacking opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're exploring Rocky Mountain National Park, the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness, or the Weminuche Wilderness, you'll be treated to sweeping vistas, alpine lakes, and abundant wildlife.
The Pacific Crest Trail, West Coast:
Spanning over 2,600 miles from Mexico to Canada, the Pacific Crest Trail showcases the diverse landscapes of the western United States, from the deserts of Southern California to the snow-capped peaks of Washington. Backpackers tackling this epic route will encounter rugged terrain, remote wilderness, and a profound sense of adventure.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee/North Carolina:
As the most visited national park in the US, the Great Smoky Mountains offer a multitude of backpacking opportunities amid lush forests, rolling meadows, and mist-shrouded peaks. With over 800 miles of trails to explore, hikers can discover hidden waterfalls, historic homesteads, and an abundance of wildlife.
These are just a few of the Best Backpacking Places in US that beckon adventurers to explore their natural wonders and embark on unforgettable journeys. Whether you're seeking solitude in the wilderness, testing your limits on challenging terrain, or simply reconnecting with nature, the United States offers a myriad of backpacking experiences to suit every preference and skill level.
So pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. The trails are calling, and the wilderness awaits. Happy hiking!
Explore more backpacking trails and plan your next adventure at RokhoPR: The Best Backpacking Trails in the United States
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ivanreydereyes · 9 months
El Prestigio y la AUTORIDAD MORAL de la CORONA q dijo el puto ABC que el ANTICRISTO FELIPE VI restituyo en 6 meses según leí en el bar REALITO hoy hace 9 años creo que ES ALGO QUE en EEUU no va hacer mucha GRACIA O QUE LO VAN PAGAR CARO
No creo q funcione el plan KISS_SINGER que se reunió con CARRERO BLANCO el día antes que saltará x los AIRES un edificio de los JESUITAS con su CADILLAC y anteriormente se reunió con NIXON [=guerra de Viet_nam, Alunizaje y WATER_GATE=Edificio cuyo promotor quiso sacar el BERNABEU de la ciudad poniendo de CONSEJERO a ALFONSO DE BORBON O DUQUE DE CADIZ al q un CABLE en una pista de SKI en COLORADO corto el cuello=TRAGIC KINGDOM]
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kimrimsza · 11 months
Adventure Travel: Thrill-Seeker’s Guide to Heart-Pounding Experiences
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Adventure travel is not for the faint of heart. It’s for those who crave heart-pounding experiences, seek the thrill of the unknown, and thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes with exploring the world’s most challenging and exciting destinations. If you’re a thrill-seeker at heart, this guide is tailor-made for you as we delve into the world of adventure travel and explore some of the most exhilarating activities and destinations that will leave you breathless and wanting more.
Whitewater Rafting in the Grand Canyon
For those who are up for a wet and wild adventure, whitewater rafting in the Grand Canyon is a bucket-list experience. The Colorado River’s thundering rapids and breathtaking scenery will make your heart race as you navigate through the churning waters, surrounded by towering red rock cliffs. With expert guides leading the way, you’ll have the ride of a lifetime.
Trekking in the Himalayas
If you’re seeking a more physically demanding adventure, trekking in the Himalayas is the ultimate challenge. The trek to Everest Base Camp or the Annapurna Circuit offers the perfect blend of high-altitude thrills and serene natural beauty. The Himalayas test your physical and mental limits, and reaching the summit is an achievement like no other.
Skydiving Over New Zealand
New Zealand’s diverse landscapes, from glaciers to lush forests, make it an ideal destination for skydiving enthusiasts. Jumping out of a plane over Queenstown or Lake Taupo provides an unmatched adrenaline rush as you free-fall through the skies before deploying your parachute. The scenic beauty below only adds to the experience.
Bungee Jumping in the Swiss Alps
For those who want to combine adventure with breathtaking scenery, bungee jumping in the Swiss Alps is a must-try. The Lauterbrunnen Valley, with its towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls, sets the stage for an unforgettable leap into the abyss. Take the plunge and let the adrenaline flow as you dangle above a pristine alpine landscape.
Safari in Africa
Adventure isn’t always about high-octane activities; it can also involve getting up close and personal with nature’s wildest creatures. A safari in Africa, whether in the Maasai Mara, Serengeti, or Kruger National Park, is a heart-pounding experience. Witnessing the “Big Five” – lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and buffalo – in their natural habitat is awe-inspiring.
Rock Climbing in Yosemite
Yosemite National Park in California is a rock climber’s paradise. El Capitan, with its sheer granite walls, offers some of the most challenging climbs in the world. The combination of mental focus and physical prowess required for rock climbing makes it a thrilling adventure. Yosemite’s breathtaking scenery is just an added bonus.
Volcano Boarding in Nicaragua
If you’re looking for a unique adventure, volcano boarding down Cerro Negro in Nicaragua is a heart-pounding choice. Strap on a protective suit and slide down the black volcanic ash slopes at breakneck speed. The feeling of zooming down an active volcano is an unparalleled rush.
Adventure travel is a way to push your limits, conquer your fears, and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of the world. These heart-pounding experiences are not only thrilling but also deeply rewarding. Whether you prefer the rush of extreme sports or the awe of nature’s grandeur, there’s an adventure waiting for you. So, grab your gear, pack your sense of adventure, and get ready to explore the world like never before. Your heart will thank you for it, and the memories will last a lifetime.
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
X cierto..se me olvidó destacar del proyecto de sacar el Estadio BERNABEU del centro de MADRID en los años 70 según un proyecto de una empresa SUIZA q hizo el edificio del Escándalo WATER_GATE x el q dimitió NIXON..q el REAL MADRID dijo q el tal ZECKENDORF o el promotor era desciente de SEVILLANOS y q a FRANCO no le gustó que el autor del nuevo estadio fuera Félix Candela, arquitecto de fama mundial, pero socialista exiliado en México.
Por cierto..Alfonso de BORBON (casado entonces con una nieta de Franco)..q estaba en el Consejo de la empresa de ZECKENDORF murio en COLORADO [EEUU] al seccionarle el cuello un cable q cruzaba una pista de SKI el 30 de enero de 1989 [21 cumpleaños de FELIPE VI]..x lo q repito tanto él como JUAN CARLOS I están vivos para q asuman RESPONSABILIDADES
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dan6085 · 1 year
20 most beautiful places on Earth:
1. The Maldives: This island nation is made up of 26 atolls and over 1,000 coral islands. It's known for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and luxurious resorts that offer overwater bungalows.
2. The Grand Canyon: This massive canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep. It offers stunning views of layered rock formations and the Colorado River, and is a popular destination for hiking, rafting, and camping.
3. Machu Picchu: This ancient city was built by the Incas in the 15th century and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. It's located at an elevation of 7,970 feet and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
4. The Great Barrier Reef: This coral reef system is over 1,400 miles long and is home to over 1,500 species of fish, 400 species of coral, and countless other marine animals. It's a popular destination for diving and snorkeling.
5. Iceland: This small island nation is known for its unique landscapes, including hot springs, geysers, glaciers, and black sand beaches. It's also a great place to see the Northern Lights during the winter months.
6. The Amalfi Coast: This stretch of coastline in southern Italy is known for its picturesque villages, colorful buildings, and scenic drives. It's a popular destination for hiking and boating.
7. Petra: This ancient city was built by the Nabataeans over 2,000 years ago and is known for its intricate architecture, including the famous Treasury building. It's also surrounded by stunning rock formations and canyons.
8. The Northern Lights: This natural phenomenon is caused by charged particles from the sun colliding with the Earth's atmosphere. It can be seen in countries such as Norway, Finland, and Iceland during the winter months.
9. Santorini: This Greek island is known for its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings, and blue-domed churches. It's also home to beautiful beaches and ancient ruins.
10. The Serengeti: This vast savannah in Tanzania is home to the annual wildebeest migration, as well as many other species of wildlife. It's a popular destination for safaris and hot air balloon rides.
11. Yosemite National Park: This park is known for its iconic granite cliffs, such as Half Dome and El Capitan, as well as its waterfalls, including Yosemite Falls, the tallest waterfall in North America.
12. Bali: This Indonesian island is known for its rich culture, including traditional dance and music performances, as well as its beautiful beaches, rice paddies, and temples.
13. Banff National Park: This park is located in the Canadian Rockies and is known for its stunning scenery, including turquoise lakes, snow-capped mountains, and glaciers. It's a popular destination for hiking, skiing, and wildlife watching.
14. The Taj Mahal: This mausoleum was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It's made of white marble and is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.
15. New Zealand: This island nation is known for its stunning natural beauty, including glaciers, fjords, and geothermal hot springs. It's also a popular destination for adventure sports such as bungee jumping and skydiving.
16. The Swiss Alps: This mountain range in Switzerland is known for its stunning scenery, including snow-capped peaks, alpine meadows, and picturesque villages. It's a popular destination for skiing, hiking, and mountain biking.
17. The Great Ocean Road: This scenic drive along the southern coast of Australia offers stunning views of the ocean, as well as unique rock formations such as the Twelve Apostles.
18. The Galapagos Islands: This archipelago is located off the coast of Ecuador and is home to many unique species of wildlife, including giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and blue-footed boobies. It's a popular destination for wildlife watching and eco-tourism.
19. Angkor Wat: This ancient temple complex in Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world and features stunning examples of Khmer architecture. It was built in the 12th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
20. The Norwegian Fjords: These narrow inlets of the sea in Norway are surrounded by steep cliffs and offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains and waterfalls. They're a popular destination for hiking, kayaking, and cruises.
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hakesbros · 2 years
Las Cruces, Nm Business Real Property For Sale
"the crosses") is the second-largest metropolis in the us state of New Mexico and the seat of Doña Ana County. Las Cruces is the most important city in both Doña Ana County and southern New Mexico. The Las Cruces metropolitan space homes for sale in las cruces nm had an estimated inhabitants of 213,849 in 2017. It is the principal city of a metropolitan statistical space which encompasses all of Doña Ana County and is part of the bigger El Paso–Las Cruces combined statistical area.
With minimal snowfall, Las Cruces is a good place to avoid harsh climates. However, if you’re looking for snow, Ruidoso is only an hour and a half drive and has a ski resort that many locals take pleasure in as a pastime during the winter months. HomeLight is committed to making our web site accessible and person pleasant to all. While we're continually working to enhance, we welcome your feedback and accommodation requests. If you might homes for sale in las cruces new mexico be having problem accessing or navigating our website, or in case you have any suggestions to enhance accessibility, please e-mail our staff. "My husband and I sold our home in Colorado and purchased another in New Mexico. The agents we selected were really helpful by HomeLight. We could not be happier in what was a really tense state of affairs."
Do you like to work with somebody who's committed and invested in representing you? We have over four,500 certified and skilled real estate and mortgage specialists in all 50 states hand-selected to serve American heroes like you. A home is certainly one of the largest investment selections you may make and our local specialists perceive how important their function homes for sale las cruces is in making it happen for you. Residents in Doña Ana County could also be eligible to receive rent and utility assist. Funds may be obtainable for county residents who are renters, together with those throughout the municipalities of the cities of Las Cruces, Sunland Park and Anthony, the Village of Hatch and the Town of Mesilla. This program is administered individually by Doña Ana County.
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Real estate listings held by brokerage companies aside from , are indicated by detailed details about them such because the name of the itemizing firms. Las Cruces is a part of the El Paso – Las Cruces Designated Market Area as outlined by Nielsen Media Research. The City of Las Cruces operates CLC-TV cable channel 20, an Emmy award-winning 24-hour Government-access television and Educational-access tv channel on Comcast cable TV in Las Cruces. CLC-TV televises stay and recorded Las Cruces city council conferences, Doña Ana County commission new homes las cruces conferences and Las Cruces School board conferences. The channel additionally televises City Beat, a monthly information journal, hosted by Jennifer Martinez, with information immediately related to the City of Las Cruces. Also out there for viewing is health information and other government/education related programming, in addition to present climate reports and street and site visitors data.
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lastfrontierh · 2 years
Revelstoke, British Columbia
Powder South, flying out of its base deep within the Central Andes, has entry to about 1,900 sq. miles of heli-skiing terrain, including the Rio Colorado Valley to the north and the Tinguiririca Valley to the south. With light “dry” snow, it could not offer the sort of tree-skiing seen in one of the best of the BC areas – however for sheer variety of landscape , it has few equals. The cosy, family-owned El Ingenio Lodge, in the Maipo Valley, boasts scorching tubs, gourmet meals and an outdoor pool.
Revelstoke Mountain Resort is a number of km exterior of Revelstoke Town. Chances are that you’ll be staying in the town if you go to since there’s only one hotel up at the resort at present. This means there’s loads of off-piste where you probably can go between the timber. It’s undoubtedly not a great resort for novices since only 7% of the terrain is rated as beginner-friendly, 45% intermediate and 48% for advanced skiers.
Being in good bodily health is paramount to actually enjoying this trip and getting probably the most out of the expertise. On site scorching tubs and massages turn Heli skiing BC into an important part of your aprés ski as opposed to beer and shots! We visited seven of these resorts over a three-week ski-drive journey.
Give your eyes a rest from the computer display screen and order our 54-page information to worldwide helicopter skiing. As you move east towards the interior and the Rockies it typically turns into colder, is sunnier and snows less. As a outcome the snowpack is usually Heli skiing BC thinner and weaker which might lead to persistent avalanche issues and restricted skiing options. This can additionally be the place you get the ultra-dry snow that Canada is legendary for and if it’s deep the skiing shall be epic.
For those who don’t have a clue what heli-skiing is, it is off-trail, downhill skiing or snowboarding accessed by a helicopter, versus a ski carry; very unique. Small ski college in Mayrhofen run by a neighborhood Alpine information educating all levels in skiing and snowboarding. With a group of high instructors these guys are sure to have a tuition choice that is appropriate for everyone. From private to group classes, full packages for newbie snowboarders, adults and youngsters as well as full beginners packages to teaching for advanced skiers.
With Vancouver in your rear-view mirror, head east by way of the British Columbia Interior, the place there are numerous ski resorts to explore. Skiing and snowboarding are deeply entrenched in the British Columbia way of life. Nights and weekends are spent on the mountains, in search of contemporary powder and revisiting favourite runs. Sun Peaks is Canada’s second largest resort after Whistler-Blackcomb. It can be family-friendly with a lot of apres ski activities and snow actions together with canine sled excursions and guided ice fishing.
There are so many tour operators offering different heliskiing packages it’s definitely worth performing some analysis in your resort to choose the tour which fits you best. There’s additionally the added bonus of not having to wait in lengthy lift queues so you’ll probably find yourself covering extra ground than a standard ski vacation. Many get addicted to the freedom heliskiing supplies as you'll be able to hop between mountains and take benefit of the most effective situations in the area. Near Kamloops,Sun Peaks Resortoffers three spectacular mountains and an intimate ski-in/ski-out village, to not mention 138 named trails , plus 34 kilometres of groomed and track-set Nordic trails.
We take individuals to areas that can swimsuit their capability, and as soon as they get used to the powder circumstances, they’ll be amazed how fast their method will improve. You will get extra out of your heli-ski trip if you are relatively match and attempt to go skiing a couple of times beforehand,” he says. Located within the interior of British Columbia, just 56 kilometres and less Heli skiing BC than one hour from Kelowna, Big White is a favorite family-friendly vacation spot that boasts Canada’s largest ski-in/ski-out resort village. With an annual average snowfall of 7.5 metres , this mountain is covered in dry, Okanagan champagne powder every year. Skiers and snowboarders can get pleasure from 118 designated runs, 15 lifts, 2,765 acres of skiable terrain and probably the greatest terrain parks in North America. Panorama ski resort is seated on the base of a mountain etched with deep ridges.
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fromthenotesapp · 2 years
A letter to Texas
My little pocket of the world
Is prettier than yours
And I never wanted to say that
Or believe it.
Hot summers aren't so bad here
When you have a spring fed creek
El niño in the spring
The heat is dry enough
So I never drown in any humidity
But still a summer rain will come through
Threaten to blow off your roof
Keep on going though
Leave you with a sense of
Oh god, what's next
Then give you blue skies and tomato flowers
But you're home I guess
Because I can't let you go.
I used to dream about
What it would be like to leave you
Get away from this town and
Drive to Colorado or Washington or Montana
But now I've been to all those places
And I still can't stop thinking about
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jesuscasallas · 2 years
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Agosto del 2013... En ese año de revoluciones en mi vida, donde había soltado todo lo aprendido y vivido y empezaba una nueva y diferente aventura, ocurrió esto; mi primer viaje a la "nieve" acompañado de otros migrantes y también nacionales de forma casual y no planeada, viví una experiencia que fue diferente a como lo pude haber imaginado, un ambiente agradable y no tan frío como mi imaginación lo interpretaba.. al final, comprobé que la magia de ese lugar estallaba justo cuando bebía una taza de café caliente. (en El Colorado Ski Resort - Santiago del Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCwXSoJRRFL2f5TmmRzMU-hliSv9eccWppTYU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
De verdad que yo entiendo que jugar muy bien al futbol o al basket o cantar y bailar es muy difícil.. quizás podría decir que hacen magia [aunque no lo creo pues tiene lógica o es una habilidad con mucho entrenamiento o práctica desde niño..magia seria por ejemplo hacer desaparecer o aparecer algo inexplicablemente como el CABLE QUE LE SECCIONO EL CUELLO al DUQUE DE CADIZ en una PISTA DE SKI en COLORADO donde iba a la UNIVERSIDAD jack Burton Carpenter fundador de la marca de SNOW BURTON que llevaba ayer un tipo que salía de un W.C. en parque JUANCARLOS I que anunciaba cervezas VICTORIA con la Selección Española escuchando música y a la que me cruze hace unos dias en ALMARAZ=Central NUCLEAR.. el cual tuvo un accidente que le impidió entrar en equipo de SKI de UNIVERSIDAD de COLORADO y muriendo de CANCER 20_11_19]..pero a mi me parece más magia, más mérito y más útil..un ingeniero o un arquitecto y un montón de profesiones que tienes que tener unos conocimientos y habilidades que no permiten un fallo porque costaría mucho dinero o incluso vidas=IDOLOS DE ORO PURA MIERDA
Por cierto..ALFONSO DE BORBON que se divorcio de la NIETA del GENOCIDA FRANCO mató a su primogénito [y casi a su otro hijo] cuando volvían de SKIAR..de verdad que creo que hacer el MAL o hacerlo MAL sale muy CARO para tu ENTORNO o lo que está bajo tu PODER O RESPONSABILIDAD
La misteriosa muerte de Alfonso de Borbón y Dampierre, duque de Cádiz
La autopsia posterior revelaría la causa de la muerte: "Una gran incisión en forma de media luna de 20,32 centímetros de longitud y que llega a penetrar hasta 4,44 centímetro
Curiosamente, Alfonso de Borbón respondió así a la pregunta de si se sentía viejo en su última entrevista: “Viejo, no. Pero hace más que 10 y 20 años, por supuesto. Hoy día la vida es mucho más larga que antes. Mi abuelo paterno (Alfonso XIII) murió con 54”. Pero ese inoportuno cable durante su último descenso de esquí hizo que Alfonso no superase los 52 años. 
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michigandrifter · 6 years
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Paul Hurst 1888-1953
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